
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. new_camera
  2. delete_camera
  3. camera_invalidate
  4. camera_frustum_from_matrix
  5. camera_get_orientation
  6. camera_set_2d
  7. camera_update_stereo
  8. camera_update
  9. camera_set_vectors
  10. camera_reset_viewpoint
  11. camera_move_to
  12. camera_stop_anim
  13. camera_jump
  14. camera_animate
  15. camera_get_pos_dir
  16. camera_get_target_dir
  17. camera_get_right_dir

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / Scene Compositor sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gpac/internal/camera.h>

#include <gpac/options.h>
#include "visual_manager.h"


GF_Camera *new_camera()
        GF_Camera *tmp;
        GF_SAFEALLOC(tmp, GF_Camera);
        if (!tmp) return NULL;
        tmp->speed = 1;

        return tmp;
void delete_camera(GF_Camera *cam)
        if (cam) gf_free(cam);

void camera_invalidate(GF_Camera *cam)
        /*forces recompute of default viewpoint*/
        cam->had_viewpoint = 2;
        cam->had_nav_info = GF_TRUE;
        cam->flags = CAM_IS_DIRTY;
//      cam->navigate_mode = GF_NAVIGATE_NONE;

static void camera_frustum_from_matrix(GF_Camera *cam, GF_Matrix *mx)
        u32 i;

        cam->planes[FRUS_LEFT_PLANE].normal.x = mx->m[3] + mx->m[0];
        cam->planes[FRUS_LEFT_PLANE].normal.y = mx->m[7] + mx->m[4];
        cam->planes[FRUS_LEFT_PLANE].normal.z = mx->m[11] + mx->m[8];
        cam->planes[FRUS_LEFT_PLANE].d = mx->m[15] + mx->m[12];

        cam->planes[FRUS_RIGHT_PLANE].normal.x = mx->m[3] - mx->m[0];
        cam->planes[FRUS_RIGHT_PLANE].normal.y = mx->m[7] - mx->m[4];
        cam->planes[FRUS_RIGHT_PLANE].normal.z = mx->m[11] - mx->m[8];
        cam->planes[FRUS_RIGHT_PLANE].d = mx->m[15] - mx->m[12];

        cam->planes[FRUS_BOTTOM_PLANE].normal.x = mx->m[3] + mx->m[1];
        cam->planes[FRUS_BOTTOM_PLANE].normal.y = mx->m[7] + mx->m[5];
        cam->planes[FRUS_BOTTOM_PLANE].normal.z = mx->m[11] + mx->m[9];
        cam->planes[FRUS_BOTTOM_PLANE].d = mx->m[15] + mx->m[13];

        cam->planes[FRUS_TOP_PLANE].normal.x = mx->m[3] - mx->m[1];
        cam->planes[FRUS_TOP_PLANE].normal.y = mx->m[7] - mx->m[5];
        cam->planes[FRUS_TOP_PLANE].normal.z = mx->m[11] - mx->m[9];
        cam->planes[FRUS_TOP_PLANE].d = mx->m[15] - mx->m[13];

        cam->planes[FRUS_FAR_PLANE].normal.x = mx->m[3] - mx->m[2];
        cam->planes[FRUS_FAR_PLANE].normal.y = mx->m[7] - mx->m[6];
        cam->planes[FRUS_FAR_PLANE].normal.z = mx->m[11] - mx->m[10];
        cam->planes[FRUS_FAR_PLANE].d = mx->m[15] - mx->m[14];

        cam->planes[FRUS_NEAR_PLANE].normal.x = mx->m[3] + mx->m[2];
        cam->planes[FRUS_NEAR_PLANE].normal.y = mx->m[7] + mx->m[6];
        cam->planes[FRUS_NEAR_PLANE].normal.z = mx->m[11] + mx->m[10];
        cam->planes[FRUS_NEAR_PLANE].d = mx->m[15] + mx->m[14];

        for (i=0; i<6; ++i) {
                /*after some testing, it's just safer to move back to float here, the smallest drift will
                result in completely wrong culling...*/
                Float vx, vy, vz, nor;
                vx = FIX2FLT(cam->planes[i].normal.x);
                vy = FIX2FLT(cam->planes[i].normal.y);
                vz = FIX2FLT(cam->planes[i].normal.z);
                nor = (Float) sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz);
                vx /= nor;
                vy /= nor;
                vz /= nor;
                cam->planes[i].d = FLT2FIX (FIX2FLT(cam->planes[i].d) / nor);
                cam->planes[i].normal.x = FLT2FIX(vx);
                cam->planes[i].normal.y = FLT2FIX(vy);
                cam->planes[i].normal.z = FLT2FIX(vz);
                Float len = (Float)(1.0f / gf_vec_len(cam->planes[i].normal));
                cam->planes[i].normal = gf_vec_scale(cam->planes[i].normal, len);
                cam->planes[i].d *= len;

                /*compute p-vertex idx*/
                cam->p_idx[i] = gf_plane_get_p_vertex_idx(&cam->planes[i]);

/*based on  Copyright (C) 1995  Stephen Chenney (*/
SFRotation camera_get_orientation(SFVec3f pos, SFVec3f target, SFVec3f up)
        SFVec3f dir, tmp, v, axis, new_y;
        SFVec4f norm, inv_norm, y_quat, ny_quat, rot_y, rot;

        gf_vec_diff(dir, target, pos);
        tmp = gf_vec_scale(dir, gf_vec_dot(up, dir));
        gf_vec_diff(v, up, tmp);
        axis.x = dir.y;
        axis.y = -dir.x;
        axis.z = 0;

        if (gf_vec_dot(axis, axis) < FIX_EPSILON) {
                if (dir.z> 0) {
                        norm.x = 0;
                        norm.y = FIX_ONE;
                        norm.z = 0;
                        norm.q = 0;
                } else {
                        norm.x = 0;
                        norm.y = 0;
                        norm.z = 0;
                        norm.q = FIX_ONE;
        } else {
                norm = gf_quat_from_axis_cos(axis, -dir.z);
        /* Find the inverse rotation. */
        inv_norm.x = -norm.x;
        inv_norm.y = -norm.y;
        inv_norm.z = -norm.z;
        inv_norm.q = norm.q;
        /* Rotate the y. */
        y_quat.x = y_quat.z = y_quat.q = 0;
        y_quat.y = FIX_ONE;
        ny_quat = gf_quat_multiply(&norm, &y_quat);
        ny_quat = gf_quat_multiply(&ny_quat, &inv_norm);

        new_y.x = ny_quat.x;
        new_y.y = ny_quat.y;
        new_y.z = ny_quat.z;

        tmp = gf_vec_cross(new_y, v);

        if (gf_vec_dot(tmp, tmp) < FIX_EPSILON) {
                /* The old and new may be pointing in the same or opposite. Need
                ** to generate a vector perpendicular to the old or new y.
                tmp.x = 0;
                tmp.y = -v.z;
                tmp.z = v.y;
                if (gf_vec_dot(tmp, tmp) < FIX_EPSILON) {
                        tmp.x = v.z;
                        tmp.y = 0;
                        tmp.z = -v.x;

        rot_y = gf_quat_from_axis_cos(tmp, gf_vec_dot(new_y, v));

        /* rot_y holds the rotation about the initial camera direction needed
        ** to align the up vectors in the final position.

        /* Put the 2 rotations together. */
        rot = gf_quat_multiply(&rot_y, &norm);
        return gf_quat_to_rotation(&rot);

#define FAR_PLANE_2D    -10000
#define NEAR_PLANE_2D   1000

void camera_set_2d(GF_Camera *cam)
        cam->is_3D = GF_FALSE;
        cam->position.x = cam->position.y = 0;
        cam->position.z = INT2FIX(NEAR_PLANE_2D);
        cam->up.x = cam->up.z = 0;
        cam->up.y = FIX_ONE;
        cam->target.x = cam->target.y = cam->target.z = 0;
        cam->vp_position = cam->position;
        cam->vp_orientation.x = cam->vp_orientation.y = 0;
        cam->vp_orientation.q = 0;
        cam->vp_orientation.y = FIX_ONE;
        cam->vp_fov = cam->fieldOfView = FLT2FIX(0.785398);
        cam->vp_dist = INT2FIX(NEAR_PLANE_2D);
        cam->end_zoom = FIX_ONE;

void camera_update_stereo(GF_Camera *cam, GF_Matrix2D *user_transform, Bool center_coords, Fixed horizontal_shift, Fixed nominal_view_distance, Fixed view_distance_offset, u32 camera_layout)
        Fixed vlen, h, w, ar;
        SFVec3f corner, center;
        GF_Matrix post_model_view;

        if (! (cam->flags & CAM_IS_DIRTY)) return;

        ar = gf_divfix(cam->width, cam->height);

        if (cam->is_3D) {
                /*setup perspective*/
                if (camera_layout==GF_3D_CAMERA_OFFAXIS) {
                        Fixed left, right, top, bottom, shift, wd2, ndfl, viewing_distance;
                        SFVec3f eye, pos, tar, disp;

                        viewing_distance = nominal_view_distance;

                        wd2 = gf_mulfix(cam->z_near, gf_tan(cam->fieldOfView/2));
                        ndfl = gf_divfix(cam->z_near, viewing_distance);
                        /*compute h displacement*/
                        shift = gf_mulfix(horizontal_shift, ndfl);

                        top = wd2;
                        bottom = -top;
                        left = -gf_mulfix(ar, wd2) - shift;
                        right = gf_mulfix(ar, wd2) - shift;

                        cam->projection.m[0] = gf_divfix(2*cam->z_near, (right-left));
                        cam->projection.m[5] = gf_divfix(2*cam->z_near, (top-bottom));
                        cam->projection.m[8] = gf_divfix(right+left, right-left);
                        cam->projection.m[9] = gf_divfix(top+bottom, top-bottom);
                        cam->projection.m[10] = gf_divfix(cam->z_far+cam->z_near, cam->z_near-cam->z_far);
                        cam->projection.m[11] = -FIX_ONE;
                        cam->projection.m[14] = 2*gf_muldiv(cam->z_near, cam->z_far, cam->z_near-cam->z_far);
                        cam->projection.m[15] = 0;

                        gf_vec_diff(eye, cam->target, cam->position);
                        disp = gf_vec_cross(eye, cam->up);

                        gf_vec_diff(center, cam->, cam->position);
                        vlen = gf_vec_len(center);
                        shift = gf_mulfix(horizontal_shift, gf_divfix(vlen, viewing_distance));

                        pos = gf_vec_scale(disp, shift);
                        gf_vec_add(pos, pos, cam->position);
                        gf_vec_add(tar, pos, eye);

                        /*setup modelview*/
                        gf_mx_lookat(&cam->modelview, pos, tar, cam->up);
                } else {
                        gf_mx_perspective(&cam->projection, cam->fieldOfView, ar, cam->z_near, cam->z_far);

                        /*setup modelview*/
                        gf_mx_lookat(&cam->modelview, cam->position, cam->target, cam->up);

                if (!center_coords) {
                        gf_mx_add_scale(&post_model_view, FIX_ONE, -FIX_ONE, FIX_ONE);
                        gf_mx_add_translation(&post_model_view, -cam->width / 2, -cam->height / 2, 0);

                /*compute center and radius - CHECK ME!*/
                vlen = cam->z_far - cam->z_near;
                h = gf_mulfix(vlen , gf_tan(cam->fieldOfView / 2));
                w = gf_mulfix(h, ar);
                center.x = 0;
                center.y = 0;
                center.z = cam->z_near + vlen / 2;
                corner.x = w;
                corner.y = h;
                corner.z = vlen;
                gf_vec_diff(corner, corner, center);
                cam->radius = gf_vec_len(corner);
                gf_vec_diff(cam->center, cam->target, cam->position);
                cam->center = gf_vec_scale(cam->center, cam->z_near + vlen/2);
                gf_vec_add(cam->center, cam->center, cam->position);
        } else {
                GF_BBox b;
                Fixed hw, hh;
                hw = cam->width / 2;
                hh = cam->height / 2;
                cam->z_near = INT2FIX(NEAR_PLANE_2D);
                cam->z_far = INT2FIX(FAR_PLANE_2D);

                /*setup ortho*/
                gf_mx_ortho(&cam->projection, -hw, hw, -hh, hh, cam->z_near, cam->z_far);

                /*setup modelview*/
                if (! (cam->flags & CAM_NO_LOOKAT))
                        gf_mx_lookat(&cam->modelview, cam->position, cam->target, cam->up);

                if (!center_coords) {
                        gf_mx_add_scale(&post_model_view, FIX_ONE, -FIX_ONE, FIX_ONE);
                        gf_mx_add_translation(&post_model_view, -hw, -hh, 0);
                if (user_transform) {
                        if (! (cam->flags & CAM_NO_LOOKAT)) {
                                GF_Matrix mx;
                                gf_mx_from_mx2d(&mx, user_transform);
                                mx.m[10] = mx.m[0];
                                gf_mx_add_matrix(&post_model_view, &mx);
                        } else
                                gf_mx_add_matrix_2d(&post_model_view, user_transform);
                if (cam->end_zoom != FIX_ONE) gf_mx_add_scale(&post_model_view, cam->end_zoom, cam->end_zoom, cam->end_zoom);
                if (cam->flags & CAM_HAS_VIEWPORT) gf_mx_add_matrix(&post_model_view, &cam->viewport);

                /*compute center & radius*/
                b.max_edge.x = hw;
                b.max_edge.y = hh;
                b.min_edge.x = -hw;
                b.min_edge.y = -hh;
                b.min_edge.z = b.max_edge.z = (cam->z_near+cam->z_far) / 2;
                cam->center =;
                cam->radius = b.radius;

                if (camera_layout==GF_3D_CAMERA_OFFAXIS)

        if (camera_layout == GF_3D_CAMERA_CIRCULAR) {
                GF_Matrix mx;
                Fixed viewing_distance = nominal_view_distance;
                SFVec3f pos, target;
                Fixed angle;

                gf_vec_diff(center, cam->, cam->position);
                vlen = gf_vec_len(center);
                vlen += gf_mulfix(view_distance_offset, gf_divfix(vlen, nominal_view_distance));

                gf_vec_diff(pos, cam->target, cam->position);
                pos = gf_vec_scale(pos, vlen);
                gf_vec_add(target, pos, cam->position);

                gf_mx_add_translation(&mx, target.x, target.y, target.z);
                angle = gf_atan2(horizontal_shift, viewing_distance);
                gf_mx_add_rotation(&mx, angle, cam->up.x, cam->up.y, cam->up.z);
                gf_mx_add_translation(&mx, -target.x, -target.y, -target.z);

                pos = cam->position;
                gf_mx_apply_vec(&mx, &pos);

                gf_mx_lookat(&cam->modelview, pos, target, cam->up);
        } else if (camera_layout == GF_3D_CAMERA_LINEAR) {
                Fixed viewing_distance = nominal_view_distance + view_distance_offset;
                GF_Vec eye, disp, pos, tar;

                gf_vec_diff(center, cam->, cam->position);
                vlen = gf_vec_len(center);
                vlen += gf_mulfix(view_distance_offset, gf_divfix(vlen, nominal_view_distance));

                gf_vec_diff(eye, cam->target, cam->position);
                tar = gf_vec_scale(eye, vlen);
                gf_vec_add(tar, tar, cam->position);

                disp = gf_vec_cross(eye, cam->up);

                disp= gf_vec_scale(disp, gf_divfix(gf_mulfix(vlen, horizontal_shift), viewing_distance));
                gf_vec_add(pos, cam->position, disp);

                gf_mx_lookat(&cam->modelview, pos, tar, cam->up);
        gf_mx_add_matrix(&cam->modelview, &post_model_view);

        /*compute frustum planes*/
        gf_mx_copy(cam->unprojection, cam->projection);
        gf_mx_add_matrix_4x4(&cam->unprojection, &cam->modelview);
        camera_frustum_from_matrix(cam, &cam->unprojection);
        /*also compute reverse PM for unprojections*/
        cam->flags &= ~CAM_IS_DIRTY;

void camera_update(GF_Camera *cam, GF_Matrix2D *user_transform, Bool center_coords)
        camera_update_stereo(cam, user_transform, center_coords, 0, 0, 0, GF_3D_CAMERA_STRAIGHT);
void camera_set_vectors(GF_Camera *cam, SFVec3f pos, SFRotation ori, Fixed fov)
        Fixed sin_a, cos_a, icos_a, tmp;

        cam->fieldOfView = fov;
        cam->last_pos = cam->position;
        cam->position = pos;
        /*compute up & target vectors in local system*/
        sin_a = gf_sin(ori.q);
        cos_a = gf_cos(ori.q);
        icos_a = FIX_ONE - cos_a;
        tmp = gf_mulfix(icos_a, ori.z);
        cam->target.x = gf_mulfix(ori.x, tmp) + gf_mulfix(sin_a, ori.y);
        cam->target.y = gf_mulfix(ori.y, tmp) - gf_mulfix(sin_a, ori.x);
        cam->target.z = gf_mulfix(ori.z, tmp) + cos_a;
        cam->target = gf_vec_scale(cam->target, -cam->vp_dist);
        gf_vec_add(cam->target, cam->target, pos);
        tmp = gf_mulfix(icos_a, ori.y);
        cam->up.x = gf_mulfix(ori.x, tmp) - gf_mulfix(sin_a, ori.z);
        cam->up.y = gf_mulfix(ori.y, tmp) + cos_a;
        cam->up.z = gf_mulfix(ori.z, tmp) + gf_mulfix(sin_a, ori.x);
        cam->flags |= CAM_IS_DIRTY;

void camera_reset_viewpoint(GF_Camera *cam, Bool animate)
        if (!animate || (cam->had_viewpoint==2) ) {
                camera_set_vectors(cam, cam->vp_position, cam->vp_orientation, cam->vp_fov);
                cam->last_pos = cam->vp_position;
                cam->anim_len = 0;
        if (cam->is_3D)
                cam->start_pos = cam->position;
                cam->start_ori = camera_get_orientation(cam->position, cam->target, cam->up);
                cam->start_fov = cam->fieldOfView;
                cam->end_pos = cam->vp_position;
                cam->end_ori = cam->vp_orientation;
                cam->end_fov = cam->vp_fov;

                cam->flags |= CAM_IS_DIRTY;
                cam->anim_start = 0;
                cam->anim_len = 1000;
        else {
                cam->start_zoom = FIX_ONE;
                cam->start_trans.x = cam->start_trans.y = 0;
                cam->start_rot.x = cam->start_rot.y = 0;
                cam->flags |= CAM_IS_DIRTY;
                /*no animation on 3D viewports*/
                cam->anim_start = cam->anim_len = 0;

void camera_move_to(GF_Camera *cam, SFVec3f pos, SFVec3f target, SFVec3f up)
        if (!cam->anim_len) {
                cam->start_pos = cam->position;
                cam->start_ori = camera_get_orientation(cam->position, cam->target, cam->up);
                cam->start_fov = cam->fieldOfView;
        cam->end_pos = pos;
        cam->end_ori = camera_get_orientation(pos, target, up);
        cam->end_fov = cam->fieldOfView;

        cam->flags |= CAM_IS_DIRTY;
        cam->anim_start = 0;
        cam->anim_len = 100;

void camera_stop_anim(GF_Camera *cam)
        cam->anim_len = 0;

void camera_jump(GF_Camera *cam)
        /*no "double-jump" :)*/
        if (cam->jumping) return;
        cam->anim_start = 0;
        cam->anim_len = 1000;
        cam->jumping = GF_TRUE;
        cam->flags |= CAM_IS_DIRTY;

Bool camera_animate(GF_Camera *cam)
        u32 now;
        Fixed frac;
        if (!cam->anim_len) return GF_FALSE;

        if (cam->jumping) {
                if (!cam->anim_start) {
                        cam->anim_start = gf_sys_clock();
                        cam->dheight = 0;
                        return GF_TRUE;
                cam->position.y -= cam->dheight;
                cam->target.y -= cam->dheight;

                now = gf_sys_clock() - cam->anim_start;
                if (now > cam->anim_len) {
                        cam->anim_len = 0;
                        cam->jumping = GF_FALSE;
                        cam->flags |= CAM_IS_DIRTY;
                        return GF_TRUE;
                frac = FLT2FIX ( ((Float) now) / cam->anim_len);
                if (frac>FIX_ONE / 2) frac = FIX_ONE - frac;
                cam->dheight = gf_mulfix(cam->avatar_size.y, frac);
                cam->position.y += cam->dheight;
                cam->target.y += cam->dheight;
                cam->flags |= CAM_IS_DIRTY;
                return GF_TRUE;

        if (!cam->anim_start) {
                cam->anim_start = gf_sys_clock();
                frac = 0;
        } else {
                now = gf_sys_clock() - cam->anim_start;
                if (now > cam->anim_len) {
                        cam->anim_len = 0;
                        if (cam->is_3D)
                                camera_set_vectors(cam, cam->end_pos, cam->end_ori, cam->end_fov);
                                cam->end_zoom = FIX_ONE;
                        else {
                                cam->flags |= CAM_IS_DIRTY;

                        if (cam->flags & CF_STORE_VP) {
                                cam->flags &= ~CF_STORE_VP;
                                cam->vp_position = cam->position;
                                cam->vp_fov = cam->fieldOfView;
                                cam->vp_orientation = camera_get_orientation(cam->position, cam->target, cam->up);
                        return GF_TRUE;
                } else {
                        frac = FLT2FIX( ((Float) now) / cam->anim_len);

        if (cam->is_3D)
                SFVec3f pos, dif;
                SFRotation rot;
                Fixed fov;
                rot = gf_sg_sfrotation_interpolate(cam->start_ori, cam->end_ori, frac);
                gf_vec_diff(dif, cam->end_pos, cam->start_pos);
                dif = gf_vec_scale(dif, frac);
                gf_vec_add(pos, cam->start_pos, dif);
                fov = gf_mulfix(cam->end_fov - cam->start_fov, frac) + cam->start_fov;
                cam->end_zoom = frac + gf_mulfix((FIX_ONE-frac), cam->start_zoom);
                camera_set_vectors(cam, pos, rot, fov);
        return GF_TRUE;

SFVec3f camera_get_pos_dir(GF_Camera *cam)
        SFVec3f v;
        gf_vec_diff(v, cam->position, cam->target);
        return v;
SFVec3f camera_get_target_dir(GF_Camera *cam)
        SFVec3f v;
        gf_vec_diff(v, cam->target, cam->position);
        return v;
SFVec3f camera_get_right_dir(GF_Camera *cam)
        SFVec3f v, pos;
        pos = camera_get_pos_dir(cam);
        v = gf_vec_cross(cam->up, pos );
        return v;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */