
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. menu_model_delegate_
  2. HasIcons
  3. GetItemCount
  4. GetTypeAt
  5. GetSeparatorTypeAt
  6. GetCommandIdAt
  7. GetLabelAt
  8. IsItemDynamicAt
  9. GetAcceleratorAt
  10. IsItemCheckedAt
  11. GetGroupIdAt
  12. GetIconAt
  13. GetButtonMenuItemAt
  14. IsEnabledAt
  15. GetSubmenuModelAt
  16. HighlightChangedTo
  17. ActivatedAt
  18. ActivatedAt
  19. MenuWillShow
  20. IsSeparator
  21. SetMenuModelDelegate
  22. GetMenuModelDelegate
  23. FetchFavicon
  24. OnFavIconDataAvailable
  25. GetHistoryItemCount
  26. GetChapterStopCount
  27. GetIndexOfNextChapterStop
  28. FindChapterStop
  29. ItemHasCommand
  30. ItemHasIcon
  31. GetShowFullHistoryLabel
  32. GetWebContents
  33. MenuIndexToNavEntryIndex
  34. GetNavigationEntry
  35. BuildActionName

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/back_forward_menu_model.h"

#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_commands.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/singleton_tabs.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
#include "chrome/common/favicon/favicon_types.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
#include "content/public/browser/favicon_status.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h"
#include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
#include "grit/theme_resources.h"
#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
#include "ui/gfx/favicon_size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h"

using base::UserMetricsAction;
using content::NavigationController;
using content::NavigationEntry;
using content::WebContents;

const int BackForwardMenuModel::kMaxHistoryItems = 12;
const int BackForwardMenuModel::kMaxChapterStops = 5;
static const int kMaxWidth = 700;

BackForwardMenuModel::BackForwardMenuModel(Browser* browser,
                                           ModelType model_type)
    : browser_(browser),
      menu_model_delegate_(NULL) {

BackForwardMenuModel::~BackForwardMenuModel() {

bool BackForwardMenuModel::HasIcons() const {
  return true;

int BackForwardMenuModel::GetItemCount() const {
  int items = GetHistoryItemCount();

  if (items > 0) {
    int chapter_stops = 0;

    // Next, we count ChapterStops, if any.
    if (items == kMaxHistoryItems)
      chapter_stops = GetChapterStopCount(items);

    if (chapter_stops)
      items += chapter_stops + 1;  // Chapter stops also need a separator.

    // If the menu is not empty, add two positions in the end
    // for a separator and a "Show Full History" item.
    items += 2;

  return items;

ui::MenuModel::ItemType BackForwardMenuModel::GetTypeAt(int index) const {
  return IsSeparator(index) ? TYPE_SEPARATOR : TYPE_COMMAND;

ui::MenuSeparatorType BackForwardMenuModel::GetSeparatorTypeAt(
    int index) const {
  return ui::NORMAL_SEPARATOR;

int BackForwardMenuModel::GetCommandIdAt(int index) const {
  return index;

base::string16 BackForwardMenuModel::GetLabelAt(int index) const {
  // Return label "Show Full History" for the last item of the menu.
  if (index == GetItemCount() - 1)
    return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_SHOWFULLHISTORY_LINK);

  // Return an empty string for a separator.
  if (IsSeparator(index))
    return base::string16();

  // Return the entry title, escaping any '&' characters and eliding it if it's
  // super long.
  NavigationEntry* entry = GetNavigationEntry(index);
  Profile* profile =
  base::string16 menu_text(entry->GetTitleForDisplay(
  menu_text =
      gfx::ElideText(menu_text, gfx::FontList(), kMaxWidth, gfx::ELIDE_AT_END);

#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
  for (size_t i = menu_text.find('&'); i != base::string16::npos;
       i = menu_text.find('&', i + 2)) {
    menu_text.insert(i, 1, '&');

  return menu_text;

bool BackForwardMenuModel::IsItemDynamicAt(int index) const {
  // This object is only used for a single showing of a menu.
  return false;

bool BackForwardMenuModel::GetAcceleratorAt(
    int index,
    ui::Accelerator* accelerator) const {
  return false;

bool BackForwardMenuModel::IsItemCheckedAt(int index) const {
  return false;

int BackForwardMenuModel::GetGroupIdAt(int index) const {
  return false;

bool BackForwardMenuModel::GetIconAt(int index, gfx::Image* icon) {
  if (!ItemHasIcon(index))
    return false;

  if (index == GetItemCount() - 1) {
    *icon = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetNativeImageNamed(
  } else {
    NavigationEntry* entry = GetNavigationEntry(index);
    *icon = entry->GetFavicon().image;
    if (!entry->GetFavicon().valid && menu_model_delegate()) {

  return true;

ui::ButtonMenuItemModel* BackForwardMenuModel::GetButtonMenuItemAt(
    int index) const {
  return NULL;

bool BackForwardMenuModel::IsEnabledAt(int index) const {
  return index < GetItemCount() && !IsSeparator(index);

ui::MenuModel* BackForwardMenuModel::GetSubmenuModelAt(int index) const {
  return NULL;

void BackForwardMenuModel::HighlightChangedTo(int index) {

void BackForwardMenuModel::ActivatedAt(int index) {
  ActivatedAt(index, 0);

void BackForwardMenuModel::ActivatedAt(int index, int event_flags) {

  // Execute the command for the last item: "Show Full History".
  if (index == GetItemCount() - 1) {
    content::RecordComputedAction(BuildActionName("ShowFullHistory", -1));
            browser_, GURL(chrome::kChromeUIHistoryURL)));

  // Log whether it was a history or chapter click.
  if (index < GetHistoryItemCount()) {
        BuildActionName("HistoryClick", index));
  } else {
        BuildActionName("ChapterClick", index - GetHistoryItemCount() - 1));

  int controller_index = MenuIndexToNavEntryIndex(index);
  WindowOpenDisposition disposition =
  if (!chrome::NavigateToIndexWithDisposition(browser_,
                                              disposition)) {

void BackForwardMenuModel::MenuWillShow() {
  content::RecordComputedAction(BuildActionName("Popup", -1));

bool BackForwardMenuModel::IsSeparator(int index) const {
  int history_items = GetHistoryItemCount();
  // If the index is past the number of history items + separator,
  // we then consider if it is a chapter-stop entry.
  if (index > history_items) {
    // We either are in ChapterStop area, or at the end of the list (the "Show
    // Full History" link).
    int chapter_stops = GetChapterStopCount(history_items);
    if (chapter_stops == 0)
      return false;  // We must have reached the "Show Full History" link.
    // Otherwise, look to see if we have reached the separator for the
    // chapter-stops. If not, this is a chapter stop.
    return (index == history_items + 1 + chapter_stops);

  // Look to see if we have reached the separator for the history items.
  return index == history_items;

void BackForwardMenuModel::SetMenuModelDelegate(
      ui::MenuModelDelegate* menu_model_delegate) {
  menu_model_delegate_ = menu_model_delegate;

ui::MenuModelDelegate* BackForwardMenuModel::GetMenuModelDelegate() const {
  return menu_model_delegate_;

void BackForwardMenuModel::FetchFavicon(NavigationEntry* entry) {
  // If the favicon has already been requested for this menu, don't do
  // anything.
  if (requested_favicons_.find(entry->GetUniqueID()) !=
      requested_favicons_.end()) {
  FaviconService* favicon_service = FaviconServiceFactory::GetForProfile(
      browser_->profile(), Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
  if (!favicon_service)


void BackForwardMenuModel::OnFavIconDataAvailable(
    int navigation_entry_unique_id,
    const chrome::FaviconImageResult& image_result) {
  if (!image_result.image.IsEmpty()) {
    // Find the current model_index for the unique id.
    NavigationEntry* entry = NULL;
    int model_index = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < GetItemCount() - 1; i++) {
      if (IsSeparator(i))
      if (GetNavigationEntry(i)->GetUniqueID() == navigation_entry_unique_id) {
        model_index = i;
        entry = GetNavigationEntry(i);

    if (!entry)
      // The NavigationEntry wasn't found, this can happen if the user
      // navigates to another page and a NavigatationEntry falls out of the
      // range of kMaxHistoryItems.

    // Now that we have a valid NavigationEntry, decode the favicon and assign
    // it to the NavigationEntry.
    entry->GetFavicon().valid = true;
    entry->GetFavicon().url = image_result.icon_url;
    entry->GetFavicon().image = image_result.image;
    if (menu_model_delegate()) {

int BackForwardMenuModel::GetHistoryItemCount() const {
  WebContents* contents = GetWebContents();
  int items = 0;

  if (model_type_ == FORWARD_MENU) {
    // Only count items from n+1 to end (if n is current entry)
    items = contents->GetController().GetEntryCount() -
            contents->GetController().GetCurrentEntryIndex() - 1;
  } else {
    items = contents->GetController().GetCurrentEntryIndex();

  if (items > kMaxHistoryItems)
    items = kMaxHistoryItems;
  else if (items < 0)
    items = 0;

  return items;

int BackForwardMenuModel::GetChapterStopCount(int history_items) const {
  WebContents* contents = GetWebContents();

  int chapter_stops = 0;
  int current_entry = contents->GetController().GetCurrentEntryIndex();

  if (history_items == kMaxHistoryItems) {
    int chapter_id = current_entry;
    if (model_type_ == FORWARD_MENU) {
      chapter_id += history_items;
    } else {
      chapter_id -= history_items;

    do {
      chapter_id = GetIndexOfNextChapterStop(chapter_id,
          model_type_ == FORWARD_MENU);
      if (chapter_id != -1)
    } while (chapter_id != -1 && chapter_stops < kMaxChapterStops);

  return chapter_stops;

int BackForwardMenuModel::GetIndexOfNextChapterStop(int start_from,
                                                    bool forward) const {
  WebContents* contents = GetWebContents();
  NavigationController& controller = contents->GetController();

  int max_count = controller.GetEntryCount();
  if (start_from < 0 || start_from >= max_count)
    return -1;  // Out of bounds.

  if (forward) {
    if (start_from < max_count - 1) {
      // We want to advance over the current chapter stop, so we add one.
      // We don't need to do this when direction is backwards.
    } else {
      return -1;

  NavigationEntry* start_entry = controller.GetEntryAtIndex(start_from);
  const GURL& url = start_entry->GetURL();

  if (!forward) {
    // When going backwards we return the first entry we find that has a
    // different domain.
    for (int i = start_from - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
      if (!net::registry_controlled_domains::SameDomainOrHost(url,
        return i;
    // We have reached the beginning without finding a chapter stop.
    return -1;
  } else {
    // When going forwards we return the entry before the entry that has a
    // different domain.
    for (int i = start_from + 1; i < max_count; ++i) {
      if (!net::registry_controlled_domains::SameDomainOrHost(url,
        return i - 1;
    // Last entry is always considered a chapter stop.
    return max_count - 1;

int BackForwardMenuModel::FindChapterStop(int offset,
                                          bool forward,
                                          int skip) const {
  if (offset < 0 || skip < 0)
    return -1;

  if (!forward)
    offset *= -1;

  WebContents* contents = GetWebContents();
  int entry = contents->GetController().GetCurrentEntryIndex() + offset;
  for (int i = 0; i < skip + 1; i++)
    entry = GetIndexOfNextChapterStop(entry, forward);

  return entry;

bool BackForwardMenuModel::ItemHasCommand(int index) const {
  return index < GetItemCount() && !IsSeparator(index);

bool BackForwardMenuModel::ItemHasIcon(int index) const {
  return index < GetItemCount() && !IsSeparator(index);

base::string16 BackForwardMenuModel::GetShowFullHistoryLabel() const {
  return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_SHOWFULLHISTORY_LINK);

WebContents* BackForwardMenuModel::GetWebContents() const {
  // We use the test web contents if the unit test has specified it.
  return test_web_contents_ ?
      test_web_contents_ :

int BackForwardMenuModel::MenuIndexToNavEntryIndex(int index) const {
  WebContents* contents = GetWebContents();
  int history_items = GetHistoryItemCount();

  DCHECK_GE(index, 0);

  // Convert anything above the History items separator.
  if (index < history_items) {
    if (model_type_ == FORWARD_MENU) {
      index += contents->GetController().GetCurrentEntryIndex() + 1;
    } else {
      // Back menu is reverse.
      index = contents->GetController().GetCurrentEntryIndex() - (index + 1);
    return index;
  if (index == history_items)
    return -1;  // Don't translate the separator for history items.

  if (index >= history_items + 1 + GetChapterStopCount(history_items))
    return -1;  // This is beyond the last chapter stop so we abort.

  // This menu item is a chapter stop located between the two separators.
  index = FindChapterStop(history_items,
                          model_type_ == FORWARD_MENU,
                          index - history_items - 1);

  return index;

NavigationEntry* BackForwardMenuModel::GetNavigationEntry(int index) const {
  int controller_index = MenuIndexToNavEntryIndex(index);
  NavigationController& controller = GetWebContents()->GetController();
  if (controller_index >= 0 && controller_index < controller.GetEntryCount())
    return controller.GetEntryAtIndex(controller_index);

  return NULL;

std::string BackForwardMenuModel::BuildActionName(
    const std::string& action, int index) const {
  DCHECK(index >= -1);
  std::string metric_string;
  if (model_type_ == FORWARD_MENU)
    metric_string += "ForwardMenu_";
    metric_string += "BackMenu_";
  metric_string += action;
  if (index != -1) {
    // +1 is for historical reasons (indices used to start at 1).
    metric_string += base::IntToString(index + 1);
  return metric_string;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */