
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ActiveTexture
  2. AttachShader
  3. BindAttribLocation
  4. BindBuffer
  5. BindFramebuffer
  6. BindRenderbuffer
  7. BindTexture
  8. BlendColor
  9. BlendEquation
  10. BlendEquationSeparate
  11. BlendFunc
  12. BlendFuncSeparate
  13. BufferData
  14. BufferSubData
  15. CheckFramebufferStatus
  16. Clear
  17. ClearColor
  18. ClearDepthf
  19. ClearStencil
  20. ColorMask
  21. CompileShader
  22. CompressedTexImage2D
  23. CompressedTexSubImage2D
  24. CopyTexImage2D
  25. CopyTexSubImage2D
  26. CreateProgram
  27. CreateShader
  28. CullFace
  29. DeleteBuffers
  30. DeleteFramebuffers
  31. DeleteProgram
  32. DeleteRenderbuffers
  33. DeleteShader
  34. DeleteTextures
  35. DepthFunc
  36. DepthMask
  37. DepthRangef
  38. DetachShader
  39. Disable
  40. DisableVertexAttribArray
  41. DrawArrays
  42. DrawElements
  43. Enable
  44. EnableVertexAttribArray
  45. Finish
  46. Flush
  47. FramebufferRenderbuffer
  48. FramebufferTexture2D
  49. FrontFace
  50. GenBuffers
  51. GenerateMipmap
  52. GenFramebuffers
  53. GenRenderbuffers
  54. GenTextures
  55. GetActiveAttrib
  56. GetActiveUniform
  57. GetAttachedShaders
  58. GetAttribLocation
  59. GetBooleanv
  60. GetBufferParameteriv
  61. GetError
  62. GetFloatv
  63. GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv
  64. GetIntegerv
  65. GetProgramiv
  66. GetProgramInfoLog
  67. GetRenderbufferParameteriv
  68. GetShaderiv
  69. GetShaderInfoLog
  70. GetShaderPrecisionFormat
  71. GetShaderSource
  72. GetString
  73. GetTexParameterfv
  74. GetTexParameteriv
  75. GetUniformfv
  76. GetUniformiv
  77. GetUniformLocation
  78. GetVertexAttribfv
  79. GetVertexAttribiv
  80. GetVertexAttribPointerv
  81. Hint
  82. IsBuffer
  83. IsEnabled
  84. IsFramebuffer
  85. IsProgram
  86. IsRenderbuffer
  87. IsShader
  88. IsTexture
  89. LineWidth
  90. LinkProgram
  91. PixelStorei
  92. PolygonOffset
  93. ReadPixels
  94. ReleaseShaderCompiler
  95. RenderbufferStorage
  96. SampleCoverage
  97. Scissor
  98. ShaderBinary
  99. ShaderSource
  100. ShallowFinishCHROMIUM
  101. ShallowFlushCHROMIUM
  102. StencilFunc
  103. StencilFuncSeparate
  104. StencilMask
  105. StencilMaskSeparate
  106. StencilOp
  107. StencilOpSeparate
  108. TexImage2D
  109. TexParameterf
  110. TexParameterfv
  111. TexParameteri
  112. TexParameteriv
  113. TexSubImage2D
  114. Uniform1f
  115. Uniform1fv
  116. Uniform1i
  117. Uniform1iv
  118. Uniform2f
  119. Uniform2fv
  120. Uniform2i
  121. Uniform2iv
  122. Uniform3f
  123. Uniform3fv
  124. Uniform3i
  125. Uniform3iv
  126. Uniform4f
  127. Uniform4fv
  128. Uniform4i
  129. Uniform4iv
  130. UniformMatrix2fv
  131. UniformMatrix3fv
  132. UniformMatrix4fv
  133. UseProgram
  134. ValidateProgram
  135. VertexAttrib1f
  136. VertexAttrib1fv
  137. VertexAttrib2f
  138. VertexAttrib2fv
  139. VertexAttrib3f
  140. VertexAttrib3fv
  141. VertexAttrib4f
  142. VertexAttrib4fv
  143. VertexAttribPointer
  144. Viewport
  145. BlitFramebufferCHROMIUM
  146. RenderbufferStorageMultisampleCHROMIUM
  147. RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT
  148. FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT
  149. TexStorage2DEXT
  150. GenQueriesEXT
  151. DeleteQueriesEXT
  152. IsQueryEXT
  153. BeginQueryEXT
  154. EndQueryEXT
  155. GetQueryivEXT
  156. GetQueryObjectuivEXT
  157. InsertEventMarkerEXT
  158. PushGroupMarkerEXT
  159. PopGroupMarkerEXT
  160. GenVertexArraysOES
  161. DeleteVertexArraysOES
  162. IsVertexArrayOES
  163. BindVertexArrayOES
  164. SwapBuffers
  165. GetMaxValueInBufferCHROMIUM
  166. GenSharedIdsCHROMIUM
  167. DeleteSharedIdsCHROMIUM
  168. RegisterSharedIdsCHROMIUM
  169. EnableFeatureCHROMIUM
  170. MapBufferCHROMIUM
  171. UnmapBufferCHROMIUM
  172. MapImageCHROMIUM
  173. UnmapImageCHROMIUM
  174. MapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM
  175. UnmapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM
  176. MapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM
  177. UnmapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM
  178. ResizeCHROMIUM
  179. GetRequestableExtensionsCHROMIUM
  180. RequestExtensionCHROMIUM
  181. RateLimitOffscreenContextCHROMIUM
  182. GetMultipleIntegervCHROMIUM
  183. GetProgramInfoCHROMIUM
  184. CreateStreamTextureCHROMIUM
  185. CreateImageCHROMIUM
  186. DestroyImageCHROMIUM
  187. GetImageParameterivCHROMIUM
  188. GetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE
  189. PostSubBufferCHROMIUM
  190. TexImageIOSurface2DCHROMIUM
  191. CopyTextureCHROMIUM
  192. DrawArraysInstancedANGLE
  193. DrawElementsInstancedANGLE
  194. VertexAttribDivisorANGLE
  195. GenMailboxCHROMIUM
  196. ProduceTextureCHROMIUM
  197. ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM
  198. BindUniformLocationCHROMIUM
  199. BindTexImage2DCHROMIUM
  200. ReleaseTexImage2DCHROMIUM
  201. TraceBeginCHROMIUM
  202. TraceEndCHROMIUM
  203. AsyncTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM
  204. AsyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM
  205. WaitAsyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM
  206. WaitAllAsyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM
  207. DiscardFramebufferEXT
  208. LoseContextCHROMIUM
  209. InsertSyncPointCHROMIUM
  210. WaitSyncPointCHROMIUM
  211. DrawBuffersEXT
  212. DiscardBackbufferCHROMIUM

// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file is auto-generated from
// gpu/command_buffer/
// It's formatted by clang-format using chromium coding style:
//    clang-format -i -style=chromium filename

// This file is included by

void GLES2InterfaceStub::ActiveTexture(GLenum /* texture */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::AttachShader(GLuint /* program */,
                                      GLuint /* shader */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindAttribLocation(GLuint /* program */,
                                            GLuint /* index */,
                                            const char* /* name */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindBuffer(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* buffer */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindFramebuffer(GLenum /* target */,
                                         GLuint /* framebuffer */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindRenderbuffer(GLenum /* target */,
                                          GLuint /* renderbuffer */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindTexture(GLenum /* target */,
                                     GLuint /* texture */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendColor(GLclampf /* red */,
                                    GLclampf /* green */,
                                    GLclampf /* blue */,
                                    GLclampf /* alpha */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendEquation(GLenum /* mode */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendEquationSeparate(GLenum /* modeRGB */,
                                               GLenum /* modeAlpha */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendFunc(GLenum /* sfactor */, GLenum /* dfactor */) {
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendFuncSeparate(GLenum /* srcRGB */,
                                           GLenum /* dstRGB */,
                                           GLenum /* srcAlpha */,
                                           GLenum /* dstAlpha */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BufferData(GLenum /* target */,
                                    GLsizeiptr /* size */,
                                    const void* /* data */,
                                    GLenum /* usage */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BufferSubData(GLenum /* target */,
                                       GLintptr /* offset */,
                                       GLsizeiptr /* size */,
                                       const void* /* data */) {}
GLenum GLES2InterfaceStub::CheckFramebufferStatus(GLenum /* target */) {
  return 0;
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Clear(GLbitfield /* mask */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ClearColor(GLclampf /* red */,
                                    GLclampf /* green */,
                                    GLclampf /* blue */,
                                    GLclampf /* alpha */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ClearDepthf(GLclampf /* depth */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ClearStencil(GLint /* s */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ColorMask(GLboolean /* red */,
                                   GLboolean /* green */,
                                   GLboolean /* blue */,
                                   GLboolean /* alpha */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::CompileShader(GLuint /* shader */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::CompressedTexImage2D(GLenum /* target */,
                                              GLint /* level */,
                                              GLenum /* internalformat */,
                                              GLsizei /* width */,
                                              GLsizei /* height */,
                                              GLint /* border */,
                                              GLsizei /* imageSize */,
                                              const void* /* data */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::CompressedTexSubImage2D(GLenum /* target */,
                                                 GLint /* level */,
                                                 GLint /* xoffset */,
                                                 GLint /* yoffset */,
                                                 GLsizei /* width */,
                                                 GLsizei /* height */,
                                                 GLenum /* format */,
                                                 GLsizei /* imageSize */,
                                                 const void* /* data */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::CopyTexImage2D(GLenum /* target */,
                                        GLint /* level */,
                                        GLenum /* internalformat */,
                                        GLint /* x */,
                                        GLint /* y */,
                                        GLsizei /* width */,
                                        GLsizei /* height */,
                                        GLint /* border */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::CopyTexSubImage2D(GLenum /* target */,
                                           GLint /* level */,
                                           GLint /* xoffset */,
                                           GLint /* yoffset */,
                                           GLint /* x */,
                                           GLint /* y */,
                                           GLsizei /* width */,
                                           GLsizei /* height */) {}
GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::CreateProgram() { return 0; }
GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::CreateShader(GLenum /* type */) { return 0; }
void GLES2InterfaceStub::CullFace(GLenum /* mode */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteBuffers(GLsizei /* n */,
                                       const GLuint* /* buffers */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteFramebuffers(GLsizei /* n */,
                                            const GLuint* /* framebuffers */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteProgram(GLuint /* program */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteRenderbuffers(
    GLsizei /* n */,
    const GLuint* /* renderbuffers */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteShader(GLuint /* shader */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteTextures(GLsizei /* n */,
                                        const GLuint* /* textures */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DepthFunc(GLenum /* func */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DepthMask(GLboolean /* flag */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DepthRangef(GLclampf /* zNear */,
                                     GLclampf /* zFar */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DetachShader(GLuint /* program */,
                                      GLuint /* shader */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Disable(GLenum /* cap */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DisableVertexAttribArray(GLuint /* index */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawArrays(GLenum /* mode */,
                                    GLint /* first */,
                                    GLsizei /* count */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawElements(GLenum /* mode */,
                                      GLsizei /* count */,
                                      GLenum /* type */,
                                      const void* /* indices */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Enable(GLenum /* cap */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::EnableVertexAttribArray(GLuint /* index */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Finish() {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Flush() {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::FramebufferRenderbuffer(
    GLenum /* target */,
    GLenum /* attachment */,
    GLenum /* renderbuffertarget */,
    GLuint /* renderbuffer */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::FramebufferTexture2D(GLenum /* target */,
                                              GLenum /* attachment */,
                                              GLenum /* textarget */,
                                              GLuint /* texture */,
                                              GLint /* level */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::FrontFace(GLenum /* mode */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenBuffers(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* buffers */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenerateMipmap(GLenum /* target */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenFramebuffers(GLsizei /* n */,
                                         GLuint* /* framebuffers */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenRenderbuffers(GLsizei /* n */,
                                          GLuint* /* renderbuffers */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenTextures(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* textures */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetActiveAttrib(GLuint /* program */,
                                         GLuint /* index */,
                                         GLsizei /* bufsize */,
                                         GLsizei* /* length */,
                                         GLint* /* size */,
                                         GLenum* /* type */,
                                         char* /* name */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetActiveUniform(GLuint /* program */,
                                          GLuint /* index */,
                                          GLsizei /* bufsize */,
                                          GLsizei* /* length */,
                                          GLint* /* size */,
                                          GLenum* /* type */,
                                          char* /* name */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetAttachedShaders(GLuint /* program */,
                                            GLsizei /* maxcount */,
                                            GLsizei* /* count */,
                                            GLuint* /* shaders */) {}
GLint GLES2InterfaceStub::GetAttribLocation(GLuint /* program */,
                                            const char* /* name */) {
  return 0;
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetBooleanv(GLenum /* pname */,
                                     GLboolean* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetBufferParameteriv(GLenum /* target */,
                                              GLenum /* pname */,
                                              GLint* /* params */) {}
GLenum GLES2InterfaceStub::GetError() { return 0; }
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetFloatv(GLenum /* pname */, GLfloat* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(
    GLenum /* target */,
    GLenum /* attachment */,
    GLenum /* pname */,
    GLint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetIntegerv(GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetProgramiv(GLuint /* program */,
                                      GLenum /* pname */,
                                      GLint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetProgramInfoLog(GLuint /* program */,
                                           GLsizei /* bufsize */,
                                           GLsizei* /* length */,
                                           char* /* infolog */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetRenderbufferParameteriv(GLenum /* target */,
                                                    GLenum /* pname */,
                                                    GLint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetShaderiv(GLuint /* shader */,
                                     GLenum /* pname */,
                                     GLint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetShaderInfoLog(GLuint /* shader */,
                                          GLsizei /* bufsize */,
                                          GLsizei* /* length */,
                                          char* /* infolog */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetShaderPrecisionFormat(GLenum /* shadertype */,
                                                  GLenum /* precisiontype */,
                                                  GLint* /* range */,
                                                  GLint* /* precision */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetShaderSource(GLuint /* shader */,
                                         GLsizei /* bufsize */,
                                         GLsizei* /* length */,
                                         char* /* source */) {}
const GLubyte* GLES2InterfaceStub::GetString(GLenum /* name */) { return 0; }
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetTexParameterfv(GLenum /* target */,
                                           GLenum /* pname */,
                                           GLfloat* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetTexParameteriv(GLenum /* target */,
                                           GLenum /* pname */,
                                           GLint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformfv(GLuint /* program */,
                                      GLint /* location */,
                                      GLfloat* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformiv(GLuint /* program */,
                                      GLint /* location */,
                                      GLint* /* params */) {}
GLint GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformLocation(GLuint /* program */,
                                             const char* /* name */) {
  return 0;
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetVertexAttribfv(GLuint /* index */,
                                           GLenum /* pname */,
                                           GLfloat* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetVertexAttribiv(GLuint /* index */,
                                           GLenum /* pname */,
                                           GLint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetVertexAttribPointerv(GLuint /* index */,
                                                 GLenum /* pname */,
                                                 void** /* pointer */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Hint(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* mode */) {}
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsBuffer(GLuint /* buffer */) { return 0; }
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsEnabled(GLenum /* cap */) { return 0; }
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsFramebuffer(GLuint /* framebuffer */) {
  return 0;
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsProgram(GLuint /* program */) { return 0; }
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsRenderbuffer(GLuint /* renderbuffer */) {
  return 0;
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsShader(GLuint /* shader */) { return 0; }
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsTexture(GLuint /* texture */) { return 0; }
void GLES2InterfaceStub::LineWidth(GLfloat /* width */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::LinkProgram(GLuint /* program */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::PixelStorei(GLenum /* pname */, GLint /* param */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::PolygonOffset(GLfloat /* factor */,
                                       GLfloat /* units */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ReadPixels(GLint /* x */,
                                    GLint /* y */,
                                    GLsizei /* width */,
                                    GLsizei /* height */,
                                    GLenum /* format */,
                                    GLenum /* type */,
                                    void* /* pixels */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ReleaseShaderCompiler() {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::RenderbufferStorage(GLenum /* target */,
                                             GLenum /* internalformat */,
                                             GLsizei /* width */,
                                             GLsizei /* height */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::SampleCoverage(GLclampf /* value */,
                                        GLboolean /* invert */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Scissor(GLint /* x */,
                                 GLint /* y */,
                                 GLsizei /* width */,
                                 GLsizei /* height */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ShaderBinary(GLsizei /* n */,
                                      const GLuint* /* shaders */,
                                      GLenum /* binaryformat */,
                                      const void* /* binary */,
                                      GLsizei /* length */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ShaderSource(GLuint /* shader */,
                                      GLsizei /* count */,
                                      const GLchar* const* /* str */,
                                      const GLint* /* length */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ShallowFinishCHROMIUM() {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ShallowFlushCHROMIUM() {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilFunc(GLenum /* func */,
                                     GLint /* ref */,
                                     GLuint /* mask */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilFuncSeparate(GLenum /* face */,
                                             GLenum /* func */,
                                             GLint /* ref */,
                                             GLuint /* mask */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilMask(GLuint /* mask */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilMaskSeparate(GLenum /* face */,
                                             GLuint /* mask */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilOp(GLenum /* fail */,
                                   GLenum /* zfail */,
                                   GLenum /* zpass */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilOpSeparate(GLenum /* face */,
                                           GLenum /* fail */,
                                           GLenum /* zfail */,
                                           GLenum /* zpass */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexImage2D(GLenum /* target */,
                                    GLint /* level */,
                                    GLint /* internalformat */,
                                    GLsizei /* width */,
                                    GLsizei /* height */,
                                    GLint /* border */,
                                    GLenum /* format */,
                                    GLenum /* type */,
                                    const void* /* pixels */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexParameterf(GLenum /* target */,
                                       GLenum /* pname */,
                                       GLfloat /* param */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexParameterfv(GLenum /* target */,
                                        GLenum /* pname */,
                                        const GLfloat* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexParameteri(GLenum /* target */,
                                       GLenum /* pname */,
                                       GLint /* param */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexParameteriv(GLenum /* target */,
                                        GLenum /* pname */,
                                        const GLint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexSubImage2D(GLenum /* target */,
                                       GLint /* level */,
                                       GLint /* xoffset */,
                                       GLint /* yoffset */,
                                       GLsizei /* width */,
                                       GLsizei /* height */,
                                       GLenum /* format */,
                                       GLenum /* type */,
                                       const void* /* pixels */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform1f(GLint /* location */, GLfloat /* x */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform1fv(GLint /* location */,
                                    GLsizei /* count */,
                                    const GLfloat* /* v */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform1i(GLint /* location */, GLint /* x */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform1iv(GLint /* location */,
                                    GLsizei /* count */,
                                    const GLint* /* v */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform2f(GLint /* location */,
                                   GLfloat /* x */,
                                   GLfloat /* y */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform2fv(GLint /* location */,
                                    GLsizei /* count */,
                                    const GLfloat* /* v */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform2i(GLint /* location */,
                                   GLint /* x */,
                                   GLint /* y */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform2iv(GLint /* location */,
                                    GLsizei /* count */,
                                    const GLint* /* v */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform3f(GLint /* location */,
                                   GLfloat /* x */,
                                   GLfloat /* y */,
                                   GLfloat /* z */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform3fv(GLint /* location */,
                                    GLsizei /* count */,
                                    const GLfloat* /* v */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform3i(GLint /* location */,
                                   GLint /* x */,
                                   GLint /* y */,
                                   GLint /* z */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform3iv(GLint /* location */,
                                    GLsizei /* count */,
                                    const GLint* /* v */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform4f(GLint /* location */,
                                   GLfloat /* x */,
                                   GLfloat /* y */,
                                   GLfloat /* z */,
                                   GLfloat /* w */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform4fv(GLint /* location */,
                                    GLsizei /* count */,
                                    const GLfloat* /* v */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform4i(GLint /* location */,
                                   GLint /* x */,
                                   GLint /* y */,
                                   GLint /* z */,
                                   GLint /* w */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform4iv(GLint /* location */,
                                    GLsizei /* count */,
                                    const GLint* /* v */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix2fv(GLint /* location */,
                                          GLsizei /* count */,
                                          GLboolean /* transpose */,
                                          const GLfloat* /* value */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix3fv(GLint /* location */,
                                          GLsizei /* count */,
                                          GLboolean /* transpose */,
                                          const GLfloat* /* value */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix4fv(GLint /* location */,
                                          GLsizei /* count */,
                                          GLboolean /* transpose */,
                                          const GLfloat* /* value */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::UseProgram(GLuint /* program */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ValidateProgram(GLuint /* program */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib1f(GLuint /* indx */, GLfloat /* x */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib1fv(GLuint /* indx */,
                                         const GLfloat* /* values */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib2f(GLuint /* indx */,
                                        GLfloat /* x */,
                                        GLfloat /* y */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib2fv(GLuint /* indx */,
                                         const GLfloat* /* values */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib3f(GLuint /* indx */,
                                        GLfloat /* x */,
                                        GLfloat /* y */,
                                        GLfloat /* z */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib3fv(GLuint /* indx */,
                                         const GLfloat* /* values */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib4f(GLuint /* indx */,
                                        GLfloat /* x */,
                                        GLfloat /* y */,
                                        GLfloat /* z */,
                                        GLfloat /* w */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib4fv(GLuint /* indx */,
                                         const GLfloat* /* values */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttribPointer(GLuint /* indx */,
                                             GLint /* size */,
                                             GLenum /* type */,
                                             GLboolean /* normalized */,
                                             GLsizei /* stride */,
                                             const void* /* ptr */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::Viewport(GLint /* x */,
                                  GLint /* y */,
                                  GLsizei /* width */,
                                  GLsizei /* height */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlitFramebufferCHROMIUM(GLint /* srcX0 */,
                                                 GLint /* srcY0 */,
                                                 GLint /* srcX1 */,
                                                 GLint /* srcY1 */,
                                                 GLint /* dstX0 */,
                                                 GLint /* dstY0 */,
                                                 GLint /* dstX1 */,
                                                 GLint /* dstY1 */,
                                                 GLbitfield /* mask */,
                                                 GLenum /* filter */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::RenderbufferStorageMultisampleCHROMIUM(
    GLenum /* target */,
    GLsizei /* samples */,
    GLenum /* internalformat */,
    GLsizei /* width */,
    GLsizei /* height */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(
    GLenum /* target */,
    GLsizei /* samples */,
    GLenum /* internalformat */,
    GLsizei /* width */,
    GLsizei /* height */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(
    GLenum /* target */,
    GLenum /* attachment */,
    GLenum /* textarget */,
    GLuint /* texture */,
    GLint /* level */,
    GLsizei /* samples */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexStorage2DEXT(GLenum /* target */,
                                         GLsizei /* levels */,
                                         GLenum /* internalFormat */,
                                         GLsizei /* width */,
                                         GLsizei /* height */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenQueriesEXT(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* queries */) {
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteQueriesEXT(GLsizei /* n */,
                                          const GLuint* /* queries */) {}
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsQueryEXT(GLuint /* id */) { return 0; }
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BeginQueryEXT(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* id */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::EndQueryEXT(GLenum /* target */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetQueryivEXT(GLenum /* target */,
                                       GLenum /* pname */,
                                       GLint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetQueryObjectuivEXT(GLuint /* id */,
                                              GLenum /* pname */,
                                              GLuint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::InsertEventMarkerEXT(GLsizei /* length */,
                                              const GLchar* /* marker */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::PushGroupMarkerEXT(GLsizei /* length */,
                                            const GLchar* /* marker */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::PopGroupMarkerEXT() {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenVertexArraysOES(GLsizei /* n */,
                                            GLuint* /* arrays */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteVertexArraysOES(GLsizei /* n */,
                                               const GLuint* /* arrays */) {}
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsVertexArrayOES(GLuint /* array */) { return 0; }
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindVertexArrayOES(GLuint /* array */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::SwapBuffers() {}
GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::GetMaxValueInBufferCHROMIUM(GLuint /* buffer_id */,
                                                       GLsizei /* count */,
                                                       GLenum /* type */,
                                                       GLuint /* offset */) {
  return 0;
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenSharedIdsCHROMIUM(GLuint /* namespace_id */,
                                              GLuint /* id_offset */,
                                              GLsizei /* n */,
                                              GLuint* /* ids */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteSharedIdsCHROMIUM(GLuint /* namespace_id */,
                                                 GLsizei /* n */,
                                                 const GLuint* /* ids */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::RegisterSharedIdsCHROMIUM(GLuint /* namespace_id */,
                                                   GLsizei /* n */,
                                                   const GLuint* /* ids */) {}
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::EnableFeatureCHROMIUM(const char* /* feature */) {
  return 0;
void* GLES2InterfaceStub::MapBufferCHROMIUM(GLuint /* target */,
                                            GLenum /* access */) {
  return 0;
GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::UnmapBufferCHROMIUM(GLuint /* target */) {
  return 0;
void* GLES2InterfaceStub::MapImageCHROMIUM(GLuint /* image_id */,
                                           GLenum /* access */) {
  return 0;
void GLES2InterfaceStub::UnmapImageCHROMIUM(GLuint /* image_id */) {}
void* GLES2InterfaceStub::MapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM(GLuint /* target */,
                                                   GLintptr /* offset */,
                                                   GLsizeiptr /* size */,
                                                   GLenum /* access */) {
  return 0;
void GLES2InterfaceStub::UnmapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM(const void* /* mem */) {}
void* GLES2InterfaceStub::MapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */,
                                                   GLint /* level */,
                                                   GLint /* xoffset */,
                                                   GLint /* yoffset */,
                                                   GLsizei /* width */,
                                                   GLsizei /* height */,
                                                   GLenum /* format */,
                                                   GLenum /* type */,
                                                   GLenum /* access */) {
  return 0;
void GLES2InterfaceStub::UnmapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM(const void* /* mem */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ResizeCHROMIUM(GLuint /* width */,
                                        GLuint /* height */,
                                        GLfloat /* scale_factor */) {}
const GLchar* GLES2InterfaceStub::GetRequestableExtensionsCHROMIUM() {
  return 0;
void GLES2InterfaceStub::RequestExtensionCHROMIUM(const char* /* extension */) {
void GLES2InterfaceStub::RateLimitOffscreenContextCHROMIUM() {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetMultipleIntegervCHROMIUM(const GLenum* /* pnames */,
                                                     GLuint /* count */,
                                                     GLint* /* results */,
                                                     GLsizeiptr /* size */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetProgramInfoCHROMIUM(GLuint /* program */,
                                                GLsizei /* bufsize */,
                                                GLsizei* /* size */,
                                                void* /* info */) {}
GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::CreateStreamTextureCHROMIUM(GLuint /* texture */) {
  return 0;
GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::CreateImageCHROMIUM(GLsizei /* width */,
                                               GLsizei /* height */,
                                               GLenum /* internalformat */) {
  return 0;
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DestroyImageCHROMIUM(GLuint /* image_id */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetImageParameterivCHROMIUM(GLuint /* image_id */,
                                                     GLenum /* pname */,
                                                     GLint* /* params */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(GLuint /* shader */,
                                                        GLsizei /* bufsize */,
                                                        GLsizei* /* length */,
                                                        char* /* source */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::PostSubBufferCHROMIUM(GLint /* x */,
                                               GLint /* y */,
                                               GLint /* width */,
                                               GLint /* height */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexImageIOSurface2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */,
                                                     GLsizei /* width */,
                                                     GLsizei /* height */,
                                                     GLuint /* ioSurfaceId */,
                                                     GLuint /* plane */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::CopyTextureCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */,
                                             GLenum /* source_id */,
                                             GLenum /* dest_id */,
                                             GLint /* level */,
                                             GLint /* internalformat */,
                                             GLenum /* dest_type */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawArraysInstancedANGLE(GLenum /* mode */,
                                                  GLint /* first */,
                                                  GLsizei /* count */,
                                                  GLsizei /* primcount */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawElementsInstancedANGLE(GLenum /* mode */,
                                                    GLsizei /* count */,
                                                    GLenum /* type */,
                                                    const void* /* indices */,
                                                    GLsizei /* primcount */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttribDivisorANGLE(GLuint /* index */,
                                                  GLuint /* divisor */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenMailboxCHROMIUM(GLbyte* /* mailbox */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ProduceTextureCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */,
                                                const GLbyte* /* mailbox */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */,
                                                const GLbyte* /* mailbox */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindUniformLocationCHROMIUM(GLuint /* program */,
                                                     GLint /* location */,
                                                     const char* /* name */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */,
                                                GLint /* imageId */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::ReleaseTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */,
                                                   GLint /* imageId */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::TraceBeginCHROMIUM(const char* /* name */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::TraceEndCHROMIUM() {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::AsyncTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */,
                                                    GLint /* level */,
                                                    GLint /* xoffset */,
                                                    GLint /* yoffset */,
                                                    GLsizei /* width */,
                                                    GLsizei /* height */,
                                                    GLenum /* format */,
                                                    GLenum /* type */,
                                                    const void* /* data */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::AsyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */,
                                                 GLint /* level */,
                                                 GLint /* internalformat */,
                                                 GLsizei /* width */,
                                                 GLsizei /* height */,
                                                 GLint /* border */,
                                                 GLenum /* format */,
                                                 GLenum /* type */,
                                                 const void* /* pixels */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::WaitAsyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::WaitAllAsyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM() {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DiscardFramebufferEXT(
    GLenum /* target */,
    GLsizei /* count */,
    const GLenum* /* attachments */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::LoseContextCHROMIUM(GLenum /* current */,
                                             GLenum /* other */) {}
GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::InsertSyncPointCHROMIUM() { return 0; }
void GLES2InterfaceStub::WaitSyncPointCHROMIUM(GLuint /* sync_point */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawBuffersEXT(GLsizei /* count */,
                                        const GLenum* /* bufs */) {}
void GLES2InterfaceStub::DiscardBackbufferCHROMIUM() {}

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