
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. PrintVersion
  2. PrintGeneralUsage
  3. PrintDASHUsage
  4. PrintFormats
  5. PrintImportUsage
  6. PrintEncodeUsage
  7. PrintEncryptUsage
  8. PrintHintUsage
  9. PrintExtractUsage
  10. PrintDumpUsage
  11. PrintMetaUsage
  12. PrintSWFUsage
  13. PrintUsage
  14. scene_coding_log
  15. SetupClockReferences
  16. HintFile
  17. check_media_profile
  18. remove_systems_tracks
  19. get_file_type_by_ext
  20. can_convert_to_isma
  21. progress_quiet
  22. parse_meta_args
  23. parse_tsel_args
  24. set_dash_input
  25. parse_track_action_params
  26. create_new_track_action
  27. nhml_bs_to_bin
  28. hash_file
  29. on_gpac_log
  30. mp4box_cleanup
  31. mp4box_parse_args_continue
  32. stricmp
  33. stricmp
  34. stricmp
  35. mp4box_parse_args
  36. mp4boxMain
  37. wmain
  38. main

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / mp4box application
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gpac/download.h>
#include <gpac/network.h>
#include <gpac/utf.h>

#include <gpac/scene_manager.h>


#error "Cannot compile MP4Box if GPAC is not built with ISO File Format support"


#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#include <gpac/media_tools.h>

/*RTP packetizer flags*/
#include <gpac/ietf.h>

#include <gpac/ismacryp.h>

#include <gpac/constants.h>

#include <gpac/internal/mpd.h>

#include <time.h>

#define BUFFSIZE        8192

/*in fileimport.c*/

void convert_file_info(char *inName, u32 trackID);


GF_Err import_file(GF_ISOFile *dest, char *inName, u32 import_flags, Double force_fps, u32 frames_per_sample);
GF_Err split_isomedia_file(GF_ISOFile *mp4, Double split_dur, u64 split_size_kb, char *inName, Double interleaving_time, Double chunk_start, Bool adjust_split_end, char *outName, const char *tmpdir);
GF_Err cat_isomedia_file(GF_ISOFile *mp4, char *fileName, u32 import_flags, Double force_fps, u32 frames_per_sample, char *tmp_dir, Bool force_cat, Bool align_timelines, Bool allow_add_in_command);

GF_Err EncodeFile(char *in, GF_ISOFile *mp4, GF_SMEncodeOptions *opts, FILE *logs);
GF_Err EncodeFileChunk(char *chunkFile, char *bifs, char *inputContext, char *outputContext, const char *tmpdir);

GF_ISOFile *package_file(char *file_name, char *fcc, const char *tmpdir, Bool make_wgt);


GF_Err dump_isom_cover_art(GF_ISOFile *file, char *inName, Bool is_final_name);
GF_Err dump_isom_chapters(GF_ISOFile *file, char *inName, Bool is_final_name, Bool dump_ogg);
void dump_isom_udta(GF_ISOFile *file, char *inName, Bool is_final_name, u32 dump_udta_type, u32 dump_udta_track);
GF_Err set_file_udta(GF_ISOFile *dest, u32 tracknum, u32 udta_type, char *src, Bool is_box_array);
u32 id3_get_genre_tag(const char *name);

/*in filedump.c*/
GF_Err dump_isom_scene(char *file, char *inName, Bool is_final_name, GF_SceneDumpFormat dump_mode, Bool do_log);
//void gf_check_isom_files(char *conf_rules, char *inName);
void dump_isom_scene_stats(char *file, char *inName, Bool is_final_name, u32 stat_level);
void PrintNode(const char *name, u32 graph_type);
void PrintBuiltInNodes(u32 graph_type);
void PrintBuiltInBoxes();

GF_Err dump_isom_xml(GF_ISOFile *file, char *inName, Bool is_final_name, Bool do_track_dump);

void dump_isom_rtp(GF_ISOFile *file, char *inName, Bool is_final_name);
void dump_isom_sdp(GF_ISOFile *file, char *inName, Bool is_final_name);

void dump_isom_timestamps(GF_ISOFile *file, char *inName, Bool is_final_name);
void dump_isom_nal(GF_ISOFile *file, u32 trackID, char *inName, Bool is_final_name);

void dump_isom_ismacryp(GF_ISOFile *file, char *inName, Bool is_final_name);
void dump_isom_timed_text(GF_ISOFile *file, u32 trackID, char *inName, Bool is_final_name, Bool is_convert, GF_TextDumpType dump_type);

void DumpTrackInfo(GF_ISOFile *file, u32 trackID, Bool full_dump);
void DumpMovieInfo(GF_ISOFile *file);
void PrintLanguages();

void dump_mpeg2_ts(char *mpeg2ts_file, char *pes_out_name, Bool prog_num);

void PrintStreamerUsage();
int stream_file_rtp(int argc, char **argv);
int live_session(int argc, char **argv);
void PrintLiveUsage();

u32 grab_live_m2ts(const char *grab_m2ts, const char *ifce_name, const char *outName);

int mp4boxTerminal(int argc, char **argv);

u32 quiet = 0;
Bool dvbhdemux = GF_FALSE;
Bool keep_sys_tracks = GF_FALSE;

/*some global vars for swf import :(*/
u32 swf_flags = 0;
Float swf_flatten_angle = 0;
s32 laser_resolution = 0;

typedef struct {
        u32 code;
        const char *name;
        const char *comment;
} itunes_tag;
static const itunes_tag itags[] = {
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ALBUM_ARTIST, "album_artist", "usage: album_artist=album artist"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ALBUM, "album", "usage: album=name" },
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TRACKNUMBER, "tracknum", "usage: track=x/N"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TRACK, "track", "usage: track=name"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ARTIST, "artist", "usage: artist=name"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COMMENT, "comment", "usage: comment=any comment"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COMPILATION, "compilation", "usage: compilation=yes,no"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COMPOSER, "composer", "usage: composer=name"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_CREATED, "created", "usage: created=time"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_DISK, "disk", "usage: disk=x/N"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TOOL, "tool", "usage: tool=name"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GENRE, "genre", "usage: genre=name"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_NAME, "name", "usage: name=name"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TEMPO, "tempo", "usage: tempo=integer"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_WRITER, "writer", "usage: writer=name"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GROUP, "group", "usage: group=name"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COVER_ART, "cover", "usage: cover=file.jpg,file.png"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ENCODER, "encoder", "usage: encoder=name"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GAPLESS, "gapless", "usage: gapless=yes,no"},
        {GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ALL, "all", "usage: all=NULL"},

u32 nb_itunes_tags = sizeof(itags) / sizeof(itunes_tag);

void PrintVersion()
        fprintf(stderr, "MP4Box - GPAC version " GPAC_FULL_VERSION "\n"
                "GPAC Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012\n"
                "GPAC Configuration: " GPAC_CONFIGURATION "\n"
                "Features: %s\n", gpac_features());

void PrintGeneralUsage()
        fprintf(stderr, "General Options:\n"
            " -mem-track:  enables memory tracker\n"
            " -mem-track-stack:  enables memory tracker with stack dumping\n"
                " -strict-error        exits after the first error is reported\n"
                " -inter time_in_ms    interleaves file data (track chunks of time_in_ms)\n"
                "                       * Note 1: Interleaving is 0.5s by default\n"
                "                       * Note 2: Performs drift checking across tracks\n"
                "                       * Note 3: a value of 0 disables interleaving\n"
                " -old-inter time      same as -inter but doesn't perform drift checking\n"
                " -tight               performs tight interleaving (sample based) of the file\n"
                "                       * Note: reduces disk seek but increases file size\n"
                " -flat                stores file with all media data first, non-interleaved\n"
                " -frag time_in_ms     fragments file (track fragments of time_in_ms)\n"
                "                       * Note: Always disables interleaving\n"
                " -out filename        specifies output file name\n"
                "                       * Note: By default input (MP4,3GP) file is overwritten\n"
                " -tmp dirname         specifies directory for temporary file creation\n"
                "                       * Note: Default temp dir is OS-dependent\n"
                        " -for-test            disables all creation/modif dates and GPAC versions in files\n"
                        " -co64                forces usage of 64-bit chunk offsets for ISOBMF files\n"
                " -write-buffer SIZE   specifies write buffer in bytes for ISOBMF files\n"
                " -no-sys              removes all MPEG-4 Systems info except IOD (profiles)\n"
                "                       * Note: Set by default whith '-add' and '-cat'\n"
                " -no-iod              removes InitialObjectDescriptor from file\n"
                " -isma                rewrites the file as an ISMA 1.0 AV file\n"
                " -ismax               same as \'-isma\' and removes all clock references\n"
                " -3gp                 rewrites as 3GPP(2) file (no more MPEG-4 Systems Info)\n"
                "                       * Note 1: some tracks may be removed in the process\n"
                "                       * Note 2: always on for *.3gp *.3g2 *.3gpp\n"
                " -ipod                rewrites the file for iPod\n"
                " -psp                 rewrites the file for PSP devices\n"
                " -brand ABCD[:v]      sets major brand of file, with optional version\n"
                " -ab ABCD             adds given brand to file's alternate brand list\n"
                " -rb ABCD             removes given brand from file's alternate brand list\n"
                " -cprt string         adds copyright string to movie\n"
                " -chap file           adds chapter information contained in file\n"
                " -set-track-id id1:id2 changes the id of a track from id1 to id2\n"
                " -swap-track-id id1:id2 swaps the IDs of the identified tracks\n"
                " -rem trackID         removes track from file\n"
                " -rap trackID         removes all non-RAP samples from track\n"
                " -enable trackID      enables track\n"
                " -disable trackID     disables track\n"
                " -new                 forces creation of a new destination file\n"
                " -timescale VAL       sets movie timescale to VAL ticks per second (default is 600)\n"
                " -lang [tkID=]LAN     sets track language. LAN is the BCP-47 code (eng, en-UK, ...)\n"
                " -delay tkID=TIME     sets track start delay in ms\n"
                " -par tkID=PAR        sets visual track pixel aspect ratio (PAR=N:D or \"none\")\n"
                " -name tkID=NAME      sets track handler name\n"
                "                       * NAME can indicate a UTF-8 file (\"file://file name\"\n"
                " -itags tag1[:tag2]   sets iTunes tags to file - more info: MP4Box -tag-list\n"
                " -split time_sec      splits in files of time_sec max duration, starting each file at RAP.\n"
                "                       * Note: this removes all MPEG-4 Systems media\n"
                " -split-size size     splits in files of max filesize kB. same as -splits.\n"
                "                       * Note: this removes all MPEG-4 Systems media\n"
                " -split-rap           splits in files beginning at each RAP. same as -splitr.\n"
                "                       * Note: this removes all MPEG-4 Systems media\n"
                " -split-chunk S:E     extracts a new file from Start to End (in seconds). same as -splitx\n"
                "                       * Note: this removes all MPEG-4 Systems media\n"
                " -splitz S:E          same as -split-chunk, but adjust the end time to be before the last RAP sample\n"
                "                       * Note: this removes all MPEG-4 Systems media\n"
                " -group-add fmt       creates a new grouping information in the file. Format is\n"
                "                      a colon-separated list of following options:\n"
                "                      refTrack=ID: ID of the track used as a group reference.\n"
                "                       If not set, the track will belong to the same group as the previous trackID specified.\n"
                "                       If 0 or no previous track specified, a new alternate group will be created\n"
                "                      switchID=ID: ID of the switch group to create.\n"
                "                       If 0, a new ID will be computed for you\n"
                "                       If <0, disables SwitchGroup\n"
                "                      criteria=string: list of space-separated 4CCs.\n"
                "                      trackID=ID: ID of the track to add to this group.\n"
                "                       *WARNING* Options modify state as they are parsed:\n"
                "                        trackID=1:criteria=lang:trackID=2\n"
                "                       is different from:\n"
                "                        criteria=lang:trackID=1:trackID=2\n"
                " -group-rem-track ID  removes track from its group\n"
                " -group-rem ID        removes the track's group\n"
                " -group-clean         removes all group information from all tracks\n"
                " -group-single        puts all tracks in a single group\n"
                " -ref id:XXXX:refID   adds a reference of type 4CC from track ID to track refID\n"
                " -keep-utc            keeps UTC timing in the file after edit\n"
                " -udta ID:[OPTS]      sets udta for given track or movie if ID is 0. OPTS is a colon separated list of:\n"
                "        type=CODE     where code is the 4CC code of the UDTA (not needed for box= option)\n"
                "        box=FILE                 where FILE is the location of the udta data, formatted as serialized boxes\n"
                "        box=base64,DATA      where DATA is the base64 encoded udta data, formatted as serialized boxes\n"
                "        src=FILE                 where FILE is the location of the udta data (will be stored in a single box of type CODE)\n"
                "        src=base64,DATA      where DATA is the base64 encoded udta data (will be stored in a single box of type CODE)\n"
                "                          If no source is set, UDTA of type CODE will be removed\n"

void PrintDASHUsage()
        fprintf(stderr, "DASH Options:\n"
                " -mpd m3u8            converts HLS manifest (local or remote http) to MPD \n"
                "                       Note: not compatible with other DASH options (except -out and -tmp) and does not convert associated segments\n"
                " -dash dur            enables DASH-ing of the file(s) with a segment duration of DUR ms\n"
                "                       Note: the duration of a fragment (subsegment) is set\n"
                "                                   using the -frag switch.\n"
                "                       Note: for onDemand profile, sets duration of a subsegment\n"
                " -dash-strict dur     enables DASH-ing of the file(s) with a segment duration of DUR ms (old behaviour)\n"
                "                       Note: the duration will be the closest to \'dur\', and will remain constant\n"
                " -dash-live[=F] dur   generates a live DASH session using dur segment duration, optionally writing live context to F\n"
                "                       MP4Box will run the live session until \'q\' is pressed or a fatal error occurs.\n"
                " -ddbg-live[=F] dur   same as -dash-live without time regulation for debug purposes.\n"
                " -frag time_in_ms     Specifies a fragment duration of time_in_ms.\n"
                "                       * Note: By default, this is the DASH duration\n"
                " -out filename        specifies output MPD file name.\n"
                " -tmp dirname         specifies directory for temporary file creation\n"
                "                       * Note: Default temp dir is OS-dependent\n"
                " -profile NAME        specifies the target DASH profile: \"onDemand\",\n"
                "                       \"live\", \"main\", \"simple\", \"full\",\n"
                "                       \"hbbtv1.5:live\", \"dashavc264:live\", \"dashavc264:onDemand\"\n"
                "                       * This will set default option values to ensure conformance to the desired profile\n"
                "                       * Default profile is \"full\" in static mode, \"live\" in dynamic mode\n"
                " -profile-ext STRING  specifies a list of profile extensions, as used by DASH-IF and DVB.\n"
                "                       The string will be colon-concatenated with the profile used\n"
                "Input media files to dash can use the following modifiers\n"
                " \"#trackID=N\"       only uses the track ID N from the source file\n"
                " \"#video\"           only uses the first video track from the source file\n"
                " \"#audio\"           only uses the first audio track from the source file\n"
                " \":id=NAME\"         sets the representation ID to NAME\n"
                " \":dur=VALUE\"       processes VALUE seconds from the media\n"
                "                       If VALUE is longer than the media duration, the last media duration is lengthen.\n"
                " \":period=NAME\"     sets the representation's period to NAME. Multiple periods may be used\n"
                "                       period appear in the MPD in the same order as specified with this option\n"
                " \":BaseURL=NAME\"    sets the BaseURL. Set multiple times for multiple BaseURLs\n"
                " \":bandwidth=VALUE\" sets the representation's bandwidth to a given value\n"
                " \":period_duration=VALUE\"  increases the duration of this period by the given duration in seconds\n"
                "                       only used when no input media is specified (remote period insertion), eg :period=X:xlink=Z:duration=Y.\n"
                " \":xlink=VALUE\"     sets the xlink value for the period containing this element\n"
                "                       only the xlink declared on the first rep of a period will be used\n"
                " \":role=VALUE\"      sets the role of this representation (cf DASH spec).\n"
                "                       media with different roles belong to different adaptation sets.\n"
                " \":desc_p=VALUE\"    adds a descriptor at the Period level. Value must be a properly formatted XML element.\n"
                " \":desc_as=VALUE\"   adds a descriptor at the AdaptationSet level. Value must be a properly formatted XML element.\n"
                "                       two input files with different values will be in different AdaptationSet elements.\n"
                " \":desc_as_c=VALUE\" adds a descriptor at the AdaptationSet level. Value must be a properly formatted XML element.\n"
                "                       value is ignored while creating AdaptationSet elements.\n"
                " \":desc_rep=VALUE\"  adds a descriptor at the Representation level. Value must be a properly formatted XML element.\n"
                "                       value is ignored while creating AdaptationSet elements.\n"
                " -rap                 segments begin with random access points\n"
                "                       Note: segment duration may not be exactly what asked by\n"
                "                       \"-dash\" since encoded video data is not modified\n"
                " -frag-rap            All fragments begin with random access points\n"
                "                       Note: fragment duration may not be exactly what is asked by\n"
                "                       \"-frag\" since encoded video data is not modified\n"
                " -segment-name name   sets the segment name for generated segments\n"
                "                       If not set (default), segments are concatenated in output file\n"
                "                        except in \"live\" profile where dash_%%s is used\n"
                " -segment-ext name    sets the segment extension. Default is m4s, \"null\" means no extension\n"
                " -segment-timeline    uses SegmentTimeline when generating segments.\n"
                " -segment-marker MARK adds a box of type \'MARK\' at the end of each DASH segment. MARK shall be a 4CC identifier\n"
                " -insert-utc          inserts UTC clock at the begining of each ISOBMF segment\n"
                " -base-url string     sets Base url at MPD level. Can be used several times.\n"
                " -mpd-title string    sets MPD title.\n"
                " -mpd-source string   sets MPD source.\n"
                " -mpd-info-url string sets MPD info url.\n"
                " -cprt string         adds copyright string to MPD\n"
                " -dash-ctx FILE       stores/restore DASH timing from FILE.\n"
                " -dynamic             uses dynamic MPD type instead of static.\n"
                " -last-dynamic        same as dynamic but closes the period (insert lmsg brand if needed and update duration).\n"
                " -mpd-duration DUR    sets the duration in second of a live session (0 by default). If 0, you must use -mpd-refresh.\n"
                " -mpd-refresh TIME    specifies MPD update time in seconds (double can be used).\n"
                " -time-shift  TIME    specifies MPD time shift buffer depth in seconds (default 0). Specify -1 to keep all files\n"
                " -subdur DUR          specifies maximum duration in ms of the input file to be dashed in LIVE or context mode.\n"
                "                       NOTE: This does not change the segment duration: dashing stops once segments produced exceeded the duration.\n"
                " -dash-run-for TIME   In case of dash live, runs for T ms of the media then exits\n"
                " -min-buffer TIME     specifies MPD min buffer time in milliseconds\n"
                " -ast-offset TIME     specifies MPD AvailabilityStartTime offset in ms if positive, or availabilityTimeOffset of each representation if negative. Default is 0 sec delay\n"
                " -dash-scale SCALE    specifies that timing for -dash and -frag are expressed in SCALE units per seconds\n"
                " -mem-frags           fragments will be produced in memory rather than on disk before flushing to disk\n"
                " -pssh-moof           stores PSSH boxes in first moof of each segments. By default PSSH are stored in movie box.\n"
                " -sample-groups-traf  stores sample group descriptions in traf (duplicated for each traf). If not used, sample group descriptions are stored in the movie box.\n"

                "Advanced Options, should not be needed when using -profile:\n"
                " -subsegs-per-sidx N  sets the number of subsegments to be written in each SIDX box\n"
                "                       If 0, a single SIDX box is used per segment\n"
                "                       If -1, no SIDX box is used\n"
                " -url-template        uses SegmentTemplate instead of explicit sources in segments.\n"
                "                       Ignored if segments are stored in the output file.\n"
                " -daisy-chain         uses daisy-chain SIDX instead of hierarchical. Ignored if frags/sidx is 0.\n"
                " -single-segment      uses a single segment for the whole file (OnDemand profile). \n"
                " -single-file         uses a single file for the whole file (default). \n"
                " -bs-switching MODE   sets bitstream switching to \"inband\" (default), \"merge\", \"multi\", \"no\" or \"single\" to test with single input.\n"
                " -moof-sn N           sets sequence number of first moof to N\n"
                " -tfdt N              sets TFDT of first traf to N in SCALE units (cf -dash-scale)\n"
                " -no-frags-default    disables default flags in fragments\n"
                " -single-traf         uses a single track fragment per moof (smooth streaming and derived specs may require this)\n"
                " -dash-ts-prog N      program_number to be considered in case of an MPTS input file.\n"
                " -frag-rt             when using fragments in live mode, flush fragments according to their timing (only supported with a single input).\n"
                " -cp-location=MODE    sets ContentProtection element location. Possible values for mode are:\n"
                "                        as: sets ContentProtection in AdaptationSet element\n"
                "                        rep: sets ContentProtection in Representation element\n"
                "                        both: sets ContentProtection in both elements\n"
                " -start-date          for live mode, sets start date (as xs:date, eg YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. Default is now.\n"
                "                        !! Do not use with multiple periods, nor when DASH duration is not a multiple of GOP size !!\n"

void PrintFormats()
        fprintf(stderr, "Supported raw formats and file extensions:\n"
                " NHNT                 .media .nhnt .info\n"
                " NHML                 .nhml (opt: .media .info)\n"
                " MPEG-1-2 Video       .m1v .m2v\n"
                " MPEG-4 Video         .cmp .m4v\n"
                " H263 Video           .263 .h263\n"
                " AVC/H264 Video       .h264 .h26L .264 .26L .x264 .svc\n"
                " HEVC Video           .hevc .h265 .265 .hvc .shvc .lhvc .mhvc\n"
                " JPEG Images          .jpg .jpeg\n"
                " JPEG-2000 Images     .jp2\n"
                " PNG Images           .png\n"
                " MPEG 1-2 Audio       .mp3, .mp2, .m1a, .m2a\n"
                " ADTS-AAC Audio       .aac\n"
                " Dolby (e)AC-3 Audio  .ac3 .ec3\n"
                " AMR(WB) Audio        .amr .awb\n"
                " EVRC Audio           .evc\n"
                " SMV Audio            .smv\n"
                "Supported containers and file extensions:\n"
                " AVI                  .avi\n"
                " MPEG-2 PS            .mpg .mpeg .vob .vcd .svcd\n"
                " MPEG-2 TS            .ts .m2t\n"
                " QCP                  .qcp\n"
                " OGG                  .ogg\n"
                " ISO-Media files      no extension checking\n"
                "Supported text formats:\n"
                " SRT Subtitles        .srt\n"
                " SUB Subtitles        .sub\n"
                " VobSub               .idx\n"
                " GPAC Timed Text      .ttxt\n"
                " VTT                  .vtt\n"
                " TTML                 .ttml\n"
                " QuickTime TeXML Text .xml  (cf QT documentation)\n"
                "Supported Scene formats:\n"
                " MPEG-4 XMT-A         .xmt .xmta .xmt.gz .xmta.gz\n"
                " MPEG-4 BT            .bt .bt.gz\n"
                " MPEG-4 SAF           .saf .lsr\n"
                " VRML                 .wrl .wrl.gz\n"
                " X3D-XML              .x3d .x3d.gz\n"
                " X3D-VRML             .x3dv .x3dv.gz\n"
                " MacroMedia Flash     .swf (very limited import support only)\n"
                "Supported chapter formats:\n"
                " Nero chapters        .txt .chap\n"

void PrintImportUsage()
        fprintf(stderr, "Importing Options\n"
                "\nFile importing syntax:\n"
                " \"#video\" \"#audio\"  base import for most AV files\n"
                " \"#trackID=ID\"        track import for IsoMedia and other files\n"
                " \"#pid=ID\"            stream import from MPEG-2 TS\n"
                " \":dur=D\"             imports only the first D seconds\n"
                " \":lang=LAN\"          sets imported media language code\n"
                " \":delay=delay_ms\"    sets imported media initial delay in ms\n"
                " \":par=PAR\"           sets visual pixel aspect ratio (PAR=Num:Den)\n"
                " \":name=NAME\"         sets track handler name\n"
                " \":ext=EXT\"           overrides file extension when importing\n"
                " \":hdlr=code\"         sets track handler type to the given code point (4CC)\n"
                " \":disable\"           imported track(s) will be disabled\n"
                " \":group=G\"           adds the track as part of the G alternate group.\n"
                "                         If G is 0, the first available GroupID will be picked.\n"
                " \":fps=VAL\"           same as -fps option\n"
                " \":rap\"               imports only RAP samples\n"
                " \":trailing\"          keeps trailing 0-bytes in AVC/HEVC samples\n"
                " \":agg=VAL\"           same as -agg option\n"
                " \":dref\"              same as -dref option\n"
                " \":nodrop\"            same as -nodrop option\n"
                " \":packed\"            same as -packed option\n"
                " \":sbr\"               same as -sbr option\n"
                " \":sbrx\"              same as -sbrx option\n"
                " \":ovsbr\"             same as -ovsbr option\n"
                " \":ps\"                same as -ps option\n"
                " \":psx\"               same as -psx option\n"
                " \":mpeg4\"             same as -mpeg4 option\n"
                " \":nosei\"             discard all SEI messages during import\n"
                " \":svc\"               import SVC/LHVC with explicit signaling (no AVC base compatibility)\n"
                " \":nosvc\"             discard SVC/LHVC data when importing\n"
                " \":svcmode=MODE\"      sets SVC/LHVC import mode:\n"
                " \"                       split : each layer is in its own track\n"
                " \"                       merge : all layers are merged in a single track\n"
                " \"                       splitbase : all layers are merged in a track, and the AVC base in another\n"
                " \"                       splitnox : each layer is in its own track, and no extractors are written\n"
                " \":subsamples\"        adds SubSample information for AVC+SVC\n"
                " \":forcesync\"         forces non IDR samples with I slices to be marked as sync points (AVC GDR)\n"
                "       !! RESULTING FILE IS NOT COMPLIANT WITH THE SPEC but will fix seeking in most players\n"
                " \":xps_inband\"        Sets xPS inband for AVC/H264 and HEVC (for reverse operation, re-import from raw media)\n"
                " \":max_lid=N\"         sets HEVC max layer ID to be imported to N. Default imports all.\n"
                " \":max_tid=N\"         sets HEVC max temporal ID to be imported to N. Default imports all.\n"
                " \":tiles\"             adds HEVC tiles signaling and NALU maps without splitting the tiles into different tile tracks.\n"
                " \":split_tiles\"       splits HEVC tiles into different tile tracks, one tile (or all tiles of one slice) per track.\n"
                " \":negctts\"           uses negative CTS-DTS offsets (ISO4 brand)\n"
                " \":stype=4CC\"         forces the sample description type to a different value\n"
                "                         !! THIS MAY BREAK THE FILE WRITING !!\n"
                " \":chap\"              specifies the track is a chapter track\n"
                " \":chapter=NAME\"      adds a single chapter (old nero format) with given name lasting the entire file\n"
                "                         This command can be used in -cat as well\n"
                " \":chapfile=file\"     adds a chapter file (old nero format)\n"
                "                         This command can be used in -cat as well\n"
                " \":layout=WxHxXxY\"    specifies the track layout\n"
                "                         - if W (resp H) = 0, the max width (resp height) of\n"
                "                         the tracks in the file are used.\n"
                "                         - if Y=-1, the layout is moved to the bottom of the\n"
                "                         track area\n"
                "                         - X and Y can be omitted (:layout=WxH)\n"
                " \":rescale=TS\"        forces media timescale to TS !! changes the media duration\n"
                " \":timescale=TS\"      sets import timescale to TS\n"
                " \":noedit\"            do not set edit list when importing B-frames video tracks\n"
                " \":rvc=FILENAME\"      sets TVC configuration for the media\n"
                " \":fmt=FORMAT\"        overrides format detection with given format (cf BT/XMTA doc)\n"
                " \":profile=INT\"       overrides AVC profile\n"
                " \":level=INT\"         overrides AVC level\n"
                " \":novpsext\"          removes VPS extensions from HEVC VPS\n"

                " \":font=name\"         specifies font name for text import (default \"Serif\")\n"
                " \":size=s\"            specifies font size for text import (default 18)\n"
                " \":text_layout=WxHxXxY\"    specifies the track text layout\n"
                "                         - if W (resp H) = 0, the max width (resp height) of\n"
                "                         the tracks in the file are used.\n"
                "                         - if Y=-1, the layout is moved to the bottom of the\n"
                "                         track area\n"
                "                         - X and Y can be omitted (:layout=WxH)\n"

                " \":swf-global\"        all SWF defines are placed in first scene replace\n"
                "                         * Note: By default SWF defines are sent when needed\n"
                " \":swf-no-ctrl\"       uses a single stream for movie control and dictionary\n"
                "                         * Note: this will disable ActionScript\n"
                " \":swf-no-text\"       removes all SWF text\n"
                " \":swf-no-font\"       removes all embedded SWF Fonts (terminal fonts used)\n"
                " \":swf-no-line\"       removes all lines from SWF shapes\n"
                " \":swf-no-grad\"       removes all gradients from swf shapes\n"
                " \":swf-quad\"          uses quadratic bezier curves instead of cubic ones\n"
                " \":swf-xlp\"           support for lines transparency and scalability\n"
                " \":swf-ic2d\"          uses indexed curve 2D hardcoded proto\n"
                " \":swf-same-app\"      appearance nodes are reused\n"
                " \":swf-flatten=ang\"   complementary angle below which 2 lines are merged\n"
                "                         * Note: angle \'0\' means no flattening\n"
                " \":kind=schemeURI=value\"  sets kind for the track\n"
                " \":txtflags=flags\"    sets display flags (hexa number) of text track\n"
                " \":txtflags+=flags\"   adds display flags (hexa number) to text track\n"
                " \":txtflags-=flags\"   removes display flags (hexa number) from text track\n"
                " -add file              add file tracks to (new) output file\n"
                " -cat file              concatenates file samples to (new) output file\n"
                "                         * Note: creates tracks if needed\n"
                "                         * Note: aligns initial timestamp of the file to be concatenated.\n"
                " -catx file             same as cat but new tracks can be imported before concatenation by specifying '+ADD_COMMAND'\n"
                "                        where ADD_COMMAND is a regular -add syntax\n"
                " -unalign-cat           does not attempt to align timestamps of samples inbetween tracks\n"
                " -force-cat             skips media configuration check when concatenating file\n"
                "                         !!! THIS MAY BREAK THE CONCATENATED TRACK(S) !!!\n"
                " -keep-sys              keeps all MPEG-4 Systems info when using '-add' / 'cat'\n"
                " -keep-all              keeps all existing tracks when using '-add'\n"
                "                         * Note: only used when adding IsoMedia files\n"
                "All the following options can be specified as default or for each track.\n"
                "When specified by track the syntax is \":opt\" or \":opt=val\".\n\n"
                " -dref                  keeps media data in original file\n"
                " -no-drop               forces constant FPS when importing AVI video\n"
                " -packed                forces packed bitstream when importing raw ASP\n"
                " -sbr                   backward compatible signaling of AAC-SBR\n"
                " -sbrx                  non-backward compatible signaling of AAC-SBR\n"
                " -ps                    backward compatible signaling of AAC-PS\n"
                " -psx                   non-backward compatible signaling of AAC-PS\n"
                " -ovsbr                 oversample SBR\n"
                "                         * Note: SBR AAC, PS AAC and oversampled SBR cannot be detected at import time\n"
                " -fps FPS               forces frame rate for video and SUB subtitles import\n"
                "                         FPS is either a number or expressed as timescale-increment\n"
                "                         * For raw H263 import, default FPS is 15\n"
                "                         * For all other imports, default FPS is 25\n"
                "                         !! THIS IS IGNORED FOR IsoMedia IMPORT !!\n"
                " -mpeg4                 forces MPEG-4 sample descriptions when possible (3GPP2)\n"
                "                         For AAC, forces MPEG-4 AAC signaling even if MPEG-2\n"
                " -agg N                 aggregates N audio frames in 1 sample (3GP media only)\n"
                "                         * Note: Maximum value is 15 - Disabled by default\n"

void PrintEncodeUsage()
        fprintf(stderr, "MPEG-4 Scene Encoding Options\n"
                " -mp4                 specify input file is for encoding.\n"
                " -def                 encode DEF names\n"
                " -sync time_in_ms     forces BIFS sync sample generation every time_in_ms\n"
                "                       * Note: cannot be used with -shadow\n"
                " -shadow time_ms      forces BIFS sync shadow sample generation every time_ms.\n"
                "                       * Note: cannot be used with -sync\n"
                " -log                 generates scene codec log file if available\n"
                " -ms file             specifies file for track importing\n"
                "\nChunk Processing\n"
                " -ctx-in file         specifies initial context (MP4/BT/XMT)\n"
                "                       * Note: input file must be a commands-only file\n"
                " -ctx-out file        specifies storage of updated context (MP4/BT/XMT)\n"
                "LASeR Encoding options\n"
                " -resolution res      resolution factor (-8 to 7, default 0)\n"
                "                       all coords are multiplied by 2^res before truncation\n"
                " -coord-bits bits     bits used for encoding truncated coordinates\n"
                "                       (0 to 31, default 12)\n"
                " -scale-bits bits     extra bits used for encoding truncated scales\n"
                "                       (0 to 4, default 0)\n"
                " -auto-quant res      resolution is given as if using -resolution\n"
                "                       but coord-bits and scale-bits are infered\n"

void PrintEncryptUsage()
        fprintf(stderr, "ISMA Encryption/Decryption Options\n"
                " -crypt drm_file      crypts a specific track using ISMA AES CTR 128\n"
                " -decrypt [drm_file]  decrypts a specific track using ISMA AES CTR 128\n"
                "                       * Note: drm_file can be omitted if keys are in file\n"
                " -set-kms kms_uri     changes KMS location for all tracks or a given one.\n"
                "                       * to address a track, use \'tkID=kms_uri\'\n"
                "DRM file syntax for GPAC ISMACryp:\n"
                "                      File is XML and shall start with xml header\n"
                "                      File root is an \"ISMACryp\" element\n"
                "                      File is a list of \"cryptrack\" elements\n"
                "cryptrack attributes are\n"
                " TrackID              ID of track to en/decrypt\n"
                " key                  AES-128 key formatted (hex string \'0x\'+32 chars)\n"
                " salt                 CTR IV salt key (64 bits) (hex string \'0x\'+16 chars)\n"
                "\nEncryption only attributes:\n"
                " Scheme_URI           URI of scheme used\n"
                " KMS_URI              URI of key management system\n"
                "                       * Note: \'self\' writes key and salt in the file\n"
                " selectiveType        selective encryption type - understood values are:\n"
                "   \"None\"             all samples encrypted (default)\n"
                "   \"Clear\"            all samples clean (not encrypted)\n"
                "   \"RAP\"              only encrypts random access units\n"
                "   \"Non-RAP\"          only encrypts non-random access units\n"
                "   \"Rand\"             random selection is performed\n"
                "   \"X\"                Encrypts every first sample out of X (uint)\n"
                "   \"RandX\"            Encrypts one random sample out of X (uint)\n"
                " ipmpType             IPMP Signaling Type: None, IPMP, IPMPX\n"
                " ipmpDescriptorID     IPMP_Descriptor ID to use if IPMP(X) is used\n"
                "                       * If not set MP4Box will generate one for you\n"

void PrintHintUsage()
        fprintf(stderr, "Hinting Options\n"
                " -hint                hints the file for RTP/RTSP\n"
                " -mtu size            specifies RTP MTU (max size) in bytes. Default size is 1450\n"
                "                       * Note: this includes the RTP header (12 bytes)\n"
                " -copy                copies media data to hint track rather than reference\n"
                "                       * Note: speeds up server but takes much more space\n"
                " -multi [maxptime]    enables frame concatenation in RTP packets if possible\n"
                "        maxptime       max packet duration in ms (optional, default 100ms)\n"
                " -rate ck_rate        specifies rtp rate in Hz when no default for payload\n"
                "                       * Note: default value is 90000 (MPEG rtp rates)\n"
                " -mpeg4               forces MPEG-4 generic payload whenever possible\n"
                " -latm                forces MPG4-LATM transport for AAC streams\n"
                " -static              enables static RTP payload IDs whenever possible\n"
                "                       * By default, dynamic payloads are always used\n"
                "MPEG-4 Generic Payload Options\n"
                " -ocr                 forces all streams to be synchronized\n"
                "                       * Most RTSP servers only support synchronized streams\n"
                " -rap                 signals random access points in RTP packets\n"
                " -ts                  signals AU Time Stamps in RTP packets\n"
                " -size                signals AU size in RTP packets\n"
                " -idx                 signals AU sequence numbers in RTP packets\n"
                " -iod                 prevents systems tracks embedding in IOD\n"
                "                       * Note: shouldn't be used with -isma option\n"
                " -add-sdp string      adds sdp string to (hint) track (\"-add-sdp tkID:string\")\n"
                "                       or movie. This will take care of SDP lines ordering\n"
                " -unhint              removes all hinting information.\n"
void PrintExtractUsage()
        fprintf(stderr, "Extracting Options:\n"
                " -raw TrackID         extracts track in raw format when supported\n"
                "                      :output=FileName sets the output filename for this extraction \n"
                " -raws TrackID        extract each track sample to a file\n"
                "                       * Note: \"TrackID:N\" extracts Nth sample\n"
                " -nhnt TrackID        extracts track in nhnt format\n"
                " -nhml TrackID        extracts track in nhml format (XML nhnt).\n"
                "                       * Note: \"-nhml TrackID:full\" for full dump\n"
                " -webvtt-raw TrackID  extracts raw media track in WebVTT as metadata.\n"
                "                       * Note: \"-webvtt-raw TrackID:embedded\" to include media data in the WebVTT file\n"
                " -six TrackID             extracts raw media track in experimental XML streaming instructions.\n"
                " -single TrackID      extracts track to a new mp4 file\n"
                " -avi TrackID         extracts visual track to an avi file\n"
                " -qcp TrackID         same as \'-raw\' but defaults to QCP file for EVRC/SMV\n"
                " -aviraw TK           extracts AVI track in raw format\n"
                "                                   $TK can be one of \"video\" \"audio\" \"audioN\"\n"
                " -saf                 remux file to SAF multiplex\n"
                " -dvbhdemux           demux DVB-H file into IP Datagrams\n"
                "                       * Note: can be used when encoding scene descriptions\n"
                " -raw-layer ID        same as -raw but skips SVC/MVC extractors when extracting\n"
                " -diod                extracts file IOD in raw format when supported\n"
                " -grab-ts IP:port     grabs TS over UDP or RTP at IP:port location to output TS file\n"
                " -ifce IFCE           indicates default ifce for grab operations\n"
void PrintDumpUsage()
        fprintf(stderr, "Dumping Options\n"
                " -stdb                dumps/write to stdout and assumes stdout is opened in binary mode\n"
                " -std                 dumps/write to stdout and try to reopen stdout in binary mode.\n"
                " -info [trackID]      prints movie info / track info if trackID specified\n"
                "                       * Note: for non IsoMedia files, gets import options\n"
                " -bt                  scene to bt format - removes unknown MPEG4 nodes\n"
                " -xmt                 scene to XMT-A format - removes unknown MPEG4 nodes\n"
                " -wrl                 scene VRML format - removes unknown VRML nodes\n"
                " -x3d                 scene to X3D/XML format - removes unknown X3D nodes\n"
                " -x3dv                scene to X3D/VRML format - removes unknown X3D nodes\n"
                " -lsr                 scene to LASeR format\n"
                " -diso                dumps IsoMedia file boxes in XML output\n"
                " -dxml                dumps IsoMedia file boxes and known track samples in XML output\n"
                " -drtp                rtp hint samples structure to XML output\n"
                " -dts                 prints sample timing to text output\n"
                " -dnal trackID        prints NAL sample info of given track\n"
                " -sdp                 dumps SDP description of hinted file\n"
                " -dcr                 ISMACryp samples structure to XML output\n"
                " -dump-cover          Extracts cover art\n"
                " -dump-chap           Extracts chapter file\n"
                " -dump-chap-ogg       Extracts chapter file as OGG format\n"
                " -dump-udta [ID:]4cc  Extracts udta for the given 4CC. If ID is given, dumps from UDTA of the given track ID, otherwise moov is used.\n"
                " -ttxt                Converts input subtitle to GPAC TTXT format\n"
                " -ttxt TrackID        Dumps Text track to GPAC TTXT format\n"
                " -srt                 Converts input subtitle to SRT format\n"
                " -srt TrackID         Dumps Text track to SRT format\n"
                " -stat                generates node/field statistics for scene\n"
                " -stats               generates node/field statistics per MPEG-4 Access Unit\n"
                " -statx               generates node/field statistics for scene after each AU\n"
                " -hash                generates SHA-1 Hash of the input file\n"
                " -bin                 converts input XML file using NHML bitstream syntax to binary\n"

void PrintMetaUsage()
        fprintf(stderr, "Meta handling Options\n"
                " -set-meta args       sets given meta type - syntax: \"ABCD[:tk=ID]\"\n"
                "                       * ABCD: four char meta type (NULL or 0 to remove meta)\n"
                "                       * [:tk=ID]: if not set use root (file) meta\n"
                "                                if ID is 0 use moov meta\n"
                "                                if ID is not 0 use track meta\n"
                " -add-item args       adds resource to meta\n"
                "                       * syntax: file_path + options (\':\' separated):\n"
                "                        file_path \"this\" or \"self\": item is the file itself\n"
                "                        tk=ID:            meta location (file, moov, track)\n"
                "                        name=str:         item name\n"
                "                        type=itype:       item 4cc type (not needed if mime is provided)\n"
                "                        mime=mtype:       item mime type\n"
                "                        encoding=enctype: item content-encoding type\n"
                "                        id=id:            item ID\n"
                "                        ref=4cc,id:       reference of type 4cc to an other item\n"
                "                      Image Item options\n"
                "                        image-size=wxh      sets the width and height of the image.\n"
                "                        image-pasp=wxh      sets the pixel aspect ratio property of the image.\n"
                "                        image-rloc=wxh      sets the location of this image within another image item.\n"
                "                        image-irot=a        sets the rotation angle for this image to 90*a degrees anti-clockwise.\n"
                "                        image-hidden        indicates that this image item should be hidden.\n"
                " -rem-item args       removes resource from meta - syntax: item_ID[:tk=ID]\n"
                " -set-primary args    sets item as primary for meta - syntax: item_ID[:tk=ID]\n"
                " -set-xml args        sets meta XML data\n"
                "                       * syntax: xml_file_path[:tk=ID][:binary]\n"
                " -rem-xml [tk=ID]     removes meta XML data\n"
                " -dump-xml args       dumps meta XML to file - syntax file_path[:tk=ID]\n"
                " -dump-item args      dumps item to file - syntax item_ID[:tk=ID][:path=fileName]\n"
                " -package             packages input XML file into an ISO container\n"
                "                       * all media referenced except hyperlinks are added to file\n"
                " -mgt                 packages input XML file into an MPEG-U widget with ISO container.\n"
                "                       * all files contained in the current folder are added to the widget package\n"

void PrintSWFUsage()
                "SWF Importer Options\n"
                "MP4Box can import simple Macromedia Flash files (\".SWF\")\n"
                "You can specify a SWF input file with \'-bt\', \'-xmt\' and \'-mp4\' options\n"
                " -global              all SWF defines are placed in first scene replace\n"
                "                       * Note: By default SWF defines are sent when needed\n"
                " -no-ctrl             uses a single stream for movie control and dictionary\n"
                "                       * Note: this will disable ActionScript\n"
                " -no-text             removes all SWF text\n"
                " -no-font             removes all embedded SWF Fonts (terminal fonts used)\n"
                " -no-line             removes all lines from SWF shapes\n"
                " -no-grad             removes all gradients from swf shapes\n"
                " -quad                uses quadratic bezier curves instead of cubic ones\n"
                " -xlp                 support for lines transparency and scalability\n"
                " -flatten ang         complementary angle below which 2 lines are merged\n"
                "                       * Note: angle \'0\' means no flattening\n"

void PrintUsage()
        fprintf (stderr, "MP4Box [option] input [option]\n"
                 " -h general           general options help\n"
                 " -h hint              hinting options help\n"
                 " -h dash              DASH segmenter help\n"
                 " -h import            import options help\n"
                 " -h encode            encode options help\n"
                 " -h meta              meta handling options help\n"
                 " -h extract           extraction options help\n"
                 " -h dump              dump options help\n"
                 " -h swf               Flash (SWF) options help\n"
                 " -h crypt             ISMA E&A options help\n"
                 " -h format            supported formats help\n"
                 " -h rtp               file streamer help\n"
                 " -h live              BIFS streamer help\n"
                 " -h all               all options are printed\n"
                 " -nodes               lists supported MPEG4 nodes\n"
                 " -node NodeName       gets MPEG4 node syntax and QP info\n"
                 " -xnodes              lists supported X3D nodes\n"
                 " -xnode NodeName      gets X3D node syntax\n"
                 " -snodes              lists supported SVG nodes\n"
                 " -languages           lists supported ISO 639 languages\n"
                 " -boxes               lists all supported ISOBMF boxes and their syntax\n"
                 " -quiet                quiet mode\n"
                 " -noprog               disables progress\n"
                 " -v                   verbose mode\n"
                 " -logs                set log tools and levels, formatted as a ':'-separated list of toolX[:toolZ]@levelX\n"
                 " -log-file FILE       sets output log file. Also works with -lf FILE\n"
                 " -log-clock or -lc    logs time in micro sec since start time of GPAC before each log line.\n"
                 " -log-utc or -lu      logs UTC time in ms before each log line.\n"
                 " -version             gets build version\n"
                 " -- INPUT             escape option if INPUT starts with - character\n"

void scene_coding_log(void *cbk, GF_LOG_Level log_level, GF_LOG_Tool log_tool, const char *fmt, va_list vlist)
        FILE *logs = cbk;
        if (log_tool != GF_LOG_CODING) return;
        vfprintf(logs, fmt, vlist);


                MP4 File Hinting

void SetupClockReferences(GF_ISOFile *file)
        u32 i, count, ocr_id;
        count = gf_isom_get_track_count(file);
        if (count==1) return;
        ocr_id = 0;
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                if (!gf_isom_is_track_in_root_od(file, i+1)) continue;
                ocr_id = gf_isom_get_track_id(file, i+1);
        /*doesn't look like MP4*/
        if (!ocr_id) return;
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                GF_ESD *esd = gf_isom_get_esd(file, i+1, 1);
                if (esd) {
                        esd->OCRESID = ocr_id;
                        gf_isom_change_mpeg4_description(file, i+1, 1, esd);
                        gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) esd);

/*base RTP payload type used (you can specify your own types if needed)*/
#define BASE_PAYT               96

GF_Err HintFile(GF_ISOFile *file, u32 MTUSize, u32 max_ptime, u32 rtp_rate, u32 base_flags, Bool copy_data, Bool interleave, Bool regular_iod, Bool single_group)
        GF_ESD *esd;
        GF_InitialObjectDescriptor *iod;
        u32 i, val, res, streamType;
        u32 sl_mode, prev_ocr, single_ocr, nb_done, tot_bw, bw, flags, spec_type;
        GF_Err e;
        char szPayload[30];
        GF_RTPHinter *hinter;
        Bool copy, has_iod, single_av;
        u8 init_payt = BASE_PAYT;
        u32 mtype;
        GF_SDP_IODProfile iod_mode = GF_SDP_IOD_NONE;
        u32 media_group = 0;
        u8 media_prio = 0;

        tot_bw = 0;
        prev_ocr = 0;
        single_ocr = 1;

        has_iod = 1;
        iod = (GF_InitialObjectDescriptor *) gf_isom_get_root_od(file);
        if (!iod) has_iod = 0;
        else {
                if (!gf_list_count(iod->ESDescriptors)) has_iod = 0;
                gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) iod);

        spec_type = gf_isom_guess_specification(file);
        single_av = single_group ? 1 : gf_isom_is_single_av(file);

        /*first make sure we use a systems track as base OCR*/
        for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                res = gf_isom_get_media_type(file, i+1);
                if ((res==GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SCENE) || (res==GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OD)) {
                        if (gf_isom_is_track_in_root_od(file, i+1)) {
                                gf_isom_set_default_sync_track(file, i+1);

        nb_done = 0;
        for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                sl_mode = base_flags;
                copy = copy_data;
                /*skip emty tracks (mainly MPEG-4 interaction streams...*/
                if (!gf_isom_get_sample_count(file, i+1)) continue;
                if (!gf_isom_is_track_enabled(file, i+1)) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Track ID %d disabled - skipping hint\n", gf_isom_get_track_id(file, i+1) );

                mtype = gf_isom_get_media_type(file, i+1);
                switch (mtype) {
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_VISUAL:
                        if (single_av) {
                                media_group = 2;
                                media_prio = 2;
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_AUDIO:
                        if (single_av) {
                                media_group = 2;
                                media_prio = 1;
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_HINT:
                        /*no hinting of systems track on isma*/
                        if (spec_type==GF_4CC('I','S','M','A')) continue;
                mtype = gf_isom_get_media_subtype(file, i+1, 1);
                if ((mtype==GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MPEG4) || (mtype==GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MPEG4_CRYP) ) mtype = gf_isom_get_mpeg4_subtype(file, i+1, 1);

                if (!single_av) {
                        /*one media per group only (we should prompt user for group selection)*/
                        media_group ++;
                        media_prio = 1;

                streamType = 0;
                esd = gf_isom_get_esd(file, i+1, 1);
                if (esd) {
                        streamType = esd->decoderConfig->streamType;
                        if (!prev_ocr) {
                                prev_ocr = esd->OCRESID;
                                if (!esd->OCRESID) prev_ocr = esd->ESID;
                        } else if (esd->OCRESID && prev_ocr != esd->OCRESID) {
                                single_ocr = 0;
                        /*OD MUST BE WITHOUT REFERENCES*/
                        if (streamType==1) copy = 1;
                gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) esd);

                if (!regular_iod && gf_isom_is_track_in_root_od(file, i+1)) {
                        /*single AU - check if base64 would fit in ESD (consider 33% overhead of base64), otherwise stream*/
                        if (gf_isom_get_sample_count(file, i+1)==1) {
                                GF_ISOSample *samp = gf_isom_get_sample(file, i+1, 1, &val);
                                if (streamType) {
                                        res = gf_hinter_can_embbed_data(samp->data, samp->dataLength, streamType);
                                } else {
                                        /*not a system track, we shall hint it*/
                                        res = 0;
                                if (samp) gf_isom_sample_del(&samp);
                                if (res) continue;
                if (interleave) sl_mode |= GP_RTP_PCK_USE_INTERLEAVING;

                hinter = gf_hinter_track_new(file, i+1, MTUSize, max_ptime, rtp_rate, sl_mode, init_payt, copy, media_group, media_prio, &e);

                if (!hinter) {
                        if (e) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create hinter (%s)\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                                if (!nb_done) return e;
                bw = gf_hinter_track_get_bandwidth(hinter);
                tot_bw += bw;
                flags = gf_hinter_track_get_flags(hinter);

                //set extraction mode for AVC/SVC
                gf_isom_set_nalu_extract_mode(file, i+1, GF_ISOM_NALU_EXTRACT_LAYER_ONLY);

                gf_hinter_track_get_payload_name(hinter, szPayload);
                fprintf(stderr, "Hinting track ID %d - Type \"%s:%s\" (%s) - BW %d kbps\n", gf_isom_get_track_id(file, i+1), gf_4cc_to_str(mtype), gf_4cc_to_str(mtype), szPayload, bw);
                if (flags & GP_RTP_PCK_SYSTEMS_CAROUSEL) fprintf(stderr, "\tMPEG-4 Systems stream carousel enabled\n");
                                if (flags & GP_RTP_PCK_FORCE_MPEG4) fprintf(stderr, "\tMPEG4 transport forced\n");
                                if (flags & GP_RTP_PCK_USE_MULTI) fprintf(stderr, "\tRTP aggregation enabled\n");
                e = gf_hinter_track_process(hinter);

                if (!e) e = gf_hinter_track_finalize(hinter, has_iod);

                if (e) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error while hinting (%s)\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                        if (!nb_done) return e;
                nb_done ++;

        if (has_iod) {
                iod_mode = GF_SDP_IOD_ISMA;
                if (regular_iod) iod_mode = GF_SDP_IOD_REGULAR;
        } else {
                iod_mode = GF_SDP_IOD_NONE;
        gf_hinter_finalize(file, iod_mode, tot_bw);

        if (!single_ocr)
                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: at least 2 timelines found in the file\nThis may not be supported by servers/players\n\n");

        return GF_OK;



static void check_media_profile(GF_ISOFile *file, u32 track)
        u8 PL;
        GF_M4ADecSpecInfo dsi;
        GF_ESD *esd = gf_isom_get_esd(file, track, 1);
        if (!esd) return;

        switch (esd->decoderConfig->streamType) {
        case 0x04:
                PL = gf_isom_get_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_VISUAL);
                if (esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication==GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_MPEG4_PART2) {
                        GF_M4VDecSpecInfo dsi;
                        gf_m4v_get_config(esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength, &dsi);
                        if (dsi.VideoPL > PL) gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_VISUAL, dsi.VideoPL);
                } else if ((esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication==GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_AVC) || (esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication==GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_SVC)) {
                        gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_VISUAL, 0x15);
                } else if (!PL) {
                        gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_VISUAL, 0xFE);
        case 0x05:
                PL = gf_isom_get_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_AUDIO);
                switch (esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication) {
                case GPAC_OTI_AUDIO_AAC_MPEG2_MP:
                case GPAC_OTI_AUDIO_AAC_MPEG2_LCP:
                case GPAC_OTI_AUDIO_AAC_MPEG2_SSRP:
                case GPAC_OTI_AUDIO_AAC_MPEG4:
                        gf_m4a_get_config(esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength, &dsi);
                        if (dsi.audioPL > PL) gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_AUDIO, dsi.audioPL);
                        if (!PL) gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_AUDIO, 0xFE);
        gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) esd);
void remove_systems_tracks(GF_ISOFile *file)
        u32 i, count;

        count = gf_isom_get_track_count(file);
        if (count==1) return;

        /*force PL rewrite*/
        gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_VISUAL, 0);
        gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_AUDIO, 0);
        gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_OD, 1);      /*the lib always remove IOD when no profiles are specified..*/

        for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                switch (gf_isom_get_media_type(file, i+1)) {
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_VISUAL:
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_AUDIO:
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_TEXT:
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SUBT:
                        gf_isom_remove_track_from_root_od(file, i+1);
                        check_media_profile(file, i+1);
                /*only remove real systems tracks (eg, delaing with scene description & presentation)
                but keep meta & all unknown tracks*/
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SCENE:
                        switch (gf_isom_get_media_subtype(file, i+1, 1)) {
                        case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_DIMS:
                                gf_isom_remove_track_from_root_od(file, i+1);
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OD:
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OCR:
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_MPEGJ:
                        gf_isom_remove_track(file, i+1);
        /*none required*/
        if (!gf_isom_get_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_AUDIO)) gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_AUDIO, 0xFF);
        if (!gf_isom_get_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_VISUAL)) gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_VISUAL, 0xFF);

        gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_OD, 0xFF);
        gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_SCENE, 0xFF);
        gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_GRAPHICS, 0xFF);
        gf_isom_set_pl_indication(file, GF_ISOM_PL_INLINE, 0);

#endif /*!defined(GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM_WRITE) && !defined(GPAC_DISABLE_AV_PARSERS)*/

GF_FileType get_file_type_by_ext(char *inName)
        GF_FileType type = GF_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        char *ext = strrchr(inName, '.');
        if (ext) {
                char *sep;
                if (!strcmp(ext, ".gz")) ext = strrchr(ext-1, '.');
                sep = strchr(ext, '.');
                if (sep) sep[0] = 0;

                if (!stricmp(ext, "mp4") || !stricmp(ext, "3gp") || !stricmp(ext, "mov") || !stricmp(ext, "3g2") || !stricmp(ext, "3gs")) {
                        type = GF_FILE_TYPE_ISO_MEDIA;
                } else if (!stricmp(ext, "bt") || !stricmp(ext, "wrl") || !stricmp(ext, "x3dv")) {
                        type = GF_FILE_TYPE_BT_WRL_X3DV;
                } else if (!stricmp(ext, "xmt") || !stricmp(ext, "x3d")) {
                        type = GF_FILE_TYPE_XMT_X3D;
                } else if (!stricmp(ext, "lsr") || !stricmp(ext, "saf")) {
                        type = GF_FILE_TYPE_LSR_SAF;
                } else if (!stricmp(ext, "svg") || !stricmp(ext, "xsr") || !stricmp(ext, "xml")) {
                        type = GF_FILE_TYPE_SVG;
                } else if (!stricmp(ext, "swf")) {
                        type = GF_FILE_TYPE_SWF;
                } else if (!stricmp(ext, "jp2")) {
                        if (sep) sep[0] = '.';
                        return GF_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                else type = GF_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED;

                if (sep) sep[0] = '.';

        /*try open file in read mode*/
        if (!type && gf_isom_probe_file(inName)) type = GF_FILE_TYPE_ISO_MEDIA;
        return type;

static Bool can_convert_to_isma(GF_ISOFile *file)
        u32 spec = gf_isom_guess_specification(file);
        if (spec==GF_4CC('I','S','M','A')) return GF_TRUE;
        return GF_FALSE;

static void progress_quiet(const void *cbck, const char *title, u64 done, u64 total) { }

typedef struct
        u32 trackID;
        char *line;
} SDPLine;

typedef enum {
        META_ACTION_SET_TYPE                    = 0,
        META_ACTION_ADD_ITEM                    = 1,
        META_ACTION_REM_ITEM                    = 2,
        META_ACTION_SET_XML                             = 4,
        META_ACTION_SET_BINARY_XML              = 5,
        META_ACTION_REM_XML                             = 6,
        META_ACTION_DUMP_ITEM                   = 7,
        META_ACTION_DUMP_XML                    = 8,
        META_ACTION_ADD_IMAGE_ITEM              = 9,
} MetaActionType;

typedef struct
        MetaActionType act_type;
        Bool root_meta, use_dref;
        u32 trackID;
        u32 meta_4cc;
        char szPath[GF_MAX_PATH];
        char szName[1024], mime_type[1024], enc_type[1024];
        u32 item_id;
        u32 item_type;
        u32 ref_item_id;
        u32 ref_type;
        GF_ImageItemProperties *image_props;
} MetaAction;

static Bool parse_meta_args(MetaAction *meta, MetaActionType act_type, char *opts)
        Bool ret = 0;
        char szSlot[1024], *next;

        memset(meta, 0, sizeof(MetaAction));
        meta->act_type = act_type;
        meta->mime_type[0] = 0;
        meta->enc_type[0] = 0;
        meta->szName[0] = 0;
        meta->szPath[0] = 0;
        meta->trackID = 0;
        meta->root_meta = 1;

        if (!opts) return 0;
        while (1) {
                if (!opts || !opts[0]) return ret;
                if (opts[0]==':') opts += 1;
                strcpy(szSlot, opts);
                next = strchr(szSlot, ':');
                /*use ':' as separator, but beware DOS paths...*/
                if (next && next[1]=='\\') next = strchr(szSlot+2, ':');
                if (next) next[0] = 0;

                if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "tk=", 3)) {
                        sscanf(szSlot, "tk=%u", &meta->trackID);
                        meta->root_meta = 0;
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "id=", 3)) {
                        meta->item_id = atoi(szSlot+3);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "type=", 5)) {
                        meta->item_type = GF_4CC(szSlot[5], szSlot[6], szSlot[7], szSlot[8]);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "ref=", 4)) {
                        char type[10];
                        sscanf(szSlot, "ref=%u,%s", &meta->ref_item_id, type);
                        meta->ref_type = GF_4CC(type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3]);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "name=", 5)) {
                        strcpy(meta->szName, szSlot+5);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "path=", 5)) {
                        strcpy(meta->szPath, szSlot+5);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "mime=", 5)) {
                        meta->item_type = GF_4CC('m','i','m','e');
                        strcpy(meta->mime_type, szSlot+5);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "encoding=", 9)) {
                        strcpy(meta->enc_type, szSlot+9);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "image-size=", 11)) {
                        if (!meta->image_props) {
                                GF_SAFEALLOC(meta->image_props, GF_ImageItemProperties);
                        sscanf(szSlot+11, "%dx%d", &meta->image_props->width, &meta->image_props->height);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "image-pasp=", 11)) {
                        if (!meta->image_props) {
                                GF_SAFEALLOC(meta->image_props, GF_ImageItemProperties);
                        sscanf(szSlot+11, "%dx%d", &meta->image_props->hSpacing, &meta->image_props->vSpacing);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "image-rloc=", 11)) {
                        if (!meta->image_props) {
                                GF_SAFEALLOC(meta->image_props, GF_ImageItemProperties);
                        sscanf(szSlot+11, "%dx%d", &meta->image_props->hOffset, &meta->image_props->vOffset);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "image-irot=", 11)) {
                        if (!meta->image_props) {
                                GF_SAFEALLOC(meta->image_props, GF_ImageItemProperties);
                        meta->image_props->angle = atoi(szSlot+11);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "image-hidden", 12)) {
                        if (!meta->image_props) {
                                GF_SAFEALLOC(meta->image_props, GF_ImageItemProperties);
                        meta->image_props->hidden = GF_TRUE;
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "tilemode=", 9)) {
                        if (!meta->image_props) {
                                GF_SAFEALLOC(meta->image_props, GF_ImageItemProperties);
                        if (!strnicmp(szSlot + 9, "nobase", 6)) {
                                meta->image_props->tile_mode = TILE_ITEM_ALL_NO_BASE;
                        } else if (!strnicmp(szSlot + 9, "base", 4)) {
                                meta->image_props->tile_mode = TILE_ITEM_ALL_BASE;
                        } else if (!strnicmp(szSlot + 9, "grid", 4)) {
                                meta->image_props->tile_mode = TILE_ITEM_ALL_GRID;
                        } else {
                                meta->image_props->tile_mode = TILE_ITEM_SINGLE;
                                sscanf(szSlot + 9, "%d", &meta->image_props->single_tile_number);
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "dref", 4)) {
                        meta->use_dref = 1;
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(szSlot, "binary")) {
                        if (meta->act_type==META_ACTION_SET_XML) meta->act_type=META_ACTION_SET_BINARY_XML;
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!strchr(szSlot, '=')) {
                        switch (meta->act_type) {
                        case META_ACTION_SET_TYPE:
                                if (!stricmp(szSlot, "null") || !stricmp(szSlot, "0")) meta->meta_4cc = 0;
                                else meta->meta_4cc = GF_4CC(szSlot[0], szSlot[1], szSlot[2], szSlot[3]);
                                ret = 1;
                        case META_ACTION_ADD_ITEM:
                        case META_ACTION_ADD_IMAGE_ITEM:
                        case META_ACTION_SET_XML:
                        case META_ACTION_DUMP_XML:
                                strcpy(meta->szPath, szSlot);
                                ret = 1;
                        case META_ACTION_REM_ITEM:
                        case META_ACTION_SET_PRIMARY_ITEM:
                        case META_ACTION_DUMP_ITEM:
                                meta->item_id = atoi(szSlot);
                                ret = 1;
                opts += strlen(szSlot);
        return ret;

typedef enum {
} TSELActionType;

typedef struct
        TSELActionType act_type;
        u32 trackID;

        u32 refTrackID;
        u32 criteria[30];
        u32 nb_criteria;
        Bool is_switchGroup;
        u32 switchGroupID;
} TSELAction;

static Bool parse_tsel_args(TSELAction **__tsel_list, char *opts, u32 *nb_tsel_act, TSELActionType act)
        u32 refTrackID = 0;
        Bool has_switch_id;
        u32 switch_id = 0;
        u32 criteria[30];
        u32 nb_criteria = 0;
        TSELAction *tsel_act;
        char szSlot[1024], *next;
        TSELAction *tsel_list;

        has_switch_id = 0;

        if (!opts) return 0;
        while (1) {
                if (!opts || !opts[0]) return 1;
                if (opts[0]==':') opts += 1;
                strcpy(szSlot, opts);
                next = strchr(szSlot, ':');
                /*use ':' as separator, but beware DOS paths...*/
                if (next && next[1]=='\\') next = strchr(szSlot+2, ':');
                if (next) next[0] = 0;

                if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "refTrack=", 9)) refTrackID = atoi(szSlot+9);
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "switchID=", 9)) {
                        if (atoi(szSlot+9)<0) {
                                switch_id = 0;
                                has_switch_id = 0;
                        } else {
                                switch_id = atoi(szSlot+9);
                                has_switch_id = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "switchID", 8)) {
                        switch_id = 0;
                        has_switch_id = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "criteria=", 9)) {
                        u32 j=9;
                        nb_criteria = 0;
                        while (j+3<strlen(szSlot)) {
                                criteria[nb_criteria] = GF_4CC(szSlot[j], szSlot[j+1], szSlot[j+2], szSlot[j+3]);
                else if (!strnicmp(szSlot, "trackID=", 8) || !strchr(szSlot, '=') ) {
                        *__tsel_list = gf_realloc(*__tsel_list, sizeof(TSELAction) * (*nb_tsel_act + 1));
                        tsel_list = *__tsel_list;

                        tsel_act = &tsel_list[*nb_tsel_act];
                        memset(tsel_act, 0, sizeof(TSELAction));
                        tsel_act->act_type = act;
                        tsel_act->trackID = strchr(szSlot, '=') ? atoi(szSlot+8) : atoi(szSlot);
                        tsel_act->refTrackID = refTrackID;
                        tsel_act->switchGroupID = switch_id;
                        tsel_act->is_switchGroup = has_switch_id;
                        tsel_act->nb_criteria = nb_criteria;
                        memcpy(tsel_act->criteria, criteria, sizeof(u32)*nb_criteria);

                        if (!refTrackID)
                                refTrackID = tsel_act->trackID;

                        (*nb_tsel_act) ++;
                opts += strlen(szSlot);
        return 1;

#define CHECK_NEXT_ARG  if (i+1==(u32)argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing arg - please check usage\n"); return mp4box_cleanup(1); }

typedef enum {
        TRAC_ACTION_REM_TRACK           = 0,
        TRAC_ACTION_SET_LANGUAGE        = 1,
        TRAC_ACTION_SET_DELAY           = 2,
        TRAC_ACTION_SET_KMS_URI         = 3,
        TRAC_ACTION_SET_PAR                     = 4,
        TRAC_ACTION_ENABLE                      = 6,
        TRAC_ACTION_DISABLE                     = 7,
        TRAC_ACTION_REFERENCE           = 8,
        TRAC_ACTION_RAW_EXTRACT         = 9,
        TRAC_ACTION_REM_NON_RAP         = 10,
        TRAC_ACTION_SET_KIND            = 11,
        TRAC_ACTION_REM_KIND            = 12,
        TRAC_ACTION_SET_ID                      = 13,
        TRAC_ACTION_SET_UDTA            = 14,
        TRAC_ACTION_SWAP_ID                     = 15,
} TrackActionType;

typedef struct
        TrackActionType act_type;
        u32 trackID;
        char lang[10];
        s32 delay_ms;
        const char *kms;
        const char *hdl_name;
        s32 par_num, par_den;
        u32 dump_type, sample_num;
        char *out_name;
        char *src_name;
        u32 udta_type;
        char *kind_scheme, *kind_value;
        u32 newTrackID;
} TrackAction;


GF_DashSegmenterInput *set_dash_input(GF_DashSegmenterInput *dash_inputs, char *name, u32 *nb_dash_inputs)
        GF_DashSegmenterInput *di;
        char *sep;
        // skip ./ and ../, and look for first . to figure out extension
        if ((name[1]=='/') || (name[2]=='/') || (name[1]=='\\') || (name[2]=='\\') ) sep = strchr(name+3, '.');
        else {
                char *s2 = strchr(name, ':');
                sep = strchr(name, '.');
                if (sep && s2 && (s2 - sep) < 0) {
                        sep = name;

        //then look for our opt separator :
        sep = strchr(sep ? sep : name, ':');

        if (sep && (sep[1]=='\\')) sep = strchr(sep+1, ':');

        dash_inputs = gf_realloc(dash_inputs, sizeof(GF_DashSegmenterInput) * (*nb_dash_inputs + 1) );
        memset(&dash_inputs[*nb_dash_inputs], 0, sizeof(GF_DashSegmenterInput) );
        di = &dash_inputs[*nb_dash_inputs];

        if (sep) {
                char *opts, *first_opt;
                opts = first_opt = sep;
                while (opts) {
                        sep = strchr(opts, ':');
                        while (sep) {
                                /* this is a real separator if it is followed by a keyword we are looking for */
                                if (!strnicmp(sep, ":id=", 4) ||
                                        !strnicmp(sep, ":dur=", 5) ||
                                        !strnicmp(sep, ":period=", 8) ||
                                        !strnicmp(sep, ":BaseURL=", 9) ||
                                        !strnicmp(sep, ":bandwidth=", 11) ||
                                        !strnicmp(sep, ":role=", 6) ||
                                        !strnicmp(sep, ":desc", 5) ||
                                        !strnicmp(sep, ":duration=", 10) || /*legacy*/!strnicmp(sep, ":period_duration=", 10) ||
                                        !strnicmp(sep, ":xlink=", 7)) {
                                } else {
                                        sep = strchr(sep+1, ':');
                        if (sep && !strncmp(sep, "://", 3)) sep = strchr(sep+3, ':');
                        if (sep) sep[0] = 0;

                        if (!strnicmp(opts, "id=", 3)) {
                                u32 i;
                                di->representationID = gf_strdup(opts+3);
                                /* check to see if this representation Id has already been assigned */
                                for (i=0; i<(*nb_dash_inputs)-1; i++) {
                                        GF_DashSegmenterInput *other_di;
                                        other_di = &dash_inputs[i];
                                        if (!strcmp(other_di->representationID, di->representationID)) {
                                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[DASH] Error: Duplicate Representation ID \"%s\" in command line\n", di->representationID));
                        } else if (!strnicmp(opts, "dur=", 4)) di->media_duration = (Double)atof(opts+4);
                        else if (!strnicmp(opts, "period=", 7)) di->periodID = gf_strdup(opts+7);
                        else if (!strnicmp(opts, "BaseURL=", 8)) {
                                di->baseURL = (char **)gf_realloc(di->baseURL, (di->nb_baseURL+1)*sizeof(char *));
                                di->baseURL[di->nb_baseURL] = gf_strdup(opts+8);
                        } else if (!strnicmp(opts, "bandwidth=", 10)) di->bandwidth = atoi(opts+10);
                        else if (!strnicmp(opts, "role=", 5)) {
                                di->roles = gf_realloc(di->roles, sizeof (char *) * (di->nb_roles+1));
                                di->roles[di->nb_roles] = gf_strdup(opts+5);
                        } else if (!strnicmp(opts, "desc", 4)) {
                                u32 *nb_descs=NULL;
                                char ***descs=NULL;
                                u32 opt_offset=0;
                                u32 len;
                                if (!strnicmp(opts, "desc_p=", 7)) {
                                        nb_descs = &di->nb_p_descs;
                                        descs = &di->p_descs;
                                        opt_offset = 7;
                                } else if (!strnicmp(opts, "desc_as=", 8)) {
                                        nb_descs = &di->nb_as_descs;
                                        descs = &di->as_descs;
                                        opt_offset = 8;
                                } else if (!strnicmp(opts, "desc_as_c=", 8)) {
                                        nb_descs = &di->nb_as_c_descs;
                                        descs = &di->as_c_descs;
                                        opt_offset = 10;
                                } else if (!strnicmp(opts, "desc_rep=", 8)) {
                                        nb_descs = &di->nb_rep_descs;
                                        descs = &di->rep_descs;
                                        opt_offset = 9;
                                if (opt_offset) {
                                        opts += opt_offset;
                                        len = (u32) strlen(opts);
                                        (*descs) = (char **)gf_realloc((*descs), (*nb_descs)*sizeof(char *));
                                        (*descs)[(*nb_descs)-1] = (char *)gf_malloc((len+1)*sizeof(char));
                                        strncpy((*descs)[(*nb_descs)-1], opts, len);
                                        (*descs)[(*nb_descs)-1][len] = 0;

                        else if (!strnicmp(opts, "xlink=", 6)) di->xlink = gf_strdup(opts+6);
                        else if (!strnicmp(opts, "period_duration=", 16)) {
                                di->period_duration = (Double) atof(opts+16);
                        }       else if (!strnicmp(opts, "duration=", 9)) {
                                di->period_duration = (Double) atof(opts+9); /*legacy: use period_duration instead*/

                        if (!sep) break;
                        sep[0] = ':';
                        opts = sep+1;
                first_opt[0] = '\0';
        di->file_name = name;
        if (!di->representationID) {
                char szRep[100];
                sprintf(szRep, "%d", *nb_dash_inputs);
                di->representationID = gf_strdup(szRep);

        return dash_inputs;

static GF_Err parse_track_action_params(char *string, TrackAction *action)
        char *param = string;
        if (!action || !string) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        while (param) {
                param = strchr(param, ':');
                if (param) {
                        *param = 0;
                        if (!strncmp("vttnomerge", param, 10)) {
                                action->dump_type |= GF_EXPORT_WEBVTT_NOMERGE;
                        } else if (!strncmp("layer", param, 5)) {
                                action->dump_type |= GF_EXPORT_SVC_LAYER;
                        } else if (!strncmp("full", param, 4)) {
                                action->dump_type |= GF_EXPORT_NHML_FULL;
                        } else if (!strncmp("embedded", param, 8)) {
                                action->dump_type |= GF_EXPORT_WEBVTT_META_EMBEDDED;
                        } else if (!strncmp("output=", param, 7)) {
                                action->out_name = gf_strdup(param+7);
                        } else if (!strncmp("src=", param, 4)) {
                                action->src_name = gf_strdup(param+4);
                        } else if (!strncmp("box=", param, 4)) {
                                action->src_name = gf_strdup(param+4);
                                action->sample_num = 1;
                        } else if (!strncmp("type=", param, 4)) {
                                action->udta_type = GF_4CC(param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8]);
                        } else if (action->dump_type == GF_EXPORT_RAW_SAMPLES) {
                                action->sample_num = atoi(param);
        if (!strcmp(string, "*")) {
                action->trackID = (u32) -1;
        } else {
                action->trackID = atoi(string);
        return GF_OK;

static u32 create_new_track_action(char *string, TrackAction **actions, u32 *nb_track_act, u32 dump_type)
        *actions = (TrackAction *)gf_realloc(*actions, sizeof(TrackAction) * (*nb_track_act+1));
        memset(&(*actions)[*nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction) );
        (*actions)[*nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_RAW_EXTRACT;
        (*actions)[*nb_track_act].dump_type = dump_type;
        parse_track_action_params(string, &(*actions)[*nb_track_act]);
        return dump_type;

static GF_Err nhml_bs_to_bin(char *inName, char *outName, u32 dump_std)
        GF_Err e;
        GF_XMLNode *root;
        char *data = NULL;
        u32 data_size;

        GF_DOMParser *dom = gf_xml_dom_new();
        e = gf_xml_dom_parse(dom, inName, NULL, NULL);
        if (e) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse XML file: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                return e;
        root = gf_xml_dom_get_root_idx(dom, 0);
        if (!root) {
                return GF_OK;

        e = gf_xml_parse_bit_sequence(root, &data, &data_size);

        if (e) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse binary sequence: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                return e;

        if (dump_std) {
                fwrite(data, 1, data_size, stdout);
        } else {
                FILE *t;
                char szFile[GF_MAX_PATH];
                if (outName) {
                        strcpy(szFile, outName);
                } else {
                        strcpy(szFile, inName);
                        strcat(szFile, ".bin");
                t = gf_fopen(szFile, "wb");
                if (!t) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file %s\n", szFile);
                        e = GF_IO_ERR;
                } else {
                        if (fwrite(data, 1, data_size, t) != data_size) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write output to file %s\n", szFile);
                                e = GF_IO_ERR;
        return e;

static GF_Err hash_file(char *name, u32 dump_std)
        u32 i;
        u8 hash[20];
        GF_Err e = gf_media_get_file_hash(name, hash);
        if (e) return e;
        if (dump_std==2) {
                fwrite(hash, 1, 20, stdout);
        } else if (dump_std==1) {
                for (i=0; i<20; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%02X", hash[i]);
        fprintf(stderr, "File hash (SHA-1): ");
        for (i=0; i<20; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02X", hash[i]);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

        return GF_OK;

Bool log_sys_clock = GF_FALSE;
Bool log_utc_time = GF_FALSE;

static void on_gpac_log(void *cbk, GF_LOG_Level ll, GF_LOG_Tool lm, const char *fmt, va_list list)
        FILE *logs = cbk;

        if (log_sys_clock) {
                fprintf(logs, "At "LLD" ", gf_sys_clock_high_res() );
        if (log_utc_time) {
                u64 utc_clock = gf_net_get_utc() ;
                time_t secs = utc_clock/1000;
                struct tm t;
                t = *gmtime(&secs);
                fprintf(logs, "UTC %d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ (TS "LLU") - ", 1900+t.tm_year, t.tm_mon+1, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec, utc_clock);

        vfprintf(logs, fmt, list);

char outfile[5000];
GF_Err e;
GF_SMEncodeOptions opts;
SDPLine *sdp_lines = NULL;
Double interleaving_time, split_duration, split_start, import_fps, dash_duration, dash_subduration;
Bool dash_duration_strict;
MetaAction *metas = NULL;
TrackAction *tracks = NULL;
TSELAction *tsel_acts = NULL;
u64 movie_time, initial_tfdt;
s32 subsegs_per_sidx;
u32 *brand_add = NULL;
u32 *brand_rem = NULL;
GF_DashSwitchingMode bitstream_switching_mode = GF_DASH_BSMODE_DEFAULT;
u32 i, stat_level, hint_flags, info_track_id, import_flags, nb_add, nb_cat, crypt, agg_samples, nb_sdp_ex, max_ptime, split_size, nb_meta_act, nb_track_act, rtp_rate, major_brand, nb_alt_brand_add, nb_alt_brand_rem, old_interleave, car_dur, minor_version, conv_type, nb_tsel_acts, program_number, dump_nal, time_shift_depth, initial_moof_sn, dump_std, import_subtitle;
GF_DashDynamicMode dash_mode=GF_DASH_STATIC;
GF_SceneDumpFormat dump_mode;
Double mpd_live_duration = 0;
Bool HintIt, needSave, FullInter, Frag, HintInter, dump_rtp, regular_iod, remove_sys_tracks, remove_hint, force_new, remove_root_od;
Bool print_sdp, print_info, open_edit, dump_cr, force_ocr, encode, do_log, do_flat, dump_srt, dump_ttxt, dump_timestamps, do_saf, dump_m2ts, dump_cart, do_hash, verbose, force_cat, align_cat, pack_wgt, single_group, clean_groups, dash_live, no_fragments_defaults, single_traf_per_moof;
char *inName, *outName, *arg, *mediaSource, *tmpdir, *input_ctx, *output_ctx, *drm_file, *avi2raw, *cprt, *chap_file, *pes_dump, *itunes_tags, *pack_file, *raw_cat, *seg_name, *dash_ctx_file;
u32 track_dump_type, dump_isom;
u32 trackID;
Double min_buffer = 1.5;
s32 ast_offset_ms = 0;
u32 dump_chap = 0;
u32 dump_udta_type = 0;
u32 dump_udta_track = 0;
char **mpd_base_urls = NULL;
u32 nb_mpd_base_urls = 0;
u32 dash_scale = 1000;
Bool insert_utc = GF_FALSE;

Bool do_mpd = GF_FALSE;
Bool chunk_mode = GF_FALSE;
Bool HintCopy = 0;
u32 MTUSize = 1450;
Bool do_bin_nhml = GF_FALSE;
GF_ISOFile *file;
Bool frag_real_time = GF_FALSE;
u64 dash_start_date=0;
GF_DASH_ContentLocationMode cp_location_mode = GF_DASH_CPMODE_ADAPTATION_SET;
Double mpd_update_time = GF_FALSE;
Bool stream_rtp = GF_FALSE;
Bool force_test_mode = GF_FALSE;
Bool force_co64 = GF_FALSE;
Bool live_scene = GF_FALSE;
GF_MemTrackerType mem_track = GF_MemTrackerNone;

Bool dump_iod = GF_FALSE;
Bool pssh_in_moof = GF_FALSE;
Bool samplegroups_in_traf = GF_FALSE;
Bool daisy_chain_sidx = GF_FALSE;
Bool single_segment = GF_FALSE;
Bool single_file = GF_FALSE;
Bool segment_timeline = GF_FALSE;
u32 segment_marker = GF_FALSE;
GF_DashProfile dash_profile = GF_DASH_PROFILE_UNKNOWN;
const char *dash_profile_extension = NULL;
Bool use_url_template = GF_FALSE;
Bool seg_at_rap = GF_FALSE;
Bool frag_at_rap = GF_FALSE;
Bool adjust_split_end = GF_FALSE;
Bool memory_frags = GF_TRUE;
Bool keep_utc = GF_FALSE;
u32 timescale = 0;
const char *do_wget = NULL;
GF_DashSegmenterInput *dash_inputs = NULL;
u32 nb_dash_inputs = 0;
char *gf_logs = NULL;
char *seg_ext = NULL;
const char *dash_title = NULL;
const char *dash_source = NULL;
const char *dash_more_info = NULL;
const char *grab_m2ts = NULL;
const char *grab_ifce = NULL;
FILE *logfile = NULL;
static u32 dash_run_for;
static u32 dash_cumulated_time,dash_prev_time,dash_now_time;

u32 mp4box_cleanup(u32 ret_code) {
        if (mpd_base_urls) {
                mpd_base_urls = NULL;
        if (sdp_lines) {
                sdp_lines = NULL;
        if (metas) {
                metas = NULL;
        if (tracks) {
                for (i = 0; i<nb_track_act; i++) {
                        if (tracks[i].out_name)
                        if (tracks[i].src_name)
                        if (tracks[i].kind_scheme)
                        if (tracks[i].kind_value)
                tracks = NULL;
        if (tsel_acts) {
                tsel_acts = NULL;
        if (brand_add) {
                brand_add = NULL;
        if (brand_rem) {
                brand_rem = NULL;
        if (dash_inputs) {
                u32 i, j;
                for (i = 0; i<nb_dash_inputs; i++) {
                        GF_DashSegmenterInput *di = &dash_inputs[i];
                        if (di->nb_baseURL) {
                                for (j = 0; j<di->nb_baseURL; j++) {
                        if (di->rep_descs) {
                                for (j = 0; j<di->nb_rep_descs; j++) {
                        if (di->as_descs) {
                                for (j = 0; j<di->nb_as_descs; j++) {
                        if (di->as_c_descs) {
                                for (j = 0; j<di->nb_as_c_descs; j++) {
                        if (di->p_descs) {
                                for (j = 0; j<di->nb_p_descs; j++) {
                        if (di->representationID) gf_free(di->representationID);
                        if (di->periodID) gf_free(di->periodID);
                        if (di->xlink) gf_free(di->xlink);

                        if (di->roles) {
                                for (j = 0; j<di->nb_roles; j++) {
                dash_inputs = NULL;
        if (logfile) gf_fclose(logfile);
        return ret_code;

u32 mp4box_parse_args_continue(int argc, char **argv, u32 *current_index)
        u32 i = *current_index;
        /*parse our args*/
                arg = argv[i];
                if (!stricmp(arg, "-itags")) {
                        itunes_tags = argv[i + 1];
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-hint")) {
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                        HintIt = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-unhint")) {
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                        remove_hint = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-copy")) HintCopy = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-tight")) {
                        FullInter = 1;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ocr")) force_ocr = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-latm")) hint_flags |= GP_RTP_PCK_USE_LATM_AAC;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-rap")) {
                        if ((i + 1 < (u32)argc) && (argv[i + 1][0] != '-')) {
                                if (sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%d", &trackID) == 1) {
                                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));
                                        tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_REM_NON_RAP;
                                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = trackID;
                                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                        hint_flags |= GP_RTP_PCK_SIGNAL_RAP;
                        seg_at_rap = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-frag-rap")) {
                        frag_at_rap = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ts")) hint_flags |= GP_RTP_PCK_SIGNAL_TS;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-size")) hint_flags |= GP_RTP_PCK_SIGNAL_SIZE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-idx")) hint_flags |= GP_RTP_PCK_SIGNAL_AU_IDX;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-static")) hint_flags |= GP_RTP_PCK_USE_STATIC_ID;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-multi")) {
                        hint_flags |= GP_RTP_PCK_USE_MULTI;
                        if ((i + 1 < (u32)argc) && (sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%u", &max_ptime) == 1)) {
                                char szPt[20];
                                sprintf(szPt, "%u", max_ptime);
                                if (!strcmp(szPt, argv[i + 1])) i++;
                                else max_ptime = 0;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mpeg4")) {
                        hint_flags |= GP_RTP_PCK_FORCE_MPEG4;
                        import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_FORCE_MPEG4;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mtu")) {
                        MTUSize = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-cardur")) {
                        car_dur = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-rate")) {
                        rtp_rate = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-add-sdp") || !stricmp(arg, "-sdp_ex")) {
                        char *id;
                        sdp_lines = gf_realloc(sdp_lines, sizeof(SDPLine) * (nb_sdp_ex + 1));

                        id = strchr(argv[i + 1], ':');
                        if (id) {
                                id[0] = 0;
                                if (sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%u", &sdp_lines[0].trackID) == 1) {
                                        id[0] = ':';
                                        sdp_lines[nb_sdp_ex].line = id + 1;
                                else {
                                        id[0] = ':';
                                        sdp_lines[nb_sdp_ex].line = argv[i + 1];
                                        sdp_lines[nb_sdp_ex].trackID = 0;
                        else {
                                sdp_lines[nb_sdp_ex].line = argv[i + 1];
                                sdp_lines[nb_sdp_ex].trackID = 0;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;

                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-single")) {
                        track_dump_type = GF_EXPORT_MP4;
                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));
                        tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_RAW_EXTRACT;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                        tracks[nb_track_act].dump_type = GF_EXPORT_MP4;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-iod")) regular_iod = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-flat")) {
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                        do_flat = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-keep-utc")) keep_utc = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-new")) force_new = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-timescale")) {
                        timescale = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-udta")) {
                        create_new_track_action(argv[i + 1], &tracks, &nb_track_act, 0);
                        tracks[nb_track_act - 1].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_SET_UDTA;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-add") || !stricmp(arg, "-import") || !stricmp(arg, "-convert")) {
                        if (!stricmp(arg, "-import")) fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: \"-import\" is deprecated - use \"-add\"\n");
                        else if (!stricmp(arg, "-convert")) fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: \"-convert\" is deprecated - use \"-add\"\n");
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-cat") || !stricmp(arg, "-catx")) {
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-time")) {
                        struct tm time;
                        memset(&time, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
                        sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%d/%d/%d-%d:%d:%d", &time.tm_mday, &time.tm_mon, &time.tm_year, &time.tm_hour, &time.tm_min, &time.tm_sec);
                        time.tm_isdst = 0;
                        time.tm_year -= 1900;
                        time.tm_mon -= 1;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                        movie_time = 2082758400;
                        movie_time += mktime(&time);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-force-cat")) force_cat = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-align-cat")) align_cat = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-unalign-cat")) align_cat = 0;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-raw-cat")) {
                        raw_cat = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-rem") || !stricmp(arg, "-disable") || !stricmp(arg, "-enable")) {
                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));
                        if (!stricmp(arg, "-enable")) tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_ENABLE;
                        else if (!stricmp(arg, "-disable")) tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_DISABLE;
                        else tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_REM_TRACK;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-set-track-id") || !stricmp(arg, "-swap-track-id")) {
                        char *sep;
                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));
                        tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = !stricmp(arg, "-set-track-id") ? TRAC_ACTION_SET_ID : TRAC_ACTION_SWAP_ID;
                        sep = strchr(argv[i + 1], ':');
                        if (!sep) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Bad format for -set-track-id - expecting \"id1:id2\" got \"%s\"\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                return 2;
                        *sep = 0;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                        *sep = ':';
                        tracks[nb_track_act].newTrackID = atoi(sep);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-par")) {
                        char szTK[20], *ext;
                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));

                        tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_SET_PAR;
                        assert(strlen(argv[i + 1]) + 1 <= sizeof(szTK));
                        strncpy(szTK, argv[i + 1], sizeof(szTK));
                        ext = strchr(szTK, '=');
                        if (!ext) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Bad format for track par - expecting ID=PAR_NUM:PAR_DEN got %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                return 2;
                        if (!stricmp(ext + 1, "none")) {
                                tracks[nb_track_act].par_num = tracks[nb_track_act].par_den = -1;
                        else {
                                sscanf(ext + 1, "%d", &tracks[nb_track_act].par_num);
                                ext = strchr(ext + 1, ':');
                                if (!ext) {
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Bad format for track par - expecting ID=PAR_NUM:PAR_DEN got %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                        return 2;
                                sscanf(ext + 1, "%d", &tracks[nb_track_act].par_den);
                        ext[0] = 0;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = atoi(szTK);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-lang")) {
                        char szTK[20], *ext;
                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));

                        tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_SET_LANGUAGE;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = 0;
                        strcpy(szTK, argv[i + 1]);
                        ext = strchr(szTK, '=');
                        if (!strnicmp(argv[i + 1], "all=", 4)) {
                                strncpy(tracks[nb_track_act].lang, argv[i + 1] + 4, 10);
                        else if (!ext) {
                                strncpy(tracks[nb_track_act].lang, argv[i + 1], 10);
                        else {
                                strncpy(tracks[nb_track_act].lang, ext + 1, 10);
                                ext[0] = 0;
                                tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = atoi(szTK);
                                ext[0] = '=';
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-kind") || !stricmp(arg, "-kind-rem")) {
                        char szTK[200], *ext;
                        char *scheme_start = NULL;
                        Bool has_track_id = GF_FALSE;
                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));

                        if (!stricmp(arg, "-kind")) {
                                tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_SET_KIND;
                        else {
                                tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_REM_KIND;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = 0;
                        if (!strnicmp(argv[i + 1], "all=", 4)) {
                                scheme_start = argv[i + 1] + 4;
                                has_track_id = GF_TRUE;
                        if (!scheme_start) {
                                if (strlen(argv[i + 1]) > 200) {
                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_ALL, ("Warning: track kind parameter is too long!"));
                                strncpy(szTK, argv[i + 1], 200);
                                ext = strchr(szTK, '=');
                                if (ext && !has_track_id) {
                                        ext[0] = 0;
                                        has_track_id = (sscanf(szTK, "%d", &tracks[nb_track_act].trackID) == 1 ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);
                                        if (has_track_id) {
                                                scheme_start = ext + 1;
                                        else {
                                                scheme_start = szTK;
                                        ext[0] = '=';
                                else {
                                        scheme_start = szTK;
                        ext = strchr(scheme_start, '=');
                        if (!ext) {
                                tracks[nb_track_act].kind_scheme = gf_strdup(scheme_start);
                        else {
                                ext[0] = 0;
                                tracks[nb_track_act].kind_scheme = gf_strdup(scheme_start);
                                ext[0] = '=';
                                tracks[nb_track_act].kind_value = gf_strdup(ext + 1);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-delay")) {
                        char szTK[20], *ext;
                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));

                        strcpy(szTK, argv[i + 1]);
                        ext = strchr(szTK, '=');
                        if (!ext) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Bad format for track delay - expecting ID=DLAY got %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                return 2;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_SET_DELAY;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].delay_ms = atoi(ext + 1);
                        ext[0] = 0;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = atoi(szTK);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ref")) {
                        char *szTK, *ext;
                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));

                        szTK = argv[i + 1];
                        ext = strchr(szTK, ':');
                        if (!ext) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Bad format for track reference - expecting ID:XXXX:refID got %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                return 2;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_REFERENCE;
                        ext[0] = 0;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = atoi(szTK);
                        ext[0] = ':';
                        szTK = ext + 1;
                        ext = strchr(szTK, ':');
                        if (!ext) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Bad format for track reference - expecting ID:XXXX:refID got %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                return 2;
                        ext[0] = 0;
                        strncpy(tracks[nb_track_act].lang, szTK, 10);
                        ext[0] = ':';
                        tracks[nb_track_act].delay_ms = (s32)atoi(ext + 1);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-name")) {
                        char szTK[GF_MAX_PATH], *ext;
                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));

                        strcpy(szTK, argv[i + 1]);
                        ext = strchr(szTK, '=');
                        if (!ext) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Bad format for track name - expecting ID=name got %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                return 2;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_SET_HANDLER_NAME;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].hdl_name = strchr(argv[i + 1], '=') + 1;
                        ext[0] = 0;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = atoi(szTK);
                        ext[0] = '=';
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dref")) import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_USE_DATAREF;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-no-drop") || !stricmp(arg, "-nodrop")) import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_NO_FRAME_DROP;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-packed")) import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_FORCE_PACKED;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-sbr")) import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_SBR_IMPLICIT;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-sbrx")) import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_SBR_EXPLICIT;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ps")) import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_PS_IMPLICIT;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-psx")) import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_PS_EXPLICIT;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ovsbr")) import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_OVSBR;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-fps")) {
                        if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "auto")) import_fps = GF_IMPORT_AUTO_FPS;
                        else if (strchr(argv[i + 1], '-')) {
                                u32 ticks, dts_inc;
                                sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%u-%u", &ticks, &dts_inc);
                                if (!dts_inc) dts_inc = 1;
                                import_fps = ticks;
                                import_fps /= dts_inc;
                        else import_fps = atof(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-agg")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG agg_samples = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-keep-all") || !stricmp(arg, "-keepall")) import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_KEEP_ALL_TRACKS;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-keep-sys") || !stricmp(arg, "-keepsys")) keep_sys_tracks = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ms")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG mediaSource = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mp4")) {
                        encode = GF_TRUE;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-saf")) {
                        do_saf = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-log")) {
                        do_log = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mpd")) {
                        do_mpd = GF_TRUE;
                        inName = argv[i + 1];

                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-def")) opts.flags |= GF_SM_ENCODE_USE_NAMES;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-sync")) {
                        opts.flags |= GF_SM_ENCODE_RAP_INBAND;
                        opts.rap_freq = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-shadow")) {
                        opts.flags &= ~GF_SM_ENCODE_RAP_INBAND;
                        opts.flags |= GF_SM_ENCODE_RAP_SHADOW;
                        opts.rap_freq = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-carousel")) {
                        opts.flags &= ~(GF_SM_ENCODE_RAP_INBAND | GF_SM_ENCODE_RAP_SHADOW);
                        opts.rap_freq = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                /*LASeR options*/
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-resolution")) {
                        opts.resolution = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-auto-quant")) {
                        opts.resolution = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                        opts.auto_quant = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-coord-bits")) {
                        opts.coord_bits = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-scale-bits")) {
                        opts.scale_bits = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-global-quant")) {
                        opts.resolution = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                        opts.auto_quant = 2;
                /*chunk encoding*/
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ctx-out") || !stricmp(arg, "-outctx")) {
                        output_ctx = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ctx-in") || !stricmp(arg, "-inctx")) {
                        chunk_mode = GF_TRUE;
                        input_ctx = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!strcmp(arg, "-crypt")) {
                        crypt = 1;
                        drm_file = argv[i + 1];
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                        i += 1;
                else if (!strcmp(arg, "-decrypt")) {
                        crypt = 2;
                        if (get_file_type_by_ext(argv[i + 1]) != 1) {
                                drm_file = argv[i + 1];
                                i += 1;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-set-kms")) {
                        char szTK[20], *ext;
                        tracks = gf_realloc(tracks, sizeof(TrackAction) * (nb_track_act + 1));
                        memset(&tracks[nb_track_act], 0, sizeof(TrackAction));

                        strncpy(szTK, argv[i + 1], 19);
                        ext = strchr(szTK, '=');
                        tracks[nb_track_act].act_type = TRAC_ACTION_SET_KMS_URI;
                        tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = 0;
                        if (!strnicmp(argv[i + 1], "all=", 4)) {
                                tracks[nb_track_act].kms = argv[i + 1] + 4;
                        else if (!ext) {
                                tracks[nb_track_act].kms = argv[i + 1];
                        else {
                                tracks[nb_track_act].kms = ext + 1;
                                ext[0] = 0;
                                tracks[nb_track_act].trackID = atoi(szTK);
                                ext[0] = '=';
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-split")) {
                        split_duration = atof(argv[i + 1]);
                        if (split_duration < 0) split_duration = 0;;
                        split_size = 0;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-split-rap") || !stricmp(arg, "-splitr")) {
                        split_duration = -1;
                        split_size = -1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-split-size") || !stricmp(arg, "-splits")) {
                        split_size = (u32)atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                        split_duration = 0;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-split-chunk") || !stricmp(arg, "-splitx") || !stricmp(arg, "-splitz")) {
                        if (!strstr(argv[i + 1], ":")) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Chunk extraction usage: \"-splitx start:end\" expressed in seconds\n");
                                return 2;
                        if (strstr(argv[i + 1], "end")) {
                                sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%lf:end", &split_start);
                                split_duration = -2;
                        else {
                                sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%lf:%lf", &split_start, &split_duration);
                                split_duration -= split_start;
                        split_size = 0;
                        if (!stricmp(arg, "-splitz")) adjust_split_end = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-set-meta")) {
                        metas = gf_realloc(metas, sizeof(MetaAction) * (nb_meta_act + 1));
                        parse_meta_args(&metas[nb_meta_act], META_ACTION_SET_TYPE, argv[i + 1]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-add-item")) {
                        metas = gf_realloc(metas, sizeof(MetaAction) * (nb_meta_act + 1));
                        parse_meta_args(&metas[nb_meta_act], META_ACTION_ADD_ITEM, argv[i + 1]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-add-image")) {
                        metas = gf_realloc(metas, sizeof(MetaAction) * (nb_meta_act + 1));
                        parse_meta_args(&metas[nb_meta_act], META_ACTION_ADD_IMAGE_ITEM, argv[i + 1]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-rem-item")) {
                        metas = gf_realloc(metas, sizeof(MetaAction) * (nb_meta_act + 1));
                        parse_meta_args(&metas[nb_meta_act], META_ACTION_REM_ITEM, argv[i + 1]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-set-primary")) {
                        metas = gf_realloc(metas, sizeof(MetaAction) * (nb_meta_act + 1));
                        parse_meta_args(&metas[nb_meta_act], META_ACTION_SET_PRIMARY_ITEM, argv[i + 1]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-set-xml")) {
                        metas = gf_realloc(metas, sizeof(MetaAction) * (nb_meta_act + 1));
                        parse_meta_args(&metas[nb_meta_act], META_ACTION_SET_XML, argv[i + 1]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-rem-xml")) {
                        metas = gf_realloc(metas, sizeof(MetaAction) * (nb_meta_act + 1));
                        if (parse_meta_args(&metas[nb_meta_act], META_ACTION_REM_XML, argv[i + 1])) i++;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dump-xml")) {
                        metas = gf_realloc(metas, sizeof(MetaAction) * (nb_meta_act + 1));
                        parse_meta_args(&metas[nb_meta_act], META_ACTION_DUMP_XML, argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dump-item")) {
                        metas = gf_realloc(metas, sizeof(MetaAction) * (nb_meta_act + 1));
                        parse_meta_args(&metas[nb_meta_act], META_ACTION_DUMP_ITEM, argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-group-add") || !stricmp(arg, "-group-rem-track") || !stricmp(arg, "-group-rem") || !stricmp(arg, "-group-clean")) {
                        TSELActionType act_type;
                        if (!stricmp(arg, "-group-rem")) {
                                act_type = TSEL_ACTION_REMOVE_ALL_TSEL_IN_GROUP;
                        else if (!stricmp(arg, "-group-rem-track")) {
                                act_type = TSEL_ACTION_REMOVE_TSEL;
                        else {
                                act_type = TSEL_ACTION_SET_PARAM;
                        if (parse_tsel_args(&tsel_acts, argv[i + 1], &nb_tsel_acts, act_type) == 0) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Invalid group syntax - check usage\n");
                                return 2;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-group-clean")) {
                        clean_groups = 1;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-group-single")) {
                        single_group = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-package")) {
                        pack_file = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mgt")) {
                        pack_file = argv[i + 1];
                        pack_wgt = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-brand")) {
                        char *b = argv[i + 1];
                        major_brand = GF_4CC(b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                        if (b[4] == ':') minor_version = atoi(b + 5);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ab")) {
                        char *b = argv[i + 1];
                        brand_add = (u32*)gf_realloc(brand_add, sizeof(u32) * (nb_alt_brand_add + 1));
                        brand_add[nb_alt_brand_add] = GF_4CC(b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-rb")) {
                        char *b = argv[i + 1];
                        brand_rem = (u32*)gf_realloc(brand_rem, sizeof(u32) * (nb_alt_brand_rem + 1));
                        brand_rem[nb_alt_brand_rem] = GF_4CC(b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]);
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
else if (!stricmp(arg, "-languages")) {
        return 1;
else if (!stricmp(arg, "-h")) {
        if (i + 1 == (u32)argc) PrintUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "general")) PrintGeneralUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "extract")) PrintExtractUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "dash")) PrintDASHUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "dump")) PrintDumpUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "import")) PrintImportUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "format")) PrintFormats();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "hint")) PrintHintUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "encode")) PrintEncodeUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "crypt")) PrintEncryptUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "meta")) PrintMetaUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "swf")) PrintSWFUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "rtp")) PrintStreamerUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "live")) PrintLiveUsage();
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i + 1], "all")) {
        else PrintUsage();
        return 1;
else if (!stricmp(arg, "-v")) verbose++;
else if (!stricmp(arg, "-tag-list")) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Supported iTunes tag modifiers:\n");
        for (i = 0; i < nb_itunes_tags; i++) {
                fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\t%s\n", itags[i].name, itags[i].comment);
        return 1;
else if (!live_scene && !stream_rtp) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Option %s unknown. Please check usage\n", arg);
        return 2;
*current_index = i;
return 0;

Bool mp4box_parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
        u32 i;
        /*parse our args*/
        for (i = 1; i < (u32)argc; i++) {
                arg = argv[i];
                /*input file(s)*/
                if ((arg[0] != '-') || !stricmp(arg, "--")) {
                        char *arg_val = arg;
                        if (!stricmp(arg, "--")) {
                                arg_val = argv[i + 1];
                        if (argc < 3) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error - only one input file found as argument, please check usage\n");
                                return 2;
                        else if (inName) {
                                if (dash_duration) {
                                        if (!nb_dash_inputs) {
                                                dash_inputs = set_dash_input(dash_inputs, inName, &nb_dash_inputs);
                                        dash_inputs = set_dash_input(dash_inputs, arg_val, &nb_dash_inputs);
                                else {
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Error - 2 input names specified, please check usage\n");
                                        return 2;
                        else {
                                inName = arg_val;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-?")) {
                        return 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-version")) {
                        return 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-sdp")) print_sdp = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-quiet")) quiet = 2;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mem-track")) continue;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mem-track-stack")) continue;

                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-logs")) {
                        gf_logs = argv[i + 1];
                        if (gf_logs)
                else if (!strcmp(arg, "-log-file") || !strcmp(arg, "-lf")) {
                        logfile = gf_fopen(argv[i + 1], "wt");
                        gf_log_set_callback(logfile, on_gpac_log);
                else if (!strcmp(arg, "-lc") || !strcmp(arg, "-log-clock")) {
                        log_sys_clock = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!strcmp(arg, "-lu") || !strcmp(arg, "-log-utc")) {
                        log_utc_time = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-noprog")) quiet = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-info")) {
                        print_info = 1;
                        if ((i + 1<(u32)argc) && (sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%u", &info_track_id) == 1)) {
                                char szTk[20];
                                sprintf(szTk, "%u", info_track_id);
                                if (!strcmp(szTk, argv[i + 1])) i++;
                                else info_track_id = 0;
                        else {
                                info_track_id = 0;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-grab-ts")) {
                        grab_m2ts = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ifce")) {
                        grab_ifce = argv[i + 1];

                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-wget")) {
                        do_wget = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dvbhdemux")) {
                        dvbhdemux = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-raw")) {
                        track_dump_type = create_new_track_action(argv[i + 1], &tracks, &nb_track_act, GF_EXPORT_NATIVE);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-raw-layer")) {
                        track_dump_type = create_new_track_action(argv[i + 1], &tracks, &nb_track_act, GF_EXPORT_NATIVE | GF_EXPORT_SVC_LAYER);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-qcp")) {
                        track_dump_type = create_new_track_action(argv[i + 1], &tracks, &nb_track_act, GF_EXPORT_NATIVE | GF_EXPORT_USE_QCP);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-aviraw")) {
                        if (argv[i + 1] && !stricmp(argv[i + 1], "video")) trackID = 1;
                        else if (argv[i + 1] && !stricmp(argv[i + 1], "audio")) {
                                if (strlen(argv[i + 1]) == 5) trackID = 2;
                                else trackID = 1 + atoi(argv[i + 1] + 5);
                        } else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Usage: \"-aviraw video\" or \"-aviraw audio\"\n");
                                return 2;
                        track_dump_type = GF_EXPORT_AVI_NATIVE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-raws")) {
                        track_dump_type = create_new_track_action(argv[i + 1], &tracks, &nb_track_act, GF_EXPORT_RAW_SAMPLES);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-nhnt")) {
                        track_dump_type = create_new_track_action(argv[i + 1], &tracks, &nb_track_act, GF_EXPORT_NHNT);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-nhml")) {
                        track_dump_type = create_new_track_action(argv[i + 1], &tracks, &nb_track_act, GF_EXPORT_NHML);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-webvtt-raw")) {
                        track_dump_type = create_new_track_action(argv[i + 1], &tracks, &nb_track_act, GF_EXPORT_WEBVTT_META);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-six")) {
                        track_dump_type = create_new_track_action(argv[i + 1], &tracks, &nb_track_act, GF_EXPORT_SIX);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-avi")) {
                        track_dump_type = create_new_track_action(argv[i + 1], &tracks, &nb_track_act, GF_EXPORT_AVI);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-rtp")) {
                        stream_rtp = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-live")) {
                        live_scene = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-diod")) {
                        dump_iod = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-node")) {
                        PrintNode(argv[i + 1], 0);
                        return 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-xnode")) {
                        PrintNode(argv[i + 1], 1);
                        return 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-nodes")) {
                        return 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-xnodes")) {
                        return 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-snodes")) {
                        return 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-boxes")) {
                        return 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-std")) dump_std = 2;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-stdb")) dump_std = 1;

                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-bt")) dump_mode = GF_SM_DUMP_BT;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-xmt")) dump_mode = GF_SM_DUMP_XMTA;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-wrl")) dump_mode = GF_SM_DUMP_VRML;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-x3dv")) dump_mode = GF_SM_DUMP_X3D_VRML;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-x3d")) dump_mode = GF_SM_DUMP_X3D_XML;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-lsr")) dump_mode = GF_SM_DUMP_LASER;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-svg")) dump_mode = GF_SM_DUMP_SVG;

                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-stat")) stat_level = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-stats")) stat_level = 2;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-statx")) stat_level = 3;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-diso")) dump_isom = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dxml")) dump_isom = 2;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dump-cover")) dump_cart = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dump-chap")) dump_chap = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dump-chap-ogg")) dump_chap = 2;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-hash")) do_hash = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-bin")) do_bin_nhml = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dump-udta")) {
                        char *sep, *code;
                        sep = strchr(argv[i + 1], ':');
                        if (sep) {
                                sep[0] = 0;
                                dump_udta_track = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                                sep[0] = ':';
                                code = &sep[1];
                        else {
                                code = argv[i + 1];
                        dump_udta_type = GF_4CC(code[0], code[1], code[2], code[3]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dmp4")) {
                        dump_isom = 1;
                        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: \"-dmp4\" is deprecated - use \"-diso\" option\n");
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-drtp")) dump_rtp = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dts")) {
                        dump_timestamps = 1;
                        if (((i + 1<(u32)argc) && inName) || (i + 2<(u32)argc)) {
                                if (isdigit(argv[i + 1][0])) {
                                        program_number = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dnal")) {
                        dump_nal = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dcr")) dump_cr = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ttxt") || !stricmp(arg, "-srt")) {
                        if ((i + 1<(u32)argc) && (sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%u", &trackID) == 1)) {
                                char szTk[20];
                                sprintf(szTk, "%d", trackID);
                                if (!strcmp(szTk, argv[i + 1])) i++;
                                else trackID = 0;
                        else {
                                trackID = 0;
                        if (trackID) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error: Read-Only version - subtitle conversion not available\n");
                                return 2;
                        if (!stricmp(arg, "-ttxt")) dump_ttxt = GF_TRUE;
                        else dump_srt = GF_TRUE;
                        import_subtitle = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dm2ts")) {
                        dump_m2ts = 1;
                        if (((i + 1<(u32)argc) && inName) || (i + 2<(u32)argc)) {
                                if (argv[i + 1][0] != '-') pes_dump = argv[i + 1];

                /*SWF importer options*/
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-global")) swf_flags |= GF_SM_SWF_STATIC_DICT;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-no-ctrl")) swf_flags &= ~GF_SM_SWF_SPLIT_TIMELINE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-no-text")) swf_flags |= GF_SM_SWF_NO_TEXT;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-no-font")) swf_flags |= GF_SM_SWF_NO_FONT;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-no-line")) swf_flags |= GF_SM_SWF_NO_LINE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-no-grad")) swf_flags |= GF_SM_SWF_NO_GRADIENT;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-quad")) swf_flags |= GF_SM_SWF_QUAD_CURVE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-xlp")) swf_flags |= GF_SM_SWF_SCALABLE_LINE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ic2d")) swf_flags |= GF_SM_SWF_USE_IC2D;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-same-app")) swf_flags |= GF_SM_SWF_REUSE_APPEARANCE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-flatten")) {
                        swf_flatten_angle = (Float)atof(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-isma")) {
                        conv_type = GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_ISMA;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-3gp")) {
                        conv_type = GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_3GPP;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ipod")) {
                        conv_type = GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_IPOD;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-psp")) {
                        conv_type = GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_PSP;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ismax")) {
                        conv_type = GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_ISMA_EX;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;

                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-no-sys") || !stricmp(arg, "-nosys")) {
                        remove_sys_tracks = 1;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-no-iod")) {
                        remove_root_od = 1;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-out")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG outName = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-tmp")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG tmpdir = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-for-test")) {
                        force_test_mode = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-co64")) {
                        force_co64 = GF_TRUE;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-write-buffer")) {
                        gf_isom_set_output_buffering(NULL, atoi(argv[i + 1]));
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-cprt")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG cprt = argv[i + 1];
                        if (!dash_duration) open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-chap")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG chap_file = argv[i + 1];
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!strcmp(arg, "-strict-error")) {
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-inter") || !stricmp(arg, "-old-inter")) {
                        interleaving_time = atof(argv[i + 1]) / 1000;
                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                        if (!stricmp(arg, "-old-inter")) old_interleave = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-frag")) {
                        interleaving_time = atof(argv[i + 1]) / 1000;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                        Frag = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dash")) {
                        dash_duration = atof(argv[i + 1]) / 1000;
                        if (dash_duration == 0.0) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "\tERROR: \"-dash-dash_duration\": invalid parameter %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                return 2;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dash-strict")) {
                        dash_duration = atof(argv[i + 1]) / 1000;
                        if (dash_duration == 0.0) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "\tERROR: \"-dash-dash_duration\": invalid parameter %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                return 2;
                        dash_duration_strict = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-subdur")) {
                        dash_subduration = atof(argv[i + 1]) / 1000;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dash-scale")) {
                        dash_scale = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                        if (!dash_scale) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "\tERROR: \"-dash-scale\": invalid parameter %s\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                return 2;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dash-ts-prog")) {
                        program_number = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-subsegs-per-sidx") || !stricmp(arg, "-frags-per-sidx")) {
                        subsegs_per_sidx = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-segment-name")) {
                        seg_name = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dash-run-for")) {
                        dash_run_for = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-segment-ext")) {
                        seg_ext = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-bs-switching")) {
                        if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "no") || !stricmp(argv[i + 1], "off")) bitstream_switching_mode = GF_DASH_BSMODE_NONE;
                        else if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "merge"))  bitstream_switching_mode = GF_DASH_BSMODE_MERGED;
                        else if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "multi"))  bitstream_switching_mode = GF_DASH_BSMODE_MULTIPLE_ENTRIES;
                        else if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "single"))  bitstream_switching_mode = GF_DASH_BSMODE_SINGLE;
                        else if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "inband"))  bitstream_switching_mode = GF_DASH_BSMODE_INBAND;
                        else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Unrecognized bitstream switchin mode \"%s\" - please check usage\n", argv[i + 1]);
                                return 2;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dynamic")) {
                        dash_mode = GF_DASH_DYNAMIC;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-last-dynamic")) {
                        dash_mode = GF_DASH_DYNAMIC_LAST;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-frag-rt")) {
                        frag_real_time = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-start-date")) {
                        dash_start_date = gf_net_parse_date(argv[i+1]);
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-cp-location=", 13)) {
                        if (strcmp(arg+13, "both")) cp_location_mode = GF_DASH_CPMODE_BOTH;
                        else if (strcmp(arg+13, "as")) cp_location_mode = GF_DASH_CPMODE_ADAPTATION_SET;
                        else if (strcmp(arg+13, "rep")) cp_location_mode = GF_DASH_CPMODE_REPRESENTATION;
                        else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Unrecognized ContentProtection loction mode \"%s\" - please check usage\n", argv[i + 13]);
                                return 2;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-dash-live", 10) || !strnicmp(arg, "-ddbg-live", 10)) {
                        dash_mode = !strnicmp(arg, "-ddbg-live", 10) ? GF_DASH_DYNAMIC_DEBUG : GF_DASH_DYNAMIC;
                        dash_live = 1;
                        if (arg[10] == '=') {
                                dash_ctx_file = arg + 11;
                        dash_duration = atof(argv[i + 1]) / 1000;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mpd-duration")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG mpd_live_duration = atof(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mpd-refresh")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG mpd_update_time = atof(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-time-shift")) {
                        time_shift_depth = (u32)atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-min-buffer")) {
                        min_buffer = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                        min_buffer /= 1000;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-ast-offset")) {
                        ast_offset_ms = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-moof-sn")) {
                        initial_moof_sn = (u32)atoi(argv[i + 1]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-tfdt")) {
                        sscanf(argv[i + 1], LLU, &initial_tfdt);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-no-frags-default")) {
                        no_fragments_defaults = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-single-traf")) {
                        single_traf_per_moof = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mpd-title")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG dash_title = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mpd-source")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG dash_source = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mpd-info-url")) {
                        CHECK_NEXT_ARG dash_more_info = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-base-url")) {
                        dash_more_info = argv[i + 1];
                        mpd_base_urls = gf_realloc(mpd_base_urls, (nb_mpd_base_urls + 1)*sizeof(char**));
                        mpd_base_urls[nb_mpd_base_urls] = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dash-ctx")) {
                        dash_ctx_file = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-daisy-chain")) {
                        daisy_chain_sidx = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-single-segment")) {
                        single_segment = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-single-file")) {
                        single_file = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-pssh-moof")) {
                        pssh_in_moof = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-sample-groups-traf")) {
                        samplegroups_in_traf = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-dash-profile") || !stricmp(arg, "-profile")) {
                        if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "live") || !stricmp(argv[i + 1], "simple")) dash_profile = GF_DASH_PROFILE_LIVE;
                        else if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "onDemand")) dash_profile = GF_DASH_PROFILE_ONDEMAND;
                        else if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "hbbtv1.5:live")) {
                                dash_profile = GF_DASH_PROFILE_HBBTV_1_5_ISOBMF_LIVE;
                        else if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "dashavc264:live")) {
                                dash_profile = GF_DASH_PROFILE_AVC264_LIVE;
                        else if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "dashavc264:onDemand")) {
                                dash_profile = GF_DASH_PROFILE_AVC264_ONDEMAND;
                        else if (!stricmp(argv[i + 1], "main")) dash_profile = GF_DASH_PROFILE_MAIN;
                        else dash_profile = GF_DASH_PROFILE_FULL;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-profile-ext")) {
                        dash_profile_extension = argv[i + 1];
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-url-template", 13)) {
                        use_url_template = 1;
                        if ((arg[13] == '=') && arg[14]) {
                                if (!strcmp(&arg[14], "simulate")) use_url_template = 2;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-segment-timeline")) {
                        segment_timeline = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mem-frags")) {
                        memory_frags = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-segment-marker")) {
                        char *m;
                        m = argv[i + 1];
                        segment_marker = GF_4CC(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3]);
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-insert-utc")) {
                        insert_utc = GF_TRUE;
                else {
                        u32 ret = mp4box_parse_args_continue(argc, argv, &i);
                        if (ret) return ret;
        return 0;

int mp4boxMain(int argc, char **argv)
        nb_tsel_acts = nb_add = nb_cat = nb_track_act = nb_sdp_ex = max_ptime = nb_meta_act = rtp_rate = major_brand = nb_alt_brand_add = nb_alt_brand_rem = car_dur = minor_version = 0;
        e = GF_OK;
        split_duration = 0.0;
        split_start = -1.0;
        interleaving_time = DEFAULT_INTERLEAVING_IN_SEC;
        dash_duration = dash_subduration = 0.0;
        dash_duration_strict = GF_FALSE;
        import_fps = 0;
        import_flags = 0;
        split_size = 0;
        movie_time = 0;
        dump_nal = 0;
        FullInter = HintInter = encode = do_log = old_interleave = do_saf = do_hash = verbose = GF_FALSE;
        dump_mode = GF_SM_DUMP_NONE;
        Frag = force_ocr = remove_sys_tracks = agg_samples = remove_hint = keep_sys_tracks = remove_root_od = single_group = clean_groups = GF_FALSE;
        conv_type = HintIt = needSave = print_sdp = print_info = regular_iod = dump_std = open_edit = dump_rtp = dump_cr = dump_srt = dump_ttxt = force_new = dump_timestamps = dump_m2ts = dump_cart = import_subtitle = force_cat = pack_wgt = dash_live = GF_FALSE;
        no_fragments_defaults = GF_FALSE;
        single_traf_per_moof = GF_FALSE,
        dump_isom = 0;
        /*align cat is the new default behaviour for -cat*/
        align_cat = GF_TRUE;
        subsegs_per_sidx = 0;
        track_dump_type = 0;
        crypt = 0;
        time_shift_depth = 0;
        file = NULL;
        itunes_tags = pes_dump = NULL;
        seg_name = dash_ctx_file = NULL;
        initial_moof_sn = 0;
        initial_tfdt = 0;

        memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));

        trackID = stat_level = hint_flags = 0;
        program_number = 0;
        info_track_id = 0;
        do_flat = GF_FALSE;
        inName = outName = mediaSource = input_ctx = output_ctx = drm_file = avi2raw = cprt = chap_file = pack_file = raw_cat = NULL;

        swf_flags = GF_SM_SWF_SPLIT_TIMELINE;
        swf_flatten_angle = 0.0f;
        tmpdir = NULL;

        for (i = 1; i < (u32) argc ; i++) {
                if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mem-track") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-mem-track-stack")) {
            mem_track = !strcmp(argv[i], "-mem-track-stack") ? GF_MemTrackerBackTrace : GF_MemTrackerSimple;
                        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING - GPAC not compiled with Memory Tracker - ignoring \"%s\"\n", argv[i]);

        /*init libgpac*/
        if (argc < 2) {
                return 0;

        i = mp4box_parse_args(argc, argv);
        if (i) {
                return mp4box_cleanup(i - 1);

        if (!inName && dump_std)
                inName = "std";

        if (!inName) {
                return mp4box_cleanup(1);
        if (!strcmp(inName, "std")) dump_std = 2;
        if (!strcmp(inName, "stdb")) {
                inName = "std";
                dump_std = 1;

        if (!interleaving_time) {
                /*by default use single fragment per dash segment*/
                if (dash_duration)
                        interleaving_time = dash_duration;
                        do_flat = GF_TRUE;

        if (dump_std)
                outName = "std";

        if (dump_std==2) {
#ifdef WIN32
                if ( _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY) == -1 )
                if ( freopen(NULL, "wb", stdout) == NULL)
                        fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: cannot reopen stdout in binary mode.\n");
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);

        if (live_scene) {
                int ret = live_session(argc, argv);
                return mp4box_cleanup(ret);
        if (stream_rtp) {
                int ret = stream_file_rtp(argc, argv);
                return mp4box_cleanup(ret);

        if (raw_cat) {
                char chunk[4096];
                FILE *fin, *fout;
                s64 to_copy, done;
                fin = gf_fopen(raw_cat, "rb");
                if (!fin) return mp4box_cleanup(1);

                fout = gf_fopen(inName, "a+b");
                if (!fout) {
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                gf_fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);
                to_copy = gf_ftell(fin);
                gf_fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_SET);
                done = 0;
                while (1) {
                        u32 nb_bytes = (u32) fread(chunk, 1, 4096, fin);
                        gf_fwrite(chunk, 1, nb_bytes, fout);
                        done += nb_bytes;
                        fprintf(stderr, "Appending file %s - %02.2f done\r", raw_cat, 100.0*done/to_copy);
                        if (done >= to_copy) break;
                return mp4box_cleanup(0);
        if (grab_m2ts) {
                return grab_live_m2ts(grab_m2ts, grab_ifce, inName);

        if (gf_logs) {
        } else {
                GF_LOG_Level level = verbose ? GF_LOG_DEBUG : GF_LOG_INFO;
                gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_CONTAINER, level);
                gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_SCENE, level);
                gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_PARSER, level);
                gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_AUTHOR, level);
                gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_CODING, level);
                if (mem_track)
                        gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_MEMORY, level);
                if (quiet) {
                        if (quiet==2) gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_ALL, GF_LOG_QUIET);
                        gf_set_progress_callback(NULL, progress_quiet);

        if (do_wget != NULL) {
                e = gf_dm_wget(do_wget, inName, 0, 0, NULL);
                if (e != GF_OK) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot retrieve %s: %s\n", do_wget, gf_error_to_string(e) );
                return mp4box_cleanup(1);

        if (do_mpd) {
                Bool remote = GF_FALSE;
                GF_MPD *mpd;
                char *mpd_base_url = NULL;
                if (!strnicmp(inName, "http://", 7) || !strnicmp(inName, "https://", 8)) {
                        e = gf_dm_wget(inName, "tmp_main.m3u8", 0, 0, &mpd_base_url);
                        if (e != GF_OK) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot retrieve M3U8 (%s): %s\n", inName, gf_error_to_string(e));
                                if (mpd_base_url) gf_free(mpd_base_url);
                                return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                        remote = GF_TRUE;
                        fprintf(stderr, "HTTP Downloader disabled in this build\n");
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);

                        if (outName)
                                strcpy(outfile, outName);
                        else {
                                const char *sep = strrchr(inName, '/');
                                char *ext = strstr(sep, ".m3u8");
                                if (ext) ext[0] = 0;
                                sprintf(outfile, "%s.mpd", sep+1);
                } else {
                        if (outName)
                                strcpy(outfile, outName);
                        else {
                                char *dst = strdup(inName);
                                char *ext = strstr(dst, ".m3u8");
                                if (ext) ext[0] = 0;
                                sprintf(outfile, "%s.mpd", dst);

                mpd = gf_mpd_new();
                if (!mpd) {
                        e = GF_OUT_OF_MEM;
                        fprintf(stderr, "[DASH] Error: MPD creation problem %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                e = gf_m3u8_to_mpd(remote ? "tmp_main.m3u8" : inName, mpd_base_url ? mpd_base_url : inName, outfile, 0, "video/mp2t", GF_TRUE, use_url_template, NULL, mpd, GF_TRUE);
                if (!e)
                        gf_mpd_write_file(mpd, outfile);

                if (mpd)
                if (mpd_base_url)

                if (remote) {
                if (e != GF_OK) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error converting M3U8 (%s) to MPD (%s): %s\n", inName, outfile, gf_error_to_string(e));
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                } else {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Done converting M3U8 (%s) to MPD (%s)\n", inName, outfile);
                        return mp4box_cleanup(0);
        if (dash_duration && !nb_dash_inputs) {
                dash_inputs = set_dash_input(dash_inputs, inName, &nb_dash_inputs);

        if (do_saf && !encode) {
                switch (get_file_type_by_ext(inName)) {
                case GF_FILE_TYPE_BT_WRL_X3DV:
                case GF_FILE_TYPE_XMT_X3D:
                case GF_FILE_TYPE_SVG:
                        encode = GF_TRUE;
                case GF_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED:
                case GF_FILE_TYPE_ISO_MEDIA:
                case GF_FILE_TYPE_SWF:
                case GF_FILE_TYPE_LSR_SAF:

        if (dump_mode == GF_SM_DUMP_SVG) {
                if (strstr(inName, ".srt") || strstr(inName, ".ttxt")) import_subtitle = 2;

        if (import_subtitle && !trackID) {
                /* We import the subtitle file,
                   i.e. we parse it and store the content as samples of a 3GPP Timed Text track in an ISO file,
                   possibly for later export (e.g. when converting SRT to TTXT, ...) */
                GF_MediaImporter import;
                /* Prepare the importer */
                file = gf_isom_open("ttxt_convert", GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE, NULL);
                if (timescale && file) gf_isom_set_timescale(file, timescale);

                memset(&import, 0, sizeof(GF_MediaImporter));
                import.dest = file;
                import.in_name = inName;
                /* Start the import */
                e = gf_media_import(&import);
                if (e) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error importing %s: %s\n", inName, gf_error_to_string(e));
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                /* Prepare the export */
                strcpy(outfile, inName);
                if (strchr(outfile, '.')) {
                        while (outfile[strlen(outfile)-1] != '.') outfile[strlen(outfile)-1] = 0;
                        outfile[strlen(outfile)-1] = 0;
                /* Start the export of the track #1, in the appropriate dump type, indicating it's a conversion */
                dump_isom_timed_text(file, gf_isom_get_track_id(file, 1),
                                                          dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE,
                                      (import_subtitle==2) ? GF_TEXTDUMPTYPE_SVG : (dump_srt ? GF_TEXTDUMPTYPE_SRT : GF_TEXTDUMPTYPE_TTXT));
                /* Clean the importer */
                if (e) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error converting %s: %s\n", inName, gf_error_to_string(e));
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                return mp4box_cleanup(0);
                fprintf(stderr, "Feature not supported\n");
                return mp4box_cleanup(1);

        if (nb_add) {
                u8 open_mode = GF_ISOM_OPEN_EDIT;
                if (force_new) {
                        open_mode = (do_flat) ? GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE : GF_ISOM_WRITE_EDIT;
                } else {
                        FILE *test = gf_fopen(inName, "rb");
                        if (!test) {
                                open_mode = (do_flat) ? GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE : GF_ISOM_WRITE_EDIT;
                                if (!outName) outName = inName;
                        } else {
                                if (! gf_isom_probe_file(inName) ) {
                                        open_mode = (do_flat) ? GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE : GF_ISOM_WRITE_EDIT;
                                        if (!outName) outName = inName;

                open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                file = gf_isom_open(inName, open_mode, tmpdir);
                if (!file) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open destination file %s: %s\n", inName, gf_error_to_string(gf_isom_last_error(NULL)) );
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);

                for (i=0; i<(u32) argc; i++) {
                        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-add")) {
                                char *src = argv[i+1];

                                e = import_file(file, src, import_flags, import_fps, agg_samples);
                                if (e) {
                                        while (src) {
                                                char *sep = strchr(src, '+');
                                                if (sep) {
                                                        sep[0] = 0;
                                                } else {

                                                e = import_file(file, src, import_flags, import_fps, agg_samples);

                                                if (sep) {
                                                        sep[0] = '+';
                                                        src = sep+1;
                                                } else {
                                                        src= NULL;
                                                if (e)
                                        if (e) {
                                                fprintf(stderr, "Error importing %s: %s\n", argv[i+1], gf_error_to_string(e));
                                                return mp4box_cleanup(1);

                /*unless explicitly asked, remove all systems tracks*/
                if (!keep_sys_tracks) remove_systems_tracks(file);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;

        if (nb_cat) {
                if (!file) {
                        u8 open_mode = GF_ISOM_OPEN_EDIT;
                        if (force_new) {
                                open_mode = (do_flat) ? GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE : GF_ISOM_WRITE_EDIT;
                        } else {
                                FILE *test = gf_fopen(inName, "rb");
                                if (!test) {
                                        open_mode = (do_flat) ? GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE : GF_ISOM_WRITE_EDIT;
                                        if (!outName) outName = inName;
                                else gf_fclose(test);

                        open_edit = GF_TRUE;
                        file = gf_isom_open(inName, open_mode, tmpdir);
                        if (!file) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open destination file %s: %s\n", inName, gf_error_to_string(gf_isom_last_error(NULL)) );
                                return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                for (i=0; i<(u32)argc; i++) {
                        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cat") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-catx")) {
                                e = cat_isomedia_file(file, argv[i+1], import_flags, import_fps, agg_samples, tmpdir, force_cat, align_cat, !strcmp(argv[i], "-catx") ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);
                                if (e) {
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Error appending %s: %s\n", argv[i+1], gf_error_to_string(e));
                                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                /*unless explicitly asked, remove all systems tracks*/
                if (!keep_sys_tracks) remove_systems_tracks(file);

                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                if (conv_type && can_convert_to_isma(file)) conv_type = GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_ISMA;

        else if (chunk_mode) {
                if (!inName) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "chunk encoding syntax: [-outctx outDump] -inctx inScene auFile\n");
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                e = EncodeFileChunk(inName, outName ? outName : inName, input_ctx, output_ctx, tmpdir);
                if (e) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error encoding chunk file %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                goto exit;
        else if (encode) {
                FILE *logs = NULL;
                if (do_log) {
                        char logfile[5000];
                        strcpy(logfile, inName);
                        if (strchr(logfile, '.')) {
                                while (logfile[strlen(logfile)-1] != '.') logfile[strlen(logfile)-1] = 0;
                                logfile[strlen(logfile)-1] = 0;
                        strcat(logfile, "_enc.logs");
                        logs = gf_fopen(logfile, "wt");
                strcpy(outfile, outName ? outName : inName);
                if (strchr(outfile, '.')) {
                        while (outfile[strlen(outfile)-1] != '.') outfile[strlen(outfile)-1] = 0;
                        outfile[strlen(outfile)-1] = 0;
                strcat(outfile, ".mp4");
                file = gf_isom_open(outfile, GF_ISOM_WRITE_EDIT, tmpdir);
                opts.mediaSource = mediaSource ? mediaSource : outfile;
                e = EncodeFile(inName, file, &opts, logs);
                if (logs) gf_fclose(logs);
                if (e) goto err_exit;
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                if (do_saf) {
                        needSave = GF_FALSE;
                        open_edit = GF_FALSE;

        else if (pack_file) {
                char *fileName = strchr(pack_file, ':');
                if (fileName && ((fileName - pack_file)==4)) {
                        fileName[0] = 0;
                        file = package_file(fileName + 1, pack_file, tmpdir, pack_wgt);
                        fileName[0] = ':';
                } else {
                        file = package_file(pack_file, NULL, tmpdir, pack_wgt);
                if (!outName) outName = inName;
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                open_edit = GF_TRUE;

        if (dash_duration) {
                Bool del_file = GF_FALSE;
                char szMPD[GF_MAX_PATH], *sep;
                GF_Config *dash_ctx = NULL;
                u32 do_abort = 0;
                GF_DASHSegmenter *dasher;

                if (crypt) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "MP4Box cannot crypt and DASH on the same pass. Please encrypt your content first.\n");
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);

                strcpy(outfile, outName ? outName : gf_url_get_resource_name(inName) );
                sep = strrchr(outfile, '.');
                if (sep) sep[0] = 0;
                if (!outName) strcat(outfile, "_dash");
                strcpy(szMPD, outfile);
                strcat(szMPD, ".mpd");

                if ((dash_subduration>0) && (dash_duration > dash_subduration)) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: -subdur parameter (%g s) should be greater than segment duration (%g s), using segment duration instead\n", dash_subduration, dash_duration);
                        dash_subduration = dash_duration;

                if (dash_mode && dash_live)
                        fprintf(stderr, "Live DASH-ing - press 'q' to quit, 's' to save context and quit\n");

                if (!dash_ctx_file && dash_live) {
                        dash_ctx = gf_cfg_new(NULL, NULL);
                } else if (dash_ctx_file) {
                        if (force_new)

                        dash_ctx = gf_cfg_force_new(NULL, dash_ctx_file);

                if (dash_profile==GF_DASH_PROFILE_UNKNOWN)
                        dash_profile = dash_mode ? GF_DASH_PROFILE_LIVE : GF_DASH_PROFILE_FULL;

                if (!dash_mode) {
                        time_shift_depth = 0;
                        mpd_update_time = 0;
                } else if ((dash_profile>=GF_DASH_PROFILE_MAIN) && !use_url_template && !mpd_update_time) {
                        /*use a default MPD update of dash_duration sec*/
                        mpd_update_time = (Double) (dash_subduration ? dash_subduration : dash_duration);
                        fprintf(stderr, "Using default MPD refresh of %g seconds\n", mpd_update_time);

                if (file && needSave) {
                        file = NULL;
                        del_file = GF_TRUE;

                /*setup dash*/
                dasher = gf_dasher_new(szMPD, dash_profile, tmpdir, dash_scale, dash_ctx);
                if (!dasher) {
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                        return GF_OUT_OF_MEM;
                e = gf_dasher_set_info(dasher, dash_title, cprt, dash_more_info, dash_source);
                if (e) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "DASH Error: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                if (dash_start_date) gf_dasher_set_start_date(dasher, dash_start_date);

                //e = gf_dasher_set_location(dasher, mpd_source);
                for (i=0; i < nb_mpd_base_urls; i++) {
                        e = gf_dasher_add_base_url(dasher, mpd_base_urls[i]);
                        if (e) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "DASH Error: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                                return mp4box_cleanup(1);

                if (segment_timeline && !use_url_template) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "DASH Warning: using -segment-timeline with no -url-template. Forcing URL template.\n");
                        use_url_template = GF_TRUE;
                e = gf_dasher_enable_url_template(dasher, (Bool) use_url_template, seg_name, seg_ext);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_enable_segment_timeline(dasher, segment_timeline);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_enable_single_segment(dasher, single_segment);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_enable_single_file(dasher, single_file);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_set_switch_mode(dasher, bitstream_switching_mode);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_set_durations(dasher, dash_duration, dash_duration_strict, interleaving_time);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_enable_rap_splitting(dasher, seg_at_rap, frag_at_rap);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_set_segment_marker(dasher, segment_marker);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_enable_sidx(dasher, (subsegs_per_sidx>=0) ? 1 : 0, (u32) subsegs_per_sidx, daisy_chain_sidx);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_set_dynamic_mode(dasher, dash_mode, mpd_update_time, time_shift_depth, mpd_live_duration);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_set_min_buffer(dasher, min_buffer);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_set_ast_offset(dasher, ast_offset_ms);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_enable_memory_fragmenting(dasher, memory_frags);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_set_initial_isobmf(dasher, initial_moof_sn, initial_tfdt);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_configure_isobmf_default(dasher, no_fragments_defaults, pssh_in_moof, samplegroups_in_traf, single_traf_per_moof);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_enable_utc_ref(dasher, insert_utc);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_enable_real_time(dasher, frag_real_time);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_set_content_protection_location_mode(dasher, cp_location_mode);
                if (!e) e = gf_dasher_set_profile_extension(dasher, dash_profile_extension);

                for (i=0; i < nb_dash_inputs; i++) {
                        if (!e) e = gf_dasher_add_input(dasher, &dash_inputs[i]);
                if (e) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "DASH Setup Error: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);


                while (1) {
                        if (dash_run_for && (dash_cumulated_time>dash_run_for))
                                do_abort = 3;

                        if (do_abort>=2) {
                                e = gf_dasher_set_dynamic_mode(dasher, GF_DASH_DYNAMIC_LAST, 0, time_shift_depth, mpd_live_duration);

                        if (!e) e = gf_dasher_process(dasher, dash_subduration);

                        if (do_abort)

                        //this happens when reading file while writing them (local playback of the live session ...)
                        if (dash_live && (e==GF_IO_ERR) ) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error dashing file (%s) but continuing ...\n", gf_error_to_string(e) );
                                e = GF_OK;

                        if (e) break;

                        if (dash_live) {
                                u64 ms_in_session=0;
                                u32 slept = gf_sys_clock();
                                u32 sleep_for = gf_dasher_next_update_time(dasher, &ms_in_session);
                                fprintf(stderr, "Next generation scheduled in %u ms (DASH time "LLU" ms)\n", sleep_for, ms_in_session);
                                while (1) {
                                        if (gf_prompt_has_input()) {
                                                char c = (char) gf_prompt_get_char();
                                                if (c=='X') {
                                                        do_abort = 1;
                                                if (c=='q') {
                                                        do_abort = 2;
                                                if (c=='s') {
                                                        do_abort = 3;

                                        if (dash_mode == GF_DASH_DYNAMIC_DEBUG) {
                                        if (!sleep_for) break;

                                        sleep_for = gf_dasher_next_update_time(dasher, NULL);
                                        if (sleep_for<1) {
                                                fprintf(stderr, "Slept for %d ms before generation\n", dash_now_time - slept);
                        } else {


                if (dash_ctx) {
                        if (do_abort==3) {
                                if (!dash_ctx_file) {
                                        char szName[1024];
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Enter file name to save dash context:\n");
                                        if (scanf("%s", szName) == 1) {
                                                gf_cfg_set_filename(dash_ctx, szName);
                if (e) fprintf(stderr, "Error DASHing file: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                if (file) gf_isom_delete(file);
                if (del_file)

                if (e) return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                goto exit;

        else if (!file
                 && !(track_dump_type & GF_EXPORT_AVI_NATIVE)
                ) {
                FILE *st = gf_fopen(inName, "rb");
                Bool file_exists = 0;
                if (st) {
                        file_exists = 1;
                switch (get_file_type_by_ext(inName)) {
                case 1:
                        file = gf_isom_open(inName, (u8) (open_edit ? GF_ISOM_OPEN_EDIT : ( ((dump_isom>0) || print_info) ? GF_ISOM_OPEN_READ_DUMP : GF_ISOM_OPEN_READ) ), tmpdir);
                        if (!file && (gf_isom_last_error(NULL) == GF_ISOM_INCOMPLETE_FILE) && !open_edit) {
                                u64 missing_bytes;
                                e = gf_isom_open_progressive(inName, 0, 0, &file, &missing_bytes);
                                fprintf(stderr, "Truncated file - missing "LLD" bytes\n", missing_bytes);

                        if (!file) {
                                if (open_edit && nb_meta_act) {
                                        file = gf_isom_open(inName, GF_ISOM_WRITE_EDIT, tmpdir);
                                        if (!outName && file) outName = inName;

                                if (!file) {
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s: %s\n", inName, gf_error_to_string(gf_isom_last_error(NULL)));
                                        return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                /*allowed for bt<->xmt*/
                case 2:
                case 3:
                /*allowed for svg->lsr**/
                case 4:
                /*allowed for swf->bt, swf->xmt, swf->svg*/
                case 5:
                /*used for .saf / .lsr dump*/
                case 6:
                        if ((dump_mode==GF_SM_DUMP_LASER) || (dump_mode==GF_SM_DUMP_SVG)) {

                        if (!open_edit && file_exists && !gf_isom_probe_file(inName) && track_dump_type) {
                        else if (!open_edit && file_exists /* && !gf_isom_probe_file(inName) */
                                 && dump_mode == GF_SM_DUMP_NONE
                                ) {
                                        GF_MediaImporter import;
                                        file = gf_isom_open("ttxt_convert", GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE, NULL);
                                        memset(&import, 0, sizeof(GF_MediaImporter));
                                        import.dest = file;
                                        import.in_name = inName;
                                        import.flags = GF_IMPORT_MPE_DEMUX;
                                        e = gf_media_import(&import);
                                        if (e) {
                                                fprintf(stderr, "Error importing %s: %s\n", inName, gf_error_to_string(e));
                                                return mp4box_cleanup(1);

                                if (dump_m2ts) {
                                        dump_mpeg2_ts(inName, pes_dump, program_number);
                                } else if (dump_timestamps) {
                                        dump_mpeg2_ts(inName, pes_dump, program_number);
                                } else if (do_bin_nhml) {
                                        nhml_bs_to_bin(inName, outName, dump_std);
                                } else if (do_hash) {
                                        hash_file(inName, dump_std);
                                } else {
                                        convert_file_info(inName, info_track_id);
                                goto exit;
                        else if (open_edit) {
                                file = gf_isom_open(inName, GF_ISOM_WRITE_EDIT, tmpdir);
                                if (!outName && file) outName = inName;
                        } else if (!file_exists) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error creating file %s: %s\n", inName, gf_error_to_string(GF_URL_ERROR));
                                return mp4box_cleanup(1);
                        } else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s - extension not supported\n", inName);
                                return mp4box_cleanup(1);

        if (file && keep_utc && open_edit) {
                gf_isom_keep_utc_times(file, 1);

        if (file && force_test_mode) {
                gf_isom_no_version_date_info(file, 1);

        strcpy(outfile, outName ? outName : inName);

                char *szExt = gf_file_ext_start(outfile);

                if (szExt)
                        /*turn on 3GP saving*/
                        if (!stricmp(szExt, ".3gp") || !stricmp(szExt, ".3gpp") || !stricmp(szExt, ".3g2"))
                                conv_type = GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_3GPP;
                        else if (!stricmp(szExt, ".m4a") || !stricmp(szExt, ".m4v"))
                                conv_type = GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_IPOD;
                        else if (!stricmp(szExt, ".psp"))
                                conv_type = GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_PSP;

                        //remove extension from outfile
                        *szExt = 0;

        if (track_dump_type & GF_EXPORT_AVI_NATIVE) {
                char szFile[1024];
                GF_MediaExporter mdump;
                memset(&mdump, 0, sizeof(mdump));
                mdump.in_name = inName;
                mdump.flags = GF_EXPORT_AVI_NATIVE;
                mdump.trackID = trackID;
                if (dump_std) {
                        mdump.out_name = "std";
                } else if (outName) {
                        mdump.out_name = outName;
                } else if (trackID>2) {
                        sprintf(szFile, "%s_audio%d", outfile, trackID-1);
                        mdump.out_name = szFile;
                } else {
                        sprintf(szFile, "%s_%s", outfile, (trackID==1) ? "video" : "audio");
                        mdump.out_name = szFile;

                e = gf_media_export(&mdump);
                if (e) goto err_exit;
                goto exit;
        if (!open_edit && !gf_isom_probe_file(inName) && track_dump_type) {
                GF_MediaExporter mdump;
                char szFile[1024];
                for (i=0; i<nb_track_act; i++) {
                        TrackAction *tka = &tracks[i];
                        if (tka->act_type != TRAC_ACTION_RAW_EXTRACT) continue;
                        memset(&mdump, 0, sizeof(mdump));
                        mdump.in_name = inName;
                        mdump.flags = tka->dump_type;
                        mdump.trackID = tka->trackID;
                        mdump.sample_num = tka->sample_num;
                        if (outName) {
                                mdump.out_name = outName;
                                mdump.flags |= GF_EXPORT_MERGE;
                        } else if (nb_track_act>1) {
                                sprintf(szFile, "%s_track%d", outfile, mdump.trackID);
                                mdump.out_name = szFile;
                        } else {
                                mdump.out_name = outfile;
                        e = gf_media_export(&mdump);
                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                goto exit;


        if (dump_mode != GF_SM_DUMP_NONE) {
                e = dump_isom_scene(inName, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE, dump_mode, do_log);
                if (e) goto err_exit;

        if (stat_level) dump_isom_scene_stats(inName, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE, stat_level);

        if (!HintIt && print_sdp) dump_isom_sdp(file, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);
        if (print_info) {
                if (!file) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot print info on a non ISOM file (%s)\n", inName);
                } else {
                        if (info_track_id) DumpTrackInfo(file, info_track_id, 1);
                        else DumpMovieInfo(file);
        if (dump_isom) {
                e = dump_isom_xml(file, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE, (dump_isom==2) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);
                if (e) goto err_exit;
        if (dump_cr) dump_isom_ismacryp(file, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);
        if ((dump_ttxt || dump_srt) && trackID)
                dump_isom_timed_text(file, trackID, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE,
                                                          GF_FALSE, dump_srt ? GF_TEXTDUMPTYPE_SRT : GF_TEXTDUMPTYPE_TTXT);

        if (dump_rtp) dump_isom_rtp(file, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);


        if (dump_timestamps) dump_isom_timestamps(file, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);
        if (dump_nal) dump_isom_nal(file, dump_nal, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);

        if (do_hash) {
                e = hash_file(inName, dump_std);
                if (e) goto err_exit;
        if (do_bin_nhml) {
                e = nhml_bs_to_bin(inName, outName, dump_std);
                if (e) goto err_exit;

        if (dump_cart) dump_isom_cover_art(file, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);
        if (dump_chap) dump_isom_chapters(file, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE,(dump_chap==2) ? 1 : 0);
        if (dump_udta_type) dump_isom_udta(file, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE, dump_udta_type, dump_udta_track);

        if (dump_iod) {
                GF_InitialObjectDescriptor *iod = (GF_InitialObjectDescriptor *)gf_isom_get_root_od(file);
                if (!iod) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "File %s has no IOD", inName);
                } else {
                        char szName[GF_MAX_PATH];
                        FILE *iodf;
                        GF_BitStream *bs = NULL;

                        sprintf(szName, "%s.iod", outfile);
                        iodf = gf_fopen(szName, "wb");
                        if (!iodf) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open destination %s\n", szName);
                        } else {
                                char *desc;
                                u32 size;
                                bs = gf_bs_from_file(iodf, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE);
                                if (gf_odf_desc_write((GF_Descriptor *)iod, &desc, &size)==GF_OK) {
                                        gf_fwrite(desc, 1, size, iodf);
                                } else {
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Error writing IOD %s\n", szName);

        if (split_duration || split_size) {
                split_isomedia_file(file, split_duration, split_size, inName, interleaving_time, split_start, adjust_split_end, outName, tmpdir);
                /*never save file when splitting is desired*/
                open_edit = GF_FALSE;
                needSave = GF_FALSE;

        if (track_dump_type) {
                char szFile[1024];
                GF_MediaExporter mdump;
                for (i=0; i<nb_track_act; i++) {
                        TrackAction *tka = &tracks[i];
                        if (tka->act_type != TRAC_ACTION_RAW_EXTRACT) continue;
                        memset(&mdump, 0, sizeof(mdump));
                        mdump.file = file;
                        mdump.flags = tka->dump_type;
                        mdump.trackID = tka->trackID;
                        mdump.sample_num = tka->sample_num;
                        if (tka->out_name) {
                                mdump.out_name = tka->out_name;
                        } else if (outName) {
                                mdump.out_name = outName;
                                mdump.flags |= GF_EXPORT_MERGE;
                        } else {
                                sprintf(szFile, "%s_track%d", outfile, mdump.trackID);
                                mdump.out_name = szFile;
                                mdump.flags |= GF_EXPORT_FORCE_EXT;
                        if (tka->trackID==(u32) -1) {
                                u32 j;
                                for (j=0; j<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); j++) {
                                        mdump.trackID = gf_isom_get_track_id(file, j+1);
                                        sprintf(szFile, "%s_track%d", outfile, mdump.trackID);
                                        mdump.out_name = szFile;
                                        mdump.flags |= GF_EXPORT_FORCE_EXT;
                                        e = gf_media_export(&mdump);
                                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                        } else {
                                e = gf_media_export(&mdump);
                                if (e) goto err_exit;
        } else if (do_saf) {
                GF_MediaExporter mdump;
                memset(&mdump, 0, sizeof(mdump));
                mdump.file = file;
                mdump.flags = GF_EXPORT_SAF;
                mdump.out_name = outfile;
                e = gf_media_export(&mdump);
                if (e) goto err_exit;

        for (i=0; i<nb_meta_act; i++) {
                u32 tk = 0;
                Bool self_ref;
                MetaAction *meta = &metas[i];

                if (meta->trackID) tk = gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, meta->trackID);

                switch (meta->act_type) {
                case META_ACTION_SET_TYPE:
                        /*note: we don't handle file brand modification, this is an author stuff and cannot be guessed from meta type*/
                        e = gf_isom_set_meta_type(file, meta->root_meta, tk, meta->meta_4cc);
                        gf_isom_modify_alternate_brand(file, GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO2, 1);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case META_ACTION_ADD_ITEM:
                        self_ref = !stricmp(meta->szPath, "NULL") || !stricmp(meta->szPath, "this") || !stricmp(meta->szPath, "self");
                        e = gf_isom_add_meta_item(file, meta->root_meta, tk, self_ref, self_ref ? NULL : meta->szPath,
                                                  strlen(meta->szName) ? meta->szName : NULL,
                                                  strlen(meta->mime_type) ? meta->mime_type : NULL,
                                                  strlen(meta->enc_type) ? meta->enc_type : NULL,
                                                  meta->use_dref ? meta->szPath : NULL,  NULL,
                        if (meta->ref_type) {
                                e = gf_isom_meta_add_item_ref(file, meta->root_meta, tk, meta->item_id, meta->ref_item_id, meta->ref_type, NULL);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case META_ACTION_ADD_IMAGE_ITEM:
                                e = import_file(file, meta->szPath, 0, 0, 0);
                                if (e == GF_OK) {
                                        if (!gf_isom_get_meta_type(file, meta->root_meta, tk)) {
                                                e = gf_isom_set_meta_type(file, meta->root_meta, tk, GF_4CC('p','i','c','t'));
                                        if (e == GF_OK) {
                                                if (!meta->item_id) {
                                                        e = gf_isom_meta_get_next_item_id(file, meta->root_meta, tk, &meta->item_id);
                                                if (e == GF_OK) {
                                                        gf_isom_iff_create_image_item_from_track(file, meta->root_meta, tk, 1,
                                                                strlen(meta->szName) ? meta->szName : NULL,
                                                                meta->image_props, NULL);
                                                        if (meta->ref_type) {
                                                                e = gf_isom_meta_add_item_ref(file, meta->root_meta, tk, meta->item_id, meta->ref_item_id, meta->ref_type, NULL);
                                gf_isom_remove_track(file, 1);                          
                                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case META_ACTION_REM_ITEM:
                        e = gf_isom_remove_meta_item(file, meta->root_meta, tk, meta->item_id);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case META_ACTION_SET_PRIMARY_ITEM:
                        e = gf_isom_set_meta_primary_item(file, meta->root_meta, tk, meta->item_id);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case META_ACTION_SET_XML:
                case META_ACTION_SET_BINARY_XML:
                        e = gf_isom_set_meta_xml(file, meta->root_meta, tk, meta->szPath, (meta->act_type==META_ACTION_SET_BINARY_XML) ? 1 : 0);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case META_ACTION_REM_XML:
                        if (gf_isom_get_meta_item_count(file, meta->root_meta, tk)) {
                                e = gf_isom_remove_meta_xml(file, meta->root_meta, tk);
                                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                        } else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "No meta box in input file\n");
                case META_ACTION_DUMP_ITEM:
                        if (gf_isom_get_meta_item_count(file, meta->root_meta, tk)) {
                                e = gf_isom_extract_meta_item(file, meta->root_meta, tk, meta->item_id, strlen(meta->szPath) ? meta->szPath : NULL);
                        } else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "No meta box in input file\n");
                case META_ACTION_DUMP_XML:
                        if (gf_isom_has_meta_xml(file, meta->root_meta, tk)) {
                                e = gf_isom_extract_meta_xml(file, meta->root_meta, tk, meta->szPath, NULL);
                        } else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "No meta box in input file\n");
                if (meta->image_props) {
                        meta->image_props = NULL;
                if (e) goto err_exit;
        if (!open_edit && !needSave) {
                if (file) gf_isom_delete(file);
                goto exit;

        if (clean_groups) {
                e = gf_isom_reset_switch_parameters(file);
                if (e) goto err_exit;
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
        for (i=0; i<nb_tsel_acts; i++) {
                switch (tsel_acts[i].act_type) {
                case TSEL_ACTION_SET_PARAM:
                        e = gf_isom_set_track_switch_parameter(file,
                                                               gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, tsel_acts[i].trackID),
                                                               tsel_acts[i].refTrackID ? gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, tsel_acts[i].refTrackID) : 0,
                                                               tsel_acts[i].is_switchGroup ? 1 : 0,
                                                               tsel_acts[i].criteria, tsel_acts[i].nb_criteria);
                        if (e == GF_BAD_PARAM) {
                                u32 alternateGroupID, nb_groups;
                                gf_isom_get_track_switch_group_count(file, gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, tsel_acts[i].trackID), &alternateGroupID, &nb_groups);
                                if (alternateGroupID)
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Hint: for adding more tracks to group, using: -group-add -refTrack=ID1:[criteria:]trackID=ID2\n");
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Hint: for creates a new grouping information, using -group-add -trackID=ID1:[criteria:]trackID=ID2\n");
                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TSEL_ACTION_REMOVE_TSEL:
                        e = gf_isom_reset_track_switch_parameter(file, gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, tsel_acts[i].trackID), 0);
                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                        e = gf_isom_reset_track_switch_parameter(file, gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, tsel_acts[i].trackID), 1);
                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;

        if (remove_sys_tracks) {
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                if (conv_type < GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_ISMA_EX) conv_type = 0;
        if (remove_root_od) {
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
        if (remove_hint) {
                for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                        if (gf_isom_get_media_type(file, i+1) == GF_ISOM_MEDIA_HINT) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Removing hint track ID %d\n", gf_isom_get_track_id(file, i+1));
                                gf_isom_remove_track(file, i+1);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;

        if (timescale && (timescale != gf_isom_get_timescale(file))) {
                gf_isom_set_timescale(file, timescale);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;

        if (!encode) {
                if (!file) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Nothing to do - exiting\n");
                        goto exit;
                if (outName) {
                        strcpy(outfile, outName);
                } else {
                        char *rel_name = strrchr(inName, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR);
                        if (!rel_name) rel_name = strrchr(inName, '/');

                        strcpy(outfile, "");
                        if (tmpdir) {
                                strcpy(outfile, tmpdir);
                                if (!strchr("\\/", tmpdir[strlen(tmpdir)-1])) strcat(outfile, "/");
                        if (!pack_file) strcat(outfile, "out_");
                        strcat(outfile, rel_name ? rel_name + 1 : inName);

                        if (pack_file) {
                                strcpy(outfile, rel_name ? rel_name + 1 : inName);
                                rel_name = strrchr(outfile, '.');
                                if (rel_name) rel_name[0] = 0;
                                strcat(outfile, ".m21");
                if ((conv_type == GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_ISMA) || (conv_type == GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_ISMA_EX)) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Converting to ISMA Audio-Video MP4 file...\n");
                        /*keep ESIDs when doing ISMACryp*/
                        e = gf_media_make_isma(file, crypt ? 1 : 0, GF_FALSE, (conv_type==GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_ISMA_EX) ? 1 : 0);
                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                if (conv_type == GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_3GPP) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Converting to 3GP file...\n");
                        e = gf_media_make_3gpp(file);
                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                if (conv_type == GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_PSP) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Converting to PSP file...\n");
                        e = gf_media_make_psp(file);
                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                if (conv_type == GF_ISOM_CONV_TYPE_IPOD) {
                        u32 major_brand = 0;

                        fprintf(stderr, "Setting up iTunes/iPod file...\n");

                        for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                                u32 mType = gf_isom_get_media_type(file, i+1);
                                switch (mType) {
                                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_VISUAL:
                                        major_brand = GF_4CC('M','4','V',' ');
                                        gf_isom_set_ipod_compatible(file, i+1);
#if 0
                                        switch (gf_isom_get_media_subtype(file, i+1, 1)) {
                                        case GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC_H264:
                                        case GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC2_H264:
                                        case GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC3_H264:
                                        case GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC4_H264:
                                                fprintf(stderr, "Forcing AVC/H264 SAR to 1:1...\n");
                                                gf_media_change_par(file, i+1, 1, 1);
                                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_AUDIO:
                                        if (!major_brand) major_brand = GF_4CC('M','4','A',' ');
                                        else gf_isom_modify_alternate_brand(file, GF_4CC('M','4','A',' '), 1);
                                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_TEXT:
                                        /*this is a text track track*/
                                        if (gf_isom_get_media_subtype(file, i+1, 1) == GF_4CC('t','x','3','g')) {
                                                u32 j;
                                                Bool is_chap = 0;
                                                for (j=0; j<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); j++) {
                                                        s32 count = gf_isom_get_reference_count(file, j+1, GF_4CC('c','h','a','p'));
                                                        if (count>0) {
                                                                u32 tk, k;
                                                                for (k=0; k<(u32) count; k++) {
                                                                        gf_isom_get_reference(file, j+1, GF_4CC('c','h','a','p'), k+1, &tk);
                                                                        if (tk==i+1) {
                                                                                is_chap = 1;
                                                                if (is_chap) break;
                                                        if (is_chap) break;
                                                /*this is a subtitle track*/
                                                if (!is_chap)
                                                        gf_isom_set_media_type(file, i+1, GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SUBT);
                        gf_isom_set_brand_info(file, major_brand, 1);
                        gf_isom_modify_alternate_brand(file, GF_ISOM_BRAND_MP42, 1);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;

                if (crypt) {
                        if (!drm_file) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Missing DRM file location - usage '-%s drm_file input_file\n", (crypt==1) ? "crypt" : "decrypt");
                                e = GF_BAD_PARAM;
                                goto err_exit;
                        if (get_file_type_by_ext(inName) != GF_FILE_TYPE_ISO_MEDIA) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "MP4Box can crypt only ISOMedia File\n");
                                e = GF_BAD_PARAM;
                                goto err_exit;
                        if (crypt == 1) {
                                e = gf_crypt_file(file, drm_file);
                        } else if (crypt ==2) {
                                e = gf_decrypt_file(file, drm_file);
                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
        } else if (outName) {
                strcpy(outfile, outName);

        for (i=0; i<nb_track_act; i++) {
                TrackAction *tka = &tracks[i];
                u32 track = tka->trackID ? gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, tka->trackID) : 0;
                u32 timescale = gf_isom_get_timescale(file);
                switch (tka->act_type) {
                case TRAC_ACTION_REM_TRACK:
                        e = gf_isom_remove_track(file, track);
                        if (e) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error Removing track ID %d: %s\n", tka->trackID, gf_error_to_string(e));
                        } else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Removing track ID %d\n", tka->trackID);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_SET_LANGUAGE:
                        for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                                if (track && (track != i+1)) continue;
                                e = gf_isom_set_media_language(file, i+1, tka->lang);
                                if (e) goto err_exit;
                                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_SET_KIND:
                        for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                                if (track && (track != i+1)) continue;
                                e = gf_isom_add_track_kind(file, i+1, tka->kind_scheme, tka->kind_value);
                                if (e) goto err_exit;
                                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_REM_KIND:
                        for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                                if (track && (track != i+1)) continue;
                                e = gf_isom_remove_track_kind(file, i+1, tka->kind_scheme, tka->kind_value);
                                if (e) goto err_exit;
                                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_SET_DELAY:
                        if (tka->delay_ms) {
                                u64 tk_dur;

                                gf_isom_remove_edit_segments(file, track);
                                tk_dur = gf_isom_get_track_duration(file, track);
                                if (gf_isom_get_edit_segment_count(file, track))
                                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                                if (tka->delay_ms>0) {
                                        gf_isom_append_edit_segment(file, track, (timescale*tka->delay_ms)/1000, 0, GF_ISOM_EDIT_EMPTY);
                                        gf_isom_append_edit_segment(file, track, tk_dur, 0, GF_ISOM_EDIT_NORMAL);
                                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                                } else {
                                        u64 to_skip = (timescale*(-tka->delay_ms))/1000;
                                        if (to_skip<tk_dur) {
                                                u64 media_time = (-tka->delay_ms)*gf_isom_get_media_timescale(file, track) / 1000;
                                                gf_isom_append_edit_segment(file, track, tk_dur-to_skip, media_time, GF_ISOM_EDIT_NORMAL);
                                                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                                        } else {
                                                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: request negative delay longer than track duration - ignoring\n");
                        } else if (gf_isom_get_edit_segment_count(file, track)) {
                                gf_isom_remove_edit_segments(file, track);
                                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_SET_KMS_URI:
                        for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                                if (track && (track != i+1)) continue;
                                if (!gf_isom_is_media_encrypted(file, i+1, 1)) continue;
                                if (!gf_isom_is_ismacryp_media(file, i+1, 1)) continue;
                                e = gf_isom_change_ismacryp_protection(file, i+1, 1, NULL, (char *) tka->kms);
                                if (e) goto err_exit;
                                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_SET_ID:
                        if (!tka->trackID && (gf_isom_get_track_count(file) == 1)) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: track id is not specified, but file has only one track - assume that you want to change id for this track\n");
                                track = 1;
                        if (track) {
                                u32 newTrack;
                                newTrack = gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, tka->newTrackID);
                                if (newTrack != 0) {
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot set track id with value %d because a track already exists - ignoring", tka->newTrackID);
                                } else {
                                        e = gf_isom_set_track_id(file, track, tka->newTrackID);
                                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                        } else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot change id for track %d because it does not exist - ignoring", tka->trackID);
                case TRAC_ACTION_SWAP_ID:
                        if (track) {
                                u32 tk1, tk2;
                                tk1 = gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, tka->trackID);
                                tk2 = gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, tka->newTrackID);
                                if (!tk1 || !tk2) {
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot swap track IDs because not existing - ignoring");
                                } else {
                                        e = gf_isom_set_track_id(file, tk2, 0);
                                        if (!e) e = gf_isom_set_track_id(file, tk1, tka->newTrackID);
                                        if (!e) e = gf_isom_set_track_id(file, tk2, tka->trackID);
                                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                        } else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot change id for track %d because it does not exist - ignoring", tka->trackID);
                case TRAC_ACTION_SET_PAR:
                        e = gf_media_change_par(file, track, tka->par_num, tka->par_den);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_SET_HANDLER_NAME:
                        e = gf_isom_set_handler_name(file, track, tka->hdl_name);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_ENABLE:
                        if (!gf_isom_is_track_enabled(file, track)) {
                                e = gf_isom_set_track_enabled(file, track, 1);
                                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_DISABLE:
                        if (gf_isom_is_track_enabled(file, track)) {
                                e = gf_isom_set_track_enabled(file, track, 0);
                                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_REFERENCE:
                        e = gf_isom_set_track_reference(file, track, GF_4CC(tka->lang[0], tka->lang[1], tka->lang[2], tka->lang[3]), (u32) tka->delay_ms);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_REM_NON_RAP:
                        fprintf(stderr, "Removing non-rap samples from track %d\n", tka->trackID);
                        e = gf_media_remove_non_rap(file, track);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                case TRAC_ACTION_SET_UDTA:
                        e = set_file_udta(file, track, tka->udta_type, tka->src_name, tka->sample_num ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);
                        if (e) goto err_exit;
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                if (e) goto err_exit;

        if (itunes_tags) {
                char *tags = itunes_tags;

                while (tags) {
                        char *val;
                        char *sep = strchr(tags, ':');
                        u32 tlen, itag = 0;
                        if (sep) {
                                while (sep) {
                                        for (itag=0; itag<nb_itunes_tags; itag++) {
                                                if (!strnicmp(sep+1, itags[itag].name, strlen(itags[itag].name))) break;
                                        if (itag<nb_itunes_tags) {
                                        sep = strchr(sep+1, ':');
                                if (sep) sep[0] = 0;
                        for (itag=0; itag<nb_itunes_tags; itag++) {
                                if (!strnicmp(tags, itags[itag].name, strlen(itags[itag].name))) {
                        if (itag==nb_itunes_tags) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Invalid iTune tag format \"%s\" - ignoring\n", tags);
                                tags = NULL;
                        itag = itags[itag].code;

                        val = strchr(tags, '=');
                        if (!val) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Invalid iTune tag format \"%s\" (expecting '=') - ignoring\n", tags);
                                tags = NULL;
                        if (val) {
                                val ++;
                                if ((val[0]==':') || !val[0] || !stricmp(val, "NULL") ) val = NULL;

                        tlen = val ? (u32) strlen(val) : 0;
                        switch (itag) {
                        case GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COVER_ART:
                                char *d, *ext;
                                FILE *t = gf_fopen(val, "rb");
                                gf_fseek(t, 0, SEEK_END);
                                tlen = (u32) gf_ftell(t);
                                gf_fseek(t, 0, SEEK_SET);
                                d = gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * tlen);
                                tlen = (u32) fread(d, sizeof(char), tlen, t);

                                ext = strrchr(val, '.');
                                if (!stricmp(ext, ".png")) tlen |= 0x80000000;
                                e = gf_isom_apple_set_tag(file, GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COVER_ART, d, tlen);
                        case GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TEMPO:
                                gf_isom_apple_set_tag(file, itag, NULL, atoi(val) );
                        case GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GENRE:
                                u8 _v = id3_get_genre_tag(val);
                                if (_v) {
                                        gf_isom_apple_set_tag(file, itag, NULL, _v);
                                } else {
                                        if (!val) val="";
                                        gf_isom_apple_set_tag(file, itag, val, (u32) strlen(val) );
                        case GF_ISOM_ITUNE_DISK:
                        case GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TRACKNUMBER:
                                u32 n, t;
                                char _t[8];
                                n = t = 0;
                                memset(_t, 0, sizeof(char)*8);
                                tlen = (itag==GF_ISOM_ITUNE_DISK) ? 6 : 8;
                                if (sscanf(val, "%u/%u", &n, &t) == 2) {
                                else if (sscanf(val, "%u", &n) == 1) {
                                else tlen = 0;
                                if (tlen) gf_isom_apple_set_tag(file, itag, _t, tlen);
                        case GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GAPLESS:
                        case GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COMPILATION:
                                char _t[1];
                                if (val && !stricmp(val, "yes")) _t[0] = 1;
                                else  _t[0] = 0;
                                gf_isom_apple_set_tag(file, itag, _t, 1);
                                gf_isom_apple_set_tag(file, itag, val, tlen);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;

                        if (sep) {
                                sep[0] = ':';
                                tags = sep+1;
                        } else {
                                tags = NULL;

        if (movie_time) {
                gf_isom_set_creation_time(file, movie_time);
                for (i=0; i<gf_isom_get_track_count(file); i++) {
                        gf_isom_set_track_creation_time(file, i+1, movie_time);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;

        if (Frag) {
                if (!interleaving_time) interleaving_time = DEFAULT_INTERLEAVING_IN_SEC;
                if (HintIt) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: cannot hint and fragment - ignoring hint\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "Fragmenting file (%.3f seconds fragments)\n", interleaving_time);
                e = gf_media_fragment_file(file, outfile, interleaving_time);
                if (e) fprintf(stderr, "Error while fragmenting file: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                if (!e && !outName && !force_new) {
                        if (gf_delete_file(inName)) fprintf(stderr, "Error removing file %s\n", inName);
                        else if (gf_move_file(outfile, inName)) fprintf(stderr, "Error renaming file %s to %s\n", outfile, inName);
                if (e) goto err_exit;
                goto exit;

        if (HintIt) {
                if (force_ocr) SetupClockReferences(file);
                fprintf(stderr, "Hinting file with Path-MTU %d Bytes\n", MTUSize);
                MTUSize -= 12;
                e = HintFile(file, MTUSize, max_ptime, rtp_rate, hint_flags, HintCopy, HintInter, regular_iod, single_group);
                if (e) goto err_exit;
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                if (print_sdp) dump_isom_sdp(file, dump_std ? NULL : (outName ? outName : outfile), outName ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE);

        /*full interleave (sample-based) if just hinted*/
        if (FullInter) {
                e = gf_isom_set_storage_mode(file, GF_ISOM_STORE_TIGHT);
        } else if (!interleaving_time) {
                e = gf_isom_set_storage_mode(file, GF_ISOM_STORE_STREAMABLE);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
        } else if (do_flat) {
                e = gf_isom_set_storage_mode(file, GF_ISOM_STORE_FLAT);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
        } else {
                e = gf_isom_make_interleave(file, interleaving_time);
                if (!e && old_interleave) e = gf_isom_set_storage_mode(file, GF_ISOM_STORE_INTERLEAVED);
        if (force_co64)
                gf_isom_force_64bit_chunk_offset(file, GF_TRUE);

        if (e) goto err_exit;

        for (i=0; i<nb_sdp_ex; i++) {
                if (sdp_lines[i].trackID) {
                        u32 track = gf_isom_get_track_by_id(file, sdp_lines[i].trackID);
                        if (gf_isom_get_media_type(file, track)!=GF_ISOM_MEDIA_HINT) {
                                s32 ref_count;
                                u32 j, k, count = gf_isom_get_track_count(file);
                                for (j=0; j<count; j++) {
                                        if (gf_isom_get_media_type(file, j+1)!=GF_ISOM_MEDIA_HINT) continue;
                                        ref_count = gf_isom_get_reference_count(file, j+1, GF_ISOM_REF_HINT);
                                        if (ref_count<0) continue;
                                        for (k=0; k<(u32) ref_count; k++) {
                                                u32 refTk;
                                                if (gf_isom_get_reference(file, j+1, GF_ISOM_REF_HINT, k+1, &refTk)) continue;
                                                if (refTk==track) {
                                                        track = j+1;
                        gf_isom_sdp_add_track_line(file, track, sdp_lines[i].line);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
                } else {
                        gf_isom_sdp_add_line(file, sdp_lines[i].line);
                        needSave = GF_TRUE;
#endif /*!defined(GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM_HINTING) && !defined(GPAC_DISABLE_SENG)*/

        if (cprt) {
                e = gf_isom_set_copyright(file, "und", cprt);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                if (e) goto err_exit;
        if (chap_file) {
                e = gf_media_import_chapters(file, chap_file, import_fps);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: GPAC compiled without Media Import, chapters can't be imported\n");
                e = GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                if (e) goto err_exit;

        if (major_brand) {
                gf_isom_set_brand_info(file, major_brand, minor_version);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
        for (i=0; i<nb_alt_brand_add; i++) {
                gf_isom_modify_alternate_brand(file, brand_add[i], 1);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;
        for (i=0; i<nb_alt_brand_rem; i++) {
                gf_isom_modify_alternate_brand(file, brand_rem[i], 0);
                needSave = GF_TRUE;

        if (!encode && !force_new) gf_isom_set_final_name(file, outfile);
        if (needSave) {
                if (outName) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Saving to %s: ", outfile);
                        gf_isom_set_final_name(file, outfile);
                } else if (encode || pack_file) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Saving to %s: ", gf_isom_get_filename(file) );
                } else {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Saving %s: ", inName);
                if (HintIt && FullInter) fprintf(stderr, "Hinted file - Full Interleaving\n");
                else if (FullInter) fprintf(stderr, "Full Interleaving\n");
                else if (do_flat || !interleaving_time) fprintf(stderr, "Flat storage\n");
                else fprintf(stderr, "%.3f secs Interleaving%s\n", interleaving_time, old_interleave ? " - no drift control" : "");

                e = gf_isom_close(file);
                file = NULL;

                if (!e && !outName && !encode && !force_new && !pack_file) {
                        e = gf_delete_file(inName);
                        if (e) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error removing file %s\n", inName);
                        } else {
                                e = gf_move_file(outfile, inName);
                                if (e) {
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Error renaming file %s to %s\n", outfile, inName);
        } else {

        if (e) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                goto err_exit;
        goto exit;

        /*close libgpac*/
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Read-only version of MP4Box.\n");
        return mp4box_cleanup(1);

        /*close libgpac*/
        if (file) gf_isom_delete(file);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n\tError: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
        return mp4box_cleanup(1);


        if (mem_track && (gf_memory_size() || gf_file_handles_count() )) {
                gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_MEMORY, GF_LOG_INFO);
                return 2;
        return 0;

#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(NO_WMAIN)
int wmain( int argc, wchar_t** wargv )
        int i;
        int res;
        size_t len;
        size_t res_len;
        char **argv;
        argv = (char **)malloc(argc*sizeof(wchar_t *));
        for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
                wchar_t *src_str = wargv[i];
                len = UTF8_MAX_BYTES_PER_CHAR*gf_utf8_wcslen(wargv[i]);
                argv[i] = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
                res_len = gf_utf8_wcstombs(argv[i], len, (const unsigned short**)&src_str);
                argv[i][res_len] = 0;
                if (res_len > len) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Length allocated for conversion of wide char to UTF-8 not sufficient\n");
                        return -1;
        res = mp4boxMain(argc, argv);
        for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        return res;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
        return mp4boxMain( argc, argv );
#endif //win32


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