
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
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 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
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 * The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
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 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
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#include "avmplus.h"
#include "BuiltinNatives.h"
#include "TypeDescriber.h"

using namespace MMgc;

namespace avmplus
        TypeDescriber::TypeDescriber(Toplevel* toplevel) : 
                VMPI_memset(m_strs, 0, sizeof(m_strs));

        Stringp TypeDescriber::describeClassName(Traitsp traits)
                if (!traits)
                        return str(kstrid_asterisk);
                Stringp name = traits->formatClassName();
                // no need to explicitly escape XML chars (eg > into &gt;)
                // since we're returning as JSON and converting to XML in AS3...
                // the escaping will happen automatically by E4X infrastructure
                return name;

        ScriptObject* TypeDescriber::new_object()
                return m_toplevel->objectClass->newInstance();

        ArrayObject* TypeDescriber::new_array()
                return (ArrayObject*)m_toplevel->arrayClass->newInstance();

        void TypeDescriber::setpropmulti(ScriptObject* o, const TypeDescriber::KVPair* kv, uint32_t count)
                while (count--)
                        o->setStringProperty(str(kv->keyid), kv->value);

        Stringp TypeDescriber::str(StringId i)
                static const char* const k_strs[maxStringId] =
                if (!m_strs[i])
                        m_strs[i] = m_toplevel->core()->internConstantStringLatin1(k_strs[i]);
                return m_strs[i];

        #define elem_count(o) (sizeof(o)/sizeof((o)[0]))

        static void pushstr(ArrayObject* a, Stringp s)
                a->setUintProperty(a->getLength(), s->atom());

        static void pushobj(ArrayObject* a, ScriptObject* o)
                a->setUintProperty(a->getLength(), o->atom());

        static inline Atom strAtom(Stringp s)
                return s ? s->atom() : nullStringAtom;

        static inline Atom objAtom(ScriptObject* o)
                return o ? o->atom() : nullObjectAtom;

        static inline Atom boolAtom(bool b)
                return b ? trueAtom : falseAtom;

        ArrayObject* TypeDescriber::describeParams(MethodInfo* /*mi*/, MethodSignaturep ms)
                ArrayObject* a = new_array();
                const int requiredParamCount = ms->requiredParamCount();
                for (int i = 1, n = ms->param_count(); i <= n; ++i) 
                        ScriptObject* v = new_object();
                        const KVPair props[] = {
                                { kstrid_type, strAtom(describeClassName(ms->paramTraits(i))) },
                                { kstrid_optional, boolAtom(i > requiredParamCount) },
                        setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));
                        pushobj(a, v);
                return a;

        void TypeDescriber::addBindings(AvmCore* core, MultinameHashtable* bindings, TraitsBindingsp tb, uint32_t flags)
                if (!tb) return;
                if ((flags & TypeDescriber::HIDE_OBJECT) && !tb->base) return;
                addBindings(core, bindings, tb->base, flags);
                StTraitsBindingsIterator iter(tb);
                uint32_t curapi = core->getAPI(NULL);
                while (
                        if (!iter.key()) continue;
                        Namespacep ns = iter.ns();
                        if (ApiUtils::isVersionedNS(core, ns->getType(), ns->getURI())) {
                                // Skip names that don't match the current version
                                API api = iter.apis();
                                if (!(curapi & api)) {
                        bindings->add(iter.key(), iter.ns(), iter.value());
        ScriptObject* TypeDescriber::describeTraits(Traitsp traits, uint32_t flags, Toplevel* toplevel)
                if (!(flags & INCLUDE_TRAITS))
                        return NULL;
                AvmCore* core = m_toplevel->core();
                GC* gc = core->GetGC();
                TraitsBindingsp tb = traits->getTraitsBindings();
                TraitsMetadatap tm = traits->getTraitsMetadata();

                ScriptObject* o = new_object();

                ArrayObject* bases = NULL;
                ArrayObject* metadata = NULL;
                ArrayObject* interfaces = NULL;
                ArrayObject* methods = NULL;
                ArrayObject* accessors = NULL;
                ArrayObject* variables = NULL;
                ScriptObject* constructor = NULL;

                if (flags & INCLUDE_METADATA)
                        metadata = new_array();
                        PoolObject* class_mdpool;
                        const uint8_t* class_md = tm->getMetadataPos(class_mdpool);
                        if (class_md)
                                addDescribeMetadata(metadata, class_mdpool, class_md);
                if (flags & INCLUDE_BASES)
                        bases = new_array();
                        for (Traitsp b = traits->base; b; b = b->base) 
                                pushstr(bases, describeClassName(b));
                if (flags & INCLUDE_INTERFACES)
                        interfaces = new_array();
                        for (InterfaceIterator iter(traits); iter.hasNext();)
                                Traits* ti =;
                                pushstr(interfaces, describeClassName(ti));

                // constructor
                if (flags & INCLUDE_CONSTRUCTOR)
                        MethodInfo* initMethod = traits->init;
                        if (initMethod)
                                MethodSignaturep ms = initMethod->getMethodSignature();
                                if (ms->param_count() > 0)
                                        constructor = describeParams(initMethod, ms);
                        // recover slot/method metadata and method-declarer information.
                        // make a flattened set of bindings so we don't have to check for overrides as we go.
                        // This is not terribly efficient, but doesn't need to be.
                        MultinameHashtable* mybind = new (gc) MultinameHashtable();
                        addBindings(m_toplevel->core(), mybind, tb, flags);

                        // Don't want interface methods, so post-process and wipe out any
                        // bindings that were added.
                        for (InterfaceIterator ifc_iter(traits); ifc_iter.hasNext();)
                                Traitsp ti =;
                                TraitsBindingsp tbi = ti->getTraitsBindings();
                                StTraitsBindingsIterator iter(tbi);
                                while (
                                        if (!iter.key()) continue;
                                        mybind->add(iter.key(), iter.ns(), BIND_NONE);
                        // yuck, replicate buggy behavior in FP9/10
                        List<Namespacep> nsremoval(gc);
                        if (flags & HIDE_NSURI_METHODS)
                                for (TraitsBindingsp tbi = tb->base; tbi; tbi = tbi->base) 
                                        StTraitsBindingsIterator iter(tbi);
                                        while (
                                                if (!iter.key()) continue;
                                                Namespacep ns = iter.ns();
                                                if (ns->getURI()->length() > 0 && nsremoval.indexOf(ns) < 0)

                        StMNHTIterator iter(mybind);
                        while (
                                if (!iter.key()) continue;
                                Stringp name = iter.key();
                                Namespacep ns = iter.ns();
                                Binding binding = iter.value();
                                Stringp nsuri = ns->getURI();
                                TraitsMetadata::MetadataPtr md1 = NULL;
                                TraitsMetadata::MetadataPtr md2 = NULL;
                                PoolObject* md1pool = NULL;
                                PoolObject* md2pool = NULL;

                                // We only display public members -- exposing private namespaces could compromise security.
                                if (ns->getType() != Namespace::NS_Public) {
                                if ((flags & HIDE_NSURI_METHODS) && nsremoval.indexOf(ns) >= 0) {
                                ScriptObject* v = new_object();

                                const BindingKind bk = AvmCore::bindingKind(binding);
                                switch (bk)
                                        case BKIND_CONST:
                                        case BKIND_VAR:
                                                if (!(flags & INCLUDE_VARIABLES))

                                                const uint32_t slotID = AvmCore::bindingToSlotId(binding);
                                                const KVPair props[] = {
                                                        { kstrid_access, strAtom(str(bk == BKIND_CONST ? kstrid_readonly : kstrid_readwrite)) },
                                                        { kstrid_type, strAtom(describeClassName(tb->getSlotTraits(slotID))) },
                                                setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));
                                                if (!variables) variables = new_array();
                                                pushobj(variables, v);
                                                md1 = tm->getSlotMetadataPos(slotID, md1pool);

                                        case BKIND_METHOD:
                                                if (!(flags & INCLUDE_METHODS))

                                                const uint32_t methodID = AvmCore::bindingToMethodId(binding);
                                                MethodInfo* mi = tb->getMethod(methodID);
                                                MethodSignaturep ms = mi->getMethodSignature();

                                                Traitsp declaringTraits = mi->declaringTraits();

                                                const KVPair props[] = {
                                                        { kstrid_declaredBy, strAtom(describeClassName(declaringTraits)) },
                                                        { kstrid_returnType, strAtom(describeClassName(ms->returnTraits())) },
                                                        { kstrid_parameters, objAtom(describeParams(mi, ms)) },
                                                setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));
                                                if (!methods) methods = new_array();
                                                pushobj(methods, v);
                                                md1 = tm->getMethodMetadataPos(methodID, md1pool);
                                        case BKIND_GET:
                                        case BKIND_SET:
                                        case BKIND_GETSET:
                                                if (!(flags & INCLUDE_ACCESSORS))
                                                const uint32_t methodID = AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(binding) ?
                                                                                                        AvmCore::bindingToGetterId(binding) :

                                                MethodInfo* mi = tb->getMethod(methodID);
                                                MethodSignaturep ms = mi->getMethodSignature();

                                                Traitsp declaringTraits = mi->declaringTraits();

                                                Traitsp accessorType = AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(binding) ?
                                                                                                        ms->returnTraits() :

                                                static const uint8_t bk2str[8] = 
                                                        uint8_t(kstrid_emptyString),    // BKIND_NONE
                                                        uint8_t(kstrid_emptyString),    // BKIND_METHOD
                                                        uint8_t(kstrid_emptyString),    // BKIND_VAR
                                                        uint8_t(kstrid_emptyString),    // BKIND_CONST
                                                        uint8_t(kstrid_emptyString),    // unused
                                                        uint8_t(kstrid_readonly),               // BKIND_GET
                                                        uint8_t(kstrid_writeonly),              // BKIND_SET
                                                        uint8_t(kstrid_readwrite)               // BKIND_GETSET
                                                const KVPair props[] = {
                                                        { kstrid_declaredBy, strAtom(describeClassName(declaringTraits)) },
                                                        { kstrid_access, strAtom(str(StringId(bk2str[bk]))) },
                                                        { kstrid_type, strAtom(describeClassName(accessorType)) },
                                                setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));
                                                if (AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(binding))
                                                        md1 = tm->getMethodMetadataPos(AvmCore::bindingToGetterId(binding), md1pool);
                                                if (AvmCore::hasSetterBinding(binding))
                                                        md2 = tm->getMethodMetadataPos(AvmCore::bindingToSetterId(binding), md2pool);
                                                if (!accessors) accessors = new_array();
                                                pushobj(accessors, v);
                                        case BKIND_NONE:

                                ArrayObject* vm = NULL;
                                if ((flags & INCLUDE_METADATA) && (md1 || md2))
                                        vm = new_array();
                                        addDescribeMetadata(vm, md1pool, md1);
                                        addDescribeMetadata(vm, md2pool, md2);
                                const KVPair props[] = {
                                        { kstrid_name, strAtom(name) },
                                        { kstrid_uri, strAtom(nsuri->length() == 0 ? NULL : nsuri) },
                                        { kstrid_metadata, objAtom(vm) },
                                setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));

                const KVPair props[] = {
                        { kstrid_bases, objAtom(bases) },
                        { kstrid_interfaces, objAtom(interfaces) },
                        { kstrid_metadata, objAtom(metadata) },
                        { kstrid_accessors, objAtom(accessors) },
                        { kstrid_methods, objAtom(methods) },
                        { kstrid_variables, objAtom(variables) },
                        { kstrid_constructor, objAtom(constructor) },
                setpropmulti(o, props, elem_count(props));

                return o;

        void TypeDescriber::addDescribeMetadata(ArrayObject* a, PoolObject* pool, const uint8_t* meta_pos)
                if (meta_pos)
                        uint32_t metadata_count = AvmCore::readU30(meta_pos);
                        while (metadata_count--)
                                const uint32_t metadata_index = AvmCore::readU30(meta_pos);
                                ScriptObject* md = describeMetadataInfo(pool, metadata_index);
                                if (md)
                                        pushobj(a, md);
        static void read_u30_list(List<uint32_t>& list, uint32_t val_count, const uint8_t*& pos)
                while (val_count--)

        ScriptObject* TypeDescriber::describeMetadataInfo(PoolObject* pool, uint32_t metadata_index)
                AvmCore* core = m_toplevel->core();
                const uint8_t* metadata_pos = pool->metadata_infos[metadata_index];

                const uint32_t name_index = (metadata_pos) ? AvmCore::readU30(metadata_pos) : 0;
                // A bit of a hack: if the pool is builtin, always omit metadata chunks with names of "Version"
                // or "native", since these are used for reserved purposes internally.
                Stringp name = poolstr(pool, name_index);
                AvmAssert(name->isInterned() && core->kVersion->isInterned() && str(kstrid_native)->isInterned());
                if (pool->isBuiltin && (name == core->kVersion || name == str(kstrid_native))) 
                        return NULL;

                const uint32_t val_count = (metadata_pos) ? AvmCore::readU30(metadata_pos) : 0;

                ScriptObject* o = new_object();
                ArrayObject* a = new_array();

                if (val_count > 0)
                        GC* gc = core->GetGC();
                        List<uint32_t> key_indexes(gc);
                        List<uint32_t> val_indexes(gc);
                        read_u30_list(key_indexes, val_count, metadata_pos);
                        read_u30_list(val_indexes, val_count, metadata_pos);

                        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < val_count; ++i)
                                ScriptObject* v = new_object();
                                const KVPair props[] = {
                                        { kstrid_key, strAtom(poolstr(pool, key_indexes.get(i))) },
                                        { kstrid_value, strAtom(poolstr(pool, val_indexes.get(i))) },
                                setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));
                                pushobj(a, v);

                const KVPair props[] = {
                        { kstrid_name, strAtom(name) },
                        { kstrid_value, objAtom(a) },
                setpropmulti(o, props, elem_count(props));

                return o;

        Stringp TypeDescriber::poolstr(PoolObject* pool, uint32_t index)
                return index < pool->constantStringCount ? pool->getString(index) : str(kstrid_emptyString);
    // bug comaptibility note: FP10 and earlier sniffed the Atom type and return 'int' for
    // all integer atoms. This is wrong, but we should preserve the behavior. Note that we
    // compare the numeric range: doesn't matter for 32-bit builds, but 64-builds have larger
    // possible int atoms, so this preserves the existing behavior of "29-bit int -> int" even
    // on 64-bit systems. 
    static bool isIntAtom29Bit(Atom value)
        if (atomIsIntptr(value))
            intptr_t const i = atomGetIntptr(value);
            int32_t const i32 = (int32_t(i)<<3)>>3;
            return i == intptr_t(i32);
        return false;

        Traits* TypeDescriber::chooseTraits(Atom value, uint32_t flags)
                Traitsp traits;
                if (value == undefinedAtom)
                        traits = m_toplevel->core()->traits.void_itraits;
                else if (ISNULL(value))
                        traits = m_toplevel->core()->traits.null_itraits;
                else if (isIntAtom29Bit(value))
                        traits = m_toplevel->core()->traits.int_itraits;
                        traits = m_toplevel->toTraits(value);

                if (flags & USE_ITRAITS)
                        traits = traits->itraits;
        return traits;
        ScriptObject* TypeDescriber::describeType(Atom value, uint32_t flags)
                Traitsp traits = chooseTraits(value, flags);

                if (!traits)
                        return NULL;

                ScriptObject* o = new_object();
                const KVPair props[] = {
                        { kstrid_name, strAtom(describeClassName(traits)) },
                        { kstrid_isDynamic, boolAtom(traits->needsHashtable()) },
                        { kstrid_isFinal, boolAtom(traits->final) },
                        { kstrid_isStatic, boolAtom(traits->itraits != NULL) },
                        { kstrid_traits, objAtom(describeTraits(traits, flags, m_toplevel)) },
                setpropmulti(o, props, elem_count(props));

                return o;

        Stringp TypeDescriber::getQualifiedClassName(Atom value)
                Traitsp traits = chooseTraits(value, 0);
        return traits ? describeClassName(traits) : NULL;

        Stringp TypeDescriber::getQualifiedSuperclassName(Atom value)
                // getQualifiedSuperclassName explicitly allows us to pass Class or Instance,
                // and either should resolve to super of Instance
                Traitsp traits = chooseTraits(value, 0);
        if (!traits)
            return NULL;
                if (traits->itraits)
                        traits = traits->itraits;
        return traits->base && traits->base != m_toplevel->core()->traits.class_itraits ? 
                describeClassName(traits->base) : 

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */