
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. makeFont
  2. readFontDescriptor
  3. readToUnicodeCMap
  4. findExtFontFile
  5. readExtFontFile
  6. readEmbFontFile
  7. getNextChar
  8. getCTU
  9. getToUnicode
  10. getCodeToGIDMap
  11. getCharProcs
  12. getCharProc
  13. getResources
  14. cmpWidthExcep
  15. cmpWidthExcepV
  16. getCTU
  17. getNextChar
  18. getWMode
  19. getToUnicode
  20. getCollection
  21. lookup

// Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC

#include <aconf.h>

#pragma implementation

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "gmem.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "Object.h"
#include "Dict.h"
#include "GlobalParams.h"
#include "CMap.h"
#include "CharCodeToUnicode.h"
#include "FontEncodingTables.h"
#include "BuiltinFontTables.h"
#include "FoFiType1.h"
#include "FoFiType1C.h"
#include "FoFiTrueType.h"
#include "GfxFont.h"


struct StdFontMapEntry {
  char *altName;
  char *properName;

// Acrobat 4.0 and earlier substituted Base14-compatible fonts without
// providing Widths and a FontDescriptor, so we munge the names into
// the proper Base14 names.  This table is from implementation note 44
// in the PDF 1.4 spec, with some additions based on empirical
// evidence.
static StdFontMapEntry stdFontMap[] = {
  { "Arial",                        "Helvetica" },
  { "Arial,Bold",                   "Helvetica-Bold" },
  { "Arial,BoldItalic",             "Helvetica-BoldOblique" },
  { "Arial,Italic",                 "Helvetica-Oblique" },
  { "Arial-Bold",                   "Helvetica-Bold" },
  { "Arial-BoldItalic",             "Helvetica-BoldOblique" },
  { "Arial-BoldItalicMT",           "Helvetica-BoldOblique" },
  { "Arial-BoldMT",                 "Helvetica-Bold" },
  { "Arial-Italic",                 "Helvetica-Oblique" },
  { "Arial-ItalicMT",               "Helvetica-Oblique" },
  { "ArialMT",                      "Helvetica" },
  { "Courier,Bold",                 "Courier-Bold" },
  { "Courier,BoldItalic",           "Courier-BoldOblique" },
  { "Courier,Italic",               "Courier-Oblique" },
  { "CourierNew",                   "Courier" },
  { "CourierNew,Bold",              "Courier-Bold" },
  { "CourierNew,BoldItalic",        "Courier-BoldOblique" },
  { "CourierNew,Italic",            "Courier-Oblique" },
  { "CourierNew-Bold",              "Courier-Bold" },
  { "CourierNew-BoldItalic",        "Courier-BoldOblique" },
  { "CourierNew-Italic",            "Courier-Oblique" },
  { "CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT",    "Courier-BoldOblique" },
  { "CourierNewPS-BoldMT",          "Courier-Bold" },
  { "CourierNewPS-ItalicMT",        "Courier-Oblique" },
  { "CourierNewPSMT",               "Courier" },
  { "Helvetica,Bold",               "Helvetica-Bold" },
  { "Helvetica,BoldItalic",         "Helvetica-BoldOblique" },
  { "Helvetica,Italic",             "Helvetica-Oblique" },
  { "Helvetica-BoldItalic",         "Helvetica-BoldOblique" },
  { "Helvetica-Italic",             "Helvetica-Oblique" },
  { "Symbol,Bold",                  "Symbol" },
  { "Symbol,BoldItalic",            "Symbol" },
  { "Symbol,Italic",                "Symbol" },
  { "TimesNewRoman",                "Times-Roman" },
  { "TimesNewRoman,Bold",           "Times-Bold" },
  { "TimesNewRoman,BoldItalic",     "Times-BoldItalic" },
  { "TimesNewRoman,Italic",         "Times-Italic" },
  { "TimesNewRoman-Bold",           "Times-Bold" },
  { "TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic",     "Times-BoldItalic" },
  { "TimesNewRoman-Italic",         "Times-Italic" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPS",              "Times-Roman" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPS-Bold",         "Times-Bold" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalic",   "Times-BoldItalic" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT", "Times-BoldItalic" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT",       "Times-Bold" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPS-Italic",       "Times-Italic" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT",     "Times-Italic" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPSMT",            "Times-Roman" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPSMT,Bold",       "Times-Bold" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPSMT,BoldItalic", "Times-BoldItalic" },
  { "TimesNewRomanPSMT,Italic",     "Times-Italic" }

// GfxFont

GfxFont *GfxFont::makeFont(XRef *xref, char *tagA, Ref idA, Dict *fontDict) {
  GString *nameA;
  GfxFont *font;
  Object obj1;

  // get base font name
  nameA = NULL;
  fontDict->lookup("BaseFont", &obj1);
  if (obj1.isName()) {
    nameA = new GString(obj1.getName());

  // get font type
  font = NULL;
  fontDict->lookup("Subtype", &obj1);
  if (obj1.isName("Type1") || obj1.isName("MMType1")) {
    font = new Gfx8BitFont(xref, tagA, idA, nameA, fontType1, fontDict);
  } else if (obj1.isName("Type1C")) {
    font = new Gfx8BitFont(xref, tagA, idA, nameA, fontType1C, fontDict);
  } else if (obj1.isName("Type3")) {
    font = new Gfx8BitFont(xref, tagA, idA, nameA, fontType3, fontDict);
  } else if (obj1.isName("TrueType")) {
    font = new Gfx8BitFont(xref, tagA, idA, nameA, fontTrueType, fontDict);
  } else if (obj1.isName("Type0")) {
    font = new GfxCIDFont(xref, tagA, idA, nameA, fontDict);
  } else {
    error(-1, "Unknown font type: '%s'",
          obj1.isName() ? obj1.getName() : "???");
    font = new Gfx8BitFont(xref, tagA, idA, nameA, fontUnknownType, fontDict);

  return font;

GfxFont::GfxFont(char *tagA, Ref idA, GString *nameA) {
  ok = gFalse;
  tag = new GString(tagA);
  id = idA;
  name = nameA;
  origName = nameA;
  embFontName = NULL;
  extFontFile = NULL;

GfxFont::~GfxFont() {
  delete tag;
  if (origName && origName != name) {
    delete origName;
  if (name) {
    delete name;
  if (embFontName) {
    delete embFontName;
  if (extFontFile) {
    delete extFontFile;

void GfxFont::readFontDescriptor(XRef *xref, Dict *fontDict) {
  Object obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4;
  double t;
  int i;

  // assume Times-Roman by default (for substitution purposes)
  flags = fontSerif;

  embFontID.num = -1;
  embFontID.gen = -1;
  missingWidth = 0;

  if (fontDict->lookup("FontDescriptor", &obj1)->isDict()) {

    // get flags
    if (obj1.dictLookup("Flags", &obj2)->isInt()) {
      flags = obj2.getInt();

    // get name
    obj1.dictLookup("FontName", &obj2);
    if (obj2.isName()) {
      embFontName = new GString(obj2.getName());

    // look for embedded font file
    if (obj1.dictLookupNF("FontFile", &obj2)->isRef()) {
      embFontID = obj2.getRef();
      if (type != fontType1) {
        error(-1, "Mismatch between font type and embedded font file");
        type = fontType1;
    if (embFontID.num == -1 &&
        obj1.dictLookupNF("FontFile2", &obj2)->isRef()) {
      embFontID = obj2.getRef();
      if (type != fontTrueType && type != fontCIDType2) {
        error(-1, "Mismatch between font type and embedded font file");
        type = type == fontCIDType0 ? fontCIDType2 : fontTrueType;
    if (embFontID.num == -1 &&
        obj1.dictLookupNF("FontFile3", &obj2)->isRef()) {
      if (obj2.fetch(xref, &obj3)->isStream()) {
        obj3.streamGetDict()->lookup("Subtype", &obj4);
        if (obj4.isName("Type1")) {
          embFontID = obj2.getRef();
          if (type != fontType1) {
            error(-1, "Mismatch between font type and embedded font file");
            type = fontType1;
        } else if (obj4.isName("Type1C")) {
          embFontID = obj2.getRef();
          if (type != fontType1 && type != fontType1C) {
            error(-1, "Mismatch between font type and embedded font file");
          type = fontType1C;
        } else if (obj4.isName("TrueType")) {
          embFontID = obj2.getRef();
          if (type != fontTrueType) {
            error(-1, "Mismatch between font type and embedded font file");
            type = fontTrueType;
        } else if (obj4.isName("CIDFontType0C")) {
          embFontID = obj2.getRef();
          if (type != fontCIDType0) {
            error(-1, "Mismatch between font type and embedded font file");
          type = fontCIDType0C;
        } else if (obj4.isName("OpenType")) {
          embFontID = obj2.getRef();
          if (type == fontTrueType) {
            type = fontTrueTypeOT;
          } else if (type == fontType1) {
            type = fontType1COT;
          } else if (type == fontCIDType0) {
            type = fontCIDType0COT;
          } else if (type == fontCIDType2) {
            type = fontCIDType2OT;
          } else {
            error(-1, "Mismatch between font type and embedded font file");
        } else {
          error(-1, "Unknown embedded font type '%s'",
                obj4.isName() ? obj4.getName() : "???");

    // look for MissingWidth
    obj1.dictLookup("MissingWidth", &obj2);
    if (obj2.isNum()) {
      missingWidth = obj2.getNum();

    // get Ascent and Descent
    obj1.dictLookup("Ascent", &obj2);
    if (obj2.isNum()) {
      t = 0.001 * obj2.getNum();
      // some broken font descriptors set ascent and descent to 0
      if (t != 0) {
        ascent = t;
    obj1.dictLookup("Descent", &obj2);
    if (obj2.isNum()) {
      t = 0.001 * obj2.getNum();
      // some broken font descriptors set ascent and descent to 0
      if (t != 0) {
        descent = t;
      // some broken font descriptors specify a positive descent
      if (descent > 0) {
        descent = -descent;

    // font FontBBox
    if (obj1.dictLookup("FontBBox", &obj2)->isArray()) {
      for (i = 0; i < 4 && i < obj2.arrayGetLength(); ++i) {
        if (obj2.arrayGet(i, &obj3)->isNum()) {
          fontBBox[i] = 0.001 * obj3.getNum();


CharCodeToUnicode *GfxFont::readToUnicodeCMap(Dict *fontDict, int nBits,
                                              CharCodeToUnicode *ctu) {
  GString *buf;
  Object obj1;
  int c;

  if (!fontDict->lookup("ToUnicode", &obj1)->isStream()) {;
    return NULL;
  buf = new GString();
  while ((c = obj1.streamGetChar()) != EOF) {
  if (ctu) {
    ctu->mergeCMap(buf, nBits);
  } else {
    ctu = CharCodeToUnicode::parseCMap(buf, nBits);
  delete buf;
  return ctu;

void GfxFont::findExtFontFile() {
  static char *type1Exts[] = { ".pfa", ".pfb", ".ps", "", NULL };
  static char *ttExts[] = { ".ttf", NULL };

  if (name) {
    if (type == fontType1) {
      extFontFile = globalParams->findFontFile(name, type1Exts);
    } else if (type == fontTrueType) {
      extFontFile = globalParams->findFontFile(name, ttExts);

char *GfxFont::readExtFontFile(int *len) {
  FILE *f;
  char *buf;

  if (!(f = fopen(extFontFile->getCString(), "rb"))) {
    error(-1, "External font file '%s' vanished", extFontFile->getCString());
    return NULL;
  fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
  *len = (int)ftell(f);
  fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
  buf = (char *)gmalloc(*len);
  if ((int)fread(buf, 1, *len, f) != *len) {
    error(-1, "Error reading external font file '%s'",
  return buf;

char *GfxFont::readEmbFontFile(XRef *xref, int *len) {
  char *buf;
  Object obj1, obj2;
  Stream *str;
  int c;
  int size, i;

  obj1.initRef(embFontID.num, embFontID.gen);
  obj1.fetch(xref, &obj2);
  if (!obj2.isStream()) {
    error(-1, "Embedded font file is not a stream");;;
    embFontID.num = -1;
    return NULL;
  str = obj2.getStream();

  buf = NULL;
  i = size = 0;
  while ((c = str->getChar()) != EOF) {
    if (i == size) {
      size += 4096;
      buf = (char *)grealloc(buf, size);
    buf[i++] = c;
  *len = i;

  return buf;

// Gfx8BitFont

Gfx8BitFont::Gfx8BitFont(XRef *xref, char *tagA, Ref idA, GString *nameA,
                         GfxFontType typeA, Dict *fontDict):
  GfxFont(tagA, idA, nameA)
  GString *name2;
  BuiltinFont *builtinFont;
  char **baseEnc;
  GBool baseEncFromFontFile;
  char *buf;
  int len;
  FoFiType1 *ffT1;
  FoFiType1C *ffT1C;
  int code, code2;
  char *charName;
  GBool missing, hex;
  Unicode toUnicode[256];
  CharCodeToUnicode *utu, *ctu2;
  Unicode uBuf[8];
  double mul;
  int firstChar, lastChar;
  Gushort w;
  Object obj1, obj2, obj3;
  int n, i, a, b, m;

  type = typeA;
  ctu = NULL;

  // do font name substitution for various aliases of the Base 14 font
  // names
  if (name) {
    name2 = name->copy();
    i = 0;
    while (i < name2->getLength()) {
      if (name2->getChar(i) == ' ') {
      } else {
    a = 0;
    b = sizeof(stdFontMap) / sizeof(StdFontMapEntry);
    // invariant: stdFontMap[a].altName <= name2 < stdFontMap[b].altName
    while (b - a > 1) {
      m = (a + b) / 2;
      if (name2->cmp(stdFontMap[m].altName) >= 0) {
        a = m;
      } else {
        b = m;
    if (!name2->cmp(stdFontMap[a].altName)) {
      name = new GString(stdFontMap[a].properName);
    delete name2;

  // is it a built-in font?
  builtinFont = NULL;
  if (name) {
    for (i = 0; i < nBuiltinFonts; ++i) {
      if (!name->cmp(builtinFonts[i].name)) {
        builtinFont = &builtinFonts[i];

  // default ascent/descent values
  if (builtinFont) {
    ascent = 0.001 * builtinFont->ascent;
    descent = 0.001 * builtinFont->descent;
    fontBBox[0] = 0.001 * builtinFont->bbox[0];
    fontBBox[1] = 0.001 * builtinFont->bbox[1];
    fontBBox[2] = 0.001 * builtinFont->bbox[2];
    fontBBox[3] = 0.001 * builtinFont->bbox[3];
  } else {
    ascent = 0.95;
    descent = -0.35;
    fontBBox[0] = fontBBox[1] = fontBBox[2] = fontBBox[3] = 0;

  // get info from font descriptor
  readFontDescriptor(xref, fontDict);

  // for non-embedded fonts, don't trust the ascent/descent/bbox
  // values from the font descriptor
  if (builtinFont && embFontID.num < 0) {
    ascent = 0.001 * builtinFont->ascent;
    descent = 0.001 * builtinFont->descent;
    fontBBox[0] = 0.001 * builtinFont->bbox[0];
    fontBBox[1] = 0.001 * builtinFont->bbox[1];
    fontBBox[2] = 0.001 * builtinFont->bbox[2];
    fontBBox[3] = 0.001 * builtinFont->bbox[3];

  // look for an external font file

  // get font matrix
  fontMat[0] = fontMat[3] = 1;
  fontMat[1] = fontMat[2] = fontMat[4] = fontMat[5] = 0;
  if (fontDict->lookup("FontMatrix", &obj1)->isArray()) {
    for (i = 0; i < 6 && i < obj1.arrayGetLength(); ++i) {
      if (obj1.arrayGet(i, &obj2)->isNum()) {
        fontMat[i] = obj2.getNum();

  // get Type 3 bounding box, font definition, and resources
  if (type == fontType3) {
    if (fontDict->lookup("FontBBox", &obj1)->isArray()) {
      for (i = 0; i < 4 && i < obj1.arrayGetLength(); ++i) {
        if (obj1.arrayGet(i, &obj2)->isNum()) {
          fontBBox[i] = obj2.getNum();
    if (!fontDict->lookup("CharProcs", &charProcs)->isDict()) {
      error(-1, "Missing or invalid CharProcs dictionary in Type 3 font");;
    if (!fontDict->lookup("Resources", &resources)->isDict()) {;

  //----- build the font encoding -----

  // Encodings start with a base encoding, which can come from
  // (in order of priority):
  //   1. FontDict.Encoding or FontDict.Encoding.BaseEncoding
  //        - MacRoman / MacExpert / WinAnsi / Standard
  //   2. embedded or external font file
  //   3. default:
  //        - builtin --> builtin encoding
  //        - TrueType --> WinAnsiEncoding
  //        - others --> StandardEncoding
  // and then add a list of differences (if any) from
  // FontDict.Encoding.Differences.

  // check FontDict for base encoding
  hasEncoding = gFalse;
  usesMacRomanEnc = gFalse;
  baseEnc = NULL;
  baseEncFromFontFile = gFalse;
  fontDict->lookup("Encoding", &obj1);
  if (obj1.isDict()) {
    obj1.dictLookup("BaseEncoding", &obj2);
    if (obj2.isName("MacRomanEncoding")) {
      hasEncoding = gTrue;
      usesMacRomanEnc = gTrue;
      baseEnc = macRomanEncoding;
    } else if (obj2.isName("MacExpertEncoding")) {
      hasEncoding = gTrue;
      baseEnc = macExpertEncoding;
    } else if (obj2.isName("WinAnsiEncoding")) {
      hasEncoding = gTrue;
      baseEnc = winAnsiEncoding;
  } else if (obj1.isName("MacRomanEncoding")) {
    hasEncoding = gTrue;
    usesMacRomanEnc = gTrue;
    baseEnc = macRomanEncoding;
  } else if (obj1.isName("MacExpertEncoding")) {
    hasEncoding = gTrue;
    baseEnc = macExpertEncoding;
  } else if (obj1.isName("WinAnsiEncoding")) {
    hasEncoding = gTrue;
    baseEnc = winAnsiEncoding;

  // check embedded or external font file for base encoding
  // (only for Type 1 fonts - trying to get an encoding out of a
  // TrueType font is a losing proposition)
  ffT1 = NULL;
  ffT1C = NULL;
  buf = NULL;
  if (type == fontType1 && (extFontFile || embFontID.num >= 0)) {
    if (extFontFile) {
      ffT1 = FoFiType1::load(extFontFile->getCString());
    } else {
      buf = readEmbFontFile(xref, &len);
      ffT1 = FoFiType1::make(buf, len);
    if (ffT1) {
      if (ffT1->getName()) {
        if (embFontName) {
          delete embFontName;
        embFontName = new GString(ffT1->getName());
      if (!baseEnc) {
        baseEnc = ffT1->getEncoding();
        baseEncFromFontFile = gTrue;
  } else if (type == fontType1C && (extFontFile || embFontID.num >= 0)) {
    if (extFontFile) {
      ffT1C = FoFiType1C::load(extFontFile->getCString());
    } else {
      buf = readEmbFontFile(xref, &len);
      ffT1C = FoFiType1C::make(buf, len);
    if (ffT1C) {
      if (ffT1C->getName()) {
        if (embFontName) {
          delete embFontName;
        embFontName = new GString(ffT1C->getName());
      if (!baseEnc) {
        baseEnc = ffT1C->getEncoding();
        baseEncFromFontFile = gTrue;
  if (buf) {

  // get default base encoding
  if (!baseEnc) {
    if (builtinFont && embFontID.num < 0) {
      baseEnc = builtinFont->defaultBaseEnc;
      hasEncoding = gTrue;
    } else if (type == fontTrueType) {
      baseEnc = winAnsiEncoding;
    } else {
      baseEnc = standardEncoding;

  // copy the base encoding
  for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
    enc[i] = baseEnc[i];
    if ((encFree[i] = baseEncFromFontFile) && enc[i]) {
      enc[i] = copyString(baseEnc[i]);

  // some Type 1C font files have empty encodings, which can break the
  // T1C->T1 conversion (since the 'seac' operator depends on having
  // the accents in the encoding), so we fill in any gaps from
  // StandardEncoding
  if (type == fontType1C && (extFontFile || embFontID.num >= 0) &&
      baseEncFromFontFile) {
    for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
      if (!enc[i] && standardEncoding[i]) {
        enc[i] = standardEncoding[i];
        encFree[i] = gFalse;

  // merge differences into encoding
  if (obj1.isDict()) {
    obj1.dictLookup("Differences", &obj2);
    if (obj2.isArray()) {
      hasEncoding = gTrue;
      code = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < obj2.arrayGetLength(); ++i) {
        obj2.arrayGet(i, &obj3);
        if (obj3.isInt()) {
          code = obj3.getInt();
        } else if (obj3.isName()) {
          if (code >= 0 && code < 256) {
            if (encFree[code]) {
            enc[code] = copyString(obj3.getName());
            encFree[code] = gTrue;
        } else {
          error(-1, "Wrong type in font encoding resource differences (%s)",
  if (ffT1) {
    delete ffT1;
  if (ffT1C) {
    delete ffT1C;

  //----- build the mapping to Unicode -----

  // pass 1: use the name-to-Unicode mapping table
  missing = hex = gFalse;
  for (code = 0; code < 256; ++code) {
    if ((charName = enc[code])) {
      if (!(toUnicode[code] = globalParams->mapNameToUnicode(charName)) &&
          strcmp(charName, ".notdef")) {
        // if it wasn't in the name-to-Unicode table, check for a
        // name that looks like 'Axx' or 'xx', where 'A' is any letter
        // and 'xx' is two hex digits
        if ((strlen(charName) == 3 &&
             isalpha(charName[0]) &&
             isxdigit(charName[1]) && isxdigit(charName[2]) &&
             ((charName[1] >= 'a' && charName[1] <= 'f') ||
              (charName[1] >= 'A' && charName[1] <= 'F') ||
              (charName[2] >= 'a' && charName[2] <= 'f') ||
              (charName[2] >= 'A' && charName[2] <= 'F'))) ||
            (strlen(charName) == 2 &&
             isxdigit(charName[0]) && isxdigit(charName[1]) &&
             ((charName[0] >= 'a' && charName[0] <= 'f') ||
              (charName[0] >= 'A' && charName[0] <= 'F') ||
              (charName[1] >= 'a' && charName[1] <= 'f') ||
              (charName[1] >= 'A' && charName[1] <= 'F')))) {
          hex = gTrue;
        missing = gTrue;
    } else {
      toUnicode[code] = 0;

  // pass 2: try to fill in the missing chars, looking for names of
  // the form 'Axx', 'xx', 'Ann', 'ABnn', or 'nn', where 'A' and 'B'
  // are any letters, 'xx' is two hex digits, and 'nn' is 2-4
  // decimal digits
  if (missing && globalParams->getMapNumericCharNames()) {
    for (code = 0; code < 256; ++code) {
      if ((charName = enc[code]) && !toUnicode[code] &&
          strcmp(charName, ".notdef")) {
        n = strlen(charName);
        code2 = -1;
        if (hex && n == 3 && isalpha(charName[0]) &&
            isxdigit(charName[1]) && isxdigit(charName[2])) {
          sscanf(charName+1, "%x", &code2);
        } else if (hex && n == 2 &&
                   isxdigit(charName[0]) && isxdigit(charName[1])) {
          sscanf(charName, "%x", &code2);
        } else if (!hex && n >= 2 && n <= 4 &&
                   isdigit(charName[0]) && isdigit(charName[1])) {
          code2 = atoi(charName);
        } else if (n >= 3 && n <= 5 &&
                   isdigit(charName[1]) && isdigit(charName[2])) {
          code2 = atoi(charName+1);
        } else if (n >= 4 && n <= 6 &&
                   isdigit(charName[2]) && isdigit(charName[3])) {
          code2 = atoi(charName+2);
        if (code2 >= 0 && code2 <= 0xff) {
          toUnicode[code] = (Unicode)code2;

  // if the 'mapUnknownCharNames' flag is set, do a simple pass-through
  // mapping for unknown character names
  } else if (missing && globalParams->getMapUnknownCharNames()) {
    for (code = 0; code < 256; ++code) {
      if (!toUnicode[code]) {
        toUnicode[code] = code;

  // construct the char code -> Unicode mapping object
  ctu = CharCodeToUnicode::make8BitToUnicode(toUnicode);

  // merge in a ToUnicode CMap, if there is one -- this overwrites
  // existing entries in ctu, i.e., the ToUnicode CMap takes
  // precedence, but the other encoding info is allowed to fill in any
  // holes
  readToUnicodeCMap(fontDict, 8, ctu);

  // look for a Unicode-to-Unicode mapping
  if (name && (utu = globalParams->getUnicodeToUnicode(name))) {
    for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
      toUnicode[i] = 0;
    ctu2 = CharCodeToUnicode::make8BitToUnicode(toUnicode);
    for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
      n = ctu->mapToUnicode((CharCode)i, uBuf, 8);
      if (n >= 1) {
        n = utu->mapToUnicode((CharCode)uBuf[0], uBuf, 8);
        if (n >= 1) {
          ctu2->setMapping((CharCode)i, uBuf, n);
    delete ctu;
    ctu = ctu2;

  //----- get the character widths -----

  // initialize all widths
  for (code = 0; code < 256; ++code) {
    widths[code] = missingWidth * 0.001;

  // use widths from font dict, if present
  fontDict->lookup("FirstChar", &obj1);
  firstChar = obj1.isInt() ? obj1.getInt() : 0;;
  if (firstChar < 0 || firstChar > 255) {
    firstChar = 0;
  fontDict->lookup("LastChar", &obj1);
  lastChar = obj1.isInt() ? obj1.getInt() : 255;;
  if (lastChar < 0 || lastChar > 255) {
    lastChar = 255;
  mul = (type == fontType3) ? fontMat[0] : 0.001;
  fontDict->lookup("Widths", &obj1);
  if (obj1.isArray()) {
    flags |= fontFixedWidth;
    if (obj1.arrayGetLength() < lastChar - firstChar + 1) {
      lastChar = firstChar + obj1.arrayGetLength() - 1;
    for (code = firstChar; code <= lastChar; ++code) {
      obj1.arrayGet(code - firstChar, &obj2);
      if (obj2.isNum()) {
        widths[code] = obj2.getNum() * mul;
        if (widths[code] != widths[firstChar]) {
          flags &= ~fontFixedWidth;

  // use widths from built-in font
  } else if (builtinFont) {
    // this is a kludge for broken PDF files that encode char 32
    // as .notdef
    if (builtinFont->widths->getWidth("space", &w)) {
      widths[32] = 0.001 * w;
    for (code = 0; code < 256; ++code) {
      if (enc[code] && builtinFont->widths->getWidth(enc[code], &w)) {
        widths[code] = 0.001 * w;

  // couldn't find widths -- use defaults 
  } else {
    // this is technically an error -- the Widths entry is required
    // for all but the Base-14 fonts -- but certain PDF generators
    // apparently don't include widths for Arial and TimesNewRoman
    if (isFixedWidth()) {
      i = 0;
    } else if (isSerif()) {
      i = 8;
    } else {
      i = 4;
    if (isBold()) {
      i += 2;
    if (isItalic()) {
      i += 1;
    builtinFont = builtinFontSubst[i];
    // this is a kludge for broken PDF files that encode char 32
    // as .notdef
    if (builtinFont->widths->getWidth("space", &w)) {
      widths[32] = 0.001 * w;
    for (code = 0; code < 256; ++code) {
      if (enc[code] && builtinFont->widths->getWidth(enc[code], &w)) {
        widths[code] = 0.001 * w;

  ok = gTrue;

Gfx8BitFont::~Gfx8BitFont() {
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
    if (encFree[i] && enc[i]) {
  if (charProcs.isDict()) {;
  if (resources.isDict()) {;

int Gfx8BitFont::getNextChar(char *s, int len, CharCode *code,
                             Unicode *u, int uSize, int *uLen,
                             double *dx, double *dy, double *ox, double *oy) {
  CharCode c;

  *code = c = (CharCode)(*s & 0xff);
  *uLen = ctu->mapToUnicode(c, u, uSize);
  *dx = widths[c];
  *dy = *ox = *oy = 0;
  return 1;

CharCodeToUnicode* Gfx8BitFont::getCTU() {
    return ctu;

CharCodeToUnicode *Gfx8BitFont::getToUnicode() {
  return ctu;

Gushort *Gfx8BitFont::getCodeToGIDMap(FoFiTrueType *ff) {
  Gushort *map;
  int cmapPlatform, cmapEncoding;
  int unicodeCmap, macRomanCmap, msSymbolCmap, cmap;
  GBool useMacRoman, useUnicode;
  char *charName;
  Unicode u;
  int code, i, n;

  map = (Gushort *)gmallocn(256, sizeof(Gushort));
  for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
    map[i] = 0;

  // To match up with the Adobe-defined behaviour, we choose a cmap
  // like this:
  // 1. If the PDF font has an encoding:
  //    1a. If the PDF font specified MacRomanEncoding and the
  //        TrueType font has a Macintosh Roman cmap, use it, and
  //        reverse map the char names through MacRomanEncoding to
  //        get char codes.
  //    1b. If the TrueType font has a Microsoft Unicode cmap or a
  //        non-Microsoft Unicode cmap, use it, and use the Unicode
  //        indexes, not the char codes.
  //    1c. If the PDF font is symbolic and the TrueType font has a
  //        Microsoft Symbol cmap, use it, and use char codes
  //        directly (possibly with an offset of 0xf000).
  //    1d. If the TrueType font has a Macintosh Roman cmap, use it,
  //        as in case 1a.
  // 2. If the PDF font does not have an encoding or the PDF font is
  //    symbolic:
  //    2a. If the TrueType font has a Macintosh Roman cmap, use it,
  //        and use char codes directly (possibly with an offset of
  //        0xf000).
  //    2b. If the TrueType font has a Microsoft Symbol cmap, use it,
  //        and use char codes directly (possible with an offset of
  //        0xf000).
  // 3. If none of these rules apply, use the first cmap and hope for
  //    the best (this shouldn't happen).
  unicodeCmap = macRomanCmap = msSymbolCmap = -1;
  for (i = 0; i < ff->getNumCmaps(); ++i) {
    cmapPlatform = ff->getCmapPlatform(i);
    cmapEncoding = ff->getCmapEncoding(i);
    if ((cmapPlatform == 3 && cmapEncoding == 1) ||
        cmapPlatform == 0) {
      unicodeCmap = i;
    } else if (cmapPlatform == 1 && cmapEncoding == 0) {
      macRomanCmap = i;
    } else if (cmapPlatform == 3 && cmapEncoding == 0) {
      msSymbolCmap = i;
  cmap = 0;
  useMacRoman = gFalse;
  useUnicode = gFalse;
  if (hasEncoding) {
    if (usesMacRomanEnc && macRomanCmap >= 0) {
      cmap = macRomanCmap;
      useMacRoman = gTrue;
    } else if (unicodeCmap >= 0) {
      cmap = unicodeCmap;
      useUnicode = gTrue;
    } else if ((flags & fontSymbolic) && msSymbolCmap >= 0) {
      cmap = msSymbolCmap;
    } else if ((flags & fontSymbolic) && macRomanCmap >= 0) {
      cmap = macRomanCmap;
    } else if (macRomanCmap >= 0) {
      cmap = macRomanCmap;
      useMacRoman = gTrue;
  } else {
    if (msSymbolCmap >= 0) {
      cmap = msSymbolCmap;
    } else if (macRomanCmap >= 0) {
      cmap = macRomanCmap;

  // reverse map the char names through MacRomanEncoding, then map the
  // char codes through the cmap
  if (useMacRoman) {
    for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
      if ((charName = enc[i])) {
        if ((code = globalParams->getMacRomanCharCode(charName))) {
          map[i] = ff->mapCodeToGID(cmap, code);

  // map Unicode through the cmap
  } else if (useUnicode) {
    for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
      if (((charName = enc[i]) &&
           (u = globalParams->mapNameToUnicode(charName))) ||
          (n = ctu->mapToUnicode((CharCode)i, &u, 1))) {
        map[i] = ff->mapCodeToGID(cmap, u);

  // map the char codes through the cmap, possibly with an offset of
  // 0xf000
  } else {
    for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
      if (!(map[i] = ff->mapCodeToGID(cmap, i))) {
        map[i] = ff->mapCodeToGID(cmap, 0xf000 + i);

  // try the TrueType 'post' table to handle any unmapped characters
  for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
    if (!map[i] && (charName = enc[i])) {
      map[i] = (Gushort)(int)ff->mapNameToGID(charName);

  return map;

Dict *Gfx8BitFont::getCharProcs() {
  return charProcs.isDict() ? charProcs.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL;

Object *Gfx8BitFont::getCharProc(int code, Object *proc) {
  if (enc[code] && charProcs.isDict()) {
    charProcs.dictLookup(enc[code], proc);
  } else {
  return proc;

Dict *Gfx8BitFont::getResources() {
  return resources.isDict() ? resources.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL;

// GfxCIDFont

static int CDECL cmpWidthExcep(const void *w1, const void *w2) {
  return ((GfxFontCIDWidthExcep *)w1)->first -
         ((GfxFontCIDWidthExcep *)w2)->first;

static int CDECL cmpWidthExcepV(const void *w1, const void *w2) {
  return ((GfxFontCIDWidthExcepV *)w1)->first -
         ((GfxFontCIDWidthExcepV *)w2)->first;

GfxCIDFont::GfxCIDFont(XRef *xref, char *tagA, Ref idA, GString *nameA,
                       Dict *fontDict):
  GfxFont(tagA, idA, nameA)
  Dict *desFontDict;
  GString *collection, *cMapName;
  Object desFontDictObj;
  Object obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5, obj6;
  CharCodeToUnicode *utu;
  CharCode c;
  Unicode uBuf[8];
  int c1, c2;
  int excepsSize, i, j, k, n;

  ascent = 0.95;
  descent = -0.35;
  fontBBox[0] = fontBBox[1] = fontBBox[2] = fontBBox[3] = 0;
  cMap = NULL;
  ctu = NULL;
  widths.defWidth = 1.0;
  widths.defHeight = -1.0;
  widths.defVY = 0.880;
  widths.exceps = NULL;
  widths.nExceps = 0;
  widths.excepsV = NULL;
  widths.nExcepsV = 0;
  cidToGID = NULL;
  cidToGIDLen = 0;

  // get the descendant font
  if (!fontDict->lookup("DescendantFonts", &obj1)->isArray()) {
    error(-1, "Missing DescendantFonts entry in Type 0 font");;
    goto err1;
  if (!obj1.arrayGet(0, &desFontDictObj)->isDict()) {
    error(-1, "Bad descendant font in Type 0 font");
    goto err3;
  desFontDict = desFontDictObj.getDict();

  // font type
  if (!desFontDict->lookup("Subtype", &obj1)) {
    error(-1, "Missing Subtype entry in Type 0 descendant font");
    goto err3;
  if (obj1.isName("CIDFontType0")) {
    type = fontCIDType0;
  } else if (obj1.isName("CIDFontType2")) {
    type = fontCIDType2;
  } else {
    error(-1, "Unknown Type 0 descendant font type '%s'",
          obj1.isName() ? obj1.getName() : "???");
    goto err3;

  // get info from font descriptor
  readFontDescriptor(xref, desFontDict);

  // look for an external font file

  //----- encoding info -----

  // char collection
  if (!desFontDict->lookup("CIDSystemInfo", &obj1)->isDict()) {
    error(-1, "Missing CIDSystemInfo dictionary in Type 0 descendant font");
    goto err3;
  obj1.dictLookup("Registry", &obj2);
  obj1.dictLookup("Ordering", &obj3);
  if (!obj2.isString() || !obj3.isString()) {
    error(-1, "Invalid CIDSystemInfo dictionary in Type 0 descendant font");
    goto err4;
  collection = obj2.getString()->copy()->append('-')->append(obj3.getString());;;;

  // look for a ToUnicode CMap
  if (!(ctu = readToUnicodeCMap(fontDict, 16, NULL))) {

    // the "Adobe-Identity" and "Adobe-UCS" collections don't have
    // cidToUnicode files
    if (collection->cmp("Adobe-Identity") &&
        collection->cmp("Adobe-UCS")) {

      // look for a user-supplied .cidToUnicode file
      if (!(ctu = globalParams->getCIDToUnicode(collection))) {
        error(-1, "Unknown character collection '%s'",
        // fall-through, assuming the Identity mapping -- this appears
        // to match Adobe's behavior

  // look for a Unicode-to-Unicode mapping
  if (name && (utu = globalParams->getUnicodeToUnicode(name))) {
    if (ctu) {
      for (c = 0; c < ctu->getLength(); ++c) {
        n = ctu->mapToUnicode(c, uBuf, 8);
        if (n >= 1) {
          n = utu->mapToUnicode((CharCode)uBuf[0], uBuf, 8);
          if (n >= 1) {
            ctu->setMapping(c, uBuf, n);
    } else {
      ctu = utu;

  // encoding (i.e., CMap)
  //~ need to handle a CMap stream here
  //~ also need to deal with the UseCMap entry in the stream dict
  if (!fontDict->lookup("Encoding", &obj1)->isName()) {
    error(-1, "Missing or invalid Encoding entry in Type 0 font");
    delete collection;
    goto err3;
  cMapName = new GString(obj1.getName());;
  if (!(cMap = globalParams->getCMap(collection, cMapName))) {
    error(-1, "Unknown CMap '%s' for character collection '%s'",
          cMapName->getCString(), collection->getCString());
    delete collection;
    delete cMapName;
    goto err2;
  delete collection;
  delete cMapName;

  // CIDToGIDMap (for embedded TrueType fonts)
  if (type == fontCIDType2) {
    desFontDict->lookup("CIDToGIDMap", &obj1);
    if (obj1.isStream()) {
      cidToGIDLen = 0;
      i = 64;
      cidToGID = (Gushort *)gmallocn(i, sizeof(Gushort));
      while ((c1 = obj1.streamGetChar()) != EOF &&
             (c2 = obj1.streamGetChar()) != EOF) {
        if (cidToGIDLen == i) {
          i *= 2;
          cidToGID = (Gushort *)greallocn(cidToGID, i, sizeof(Gushort));
        cidToGID[cidToGIDLen++] = (Gushort)((c1 << 8) + c2);
    } else if (!obj1.isName("Identity") && !obj1.isNull()) {
      error(-1, "Invalid CIDToGIDMap entry in CID font");

  //----- character metrics -----

  // default char width
  if (desFontDict->lookup("DW", &obj1)->isInt()) {
    widths.defWidth = obj1.getInt() * 0.001;

  // char width exceptions
  if (desFontDict->lookup("W", &obj1)->isArray()) {
    excepsSize = 0;
    i = 0;
    while (i + 1 < obj1.arrayGetLength()) {
      obj1.arrayGet(i, &obj2);
      obj1.arrayGet(i + 1, &obj3);
      if (obj2.isInt() && obj3.isInt() && i + 2 < obj1.arrayGetLength()) {
        if (obj1.arrayGet(i + 2, &obj4)->isNum()) {
          if (widths.nExceps == excepsSize) {
            excepsSize += 16;
            widths.exceps = (GfxFontCIDWidthExcep *)
                        excepsSize, sizeof(GfxFontCIDWidthExcep));
          widths.exceps[widths.nExceps].first = obj2.getInt();
          widths.exceps[widths.nExceps].last = obj3.getInt();
          widths.exceps[widths.nExceps].width = obj4.getNum() * 0.001;
        } else {
          error(-1, "Bad widths array in Type 0 font");
        i += 3;
      } else if (obj2.isInt() && obj3.isArray()) {
        if (widths.nExceps + obj3.arrayGetLength() > excepsSize) {
          excepsSize = (widths.nExceps + obj3.arrayGetLength() + 15) & ~15;
          widths.exceps = (GfxFontCIDWidthExcep *)
                      excepsSize, sizeof(GfxFontCIDWidthExcep));
        j = obj2.getInt();
        for (k = 0; k < obj3.arrayGetLength(); ++k) {
          if (obj3.arrayGet(k, &obj4)->isNum()) {
            widths.exceps[widths.nExceps].first = j;
            widths.exceps[widths.nExceps].last = j;
            widths.exceps[widths.nExceps].width = obj4.getNum() * 0.001;
          } else {
            error(-1, "Bad widths array in Type 0 font");
        i += 2;
      } else {
        error(-1, "Bad widths array in Type 0 font");
    qsort(widths.exceps, widths.nExceps, sizeof(GfxFontCIDWidthExcep),

  // default metrics for vertical font
  if (desFontDict->lookup("DW2", &obj1)->isArray() &&
      obj1.arrayGetLength() == 2) {
    if (obj1.arrayGet(0, &obj2)->isNum()) {
      widths.defVY = obj2.getNum() * 0.001;
    if (obj1.arrayGet(1, &obj2)->isNum()) {
      widths.defHeight = obj2.getNum() * 0.001;

  // char metric exceptions for vertical font
  if (desFontDict->lookup("W2", &obj1)->isArray()) {
    excepsSize = 0;
    i = 0;
    while (i + 1 < obj1.arrayGetLength()) {
      obj1.arrayGet(i, &obj2);
      obj1.arrayGet(i+ 1, &obj3);
      if (obj2.isInt() && obj3.isInt() && i + 4 < obj1.arrayGetLength()) {
        if (obj1.arrayGet(i + 2, &obj4)->isNum() &&
            obj1.arrayGet(i + 3, &obj5)->isNum() &&
            obj1.arrayGet(i + 4, &obj6)->isNum()) {
          if (widths.nExcepsV == excepsSize) {
            excepsSize += 16;
            widths.excepsV = (GfxFontCIDWidthExcepV *)
                        excepsSize, sizeof(GfxFontCIDWidthExcepV));
          widths.excepsV[widths.nExcepsV].first = obj2.getInt();
          widths.excepsV[widths.nExcepsV].last = obj3.getInt();
          widths.excepsV[widths.nExcepsV].height = obj4.getNum() * 0.001;
          widths.excepsV[widths.nExcepsV].vx = obj5.getNum() * 0.001;
          widths.excepsV[widths.nExcepsV].vy = obj6.getNum() * 0.001;
        } else {
          error(-1, "Bad widths (W2) array in Type 0 font");
        i += 5;
      } else if (obj2.isInt() && obj3.isArray()) {
        if (widths.nExcepsV + obj3.arrayGetLength() / 3 > excepsSize) {
          excepsSize =
            (widths.nExcepsV + obj3.arrayGetLength() / 3 + 15) & ~15;
          widths.excepsV = (GfxFontCIDWidthExcepV *)
                      excepsSize, sizeof(GfxFontCIDWidthExcepV));
        j = obj2.getInt();
        for (k = 0; k < obj3.arrayGetLength(); k += 3) {
          if (obj3.arrayGet(k, &obj4)->isNum() &&
              obj3.arrayGet(k+1, &obj5)->isNum() &&
              obj3.arrayGet(k+2, &obj6)->isNum()) {
            widths.excepsV[widths.nExceps].first = j;
            widths.excepsV[widths.nExceps].last = j;
            widths.excepsV[widths.nExceps].height = obj4.getNum() * 0.001;
            widths.excepsV[widths.nExceps].vx = obj5.getNum() * 0.001;
            widths.excepsV[widths.nExceps].vy = obj6.getNum() * 0.001;
          } else {
            error(-1, "Bad widths (W2) array in Type 0 font");
        i += 2;
      } else {
        error(-1, "Bad widths (W2) array in Type 0 font");
    qsort(widths.excepsV, widths.nExcepsV, sizeof(GfxFontCIDWidthExcepV),
  ok = gTrue;


GfxCIDFont::~GfxCIDFont() {
  if (cMap) {
  if (ctu) {
  if (cidToGID) {

CharCodeToUnicode* GfxCIDFont::getCTU() {
    return ctu;

int GfxCIDFont::getNextChar(char *s, int len, CharCode *code,
                            Unicode *u, int uSize, int *uLen,
                            double *dx, double *dy, double *ox, double *oy) {
  CID cid;
  double w, h, vx, vy;
  int n, a, b, m;

  if (!cMap) {
    *code = 0;
    *uLen = 0;
    *dx = *dy = 0;
    return 1;

  *code = (CharCode)(cid = cMap->getCID(s, len, &n));
  if (ctu) {
    *uLen = ctu->mapToUnicode(cid, u, uSize);
  } else {
    *uLen = 0;

  // horizontal
  if (cMap->getWMode() == 0) {
    w = widths.defWidth;
    h = vx = vy = 0;
    if (widths.nExceps > 0 && cid >= widths.exceps[0].first) {
      a = 0;
      b = widths.nExceps;
      // invariant: widths.exceps[a].first <= cid < widths.exceps[b].first
      while (b - a > 1) {
        m = (a + b) / 2;
        if (widths.exceps[m].first <= cid) {
          a = m;
        } else {
          b = m;
      if (cid <= widths.exceps[a].last) {
        w = widths.exceps[a].width;

  // vertical
  } else {
    w = 0;
    h = widths.defHeight;
    vx = widths.defWidth / 2;
    vy = widths.defVY;
    if (widths.nExcepsV > 0 && cid >= widths.excepsV[0].first) {
      a = 0;
      b = widths.nExcepsV;
      // invariant: widths.excepsV[a].first <= cid < widths.excepsV[b].first
      while (b - a > 1) {
        m = (a + b) / 2;
        if (widths.excepsV[m].last <= cid) {
          a = m;
        } else {
          b = m;
      if (cid <= widths.excepsV[a].last) {
        h = widths.excepsV[a].height;
        vx = widths.excepsV[a].vx;
        vy = widths.excepsV[a].vy;

  *dx = w;
  *dy = h;
  *ox = vx;
  *oy = vy;

  return n;

int GfxCIDFont::getWMode() {
  return cMap ? cMap->getWMode() : 0;

CharCodeToUnicode *GfxCIDFont::getToUnicode() {
  if (ctu) {
  return ctu;

GString *GfxCIDFont::getCollection() {
  return cMap ? cMap->getCollection() : (GString *)NULL;

// GfxFontDict

GfxFontDict::GfxFontDict(XRef *xref, Ref *fontDictRef, Dict *fontDict) {
  int i;
  Object obj1, obj2;
  Ref r;

  numFonts = fontDict->getLength();
  fonts = (GfxFont **)gmallocn(numFonts, sizeof(GfxFont *));
  for (i = 0; i < numFonts; ++i) {
    fontDict->getValNF(i, &obj1);
    obj1.fetch(xref, &obj2);
    if (obj2.isDict()) {
      if (obj1.isRef()) {
        r = obj1.getRef();
      } else {
        // no indirect reference for this font, so invent a unique one
        // (legal generation numbers are five digits, so any 6-digit
        // number would be safe)
        r.num = i;
        if (fontDictRef) {
          r.gen = 100000 + fontDictRef->num;
        } else {
          r.gen = 999999;
      fonts[i] = GfxFont::makeFont(xref, fontDict->getKey(i),
                                   r, obj2.getDict());
      if (fonts[i] && !fonts[i]->isOk()) {
        delete fonts[i];
        fonts[i] = NULL;
    } else {
      error(-1, "font resource is not a dictionary");
      fonts[i] = NULL;

GfxFontDict::~GfxFontDict() {
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < numFonts; ++i) {
    if (fonts[i]) {
      delete fonts[i];

GfxFont *GfxFontDict::lookup(char *tag) {
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < numFonts; ++i) {
    if (fonts[i] && fonts[i]->matches(tag)) {
      return fonts[i];
  return NULL;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */