
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. destroy
  2. init
  3. initializeGeoms
  4. startCompressFrame
  5. threadMain
  6. processTasks
  7. getBsLength
  8. compressFrame
  9. encodeSlice
  10. processRow
  11. processRowEncoder
  12. collectCTUStatistics
  13. noiseReductionUpdate
  14. getEncodedPicture

 * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 MulticoreWare, Inc
 * Authors: Chung Shin Yee <>
 *          Min Chen <>
 *          Steve Borho <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
 * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license.
 * For more information, contact us at license @

#include "common.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "framedata.h"
#include "wavefront.h"
#include "param.h"

#include "encoder.h"
#include "frameencoder.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "slicetype.h"
#include "nal.h"

namespace X265_NS {
void weightAnalyse(Slice& slice, Frame& frame, x265_param& param);

    m_prevOutputTime = x265_mdate();
    m_reconfigure = false;
    m_isFrameEncoder = true;
    m_threadActive = true;
    m_slicetypeWaitTime = 0;
    m_activeWorkerCount = 0;
    m_completionCount = 0;
    m_bAllRowsStop = false;
    m_vbvResetTriggerRow = -1;
    m_outStreams = NULL;
    m_backupStreams = NULL;
    m_substreamSizes = NULL;
    m_nr = NULL;
    m_tld = NULL;
    m_rows = NULL;
    m_top = NULL;
    m_param = NULL;
    m_frame = NULL;
    m_cuGeoms = NULL;
    m_ctuGeomMap = NULL;
    m_localTldIdx = 0;
    memset(&m_rce, 0, sizeof(RateControlEntry));

void FrameEncoder::destroy()
    if (m_pool)
        if (!m_jpId)
            int numTLD = m_pool->m_numWorkers;
            if (!m_param->bEnableWavefront)
                numTLD += m_pool->m_numProviders;
            for (int i = 0; i < numTLD; i++)
            delete [] m_tld;
        delete m_tld;

    delete[] m_rows;
    delete[] m_outStreams;
    delete[] m_backupStreams;


    if (m_param->bEmitHRDSEI || !!m_param->interlaceMode)
        delete m_rce.picTimingSEI;
        delete m_rce.hrdTiming;

bool FrameEncoder::init(Encoder *top, int numRows, int numCols)
    m_top = top;
    m_param = top->m_param;
    m_numRows = numRows;
    m_numCols = numCols;
    m_reconfigure = false;
    m_filterRowDelay = ((m_param->bEnableSAO && m_param->bSaoNonDeblocked)
                        || (!m_param->bEnableLoopFilter && m_param->bEnableSAO)) ?
                        2 : (m_param->bEnableSAO || m_param->bEnableLoopFilter ? 1 : 0);
    m_filterRowDelayCus = m_filterRowDelay * numCols;
    m_rows = new CTURow[m_numRows];
    bool ok = !!m_numRows;

    m_sliceBaseRow = X265_MALLOC(uint32_t, m_param->maxSlices + 1);
    ok &= !!m_sliceBaseRow;

    /* determine full motion search range */
    int range  = m_param->searchRange;       /* fpel search */
    range += !!(m_param->searchMethod < 2);  /* diamond/hex range check lag */
    range += NTAPS_LUMA / 2;                 /* subpel filter half-length */
    range += 2 + (MotionEstimate::hpelIterationCount(m_param->subpelRefine) + 1) / 2; /* subpel refine steps */
    m_refLagRows = /*(m_param->maxSlices > 1 ? 1 : 0) +*/ 1 + ((range + m_param->maxCUSize - 1) / m_param->maxCUSize);

    // NOTE: 2 times of numRows because both Encoder and Filter in same queue
    if (!WaveFront::init(m_numRows * 2))
        x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "unable to initialize wavefront queue\n");
        m_pool = NULL;

    m_frameFilter.init(top, this, numRows, numCols);

    // initialize HRD parameters of SPS
    if (m_param->bEmitHRDSEI || !!m_param->interlaceMode)
        m_rce.picTimingSEI = new SEIPictureTiming;
        m_rce.hrdTiming = new HRDTiming;

        ok &= m_rce.picTimingSEI && m_rce.hrdTiming;

    if (m_param->noiseReductionIntra || m_param->noiseReductionInter || m_param->rc.vbvBufferSize)
        m_nr = X265_MALLOC(NoiseReduction, 1);
    if (m_nr)
        memset(m_nr, 0, sizeof(NoiseReduction));
        m_param->noiseReductionIntra = m_param->noiseReductionInter = 0;

    // - Ceil( Log2( PicSizeInCtbsY ) ) bits
        unsigned long tmp;
        CLZ(tmp, (numRows * numCols - 1));
        m_sliceAddrBits = (uint16_t)(tmp + 1);

    return ok;

/* Generate a complete list of unique geom sets for the current picture dimensions */
bool FrameEncoder::initializeGeoms()
    /* Geoms only vary between CTUs in the presence of picture edges */
    int maxCUSize = m_param->maxCUSize;
    int minCUSize = m_param->minCUSize;
    int heightRem = m_param->sourceHeight & (maxCUSize - 1);
    int widthRem = m_param->sourceWidth & (maxCUSize - 1);
    int allocGeoms = 1; // body
    if (heightRem && widthRem)
        allocGeoms = 4; // body, right, bottom, corner
    else if (heightRem || widthRem)
        allocGeoms = 2; // body, right or bottom

    m_ctuGeomMap = X265_MALLOC(uint32_t, m_numRows * m_numCols);
    m_cuGeoms = X265_MALLOC(CUGeom, allocGeoms * CUGeom::MAX_GEOMS);
    if (!m_cuGeoms || !m_ctuGeomMap)
        return false;

    // body
    CUData::calcCTUGeoms(maxCUSize, maxCUSize, maxCUSize, minCUSize, m_cuGeoms);
    memset(m_ctuGeomMap, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * m_numRows * m_numCols);
    if (allocGeoms == 1)
        return true;

    int countGeoms = 1;
    if (widthRem)
        // right
        CUData::calcCTUGeoms(widthRem, maxCUSize, maxCUSize, minCUSize, m_cuGeoms + countGeoms * CUGeom::MAX_GEOMS);
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_numRows; i++)
            uint32_t ctuAddr = m_numCols * (i + 1) - 1;
            m_ctuGeomMap[ctuAddr] = countGeoms * CUGeom::MAX_GEOMS;
    if (heightRem)
        // bottom
        CUData::calcCTUGeoms(maxCUSize, heightRem, maxCUSize, minCUSize, m_cuGeoms + countGeoms * CUGeom::MAX_GEOMS);
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_numCols; i++)
            uint32_t ctuAddr = m_numCols * (m_numRows - 1) + i;
            m_ctuGeomMap[ctuAddr] = countGeoms * CUGeom::MAX_GEOMS;

        if (widthRem)
            // corner
            CUData::calcCTUGeoms(widthRem, heightRem, maxCUSize, minCUSize, m_cuGeoms + countGeoms * CUGeom::MAX_GEOMS);

            uint32_t ctuAddr = m_numCols * m_numRows - 1;
            m_ctuGeomMap[ctuAddr] = countGeoms * CUGeom::MAX_GEOMS;
        X265_CHECK(countGeoms == allocGeoms, "geometry match check failure\n");

    return true;

bool FrameEncoder::startCompressFrame(Frame* curFrame)
    m_slicetypeWaitTime = x265_mdate() - m_prevOutputTime;
    m_frame = curFrame;
    m_sliceType = curFrame->m_lowres.sliceType;
    curFrame->m_encData->m_frameEncoderID = m_jpId;
    curFrame->m_encData->m_jobProvider = this;
    curFrame->m_encData->m_slice->m_mref = m_mref;

    if (!m_cuGeoms)
        if (!initializeGeoms())
            return false;

    return true;

void FrameEncoder::threadMain()
    THREAD_NAME("Frame", m_jpId);

    if (m_pool)

        /* the first FE on each NUMA node is responsible for allocating thread
         * local data for all worker threads in that pool. If WPP is disabled, then
         * each FE also needs a TLD instance */
        if (!m_jpId)
            int numTLD = m_pool->m_numWorkers;
            if (!m_param->bEnableWavefront)
                numTLD += m_pool->m_numProviders;

            m_tld = new ThreadLocalData[numTLD];
            for (int i = 0; i < numTLD; i++)
                m_tld[i].analysis.initSearch(*m_param, m_top->m_scalingList);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_pool->m_numProviders; i++)
                if (m_pool->m_jpTable[i]->m_isFrameEncoder) /* ugh; over-allocation and other issues here */
                    FrameEncoder *peer = dynamic_cast<FrameEncoder*>(m_pool->m_jpTable[i]);
                    peer->m_tld = m_tld;

        if (m_param->bEnableWavefront)
            m_localTldIdx = -1; // cause exception if used
            m_localTldIdx = m_pool->m_numWorkers + m_jpId;
        m_tld = new ThreadLocalData;
        m_tld->analysis.initSearch(*m_param, m_top->m_scalingList);
        m_localTldIdx = 0;

    m_done.trigger();     /* signal that thread is initialized */
    m_enable.wait();      /* Encoder::encode() triggers this event */

    while (m_threadActive)
        if (m_param->bCTUInfo)
            while (!m_frame->m_ctuInfo)
        m_done.trigger(); /* FrameEncoder::getEncodedPicture() blocks for this event */

void FrameEncoder::WeightAnalysis::processTasks(int /* workerThreadId */)
    Frame* frame = master.m_frame;
    weightAnalyse(*frame->m_encData->m_slice, *frame, *master.m_param);

uint32_t getBsLength( int32_t code )
    uint32_t ucode = (code <= 0) ? -code << 1 : (code << 1) - 1;

    unsigned long idx;
    CLZ( idx, ucode );
    uint32_t length = (uint32_t)idx * 2 + 1;

    return length;

void FrameEncoder::compressFrame()

    m_startCompressTime = x265_mdate();
    m_totalActiveWorkerCount = 0;
    m_activeWorkerCountSamples = 0;
    m_totalWorkerElapsedTime = 0;
    m_totalNoWorkerTime = 0;
    m_countRowBlocks = 0;
    m_allRowsAvailableTime = 0;
    m_stallStartTime = 0;

    m_completionCount = 0;
    m_bAllRowsStop = false;
    m_vbvResetTriggerRow = -1;

    m_SSDY = m_SSDU = m_SSDV = 0;
    m_ssim = 0;
    m_ssimCnt = 0;
    memset(&(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats), 0, sizeof(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats));

    /* Emit access unit delimiter unless this is the first frame and the user is
     * not repeating headers (since AUD is supposed to be the first NAL in the access
     * unit) */
    Slice* slice = m_frame->m_encData->m_slice;
    if (m_param->bEnableAccessUnitDelimiters && (m_frame->m_poc || m_param->bRepeatHeaders))
        m_nalList.serialize(NAL_UNIT_ACCESS_UNIT_DELIMITER, m_bs);
    if (m_frame->m_lowres.bKeyframe && m_param->bRepeatHeaders)
        if (m_param->bOptRefListLengthPPS)
            ScopedLock refIdxLock(m_top->m_sliceRefIdxLock);
        if (m_top->m_param->rc.bStatRead  && m_top->m_param->bMultiPassOptRPS)
            ScopedLock refIdxLock(m_top->m_rpsInSpsLock);
            if (!m_top->computeSPSRPSIndex())
                x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "compute commonly RPS failed!\n");
                m_top->m_aborted = true;
            m_top->getStreamHeaders(m_nalList, m_entropyCoder, m_bs);
            m_top->getStreamHeaders(m_nalList, m_entropyCoder, m_bs);

    if (m_top->m_param->rc.bStatRead && m_top->m_param->bMultiPassOptRPS)
        m_frame->m_encData->m_slice->m_rpsIdx = (m_top->m_rateControl->m_rce2Pass + m_frame->m_encodeOrder)->rpsIdx;

    // Weighted Prediction parameters estimation.
    bool bUseWeightP = slice->m_sliceType == P_SLICE && slice->m_pps->bUseWeightPred;
    bool bUseWeightB = slice->m_sliceType == B_SLICE && slice->m_pps->bUseWeightedBiPred;

    WeightParam* reuseWP = NULL;
    if (m_param->analysisReuseMode && (bUseWeightP || bUseWeightB))
        reuseWP = (WeightParam*)m_frame->m_analysisData.wt;

    if (bUseWeightP || bUseWeightB)
        ScopedElapsedTime time(m_cuStats.weightAnalyzeTime);
        if (m_param->analysisReuseMode == X265_ANALYSIS_LOAD)
            for (int list = 0; list < slice->isInterB() + 1; list++) 
                for (int plane = 0; plane < (m_param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400 ? 3 : 1); plane++)
                    for (int ref = 1; ref < slice->m_numRefIdx[list]; ref++)
                        SET_WEIGHT(slice->m_weightPredTable[list][ref][plane], false, 1 << reuseWP->log2WeightDenom, reuseWP->log2WeightDenom, 0);
                    slice->m_weightPredTable[list][0][plane] = *(reuseWP++);
            WeightAnalysis wa(*this);
            if (m_pool && wa.tryBondPeers(*this, 1))
                /* use an idle worker for weight analysis */
                weightAnalyse(*slice, *m_frame, *m_param);



    // Generate motion references
    int numPredDir = slice->isInterP() ? 1 : slice->isInterB() ? 2 : 0;
    for (int l = 0; l < numPredDir; l++)
        for (int ref = 0; ref < slice->m_numRefIdx[l]; ref++)
            WeightParam *w = NULL;
            if ((bUseWeightP || bUseWeightB) && slice->m_weightPredTable[l][ref][0].bPresentFlag)
                w = slice->m_weightPredTable[l][ref];
            slice->m_refReconPicList[l][ref] = slice->m_refFrameList[l][ref]->m_reconPic;
            m_mref[l][ref].init(slice->m_refReconPicList[l][ref], w, *m_param);
        if (m_param->analysisReuseMode == X265_ANALYSIS_SAVE && (bUseWeightP || bUseWeightB))
            for (int i = 0; i < (m_param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400 ? 3 : 1); i++)
                *(reuseWP++) = slice->m_weightPredTable[l][0][i];


    int numTLD;
    if (m_pool)
        numTLD = m_param->bEnableWavefront ? m_pool->m_numWorkers : m_pool->m_numWorkers + m_pool->m_numProviders;
        numTLD = 1;

    /* Get the QP for this frame from rate control. This call may block until
     * frames ahead of it in encode order have called rateControlEnd() */
    m_rce.encodeOrder = m_frame->m_encodeOrder;
    bool payloadChange = false;
    bool writeSei = true;
    if (m_param->bDhdr10opt)
        for (int i = 0; i < m_frame->m_userSEI.numPayloads; i++)
            x265_sei_payload *payload = &m_frame->m_userSEI.payloads[i];
            if(payload->payloadType == USER_DATA_REGISTERED_ITU_T_T35)
                if (m_top->m_prevTonemapPayload.payload != NULL && payload->payloadSize == m_top->m_prevTonemapPayload.payloadSize)
                    if (memcmp(m_top->m_prevTonemapPayload.payload, payload->payload, payload->payloadSize) != 0)
                        payloadChange = true;
                    payloadChange = true;
                    if (m_top->m_prevTonemapPayload.payload != NULL)
                    m_top->m_prevTonemapPayload.payload = (uint8_t*)x265_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * payload->payloadSize);

                if (payloadChange)
                    m_top->m_prevTonemapPayload.payloadType = payload->payloadType;
                    m_top->m_prevTonemapPayload.payloadSize = payload->payloadSize;
                    memcpy(m_top->m_prevTonemapPayload.payload, payload->payload, payload->payloadSize);

                bool isIDR = m_frame->m_lowres.sliceType == X265_TYPE_IDR;
                writeSei = payloadChange || isIDR;
    int qp = m_top->m_rateControl->rateControlStart(m_frame, &m_rce, m_top);
    m_rce.newQp = qp;

    if (m_nr)
        if (qp > QP_MAX_SPEC && m_frame->m_param->rc.vbvBufferSize)
            for (int i = 0; i < numTLD; i++)
                m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId].offset = m_top->m_offsetEmergency[qp - QP_MAX_SPEC - 1];
                m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId].residualSum = m_top->m_residualSumEmergency;
                m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId].count = m_top->m_countEmergency;
            if (m_param->noiseReductionIntra || m_param->noiseReductionInter)
                for (int i = 0; i < numTLD; i++)
                    m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId].offset = m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId].nrOffsetDenoise;
                    m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId].residualSum = m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId].nrResidualSum;
                    m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId].count = m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId].nrCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < numTLD; i++)
                    m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId].offset = NULL;

    /* Clip slice QP to 0-51 spec range before encoding */
    slice->m_sliceQp = x265_clip3(-QP_BD_OFFSET, QP_MAX_SPEC, qp);
    if (m_param->bHDROpt)
        int qpCb = x265_clip3(-12, 0, (int)floor((m_top->m_cB * ((-.46) * qp + 9.26)) + 0.5 ));
        int qpCr = x265_clip3(-12, 0, (int)floor((m_top->m_cR * ((-.46) * qp + 9.26)) + 0.5 ));
        slice->m_chromaQpOffset[0] = slice->m_pps->chromaQpOffset[0] + qpCb < -12 ? (qpCb + (-12 - (slice->m_pps->chromaQpOffset[0] + qpCb))) : qpCb;
        slice->m_chromaQpOffset[1] = slice->m_pps->chromaQpOffset[1] + qpCr < -12 ? (qpCr + (-12 - (slice->m_pps->chromaQpOffset[1] + qpCr))) : qpCr;

    if (m_param->bOptQpPPS && m_param->bRepeatHeaders)
        ScopedLock qpLock(m_top->m_sliceQpLock);
        for (int i = 0; i < (QP_MAX_MAX + 1); i++)
            int delta = slice->m_sliceQp - (i + 1);
            int codeLength = getBsLength( delta );
            m_top->m_iBitsCostSum[i] += codeLength;

    m_frameFilter.start(m_frame, m_initSliceContext);

    /* ensure all rows are blocked prior to initializing row CTU counters */

    /* reset entropy coders and compute slice id */
    const uint32_t sliceGroupSize = (m_numRows + m_param->maxSlices - 1) / m_param->maxSlices;
    const uint32_t sliceGroupSizeAccu = (m_numRows << 8) / m_param->maxSlices;
    m_sliceGroupSize = (uint16_t)sliceGroupSize;

    uint32_t rowSum = sliceGroupSizeAccu;
    uint32_t sidx = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_numRows; i++)
        const uint32_t rowRange = (rowSum >> 8);

        if ((i >= rowRange) & (sidx != m_param->maxSlices - 1))
            rowSum += sliceGroupSizeAccu;
            m_sliceBaseRow[++sidx] = i;

        m_rows[i].init(m_initSliceContext, sidx);
    X265_CHECK(sidx < m_param->maxSlices, "sliceID check failed!");

    m_sliceBaseRow[0] = 0;
    m_sliceBaseRow[m_param->maxSlices] = m_numRows;

    uint32_t numSubstreams = m_param->bEnableWavefront ? slice->m_sps->numCuInHeight : m_param->maxSlices;
    X265_CHECK(m_param->bEnableWavefront || (m_param->maxSlices == 1), "Multiple slices without WPP unsupport now!");
    if (!m_outStreams)
        m_outStreams = new Bitstream[numSubstreams];
        if (!m_param->bEnableWavefront)
            m_backupStreams = new Bitstream[numSubstreams];
        m_substreamSizes = X265_MALLOC(uint32_t, numSubstreams);
        if (!m_param->bEnableSAO)
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numSubstreams; i++)
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numSubstreams; i++)

    int prevBPSEI = m_rce.encodeOrder ? m_top->m_lastBPSEI : 0;

    if (m_frame->m_lowres.bKeyframe)
        if (m_param->bEmitHRDSEI)
            SEIBufferingPeriod* bpSei = &m_top->m_rateControl->m_bufPeriodSEI;

            // since the temporal layer HRD is not ready, we assumed it is fixed
            bpSei->m_auCpbRemovalDelayDelta = 1;
            bpSei->m_cpbDelayOffset = 0;
            bpSei->m_dpbDelayOffset = 0;

            // hrdFullness() calculates the initial CPB removal delay and offset

            bpSei->write(m_bs, *slice->m_sps);

            m_nalList.serialize(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, m_bs);

            m_top->m_lastBPSEI = m_rce.encodeOrder;

    if ((m_param->bEmitHRDSEI || !!m_param->interlaceMode))
        SEIPictureTiming *sei = m_rce.picTimingSEI;
        const VUI *vui = &slice->m_sps->vuiParameters;
        const HRDInfo *hrd = &vui->hrdParameters;
        int poc = slice->m_poc;

        if (vui->frameFieldInfoPresentFlag)
            if (m_param->interlaceMode == 2)
                sei->m_picStruct = (poc & 1) ? 1 /* top */ : 2 /* bottom */;
            else if (m_param->interlaceMode == 1)
                sei->m_picStruct = (poc & 1) ? 2 /* bottom */ : 1 /* top */;
                sei->m_picStruct = 0;
            sei->m_sourceScanType = 0;
            sei->m_duplicateFlag = false;

        if (vui->hrdParametersPresentFlag)
            // The m_aucpbremoval delay specifies how many clock ticks the
            // access unit associated with the picture timing SEI message has to
            // wait after removal of the access unit with the most recent
            // buffering period SEI message
            sei->m_auCpbRemovalDelay = X265_MIN(X265_MAX(1, m_rce.encodeOrder - prevBPSEI), (1 << hrd->cpbRemovalDelayLength));
            sei->m_picDpbOutputDelay = slice->m_sps->numReorderPics + poc - m_rce.encodeOrder;

        sei->write(m_bs, *slice->m_sps);
        m_nalList.serialize(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, m_bs);

    /* Write user SEI */
    for (int i = 0; i < m_frame->m_userSEI.numPayloads; i++)
        x265_sei_payload *payload = &m_frame->m_userSEI.payloads[i];
        if (payload->payloadType == USER_DATA_UNREGISTERED)
            SEIuserDataUnregistered sei;
            sei.m_userData = payload->payload;
            sei.write(m_bs, *slice->m_sps);
            m_nalList.serialize(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, m_bs);
        else if (payload->payloadType == USER_DATA_REGISTERED_ITU_T_T35)
            if (writeSei)
                SEICreativeIntentMeta sei;
                sei.m_payload = payload->payload;
                sei.write(m_bs, *slice->m_sps);
                m_nalList.serialize(NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI, m_bs);
            x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "Unrecognized SEI type\n");
    /* CQP and CRF (without capped VBV) doesn't use mid-frame statistics to 
     * tune RateControl parameters for other frames.
     * Hence, for these modes, update m_startEndOrder and unlock RC for previous threads waiting in
     * RateControlEnd here, after the slice contexts are initialized. For the rest - ABR
     * and VBV, unlock only after rateControlUpdateStats of this frame is called */
    if (m_param->rc.rateControlMode != X265_RC_ABR && !m_top->m_rateControl->m_isVbv)

        if (m_rce.encodeOrder < m_param->frameNumThreads - 1)
            m_top->m_rateControl->m_startEndOrder.incr(); // faked rateControlEnd calls for negative frames

    /* Analyze CTU rows, most of the hard work is done here.  Frame is
     * compressed in a wave-front pattern if WPP is enabled. Row based loop
     * filters runs behind the CTU compression and reconstruction */

    for (uint32_t sliceId = 0; sliceId < m_param->maxSlices; sliceId++)
        m_rows[m_sliceBaseRow[sliceId]].active = true;

    if (m_param->bEnableWavefront)
        for (uint32_t rowInSlice = 0; rowInSlice < m_sliceGroupSize; rowInSlice++)
            for (uint32_t sliceId = 0; sliceId < m_param->maxSlices; sliceId++)
                const uint32_t sliceStartRow = m_sliceBaseRow[sliceId];
                const uint32_t sliceEndRow = m_sliceBaseRow[sliceId + 1] - 1;
                const uint32_t row = sliceStartRow + rowInSlice;

                X265_CHECK(row < m_numRows, "slices row fault was detected");

                if (row > sliceEndRow)

                // block until all reference frames have reconstructed the rows we need
                for (int l = 0; l < numPredDir; l++)
                    for (int ref = 0; ref < slice->m_numRefIdx[l]; ref++)
                        Frame *refpic = slice->m_refFrameList[l][ref];

                        // NOTE: we unnecessary wait row that beyond current slice boundary
                        const int rowIdx = X265_MIN(sliceEndRow, (row + m_refLagRows));

                        while (refpic->m_reconRowFlag[rowIdx].get() == 0)

                        if ((bUseWeightP || bUseWeightB) && m_mref[l][ref].isWeighted)
                            m_mref[l][ref].applyWeight(rowIdx, m_numRows, sliceEndRow, sliceId);

                enableRowEncoder(row); /* clear external dependency for this row */
                if (!rowInSlice)
                    m_row0WaitTime = x265_mdate();
                    enqueueRowEncoder(row); /* clear internal dependency, start wavefront */
            } // end of loop rowInSlice
        } // end of loop sliceId

        m_allRowsAvailableTime = x265_mdate();
        tryWakeOne(); /* ensure one thread is active or help-wanted flag is set prior to blocking */
        static const int block_ms = 250;
        while (m_completionEvent.timedWait(block_ms))
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_numRows + m_filterRowDelay; i++)
            // compress
            if (i < m_numRows)
                // block until all reference frames have reconstructed the rows we need
                for (int l = 0; l < numPredDir; l++)
                    int list = l;
                    for (int ref = 0; ref < slice->m_numRefIdx[list]; ref++)
                        Frame *refpic = slice->m_refFrameList[list][ref];

                        const int rowIdx = X265_MIN(m_numRows - 1, (i + m_refLagRows));
                        while (refpic->m_reconRowFlag[rowIdx].get() == 0)

                        if ((bUseWeightP || bUseWeightB) && m_mref[l][ref].isWeighted)
                            m_mref[list][ref].applyWeight(rowIdx, m_numRows, m_numRows, 0);

                if (!i)
                    m_row0WaitTime = x265_mdate();
                else if (i == m_numRows - 1)
                    m_allRowsAvailableTime = x265_mdate();
                processRowEncoder(i, m_tld[m_localTldIdx]);

            // filter
            if (i >= m_filterRowDelay)
                m_frameFilter.processRow(i - m_filterRowDelay);

    if (m_param->maxSlices > 1)
        PicYuv *reconPic = m_frame->m_reconPic;
        uint32_t height = reconPic->m_picHeight;
        uint32_t width = reconPic->m_picWidth;
        intptr_t stride = reconPic->m_stride;
        const uint32_t hChromaShift = CHROMA_H_SHIFT(m_param->internalCsp);
        const uint32_t vChromaShift = CHROMA_V_SHIFT(m_param->internalCsp);

        if (m_param->decodedPictureHashSEI == 1)


            updateMD5Plane(m_state[0], reconPic->m_picOrg[0], width, height, stride);

            if (m_param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400)

                width >>= hChromaShift;
                height >>= vChromaShift;
                stride = reconPic->m_strideC;

                updateMD5Plane(m_state[1], reconPic->m_picOrg[1], width, height, stride);
                updateMD5Plane(m_state[2], reconPic->m_picOrg[2], width, height, stride);
        // TODO: NOT verify code in below mode
        else if (m_param->decodedPictureHashSEI == 2)
            m_crc[0] = 0xffff;

            updateCRC(reconPic->m_picOrg[0], m_crc[0], height, width, stride);

            if (m_param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400)
                width >>= hChromaShift;
                height >>= vChromaShift;
                stride = reconPic->m_strideC;
                m_crc[1] = m_crc[2] = 0xffff;

                updateCRC(reconPic->m_picOrg[1], m_crc[1], height, width, stride);
                updateCRC(reconPic->m_picOrg[2], m_crc[2], height, width, stride);
        else if (m_param->decodedPictureHashSEI == 3)
            uint32_t cuHeight = m_param->maxCUSize;

            m_checksum[0] = 0;

            updateChecksum(reconPic->m_picOrg[0], m_checksum[0], height, width, stride, 0, cuHeight);

            if (m_param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400)
                width >>= hChromaShift;
                height >>= vChromaShift;
                stride = reconPic->m_strideC;
                cuHeight >>= vChromaShift;

                m_checksum[1] = m_checksum[2] = 0;

                updateChecksum(reconPic->m_picOrg[1], m_checksum[1], height, width, stride, 0, cuHeight);
                updateChecksum(reconPic->m_picOrg[2], m_checksum[2], height, width, stride, 0, cuHeight);
    } // end of (m_param->maxSlices > 1)

    if (m_param->rc.bStatWrite)
        int totalI = 0, totalP = 0, totalSkip = 0;

        // accumulate intra,inter,skip cu count per frame for 2 pass
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_numRows; i++)
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.mvBits    += m_rows[i].rowStats.mvBits;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.coeffBits += m_rows[i].rowStats.coeffBits;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.miscBits  += m_rows[i].rowStats.miscBits;
            totalI                                     += m_rows[i].rowStats.intra8x8Cnt;
            totalP                                     += m_rows[i].rowStats.inter8x8Cnt;
            totalSkip                                  += m_rows[i].rowStats.skip8x8Cnt;
        int totalCuCount = totalI + totalP + totalSkip;
        m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percent8x8Intra = (double)totalI / totalCuCount;
        m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percent8x8Inter = (double)totalP / totalCuCount;
        m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percent8x8Skip  = (double)totalSkip / totalCuCount;

    if (m_param->csvLogLevel >= 1)
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_numRows; i++)
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cntIntraNxN += m_rows[i].rowStats.cntIntraNxN;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCu += m_rows[i].rowStats.totalCu;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCtu += m_rows[i].rowStats.totalCtu;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.lumaDistortion += m_rows[i].rowStats.lumaDistortion;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.chromaDistortion += m_rows[i].rowStats.chromaDistortion;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.psyEnergy += m_rows[i].rowStats.psyEnergy;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.ssimEnergy += m_rows[i].rowStats.ssimEnergy;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.resEnergy += m_rows[i].rowStats.resEnergy;
            for (uint32_t depth = 0; depth <= m_param->maxCUDepth; depth++)
                m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cntSkipCu[depth] += m_rows[i].rowStats.cntSkipCu[depth];
                m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cntMergeCu[depth] += m_rows[i].rowStats.cntMergeCu[depth];
                for (int m = 0; m < INTER_MODES; m++)
                    m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cuInterDistribution[depth][m] += m_rows[i].rowStats.cuInterDistribution[depth][m];
                for (int n = 0; n < INTRA_MODES; n++)
                    m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cuIntraDistribution[depth][n] += m_rows[i].rowStats.cuIntraDistribution[depth][n];
        m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percentIntraNxN = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cntIntraNxN * 100) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCu;

        for (uint32_t depth = 0; depth <= m_param->maxCUDepth; depth++)
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percentSkipCu[depth] = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cntSkipCu[depth] * 100) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCu;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percentMergeCu[depth] = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cntMergeCu[depth] * 100) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCu;
            for (int n = 0; n < INTRA_MODES; n++)
                m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percentIntraDistribution[depth][n] = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cuIntraDistribution[depth][n] * 100) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCu;
            uint64_t cuInterRectCnt = 0; // sum of Nx2N, 2NxN counts
            cuInterRectCnt += m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cuInterDistribution[depth][1] + m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cuInterDistribution[depth][2];
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percentInterDistribution[depth][0] = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cuInterDistribution[depth][0] * 100) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCu;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percentInterDistribution[depth][1] = (double)(cuInterRectCnt * 100) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCu;
            m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percentInterDistribution[depth][2] = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.cuInterDistribution[depth][3] * 100) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCu;

    if (m_param->csvLogLevel >= 2)
        m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.avgLumaDistortion = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.lumaDistortion) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCtu;
        m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.avgChromaDistortion = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.chromaDistortion) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCtu;
        m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.avgPsyEnergy = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.psyEnergy) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCtu;
        m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.avgSsimEnergy = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.ssimEnergy) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCtu;
        m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.avgResEnergy = (double)(m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.resEnergy) / m_frame->m_encData->m_frameStats.totalCtu;


    // finish encode of each CTU row, only required when SAO is enabled
    if (m_param->bEnableSAO)


    if (m_param->maxSlices > 1)
        uint32_t nextSliceRow = 0;

        for(uint32_t sliceId = 0; sliceId < m_param->maxSlices; sliceId++)

            const uint32_t sliceAddr = nextSliceRow * m_numCols;
            //CUData* ctu = m_frame->m_encData->getPicCTU(sliceAddr);
            //const int sliceQp = ctu->m_qp[0];
            if (m_param->bOptRefListLengthPPS)
                ScopedLock refIdxLock(m_top->m_sliceRefIdxLock);
            m_entropyCoder.codeSliceHeader(*slice, *m_frame->m_encData, sliceAddr, m_sliceAddrBits, slice->m_sliceQp);

            // Find rows of current slice
            const uint32_t prevSliceRow = nextSliceRow;
            while(nextSliceRow < m_numRows && m_rows[nextSliceRow].sliceId == sliceId)

            // serialize each row, record final lengths in slice header
            uint32_t maxStreamSize = m_nalList.serializeSubstreams(&m_substreamSizes[prevSliceRow], (nextSliceRow - prevSliceRow), &m_outStreams[prevSliceRow]);

            // complete the slice header by writing WPP row-starts
            if (slice->m_pps->bEntropyCodingSyncEnabled)
                m_entropyCoder.codeSliceHeaderWPPEntryPoints(&m_substreamSizes[prevSliceRow], (nextSliceRow - prevSliceRow - 1), maxStreamSize);

            m_nalList.serialize(slice->m_nalUnitType, m_bs);
        if (m_param->bOptRefListLengthPPS)
            ScopedLock refIdxLock(m_top->m_sliceRefIdxLock);
        m_entropyCoder.codeSliceHeader(*slice, *m_frame->m_encData, 0, 0, slice->m_sliceQp);

        // serialize each row, record final lengths in slice header
        uint32_t maxStreamSize = m_nalList.serializeSubstreams(m_substreamSizes, numSubstreams, m_outStreams);

        // complete the slice header by writing WPP row-starts
        if (slice->m_pps->bEntropyCodingSyncEnabled)
            m_entropyCoder.codeSliceHeaderWPPEntryPoints(m_substreamSizes, (slice->m_sps->numCuInHeight - 1), maxStreamSize);

        m_nalList.serialize(slice->m_nalUnitType, m_bs);

    if (m_param->decodedPictureHashSEI)
        int planes = (m_frame->m_param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400) ? 3 : 1;
        int32_t payloadSize = 0;
        if (m_param->decodedPictureHashSEI == 1)
            m_seiReconPictureDigest.m_method = SEIDecodedPictureHash::MD5;
            for (int i = 0; i < planes; i++)
                MD5Final(&m_state[i], m_seiReconPictureDigest.m_digest[i]);
            payloadSize = 1 + 16 * planes;
        else if (m_param->decodedPictureHashSEI == 2)
            m_seiReconPictureDigest.m_method = SEIDecodedPictureHash::CRC;
            for (int i = 0; i < planes; i++)
                crcFinish(m_crc[i], m_seiReconPictureDigest.m_digest[i]);
            payloadSize = 1 + 2 * planes;
        else if (m_param->decodedPictureHashSEI == 3)
            m_seiReconPictureDigest.m_method = SEIDecodedPictureHash::CHECKSUM;
            for (int i = 0; i < planes; i++)
                checksumFinish(m_checksum[i], m_seiReconPictureDigest.m_digest[i]);
            payloadSize = 1 + 4 * planes;
        m_seiReconPictureDigest.write(m_bs, *slice->m_sps);
        m_nalList.serialize(NAL_UNIT_SUFFIX_SEI, m_bs);

    uint64_t bytes = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_nalList.m_numNal; i++)
        int type = m_nalList.m_nal[i].type;

        // exclude SEI
        if (type != NAL_UNIT_PREFIX_SEI && type != NAL_UNIT_SUFFIX_SEI)
            bytes += m_nalList.m_nal[i].sizeBytes;
            // and exclude start code prefix
            bytes -= (!i || type == NAL_UNIT_SPS || type == NAL_UNIT_PPS) ? 4 : 3;
    m_accessUnitBits = bytes << 3;

    int filler = 0;
    /* rateControlEnd may also block for earlier frames to call rateControlUpdateStats */
    if (m_top->m_rateControl->rateControlEnd(m_frame, m_accessUnitBits, &m_rce, &filler) < 0)
        m_top->m_aborted = true;

    if (filler > 0)
        filler = (filler - FILLER_OVERHEAD * 8) >> 3;
        while (filler > 0)
            m_bs.write(0xff, 8);
        m_nalList.serialize(NAL_UNIT_FILLER_DATA, m_bs);
        bytes += m_nalList.m_nal[m_nalList.m_numNal - 1].sizeBytes;
        bytes -= 3; //exclude start code prefix
        m_accessUnitBits = bytes << 3;

    m_endCompressTime = x265_mdate();

    /* Decrement referenced frame reference counts, allow them to be recycled */
    for (int l = 0; l < numPredDir; l++)
        for (int ref = 0; ref < slice->m_numRefIdx[l]; ref++)
            Frame *refpic = slice->m_refFrameList[l][ref];

    if (m_nr)
        bool nrEnabled = (m_rce.newQp < QP_MAX_SPEC || !m_param->rc.vbvBufferSize) && (m_param->noiseReductionIntra || m_param->noiseReductionInter);

        if (nrEnabled)
            /* Accumulate NR statistics from all worker threads */
            for (int i = 0; i < numTLD; i++)
                NoiseReduction* nr = &m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId];
                for (int cat = 0; cat < MAX_NUM_TR_CATEGORIES; cat++)
                    for (int coeff = 0; coeff < MAX_NUM_TR_COEFFS; coeff++)
                        m_nr->nrResidualSum[cat][coeff] += nr->nrResidualSum[cat][coeff];

                    m_nr->nrCount[cat] += nr->nrCount[cat];


            /* Copy updated NR coefficients back to all worker threads */
            for (int i = 0; i < numTLD; i++)
                NoiseReduction* nr = &m_tld[i].analysis.m_quant.m_frameNr[m_jpId];
                memcpy(nr->nrOffsetDenoise, m_nr->nrOffsetDenoise, sizeof(uint16_t)* MAX_NUM_TR_CATEGORIES * MAX_NUM_TR_COEFFS);
                memset(nr->nrCount, 0, sizeof(uint32_t)* MAX_NUM_TR_CATEGORIES);
                memset(nr->nrResidualSum, 0, sizeof(uint32_t)* MAX_NUM_TR_CATEGORIES * MAX_NUM_TR_COEFFS);

    /* Accumulate CU statistics from each worker thread, we could report
     * per-frame stats here, but currently we do not. */
    for (int i = 0; i < numTLD; i++)
        m_cuStats.accumulate(m_tld[i].analysis.m_stats[m_jpId], *m_param);

    m_endFrameTime = x265_mdate();

void FrameEncoder::encodeSlice(uint32_t sliceAddr)
    Slice* slice = m_frame->m_encData->m_slice;
    const uint32_t widthInLCUs = slice->m_sps->numCuInWidth;
    const uint32_t lastCUAddr = (slice->m_endCUAddr + m_param->num4x4Partitions - 1) / m_param->num4x4Partitions;
    const uint32_t numSubstreams = m_param->bEnableWavefront ? slice->m_sps->numCuInHeight : 1;

    SAOParam* saoParam = slice->m_sps->bUseSAO ? m_frame->m_encData->m_saoParam : NULL;
    for (uint32_t cuAddr = sliceAddr; cuAddr < lastCUAddr; cuAddr++)
        uint32_t col = cuAddr % widthInLCUs;
        uint32_t row = cuAddr / widthInLCUs;
        uint32_t subStrm = row % numSubstreams;
        CUData* ctu = m_frame->m_encData->getPicCTU(cuAddr);


        // Synchronize cabac probabilities with upper-right CTU if it's available and we're at the start of a line.
        if (m_param->bEnableWavefront && !col && row)
            m_entropyCoder.loadContexts(m_rows[row - 1].bufferedEntropy);

        // Initialize slice context
        if (ctu->m_bFirstRowInSlice && !col)

        if (saoParam)
            if (saoParam->bSaoFlag[0] || saoParam->bSaoFlag[1])
                int mergeLeft = col && saoParam->ctuParam[0][cuAddr].mergeMode == SAO_MERGE_LEFT;
                int mergeUp = !ctu->m_bFirstRowInSlice && saoParam->ctuParam[0][cuAddr].mergeMode == SAO_MERGE_UP;
                if (col)
                if (!ctu->m_bFirstRowInSlice && !mergeLeft)
                if (!mergeLeft && !mergeUp)
                    if (saoParam->bSaoFlag[0])
                        m_entropyCoder.codeSaoOffset(saoParam->ctuParam[0][cuAddr], 0);
                    if (saoParam->bSaoFlag[1])
                        m_entropyCoder.codeSaoOffset(saoParam->ctuParam[1][cuAddr], 1);
                        m_entropyCoder.codeSaoOffset(saoParam->ctuParam[2][cuAddr], 2);
                for (int i = 0; i < (m_param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400 ? 3 : 1); i++)

        // final coding (bitstream generation) for this CU
        m_entropyCoder.encodeCTU(*ctu, m_cuGeoms[m_ctuGeomMap[cuAddr]]);

        if (m_param->bEnableWavefront)
            if (col == 1)
                // Store probabilities of second CTU in line into buffer

            if (col == widthInLCUs - 1)

    if (!m_param->bEnableWavefront)

void FrameEncoder::processRow(int row, int threadId)
    int64_t startTime = x265_mdate();
    if (ATOMIC_INC(&m_activeWorkerCount) == 1 && m_stallStartTime)
        m_totalNoWorkerTime += x265_mdate() - m_stallStartTime;

    const uint32_t realRow = row >> 1;
    const uint32_t typeNum = row & 1;

    if (!typeNum)
        processRowEncoder(realRow, m_tld[threadId]);

        // NOTE: Active next row
        if (realRow != m_sliceBaseRow[m_rows[realRow].sliceId + 1] - 1)
            enqueueRowFilter(realRow + 1);

    if (ATOMIC_DEC(&m_activeWorkerCount) == 0)
        m_stallStartTime = x265_mdate();

    m_totalWorkerElapsedTime += x265_mdate() - startTime; // not thread safe, but good enough

// Called by worker threads
void FrameEncoder::processRowEncoder(int intRow, ThreadLocalData& tld)
    const uint32_t row = (uint32_t)intRow;
    CTURow& curRow = m_rows[row];

    if (m_param->bEnableWavefront)
        ScopedLock self(curRow.lock);
        if (!
            /* VBV restart is in progress, exit out */
        if (curRow.busy)
            /* On multi-socket Windows servers, we have seen problems with
             * ATOMIC_CAS which resulted in multiple worker threads processing
             * the same CU row, which often resulted in bad pointer accesses. We
             * believe the problem is fixed, but are leaving this check in place
             * to prevent crashes in case it is not */
            x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_WARNING,
                     "internal error - simultaneous row access detected. Please report HW to\n");
        curRow.busy = true;

    /* When WPP is enabled, every row has its own row coder instance. Otherwise
     * they share row 0 */
    Entropy& rowCoder = m_param->bEnableWavefront ? curRow.rowGoOnCoder : m_rows[0].rowGoOnCoder;
    FrameData& curEncData = *m_frame->m_encData;
    Slice *slice = curEncData.m_slice;

    const uint32_t numCols = m_numCols;
    const uint32_t lineStartCUAddr = row * numCols;
    bool bIsVbv = m_param->rc.vbvBufferSize > 0 && m_param->rc.vbvMaxBitrate > 0;

    uint32_t maxBlockCols = (m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth + (16 - 1)) / 16;
    uint32_t maxBlockRows = (m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight + (16 - 1)) / 16;
    uint32_t noOfBlocks = m_param->maxCUSize / 16;
    const uint32_t bFirstRowInSlice = ((row == 0) || (m_rows[row - 1].sliceId != curRow.sliceId)) ? 1 : 0;
    const uint32_t bLastRowInSlice = ((row == m_numRows - 1) || (m_rows[row + 1].sliceId != curRow.sliceId)) ? 1 : 0;
    const uint32_t sliceId = curRow.sliceId;
    const uint32_t endRowInSlicePlus1 = m_sliceBaseRow[sliceId + 1];
    const uint32_t rowInSlice = row - m_sliceBaseRow[sliceId];

    if (bFirstRowInSlice && !curRow.completed)
        // Load SBAC coder context from previous row and initialize row state.
        //rowCoder.loadContexts(m_rows[row - 1].bufferedEntropy);
        //m_rows[row - 1].bufferedEntropy.loadContexts(m_initSliceContext);

    // calculate mean QP for consistent deltaQP signalling calculation
    if (m_param->bOptCUDeltaQP)
        ScopedLock self(curRow.lock);
        if (!curRow.avgQPComputed)
            if (m_param->bEnableWavefront || !row)
                double meanQPOff = 0;
                uint32_t loopIncr, count = 0;
                bool isReferenced = IS_REFERENCED(m_frame);
                double *qpoffs = (isReferenced && m_param->rc.cuTree) ? m_frame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset : m_frame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset;
                if (qpoffs)
                    if (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8)
                        loopIncr = 8;
                        loopIncr = 16;
                    uint32_t cuYStart = 0, height = m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight;
                    if (m_param->bEnableWavefront)
                        cuYStart = intRow * m_param->maxCUSize;
                        height = cuYStart + m_param->maxCUSize;

                    uint32_t qgSize = m_param->rc.qgSize, width = m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth;
                    uint32_t maxOffsetCols = (m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth + (loopIncr - 1)) / loopIncr;
                    for (uint32_t cuY = cuYStart; cuY < height && (cuY < m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight); cuY += qgSize)
                        for (uint32_t cuX = 0; cuX < width; cuX += qgSize)
                            double qp_offset = 0;
                            uint32_t cnt = 0;

                            for (uint32_t block_yy = cuY; block_yy < cuY + qgSize && block_yy < m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight; block_yy += loopIncr)
                                for (uint32_t block_xx = cuX; block_xx < cuX + qgSize && block_xx < width; block_xx += loopIncr)
                                    int idx = ((block_yy / loopIncr) * (maxOffsetCols)) + (block_xx / loopIncr);
                                    qp_offset += qpoffs[idx];
                            qp_offset /= cnt;
                            meanQPOff += qp_offset;
                    meanQPOff /= count;
                rowCoder.m_meanQP = slice->m_sliceQp + meanQPOff;
                rowCoder.m_meanQP = m_rows[0].rowGoOnCoder.m_meanQP;
            curRow.avgQPComputed = 1;

    // TODO: specially case handle on first and last row

    // Initialize restrict on MV range in slices
    tld.analysis.m_sliceMinY = -(int16_t)(rowInSlice * m_param->maxCUSize * 4) + 3 * 4;
    tld.analysis.m_sliceMaxY = (int16_t)((endRowInSlicePlus1 - 1 - row) * (m_param->maxCUSize * 4) - 4 * 4);

    // Handle single row slice
    if (tld.analysis.m_sliceMaxY < tld.analysis.m_sliceMinY)
        tld.analysis.m_sliceMaxY = tld.analysis.m_sliceMinY = 0;

    while (curRow.completed < numCols)

        const uint32_t col = curRow.completed;
        const uint32_t cuAddr = lineStartCUAddr + col;
        CUData* ctu = curEncData.getPicCTU(cuAddr);
        const uint32_t bLastCuInSlice = (bLastRowInSlice & (col == numCols - 1)) ? 1 : 0;
        ctu->initCTU(*m_frame, cuAddr, slice->m_sliceQp, bFirstRowInSlice, bLastRowInSlice, bLastCuInSlice);

        if (bIsVbv)
            if (col == 0 && !m_param->bEnableWavefront)
            if (!row && m_vbvResetTriggerRow != intRow)
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowQp = curEncData.m_avgQpRc;
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowQpScale = x265_qp2qScale(curEncData.m_avgQpRc);

            FrameData::RCStatCU& cuStat = curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr];
            if (m_param->bEnableWavefront && row >= col && row && m_vbvResetTriggerRow != intRow)
                cuStat.baseQp = curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr - numCols + 1].baseQp;
            else if (!m_param->bEnableWavefront && row && m_vbvResetTriggerRow != intRow)
                cuStat.baseQp = curEncData.m_rowStat[row - 1].rowQp;
                cuStat.baseQp = curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowQp;

            /* TODO: use defines from slicetype.h for lowres block size */
            uint32_t block_y = (ctu->m_cuPelY >> m_param->maxLog2CUSize) * noOfBlocks;
            uint32_t block_x = (ctu->m_cuPelX >> m_param->maxLog2CUSize) * noOfBlocks;
            cuStat.vbvCost = 0;
            cuStat.intraVbvCost = 0;
            for (uint32_t h = 0; h < noOfBlocks && block_y < maxBlockRows; h++, block_y++)
                uint32_t idx = block_x + (block_y * maxBlockCols);

                for (uint32_t w = 0; w < noOfBlocks && (block_x + w) < maxBlockCols; w++, idx++)
                    cuStat.vbvCost += m_frame->m_lowres.lowresCostForRc[idx] & LOWRES_COST_MASK;
                    cuStat.intraVbvCost += m_frame->m_lowres.intraCost[idx];
            curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].baseQp = curEncData.m_avgQpRc;

        if (m_param->bEnableWavefront && !col && !bFirstRowInSlice)
            // Load SBAC coder context from previous row and initialize row state.
            rowCoder.loadContexts(m_rows[row - 1].bufferedEntropy);
        if (m_param->dynamicRd && (int32_t)(m_rce.qpaRc - m_rce.qpNoVbv) > 0)
            ctu->m_vbvAffected = true;

        // Does all the CU analysis, returns best top level mode decision
        Mode& best = tld.analysis.compressCTU(*ctu, *m_frame, m_cuGeoms[m_ctuGeomMap[cuAddr]], rowCoder);

        // take a sample of the current active worker count
        ATOMIC_ADD(&m_totalActiveWorkerCount, m_activeWorkerCount);

        /* advance top-level row coder to include the context of this CTU.
         * if SAO is disabled, rowCoder writes the final CTU bitstream */
        rowCoder.encodeCTU(*ctu, m_cuGeoms[m_ctuGeomMap[cuAddr]]);

        if (m_param->bEnableWavefront && col == 1)
            // Save CABAC state for next row

        /* SAO parameter estimation using non-deblocked pixels for CTU bottom and right boundary areas */
        if (m_param->bEnableSAO && m_param->bSaoNonDeblocked)
            m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row].m_sao.calcSaoStatsCu_BeforeDblk(m_frame, col, row);

        /* Deblock with idle threading */
        if (m_param->bEnableLoopFilter | m_param->bEnableSAO)
            // NOTE: in VBV mode, we may reencode anytime, so we can't do Deblock stage-Horizon and SAO
            if (!bIsVbv)
                // TODO: Multiple Threading
                // Delay ONE row to avoid Intra Prediction Conflict
                if (m_pool && !bFirstRowInSlice)
                    // Waitting last threading finish
                    m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 1].waitForExit();

                    // Processing new group
                    int allowCol = col;

                    // avoid race condition on last column
                    if (rowInSlice >= 2)
                        allowCol = X265_MIN(((col == numCols - 1) ? m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 2].m_lastDeblocked.get()
                                                                  : m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 2].m_lastCol.get()), (int)col);
                    m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 1].m_allowedCol.set(allowCol);
                    m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 1].tryBondPeers(*this, 1);

                // Last Row may start early
                if (m_pool && bLastRowInSlice)
                    // Waiting for the last thread to finish

                    // Deblocking last row
                    int allowCol = col;

                    // avoid race condition on last column
                    if (rowInSlice >= 2)
                        allowCol = X265_MIN(((col == numCols - 1) ? m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 1].m_lastDeblocked.get()
                                                                  : m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 1].m_lastCol.get()), (int)col);
                    m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row].tryBondPeers(*this, 1);
            } // end of !bIsVbv
        // Both Loopfilter and SAO Disabled

        // Completed CU processing

        FrameStats frameLog;
        curEncData.m_rowStat[row].sumQpAq += collectCTUStatistics(*ctu, &frameLog);

        // copy no. of intra, inter Cu cnt per row into frame stats for 2 pass
        if (m_param->rc.bStatWrite)
            curRow.rowStats.mvBits    += best.mvBits;
            curRow.rowStats.coeffBits += best.coeffBits;
            curRow.rowStats.miscBits  += best.totalBits - (best.mvBits + best.coeffBits);

            for (uint32_t depth = 0; depth <= m_param->maxCUDepth; depth++)
                /* 1 << shift == number of 8x8 blocks at current depth */
                int shift = 2 * (m_param->maxCUDepth - depth);
                int cuSize = m_param->maxCUSize >> depth;

                if (cuSize == 8)
                    curRow.rowStats.intra8x8Cnt += (int)(frameLog.cntIntra[depth] + frameLog.cntIntraNxN);
                    curRow.rowStats.intra8x8Cnt += (int)(frameLog.cntIntra[depth] << shift);

                curRow.rowStats.inter8x8Cnt += (int)(frameLog.cntInter[depth] << shift);
                curRow.rowStats.skip8x8Cnt += (int)((frameLog.cntSkipCu[depth] + frameLog.cntMergeCu[depth]) << shift);
        curRow.rowStats.lumaDistortion   += best.lumaDistortion;
        curRow.rowStats.chromaDistortion += best.chromaDistortion;
        curRow.rowStats.psyEnergy        += best.psyEnergy;
        curRow.rowStats.ssimEnergy       += best.ssimEnergy;
        curRow.rowStats.resEnergy        += best.resEnergy;
        curRow.rowStats.cntIntraNxN      += frameLog.cntIntraNxN;
        curRow.rowStats.totalCu          += frameLog.totalCu;
        for (uint32_t depth = 0; depth <= m_param->maxCUDepth; depth++)
            curRow.rowStats.cntSkipCu[depth] += frameLog.cntSkipCu[depth];
            curRow.rowStats.cntMergeCu[depth] += frameLog.cntMergeCu[depth];
            for (int m = 0; m < INTER_MODES; m++)
                curRow.rowStats.cuInterDistribution[depth][m] += frameLog.cuInterDistribution[depth][m];
            for (int n = 0; n < INTRA_MODES; n++)
                curRow.rowStats.cuIntraDistribution[depth][n] += frameLog.cuIntraDistribution[depth][n];

        curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].totalBits = best.totalBits;

        if (bIsVbv)
            // Update encoded bits, satdCost, baseQP for each CU if tune grain is disabled
            if ((m_param->bEnableWavefront && (!cuAddr || !m_param->rc.bEnableConstVbv)) || !m_param->bEnableWavefront)
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowSatd += curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].vbvCost;
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowIntraSatd += curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].intraVbvCost;
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].encodedBits += curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].totalBits;
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].sumQpRc += curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].baseQp;
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].numEncodedCUs = cuAddr;
            // If current block is at row end checkpoint, call vbv ratecontrol.

            if (!m_param->bEnableWavefront && col == numCols - 1)
                double qpBase = curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].baseQp;
                int reEncode = m_top->m_rateControl->rowVbvRateControl(m_frame, row, &m_rce, qpBase);
                qpBase = x265_clip3((double)m_param->rc.qpMin, (double)m_param->rc.qpMax, qpBase);
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowQp = qpBase;
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowQpScale = x265_qp2qScale(qpBase);
                if (reEncode < 0)
                    x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_DEBUG, "POC %d row %d - encode restart required for VBV, to %.2f from %.2f\n",
                        m_frame->m_poc, row, qpBase, curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].baseQp);

                    m_vbvResetTriggerRow = row;


                    curRow.completed = 0;
                    memset(&curRow.rowStats, 0, sizeof(curRow.rowStats));
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[row].numEncodedCUs = 0;
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[row].encodedBits = 0;
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowSatd = 0;
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowIntraSatd = 0;
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[row].sumQpRc = 0;
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[row].sumQpAq = 0;

            // If current block is at row diagonal checkpoint, call vbv ratecontrol.

            else if (m_param->bEnableWavefront && row == col && row)
                if (m_param->rc.bEnableConstVbv)
                    int32_t startCuAddr = numCols * row;
                    int32_t EndCuAddr = startCuAddr + col;
                    for (int32_t r = row; r >= 0; r--)
                        for (int32_t c = startCuAddr; c <= EndCuAddr && c <= (int32_t)numCols * (r + 1) - 1; c++)
                            curEncData.m_rowStat[r].rowSatd += curEncData.m_cuStat[c].vbvCost;
                            curEncData.m_rowStat[r].rowIntraSatd += curEncData.m_cuStat[c].intraVbvCost;
                            curEncData.m_rowStat[r].encodedBits += curEncData.m_cuStat[c].totalBits;
                            curEncData.m_rowStat[r].sumQpRc += curEncData.m_cuStat[c].baseQp;
                            curEncData.m_rowStat[r].numEncodedCUs = c;
                        startCuAddr = EndCuAddr - numCols;
                        EndCuAddr = startCuAddr + 1;
                double qpBase = curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].baseQp;
                int reEncode = m_top->m_rateControl->rowVbvRateControl(m_frame, row, &m_rce, qpBase);
                qpBase = x265_clip3((double)m_param->rc.qpMin, (double)m_param->rc.qpMax, qpBase);
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowQp = qpBase;
                curEncData.m_rowStat[row].rowQpScale =  x265_qp2qScale(qpBase);

                if (reEncode < 0)
                    x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_DEBUG, "POC %d row %d - encode restart required for VBV, to %.2f from %.2f\n",
                             m_frame->m_poc, row, qpBase, curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].baseQp);

                    // prevent the WaveFront::findJob() method from providing new jobs
                    m_vbvResetTriggerRow = row;
                    m_bAllRowsStop = true;

                    for (uint32_t r = m_numRows - 1; r >= row; r--)
                        CTURow& stopRow = m_rows[r];

                        if (r != row)
                            /* if row was active (ready to be run) clear active bit and bitmap bit for this row */
                            while (
                                if (dequeueRow(r * 2))
                           = false;
                                    /* we must release the row lock to allow the thread to exit */

                            bool bRowBusy = true;
                                bRowBusy = stopRow.busy;

                                if (bRowBusy)
                            while (bRowBusy);

                        stopRow.completed = 0;
                        memset(&stopRow.rowStats, 0, sizeof(stopRow.rowStats));
                        curEncData.m_rowStat[r].numEncodedCUs = 0;
                        curEncData.m_rowStat[r].encodedBits = 0;
                        curEncData.m_rowStat[r].rowSatd = 0;
                        curEncData.m_rowStat[r].rowIntraSatd = 0;
                        curEncData.m_rowStat[r].sumQpRc = 0;
                        curEncData.m_rowStat[r].sumQpAq = 0;

                    m_bAllRowsStop = false;

        if (m_param->bEnableWavefront && curRow.completed >= 2 && !bLastRowInSlice &&
            (!m_bAllRowsStop || intRow + 1 < m_vbvResetTriggerRow))
            /* activate next row */
            ScopedLock below(m_rows[row + 1].lock);

            if (m_rows[row + 1].active == false &&
                m_rows[row + 1].completed + 2 <= curRow.completed)
                m_rows[row + 1].active = true;
                enqueueRowEncoder(row + 1);
                tryWakeOne(); /* wake up a sleeping thread or set the help wanted flag */

        ScopedLock self(curRow.lock);
        if ((m_bAllRowsStop && intRow > m_vbvResetTriggerRow) ||
            (!bFirstRowInSlice && ((curRow.completed < numCols - 1) || (m_rows[row - 1].completed < numCols)) && m_rows[row - 1].completed < curRow.completed + 2))
   = false;
            curRow.busy = false;

    /** this row of CTUs has been compressed **/
    if (m_param->bEnableWavefront && m_param->rc.bEnableConstVbv)
        if (row == m_numRows - 1)
            for (int32_t r = 0; r < (int32_t)m_numRows; r++)
                for (int32_t c = curEncData.m_rowStat[r].numEncodedCUs + 1; c < (int32_t)numCols * (r + 1); c++)
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[r].rowSatd += curEncData.m_cuStat[c].vbvCost;
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[r].rowIntraSatd += curEncData.m_cuStat[c].intraVbvCost;
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[r].encodedBits += curEncData.m_cuStat[c].totalBits;
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[r].sumQpRc += curEncData.m_cuStat[c].baseQp;
                    curEncData.m_rowStat[r].numEncodedCUs = c;

    /* If encoding with ABR, update update bits and complexity in rate control
     * after a number of rows so the next frame's rateControlStart has more
     * accurate data for estimation. At the start of the encode we update stats
     * after half the frame is encoded, but after this initial period we update
     * after refLagRows (the number of rows reference frames must have completed
     * before referencees may begin encoding) */
    uint32_t rowCount = 0;
    if (m_param->rc.rateControlMode == X265_RC_ABR || bIsVbv)
        if (!m_rce.encodeOrder)
            rowCount = m_numRows - 1;
        else if ((uint32_t)m_rce.encodeOrder <= 2 * (m_param->fpsNum / m_param->fpsDenom))
            rowCount = X265_MIN((m_numRows + 1) / 2, m_numRows - 1);
            rowCount = X265_MIN(m_refLagRows, m_numRows - 1);
        if (row == rowCount)
            m_rce.rowTotalBits = 0;
            if (bIsVbv)
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                    m_rce.rowTotalBits += curEncData.m_rowStat[i].encodedBits;
                for (uint32_t cuAddr = 0; cuAddr < rowCount * numCols; cuAddr++)
                    m_rce.rowTotalBits += curEncData.m_cuStat[cuAddr].totalBits;


    /* flush row bitstream (if WPP and no SAO) or flush frame if no WPP and no SAO */
    /* end_of_sub_stream_one_bit / end_of_slice_segment_flag */
    if (!m_param->bEnableSAO && (m_param->bEnableWavefront || bLastRowInSlice))

    /* Processing left Deblock block with current threading */
    if ((m_param->bEnableLoopFilter | m_param->bEnableSAO) & (rowInSlice >= 2))
        /* TODO: Multiple Threading */

        /* Check conditional to start previous row process with current threading */
        if (m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 2].m_lastDeblocked.get() == (int)numCols)
            /* stop threading on current row and restart it */
            m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 1].waitForExit();
            m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 1].m_allowedCol.set(numCols);
            m_frameFilter.m_parallelFilter[row - 1].processTasks(-1);

    /* trigger row-wise loop filters */
    if (m_param->bEnableWavefront)
        if (rowInSlice >= m_filterRowDelay)
            enableRowFilter(row - m_filterRowDelay);

            /* NOTE: Activate filter if first row (row 0) */
            if (rowInSlice == m_filterRowDelay)
                enqueueRowFilter(row - m_filterRowDelay);

        if (bLastRowInSlice)
            for (uint32_t i = endRowInSlicePlus1 - m_filterRowDelay; i < endRowInSlicePlus1; i++)

        // handle specially case - single row slice
        if  (bFirstRowInSlice & bLastRowInSlice)

    curRow.busy = false;

    // CHECK_ME: Does it always FALSE condition?
    if (ATOMIC_INC(&m_completionCount) == 2 * (int)m_numRows)

/* collect statistics about CU coding decisions, return total QP */
int FrameEncoder::collectCTUStatistics(const CUData& ctu, FrameStats* log)
    int totQP = 0;
    uint32_t depth = 0;
    for (uint32_t absPartIdx = 0; absPartIdx < ctu.m_numPartitions; absPartIdx += ctu.m_numPartitions >> (depth * 2))
        depth = ctu.m_cuDepth[absPartIdx];
        totQP += ctu.m_qp[absPartIdx] * (ctu.m_numPartitions >> (depth * 2));

    if (m_param->csvLogLevel >= 1 || m_param->rc.bStatWrite)
        if (ctu.m_slice->m_sliceType == I_SLICE)
            depth = 0;
            for (uint32_t absPartIdx = 0; absPartIdx < ctu.m_numPartitions; absPartIdx += ctu.m_numPartitions >> (depth * 2))
                depth = ctu.m_cuDepth[absPartIdx];


                if (ctu.m_predMode[absPartIdx] == MODE_NONE)
                else if (ctu.m_partSize[absPartIdx] != SIZE_2Nx2N)
                    /* TODO: log intra modes at absPartIdx +0 to +3 */
                    X265_CHECK(ctu.m_log2CUSize[absPartIdx] == 3 && ctu.m_slice->m_sps->quadtreeTULog2MinSize < 3, "Intra NxN found at improbable depth\n");
                else if (ctu.m_lumaIntraDir[absPartIdx] > 1)
            depth = 0;
            for (uint32_t absPartIdx = 0; absPartIdx < ctu.m_numPartitions; absPartIdx += ctu.m_numPartitions >> (depth * 2))
                depth = ctu.m_cuDepth[absPartIdx];


                if (ctu.m_predMode[absPartIdx] == MODE_NONE)
                else if (ctu.isSkipped(absPartIdx))
                    if (ctu.m_mergeFlag[0])
                else if (ctu.isInter(absPartIdx))

                    if (ctu.m_partSize[absPartIdx] < AMP_ID)
                else if (ctu.isIntra(absPartIdx))

                    if (ctu.m_partSize[absPartIdx] != SIZE_2Nx2N)
                        X265_CHECK(ctu.m_log2CUSize[absPartIdx] == 3 && ctu.m_slice->m_sps->quadtreeTULog2MinSize < 3, "Intra NxN found at improbable depth\n");
                        /* TODO: log intra modes at absPartIdx +0 to +3 */
                    else if (ctu.m_lumaIntraDir[absPartIdx] > 1)

    return totQP;

/* DCT-domain noise reduction / adaptive deadzone from libavcodec */
void FrameEncoder::noiseReductionUpdate()
    static const uint32_t maxBlocksPerTrSize[4] = {1 << 18, 1 << 16, 1 << 14, 1 << 12};

    for (int cat = 0; cat < MAX_NUM_TR_CATEGORIES; cat++)
        int trSize = cat & 3;
        int coefCount = 1 << ((trSize + 2) * 2);

        if (m_nr->nrCount[cat] > maxBlocksPerTrSize[trSize])
            for (int i = 0; i < coefCount; i++)
                m_nr->nrResidualSum[cat][i] >>= 1;
            m_nr->nrCount[cat] >>= 1;

        int nrStrength = cat < 8 ? m_param->noiseReductionIntra : m_param->noiseReductionInter;
        uint64_t scaledCount = (uint64_t)nrStrength * m_nr->nrCount[cat];

        for (int i = 0; i < coefCount; i++)
            uint64_t value = scaledCount + m_nr->nrResidualSum[cat][i] / 2;
            uint64_t denom = m_nr->nrResidualSum[cat][i] + 1;
            m_nr->nrOffsetDenoise[cat][i] = (uint16_t)(value / denom);

        // Don't denoise DC coefficients
        m_nr->nrOffsetDenoise[cat][0] = 0;

Frame *FrameEncoder::getEncodedPicture(NALList& output)
    if (m_frame)
        /* block here until worker thread completes */

        Frame *ret = m_frame;
        m_frame = NULL;
        m_prevOutputTime = x265_mdate();
        return ret;

    return NULL;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */