
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. freeList
  2. SetGC
  3. Destroy
  4. StartCollecting
  5. EndCollecting
  6. SignalImminentAbort
  7. AddSlow
  8. AvailableInCurrentSegment
  9. CanGrow
  10. Reap
  11. PopFastSegment
  12. SetupPinningMemory
  13. GrowPinningMemory
  14. UsePinningMemory
  15. ClearPinningMemory
  16. PinObject
  17. ReapObject
  18. SetupDefRefValidation
  19. FinishDefRefValidation
  20. DefRefValidate
  21. PinProgramStack
  22. PinRootSegments
  23. PinStackObjects
  24. Grow
  25. Prune
  26. ClearBlockTable
  27. ClearFreeList
  28. PleaseAllocBlock
  29. FreeBlock

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 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Adobe System Incorporated.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004-2006
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 * Contributor(s):
 *   Adobe AS3 Team
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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#include "MMgc.h"
#include "StaticAssert.h"

 //sampling support
#include "avmplus.h"
#define SAMPLE_FRAME(_x, _s) 
#define SAMPLE_CHECK() 

//#define ZCT_TESTING                                   // Test the handling of a failure to extend the ZCT

namespace MMgc
        /* The ZCT is implemented as a two-level table.  Given a ZCT index, the
         * first-level table (indexed by the high bits of the index) yields a
         * second-level table (indexed by the low bits) that contains a pointer to the
         * entry.  The entry is an RCObject*.  The RCObject has a header field,
         * ZCT_INDEX, which is the index at which the pointer is found, and a flag
         * stating whether that index is valid (ie whether the object is in the ZCT).
         * The ZCT_INDEX field is 20 bits wide; thus it may be possible that some
         * objects cannot be entered into the ZCT.  This is OK, as the garbage
         * collector will reclaim any unreachable objects eventually anyway.  (Some
         * test programs in the acceptance tests actually run into this problem.)
         * RCObjects whose reference counts are zero are added to the ZCT by being
         * passed to ZCT::Add(); they are removed by being passed to ZCT::Remove() if
         * their reference counts transition from 0 to 1, and when the object
         * is destroyed.  This is all taken care of in RCObject's constructor,
         * destructor, and reference counting operations.  See GCObject.h.
         * Every RCObject is added to the ZCT on creation; 10%-25% are subsequently
         * removed as their reference counts transition from 0 to 1.  Very few are
         * removed as objects are destroyed; the bulk are removed by the reaper because
         * the objects are not pinned.  (Based on profiling some Flash apps, July 2009.)
         * ZCT::Add() has a fast path that can be in-lined: it checks a pointer against
         * a limit, stores the object in the table, bumps the pointer, stores the
         * index in the object and sets the object's ZCT flag.
         * ZCT::Remove() only has a fast path: it clears the table entry and clears the
         * ZCT flag in the object.  NULL entries in the table are recovered during
         * reaping.
         * Useful invariants:
         * - gc->collecting and zct.reaping are never both true at the same time.  This
         *   is ensured by GC::FinishIncrementalMark returning immediately if zct.reaping
         *   is true, and by ZCT::Reap returning immediately if gc->collecting is true.
         * - There are never any free blocks beyond the 'current' block (the one pointed
         *   into by top or slowTop) in the ZCT.  During reaping, once the ZCT is popped 
         *   below a block the block is removed from the ZCT and added to an empty blocks
         *   pool.
         * - The ZCT will honor calls to Pin() from prereap() but not necessarily any
         *   calls to Pin() earlier than that.  When an object is added to the ZCT its
         *   pinned flag is cleared.  (This is consistent with the old ZCT code.)

        // Max number less 1 of blocks the ZCT may use for the second level of the block table
        // as well as the pinned table during reaping.
        static uint32_t zct_allowance = 0;

                : gc(NULL)
                , blocktable(NULL)
                , blocktop(NULL)
                , reaping(false)
                , budget(0)
                , bottom(NULL)
                , top(NULL)
                , limit(NULL)
                , topIndex(0)
                , slowState(false)
                , slowBottom(NULL)
                , slowTop(NULL)
                , slowLimit(NULL)
                , slowTopIndex(0)
                , pinTop(NULL)
                , pinLimit(NULL)
                , pinIndex(0)
                , pinList(0)
                , pinLast(0)
                , freeList(0)
        void ZCT::SetGC(GC *gc)
                this->gc = gc;
                // The size of the block table is limited by the field in the RCObject header
                // that accomodates the ZCT index.  This field is currently 20 bits, so
                // the max number of entries in the ZCT is 1M.  On a 64-bit system each block
                // holds 512 elements so the block table needs 2K entries, occupying
                // four blocks.  On a 32-bit system each block holds 1K elements so the block
                // table needs 1K entries, occupying a single block.  Instead of messing with
                // growing the block table later, just allocate full tables here.  The
                // pointed-to blocks are still allocated on demand.

                // This invariant is stronger than we need; we only need for the ZCT capacity
                // to divide evenly into blocks on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
                GCAssert(RCObject::ZCT_CAPACITY == 0x100000U);
                const uint32_t numblocks = RCObject::ZCT_CAPACITY / CAPACITY(RCObject**) / CAPACITY(RCObject***);

                blocktable = (RCObject***) gc->heapAlloc(numblocks);    // must succeed, so use default flags
                for ( uint32_t i=0 ; i < CAPACITY(RCObject**)*numblocks ; i++ )
                        blocktable[i] = NULL;
                blocktable[0] = (RCObject**) gc->heapAlloc(1);                  // must succeed, so use default flags
                blocktop = blocktable + 1;

                budget = 0;
                bottom = blocktable[0];
                top = blocktable[0];
                limit = blocktable[0] + CAPACITY(RCObject*);
                topIndex = 0;

        void ZCT::Destroy()
        void ZCT::StartCollecting()
                // Transfer state to slow-path variables
                slowState = true;
                slowBottom = bottom;
                slowTop = top;
                slowLimit = limit;
                slowTopIndex = topIndex;
                // Create a state that triggers the slow path
                top = limit;
        void ZCT::EndCollecting()
                // Transfer the state from the slow-path variables
                bottom = slowBottom;
                top = slowTop;
                limit = slowLimit;
                topIndex = slowTopIndex;
                slowState = false;
        // The problem here is when a prereap(), prereap(obj), or postreap()
        // call gets into a situation where a longjmp is made across the GC,
        // or if the GC aborts while slowState is true (because this leaves us
        // with broken invariants when the heap is later swept).

        void ZCT::SignalImminentAbort()
                // It's not necessary to unpin objects; pinned garbage will be
                // reclaimed by the garbage collector eventually.
                // No particular reason to clear the ZCT, the objects in it are
                // valid.

                if (slowState) {

                if (reaping)
                        reaping = false;

        void ZCT::AddSlow(RCObject *obj)
                GCAssert(top == limit);
                GCAssert(gc->collecting + reaping < 2);

                        // This is a vestige from FP8 to fix bug 165100, it has the effect of delaying 
                        // the deletion of some objects; this causes the site to work.
                        // Unmarked objects are gonna get swept anyways.

                if (slowState && slowTop < slowLimit) {
                        *slowTop++ = obj;
                        obj->setZCTIndexAndMaybeUnpin(slowTopIndex++, uint32_t(reaping));

                // Overflow.
                // Expand or reap?  Sometimes we must grow even if the budget has been exhausted.
                bool shouldGrow = false;
                if (reaping) 
                        shouldGrow = true;
                else if (budget > 0 && CanGrow())
                        shouldGrow = true;
                else {
                        // 'obj' will not be reaped as it's on the stack; we'll add it to the ZCT below.
                        uint32_t avail = AvailableInCurrentSegment();
                        budget = gc->policy.queryZCTBudget(uint32_t(blocktop - blocktable));
                        if (avail == 0) 
                                shouldGrow = true;

                if (shouldGrow) {
                        GCAssert(AvailableInCurrentSegment() == 0);
                        if (!CanGrow() || !Grow()) 
                                return;         // c'est la vie
                        if (budget > 0)
                        // Grow() does not set up the state for Add(), so do that.
                        if (slowState) {
                                slowBottom = blocktop[-1];
                                slowTop = slowBottom;
                                slowLimit = slowBottom + CAPACITY(RCObject*);
                                GCAssert(slowTopIndex % CAPACITY(RCObject*) == 0);
                        else {
                                bottom = blocktop[-1];
                                limit = bottom + CAPACITY(RCObject*);
                                top = bottom;
                                GCAssert(topIndex % CAPACITY(RCObject*) == 0);

                GCAssert(AvailableInCurrentSegment() > 0);

                Add(obj);                       // won't fail

        uint32_t ZCT::AvailableInCurrentSegment()
                return slowState ? uint32_t(slowLimit - slowTop) : uint32_t(limit - top);
        bool ZCT::CanGrow()
                return (slowState ? slowTopIndex : topIndex) + CAPACITY(RCObject*) <= RCObject::ZCT_CAPACITY;
        void ZCT::Reap(bool scanStack)


                // Do not reap if already reaping or if the ZCT is empty (waste of time).
                if (reaping || topIndex == 0)
                reaping = true;
                SAMPLE_FRAME("[reap]", gc->core());
                uint64_t start = VMPI_getPerformanceCounter();
                uint32_t objects_pinned = 0;
                uint32_t objects_reaped = 0;
                size_t bytes_reaped = 0;
                size_t blocks_before = gc->GetNumBlocks();
                // Note that we must pin from root segments even if scanStack is false, because the
                // MMGC_GC_ROOT_THREAD creates one AutoRCRootSegment that is not managed by VMPI_alloca.
                // The root segment list should be very short if scanStack==false so performance-wise
                // this is not a big deal.
                // It is not necessary to pin from the mark and barrier stacks because there is a
                // test in GC::Free that prevents queued objects from being deleted; we have to pay
                // for that check in any case and can depend on it here.
                // For some generally difficult problems around pinning see bugzilla #506644.

                GCWorkItem stack;               // "stack" needed for SetupDefRefValidation if validateDefRef is true
                if (scanStack || gc->validateDefRef)
                        stack = PinProgramStack(scanStack);
                // Invoke prereap on all callbacks
                for ( GCCallback *cb = gc->m_callbacks; cb ; cb = cb->nextCB )
#ifdef _DEBUG
                // We perform depth-first reaping using the ZCT as a stack.
                // Popping an element off the end of the ZCT, it is either NULL, pinned, or unpinned.
                //  - If it's NULL it's ignored.
                //  - If it's pinned, it's shifted into a list of new blocks that will replace
                //    the blocks in the ZCT.  The index of the object is updated.
                //  - If it's not pinned, it's reaped (which runs its finalizer, which may add
                //    more elements ot the end of the ZCT).
                // Depth-first processing is desirable because object graphs will tend to be wider
                // than they are deep; going depth-first reduces ZCT growth during reaping.
                // Memory use is optimal to within a constant: space occupied by a pointer to a
                // reaped object is released immediately, and empty segments popped off the ZCT
                // are used for the list of replacement blocks.

                for (;;) {
                        // Pop an element off the ZCT
                        GCAssert(bottom <= top);
                        GCAssert(top <= limit);
                        if (top == bottom) {
                                if (topIndex == 0)
                        RCObject *rcobj = *--top;

                        // Process the element
                        if (rcobj == NULL)
                        else if (rcobj->IsPinned()) {
                        else {
                                bytes_reaped += GC::Size(rcobj);

                // Invoke postreap on all callbacks
                for ( GCCallback *cb = gc->m_callbacks; cb ; cb = cb->nextCB )
                if(gc->heap->Config().gcstats && objects_reaped > 0) {
                        size_t blocks_after = gc->GetNumBlocks();
                        gc->gclog("[mem] DRC reaped %u objects (%u kb) freeing %u pages (%u kb) in %.2f millis (%.4f s)\n", 
                                          unsigned(blocks_before - blocks_after), 
                                          unsigned(blocks_after * GCHeap::kBlockSize / 1024), 

                reaping = false;

#ifdef _DEBUG
                for ( uint32_t i=0 ; i < topIndex ; i++ ) {
                        // The first element of each block is usually NULL because it has
                        // been used as a link for pinList.
                        if (Get(i) != NULL) {
                                GCAssert(Get(i)->getZCTIndex() == i);
                gc->policy.signalReapWork(objects_reaped, uint32_t(bytes_reaped), objects_pinned);

        void ZCT::PopFastSegment()
                GCAssert(blocktop-1 > blocktable);      // Can't pop the first segment
                *blocktop = NULL;
                RCObject** block = blocktop[-1];
                bottom = block;
                top = block + CAPACITY(RCObject**);
                limit = top;

        void ZCT::SetupPinningMemory()
                GCAssert(pinList == NULL);
                GCAssert(pinLast == NULL);
                pinTop = NULL;
                pinLimit = NULL;
                pinIndex = 0;

        bool ZCT::GrowPinningMemory()
                GCAssert(pinTop == pinLimit);
                GCAssert(pinIndex % CAPACITY(RCObject*) == 0);

                RCObject** block = PleaseAllocBlock();
                if (block == NULL)
                        return false;
                // Use the first element of the block as a 'next' pointer, we don't
                // want to use an auxiliary dynamic data structure that might fail
                // here.
                if (pinLast == NULL)
                        pinList = block;
                        pinLast[0] = (RCObject*)block;
                pinLast = block;
                block[0] = NULL;
                pinTop = block + 1;
                pinLimit = block + CAPACITY(RCObject*);
                return true;
        // Transfer blocks from pinList into the ZCT, replacing the ZCT blocks.

        void ZCT::UsePinningMemory()
                // ZCT must be empty when we do this
                GCAssert(top == bottom);
                GCAssert(topIndex == 0);

                if (pinTop != NULL) {
                        // Nuke the ZCT contents (there should only be one block in it)
                        GCAssert(blocktop == blocktable);
                        GCAssert(*blocktop == NULL);

                        // Copy block pointers into the ZCT (typically very few)
                        while (pinList != NULL) {
                                RCObject** block = pinList;
                                pinList = (RCObject**)block[0];
                                block[0] = NULL;
                                *blocktop++ = block;
                        pinLast = NULL;
                        bottom = blocktop[-1];
                        top = pinTop;
                        limit = pinLimit;
                        topIndex = pinIndex;

        void ZCT::ClearPinningMemory()
                while (pinList != NULL)
                        RCObject** block = pinList;
                        pinList = (RCObject**)block[0];
                pinLast = NULL;
        REALLY_INLINE void ZCT::PinObject(RCObject* obj)
                if (pinTop == pinLimit) {
                        if (!GrowPinningMemory()) {
                *pinTop++ = obj;

        REALLY_INLINE void ZCT::ReapObject(RCObject* obj)
#ifdef _DEBUG
                // Invoke prereap on all callbacks.
                // FIXME: This is fairly wasteful and it would be good to be rid of it.
                for ( GCCallback *cb = gc->m_callbacks; cb ; cb = cb->nextCB )
                GCAssert(*(intptr_t*)obj != 0);                 // That's the vtable normally
                GCAssert(gc->weakRefs.get(obj) == NULL);

#ifdef _DEBUG
        // FIXME: document the purpose & mechanisms of DefRef validation
        void ZCT::SetupDefRefValidation(GCWorkItem& stack)
                gc->Trace(stack.ptr, stack._size);
        void ZCT::FinishDefRefValidation()


        void ZCT::DefRefValidate(RCObject* obj)
                if(!gc->validateDefRef || !gc->GetMark(obj))
                GCAssertMsg(false, "Zero count object reachable, ref counts not correct!");
#endif // _DEBUG

        GCWorkItem ZCT::PinProgramStack(bool scanStack)
                GCWorkItem stack;
                MMGC_GET_STACK_EXTENTS(gc, stack.ptr, stack._size);
                if (scanStack)
                        PinStackObjects(stack.ptr, stack._size);
                return stack;
        void ZCT::PinRootSegments()
                GC::RCRootSegment* segment = gc->rcRootSegments;
                        PinStackObjects(segment->mem, segment->size);
                        segment = segment->next;

        void ZCT::PinStackObjects(const void *start, size_t len)
                RCObject **p = (RCObject**)start;
                RCObject **end = p + len/sizeof(RCObject*);
                const void *_memStart = (const void*)gc->memStart;
                const void *_memEnd = (const void*)gc->memEnd;
                while(p < end) {
                        const void *val = GC::Pointer(*p++);    
                        if(val < _memStart || val >= _memEnd)
                        int32_t bits = gc->GetPageMapValue((uintptr_t)val); 
                        bool doit = false;
                        if (bits == GC::kGCAllocPage) {
                                doit = GCAlloc::IsRCObject(val) && GCAlloc::FindBeginning(val) == GetRealPointer(val);
                        else if(bits == GC::kGCLargeAllocPageFirst) {
                                doit = GCLargeAlloc::IsRCObject(val) && GCLargeAlloc::FindBeginning(val) == GetRealPointer(val);
                        if(doit) {
                                // We must pin all objects that are reachable from the stack whether they're in
                                // the ZCT or not, because destroying an object not in the ZCT may push additional
                                // references onto the ZCT, and if those are reachable from the stack they must
                                // be pinned.  (Ergo adding objects during reaping must not clear the ZCT flag.)

                                RCObject *obj = (RCObject*)val;

        bool ZCT::Grow()
                GCAssert(*blocktop == NULL);

                // Allocate one more block
                *blocktop = PleaseAllocBlock();
                if (*blocktop == NULL)
                        return false;
                return true;

        void ZCT::Prune()

        void ZCT::ClearBlockTable()
                while (blocktop > blocktable) {
                        *blocktop = NULL;

        void ZCT::ClearFreeList()
                while (freeList != NULL) {
                        void* item = (void*)freeList;
                        freeList = (void**)*freeList;
        RCObject** ZCT::PleaseAllocBlock()
                if (zct_allowance == 0)
                        return false;
                RCObject** block = NULL;
                if (freeList != NULL) {
                        block = (RCObject**)freeList;
                        freeList = (void**)*freeList;
                else {
                        // The flags are the default flags for heapAlloc + kCanFail
                        block = (RCObject**)gc->heapAlloc(1, GCHeap::kExpand|GCHeap::kZero|GCHeap::kProfile|GCHeap::kCanFail);
                if (block != NULL)
                return block;
        void ZCT::FreeBlock(RCObject** block)
                *(void**)block = (void*)freeList;
                freeList = (void**)block;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */