
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. SetNonBlocking
  2. SetCloseOnExec
  3. CloseSocket
  4. WriteToSocket
  5. WaitSocketForRead
  6. ReadFromSocket
  7. SetupSockAddr
  8. SetupSocketOnly
  9. SetupSocket
  10. ReadLink
  11. UnlinkPath
  12. SymlinkPath
  13. ParseLockPath
  14. DisplayProfileInUseError
  15. IsChromeProcess
  16. fd
  17. Reset
  18. Close
  19. GenerateCookie
  20. CheckCookie
  21. ConnectSocket
  22. bytes_read_
  23. OnFileCanWriteWithoutBlocking
  24. CleanupAndDeleteSelf
  25. parent_
  26. OnFileCanWriteWithoutBlocking
  27. WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop
  28. OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking
  29. StartListening
  30. HandleMessage
  31. RemoveSocketReader
  32. OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking
  33. FinishWithACK
  34. watcher_
  35. NotifyOtherProcess
  36. NotifyOtherProcessWithTimeout
  37. NotifyOtherProcessOrCreate
  38. NotifyOtherProcessWithTimeoutOrCreate
  39. OverrideCurrentPidForTesting
  40. OverrideKillCallbackForTesting
  41. DisablePromptForTesting
  42. Create
  43. Cleanup
  44. IsSameChromeInstance
  45. KillProcessByLockPath
  46. KillProcess

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// On Linux, when the user tries to launch a second copy of chrome, we check
// for a socket in the user's profile directory.  If the socket file is open we
// send a message to the first chrome browser process with the current
// directory and second process command line flags.  The second process then
// exits.
// Because many networked filesystem implementations do not support unix domain
// sockets, we create the socket in a temporary directory and create a symlink
// in the profile. This temporary directory is no longer bound to the profile,
// and may disappear across a reboot or login to a separate session. To bind
// them, we store a unique cookie in the profile directory, which must also be
// present in the remote directory to connect. The cookie is checked both before
// and after the connection. /tmp is sticky, and different Chrome sessions use
// different cookies. Thus, a matching cookie before and after means the
// connection was to a directory with a valid cookie.
// We also have a lock file, which is a symlink to a non-existent destination.
// The destination is a string containing the hostname and process id of
// chrome's browser process, eg. "SingletonLock ->".  When the
// first copy of chrome exits it will delete the lock file on shutdown, so that
// a different instance on a different host may then use the profile directory.
// If writing to the socket fails, the hostname in the lock is checked to see if
// another instance is running a different host using a shared filesystem (nfs,
// etc.) If the hostname differs an error is displayed and the second process
// exits.  Otherwise the first process (if any) is killed and the second process
// starts as normal.
// When the second process sends the current directory and command line flags to
// the first process, it waits for an ACK message back from the first process
// for a certain time. If there is no ACK message back in time, then the first
// process will be considered as hung for some reason. The second process then
// retrieves the process id from the symbol link and kills it by sending
// SIGKILL. Then the second process starts as normal.

#include "chrome/browser/process_singleton.h"

#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <cstring>
#include <set>
#include <string>

#include "base/base_paths.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/safe_strerror_posix.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner_helpers.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/process_singleton_dialog_linux.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "grit/chromium_strings.h"
#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
#include "net/base/net_util.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"

#if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK)
#include <gdk/gdk.h>
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#include "ui/views/linux_ui/linux_ui.h"

using content::BrowserThread;

const int ProcessSingleton::kTimeoutInSeconds;

namespace {

static bool g_disable_prompt;
const char kStartToken[] = "START";
const char kACKToken[] = "ACK";
const char kShutdownToken[] = "SHUTDOWN";
const char kTokenDelimiter = '\0';
const int kMaxMessageLength = 32 * 1024;
const int kMaxACKMessageLength = arraysize(kShutdownToken) - 1;

const char kLockDelimiter = '-';

// Set a file descriptor to be non-blocking.
// Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int SetNonBlocking(int fd) {
  int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
  if (-1 == flags)
    return flags;
  if (flags & O_NONBLOCK)
    return 0;
  return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);

// Set the close-on-exec bit on a file descriptor.
// Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int SetCloseOnExec(int fd) {
  int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0);
  if (-1 == flags)
    return flags;
  if (flags & FD_CLOEXEC)
    return 0;
  return fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC);

// Close a socket and check return value.
void CloseSocket(int fd) {
  int rv = IGNORE_EINTR(close(fd));
  DCHECK_EQ(0, rv) << "Error closing socket: " << safe_strerror(errno);

// Write a message to a socket fd.
bool WriteToSocket(int fd, const char *message, size_t length) {
  size_t bytes_written = 0;
  do {
    ssize_t rv = HANDLE_EINTR(
        write(fd, message + bytes_written, length - bytes_written));
    if (rv < 0) {
      if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
        // The socket shouldn't block, we're sending so little data.  Just give
        // up here, since NotifyOtherProcess() doesn't have an asynchronous api.
        LOG(ERROR) << "ProcessSingleton would block on write(), so it gave up.";
        return false;
      PLOG(ERROR) << "write() failed";
      return false;
    bytes_written += rv;
  } while (bytes_written < length);

  return true;

// Wait a socket for read for a certain timeout in seconds.
// Returns -1 if error occurred, 0 if timeout reached, > 0 if the socket is
// ready for read.
int WaitSocketForRead(int fd, int timeout) {
  fd_set read_fds;
  struct timeval tv;

  FD_SET(fd, &read_fds);
  tv.tv_sec = timeout;
  tv.tv_usec = 0;

  return HANDLE_EINTR(select(fd + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &tv));

// Read a message from a socket fd, with an optional timeout in seconds.
// If |timeout| <= 0 then read immediately.
// Return number of bytes actually read, or -1 on error.
ssize_t ReadFromSocket(int fd, char *buf, size_t bufsize, int timeout) {
  if (timeout > 0) {
    int rv = WaitSocketForRead(fd, timeout);
    if (rv <= 0)
      return rv;

  size_t bytes_read = 0;
  do {
    ssize_t rv = HANDLE_EINTR(read(fd, buf + bytes_read, bufsize - bytes_read));
    if (rv < 0) {
      if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "read() failed";
        return rv;
      } else {
        // It would block, so we just return what has been read.
        return bytes_read;
    } else if (!rv) {
      // No more data to read.
      return bytes_read;
    } else {
      bytes_read += rv;
  } while (bytes_read < bufsize);

  return bytes_read;

// Set up a sockaddr appropriate for messaging.
void SetupSockAddr(const std::string& path, struct sockaddr_un* addr) {
  addr->sun_family = AF_UNIX;
  CHECK(path.length() < arraysize(addr->sun_path))
      << "Socket path too long: " << path;
  base::strlcpy(addr->sun_path, path.c_str(), arraysize(addr->sun_path));

// Set up a socket appropriate for messaging.
int SetupSocketOnly() {
  int sock = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  PCHECK(sock >= 0) << "socket() failed";

  int rv = SetNonBlocking(sock);
  DCHECK_EQ(0, rv) << "Failed to make non-blocking socket.";
  rv = SetCloseOnExec(sock);
  DCHECK_EQ(0, rv) << "Failed to set CLOEXEC on socket.";

  return sock;

// Set up a socket and sockaddr appropriate for messaging.
void SetupSocket(const std::string& path, int* sock, struct sockaddr_un* addr) {
  *sock = SetupSocketOnly();
  SetupSockAddr(path, addr);

// Read a symbolic link, return empty string if given path is not a symbol link.
base::FilePath ReadLink(const base::FilePath& path) {
  base::FilePath target;
  if (!base::ReadSymbolicLink(path, &target)) {
    // The only errno that should occur is ENOENT.
    if (errno != 0 && errno != ENOENT)
      PLOG(ERROR) << "readlink(" << path.value() << ") failed";
  return target;

// Unlink a path. Return true on success.
bool UnlinkPath(const base::FilePath& path) {
  int rv = unlink(path.value().c_str());
  if (rv < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to unlink " << path.value();

  return rv == 0;

// Create a symlink. Returns true on success.
bool SymlinkPath(const base::FilePath& target, const base::FilePath& path) {
  if (!base::CreateSymbolicLink(target, path)) {
    // Double check the value in case symlink suceeded but we got an incorrect
    // failure due to NFS packet loss & retry.
    int saved_errno = errno;
    if (ReadLink(path) != target) {
      // If we failed to create the lock, most likely another instance won the
      // startup race.
      errno = saved_errno;
      PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create " << path.value();
      return false;
  return true;

// Extract the hostname and pid from the lock symlink.
// Returns true if the lock existed.
bool ParseLockPath(const base::FilePath& path,
                   std::string* hostname,
                   int* pid) {
  std::string real_path = ReadLink(path).value();
  if (real_path.empty())
    return false;

  std::string::size_type pos = real_path.rfind(kLockDelimiter);

  // If the path is not a symbolic link, or doesn't contain what we expect,
  // bail.
  if (pos == std::string::npos) {
    *hostname = "";
    *pid = -1;
    return true;

  *hostname = real_path.substr(0, pos);

  const std::string& pid_str = real_path.substr(pos + 1);
  if (!base::StringToInt(pid_str, pid))
    *pid = -1;

  return true;

// Returns true if the user opted to unlock the profile.
bool DisplayProfileInUseError(const base::FilePath& lock_path,
                              const std::string& hostname,
                              int pid) {
  base::string16 error = l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(
  base::string16 relaunch_button_text = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(
  LOG(ERROR) << base::SysWideToNativeMB(base::UTF16ToWide(error)).c_str();
  if (!g_disable_prompt)
    return ShowProcessSingletonDialog(error, relaunch_button_text);
  return false;

bool IsChromeProcess(pid_t pid) {
  base::FilePath other_chrome_path(base::GetProcessExecutablePath(pid));
  return (!other_chrome_path.empty() &&
          other_chrome_path.BaseName() ==

// A helper class to hold onto a socket.
class ScopedSocket {
  ScopedSocket() : fd_(-1) { Reset(); }
  ~ScopedSocket() { Close(); }
  int fd() { return fd_; }
  void Reset() {
    fd_ = SetupSocketOnly();
  void Close() {
    if (fd_ >= 0)
    fd_ = -1;
  int fd_;

// Returns a random string for uniquifying profile connections.
std::string GenerateCookie() {
  return base::Uint64ToString(base::RandUint64());

bool CheckCookie(const base::FilePath& path, const base::FilePath& cookie) {
  return (cookie == ReadLink(path));

bool ConnectSocket(ScopedSocket* socket,
                   const base::FilePath& socket_path,
                   const base::FilePath& cookie_path) {
  base::FilePath socket_target;
  if (base::ReadSymbolicLink(socket_path, &socket_target)) {
    // It's a symlink. Read the cookie.
    base::FilePath cookie = ReadLink(cookie_path);
    if (cookie.empty())
      return false;
    base::FilePath remote_cookie = socket_target.DirName().
    // Verify the cookie before connecting.
    if (!CheckCookie(remote_cookie, cookie))
      return false;
    // Now we know the directory was (at that point) created by the profile
    // owner. Try to connect.
    sockaddr_un addr;
    SetupSockAddr(socket_path.value(), &addr);
    int ret = HANDLE_EINTR(connect(socket->fd(),
    if (ret != 0)
      return false;
    // Check the cookie again. We only link in /tmp, which is sticky, so, if the
    // directory is still correct, it must have been correct in-between when we
    // connected. POSIX, sadly, lacks a connectat().
    if (!CheckCookie(remote_cookie, cookie)) {
      return false;
    // Success!
    return true;
  } else if (errno == EINVAL) {
    // It exists, but is not a symlink (or some other error we detect
    // later). Just connect to it directly; this is an older version of Chrome.
    sockaddr_un addr;
    SetupSockAddr(socket_path.value(), &addr);
    int ret = HANDLE_EINTR(connect(socket->fd(),
    return (ret == 0);
  } else {
    // File is missing, or other error.
    if (errno != ENOENT)
      PLOG(ERROR) << "readlink failed";
    return false;

}  // namespace

// ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher
// A helper class for a Linux specific implementation of the process singleton.
// This class sets up a listener on the singleton socket and handles parsing
// messages that come in on the singleton socket.
class ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher
    : public base::MessageLoopForIO::Watcher,
      public base::MessageLoop::DestructionObserver,
      public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher,
                                        BrowserThread::DeleteOnIOThread> {
  // A helper class to read message from an established socket.
  class SocketReader : public base::MessageLoopForIO::Watcher {
    SocketReader(ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher* parent,
                 base::MessageLoop* ui_message_loop,
                 int fd)
        : parent_(parent),
          bytes_read_(0) {
      // Wait for reads.
          fd, true, base::MessageLoopForIO::WATCH_READ, &fd_reader_, this);
      // If we haven't completed in a reasonable amount of time, give up.
      timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kTimeoutInSeconds),
                   this, &SocketReader::CleanupAndDeleteSelf);

    virtual ~SocketReader() {

    // MessageLoopForIO::Watcher impl.
    virtual void OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking(int fd) OVERRIDE;
    virtual void OnFileCanWriteWithoutBlocking(int fd) OVERRIDE {
      // SocketReader only watches for accept (read) events.

    // Finish handling the incoming message by optionally sending back an ACK
    // message and removing this SocketReader.
    void FinishWithACK(const char *message, size_t length);

    void CleanupAndDeleteSelf() {

      // We're deleted beyond this point.

    base::MessageLoopForIO::FileDescriptorWatcher fd_reader_;

    // The ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher that owns us.
    ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher* const parent_;

    // A reference to the UI message loop.
    base::MessageLoop* const ui_message_loop_;

    // The file descriptor we're reading.
    const int fd_;

    // Store the message in this buffer.
    char buf_[kMaxMessageLength];

    // Tracks the number of bytes we've read in case we're getting partial
    // reads.
    size_t bytes_read_;

    base::OneShotTimer<SocketReader> timer_;


  // We expect to only be constructed on the UI thread.
  explicit LinuxWatcher(ProcessSingleton* parent)
      : ui_message_loop_(base::MessageLoop::current()),
        parent_(parent) {

  // Start listening for connections on the socket.  This method should be
  // called from the IO thread.
  void StartListening(int socket);

  // This method determines if we should use the same process and if we should,
  // opens a new browser tab.  This runs on the UI thread.
  // |reader| is for sending back ACK message.
  void HandleMessage(const std::string& current_dir,
                     const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
                     SocketReader* reader);

  // MessageLoopForIO::Watcher impl.  These run on the IO thread.
  virtual void OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking(int fd) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnFileCanWriteWithoutBlocking(int fd) OVERRIDE {
    // ProcessSingleton only watches for accept (read) events.

  // MessageLoop::DestructionObserver
  virtual void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() OVERRIDE {

  friend struct BrowserThread::DeleteOnThread<BrowserThread::IO>;
  friend class base::DeleteHelper<ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher>;

  virtual ~LinuxWatcher() {

    base::MessageLoopForIO* ml = base::MessageLoopForIO::current();

  // Removes and deletes the SocketReader.
  void RemoveSocketReader(SocketReader* reader);

  base::MessageLoopForIO::FileDescriptorWatcher fd_watcher_;

  // A reference to the UI message loop (i.e., the message loop we were
  // constructed on).
  base::MessageLoop* ui_message_loop_;

  // The ProcessSingleton that owns us.
  ProcessSingleton* const parent_;

  std::set<SocketReader*> readers_;


void ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher::OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking(int fd) {
  // Accepting incoming client.
  sockaddr_un from;
  socklen_t from_len = sizeof(from);
  int connection_socket = HANDLE_EINTR(accept(
      fd, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&from), &from_len));
  if (-1 == connection_socket) {
    PLOG(ERROR) << "accept() failed";
  int rv = SetNonBlocking(connection_socket);
  DCHECK_EQ(0, rv) << "Failed to make non-blocking socket.";
  SocketReader* reader = new SocketReader(this,

void ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher::StartListening(int socket) {
  // Watch for client connections on this socket.
  base::MessageLoopForIO* ml = base::MessageLoopForIO::current();
  ml->WatchFileDescriptor(socket, true, base::MessageLoopForIO::WATCH_READ,
                          &fd_watcher_, this);

void ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher::HandleMessage(
    const std::string& current_dir, const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
    SocketReader* reader) {
  DCHECK(ui_message_loop_ == base::MessageLoop::current());

  if (parent_->notification_callback_.Run(CommandLine(argv),
                                          base::FilePath(current_dir))) {
    // Send back "ACK" message to prevent the client process from starting up.
    reader->FinishWithACK(kACKToken, arraysize(kACKToken) - 1);
  } else {
    LOG(WARNING) << "Not handling interprocess notification as browser"
                    " is shutting down";
    // Send back "SHUTDOWN" message, so that the client process can start up
    // without killing this process.
    reader->FinishWithACK(kShutdownToken, arraysize(kShutdownToken) - 1);

void ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher::RemoveSocketReader(SocketReader* reader) {
  delete reader;

// ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher::SocketReader

void ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher::SocketReader::OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking(
    int fd) {
  DCHECK_EQ(fd, fd_);
  while (bytes_read_ < sizeof(buf_)) {
    ssize_t rv = HANDLE_EINTR(
        read(fd, buf_ + bytes_read_, sizeof(buf_) - bytes_read_));
    if (rv < 0) {
      if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "read() failed";
      } else {
        // It would block, so we just return and continue to watch for the next
        // opportunity to read.
    } else if (!rv) {
      // No more data to read.  It's time to process the message.
    } else {
      bytes_read_ += rv;

  // Validate the message.  The shortest message is kStartToken\0x\0x
  const size_t kMinMessageLength = arraysize(kStartToken) + 4;
  if (bytes_read_ < kMinMessageLength) {
    buf_[bytes_read_] = 0;
    LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid socket message (wrong length):" << buf_;

  std::string str(buf_, bytes_read_);
  std::vector<std::string> tokens;
  base::SplitString(str, kTokenDelimiter, &tokens);

  if (tokens.size() < 3 || tokens[0] != kStartToken) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Wrong message format: " << str;

  // Stop the expiration timer to prevent this SocketReader object from being
  // terminated unexpectly.

  std::string current_dir = tokens[1];
  // Remove the first two tokens.  The remaining tokens should be the command
  // line argv array.

  // Return to the UI thread to handle opening a new browser tab.
  ui_message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(

  // LinuxWatcher::HandleMessage() is in charge of destroying this SocketReader
  // object by invoking SocketReader::FinishWithACK().

void ProcessSingleton::LinuxWatcher::SocketReader::FinishWithACK(
    const char *message, size_t length) {
  if (message && length) {
    // Not necessary to care about the return value.
    WriteToSocket(fd_, message, length);

  if (shutdown(fd_, SHUT_WR) < 0)
    PLOG(ERROR) << "shutdown() failed";

  // We will be deleted once the posted RemoveSocketReader task runs.

// ProcessSingleton
    const base::FilePath& user_data_dir,
    const NotificationCallback& notification_callback)
    : notification_callback_(notification_callback),
      watcher_(new LinuxWatcher(this)) {
  socket_path_ = user_data_dir.Append(chrome::kSingletonSocketFilename);
  lock_path_ = user_data_dir.Append(chrome::kSingletonLockFilename);
  cookie_path_ = user_data_dir.Append(chrome::kSingletonCookieFilename);

  kill_callback_ = base::Bind(&ProcessSingleton::KillProcess,

ProcessSingleton::~ProcessSingleton() {

ProcessSingleton::NotifyResult ProcessSingleton::NotifyOtherProcess() {
  return NotifyOtherProcessWithTimeout(*CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(),

ProcessSingleton::NotifyResult ProcessSingleton::NotifyOtherProcessWithTimeout(
    const CommandLine& cmd_line,
    int timeout_seconds,
    bool kill_unresponsive) {
  DCHECK_GE(timeout_seconds, 0);

  ScopedSocket socket;
  for (int retries = 0; retries <= timeout_seconds; ++retries) {
    // Try to connect to the socket.
    if (ConnectSocket(&socket, socket_path_, cookie_path_))

    // If we're in a race with another process, they may be in Create() and have
    // created the lock but not attached to the socket.  So we check if the
    // process with the pid from the lockfile is currently running and is a
    // chrome browser.  If so, we loop and try again for |timeout_seconds|.

    std::string hostname;
    int pid;
    if (!ParseLockPath(lock_path_, &hostname, &pid)) {
      // No lockfile exists.
      return PROCESS_NONE;

    if (hostname.empty()) {
      // Invalid lockfile.
      return PROCESS_NONE;

    if (hostname != net::GetHostName() && !IsChromeProcess(pid)) {
      // Locked by process on another host. If the user selected to unlock
      // the profile, try to continue; otherwise quit.
      if (DisplayProfileInUseError(lock_path_, hostname, pid)) {
        return PROCESS_NONE;
      return PROFILE_IN_USE;

    if (!IsChromeProcess(pid)) {
      // Orphaned lockfile (no process with pid, or non-chrome process.)
      return PROCESS_NONE;

    if (IsSameChromeInstance(pid)) {
      // Orphaned lockfile (pid is part of same chrome instance we are, even
      // though we haven't tried to create a lockfile yet).
      return PROCESS_NONE;

    if (retries == timeout_seconds) {
      // Retries failed.  Kill the unresponsive chrome process and continue.
      if (!kill_unresponsive || !KillProcessByLockPath())
        return PROFILE_IN_USE;
      return PROCESS_NONE;


  timeval timeout = {timeout_seconds, 0};
  setsockopt(socket.fd(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));

  // Found another process, prepare our command line
  // format is "START\0<current dir>\0<argv[0]>\0...\0<argv[n]>".
  std::string to_send(kStartToken);

  base::FilePath current_dir;
  if (!PathService::Get(base::DIR_CURRENT, &current_dir))
    return PROCESS_NONE;

  const std::vector<std::string>& argv = cmd_line.argv();
  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = argv.begin();
      it != argv.end(); ++it) {

  // Send the message
  if (!WriteToSocket(socket.fd(),, to_send.length())) {
    // Try to kill the other process, because it might have been dead.
    if (!kill_unresponsive || !KillProcessByLockPath())
      return PROFILE_IN_USE;
    return PROCESS_NONE;

  if (shutdown(socket.fd(), SHUT_WR) < 0)
    PLOG(ERROR) << "shutdown() failed";

  // Read ACK message from the other process. It might be blocked for a certain
  // timeout, to make sure the other process has enough time to return ACK.
  char buf[kMaxACKMessageLength + 1];
  ssize_t len =
      ReadFromSocket(socket.fd(), buf, kMaxACKMessageLength, timeout_seconds);

  // Failed to read ACK, the other process might have been frozen.
  if (len <= 0) {
    if (!kill_unresponsive || !KillProcessByLockPath())
      return PROFILE_IN_USE;
    return PROCESS_NONE;

  buf[len] = '\0';
  if (strncmp(buf, kShutdownToken, arraysize(kShutdownToken) - 1) == 0) {
    // The other process is shutting down, it's safe to start a new process.
    return PROCESS_NONE;
  } else if (strncmp(buf, kACKToken, arraysize(kACKToken) - 1) == 0) {
#if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK)
    // Notify the window manager that we've started up; if we do not open a
    // window, GTK will not automatically call this for us.
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    // Likely NULL in unit tests.
    views::LinuxUI* linux_ui = views::LinuxUI::instance();
    if (linux_ui)

    // Assume the other process is handling the request.

  NOTREACHED() << "The other process returned unknown message: " << buf;

ProcessSingleton::NotifyResult ProcessSingleton::NotifyOtherProcessOrCreate() {
  return NotifyOtherProcessWithTimeoutOrCreate(

    const CommandLine& command_line,
    int timeout_seconds) {
  NotifyResult result = NotifyOtherProcessWithTimeout(command_line,
                                                      timeout_seconds, true);
  if (result != PROCESS_NONE)
    return result;
  if (Create())
    return PROCESS_NONE;
  // If the Create() failed, try again to notify. (It could be that another
  // instance was starting at the same time and managed to grab the lock before
  // we did.)
  // This time, we don't want to kill anything if we aren't successful, since we
  // aren't going to try to take over the lock ourselves.
  result = NotifyOtherProcessWithTimeout(command_line, timeout_seconds, false);
  if (result != PROCESS_NONE)
    return result;

  return LOCK_ERROR;

void ProcessSingleton::OverrideCurrentPidForTesting(base::ProcessId pid) {
  current_pid_ = pid;

void ProcessSingleton::OverrideKillCallbackForTesting(
    const base::Callback<void(int)>& callback) {
  kill_callback_ = callback;

void ProcessSingleton::DisablePromptForTesting() {
  g_disable_prompt = true;

bool ProcessSingleton::Create() {
  int sock;
  sockaddr_un addr;

  // The symlink lock is pointed to the hostname and process id, so other
  // processes can find it out.
  base::FilePath symlink_content(base::StringPrintf(

  // Create symbol link before binding the socket, to ensure only one instance
  // can have the socket open.
  if (!SymlinkPath(symlink_content, lock_path_)) {
      // If we failed to create the lock, most likely another instance won the
      // startup race.
      return false;

  // Create the socket file somewhere in /tmp which is usually mounted as a
  // normal filesystem. Some network filesystems (notably AFS) are screwy and
  // do not support Unix domain sockets.
  if (!socket_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create socket directory.";
    return false;
  // Setup the socket symlink and the two cookies.
  base::FilePath socket_target_path =
  base::FilePath cookie(GenerateCookie());
  base::FilePath remote_cookie_path =
  if (!SymlinkPath(socket_target_path, socket_path_) ||
      !SymlinkPath(cookie, cookie_path_) ||
      !SymlinkPath(cookie, remote_cookie_path)) {
    // We've already locked things, so we can't have lost the startup race,
    // but something doesn't like us.
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create symlinks.";
    if (!socket_dir_.Delete())
      LOG(ERROR) << "Encountered a problem when deleting socket directory.";
    return false;

  SetupSocket(socket_target_path.value(), &sock, &addr);

  if (bind(sock, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&addr), sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
    PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to bind() " << socket_target_path.value();
    return false;

  if (listen(sock, 5) < 0)
    NOTREACHED() << "listen failed: " << safe_strerror(errno);


  return true;

void ProcessSingleton::Cleanup() {

bool ProcessSingleton::IsSameChromeInstance(pid_t pid) {
  pid_t cur_pid = current_pid_;
  while (pid != cur_pid) {
    pid = base::GetParentProcessId(pid);
    if (pid < 0)
      return false;
    if (!IsChromeProcess(pid))
      return false;
  return true;

bool ProcessSingleton::KillProcessByLockPath() {
  std::string hostname;
  int pid;
  ParseLockPath(lock_path_, &hostname, &pid);

  if (!hostname.empty() && hostname != net::GetHostName()) {
    return DisplayProfileInUseError(lock_path_, hostname, pid);

  if (IsSameChromeInstance(pid))
    return true;

  if (pid > 0) {
    return true;

  LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extract pid from path: " << lock_path_.value();
  return true;

void ProcessSingleton::KillProcess(int pid) {
  // TODO( Is SIGKILL ok?
  int rv = kill(static_cast<base::ProcessHandle>(pid), SIGKILL);
  // ESRCH = No Such Process (can happen if the other process is already in
  // progress of shutting down and finishes before we try to kill it).
  DCHECK(rv == 0 || errno == ESRCH) << "Error killing process: "
                                    << safe_strerror(errno);

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