u8                 15 base/big_endian_unittest.cc   uint8 u8;
u8                 27 base/big_endian_unittest.cc   EXPECT_TRUE(reader.ReadU8(&u8));
u8                 28 base/big_endian_unittest.cc   EXPECT_EQ(0x4, u8);
u8                 42 base/big_endian_unittest.cc   uint8 u8;
u8                 59 base/big_endian_unittest.cc   EXPECT_FALSE(reader.ReadU8(&u8));
u8                 81 base/big_endian_unittest.cc   uint8 u8 = 0;
u8                 96 base/big_endian_unittest.cc   EXPECT_FALSE(writer.WriteU8(u8));
u8                313 crypto/curve25519-donna.c fexpand(limb *output, const u8 *input) {
u8                336 crypto/curve25519-donna.c fcontract(u8 *output, limb *input) {
u8                451 crypto/curve25519-donna.c cmult(limb *resultx, limb *resultz, const u8 *n, const limb *q) {
u8                462 crypto/curve25519-donna.c     u8 byte = n[31 - i];
u8                576 crypto/curve25519-donna.c curve25519_donna(u8 *mypublic, const u8 *secret, const u8 *basepoint) {
u8                 84 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-common.h   uint8_t u8[4];
u8                168 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-private.hh #define unicode_props0()	var2.u8[0]
u8                169 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-private.hh #define unicode_props1()	var2.u8[1]
u8                173 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-private.hh #define lig_props()		var1.u8[2] /* GSUB/GPOS ligature tracking */
u8                174 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-private.hh #define syllable()		var1.u8[3] /* GSUB/GPOS shaping boundaries */
u8                 38 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-shape-complex-private.hh #define complex_var_u8_0()	var2.u8[2]
u8                 39 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-shape-complex-private.hh #define complex_var_u8_1()	var2.u8[3]
u8                162 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	u8 *request;  /* the dns packet data */
u8                189 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	u8 s6_addr[16];
u8                391 third_party/libevent/evdns.c                       (int)(u8)((a>>24)&0xff),
u8                392 third_party/libevent/evdns.c                       (int)(u8)((a>>16)&0xff),
u8                393 third_party/libevent/evdns.c                       (int)(u8)((a>>8 )&0xff),
u8                394 third_party/libevent/evdns.c   		      (int)(u8)((a    )&0xff));
u8                756 third_party/libevent/evdns.c name_parse(u8 *packet, int length, int *idx, char *name_out, int name_out_len) {
u8                774 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 		u8 label_len;
u8                779 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 			u8 ptr_low;
u8                813 third_party/libevent/evdns.c reply_parse(u8 *packet, int length) {
u8                957 third_party/libevent/evdns.c request_parse(u8 *packet, int length, struct evdns_server_port *port, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen)
u8               1073 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	if (RAND_pseudo_bytes((u8 *) &trans_id, 2) == -1) {
u8               1170 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	u8 packet[1500];
u8               1197 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	u8 packet[1500];
u8               1370 third_party/libevent/evdns.c dnsname_to_labels(u8 *const buf, size_t buf_len, off_t j,
u8               1452 third_party/libevent/evdns.c     u8 *const buf, size_t buf_len) {
u8               1606 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 				(int)(u8)((a	)&0xff),
u8               1607 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 				(int)(u8)((a>>8 )&0xff),
u8               1608 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 				(int)(u8)((a>>16)&0xff),
u8               1609 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 				(int)(u8)((a>>24)&0xff));
u8               2254 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	req->request = ((u8 *) req) + sizeof(struct request);
u8               2329 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 			(int)(u8)((a	)&0xff),
u8               2330 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 			(int)(u8)((a>>8 )&0xff),
u8               2331 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 			(int)(u8)((a>>16)&0xff),
u8               2332 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 			(int)(u8)((a>>24)&0xff));
u8               2349 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 		u8 byte = in->s6_addr[i];
u8               2443 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	memcpy( ((u8 *) sdomain) + sizeof(struct search_domain), domain, domain_len);
u8               2502 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 			const u8 *const postfix = ((u8 *) dom) + sizeof(struct search_domain);
u8               2747 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	u8 *resolv;
u8               2767 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	resolv = (u8 *) malloc((size_t)st.st_size + 1);
u8                 82 third_party/libwebp/dsp/yuv.c   uint8_t u8[16];
u8               7714 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeLockTable(Btree *pBtree, int iTab, u8 isWriteLock);
u8               7913 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 opcode;          /* What operation to perform */
u8               7915 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 opflags;         /* Mask of the OPFLG_* flags in opcodes.h */
u8               7916 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 p5;              /* Fifth parameter is an unsigned character */
u8               7963 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 opcode;          /* What operation to perform */
u8               8234 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(Vdbe*, u8 P5);
u8               8261 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_value *sqlite3VdbeGetValue(Vdbe*, int, u8);
u8               8439 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(Pager*);
u8               9009 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 inTrans;          /* 0: not writable.  1: Transaction.  2: Checkpoint */
u8               9010 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 safety_level;     /* How aggressive at syncing data to disk */
u8               9039 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 file_format;      /* Schema format version for this file */
u8               9040 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc;              /* Text encoding used by this database */
u8               9096 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 bEnabled;            /* False to disable new lookaside allocations */
u8               9097 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 bMalloced;           /* True if pStart obtained from sqlite3_malloc() */
u8               9153 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 autoCommit;                /* The auto-commit flag. */
u8               9154 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 temp_store;                /* 1: file 2: memory 0: default */
u8               9155 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 mallocFailed;              /* True if we have seen a malloc failure */
u8               9156 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 dfltLockMode;              /* Default locking-mode for attached dbs */
u8               9158 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 suppressErr;               /* Do not issue error messages if true */
u8               9171 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 busy;                    /* TRUE if currently initializing */
u8               9172 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 orphanTrigger;           /* Last statement is orphaned TEMP trigger */
u8               9230 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isTransactionSavepoint;    /* True if the outermost savepoint is a TS */
u8               9322 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 iPrefEnc;         /* Preferred text encoding (SQLITE_UTF8, 16LE, 16BE) */
u8               9323 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 flags;            /* Some combination of SQLITE_FUNC_* */
u8               9445 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 notNull;      /* True if there is a NOT NULL constraint */
u8               9446 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isPrimKey;    /* True if this column is part of the PRIMARY KEY */
u8               9449 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isHidden;     /* True if this column is 'hidden' */
u8               9476 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc;               /* Text encoding handled by xCmp() */
u8               9477 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 type;              /* One of the SQLITE_COLL_... values below */
u8               9623 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 tabFlags;         /* Mask of TF_* values */
u8               9624 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 keyConf;          /* What to do in case of uniqueness conflict on iPKey */
u8               9695 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isDeferred;    /* True if constraint checking is deferred till COMMIT */
u8               9696 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 aAction[2];          /* ON DELETE and ON UPDATE actions, respectively */
u8               9751 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc;             /* Text encoding - one of the SQLITE_UTF* values */
u8               9753 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aSortOrder;     /* Sort order for each column.  May be NULL */
u8               9822 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 onError;      /* OE_Abort, OE_Ignore, OE_Replace, or OE_None */
u8               9823 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 autoIndex;    /* True if is automatically created (ex: by UNIQUE) */
u8               9824 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 bUnordered;   /* Use this index for == or IN queries only */
u8               9828 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aSortOrder;  /* Array of size Index.nColumn. True==DESC, False==ASC */
u8               9842 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eType;         /* SQLITE_NULL, SQLITE_INTEGER ... etc. */
u8               9843 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nByte;         /* Size in byte of text or blob. */
u8               9873 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 directMode;          /* Direct rendering mode means take data directly
u8               9875 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 useSortingIdx;       /* In direct mode, reference the sorting index rather
u8               9983 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op;                 /* Operation performed by this node */
u8               10016 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 flags2;             /* Second set of flags.  EP2_... */
u8               10017 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op2;                /* If a TK_REGISTER, the original value of Expr.op */
u8               10103 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 sortOrder;          /* 1 for DESC or 0 for ASC */
u8               10104 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 done;               /* A flag to indicate when processing is finished */
u8               10187 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 isPopulated;   /* Temporary table associated with SELECT is populated */
u8               10188 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 jointype;      /* Type of join between this able and the previous */
u8               10189 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 notIndexed;    /* True if there is a NOT INDEXED clause */
u8               10191 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 iSelectId;     /* If pSelect!=0, the id of the sub-select in EQP */
u8               10261 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 iFrom;             /* Which entry in the FROM clause */
u8               10262 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op, p5;            /* Opcode and P5 of the opcode that ends the loop */
u8               10307 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 okOnePass;        /* Ok to use one-pass algorithm for UPDATE or DELETE */
u8               10308 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 untestedTerms;    /* Not all WHERE terms resolved by outer loop */
u8               10347 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 allowAgg;         /* Aggregate functions allowed here */
u8               10348 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 hasAgg;           /* True if aggregates are seen */
u8               10349 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isCheck;          /* True if resolving names in a CHECK constraint */
u8               10377 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op;                 /* One of: TK_UNION TK_ALL TK_INTERSECT TK_EXCEPT */
u8               10432 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eDest;         /* How to dispose of the results */
u8               10433 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 affinity;      /* Affinity used when eDest==SRT_Set */
u8               10518 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 colNamesSet;      /* TRUE after OP_ColumnName has been issued to pVdbe */
u8               10519 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nameClash;        /* A permanent table name clashes with temp table name */
u8               10520 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 checkSchema;      /* Causes schema cookie check after an error */
u8               10521 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nested;           /* Number of nested calls to the parser/code generator */
u8               10522 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 parseError;       /* True after a parsing error.  Ticket #1794 */
u8               10523 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nTempReg;         /* Number of temporary registers in aTempReg[] */
u8               10524 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nTempInUse;       /* Number of aTempReg[] currently checked out */
u8               10535 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nColCache;        /* Number of entries in the column cache */
u8               10536 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 iColCache;        /* Next entry of the cache to replace */
u8               10540 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 tempReg;           /* iReg is a temp register that needs to be freed */
u8               10547 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isMultiWrite;     /* True if statement may affect/insert multiple rows */
u8               10548 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 mayAbort;         /* True if statement may throw an ABORT exception */
u8               10565 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eTriggerOp;       /* TK_UPDATE, TK_INSERT or TK_DELETE */
u8               10566 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eOrconf;          /* Default ON CONFLICT policy for trigger steps */
u8               10567 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 disableTriggers;  /* True to disable triggers */
u8               10581 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 explain;          /* True if the EXPLAIN flag is found on the query */
u8               10590 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 declareVtab;            /* True if inside sqlite3_declare_vtab() */
u8               10647 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op;                  /* One of TK_DELETE, TK_UPDATE, TK_INSERT         */
u8               10648 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 tr_tm;               /* One of TRIGGER_BEFORE, TRIGGER_AFTER */
u8               10707 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op;               /* One of TK_DELETE, TK_UPDATE, TK_INSERT, TK_SELECT */
u8               10708 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 orconf;           /* OE_Rollback etc. */
u8               10743 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8   mallocFailed;   /* Becomes true if any memory allocation fails */
u8               10744 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8   useMalloc;      /* 0: none,  1: sqlite3DbMalloc,  2: sqlite3_malloc */
u8               10745 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8   tooBig;         /* Becomes true if string size exceeds limits */
u8               11039 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RowSetTest(RowSet*, u8 iBatch, i64);
u8               11157 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE FuncDef *sqlite3FindFunction(sqlite3*,const char*,int,int,u8,int);
u8               11184 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c                                         ExprList*,Select*,u8);
u8               11185 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE   TriggerStep *sqlite3TriggerUpdateStep(sqlite3*,Token*,ExprList*, Expr*, u8);
u8               11226 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AtoF(const char *z, double*, int, u8);
u8               11231 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Utf8Read(const u8*, const u8**);
u8               11242 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3GetVarint(const unsigned char *, u64 *);
u8               11243 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3GetVarint32(const unsigned char *, u32 *);
u8               11263 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #define getVarint32(A,B)  (u8)((*(A)<(u8)0x80) ? ((B) = (u32)*(A)),1 : sqlite3GetVarint32((A), (u32 *)&(B)))
u8               11264 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #define putVarint32(A,B)  (u8)(((u32)(B)<(u32)0x80) ? (*(A) = (unsigned char)(B)),1 : sqlite3PutVarint32((A), (B)))
u8               11274 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Atoi64(const char*, i64*, int, u8);
u8               11280 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3FindCollSeq(sqlite3*,u8 enc, const char*,int);
u8               11293 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE const void *sqlite3ValueText(sqlite3_value*, u8);
u8               11294 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ValueBytes(sqlite3_value*, u8);
u8               11295 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ValueSetStr(sqlite3_value*, int, const void *,u8, 
u8               11299 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3Utf16to8(sqlite3 *, const void*, int, u8);
u8               11301 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3Utf8to16(sqlite3 *, u8, char *, int, int *);
u8               11303 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ValueFromExpr(sqlite3 *, Expr *, u8, u8, sqlite3_value **);
u8               11304 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ValueApplyAffinity(sqlite3_value *, u8, u8);
u8               11331 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3GetCollSeq(sqlite3*, u8, CollSeq *, const char*);
u8               11363 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BackupUpdate(sqlite3_backup *, Pgno, const u8 *);
u8               11383 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE   void sqlite3TableLock(Parse *, int, int, u8, const char *);
u8               11507 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3Get4byte(const u8*);
u8               11508 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Put4byte(u8*, u32);
u8               11567 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE   void sqlite3MemdebugSetType(void*,u8);
u8               11568 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE   int sqlite3MemdebugHasType(void*,u8);
u8               11569 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE   int sqlite3MemdebugNoType(void*,u8);
u8               12296 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aRow;             /* Data for the current row, if all on one page */
u8               12339 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #define VdbeFrameMem(p) ((Mem *)&((u8 *)p)[ROUND8(sizeof(VdbeFrame))])
u8               12364 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8  type;           /* One of SQLITE_NULL, SQLITE_TEXT, SQLITE_INTEGER, etc */
u8               12365 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8  enc;            /* SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_UTF16BE, SQLITE_UTF16LE */
u8               12507 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 errorAction;         /* Recovery action to do in case of an error */
u8               12508 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 okVar;               /* True if azVar[] has been initialized */
u8               12509 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 explain;             /* True if EXPLAIN present on SQL command */
u8               12510 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 changeCntOn;         /* True to update the change-counter */
u8               12511 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 expired;             /* True if the VM needs to be recompiled */
u8               12512 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 runOnlyOnce;         /* Automatically expire on reset */
u8               12513 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 minWriteFileFormat;  /* Minimum file format for writable database files */
u8               12514 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 inVtabMethod;        /* See comments above */
u8               12515 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 usesStmtJournal;     /* True if uses a statement journal */
u8               12516 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 readOnly;            /* True for read-only statements */
u8               12517 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isPrepareV2;         /* True if prepared with prepare_v2() */
u8               12576 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(Mem*, const char*, int, u8, void(*)(void*));
u8               12623 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem*, u8);
u8               13137 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   while( sqlite3Isspace(*zDate) || 'T'==*(u8*)zDate ){ zDate++; }
u8               13362 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     z[n] = (char)sqlite3UpperToLower[(u8)zMod[n]];
u8               14638 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nTitle;                          /* Bytes of title; includes '\0' */
u8               14639 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eType;                           /* Allocation type code */
u8               14733 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pU8;
u8               14741 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pU8 = (u8*)pAllocation;
u8               14959 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3MemdebugSetType(void *p, u8 eType){
u8               14977 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MemdebugHasType(void *p, u8 eType){
u8               14999 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MemdebugNoType(void *p, u8 eType){
u8               15895 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zPool;       /* Memory available to be allocated */
u8               15925 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aCtrl;
u8               16002 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     int i = ((u8 *)p-mem5.zPool)/mem5.szAtom;
u8               16107 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   iBlock = ((u8 *)pOld-mem5.zPool)/mem5.szAtom;
u8               16111 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   assert( ((u8 *)pOld-mem5.zPool)%mem5.szAtom==0 );
u8               16255 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zByte;         /* Memory usable by this allocator */
u8               16270 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   zByte = (u8*)sqlite3GlobalConfig.pHeap;
u8               16280 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   mem5.nBlock = (nByte / (mem5.szAtom+sizeof(u8)));
u8               16282 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   mem5.aCtrl = (u8 *)&mem5.zPool[mem5.nBlock*mem5.szAtom];
u8               19560 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u8 randomByte(void){
u8               19594 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       wsdPrng.s[i] = (u8)i;
u8               19725 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0xFF);                            \
u8               19728 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = 0xC0 + (u8)((c>>6)&0x1F);                \
u8               19729 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);                   \
u8               19732 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = 0xE0 + (u8)((c>>12)&0x0F);               \
u8               19733 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>6) & 0x3F);              \
u8               19734 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);                   \
u8               19736 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = 0xF0 + (u8)((c>>18) & 0x07);             \
u8               19737 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>12) & 0x3F);             \
u8               19738 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>6) & 0x3F);              \
u8               19739 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);                   \
u8               19745 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0x00FF);                                       \
u8               19746 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)((c>>8)&0x00FF);                                  \
u8               19748 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(((c>>10)&0x003F) + (((c-0x10000)>>10)&0x00C0));  \
u8               19749 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(0x00D8 + (((c-0x10000)>>18)&0x03));              \
u8               19750 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0x00FF);                                       \
u8               19751 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(0x00DC + ((c>>8)&0x03));                         \
u8               19757 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)((c>>8)&0x00FF);                                  \
u8               19758 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0x00FF);                                       \
u8               19760 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(0x00D8 + (((c-0x10000)>>18)&0x03));              \
u8               19761 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(((c>>10)&0x003F) + (((c-0x10000)>>10)&0x00C0));  \
u8               19762 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(0x00DC + ((c>>8)&0x03));                         \
u8               19763 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0x00FF);                                       \
u8               19863 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem *pMem, u8 desiredEnc){
u8               19890 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 temp;
u8               19897 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     zIn = (u8*)pMem->z;
u8               19933 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   zIn = (u8*)pMem->z;
u8               20009 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 bom = 0;
u8               20013 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 b1 = *(u8 *)pMem->z;
u8               20014 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 b2 = *(((u8 *)pMem->z) + 1);
u8               20047 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   const u8 *z = (const u8*)zIn;
u8               20048 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   const u8 *zTerm;
u8               20052 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     zTerm = (const u8*)(-1);
u8               20081 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     c = sqlite3Utf8Read(zIn, (const u8**)&zIn);
u8               20099 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3Utf16to8(sqlite3 *db, const void *z, int nByte, u8 enc){
u8               20127 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3Utf8to16(sqlite3 *db, u8 enc, char *z, int n, int *pnOut){
u8               20186 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     c = sqlite3Utf8Read(z, (const u8**)&z);
u8               20482 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AtoF(const char *z, double *pResult, int length, u8 enc){
u8               20680 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Atoi64(const char *zNum, i64 *pNum, int length, u8 enc){
u8               20825 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 buf[10];
u8               20827 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     p[8] = (u8)v;
u8               20830 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       p[i] = (u8)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
u8               20837 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     buf[n++] = (u8)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
u8               20864 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     p[0] = (u8)((v>>7) | 0x80);
u8               20865 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     p[1] = (u8)(v & 0x7f);
u8               20888 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3GetVarint(const unsigned char *p, u64 *v){
u8               21058 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3GetVarint32(const unsigned char *p, u32 *v){
u8               21114 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 n;
u8               21166 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 n;
u8               21194 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3Get4byte(const u8 *p){
u8               21198 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   p[0] = (u8)(v>>24);
u8               21199 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   p[1] = (u8)(v>>16);
u8               21200 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   p[2] = (u8)(v>>8);
u8               21201 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   p[3] = (u8)v;
u8               21212 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u8 hexToInt(int h){
u8               21220 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   return (u8)(h & 0xf);
u8               22812 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 id;                     /* Id of this connection with its os2ShmNode */
u8               27718 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 exclMask;               /* Mask of exclusive locks held */
u8               27719 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 sharedMask;             /* Mask of shared locks held */
u8               27720 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nextShmId;              /* Next available unixShm.id value */
u8               27740 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 hasMutex;               /* True if holding the unixShmNode mutex */
u8               27744 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 id;                     /* Id of this connection within its unixShmNode */
u8               31877 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *aRem = (u8 *)pBuf;        /* Data yet to be written */
u8               32209 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pFile->locktype = (u8)newLocktype;
u8               32277 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pFile->locktype = (u8)locktype;
u8               32410 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nextShmId;              /* Next available winShm.id value */
u8               32437 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 hasMutex;               /* True if holding the winShmNode mutex */
u8               32441 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 id;                     /* Id of this connection with its winShmNode */
u8               33965 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #define BITVEC_TELEM     u8
u8               35995 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isSorted;                   /* True if pEntry is sorted */
u8               35996 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 iBatch;                     /* Current insert batch */
u8               36285 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3RowSetTest(RowSet *pRowSet, u8 iBatch, sqlite3_int64 iRowid){
u8               36382 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalClose(Wal *pWal, int sync_flags, int, u8 *);
u8               36395 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalRead(Wal *pWal, Pgno pgno, int *pInWal, int nOut, u8 *pOut);
u8               36426 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zBuf,                       /* Temporary buffer to use */
u8               37042 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 exclusiveMode;           /* Boolean. True if locking_mode==EXCLUSIVE */
u8               37043 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 journalMode;             /* One of the PAGER_JOURNALMODE_* values */
u8               37044 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 useJournal;              /* Use a rollback journal on this file */
u8               37045 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 noReadlock;              /* Do not bother to obtain readlocks */
u8               37046 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 noSync;                  /* Do not sync the journal if true */
u8               37047 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 fullSync;                /* Do extra syncs of the journal for robustness */
u8               37048 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 ckptSyncFlags;           /* SYNC_NORMAL or SYNC_FULL for checkpoint */
u8               37049 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 syncFlags;               /* SYNC_NORMAL or SYNC_FULL otherwise */
u8               37050 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 tempFile;                /* zFilename is a temporary file */
u8               37051 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 readOnly;                /* True for a read-only database */
u8               37052 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 memDb;                   /* True to inhibit all file I/O */
u8               37063 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eState;                  /* Pager state (OPEN, READER, WRITER_LOCKED..) */
u8               37064 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eLock;                   /* Current lock held on database file */
u8               37065 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 changeCountDone;         /* Set after incrementing the change-counter */
u8               37066 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 setMaster;               /* True if a m-j name has been written to jrnl */
u8               37067 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 doNotSpill;              /* Do not spill the cache when non-zero */
u8               37068 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 doNotSyncSpill;          /* Do not do a spill that requires jrnl sync */
u8               37069 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 subjInMemory;            /* True to use in-memory sub-journals */
u8               37461 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #define put32bits(A,B)  sqlite3Put4byte((u8*)A,B)
u8               37493 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pPager->eLock = (u8)eLock;
u8               37517 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pPager->eLock = (u8)eLock;
u8               38464 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u32 pager_cksum(Pager *pPager, const u8 *aData){
u8               38567 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   rc = sqlite3OsRead(jfd, (u8*)aData, pPager->pageSize, (*pOffset)+4);
u8               38586 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     if( !isSavepnt && pager_cksum(pPager, (u8*)aData)!=cksum ){
u8               38600 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   if( pgno==1 && pPager->nReserve!=((u8*)aData)[20] ){
u8               38601 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pPager->nReserve = ((u8*)aData)[20];
u8               38648 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c            PAGERID(pPager), pgno, pager_datahash(pPager->pageSize, (u8*)aData),
u8               38663 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, (u8*)aData, pPager->pageSize, ofst);
u8               38669 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, pgno, (u8*)aData);
u8               38708 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     memcpy(pData, (u8*)aData, pPager->pageSize);
u8               38738 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       memcpy(&pPager->dbFileVers, &((u8*)pData)[24],sizeof(pPager->dbFileVers));
u8               38806 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pJournal = (sqlite3_file *)(((u8 *)pMaster) + pVfs->szOsFile);
u8               39269 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *dbFileVers = &((u8*)pPg->pData)[24];
u8               39296 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   change_counter = sqlite3Get4byte((u8*)pPg->pPager->dbFileVers)+1;
u8               39425 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, p->pgno, (u8 *)p->pData);
u8               40170 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pTmp = (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace;
u8               40313 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         u8 aMagic[8];
u8               40314 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         u8 zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)+4];
u8               40322 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           static const u8 zerobyte = 0;
u8               40477 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, pgno, (u8*)pList->pData);
u8               40719 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pPtr;
u8               40797 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pPtr = (u8 *)sqlite3MallocZero(
u8               40922 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pPager->useJournal = (u8)useJournal;
u8               40936 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pPager->tempFile = (u8)tempFile;
u8               40940 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pPager->exclusiveMode = (u8)tempFile; 
u8               40942 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pPager->memDb = (u8)memDb;
u8               40943 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pPager->readOnly = (u8)readOnly;
u8               41063 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c             u8 first = 0;
u8               41668 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pPager->subjInMemory = (u8)subjInMemory;
u8               41803 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         cksum = pager_cksum(pPager, (u8*)pData2);
u8               42483 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(Pager *pPager){
u8               42926 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pPager->exclusiveMode = (u8)eMode;
u8               42952 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eOld = pPager->journalMode;    /* Prior journalmode */
u8               42989 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pPager->journalMode = (u8)eMode;
u8               43099 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         pPager->ckptSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize, (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace,
u8               43254 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c                            pPager->pageSize, (u8*)pPager->pTmpSpace);
u8               43584 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isInit;                      /* 1 when initialized */
u8               43585 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 bigEndCksum;                 /* True if checksums in WAL are big-endian */
u8               43699 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 exclusiveMode;          /* Non-zero if connection is in exclusive mode */
u8               43700 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 writeLock;              /* True if in a write transaction */
u8               43701 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 ckptLock;               /* True if holding a checkpoint lock */
u8               43702 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 readOnly;               /* True if the WAL file is open read-only */
u8               43707 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 lockError;              /* True if a locking error has occurred */
u8               43858 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *a,           /* Content to be checksummed */
u8               43912 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   walChecksumBytes(1, (u8*)&pWal->hdr, nCksum, 0, pWal->hdr.aCksum);
u8               43935 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aData,                      /* Pointer to page data */
u8               43936 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aFrame                      /* OUT: Write encoded frame here */
u8               43962 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aData,                      /* Pointer to page data (for checksum) */
u8               43963 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aFrame                      /* Frame data */
u8               44044 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   VVA_ONLY( pWal->lockError = (u8)(rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_BUSY); )
u8               44060 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   VVA_ONLY( pWal->lockError = (u8)(rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_BUSY); )
u8               44256 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       int nByte = (int)((u8 *)&aHash[HASHTABLE_NSLOT] - (u8 *)&aPgno[1]);
u8               44355 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 aBuf[WAL_HDRSIZE];         /* Buffer to load WAL header into */
u8               44356 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *aFrame = 0;               /* Malloc'd buffer to load entire frame */
u8               44358 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *aData;                    /* Pointer to data part of aFrame buffer */
u8               44385 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pWal->hdr.bigEndCksum = (u8)(magic&0x00000001);
u8               44410 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     aFrame = (u8 *)sqlite3_malloc(szFrame);
u8               44906 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zBuf                        /* Temporary buffer to use */
u8               45050 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zBuf                        /* Buffer of at least nBuf bytes */
u8               45135 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   walChecksumBytes(1, (u8*)&h1, sizeof(h1)-sizeof(h1.aCksum), 0, aCksum);
u8               45500 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pOut                        /* Buffer to write page data to */
u8               45807 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         sqlite3Put4byte((u8*)&aSalt[0], 1 + sqlite3Get4byte((u8*)&aSalt[0]));
u8               45847 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 aFrame[WAL_FRAME_HDRSIZE];   /* Buffer to assemble frame-header in */
u8               45875 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 aWalHdr[WAL_HDRSIZE];      /* Buffer to assemble wal-header in */
u8               46019 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zBuf,                       /* Temporary buffer to use */
u8               46475 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isInit;           /* True if previously initialized. MUST BE FIRST! */
u8               46476 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nOverflow;        /* Number of overflow cell bodies in aCell[] */
u8               46477 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 intKey;           /* True if intkey flag is set */
u8               46478 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 leaf;             /* True if leaf flag is set */
u8               46479 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 hasData;          /* True if this page stores data */
u8               46480 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 hdrOffset;        /* 100 for page 1.  0 otherwise */
u8               46481 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 childPtrSize;     /* 0 if leaf==1.  4 if leaf==0 */
u8               46489 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *pCell;          /* Pointers to the body of the overflow cell */
u8               46493 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aData;           /* Pointer to disk image of the page data */
u8               46515 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eLock;             /* READ_LOCK or WRITE_LOCK */
u8               46547 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 inTrans;        /* TRANS_NONE, TRANS_READ or TRANS_WRITE */
u8               46548 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 sharable;       /* True if we can share pBt with another db */
u8               46549 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 locked;         /* True if db currently has pBt locked */
u8               46610 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 readOnly;          /* True if the underlying file is readonly */
u8               46611 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 pageSizeFixed;     /* True if the page size can no longer be changed */
u8               46612 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 secureDelete;      /* True if secure_delete is enabled */
u8               46613 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 initiallyEmpty;    /* Database is empty at start of transaction */
u8               46614 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 openFlags;         /* Flags to sqlite3BtreeOpen() */
u8               46616 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 autoVacuum;        /* True if auto-vacuum is enabled */
u8               46617 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 incrVacuum;        /* True if incr-vacuum is enabled */
u8               46619 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 inTransaction;     /* Transaction state */
u8               46620 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 doNotUseWAL;       /* If true, do not open write-ahead-log file */
u8               46638 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isExclusive;       /* True if pWriter has an EXCLUSIVE lock on the db */
u8               46639 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isPending;         /* If waiting for read-locks to clear */
u8               46641 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pTmpSpace;        /* BtShared.pageSize bytes of space for tmp use */
u8               46652 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pCell;     /* Pointer to the start of cell content */
u8               46697 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 wrFlag;                /* True if writable */
u8               46698 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 atLast;                /* Cursor pointing to the last entry */
u8               46699 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 validNKey;             /* True if info.nKey is valid */
u8               46700 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eState;                /* One of the CURSOR_XXX constants (see below) */
u8               46703 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isIncrblobHandle;      /* True if this cursor is an incr. io handle */
u8               46843 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #define put2byte(p,v) ((p)[0] = (u8)((v)>>8), (p)[1] = (u8)(v))
u8               47341 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int querySharedCacheTableLock(Btree *p, Pgno iTab, u8 eLock){
u8               47413 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int setSharedCacheTableLock(Btree *p, Pgno iTable, u8 eLock){
u8               47881 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static void ptrmapPut(BtShared *pBt, Pgno key, u8 eType, Pgno parent, int *pRC){
u8               47883 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pPtrmap;      /* The pointer map data */
u8               47910 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pPtrmap = (u8 *)sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage);
u8               47932 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int ptrmapGet(BtShared *pBt, Pgno key, u8 *pEType, Pgno *pPgno){
u8               47935 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pPtrmap;       /* Pointer map page data */
u8               47946 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pPtrmap = (u8 *)sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage);
u8               47978 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u8 *findOverflowCell(MemPage *pPage, int iCell){
u8               48007 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pCell,              /* Pointer to the cell text. */
u8               48087 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u16 cellSizePtr(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell){
u8               48088 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pIter = &pCell[pPage->childPtrSize];
u8               48101 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *pEnd;
u8               48154 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static void ptrmapPutOvflPtr(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell, int *pRC){
u8               48207 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *pAddr;     /* The i-th cell pointer */
u8               48266 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 * const data = pPage->aData;      /* Local cache of pPage->aData */
u8               48316 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           data[hdr+7] = (u8)(nFrag + x);
u8               48422 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       data[hdr+7] -= (u8)frag;
u8               48461 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pPage->leaf = (u8)(flagByte>>3);  assert( PTF_LEAF == 1<<3 );
u8               48500 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 hdr;            /* Offset to beginning of page header */
u8               48501 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *data;          /* Equal to pPage->aData */
u8               48603 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
u8               48821 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nReserve;                   /* Byte of unused space on each page */
u8               48948 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pBt->openFlags = (u8)flags;
u8               49360 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 av = (u8)autoVacuum;
u8               49421 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   nPage = nPageHeader = get4byte(28+(u8*)pPage1->aData);
u8               49423 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   if( nPage==0 || memcmp(24+(u8*)pPage1->aData, 92+(u8*)pPage1->aData,4)!=0 ){
u8               49429 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *page1 = pPage1->aData;
u8               49587 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   data[16] = (u8)((pBt->pageSize>>8)&0xff);
u8               49588 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   data[17] = (u8)((pBt->pageSize>>16)&0xff);
u8               49592 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   data[20] = (u8)(pBt->pageSize - pBt->usableSize);
u8               49696 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pBt->initiallyEmpty = (u8)(pBt->nPage==0);
u8               49745 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pBt->isExclusive = (u8)(wrflag>1);
u8               49790 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isInitOrig = pPage->isInit;
u8               49801 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
u8               49835 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int modifyPagePointer(MemPage *pPage, Pgno iFrom, Pgno iTo, u8 eType){
u8               49845 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 isInitOrig = pPage->isInit;
u8               49853 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
u8               49897 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eType,                /* Pointer map 'type' entry for pDbPage */
u8               49968 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int allocateBtreePage(BtShared *, MemPage **, Pgno *, Pgno, u8);
u8               49996 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 eType;
u8               50434 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       int nPage = get4byte(28+(u8*)pPage1->aData);
u8               50592 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pCur->wrFlag = (u8)wrFlag;
u8               50846 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 eType;
u8               51589 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *pCell;                          /* Pointer to current cell in pPage */
u8               51637 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           u8 * const pCellBody = pCell - pPage->childPtrSize;
u8               51871 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 exact
u8               51892 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 searchList = 0; /* If the free-list must be searched for 'nearby' */
u8               51900 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 eType;
u8               52102 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     put4byte(28 + (u8*)pBt->pPage1->aData, pBt->nPage);
u8               52356 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   const u8 *pSrc;
u8               52435 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         u8 eType = (pgnoPtrmap?PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2:PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1);
u8               52508 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *data;       /* pPage->aData */
u8               52509 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *ptr;        /* Used to move bytes around within data[] */
u8               52563 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pCell,        /* Content of the new cell */
u8               52565 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pTemp,        /* Temp storage space for pCell, if needed */
u8               52574 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *data;         /* The content of the whole page */
u8               52575 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *ptr;          /* Used for moving information around in data[] */
u8               52650 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 **apCell,      /* Pointers to cell bodies */
u8               52654 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pCellptr;     /* Address of next cell pointer */
u8               52656 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 * const data = pPage->aData;             /* Pointer to data for pPage */
u8               52724 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int balance_quick(MemPage *pParent, MemPage *pPage, u8 *pSpace){
u8               52745 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *pOut = &pSpace[4];
u8               52746 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *pCell = pPage->aOvfl[0].pCell;
u8               52748 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *pStop;
u8               52815 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 e;
u8               52822 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *z;
u8               52867 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 * const aFrom = pFrom->aData;
u8               52868 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 * const aTo = pTo->aData;
u8               52948 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aOvflSpace,                 /* page-size bytes of space for parent ovfl */
u8               52970 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pRight;                  /* Location in parent of right-sibling pointer */
u8               52971 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *apDiv[NB-1];             /* Divider cells in pParent */
u8               52974 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 **apCell = 0;             /* All cells begin balanced */
u8               52976 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *aSpace1;                 /* Space for copies of dividers cells */
u8               53086 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c        nMaxCells*sizeof(u8*)                       /* apCell */
u8               53096 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   aSpace1 = (u8*)&szCell[nMaxCells];
u8               53138 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *pTemp;
u8               53346 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *pCell;
u8               53347 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *pTemp;
u8               53401 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *zChild = &apCopy[nOld-1]->aData[8];
u8               53627 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 aBalanceQuickSpace[13];
u8               53628 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pFree = 0;
u8               53705 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           u8 *pSpace = sqlite3PageMalloc(pCur->pBt->pageSize);
u8               54084 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 eType = 0;
u8               54433 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pBt->incrVacuum = (u8)iMeta;
u8               54579 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 eType,              /* Expected pointer map type */
u8               54584 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 ePtrmapType;
u8               54703 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *data;
u8               54740 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *pCell;
u8               55147 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeLockTable(Btree *p, int iTab, u8 isWriteLock){
u8               55151 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 lockType = READ_LOCK + isWriteLock;
u8               55243 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pBt->doNotUseWAL = (u8)(iVersion==1);
u8               55247 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *aData = pBt->pPage1->aData;
u8               55248 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     if( aData[18]!=(u8)iVersion || aData[19]!=(u8)iVersion ){
u8               55253 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           aData[18] = (u8)iVersion;
u8               55254 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           aData[19] = (u8)iVersion;
u8               55479 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int backupOnePage(sqlite3_backup *p, Pgno iSrcPg, const u8 *zSrcData){
u8               55536 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       const u8 *zIn = &zSrcData[iOff%nSrcPgsz];
u8               55537 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *zDestData = sqlite3PagerGetData(pDestPg);
u8               55538 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *zOut = &zDestData[iOff%nDestPgsz];
u8               55548 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       ((u8 *)sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pDestPg))[0] = 0;
u8               55750 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c             u8 *zData = sqlite3PagerGetData(pSrcPg);
u8               55879 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BackupUpdate(sqlite3_backup *pBackup, Pgno iPage, const u8 *aData){
u8               56021 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   rc = sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(pMem, (u8)desiredEnc);
u8               56657 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc,             /* Encoding of z.  0 for BLOBs */
u8               56922 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE const void *sqlite3ValueText(sqlite3_value* pVal, u8 enc){
u8               56984 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc,                   /* Encoding to use */
u8               56985 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 affinity,              /* Affinity to use */
u8               57095 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc,               /* Encoding to use */
u8               57114 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ValueBytes(sqlite3_value *pVal, u8 enc){
u8               57186 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   p->isPrepareV2 = (u8)isPrepareV2;
u8               57277 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pOp->opcode = (u8)op;
u8               57537 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 opcode = pOp->opcode;
u8               57680 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(Vdbe *p, u8 val){
u8               57865 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *aSortOrder;
u8               58183 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 malloc_failed = db->mallocFailed;
u8               58502 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 **ppFrom,         /* IN/OUT: Allocate from *ppFrom */
u8               58503 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pEnd,            /* Pointer to 1 byte past the end of *ppFrom buffer */
u8               58574 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *zCsr = (u8 *)&p->aOp[p->nOp];       /* Memory avaliable for alloation */
u8               58575 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *zEnd = (u8 *)&p->aOp[p->nOpAlloc];  /* First byte past available mem */
u8               58579 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     p->usesStmtJournal = (u8)usesStmtJournal;
u8               58584 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     zCsr += (zCsr - (u8*)0)&7;
u8               59696 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     static const u8 aSize[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
u8               59772 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3VdbeSerialPut(u8 *buf, int nBuf, Mem *pMem, int file_format){
u8               59790 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       buf[i] = (u8)(v&0xFF);
u8               60172 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   (void)getVarint32((u8*)m.z, szHdr);
u8               60181 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   (void)getVarint32((u8*)&m.z[szHdr-1], typeRowid);
u8               60200 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8*)&m.z[m.n-lenRowid], typeRowid, &v);
u8               60304 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_value *sqlite3VdbeGetValue(Vdbe *v, int iVar, u8 aff){
u8               60530 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc,                 /* Encoding of z.  0 for BLOBs */
u8               61364 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 encoding            /* Encoding for the data */
u8               61695 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     n = sqlite3GetToken((u8*)zSql, &tokenType);
u8               61786 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         u8 enc = ENC(db);
u8               62070 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 enc = pRec->enc;
u8               62104 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc              /* Use this text encoding */
u8               62146 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 affinity, 
u8               62147 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc
u8               62220 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 c = pMem->z[j];
u8               62459 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 resetSchemaOnFault = 0; /* Reset schema after an error if positive */
u8               62460 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 encoding = ENC(db);     /* The database encoding */
u8               62522 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 op;
u8               62563 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *zIdx;          /* Index into header */
u8               62564 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *zEndHdr;       /* Pointer to first byte after the header */
u8               62576 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *zNewRecord;        /* A buffer to hold the data for the new record */
u8               63164 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   p->errorAction = (u8)pOp->p2;
u8               63802 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op;
u8               64434 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zIdx;          /* Index into header */
u8               64435 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zEndHdr;       /* Pointer to first byte after the header */
u8               64552 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         u.am.pC->aRow = (u8*)u.am.zData;
u8               64560 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u.am.szHdr = getVarint32((u8*)u.am.zData, u.am.offset);
u8               64607 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u.am.zEndHdr = (u8 *)&u.am.zData[u.am.len];
u8               64608 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u.am.zIdx = (u8 *)&u.am.zData[u.am.szHdr];
u8               64661 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8 *)&u.am.zRec[u.am.aOffset[u.am.p2]], u.am.aType[u.am.p2], u.am.pDest);
u8               64670 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8*)u.am.zData, u.am.aType[u.am.p2], u.am.pDest);
u8               64749 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zNewRecord;        /* A buffer to hold the data for the new record */
u8               64839 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u.ao.zNewRecord = (u8 *)pOut->z;
u8               65087 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       db->autoCommit = (u8)u.ar.desiredAutoCommit;
u8               65090 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         db->autoCommit = (u8)(1-u.ar.desiredAutoCommit);
u8               65246 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u.au.pDb->pSchema->file_format = (u8)pIn3->u.i;
u8               66572 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u.bk.pC->nullRow = (u8)u.bk.res;
u8               66629 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u.bl.pC->nullRow = (u8)u.bl.res;
u8               66687 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u.bm.pC->nullRow = (u8)u.bm.res;
u8               67290 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c                                (u8)(u.bx.iSet>=0 ? u.bx.iSet & 0xf : 0xff),
u8               67871 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isWriteLock = (u8)pOp->p3;
u8               69181 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 zChunk[JOURNAL_CHUNKSIZE];   /* Content of this chunk */
u8               69215 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zOut = zBuf;
u8               69261 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zWrite = (u8 *)zBuf;
u8               70054 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 enc = ENC(pParse->db);   /* The database encoding */
u8               70203 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 savedSuppErr;   /* Saved value of db->suppressErr */
u8               70934 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u8 binaryCompareP5(Expr *pExpr1, Expr *pExpr2, int jumpIfNull){
u8               70935 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 aff = (char)sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr2);
u8               70936 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   aff = (u8)sqlite3CompareAffinity(pExpr1, aff) | (u8)jumpIfNull;
u8               70994 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(pParse->pVdbe, (u8)p5);
u8               71134 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pNew->op = (u8)op;
u8               71481 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static Expr *exprDup(sqlite3 *db, Expr *p, int flags, u8 **pzBuffer){
u8               71485 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *zAlloc;
u8               71984 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op;
u8               72028 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op;
u8               72390 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         dest.affinity = (u8)affinity;
u8               73271 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 enc = ENC(db);      /* The text encoding used by this database */
u8               73353 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)nFarg);
u8               74362 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           u8 enc = ENC(pParse->db);
u8               74574 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     zRet = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%.*s\"%w\"%s", ((u8*)tname.z) - zSql, zSql, 
u8               74713 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     zRet = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%.*s\"%w\"%s", ((u8*)tname.z) - zSql, zSql, 
u8               75373 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 aCreateTbl[] = {0, 0};
u8               76001 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c               pSample->eType = (u8)eType;
u8               76014 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c                 pSample->nByte = (u8)n;
u8               76384 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)(pFunc->nArg));
u8               76871 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pParse->explain = (u8)explainFlag;
u8               76883 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isWriteLock;      /* True for write lock.  False for a read lock */
u8               76901 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isWriteLock,    /* True for a write lock */
u8               77838 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   p->aCol[p->nCol-1].notNull = (u8)onError;
u8               78015 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pTab->keyConf = (u8)onError;
u8               78113 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc = ENC(db);
u8               78114 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 initbusy = db->init.busy;
u8               78636 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 enableLookaside = db->lookaside.bEnabled;
u8               79091 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pFKey->aAction[0] = (u8)(flags & 0xff);            /* ON DELETE action */
u8               79092 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pFKey->aAction[1] = (u8)((flags >> 8 ) & 0xff);    /* ON UPDATE action */
u8               79133 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pFKey->isDeferred = (u8)isDeferred;
u8               79406 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pList->a[0].sortOrder = (u8)sortOrder;
u8               79434 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       sizeof(u8)*nCol +            /* Index.aSortOrder */
u8               79444 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pIndex->aSortOrder = (u8 *)(&pIndex->aiRowEst[nCol+1]);
u8               79450 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pIndex->onError = (u8)onError;
u8               79451 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pIndex->autoIndex = (u8)(pName==0);
u8               79514 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pIndex->aSortOrder[i] = (u8)requestedSortOrder;
u8               80580 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pKey->aSortOrder = (u8 *)&(pKey->aColl[nCol]);
u8               80581 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     assert( &pKey->aSortOrder[nCol]==&(((u8 *)pKey)[nBytes]) );
u8               80654 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   static const u8 aEnc[] = { SQLITE_UTF16BE, SQLITE_UTF16LE, SQLITE_UTF8 };
u8               80682 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc,               /* The desired encoding for the collating sequence */
u8               80802 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc,
u8               80839 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int matchQuality(FuncDef *p, int nArg, u8 enc){
u8               80887 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 c1 = (u8)pDef->zName[0];
u8               80928 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc,            /* Preferred text encoding */
u8               80938 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   h = (sqlite3UpperToLower[(u8)zName[0]] + nName) % ArraySize(db->aFunc.a);
u8               82043 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *z1;
u8               82195 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 matchAll;
u8               82196 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 matchOne;
u8               82197 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 matchSet;
u8               82198 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 noCase;
u8               82251 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   const u8 *zPattern,              /* The glob pattern */
u8               82252 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   const u8 *zString,               /* The string to compare against the glob */
u8               82259 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 matchOne = pInfo->matchOne;
u8               82260 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 matchAll = pInfo->matchAll;
u8               82261 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 matchSet = pInfo->matchSet;
u8               82262 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 noCase = pInfo->noCase; 
u8               82708 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 *zOld;
u8               82765 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     static unsigned char * const azOne[] = { (u8*)" " };
u8               82767 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     aLen = (u8*)lenOne;
u8               82786 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         aLen[nChar] = (u8)(z - azChar[nChar]);
u8               82840 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   const u8 *zIn;
u8               82853 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   zIn = (u8*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
u8               82854 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   if( zIn==0 ) zIn = (u8*)"";
u8               82857 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 prevcode = iCode[zIn[i]&0x7f];
u8               82915 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 overflow;      /* True if integer overflow seen */
u8               82916 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 approx;        /* True if non-integer value was input to the sum */
u8               83126 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static void setLikeOptFlag(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, u8 flagVal){
u8               84247 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 enableLookaside;           /* Copy of db->lookaside.bEnabled */
u8               85920 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 pik_flags;
u8               87566 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u8 getSafetyLevel(const char *z){
u8               87569 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   static const u8 iOffset[] = {0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 12, 16};
u8               87570 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   static const u8 iLength[] = {2, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 4};
u8               87571 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   static const u8 iValue[] =  {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2};
u8               87574 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     return (u8)sqlite3Atoi(z);
u8               87588 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u8 getBoolean(const char *z){
u8               87616 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   return (u8)((i>=0&&i<=2)?i:0);
u8               87673 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   db->temp_store = (u8)ts;
u8               87783 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static const char *actionName(u8 action){
u8               88045 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         db->dfltLockMode = (u8)eMode;
u8               88153 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       db->nextAutovac = (u8)eAuto;
u8               88671 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)i);
u8               88784 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 enc;
u8               89322 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 encoding;
u8               89324 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       encoding = (u8)meta[BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING-1] & 3;
u8               89355 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pDb->pSchema->file_format = (u8)meta[BTREE_FILE_FORMAT-1];
u8               89879 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *pzTail = (u8 *)zSql + sqlite3Utf16ByteLen(zSql, chars_parsed);
u8               89960 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pDest->eDest = (u8)eDest;
u8               90052 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 i;        /* Beginning of keyword text in zKeyText[] */
u8               90053 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 nChar;    /* Length of the keyword in characters */
u8               90054 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 code;     /* Join type mask */
u8               90679 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pInfo->aSortOrder = (u8*)&pInfo->aColl[nExpr];
u8               91563 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 op = 0;       /* One of the SRT_ operations to apply to self */
u8               92147 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pKeyMerge->aSortOrder = (u8*)&pKeyMerge->aColl[nOrderBy];
u8               92187 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pKeyDup->aSortOrder = (u8*)&pKeyDup->aColl[nExpr];
u8               92839 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 jointype = 0;
u8               92977 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u8 minMaxQuery(Select *p){
u8               93520 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)nArg);
u8               93726 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       explainSetInteger(pItem->iSelectId, (u8)pParse->iNextSelectId);
u8               94214 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         u8 flag = minMaxQuery(p);
u8               94821 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pTrigger->op = (u8)op;
u8               94945 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op,                      /* Trigger opcode */
u8               94974 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 orconf           /* The conflict algorithm (OE_Abort, OE_Replace, etc.) */
u8               95006 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 orconf            /* The conflict algorithm. (OE_Abort, OE_Ignore, etc) */
u8               95304 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pParse->eOrconf = (orconf==OE_Default)?pStep->orconf:(u8)orconf;
u8               95562 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)bRecursive);
u8               95763 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 enc = ENC(sqlite3VdbeDb(v));
u8               97758 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 wtFlags;             /* TERM_xxx bit flags.  See below */
u8               97759 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 nChild;              /* Number of children that must disable us */
u8               97789 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 op;                   /* Split operator.  TK_AND or TK_OR */
u8               97988 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int whereClauseInsert(WhereClause *pWC, Expr *p, u8 wtFlags){
u8               98035 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pWC->op = (u8)op;
u8               98348 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     if( cnt!=0 && 255!=(u8)z[cnt-1] ){
u8               98857 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     static const u8 ops[] = {TK_GE, TK_LE};
u8               98912 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 c, *pC;       /* Last character before the first wildcard */
u8               98913 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pC = (u8*)&pStr2->u.zToken[sqlite3Strlen30(pStr2->u.zToken)-1];
u8               99537 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pIdx->aSortOrder = (u8*)&pIdx->aiColumn[nColumn];
u8               99683 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pIdxCons[j].op = (u8)pTerm->eOperator;
u8               99962 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       const u8 *z;
u8               99969 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         z = (const u8 *)sqlite3_value_blob(pVal);
u8               99979 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         z = (const u8 *)sqlite3ValueText(pVal, pColl->enc);
u8               100040 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 aff, 
u8               100116 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 aff = p->pTable->aCol[p->aiColumn[0]].affinity;
u8               100200 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 aff;                   /* Column affinity */
u8               100257 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 aff;                   /* Column affinity */
u8               100264 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 aSpan[SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES+1];    /* Histogram regions that are spanned */
u8               100265 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 aSingle[SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES+1];  /* Histogram regions hit once */
u8               101385 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       const u8 aMoveOp[] = {
u8               101471 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     static const u8 aStartOp[] = {
u8               101481 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     static const u8 aEndOp[] = {
u8               101826 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     static const u8 aStep[] = { OP_Next, OP_Prev };
u8               101827 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     static const u8 aStart[] = { OP_Rewind, OP_Last };
u8               102080 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pWInfo->pWC = pWC = (WhereClause *)&((u8 *)pWInfo)[nByteWInfo];
u8               102330 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pLevel->iFrom = (u8)bestJ;
u8               102755 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pA->op = (u8)op;
u8               102835 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 yy210;
u8               104973 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c {yygotominor.yy210 = (u8)yymsp[0].minor.yy4;}
u8               105009 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     yymsp[0].minor.yy387->op = (u8)yymsp[-1].minor.yy4;
u8               105072 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c    if( ALWAYS(yygotominor.yy259 && yygotominor.yy259->nSrc>0) ) yygotominor.yy259->a[yygotominor.yy259->nSrc-1].jointype = (u8)yymsp[0].minor.yy4;
u8               105154 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   if( yygotominor.yy322 ) yygotominor.yy322->a[yygotominor.yy322->nExpr-1].sortOrder = (u8)yymsp[0].minor.yy4;
u8               105160 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   if( yygotominor.yy322 && ALWAYS(yygotominor.yy322->a) ) yygotominor.yy322->a[0].sortOrder = (u8)yymsp[0].minor.yy4;
u8               105554 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   if( yygotominor.yy322 ) yygotominor.yy322->a[yygotominor.yy322->nExpr-1].sortOrder = (u8)yymsp[0].minor.yy4;
u8               105567 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   if( yygotominor.yy322 ) yygotominor.yy322->a[yygotominor.yy322->nExpr-1].sortOrder = (u8)yymsp[0].minor.yy4;
u8               106737 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enableLookaside;             /* Saved value of db->lookaside.bEnabled */
u8               106977 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 state = 0;   /* Current state, using numbers defined in header comment */
u8               106978 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 token;       /* Value of the next token */
u8               106984 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   static const u8 trans[8][8] = {
u8               107000 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   static const u8 trans[3][3] = {
u8               107066 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         if( IdChar((u8)*zSql) ){
u8               107734 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       p = (LookasideSlot*)&((u8*)p)[sz];
u8               108135 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   static const u8 delays[] =
u8               108137 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   static const u8 totals[] =
u8               108316 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   p = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zFunctionName, nName, nArg, (u8)enc, 0);
u8               108328 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   p = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zFunctionName, nName, nArg, (u8)enc, 1);
u8               108860 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 enc,
u8               108861 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 collType,
u8               108890 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, (u8)enc2, zName, 0);
u8               108920 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, (u8)enc2, zName, 1);
u8               108925 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   pColl->enc = (u8)(enc2 | (enc & SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED));
u8               109360 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   rc = createCollation(db, zName, (u8)enc, SQLITE_COLL_USER, pCtx, xCompare, 0);
u8               109380 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   rc = createCollation(db, zName, (u8)enc, SQLITE_COLL_USER, pCtx, xCompare, xDel);
u8               109403 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     rc = createCollation(db, zName8, (u8)enc, SQLITE_COLL_USER, pCtx, xCompare, 0);
u8               109881 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       rc = (sqlite3KeywordCode((u8*)zWord, n)!=TK_ID) ? SQLITE_N_KEYWORD : 0;
u8               113106 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 bHasStat;                    /* True if %_stat table exists */
u8               113107 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 bHasDocsize;                 /* True if %_docsize table exists */
u8               113133 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isEof;                       /* True if at End Of Results */
u8               113134 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 isRequireSeek;               /* True if must seek pStmt to %_content row */
u8               117113 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   memset(&pCsr->csr, 0, ((u8*)&pCsr[1]) - (u8*)&pCsr->csr);
u8               124519 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *zData;
u8               124577 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int readInt16(u8 *p){
u8               124580 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static void readCoord(u8 *p, RtreeCoord *pCoord){
u8               124589 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static i64 readInt64(u8 *p){
u8               124607 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int writeInt16(u8 *p, int i){
u8               124612 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int writeCoord(u8 *p, RtreeCoord *pCoord){
u8               124623 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int writeInt64(u8 *p, i64 i){
u8               124708 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pNode->zData = (u8 *)&pNode[1];
u8               124748 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     const u8 *zBlob = sqlite3_column_blob(pRtree->pReadNode, 0);
u8               124755 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         pNode->zData = (u8 *)&pNode[1];
u8               124816 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *p = &pNode->zData[4 + pRtree->nBytesPerCell*iCell];
u8               124828 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pDst = &pNode->zData[4 + pRtree->nBytesPerCell*iCell];
u8               124829 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u8 *pSrc = &pDst[pRtree->nBytesPerCell];
u8               125645 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u8 op;
u8               127355 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   node.zData = (u8 *)sqlite3_value_blob(apArg[1]);
u8               127390 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u8 *zBlob = (u8 *)sqlite3_value_blob(apArg[0]);
u8                137 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3Int.h   u8 bHasStat;                    /* True if %_stat table exists */
u8                138 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3Int.h   u8 bHasDocsize;                 /* True if %_docsize table exists */
u8                164 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3Int.h   u8 isEof;                       /* True if at End Of Results */
u8                165 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3Int.h   u8 isRequireSeek;               /* True if must seek pStmt to %_content row */
u8                358 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_aux.c   memset(&pCsr->csr, 0, ((u8*)&pCsr[1]) - (u8*)&pCsr->csr);
u8                262 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c   u8 *zData;
u8                320 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c static int readInt16(u8 *p){
u8                323 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c static void readCoord(u8 *p, RtreeCoord *pCoord){
u8                332 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c static i64 readInt64(u8 *p){
u8                350 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c static int writeInt16(u8 *p, int i){
u8                355 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c static int writeCoord(u8 *p, RtreeCoord *pCoord){
u8                366 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c static int writeInt64(u8 *p, i64 i){
u8                451 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c     pNode->zData = (u8 *)&pNode[1];
u8                491 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c     const u8 *zBlob = sqlite3_column_blob(pRtree->pReadNode, 0);
u8                498 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c         pNode->zData = (u8 *)&pNode[1];
u8                559 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c   u8 *p = &pNode->zData[4 + pRtree->nBytesPerCell*iCell];
u8                571 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c   u8 *pDst = &pNode->zData[4 + pRtree->nBytesPerCell*iCell];
u8                572 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c   u8 *pSrc = &pDst[pRtree->nBytesPerCell];
u8               1388 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c       u8 op;
u8               3098 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c   node.zData = (u8 *)sqlite3_value_blob(apArg[1]);
u8               3133 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/rtree/rtree.c     u8 *zBlob = (u8 *)sqlite3_value_blob(apArg[0]);
u8                 80 third_party/sqlite/src/src/alter.c     zRet = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%.*s\"%w\"%s", ((u8*)tname.z) - zSql, zSql, 
u8                219 third_party/sqlite/src/src/alter.c     zRet = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%.*s\"%w\"%s", ((u8*)tname.z) - zSql, zSql, 
u8                 51 third_party/sqlite/src/src/analyze.c   u8 aCreateTbl[] = {0, 0};
u8                679 third_party/sqlite/src/src/analyze.c               pSample->eType = (u8)eType;
u8                692 third_party/sqlite/src/src/analyze.c                 pSample->nByte = (u8)n;
u8                341 third_party/sqlite/src/src/attach.c     sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)(pFunc->nArg));
u8                216 third_party/sqlite/src/src/backup.c static int backupOnePage(sqlite3_backup *p, Pgno iSrcPg, const u8 *zSrcData){
u8                273 third_party/sqlite/src/src/backup.c       const u8 *zIn = &zSrcData[iOff%nSrcPgsz];
u8                274 third_party/sqlite/src/src/backup.c       u8 *zDestData = sqlite3PagerGetData(pDestPg);
u8                275 third_party/sqlite/src/src/backup.c       u8 *zOut = &zDestData[iOff%nDestPgsz];
u8                285 third_party/sqlite/src/src/backup.c       ((u8 *)sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pDestPg))[0] = 0;
u8                487 third_party/sqlite/src/src/backup.c             u8 *zData = sqlite3PagerGetData(pSrcPg);
u8                616 third_party/sqlite/src/src/backup.c void sqlite3BackupUpdate(sqlite3_backup *pBackup, Pgno iPage, const u8 *aData){
u8                 50 third_party/sqlite/src/src/bitvec.c #define BITVEC_TELEM     u8
u8                222 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c static int querySharedCacheTableLock(Btree *p, Pgno iTab, u8 eLock){
u8                294 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c static int setSharedCacheTableLock(Btree *p, Pgno iTable, u8 eLock){
u8                762 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c static void ptrmapPut(BtShared *pBt, Pgno key, u8 eType, Pgno parent, int *pRC){
u8                764 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *pPtrmap;      /* The pointer map data */
u8                791 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   pPtrmap = (u8 *)sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage);
u8                813 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c static int ptrmapGet(BtShared *pBt, Pgno key, u8 *pEType, Pgno *pPgno){
u8                816 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *pPtrmap;       /* Pointer map page data */
u8                827 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   pPtrmap = (u8 *)sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage);
u8                859 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c static u8 *findOverflowCell(MemPage *pPage, int iCell){
u8                888 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *pCell,              /* Pointer to the cell text. */
u8                968 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c static u16 cellSizePtr(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell){
u8                969 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *pIter = &pCell[pPage->childPtrSize];
u8                982 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *pEnd;
u8               1035 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c static void ptrmapPutOvflPtr(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell, int *pRC){
u8               1088 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *pAddr;     /* The i-th cell pointer */
u8               1147 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 * const data = pPage->aData;      /* Local cache of pPage->aData */
u8               1197 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c           data[hdr+7] = (u8)(nFrag + x);
u8               1303 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       data[hdr+7] -= (u8)frag;
u8               1342 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   pPage->leaf = (u8)(flagByte>>3);  assert( PTF_LEAF == 1<<3 );
u8               1381 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 hdr;            /* Offset to beginning of page header */
u8               1382 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *data;          /* Equal to pPage->aData */
u8               1484 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
u8               1702 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 nReserve;                   /* Byte of unused space on each page */
u8               1829 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     pBt->openFlags = (u8)flags;
u8               2241 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 av = (u8)autoVacuum;
u8               2302 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   nPage = nPageHeader = get4byte(28+(u8*)pPage1->aData);
u8               2304 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   if( nPage==0 || memcmp(24+(u8*)pPage1->aData, 92+(u8*)pPage1->aData,4)!=0 ){
u8               2310 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *page1 = pPage1->aData;
u8               2468 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   data[16] = (u8)((pBt->pageSize>>8)&0xff);
u8               2469 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   data[17] = (u8)((pBt->pageSize>>16)&0xff);
u8               2473 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   data[20] = (u8)(pBt->pageSize - pBt->usableSize);
u8               2577 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   pBt->initiallyEmpty = (u8)(pBt->nPage==0);
u8               2626 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       pBt->isExclusive = (u8)(wrflag>1);
u8               2671 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 isInitOrig = pPage->isInit;
u8               2682 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
u8               2716 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c static int modifyPagePointer(MemPage *pPage, Pgno iFrom, Pgno iTo, u8 eType){
u8               2726 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 isInitOrig = pPage->isInit;
u8               2734 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
u8               2778 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 eType,                /* Pointer map 'type' entry for pDbPage */
u8               2849 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c static int allocateBtreePage(BtShared *, MemPage **, Pgno *, Pgno, u8);
u8               2877 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 eType;
u8               3315 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       int nPage = get4byte(28+(u8*)pPage1->aData);
u8               3473 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   pCur->wrFlag = (u8)wrFlag;
u8               3727 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 eType;
u8               4470 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       u8 *pCell;                          /* Pointer to current cell in pPage */
u8               4518 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c           u8 * const pCellBody = pCell - pPage->childPtrSize;
u8               4752 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 exact
u8               4773 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 searchList = 0; /* If the free-list must be searched for 'nearby' */
u8               4781 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       u8 eType;
u8               4983 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     put4byte(28 + (u8*)pBt->pPage1->aData, pBt->nPage);
u8               5237 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   const u8 *pSrc;
u8               5316 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c         u8 eType = (pgnoPtrmap?PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2:PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1);
u8               5389 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *data;       /* pPage->aData */
u8               5390 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *ptr;        /* Used to move bytes around within data[] */
u8               5444 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *pCell,        /* Content of the new cell */
u8               5446 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *pTemp,        /* Temp storage space for pCell, if needed */
u8               5455 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *data;         /* The content of the whole page */
u8               5456 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *ptr;          /* Used for moving information around in data[] */
u8               5531 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 **apCell,      /* Pointers to cell bodies */
u8               5535 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *pCellptr;     /* Address of next cell pointer */
u8               5537 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 * const data = pPage->aData;             /* Pointer to data for pPage */
u8               5605 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c static int balance_quick(MemPage *pParent, MemPage *pPage, u8 *pSpace){
u8               5626 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *pOut = &pSpace[4];
u8               5627 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *pCell = pPage->aOvfl[0].pCell;
u8               5629 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *pStop;
u8               5696 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 e;
u8               5703 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       u8 *z;
u8               5748 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 * const aFrom = pFrom->aData;
u8               5749 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 * const aTo = pTo->aData;
u8               5829 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *aOvflSpace,                 /* page-size bytes of space for parent ovfl */
u8               5851 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *pRight;                  /* Location in parent of right-sibling pointer */
u8               5852 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *apDiv[NB-1];             /* Divider cells in pParent */
u8               5855 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 **apCell = 0;             /* All cells begin balanced */
u8               5857 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *aSpace1;                 /* Space for copies of dividers cells */
u8               5967 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c        nMaxCells*sizeof(u8*)                       /* apCell */
u8               5977 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   aSpace1 = (u8*)&szCell[nMaxCells];
u8               6019 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       u8 *pTemp;
u8               6227 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       u8 *pCell;
u8               6228 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       u8 *pTemp;
u8               6282 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *zChild = &apCopy[nOld-1]->aData[8];
u8               6508 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 aBalanceQuickSpace[13];
u8               6509 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *pFree = 0;
u8               6586 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c           u8 *pSpace = sqlite3PageMalloc(pCur->pBt->pageSize);
u8               6965 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       u8 eType = 0;
u8               7314 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       pBt->incrVacuum = (u8)iMeta;
u8               7460 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 eType,              /* Expected pointer map type */
u8               7465 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 ePtrmapType;
u8               7584 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u8 *data;
u8               7621 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *pCell;
u8               8028 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c int sqlite3BtreeLockTable(Btree *p, int iTab, u8 isWriteLock){
u8               8032 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 lockType = READ_LOCK + isWriteLock;
u8               8124 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   pBt->doNotUseWAL = (u8)(iVersion==1);
u8               8128 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     u8 *aData = pBt->pPage1->aData;
u8               8129 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     if( aData[18]!=(u8)iVersion || aData[19]!=(u8)iVersion ){
u8               8134 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c           aData[18] = (u8)iVersion;
u8               8135 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c           aData[19] = (u8)iVersion;
u8                 88 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.h int sqlite3BtreeLockTable(Btree *pBtree, int iTab, u8 isWriteLock);
u8                273 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 isInit;           /* True if previously initialized. MUST BE FIRST! */
u8                274 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 nOverflow;        /* Number of overflow cell bodies in aCell[] */
u8                275 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 intKey;           /* True if intkey flag is set */
u8                276 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 leaf;             /* True if leaf flag is set */
u8                277 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 hasData;          /* True if this page stores data */
u8                278 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 hdrOffset;        /* 100 for page 1.  0 otherwise */
u8                279 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 childPtrSize;     /* 0 if leaf==1.  4 if leaf==0 */
u8                287 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h     u8 *pCell;          /* Pointers to the body of the overflow cell */
u8                291 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 *aData;           /* Pointer to disk image of the page data */
u8                313 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 eLock;             /* READ_LOCK or WRITE_LOCK */
u8                345 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 inTrans;        /* TRANS_NONE, TRANS_READ or TRANS_WRITE */
u8                346 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 sharable;       /* True if we can share pBt with another db */
u8                347 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 locked;         /* True if db currently has pBt locked */
u8                408 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 readOnly;          /* True if the underlying file is readonly */
u8                409 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 pageSizeFixed;     /* True if the page size can no longer be changed */
u8                410 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 secureDelete;      /* True if secure_delete is enabled */
u8                411 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 initiallyEmpty;    /* Database is empty at start of transaction */
u8                412 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 openFlags;         /* Flags to sqlite3BtreeOpen() */
u8                414 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 autoVacuum;        /* True if auto-vacuum is enabled */
u8                415 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 incrVacuum;        /* True if incr-vacuum is enabled */
u8                417 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 inTransaction;     /* Transaction state */
u8                418 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 doNotUseWAL;       /* If true, do not open write-ahead-log file */
u8                436 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 isExclusive;       /* True if pWriter has an EXCLUSIVE lock on the db */
u8                437 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 isPending;         /* If waiting for read-locks to clear */
u8                439 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 *pTmpSpace;        /* BtShared.pageSize bytes of space for tmp use */
u8                450 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 *pCell;     /* Pointer to the start of cell content */
u8                495 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 wrFlag;                /* True if writable */
u8                496 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 atLast;                /* Cursor pointing to the last entry */
u8                497 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 validNKey;             /* True if info.nKey is valid */
u8                498 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 eState;                /* One of the CURSOR_XXX constants (see below) */
u8                501 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h   u8 isIncrblobHandle;      /* True if this cursor is an incr. io handle */
u8                641 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btreeInt.h #define put2byte(p,v) ((p)[0] = (u8)((v)>>8), (p)[1] = (u8)(v))
u8                 32 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   pParse->explain = (u8)explainFlag;
u8                 44 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   u8 isWriteLock;      /* True for write lock.  False for a read lock */
u8                 62 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   u8 isWriteLock,    /* True for a write lock */
u8                999 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   p->aCol[p->nCol-1].notNull = (u8)onError;
u8               1176 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     pTab->keyConf = (u8)onError;
u8               1274 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   u8 enc = ENC(db);
u8               1275 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   u8 initbusy = db->init.busy;
u8               1797 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     u8 enableLookaside = db->lookaside.bEnabled;
u8               2252 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   pFKey->aAction[0] = (u8)(flags & 0xff);            /* ON DELETE action */
u8               2253 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   pFKey->aAction[1] = (u8)((flags >> 8 ) & 0xff);    /* ON UPDATE action */
u8               2294 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   pFKey->isDeferred = (u8)isDeferred;
u8               2567 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     pList->a[0].sortOrder = (u8)sortOrder;
u8               2595 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c       sizeof(u8)*nCol +            /* Index.aSortOrder */
u8               2605 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   pIndex->aSortOrder = (u8 *)(&pIndex->aiRowEst[nCol+1]);
u8               2611 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   pIndex->onError = (u8)onError;
u8               2612 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   pIndex->autoIndex = (u8)(pName==0);
u8               2675 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     pIndex->aSortOrder[i] = (u8)requestedSortOrder;
u8               3741 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     pKey->aSortOrder = (u8 *)&(pKey->aColl[nCol]);
u8               3742 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     assert( &pKey->aSortOrder[nCol]==&(((u8 *)pKey)[nBytes]) );
u8                 56 third_party/sqlite/src/src/callback.c   static const u8 aEnc[] = { SQLITE_UTF16BE, SQLITE_UTF16LE, SQLITE_UTF8 };
u8                 84 third_party/sqlite/src/src/callback.c   u8 enc,               /* The desired encoding for the collating sequence */
u8                204 third_party/sqlite/src/src/callback.c   u8 enc,
u8                241 third_party/sqlite/src/src/callback.c static int matchQuality(FuncDef *p, int nArg, u8 enc){
u8                289 third_party/sqlite/src/src/callback.c   u8 c1 = (u8)pDef->zName[0];
u8                330 third_party/sqlite/src/src/callback.c   u8 enc,            /* Preferred text encoding */
u8                340 third_party/sqlite/src/src/callback.c   h = (sqlite3UpperToLower[(u8)zName[0]] + nName) % ArraySize(db->aFunc.a);
u8                105 third_party/sqlite/src/src/complete.c   u8 state = 0;   /* Current state, using numbers defined in header comment */
u8                106 third_party/sqlite/src/src/complete.c   u8 token;       /* Value of the next token */
u8                112 third_party/sqlite/src/src/complete.c   static const u8 trans[8][8] = {
u8                128 third_party/sqlite/src/src/complete.c   static const u8 trans[3][3] = {
u8                194 third_party/sqlite/src/src/complete.c         if( IdChar((u8)*zSql) ){
u8                288 third_party/sqlite/src/src/date.c   while( sqlite3Isspace(*zDate) || 'T'==*(u8*)zDate ){ zDate++; }
u8                513 third_party/sqlite/src/src/date.c     z[n] = (char)sqlite3UpperToLower[(u8)zMod[n]];
u8                197 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c static u8 binaryCompareP5(Expr *pExpr1, Expr *pExpr2, int jumpIfNull){
u8                198 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c   u8 aff = (char)sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr2);
u8                199 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c   aff = (u8)sqlite3CompareAffinity(pExpr1, aff) | (u8)jumpIfNull;
u8                257 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c   sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(pParse->pVdbe, (u8)p5);
u8                397 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c     pNew->op = (u8)op;
u8                744 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c static Expr *exprDup(sqlite3 *db, Expr *p, int flags, u8 **pzBuffer){
u8                748 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c     u8 *zAlloc;
u8               1247 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c   u8 op;
u8               1291 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c   u8 op;
u8               1653 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c         dest.affinity = (u8)affinity;
u8               2534 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c       u8 enc = ENC(db);      /* The text encoding used by this database */
u8               2616 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c       sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)nFarg);
u8               3625 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c           u8 enc = ENC(pParse->db);
u8                955 third_party/sqlite/src/src/fkey.c     u8 enableLookaside;           /* Copy of db->lookaside.bEnabled */
u8                344 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 *z1;
u8                496 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 matchAll;
u8                497 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 matchOne;
u8                498 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 matchSet;
u8                499 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 noCase;
u8                552 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   const u8 *zPattern,              /* The glob pattern */
u8                553 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   const u8 *zString,               /* The string to compare against the glob */
u8                560 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 matchOne = pInfo->matchOne;
u8                561 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 matchAll = pInfo->matchAll;
u8                562 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 matchSet = pInfo->matchSet;
u8                563 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 noCase = pInfo->noCase; 
u8               1009 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c       u8 *zOld;
u8               1066 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c     static unsigned char * const azOne[] = { (u8*)" " };
u8               1068 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c     aLen = (u8*)lenOne;
u8               1087 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c         aLen[nChar] = (u8)(z - azChar[nChar]);
u8               1141 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   const u8 *zIn;
u8               1154 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   zIn = (u8*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
u8               1155 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   if( zIn==0 ) zIn = (u8*)"";
u8               1158 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c     u8 prevcode = iCode[zIn[i]&0x7f];
u8               1216 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 overflow;      /* True if integer overflow seen */
u8               1217 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c   u8 approx;        /* True if non-integer value was input to the sum */
u8               1427 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c static void setLikeOptFlag(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, u8 flagVal){
u8               1437 third_party/sqlite/src/src/insert.c   u8 pik_flags;
u8                489 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c       p = (LookasideSlot*)&((u8*)p)[sz];
u8                890 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   static const u8 delays[] =
u8                892 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   static const u8 totals[] =
u8               1071 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   p = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zFunctionName, nName, nArg, (u8)enc, 0);
u8               1083 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   p = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zFunctionName, nName, nArg, (u8)enc, 1);
u8               1615 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   u8 enc,
u8               1616 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   u8 collType,
u8               1645 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, (u8)enc2, zName, 0);
u8               1675 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, (u8)enc2, zName, 1);
u8               1680 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   pColl->enc = (u8)(enc2 | (enc & SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED));
u8               2115 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   rc = createCollation(db, zName, (u8)enc, SQLITE_COLL_USER, pCtx, xCompare, 0);
u8               2135 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c   rc = createCollation(db, zName, (u8)enc, SQLITE_COLL_USER, pCtx, xCompare, xDel);
u8               2158 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c     rc = createCollation(db, zName8, (u8)enc, SQLITE_COLL_USER, pCtx, xCompare, 0);
u8               2636 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c       rc = (sqlite3KeywordCode((u8*)zWord, n)!=TK_ID) ? SQLITE_N_KEYWORD : 0;
u8                 60 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem2.c   u8 nTitle;                          /* Bytes of title; includes '\0' */
u8                 61 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem2.c   u8 eType;                           /* Allocation type code */
u8                155 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem2.c   u8 *pU8;
u8                163 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem2.c   pU8 = (u8*)pAllocation;
u8                381 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem2.c void sqlite3MemdebugSetType(void *p, u8 eType){
u8                399 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem2.c int sqlite3MemdebugHasType(void *p, u8 eType){
u8                421 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem2.c int sqlite3MemdebugNoType(void *p, u8 eType){
u8                 98 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   u8 *zPool;       /* Memory available to be allocated */
u8                128 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   u8 *aCtrl;
u8                205 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c     int i = ((u8 *)p-mem5.zPool)/mem5.szAtom;
u8                310 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   iBlock = ((u8 *)pOld-mem5.zPool)/mem5.szAtom;
u8                314 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   assert( ((u8 *)pOld-mem5.zPool)%mem5.szAtom==0 );
u8                458 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   u8 *zByte;         /* Memory usable by this allocator */
u8                473 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   zByte = (u8*)sqlite3GlobalConfig.pHeap;
u8                483 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   mem5.nBlock = (nByte / (mem5.szAtom+sizeof(u8)));
u8                485 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   mem5.aCtrl = (u8 *)&mem5.zPool[mem5.nBlock*mem5.szAtom];
u8                 45 third_party/sqlite/src/src/memjournal.c   u8 zChunk[JOURNAL_CHUNKSIZE];   /* Content of this chunk */
u8                 79 third_party/sqlite/src/src/memjournal.c   u8 *zOut = zBuf;
u8                125 third_party/sqlite/src/src/memjournal.c   u8 *zWrite = (u8 *)zBuf;
u8                800 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_os2.c   u8 id;                     /* Id of this connection with its os2ShmNode */
u8               3577 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_unix.c   u8 exclMask;               /* Mask of exclusive locks held */
u8               3578 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_unix.c   u8 sharedMask;             /* Mask of shared locks held */
u8               3579 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_unix.c   u8 nextShmId;              /* Next available unixShm.id value */
u8               3599 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_unix.c   u8 hasMutex;               /* True if holding the unixShmNode mutex */
u8               3603 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_unix.c   u8 id;                     /* Id of this connection within its unixShmNode */
u8                758 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_win.c     u8 *aRem = (u8 *)pBuf;        /* Data yet to be written */
u8               1090 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_win.c   pFile->locktype = (u8)newLocktype;
u8               1158 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_win.c   pFile->locktype = (u8)locktype;
u8               1291 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_win.c   u8 nextShmId;              /* Next available winShm.id value */
u8               1318 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_win.c   u8 hasMutex;               /* True if holding the winShmNode mutex */
u8               1322 third_party/sqlite/src/src/os_win.c   u8 id;                     /* Id of this connection with its winShmNode */
u8                612 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 exclusiveMode;           /* Boolean. True if locking_mode==EXCLUSIVE */
u8                613 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 journalMode;             /* One of the PAGER_JOURNALMODE_* values */
u8                614 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 useJournal;              /* Use a rollback journal on this file */
u8                615 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 noReadlock;              /* Do not bother to obtain readlocks */
u8                616 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 noSync;                  /* Do not sync the journal if true */
u8                617 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 fullSync;                /* Do extra syncs of the journal for robustness */
u8                618 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 ckptSyncFlags;           /* SYNC_NORMAL or SYNC_FULL for checkpoint */
u8                619 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 syncFlags;               /* SYNC_NORMAL or SYNC_FULL otherwise */
u8                620 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 tempFile;                /* zFilename is a temporary file */
u8                621 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 readOnly;                /* True for a read-only database */
u8                622 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 memDb;                   /* True to inhibit all file I/O */
u8                633 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 eState;                  /* Pager state (OPEN, READER, WRITER_LOCKED..) */
u8                634 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 eLock;                   /* Current lock held on database file */
u8                635 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 changeCountDone;         /* Set after incrementing the change-counter */
u8                636 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 setMaster;               /* True if a m-j name has been written to jrnl */
u8                637 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 doNotSpill;              /* Do not spill the cache when non-zero */
u8                638 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 doNotSyncSpill;          /* Do not do a spill that requires jrnl sync */
u8                639 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 subjInMemory;            /* True to use in-memory sub-journals */
u8               1031 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c #define put32bits(A,B)  sqlite3Put4byte((u8*)A,B)
u8               1063 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c       pPager->eLock = (u8)eLock;
u8               1087 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c       pPager->eLock = (u8)eLock;
u8               2034 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c static u32 pager_cksum(Pager *pPager, const u8 *aData){
u8               2137 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   rc = sqlite3OsRead(jfd, (u8*)aData, pPager->pageSize, (*pOffset)+4);
u8               2156 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c     if( !isSavepnt && pager_cksum(pPager, (u8*)aData)!=cksum ){
u8               2170 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   if( pgno==1 && pPager->nReserve!=((u8*)aData)[20] ){
u8               2171 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c     pPager->nReserve = ((u8*)aData)[20];
u8               2218 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c            PAGERID(pPager), pgno, pager_datahash(pPager->pageSize, (u8*)aData),
u8               2233 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c     rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, (u8*)aData, pPager->pageSize, ofst);
u8               2239 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c       sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, pgno, (u8*)aData);
u8               2278 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c     memcpy(pData, (u8*)aData, pPager->pageSize);
u8               2308 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c       memcpy(&pPager->dbFileVers, &((u8*)pData)[24],sizeof(pPager->dbFileVers));
u8               2376 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   pJournal = (sqlite3_file *)(((u8 *)pMaster) + pVfs->szOsFile);
u8               2839 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c       u8 *dbFileVers = &((u8*)pPg->pData)[24];
u8               2866 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   change_counter = sqlite3Get4byte((u8*)pPg->pPager->dbFileVers)+1;
u8               2995 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c       sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, p->pgno, (u8 *)p->pData);
u8               3740 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 *pTmp = (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace;
u8               3883 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c         u8 aMagic[8];
u8               3884 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c         u8 zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)+4];
u8               3892 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c           static const u8 zerobyte = 0;
u8               4047 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c       sqlite3BackupUpdate(pPager->pBackup, pgno, (u8*)pList->pData);
u8               4289 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 *pPtr;
u8               4367 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   pPtr = (u8 *)sqlite3MallocZero(
u8               4492 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   pPager->useJournal = (u8)useJournal;
u8               4506 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   pPager->tempFile = (u8)tempFile;
u8               4510 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   pPager->exclusiveMode = (u8)tempFile; 
u8               4512 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   pPager->memDb = (u8)memDb;
u8               4513 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   pPager->readOnly = (u8)readOnly;
u8               4633 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c             u8 first = 0;
u8               5238 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   pPager->subjInMemory = (u8)subjInMemory;
u8               5373 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c         cksum = pager_cksum(pPager, (u8*)pData2);
u8               6053 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c u8 sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(Pager *pPager){
u8               6496 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c     pPager->exclusiveMode = (u8)eMode;
u8               6522 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c   u8 eOld = pPager->journalMode;    /* Prior journalmode */
u8               6559 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c     pPager->journalMode = (u8)eMode;
u8               6669 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c         pPager->ckptSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize, (u8 *)pPager->pTmpSpace,
u8               6824 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.c                            pPager->pageSize, (u8*)pPager->pTmpSpace);
u8                148 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pager.h u8 sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(Pager*);
u8                364 third_party/sqlite/src/src/parse.y %type orconf {u8}
u8                369 third_party/sqlite/src/src/parse.y orconf(A) ::= OR resolvetype(X).             {A = (u8)X;}
u8                411 third_party/sqlite/src/src/parse.y     Z->op = (u8)Y;
u8                492 third_party/sqlite/src/src/parse.y    if( ALWAYS(A && A->nSrc>0) ) A->a[A->nSrc-1].jointype = (u8)Y;
u8                582 third_party/sqlite/src/src/parse.y   if( A ) A->a[A->nExpr-1].sortOrder = (u8)Z;
u8                586 third_party/sqlite/src/src/parse.y   if( A && ALWAYS(A->a) ) A->a[0].sortOrder = (u8)Z;
u8                689 third_party/sqlite/src/src/parse.y %type insert_cmd {u8}
u8                898 third_party/sqlite/src/src/parse.y       pA->op = (u8)op;
u8               1116 third_party/sqlite/src/src/parse.y   if( A ) A->a[A->nExpr-1].sortOrder = (u8)Z;
u8               1127 third_party/sqlite/src/src/parse.y   if( A ) A->a[A->nExpr-1].sortOrder = (u8)Z;
u8                 30 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c static u8 getSafetyLevel(const char *z){
u8                 33 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c   static const u8 iOffset[] = {0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 12, 16};
u8                 34 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c   static const u8 iLength[] = {2, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 4};
u8                 35 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c   static const u8 iValue[] =  {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2};
u8                 38 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c     return (u8)sqlite3Atoi(z);
u8                 52 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c static u8 getBoolean(const char *z){
u8                 80 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c   return (u8)((i>=0&&i<=2)?i:0);
u8                137 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c   db->temp_store = (u8)ts;
u8                247 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c static const char *actionName(u8 action){
u8                509 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c         db->dfltLockMode = (u8)eMode;
u8                617 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c       db->nextAutovac = (u8)eAuto;
u8               1135 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c       sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)i);
u8               1248 third_party/sqlite/src/src/pragma.c       u8 enc;
u8                260 third_party/sqlite/src/src/prepare.c       u8 encoding;
u8                262 third_party/sqlite/src/src/prepare.c       encoding = (u8)meta[BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING-1] & 3;
u8                293 third_party/sqlite/src/src/prepare.c   pDb->pSchema->file_format = (u8)meta[BTREE_FILE_FORMAT-1];
u8                817 third_party/sqlite/src/src/prepare.c     *pzTail = (u8 *)zSql + sqlite3Utf16ByteLen(zSql, chars_parsed);
u8                 46 third_party/sqlite/src/src/random.c static u8 randomByte(void){
u8                 80 third_party/sqlite/src/src/random.c       wsdPrng.s[i] = (u8)i;
u8                523 third_party/sqlite/src/src/resolve.c       u8 enc = ENC(pParse->db);   /* The database encoding */
u8                672 third_party/sqlite/src/src/resolve.c   u8 savedSuppErr;   /* Saved value of db->suppressErr */
u8                110 third_party/sqlite/src/src/rowset.c   u8 isSorted;                   /* True if pEntry is sorted */
u8                111 third_party/sqlite/src/src/rowset.c   u8 iBatch;                     /* Current insert batch */
u8                400 third_party/sqlite/src/src/rowset.c int sqlite3RowSetTest(RowSet *pRowSet, u8 iBatch, sqlite3_int64 iRowid){
u8                 38 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c   pDest->eDest = (u8)eDest;
u8                130 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c     u8 i;        /* Beginning of keyword text in zKeyText[] */
u8                131 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c     u8 nChar;    /* Length of the keyword in characters */
u8                132 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c     u8 code;     /* Join type mask */
u8                757 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c     pInfo->aSortOrder = (u8*)&pInfo->aColl[nExpr];
u8               1641 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c       u8 op = 0;       /* One of the SRT_ operations to apply to self */
u8               2225 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c       pKeyMerge->aSortOrder = (u8*)&pKeyMerge->aColl[nOrderBy];
u8               2265 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c       pKeyDup->aSortOrder = (u8*)&pKeyDup->aColl[nExpr];
u8               2917 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c     u8 jointype = 0;
u8               3055 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c static u8 minMaxQuery(Select *p){
u8               3598 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c     sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)nArg);
u8               3804 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c       explainSetInteger(pItem->iSelectId, (u8)pParse->iNextSelectId);
u8               4292 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c         u8 flag = minMaxQuery(p);
u8                664 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 inTrans;          /* 0: not writable.  1: Transaction.  2: Checkpoint */
u8                665 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 safety_level;     /* How aggressive at syncing data to disk */
u8                694 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 file_format;      /* Schema format version for this file */
u8                695 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 enc;              /* Text encoding used by this database */
u8                751 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 bEnabled;            /* False to disable new lookaside allocations */
u8                752 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 bMalloced;           /* True if pStart obtained from sqlite3_malloc() */
u8                808 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 autoCommit;                /* The auto-commit flag. */
u8                809 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 temp_store;                /* 1: file 2: memory 0: default */
u8                810 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 mallocFailed;              /* True if we have seen a malloc failure */
u8                811 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 dfltLockMode;              /* Default locking-mode for attached dbs */
u8                813 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 suppressErr;               /* Do not issue error messages if true */
u8                826 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h     u8 busy;                    /* TRUE if currently initializing */
u8                827 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h     u8 orphanTrigger;           /* Last statement is orphaned TEMP trigger */
u8                885 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 isTransactionSavepoint;    /* True if the outermost savepoint is a TS */
u8                977 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 iPrefEnc;         /* Preferred text encoding (SQLITE_UTF8, 16LE, 16BE) */
u8                978 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 flags;            /* Some combination of SQLITE_FUNC_* */
u8               1100 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 notNull;      /* True if there is a NOT NULL constraint */
u8               1101 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 isPrimKey;    /* True if this column is part of the PRIMARY KEY */
u8               1104 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 isHidden;     /* True if this column is 'hidden' */
u8               1131 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 enc;               /* Text encoding handled by xCmp() */
u8               1132 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 type;              /* One of the SQLITE_COLL_... values below */
u8               1278 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 tabFlags;         /* Mask of TF_* values */
u8               1279 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 keyConf;          /* What to do in case of uniqueness conflict on iPKey */
u8               1350 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 isDeferred;    /* True if constraint checking is deferred till COMMIT */
u8               1351 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 aAction[2];          /* ON DELETE and ON UPDATE actions, respectively */
u8               1406 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 enc;             /* Text encoding - one of the SQLITE_UTF* values */
u8               1408 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 *aSortOrder;     /* Sort order for each column.  May be NULL */
u8               1477 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 onError;      /* OE_Abort, OE_Ignore, OE_Replace, or OE_None */
u8               1478 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 autoIndex;    /* True if is automatically created (ex: by UNIQUE) */
u8               1479 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 bUnordered;   /* Use this index for == or IN queries only */
u8               1483 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 *aSortOrder;  /* Array of size Index.nColumn. True==DESC, False==ASC */
u8               1497 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 eType;         /* SQLITE_NULL, SQLITE_INTEGER ... etc. */
u8               1498 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 nByte;         /* Size in byte of text or blob. */
u8               1528 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 directMode;          /* Direct rendering mode means take data directly
u8               1530 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 useSortingIdx;       /* In direct mode, reference the sorting index rather
u8               1638 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 op;                 /* Operation performed by this node */
u8               1671 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 flags2;             /* Second set of flags.  EP2_... */
u8               1672 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 op2;                /* If a TK_REGISTER, the original value of Expr.op */
u8               1758 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h     u8 sortOrder;          /* 1 for DESC or 0 for ASC */
u8               1759 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h     u8 done;               /* A flag to indicate when processing is finished */
u8               1842 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h     u8 isPopulated;   /* Temporary table associated with SELECT is populated */
u8               1843 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h     u8 jointype;      /* Type of join between this able and the previous */
u8               1844 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h     u8 notIndexed;    /* True if there is a NOT INDEXED clause */
u8               1846 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h     u8 iSelectId;     /* If pSelect!=0, the id of the sub-select in EQP */
u8               1916 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 iFrom;             /* Which entry in the FROM clause */
u8               1917 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 op, p5;            /* Opcode and P5 of the opcode that ends the loop */
u8               1962 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 okOnePass;        /* Ok to use one-pass algorithm for UPDATE or DELETE */
u8               1963 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 untestedTerms;    /* Not all WHERE terms resolved by outer loop */
u8               2002 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 allowAgg;         /* Aggregate functions allowed here */
u8               2003 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 hasAgg;           /* True if aggregates are seen */
u8               2004 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 isCheck;          /* True if resolving names in a CHECK constraint */
u8               2032 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 op;                 /* One of: TK_UNION TK_ALL TK_INTERSECT TK_EXCEPT */
u8               2087 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 eDest;         /* How to dispose of the results */
u8               2088 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 affinity;      /* Affinity used when eDest==SRT_Set */
u8               2173 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 colNamesSet;      /* TRUE after OP_ColumnName has been issued to pVdbe */
u8               2174 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 nameClash;        /* A permanent table name clashes with temp table name */
u8               2175 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 checkSchema;      /* Causes schema cookie check after an error */
u8               2176 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 nested;           /* Number of nested calls to the parser/code generator */
u8               2177 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 parseError;       /* True after a parsing error.  Ticket #1794 */
u8               2178 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 nTempReg;         /* Number of temporary registers in aTempReg[] */
u8               2179 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 nTempInUse;       /* Number of aTempReg[] currently checked out */
u8               2190 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 nColCache;        /* Number of entries in the column cache */
u8               2191 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 iColCache;        /* Next entry of the cache to replace */
u8               2195 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h     u8 tempReg;           /* iReg is a temp register that needs to be freed */
u8               2202 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 isMultiWrite;     /* True if statement may affect/insert multiple rows */
u8               2203 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 mayAbort;         /* True if statement may throw an ABORT exception */
u8               2220 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 eTriggerOp;       /* TK_UPDATE, TK_INSERT or TK_DELETE */
u8               2221 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 eOrconf;          /* Default ON CONFLICT policy for trigger steps */
u8               2222 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 disableTriggers;  /* True to disable triggers */
u8               2236 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 explain;          /* True if the EXPLAIN flag is found on the query */
u8               2245 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 declareVtab;            /* True if inside sqlite3_declare_vtab() */
u8               2302 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 op;                  /* One of TK_DELETE, TK_UPDATE, TK_INSERT         */
u8               2303 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 tr_tm;               /* One of TRIGGER_BEFORE, TRIGGER_AFTER */
u8               2362 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 op;               /* One of TK_DELETE, TK_UPDATE, TK_INSERT, TK_SELECT */
u8               2363 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8 orconf;           /* OE_Rollback etc. */
u8               2398 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8   mallocFailed;   /* Becomes true if any memory allocation fails */
u8               2399 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8   useMalloc;      /* 0: none,  1: sqlite3DbMalloc,  2: sqlite3_malloc */
u8               2400 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   u8   tooBig;         /* Becomes true if string size exceeds limits */
u8               2694 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h int sqlite3RowSetTest(RowSet*, u8 iBatch, i64);
u8               2812 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h FuncDef *sqlite3FindFunction(sqlite3*,const char*,int,int,u8,int);
u8               2839 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h                                         ExprList*,Select*,u8);
u8               2840 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   TriggerStep *sqlite3TriggerUpdateStep(sqlite3*,Token*,ExprList*, Expr*, u8);
u8               2881 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h int sqlite3AtoF(const char *z, double*, int, u8);
u8               2886 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h int sqlite3Utf8Read(const u8*, const u8**);
u8               2897 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h u8 sqlite3GetVarint(const unsigned char *, u64 *);
u8               2898 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h u8 sqlite3GetVarint32(const unsigned char *, u32 *);
u8               2918 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h #define getVarint32(A,B)  (u8)((*(A)<(u8)0x80) ? ((B) = (u32)*(A)),1 : sqlite3GetVarint32((A), (u32 *)&(B)))
u8               2919 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h #define putVarint32(A,B)  (u8)(((u32)(B)<(u32)0x80) ? (*(A) = (unsigned char)(B)),1 : sqlite3PutVarint32((A), (B)))
u8               2929 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h int sqlite3Atoi64(const char*, i64*, int, u8);
u8               2935 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h CollSeq *sqlite3FindCollSeq(sqlite3*,u8 enc, const char*,int);
u8               2948 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h const void *sqlite3ValueText(sqlite3_value*, u8);
u8               2949 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h int sqlite3ValueBytes(sqlite3_value*, u8);
u8               2950 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h void sqlite3ValueSetStr(sqlite3_value*, int, const void *,u8, 
u8               2954 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h char *sqlite3Utf16to8(sqlite3 *, const void*, int, u8);
u8               2956 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h char *sqlite3Utf8to16(sqlite3 *, u8, char *, int, int *);
u8               2958 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h int sqlite3ValueFromExpr(sqlite3 *, Expr *, u8, u8, sqlite3_value **);
u8               2959 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h void sqlite3ValueApplyAffinity(sqlite3_value *, u8, u8);
u8               2986 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h CollSeq *sqlite3GetCollSeq(sqlite3*, u8, CollSeq *, const char*);
u8               3018 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h void sqlite3BackupUpdate(sqlite3_backup *, Pgno, const u8 *);
u8               3038 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   void sqlite3TableLock(Parse *, int, int, u8, const char *);
u8               3162 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h u32 sqlite3Get4byte(const u8*);
u8               3163 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h void sqlite3Put4byte(u8*, u32);
u8               3222 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   void sqlite3MemdebugSetType(void*,u8);
u8               3223 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   int sqlite3MemdebugHasType(void*,u8);
u8               3224 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   int sqlite3MemdebugNoType(void*,u8);
u8                807 third_party/sqlite/src/src/tclsqlite.c     u8 *data;
u8               1142 third_party/sqlite/src/src/tclsqlite.c         u8 *data;
u8               1439 third_party/sqlite/src/src/tclsqlite.c       return Tcl_NewByteArrayObj((u8*)zBlob, bytes);
u8               3715 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c       objlen = objlen - ((u8 *)zTail-(u8 *)zSql);
u8               3719 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c     pTail = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj((u8 *)zTail, objlen);
u8               3775 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c       objlen = objlen - ((u8 *)zTail-(u8 *)zSql);
u8               3779 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c     pTail = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj((u8 *)zTail, objlen);
u8               4290 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c static u8 *sqlite3_stack_baseline = 0;
u8               4299 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c   sqlite3_stack_baseline = (u8*)&bigBuf[65536];
u8               4306 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c   u8 x;
u8                 41 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test5.c   pRet = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj((u8*)bytes, len+1);
u8                 92 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test5.c static u8 name_to_enc(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *pObj){
u8                 95 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test5.c     u8 enc;
u8                129 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test5.c   u8 enc_from;
u8                130 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test5.c   u8 enc_to;
u8                173 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test5.c   Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewByteArrayObj((u8*)z, len));
u8                120 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test6.c   u8 *zBuf;                    /* Pointer to copy of written data */
u8                138 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test6.c   u8 *zData;                           /* Buffer containing file contents */
u8                173 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test6.c static int writeDbFile(CrashFile *p, u8 *z, i64 iAmt, i64 iOff){
u8                308 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test6.c         u8 *zGarbage;
u8                361 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test6.c   const u8 *zBuf,
u8                377 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test6.c     pNew->zBuf = (u8 *)&pNew[1];
u8                436 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test6.c     u8 *zNew;
u8                528 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_journal.c         u8 *z = (u8 *)zBuf;
u8                 31 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_malloc.c   u8 enable;              /* True if enabled */
u8                102 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_stat.c   u8 flags;                       /* Copy of flags byte */
u8                258 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_stat.c   u8 flags,                       /* Page flags */
u8                285 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_stat.c   u8 *aData = sqlite3PagerGetData(p->pPg);
u8                286 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_stat.c   u8 *aHdr = &aData[p->iPgno==1 ? 100 : 0];
u8                143 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_vfs.c   u8 *aPage[TESTVFS_MAX_PAGES];   /* Array of ckalloc'd pages */
u8                775 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_vfs.c     p->aPage[iPage] = (u8 *)ckalloc(pgsz);
u8               1003 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_vfs.c         u8 *a = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(objv[3], &n);
u8                 30 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_wsd.c   u8 *pFree;
u8                 47 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_wsd.c       pGlobal->pFree = (u8 *)&pGlobal[1];
u8                394 third_party/sqlite/src/src/tokenize.c   u8 enableLookaside;             /* Saved value of db->lookaside.bEnabled */
u8                235 third_party/sqlite/src/src/trigger.c   pTrigger->op = (u8)op;
u8                359 third_party/sqlite/src/src/trigger.c   u8 op,                      /* Trigger opcode */
u8                388 third_party/sqlite/src/src/trigger.c   u8 orconf           /* The conflict algorithm (OE_Abort, OE_Replace, etc.) */
u8                420 third_party/sqlite/src/src/trigger.c   u8 orconf            /* The conflict algorithm. (OE_Abort, OE_Ignore, etc) */
u8                718 third_party/sqlite/src/src/trigger.c     pParse->eOrconf = (orconf==OE_Default)?pStep->orconf:(u8)orconf;
u8                976 third_party/sqlite/src/src/trigger.c     sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, (u8)bRecursive);
u8                 64 third_party/sqlite/src/src/update.c     u8 enc = ENC(sqlite3VdbeDb(v));
u8                 66 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0xFF);                            \
u8                 69 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = 0xC0 + (u8)((c>>6)&0x1F);                \
u8                 70 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);                   \
u8                 73 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = 0xE0 + (u8)((c>>12)&0x0F);               \
u8                 74 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>6) & 0x3F);              \
u8                 75 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);                   \
u8                 77 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = 0xF0 + (u8)((c>>18) & 0x07);             \
u8                 78 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>12) & 0x3F);             \
u8                 79 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>6) & 0x3F);              \
u8                 80 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);                   \
u8                 86 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0x00FF);                                       \
u8                 87 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)((c>>8)&0x00FF);                                  \
u8                 89 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(((c>>10)&0x003F) + (((c-0x10000)>>10)&0x00C0));  \
u8                 90 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(0x00D8 + (((c-0x10000)>>18)&0x03));              \
u8                 91 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0x00FF);                                       \
u8                 92 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(0x00DC + ((c>>8)&0x03));                         \
u8                 98 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)((c>>8)&0x00FF);                                  \
u8                 99 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0x00FF);                                       \
u8                101 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(0x00D8 + (((c-0x10000)>>18)&0x03));              \
u8                102 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(((c>>10)&0x003F) + (((c-0x10000)>>10)&0x00C0));  \
u8                103 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(0x00DC + ((c>>8)&0x03));                         \
u8                104 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0x00FF);                                       \
u8                204 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem *pMem, u8 desiredEnc){
u8                231 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     u8 temp;
u8                238 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     zIn = (u8*)pMem->z;
u8                274 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c   zIn = (u8*)pMem->z;
u8                350 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c   u8 bom = 0;
u8                354 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     u8 b1 = *(u8 *)pMem->z;
u8                355 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     u8 b2 = *(((u8 *)pMem->z) + 1);
u8                388 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c   const u8 *z = (const u8*)zIn;
u8                389 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c   const u8 *zTerm;
u8                393 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     zTerm = (const u8*)(-1);
u8                422 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     c = sqlite3Utf8Read(zIn, (const u8**)&zIn);
u8                440 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c char *sqlite3Utf16to8(sqlite3 *db, const void *z, int nByte, u8 enc){
u8                468 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c char *sqlite3Utf8to16(sqlite3 *db, u8 enc, char *z, int n, int *pnOut){
u8                527 third_party/sqlite/src/src/utf.c     c = sqlite3Utf8Read(z, (const u8**)&z);
u8                262 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c int sqlite3AtoF(const char *z, double *pResult, int length, u8 enc){
u8                460 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c int sqlite3Atoi64(const char *zNum, i64 *pNum, int length, u8 enc){
u8                605 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c   u8 buf[10];
u8                607 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     p[8] = (u8)v;
u8                610 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c       p[i] = (u8)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
u8                617 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     buf[n++] = (u8)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
u8                644 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     p[0] = (u8)((v>>7) | 0x80);
u8                645 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     p[1] = (u8)(v & 0x7f);
u8                668 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c u8 sqlite3GetVarint(const unsigned char *p, u64 *v){
u8                838 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c u8 sqlite3GetVarint32(const unsigned char *p, u32 *v){
u8                894 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     u8 n;
u8                946 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     u8 n;
u8                974 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c u32 sqlite3Get4byte(const u8 *p){
u8                978 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c   p[0] = (u8)(v>>24);
u8                979 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c   p[1] = (u8)(v>>16);
u8                980 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c   p[2] = (u8)(v>>8);
u8                981 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c   p[3] = (u8)v;
u8                992 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c static u8 hexToInt(int h){
u8               1000 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c   return (u8)(h & 0xf);
u8                254 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     u8 enc = pRec->enc;
u8                288 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u8 enc              /* Use this text encoding */
u8                330 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u8 affinity, 
u8                331 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u8 enc
u8                404 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c       u8 c = pMem->z[j];
u8                554 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u8 resetSchemaOnFault = 0; /* Reset schema after an error if positive */
u8                555 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u8 encoding = ENC(db);     /* The database encoding */
u8                850 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   p->errorAction = (u8)pOp->p2;
u8               1475 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u8 op;
u8               2097 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u8 *zIdx;          /* Index into header */
u8               2098 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u8 *zEndHdr;       /* Pointer to first byte after the header */
u8               2214 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c         pC->aRow = (u8*)zData;
u8               2222 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     szHdr = getVarint32((u8*)zData, offset);
u8               2269 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     zEndHdr = (u8 *)&zData[len];
u8               2270 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     zIdx = (u8 *)&zData[szHdr];
u8               2323 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c       sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8 *)&zRec[aOffset[p2]], aType[p2], pDest);
u8               2332 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c       sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8*)zData, aType[p2], pDest);
u8               2408 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u8 *zNewRecord;        /* A buffer to hold the data for the new record */
u8               2497 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   zNewRecord = (u8 *)pOut->z;
u8               2739 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c       db->autoCommit = (u8)desiredAutoCommit;
u8               2742 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c         db->autoCommit = (u8)(1-desiredAutoCommit);
u8               2892 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     pDb->pSchema->file_format = (u8)pIn3->u.i;
u8               4186 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   pC->nullRow = (u8)res;
u8               4241 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   pC->nullRow = (u8)res;
u8               4297 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   pC->nullRow = (u8)res;
u8               4878 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c                                (u8)(iSet>=0 ? iSet & 0xf : 0xff),
u8               5443 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u8 isWriteLock = (u8)pOp->p3;
u8                 43 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.h   u8 opcode;          /* What operation to perform */
u8                 45 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.h   u8 opflags;         /* Mask of the OPFLG_* flags in opcodes.h */
u8                 46 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.h   u8 p5;              /* Fifth parameter is an unsigned character */
u8                 93 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.h   u8 opcode;          /* What operation to perform */
u8                178 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.h void sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(Vdbe*, u8 P5);
u8                205 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.h sqlite3_value *sqlite3VdbeGetValue(Vdbe*, int, u8);
u8                 82 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 *aRow;             /* Data for the current row, if all on one page */
u8                125 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h #define VdbeFrameMem(p) ((Mem *)&((u8 *)p)[ROUND8(sizeof(VdbeFrame))])
u8                150 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8  type;           /* One of SQLITE_NULL, SQLITE_TEXT, SQLITE_INTEGER, etc */
u8                151 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8  enc;            /* SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_UTF16BE, SQLITE_UTF16LE */
u8                293 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 errorAction;         /* Recovery action to do in case of an error */
u8                294 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 okVar;               /* True if azVar[] has been initialized */
u8                295 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 explain;             /* True if EXPLAIN present on SQL command */
u8                296 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 changeCntOn;         /* True to update the change-counter */
u8                297 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 expired;             /* True if the VM needs to be recompiled */
u8                298 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 runOnlyOnce;         /* Automatically expire on reset */
u8                299 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 minWriteFileFormat;  /* Minimum file format for writable database files */
u8                300 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 inVtabMethod;        /* See comments above */
u8                301 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 usesStmtJournal;     /* True if uses a statement journal */
u8                302 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 readOnly;            /* True for read-only statements */
u8                303 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h   u8 isPrepareV2;         /* True if prepared with prepare_v2() */
u8                362 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h int sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(Mem*, const char*, int, u8, void(*)(void*));
u8                409 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeInt.h int sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(Mem*, u8);
u8                196 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeapi.c   u8 enc,                 /* Encoding of z.  0 for BLOBs */
u8               1030 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeapi.c   u8 encoding            /* Encoding for the data */
u8                 61 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c   p->isPrepareV2 = (u8)isPrepareV2;
u8                152 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c   pOp->opcode = (u8)op;
u8                412 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c     u8 opcode = pOp->opcode;
u8                555 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c void sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(Vdbe *p, u8 val){
u8                740 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c       u8 *aSortOrder;
u8               1058 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c     u8 malloc_failed = db->mallocFailed;
u8               1377 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c   u8 **ppFrom,         /* IN/OUT: Allocate from *ppFrom */
u8               1378 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c   u8 *pEnd,            /* Pointer to 1 byte past the end of *ppFrom buffer */
u8               1449 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c     u8 *zCsr = (u8 *)&p->aOp[p->nOp];       /* Memory avaliable for alloation */
u8               1450 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c     u8 *zEnd = (u8 *)&p->aOp[p->nOpAlloc];  /* First byte past available mem */
u8               1454 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c     p->usesStmtJournal = (u8)usesStmtJournal;
u8               1459 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c     zCsr += (zCsr - (u8*)0)&7;
u8               2571 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c     static const u8 aSize[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
u8               2647 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c u32 sqlite3VdbeSerialPut(u8 *buf, int nBuf, Mem *pMem, int file_format){
u8               2665 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c       buf[i] = (u8)(v&0xFF);
u8               3047 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c   (void)getVarint32((u8*)m.z, szHdr);
u8               3056 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c   (void)getVarint32((u8*)&m.z[szHdr-1], typeRowid);
u8               3075 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c   sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8*)&m.z[m.n-lenRowid], typeRowid, &v);
u8               3179 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c sqlite3_value *sqlite3VdbeGetValue(Vdbe *v, int iVar, u8 aff){
u8                 56 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbemem.c   rc = sqlite3VdbeMemTranslate(pMem, (u8)desiredEnc);
u8                692 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbemem.c   u8 enc,             /* Encoding of z.  0 for BLOBs */
u8                957 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbemem.c const void *sqlite3ValueText(sqlite3_value* pVal, u8 enc){
u8               1019 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbemem.c   u8 enc,                   /* Encoding to use */
u8               1020 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbemem.c   u8 affinity,              /* Affinity to use */
u8               1130 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbemem.c   u8 enc,               /* Encoding to use */
u8               1149 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbemem.c int sqlite3ValueBytes(sqlite3_value *pVal, u8 enc){
u8                 34 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbetrace.c     n = sqlite3GetToken((u8*)zSql, &tokenType);
u8                125 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbetrace.c         u8 enc = ENC(db);
u8                304 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 isInit;                      /* 1 when initialized */
u8                305 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 bigEndCksum;                 /* True if checksums in WAL are big-endian */
u8                419 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 exclusiveMode;          /* Non-zero if connection is in exclusive mode */
u8                420 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 writeLock;              /* True if in a write transaction */
u8                421 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 ckptLock;               /* True if holding a checkpoint lock */
u8                422 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 readOnly;               /* True if the WAL file is open read-only */
u8                427 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 lockError;              /* True if a locking error has occurred */
u8                578 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 *a,           /* Content to be checksummed */
u8                632 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   walChecksumBytes(1, (u8*)&pWal->hdr, nCksum, 0, pWal->hdr.aCksum);
u8                655 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 *aData,                      /* Pointer to page data */
u8                656 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 *aFrame                      /* OUT: Write encoded frame here */
u8                682 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 *aData,                      /* Pointer to page data (for checksum) */
u8                683 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 *aFrame                      /* Frame data */
u8                764 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   VVA_ONLY( pWal->lockError = (u8)(rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_BUSY); )
u8                780 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   VVA_ONLY( pWal->lockError = (u8)(rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_BUSY); )
u8                976 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c       int nByte = (int)((u8 *)&aHash[HASHTABLE_NSLOT] - (u8 *)&aPgno[1]);
u8               1075 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c     u8 aBuf[WAL_HDRSIZE];         /* Buffer to load WAL header into */
u8               1076 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c     u8 *aFrame = 0;               /* Malloc'd buffer to load entire frame */
u8               1078 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c     u8 *aData;                    /* Pointer to data part of aFrame buffer */
u8               1105 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c     pWal->hdr.bigEndCksum = (u8)(magic&0x00000001);
u8               1130 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c     aFrame = (u8 *)sqlite3_malloc(szFrame);
u8               1626 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 *zBuf                        /* Temporary buffer to use */
u8               1770 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 *zBuf                        /* Buffer of at least nBuf bytes */
u8               1855 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   walChecksumBytes(1, (u8*)&h1, sizeof(h1)-sizeof(h1.aCksum), 0, aCksum);
u8               2220 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 *pOut                        /* Buffer to write page data to */
u8               2527 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c         sqlite3Put4byte((u8*)&aSalt[0], 1 + sqlite3Get4byte((u8*)&aSalt[0]));
u8               2567 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 aFrame[WAL_FRAME_HDRSIZE];   /* Buffer to assemble frame-header in */
u8               2595 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c     u8 aWalHdr[WAL_HDRSIZE];      /* Buffer to assemble wal-header in */
u8               2739 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.c   u8 *zBuf,                       /* Temporary buffer to use */
u8                 50 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.h int sqlite3WalClose(Wal *pWal, int sync_flags, int, u8 *);
u8                 63 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.h int sqlite3WalRead(Wal *pWal, Pgno pgno, int *pInWal, int nOut, u8 *pOut);
u8                 94 third_party/sqlite/src/src/wal.h   u8 *zBuf,                       /* Temporary buffer to use */
u8                104 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   u8 wtFlags;             /* TERM_xxx bit flags.  See below */
u8                105 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   u8 nChild;              /* Number of children that must disable us */
u8                135 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   u8 op;                   /* Split operator.  TK_AND or TK_OR */
u8                334 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c static int whereClauseInsert(WhereClause *pWC, Expr *p, u8 wtFlags){
u8                381 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   pWC->op = (u8)op;
u8                694 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     if( cnt!=0 && 255!=(u8)z[cnt-1] ){
u8               1203 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     static const u8 ops[] = {TK_GE, TK_LE};
u8               1258 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       u8 c, *pC;       /* Last character before the first wildcard */
u8               1259 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       pC = (u8*)&pStr2->u.zToken[sqlite3Strlen30(pStr2->u.zToken)-1];
u8               1883 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   pIdx->aSortOrder = (u8*)&pIdx->aiColumn[nColumn];
u8               2029 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     pIdxCons[j].op = (u8)pTerm->eOperator;
u8               2308 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       const u8 *z;
u8               2315 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c         z = (const u8 *)sqlite3_value_blob(pVal);
u8               2325 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c         z = (const u8 *)sqlite3ValueText(pVal, pColl->enc);
u8               2386 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   u8 aff, 
u8               2462 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     u8 aff = p->pTable->aCol[p->aiColumn[0]].affinity;
u8               2546 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   u8 aff;                   /* Column affinity */
u8               2603 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   u8 aff;                   /* Column affinity */
u8               2610 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   u8 aSpan[SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES+1];    /* Histogram regions that are spanned */
u8               2611 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   u8 aSingle[SQLITE_INDEX_SAMPLES+1];  /* Histogram regions hit once */
u8               3731 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       const u8 aMoveOp[] = {
u8               3817 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     static const u8 aStartOp[] = {
u8               3827 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     static const u8 aEndOp[] = {
u8               4172 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     static const u8 aStep[] = { OP_Next, OP_Prev };
u8               4173 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     static const u8 aStart[] = { OP_Rewind, OP_Last };
u8               4426 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   pWInfo->pWC = pWC = (WhereClause *)&((u8 *)pWInfo)[nByteWInfo];
u8               4676 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     pLevel->iFrom = (u8)bestJ;