
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. TimeoutProc
  2. Initialize
  3. Close
  4. initAXPool
  5. initESC
  6. initAXTamBuiltins
  7. dumpException
  8. comProviderErrorClass
  9. computeStackBase
  10. interrupt
  11. stackOverflow
  12. fillEXCEPINFO
  13. throwCOMConsumerError
  14. isCOMProviderError
  15. isCOMConsumerError
  16. handleException
  17. toAtom
  18. getExistingConsumer
  19. toAtom
  20. toAtom
  21. atomToVARIANT
  22. atomToVARIANT
  23. atomToIUnknown
  24. atomToIUnknown
  25. handleConversionFailure
  26. createDispatchProvider
  27. createDispatchProviderMethod
  28. DllMain
  29. DllCanUnloadNow
  30. DllGetClassObject
  31. DllRegisterServer
  32. DllUnregisterServer
  33. DllInstall

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is [ActiveScripting implemented with Tamarin].
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla Corp.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Mark Hammond.
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
 * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
 * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
 * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
 * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
 * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
 * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
 * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
 * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
 * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

// axtam.cpp : Implementation of DLL Exports and general initialization code.

#include "axtam.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "mmsystem.h" // timer related functions

#include "Profiler.h"

#include "IUnknownConsumer.h"
#include "IDispatchConsumer.h"
#include "IDispatchProvider.h"
#include "SystemClass.h"
#include "IActiveScriptSiteConsumer.h"
#include "COMErrorClass.h"
#include "ActiveScriptError.h"
#include "ExcepInfo.h"
#include "Debugger.h"

// files cloned from the shell
namespace axtam {
class ByteArrayObject;
class ByteArray;
#include "DataIO.h"
#include "ByteArrayGlue.h"
#include "DomainClass.h"
#include "FileClass.h"

#include <fstream> // while we still load .abc files...
#include <direct.h> // for _chdir() hack below

using namespace avmplus::NativeID;

// tamarin initialization, initialization of our extensions, etc
// cloned from tamarin's "shell" utility - hopefully it will become clear
// what all this does at some stage :)
//using namespace avmshell;

namespace axtam
        #include "axtoplevel.cpp"

        const int kScriptTimeout = 15;
        const int kScriptGracePeriod = 5;

        HINSTANCE AXTam::hinstance = 0;

                NATIVE_CLASS(abcclass_axtam_System,                           SystemClass,             ScriptObject)
                NATIVE_CLASS(abcclass_axtam_com_consumer_IUnknown,   IUnknownConsumerClass,   IUnknownConsumer)
                NATIVE_CLASS(abcclass_axtam_com_consumer_IDispatch,  IDispatchConsumerClass,  IDispatchConsumer)
                                                                              IActiveScriptSiteConsumerClass, IActiveScriptSiteConsumer)
                //NATIVE_CLASS(abcclass_axtam_com_Error,                        COMErrorClass,           COMErrorObject)
                NATIVE_CLASS(abcclass_axtam_com_ProviderError,                COMProviderErrorClass,   COMProviderErrorObject)
                NATIVE_CLASS(abcclass_axtam_com_ConsumerError,                COMConsumerErrorClass,   COMConsumerErrorObject)
                NATIVE_CLASS(abcclass_axtam_com_EXCEPINFO,                    EXCEPINFOClass,          EXCEPINFOObject)
                // clones from the shell
                NATIVE_CLASS(abcclass_axtam_Domain,                           DomainClass,             DomainObject)
                NATIVE_CLASS(abcclass_flash_utils_ByteArray,                  ByteArrayClass,          ByteArrayObject)
                NATIVE_CLASS(abcclass_avmplus_File,                           avmshell::FileClass,     ScriptObject)


                NATIVE_SCRIPT(0, AxtamScript)

                NATIVE_METHOD_FLAGS(axtam_com_provider_createDispatchProvider, AXTam::createDispatchProviderMethod, 0)

        //ConsoleOutputStream *consoleOutputStream;

//      Shell *shell = NULL;
        bool show_error = false;

        void CALLBACK TimeoutProc(UINT /*uTimerID*/,
                                                          UINT /*uMsg*/,
                                                          DWORD_PTR dwUser,
                                                          DWORD_PTR /*dw1*/,
                                                          DWORD_PTR /*dw2*/)
                AvmCore *core = (AvmCore*)dwUser;
                core->interrupted = true;

        // Get ready for hosting a new script environment.
        void AXTam::Initialize(IActiveScript *as) {
                AvmAssert(this->as == NULL); // already initialized??
                this->as = as;

                #ifdef DEBUGGER
                // Create the debugger
                debugger = new (gc) axtam::Debugger(this);

                // Create the profiler
                profiler = new (gc) axtam::Profiler(this);

                // init toplevel internally
                toplevel = initAXTamBuiltins(true);

        void AXTam::Close() {
                // This should be safe to call multiple times.
                as = NULL;
                // Drop all COM references in our dispatchConsumers table.
                stdext::hash_map<IUnknown *, DRC(IDispatchConsumer *)>::iterator it;
                for (it=dispatchConsumers.begin(); it != dispatchConsumers.end(); it++) {
        void AXTam::initAXPool()
                MethodInfo *nativeMethods[axtoplevel_abc_method_count];
                NativeClassInfo *nativeClasses[axtoplevel_abc_class_count];
                NativeScriptInfo *nativeScripts[axtoplevel_abc_script_count];

                memset(nativeMethods, 0, sizeof(MethodInfo*)*axtoplevel_abc_method_count);
                memset(nativeClasses, 0, sizeof(NativeClassInfo*)*axtoplevel_abc_class_count);
                memset(nativeScripts, 0, sizeof(NativeScriptInfo*)*axtoplevel_abc_script_count);

                initNativeTables(classEntries, scriptEntries, 
                        nativeMethods, nativeClasses, nativeScripts);

                avmplus::ScriptBuffer code = newScriptBuffer(axtoplevel_abc_length);
                memcpy(code.getBuffer(), axtoplevel_abc_data, axtoplevel_abc_length);
                pool = parseActionBlock(code, 0, NULL, builtinDomain, nativeMethods, nativeClasses, nativeScripts);
                #ifdef AVMPLUS_VERBOSE
                //pool->verbose = true;

        void AXTam::initESC(Toplevel *toplevel)
                // load up the compiler (this list comes from esc/build/
                // This is hacked in under the assumption we will come up with a
                // better strategy.
                static const wchar_t *abcs[] = {
                        L"",           L"",         L"",
                        L"",    L"",     L"",
                        L"",        L"",          L"",
                        L"",             L"",          L"",
                        L"",           L"",   L"",
                        L"",        L"", L"",
                // first of these directories with abcs[0] wins...
                static const wchar_t *candidates[] = {
                        // We don't want to search relative paths in real "release" builds
                        // but its early days, and without this, developers will get confused 
                        // XXX - work out a strategy for embedding esc!
#if _MSC_VER < 1500
                        // vs2005 builds into 'vs8/{config_name}
                        L"..\\..\\..\\esc\\bin\\", // for running directly from the source tree
                        // vs2008 builds into 'vs2008/obj/{config_name}
                        L"..\\..\\..\\..\\esc\\bin\\", // for running directly from the source tree
                wchar_t fqname[MAX_PATH+100] = {L'\0'}; // space for candidate path too...
                rsize_t fqsize = sizeof(fqname)/sizeof(fqname[0]);

                wchar_t *fqtail; // point into fqname where the tail starts.
                GetModuleFileNameW(axtam::AXTam::hinstance, fqname, fqsize);
                fqtail = wcsrchr(fqname, L'\\');
                if (fqtail)
                        fqtail += 1;
                else // unlikely, but...
                        fqtail = fqname;
                rsize_t tailsize = fqsize - (fqtail-fqname);
                const wchar_t **candidate;
                for (candidate=candidates;*candidate;candidate++) {
                        wcscpy_s(fqtail, tailsize, *candidate);
                        wcscat_s(fqtail, tailsize, abcs[0]);
                        ATLTRACE2("Looking for landmark '%S' - %d\n", fqname, GetFileAttributesW(fqname));
                        if (0xFFFFFFFF != GetFileAttributesW(fqname)) {
                                // yay - found the path they live in - load-em up.
                                const wchar_t **abc;
                                for (abc=abcs;*abc;abc++) {
                                        wcscpy_s(fqtail, tailsize, *candidate);
                                        wcscat_s(fqtail, tailsize, *abc);
                                        Stringp fname = new (GetGC()) String((wchar *)fqname, wcslen(fqname));
                                        // XXX - this will be wrong for non-ascii names!
                                        std::fstream file((char *)fname->toUTF8String()->c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::ate);
                                        if (file.good()) {
                                                std::ifstream::pos_type size(file.tellg());
                                                ScriptBuffer code = newScriptBuffer(size);
                                       *)code.getBuffer(), size);
                                                axtam::CodeContext* codeContext = new (GetGC()) axtam::CodeContext(toplevel->domainEnv());
                                                // parse new bytecode
                                                handleActionBlock(code, 0, toplevel->domainEnv(), toplevel, NULL, NULL, NULL, codeContext);
                                        } else {
                                                AvmDebugMsg(true, "Can't find ABC file '%s'", fname->toUTF8String()->c_str());
                                // XXX - awful hack so esc can find esc-env.ast.  See bug 419768.
                                wcscpy_s(fqtail, tailsize, *candidate);
                                // For a binary build, the .ast should be next to the .abc files.
                                // For a source-directory, it will be in ..\build relative to the .abcs
                                if (*candidate)
                                        wcscat_s(fqtail, tailsize, L"..\\build");
                                break; // all done
                        } // if file exists
                } // for candidate...

        Toplevel* AXTam::initAXTamBuiltins(bool load_esc)
                // Initialize a new Toplevel.  This will also create a new
                // DomainEnv based on the builtinDomain.
                Toplevel* toplevel = initTopLevel();

                if (load_esc)

                // Initialize the parser in our Toplevel
                return toplevel;

        void AXTam::dumpException(Exception *exception)
                #ifdef DEBUGGER
                if (!(exception->flags & Exception::SEEN_BY_DEBUGGER))
                        ATLTRACE2((wchar_t *)this->string(exception->atom)->c_str());
                if (exception->getStackTrace()) {
                        ATLTRACE2((const wchar_t *)exception->getStackTrace()->format(this)->c_str());
                        ATLTRACE2((wchar_t *)this->string(exception->atom)->c_str());

        AXTam::AXTam(MMgc::GC *gc) 
                : AvmCore(gc), 
//              systemClass = NULL;
                gracePeriod = false;
                inStackOverflow = false;


                OutputStream *outputStream = new (gc) OutputStream();

        void AXTam::computeStackBase()
                const int kStackMargin = 131072;
                SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;

                int dummy;
                int sp = (int)(&dummy);
                sp &= ~(sysinfo.dwPageSize-1);

                MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION buf;
                if (VirtualQuery((void*)sp, &buf, sizeof(buf)) == sizeof(buf)) {
                        minstack = (uint32)buf.AllocationBase + kStackMargin;

        void AXTam::interrupt(MethodEnv *env)
                interrupted = false;

                Toplevel *toplevel = env->vtable->toplevel;

                if (gracePeriod) {
                        // This script has already had its chance; it violated
                        // the grace period.
                        // Throw an exception it cannot catch.
                        Stringp errorMessage = getErrorMessage(kScriptTerminatedError);
                        Atom args[2] = { nullObjectAtom, errorMessage->atom() };
                        Atom errorAtom = toplevel->errorClass()->construct(1, args);
                        Exception *exception = new (GetGC()) Exception(errorAtom
                                                                                                          #ifdef DEBUGGER
                        exception->flags |= Exception::EXIT_EXCEPTION;

                // Give the script an additional grace period to
                // clean up, and throw an exception.
                gracePeriod = true;

                #ifdef WIN32
                #ifndef AVMPLUS_ARM // TODO AVMPLUS_ARM


        void AXTam::stackOverflow(MethodEnv *env)
                if (inStackOverflow)
                        // Already handling a stack overflow, so do not
                        // re-enter handler.
                // Temporarily disable stack overflow checks
                // so that we can construct an exception object.
                // There should be plenty of margin before the
                // actual stack bottom to do this.
                inStackOverflow = true;

                Toplevel *toplevel = env->vtable->toplevel;

                Stringp errorMessage = getErrorMessage(kStackOverflowError);
                Atom args[2] = { nullObjectAtom, errorMessage->atom() };
                Atom errorAtom = toplevel->errorClass()->construct(1, args);
                Exception *exception = new (GetGC()) Exception(errorAtom
                #ifdef DEBUGGER

                // Restore stack overflow checks
                inStackOverflow = false;

                // Throw the stack overflow exception

        void AXTam::fillEXCEPINFO(const Exception *exception, EXCEPINFO *pexcepinfo, bool includeStackTrace /* = true */)
                // zero out members we don't fill (wsh doesn't appear to do this)
                memset(pexcepinfo, 0, sizeof(*pexcepinfo));
                Stringp s(string(exception->atom));
                if (includeStackTrace) {
                        #ifdef DEBUGGER
                        if (exception->getStackTrace()) {
                                s = concatStrings(s, constantString("\n"));
                                s = concatStrings(s, exception->getStackTrace()->format(this));
                                s = concatStrings(s, constantString("<stack trace not available>"));
                pexcepinfo->bstrDescription = ::SysAllocString((const OLECHAR *)s->c_str());
                pexcepinfo->scode = E_FAIL; // todo - get a better result value!

        void AXTam::throwCOMConsumerError(HRESULT hr, EXCEPINFO *pei /* = NULL */){
                comConsumerErrorClass->throwError(hr, pei);
                AvmAssert(0); // not reached

        // As our error classes are created when our top-level implementation script is run,
        // exceptions seen before that (ie, in the ESC bootstrap code or similar) will 
        // encounter NULL error classes.
        bool AXTam::isCOMProviderError(Exception *exc) {
                return exc->isValid() && comProviderErrorClass &&
                       istype(exc->atom, comProviderErrorClass->traits()->itraits);
        bool AXTam::isCOMConsumerError(Exception *exc) {
                return exc->isValid() && comConsumerErrorClass &&
                       istype(exc->atom, comConsumerErrorClass->traits()->itraits);

        HRESULT AXTam::handleException(Exception *exception, EXCEPINFO *pei /*=NULL*/, int depth /* = 0 */)
                if (depth > 1) {
                        // give up in disgust
                        AvmDebugMsg(true, "The exception handlers keep throwing exceptions!\r\n");
                        return E_FAIL;
                HRESULT hr;
                TRY(this, kCatchAction_ReportAsError) { // An exception in our exception handler would otherwise be fatal!
                        if (isCOMProviderError(exception)) {
                                // This is an error explicitly thrown by script code.  It 
                                // means that the HRESULT just be returned - its not a 
                                // "script error".
                                COMErrorObject *eob = (COMErrorObject *)atomToScriptObject(exception->atom);
                                hr = eob->getHRESULT();
                        } else {
                                // dump the exception for diagnostic purposes
                                // report the exception to the site.
                                // XXX - later, we will want to move this error handling into
                                // AS, leaving the C++ code to only deal with 'internal' errors
                                // in the engine itself.  For now though, report all errors to 
                                // the site
                                // We may not have a site if we are calling InitNew, or after we
                                // have closed...
                                if (activeScriptSite != 0) {
                                        CGCRootComObject<CActiveScriptError> *err;
                                        ATLTRY(err = new CGCRootComObject<CActiveScriptError>(this));
                                        if (err) {
                                                err->exception = exception;
                                                // XXX - must get passed dwSourceContextCookie, if available
                                                //err->dwSourceContextCookie = dwSourceContextCookie;
                                                CComQIPtr<IActiveScriptError, &IID_IActiveScriptError> ase(err);
                                if (pei) {
                                        fillEXCEPINFO(exception, pei);
                                        hr = DISP_E_EXCEPTION;
                                } else {
                                        hr = E_FAIL;
                CATCH(Exception * exception) {
                        AvmDebugMsg(false, "Error in exception handler\r\n");
                        hr = handleException(exception, pei, depth+1);

                return hr;

        // Nice discussion on types that are important can be found at
        // This shows that arrays really don't need much better support than this (indeed, even this goes further than JScript?)
        Atom AXTam::toAtom(VARIANT &var)
                if (V_ISARRAY(&var)) {
                        HRESULT hr;
                        // An array of some kind - decompose it.
                        SAFEARRAY FAR *psa;
                        if (V_ISBYREF(&var))
                                psa = *V_ARRAYREF(&var);
                        VARTYPE eltType;

                        if (psa==NULL) // A NULL array
                                return nullObjectAtom;

                        if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetVartype(psa, &eltType)))

                        UINT nDim = SafeArrayGetDim(psa);
                        if (nDim != 1) {
                                AvmDebugMsg(false, "Only handle arrays with a single dimension");
                                return undefinedAtom;
                        long lb, ub;
                        if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetLBound(psa, 1, &lb)))
                        if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetUBound(psa, 1, &ub)))

                        // XXX - special cases?  VT_UI1 should probably be optimized as it
                        // is used to mean "binary data"
                        ArrayObject *ret = toplevel->arrayClass->newArray(ub-lb+1);
                        for (long i=lb;i<=ub;i++) {
                                Atom sub = undefinedAtom;
                                switch (eltType) {
                                        // The following are all variant types valid in an array
                                        // Of note, VT_I8 and VT_UI8 are not listed!
                                        case VT_VARIANT:
                                                CComVariant elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = toAtom(elt);
                                        case VT_I2: {
                                                short elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = intToAtom(elt);
                                        case VT_I4:
                                        case VT_ERROR:
                                        case VT_INT:{
                                                long elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = intToAtom(elt);

                                        case VT_I1: {
                                                char elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = intToAtom(elt);
//                                      case VT_UI1: - XXXX - not done yet pending special support?
                                        case VT_UI2: {
                                                unsigned short elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = uintToAtom(elt);
                                        case VT_UI4:
                                        case VT_UINT: {
                                                unsigned long elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = uintToAtom(elt);
                                        case VT_R4: {
                                                float elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = doubleToAtom(elt);
                                        case VT_R8: {
                                                double elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = doubleToAtom(elt);
                                        case VT_BSTR: {
                                                BSTR elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = toAtom(elt);
                                        case VT_DISPATCH: {
                                                CComPtr<IDispatch> elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = toAtom(elt);
                                        case VT_UNKNOWN: {
                                                CComPtr<IUnknown> elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = toAtom(elt);
                                        case VT_BOOL: {
                                                VARIANT_BOOL elt;
                                                if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &elt)))
                                                sub = elt ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
                                        // unsupported types.
                                        case VT_CY:
                                        case VT_DATE:
                                        case VT_DECIMAL:
                                        case VT_RECORD:
                                                AvmDebugMsg(false, "Unsupported array type %x\n", eltType);
                                                sub = undefinedAtom;
                                ret->push(&sub, 1);
                        return ret->atom();
                switch (var.vt) {
                        // GetDispID() documents that new attributes should be added
                        // with a type of VT_EMPTY.  Therefore, we treat VT_EMPTY as
                        // 'undefined', and NULL as null!
                        case VT_EMPTY:
                        case VT_VOID: // theoretically not valid in a variant
                                return undefinedAtom;

                        case VT_NULL:
                                return nullObjectAtom;

                        //case VT_I1:
                        //case VT_UI1:
                                // should these be treated as 'char' or 'int'?
                        case VT_I2:
                                return intToAtom(var.iVal);
                        case VT_I4:
                                return intToAtom(var.lVal);
                        case VT_INT:
                                return intToAtom(var.intVal);
                        case VT_UI2:
                                return uintToAtom(var.uiVal);
                        case VT_UI4:
                                return uintToAtom(var.ulVal);
                        case VT_UINT:
                                return uintToAtom(var.uintVal);
                        case VT_R4:
                                return doubleToAtom(var.fltVal);
                        case VT_R8:
                                return doubleToAtom(var.dblVal);
                        //VT_CY = 6,
                        //VT_DATE       = 7,
                        case VT_ERROR:
                                return intToAtom(var.scode);
                        case VT_BOOL:
                                return var.boolVal ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
                        case VT_VARIANT:
                                return toAtom(*var.pvarVal);
                        case VT_UNKNOWN :
                                return toAtom(var.punkVal);

                        // VT_DECIMAL   = 14,
                        // VT_I8        = 20 // Not valid in a variant
                        // VT_UI8       = 21, // not valid in a variant
                        // VT_HRESULT   = 25, // not valid in a variant

                        case VT_BSTR:
                                return toAtom(var.bstrVal);

                        case VT_DISPATCH:
                                return toAtom(var.pdispVal);
                AvmDebugMsg(true, "unhandled VARIANT type %d", var.vt);
                return undefinedAtom;

        IDispatchConsumer *AXTam::getExistingConsumer(IUnknown *pUnk)
                // See if the IUnknown as passed is in the map.
                stdext::hash_map<IUnknown *, DRC(IDispatchConsumer *)>::iterator it = dispatchConsumers.find(pUnk);
                if(it == dispatchConsumers.end()) {
                        // The IUnknown we are passed may not be exactly IUnknown, but
                        // instead a derived interface.  COM identity rules state that
                        // pointers returned from an explicit QI for IUnknown must
                        // be compared, so do that now.
                        CComQIPtr<IUnknown, &IID_IUnknown> realUnk(pUnk);
                        if (realUnk.p == pUnk) {
                                // Same pointer - no point re-checking the map - its not there!
                                return NULL;
                        it = dispatchConsumers.find(realUnk.p);
                if(it == dispatchConsumers.end())
                        return NULL;

                return it->second;

        Atom AXTam::toAtom(IDispatch *pDisp)
                if (!pDisp)
                        return nullObjectAtom;

                // If this core has already seen this IDispatch, return the original object
                // so expandos etc are what we expect.
                IDispatchConsumer *dc = getExistingConsumer(pDisp);
                if (dc == NULL) {
                        // haven't seen it before - create a new one and stash away.
                        // We can't get smarter, like only caching IDispatch objects
                        // with expandos, as we still need object identity to work - eg,
                        // 'window.document === window.document' must return True even when
                        // no expandos exist on either object.
                        CComQIPtr<IDispatch, &IID_IDispatch> disp(pDisp);
                        dc = dispatchClass->create(pDisp);
                        // must store a real IUnknown pointer so identity rules are respected
                        CComQIPtr<IUnknown, &IID_IUnknown> realUnk(pDisp);
                        // we store raw pointers, and COM reference is kept via 'Detach'.
                        dispatchConsumers[realUnk.Detach()] = dc;
                return dc->atom();

        Atom AXTam::toAtom(IUnknown *pUnk, const IID &iid /*= __uuidof(0)*/)
                return pUnk ? unknownClass->create(pUnk, iid)->atom() : nullObjectAtom;

        CComVariant AXTam::atomToVARIANT(Atom val)
                switch (val&7) {
                        case kDoubleType:
                                return atomToDouble(val);
                        case kIntegerType:
                                // kIntegerType is signed - which is handy, as we should prefer
                                // signed values to unsigned - VBScript, for example, can't handle
                                // unsigned.
                                return integer(val);
                        case kStringType:
                                return (OLECHAR *)string(val)->c_str();
                        case kObjectType:
                                // an arbitrary object.
                                // If its already a COM object, just extract the initial object.
                                if (istype(val, dispatchClass->traits()->itraits)) {
                                        IDispatchConsumer *dc = (IDispatchConsumer *)atomToScriptObject(val);
                                        return CComVariant(dc->getDispatch());
                                if (istype(val, unknownClass->traits()->itraits)) {
                                        IUnknownConsumer *uc = (IUnknownConsumer*)atomToScriptObject(val);
                                        return CComVariant(uc->ob);
                                // some other JS object - create an IDispatch wrapper for it.
                                return CComVariant(createDispatchProvider(val));
                                if (AvmCore::isNull(val)) {
                                        // Better way to get a VT_NULL variant?
                                        CComVariant ret;
                                        return ret;
                                if (AvmCore::isUndefined(val))
                                        return CComVariant(); // VT_EMPTY is default.
                                // the more complex type checking.
                                if (isBoolean(val)) {
                                        return boolean(val) ? true : false;
                                } else {
                                        // coerce to a string.
                                        return (OLECHAR *)coerce_s(val)->c_str();

        HRESULT AXTam::atomToVARIANT(avmplus::Atom val, ATL::CComVariant *pResult)
                if (!pResult)
                        return E_POINTER;
                HRESULT hr;
                TRY(this, kCatchAction_ReportAsError) {
                        *pResult = atomToVARIANT(val);
                        hr = S_OK;
                } CATCH(Exception *exception) {
                        hr = handleConversionFailure(exception);
                return hr;

        void *AXTam::atomToIUnknown(Atom val, const IID &iid)
                void *ret;
                HRESULT hr = atomToIUnknown(val, iid, &ret);
                if (FAILED(hr))
                return ret;

        HRESULT AXTam::atomToIUnknown(Atom val, const IID &iid, void **ret)
                if (!ret)
                        return E_POINTER;
                if (!istype(val, unknownClass->traits()->itraits)) {
                        AvmDebugMsg(true, "atomToIUnknown doesn't have an unknown consumer");
                        return E_FAIL;
                IUnknownConsumer *u = (IUnknownConsumer *)atomToScriptObject(val);
                return u->get(iid, ret);

        HRESULT AXTam::handleConversionFailure(const Exception *exc)
                // This is an "unexpected" error caused by our implementation
                // rather than by script code.
                AvmDebugMsg(true, "Conversion failed");
                // It makes no sense to try and translate the likely TypeError
                // into a HRESULT - it doesn't really help the *caller* of this.
                // We need to provide good diagnosis for the implementor...
                return E_FAIL;

        CComPtr<IDispatch> AXTam::createDispatchProvider(Atom ob)
                CGCRootComObject<IDispatchProvider> *d = NULL;
                if (!isObject(ob))
                ScriptObject *so = atomToScriptObject(ob);
                ATLTRY(d = new CGCRootComObject<IDispatchProvider>(this));
                if (!d)
                d->ob = so;
                return CComPtr<IDispatch>(d);

        ScriptObject *AXTam::createDispatchProviderMethod(Atom ob)
                if (!isObject(ob))
                // XXX - todo - ack - this is some ScriptObject * - obviously something is wrong ;)
                ScriptObject *so = atomToScriptObject(ob);
                AXTam *core = (AXTam *)so->core();
                return core->atomToScriptObject(core->toAtom(core->createDispatchProvider(ob)));

} /* end of namespace AXTam */

// DLL initialization, COM registration and other fun stuff.
class CAXTamarinModule : public CAtlDllModuleT< CAXTamarinModule >
public :

CAXTamarinModule _AtlModule;

#ifdef _MANAGED
#pragma managed(push, off)

// DLL Entry Point
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
        axtam::AXTam::hinstance = hInstance;
        return _AtlModule.DllMain(dwReason, lpReserved); 

#ifdef _MANAGED
#pragma managed(pop)

// Used to determine whether the DLL can be unloaded by OLE
STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void)
    return _AtlModule.DllCanUnloadNow();

// Returns a class factory to create an object of the requested type
STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv)
    return _AtlModule.DllGetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv);

// DllRegisterServer - Adds entries to the system registry
STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void)
    // registers object, typelib and all interfaces in typelib
    HRESULT hr = _AtlModule.DllRegisterServer(FALSE);
        return hr;

// DllUnregisterServer - Removes entries from the system registry
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void)
        HRESULT hr = _AtlModule.DllUnregisterServer(FALSE);
        return hr;

STDAPI DllInstall(BOOL bInstall, LPCWSTR pszCmdLine)
   // MSVC will call "regsvr32 /i:user" if "per-user registration" is set as a 
   // linker option - so handle that here (its also handle for anyone else to
   // be able to manually install just for themselves.)
   static const wchar_t szUserSwitch[] = L"user";
   if (pszCmdLine != NULL)
       if (_wcsnicmp(pszCmdLine, szUserSwitch, _countof(szUserSwitch)) == 0)
                   // But ATL still barfs if you try and register a COM category, so
                   // just arrange to not do that.
                   _AtlComModule.m_ppAutoObjMapFirst = _AtlComModule.m_ppAutoObjMapLast;
   if (bInstall)
       hr = DllRegisterServer();
       if (FAILED(hr))
       hr = DllUnregisterServer();
   return hr;

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