
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *   Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


# include "gnashconfig.h" // For exp2 test

#include "Range2d.h"
#include "GnashKey.h"
#include "sound_handler.h" // for creating the "test" sound handlers
#include "Renderer.h" // for dtor visibility by auto_ptr
#include "Movie.h" 
#include "ManualClock.h" // for composition
#include "RunResources.h" // For initialization.
#include "movie_root.h"

#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <memory> // for auto_ptr
#include <string> 
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <cmath>

#define check_pixel(x, y, radius, color, tolerance) \
                std::stringstream ss; \
                ss << "[" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "]"; \
                tester.checkPixel(x, y, radius, color, tolerance, ss.str(), false); \

#define xcheck_pixel(x, y, radius, color, tolerance) \
                std::stringstream ss; \
                ss << "[" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "]"; \
                tester.checkPixel(x, y, radius, color, tolerance, ss.str(), true); \

// Forward declarations
namespace gnash {
        class movie_definition;
        class movie_root;
        class MovieClip;
        class DisplayObject;
        class FuzzyPixel;
        class VirtualClock;
        class rgba;

namespace gnash {

/// A table of built renderers
class TestingRenderer


        TestingRenderer(boost::shared_ptr<Renderer> renderer,
            const std::string& name)

        const std::string& getName() const { return _name; }

        /// Return the underlying render handler
    boost::shared_ptr<Renderer> getRenderer() const { return _renderer; }


        std::string _name;
    boost::shared_ptr<Renderer> _renderer;

/// An utility class for testing movie playback
/// This is a just born implementation and doesn't
/// have much more then simply loading a movie and
/// providing a function to find DisplayItems by name
/// More functions will be added when needed.
class MovieTester
        /// Fully load the movie at the specified location
        /// and create an instance of it.
        /// Also, initialize any built renderer capable of in-memory
        /// rendering to allow testing of it.
        /// The renderer(s) will be initialized with a memory
        /// buffer with the size found in the SWF header
        MovieTester(const std::string& filespec);

        /// Advance the movie by one frame
        /// @param updateClock
        ///     If true (the default), this method also
        ///     advances the clock by the nominal delay expected
        ///     between frame advancements before performing the
        ///     actual playhead advancement.
        void advance(bool updateClock=true);

        /// Advance the clock by the given amount of milliseconds
        void advanceClock(unsigned long ms);

        /// Fully redraw of current frame
        /// This function forces complete redraw in all testing
        /// renderers.
        void redraw();

        /// Return the invalidated ranges in PIXELS
        /// This is to debug/test partial rendering
        geometry::SnappingRanges2d<int> getInvalidatedRanges() const;

        /// Find a DisplayObject in the display list of a sprite by name.
        /// Return NULL if there's no DisplayObject with that name in
        /// the sprite's display list.
        const DisplayObject* findDisplayItemByName(const MovieClip& mc,
                        const std::string& name);

        /// Find a DisplayObject on the stage by full target name.
        /// Return NULL if there's no DisplayObject reachable with that target.
        const DisplayObject* findDisplayItemByTarget(const std::string& tgt);

        /// Find a DisplayObject in the display list of a sprite by depth.
        /// Return NULL if there's no DisplayObject at that depth in
        /// the sprite's display list.
        const DisplayObject* findDisplayItemByDepth(const MovieClip& mc,
                        int depth);

        /// Get the topmost sprite instance of this movie
    /// We const_cast this because we don't care.
        gnash::MovieClip* getRootMovie() {
                return const_cast<Movie*>(&_movie_root->getRootMovie());

        /// Notify mouse pointer movement to the given coordinate
        /// Coordinates are in pixels
        void movePointerTo(int x, int y);

        /// Check color of the average pixel under the mouse pointer 
        /// This method will test any built renderer.
        /// @param x
        ///     The x coordinate of the point being the center
        ///     of the circle you want to compute the average color of.
        /// @param y
        ///     The y coordinate of the point being the center
        ///     of the circle you want to compute the average color of.
        /// @param radius
        ///     Radius defining the average zone used.
        ///     1 means a single pixel.
        ///     Behaviour of passing 0 is undefined.
        /// @param color
        ///     The color we expect to find under the pointer.
        /// @param tolerance
        ///     The tolerated difference of any r,g,b,a values.
        ///     Note that the actual tolerance used for comparison might
        ///     be bigger then the given one depending on the minimum tolerance
        ///     supported by the renderers being tested, being a function of color
        ///     depth. For example, comparisions against 16bpp renderers will use
        ///     at tolerance of at least 8.
        /// @param label
        ///     A label to use in test results.
        /// @param expectFailure
        ///     Set to true if a failure is expected. Defaults to false.
        void checkPixel(int x, int y, unsigned radius, const rgba& color,
                        short unsigned tolerance, const std::string& label, bool expectFailure=false) const;

    VM& vm() {
        return _movie_root->getVM();

        /// Notify mouse button was pressed
        void pressMouseButton();

        /// Notify mouse button was depressed
        void depressMouseButton();

        /// Simulate a mouse click (press and depress mouse button)
        void click();

    /// Simulate a mouse scroll.
    /// The only values seen so far are -1 and 1, but documented to be
    /// usually between -3 and 3. 1 is up, -1 is down.
    void scrollMouse(int delta);

        /// Notify key press
        /// See key codes in namespace gnash::key (GnashKey.h)
        void pressKey(key::code k);

        /// Notify key release
        /// See key codes in namespace gnash::key (GnashKey.h)
        void releaseKey(key::code k);

        /// Return true if the currently active 
        /// DisplayObject is over a DisplayObject that
        /// handles mouse events
        bool isMouseOverMouseEntity();

        /// Return true if a gui would be using an hand
        /// cursor in the current position.
        bool usingHandCursor();

        /// \brief
        /// Return the number of times a sound has been stopped,
        /// or 0 if sound testing is not supported. See canTestSound().
        int soundsStopped();

        /// \brief
        /// Return the number of times a sound has been started,
        /// or 0 if sound testing is not supported. See canTestSound().
        int soundsStarted();

        /// Return true if this build of MovieTester supports sound testing
        /// Sound will be supported as long as a sound handler was compiled in.
        bool canTestSound() const { return _sound_handler.get() != NULL; }

        /// Return true if this build of MovieTester supports pixel checking 
        /// Pixel checking will be supported as long as a testing-capable render handler
        /// was compiled in. Testing-capable means capable of off-screen rendering, which
        /// is implementing the Renderer::initTestBuffer method.
        bool canTestRendering() const { return ! _testingRenderers.empty(); }

        /// Return true if this build of gnash supports video
        bool canTestVideo() const;

        /// Restart the movie
        /// NOTE: the movie returned by getRootMovie() will likely be
        ///       NOT the real root movie anymore, so call getRootMovie
        ///       again after this call.
        void restart();

    /// Simulate a manually resized view.
    /// If scaleMode != noScale, the renderers are instructed
    /// to scale the view.
    void resizeStage(int x, int y) ; 


        /// Initialize testing renderers
        void initTestingRenderers();

        /// Initialize sound handlers
        /// For now this function initializes a single sound handler,
        /// the one enabled at configure time.
        /// In the future it might initialize multiple ones (maybe)
        void initTestingSoundHandlers();

        /// Initialize media handlers
        /// For now this function initializes a single media handler,
        /// the one enabled at configure time.
        /// In the future it might initialize multiple ones (maybe)
        void initTestingMediaHandlers();

        /// Render the current movie to all testing renderers
        /// This function calls movie_root::display internally
        void render();

        /// Render the current movie to a specific testing renderer
        /// @param renderer
        ///     The renderer to draw to. It will be temporarly set as
        ///     the global renderer in the gnash core lib.
        /// @param invalidated
        ///     The invalidated ranges as computed by the core lib.
        void render(boost::shared_ptr<Renderer> renderer,
            InvalidatedRanges& invalidated);

        /// Add a testing renderer to the list, initializing it with current
    //viewport size
        void addTestingRenderer(boost::shared_ptr<Renderer> h,
            const std::string& name);

        gnash::movie_root* _movie_root;

        boost::intrusive_ptr<gnash::movie_definition> _movie_def;

    boost::shared_ptr<sound::sound_handler> _sound_handler;

    boost::shared_ptr<media::MediaHandler> _mediaHandler;

    std::auto_ptr<RunResources> _runResources;
        /// Current pointer position - X ordinate
        int _x;

        /// Current pointer position - Y ordinate
        int _y;

        /// Current viewport width
        unsigned _width;

        /// Current viewport height
        unsigned _height;

        /// Invalidated bounds of the movie after last
        /// advance call. They are cached here so we
        /// can safely call ::display w/out wiping this
        /// information out.
        InvalidatedRanges _invalidatedBounds;

    typedef std::vector<TestingRenderer> TestingRenderers;

        TestingRenderers _testingRenderers;

        // When true, pass world invalidated ranges
        // to the renderer(s) at ::render time.
        bool _forceRedraw;

        /// Virtual clock to use to let test runners
        /// control time flow
        ManualClock _clock;

        /// number of samples fetched 
        unsigned int _samplesFetched;      

// exp2 isn't part of standard C++, so is defined here in case the compiler
// doesn't supply it (e.g. in BSD)
#ifndef HAVE_EXP2
inline double   exp2(double x) { return std::pow((double)2, double(x)); }

} // namespace gnash


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