pos 432 samples/lineprocessor.cc for (char* pos = buffer; *pos != '\0'; pos++) { pos 433 samples/lineprocessor.cc if (*pos == '\n') { pos 434 samples/lineprocessor.cc *pos = '\0'; pos 3918 src/api.cc int pos = 0; pos 3921 src/api.cc for (i = 0; i < len && (capacity == -1 || pos < fast_end); i++) { pos 3923 src/api.cc int written = unibrow::Utf8::Encode(buffer + pos, c, previous); pos 3924 src/api.cc pos += written; pos 3933 src/api.cc for (; i < len && pos < capacity; i++) { pos 3941 src/api.cc ASSERT(pos < capacity); pos 3942 src/api.cc int written = unibrow::Utf8::Encode(buffer + pos, c, previous); pos 3944 src/api.cc pos += written; pos 3951 src/api.cc if (pos + written <= capacity) { pos 3953 src/api.cc buffer[pos + j] = intermediate[j]; pos 3954 src/api.cc pos += written; pos 3966 src/api.cc (i == len && (capacity == -1 || pos < capacity))) pos 3967 src/api.cc buffer[pos++] = '\0'; pos 3968 src/api.cc return pos; pos 359 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc desc->reloc_size = (buffer_ + buffer_size_) - reloc_info_writer.pos(); pos 554 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc Instr instr = instr_at(pos); pos 566 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc return pos + kPcLoadDelta + imm26; pos 571 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc Instr instr = instr_at(pos); pos 576 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc instr_at_put(pos, target_pos + (Code::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag)); pos 579 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc int imm26 = target_pos - (pos + kPcLoadDelta); pos 591 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc instr_at_put(pos, instr | (imm24 & kImm24Mask)); pos 599 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc PrintF("bound label to %d\n", L->pos()); pos 604 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc PrintF("@ %d ", l.pos()); pos 605 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc Instr instr = instr_at(l.pos()); pos 654 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc ASSERT(0 <= pos && pos <= pc_offset()); // must have a valid binding position pos 656 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc int fixup_pos = L->pos(); pos 658 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc target_at_put(fixup_pos, pos); pos 660 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc L->bind_to(pos); pos 664 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc if (pos > last_bound_pos_) pos 665 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc last_bound_pos_ = pos; pos 674 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc int link = L->pos(); pos 680 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc target_at_put(fixup_pos, appendix->pos()); pos 698 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc int link = target_at(L->pos()); pos 992 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc target_pos = L->pos(); pos 995 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc target_pos = L->pos(); // L's link pos 1012 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc target_pos = L->pos(); pos 1015 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc target_pos = L->pos(); // L's link pos 2464 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc desc.reloc_size = (buffer_ + buffer_size_) - reloc_info_writer.pos(); pos 2470 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc memmove(reloc_info_writer.pos() + rc_delta, pos 2471 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc reloc_info_writer.pos(), desc.reloc_size); pos 2478 src/arm/assembler-arm.cc reloc_info_writer.Reposition(reloc_info_writer.pos() + rc_delta, pos 1169 src/arm/assembler-arm.h return pc_offset() - label->pos(); pos 1253 src/arm/assembler-arm.h Instr instr_at(int pos) { return *reinterpret_cast<Instr*>(buffer_ + pos); } pos 1254 src/arm/assembler-arm.h void instr_at_put(int pos, Instr instr) { pos 1255 src/arm/assembler-arm.h *reinterpret_cast<Instr*>(buffer_ + pos) = instr; pos 1309 src/arm/assembler-arm.h int buffer_space() const { return reloc_info_writer.pos() - pc_; } pos 1312 src/arm/assembler-arm.h int target_at(int pos); pos 1315 src/arm/assembler-arm.h void target_at_put(int pos, int target_pos); pos 1434 src/arm/assembler-arm.h void bind_to(Label* L, int pos); pos 4050 src/arm/code-stubs-arm.cc handler_offset_ = handler_entry.pos(); pos 487 src/arm/code-stubs-arm.h static void PatchBranchIntoNop(MacroAssembler* masm, int pos) { pos 488 src/arm/code-stubs-arm.h masm->instr_at_put(pos, (masm->instr_at(pos) & ~B27) | (B24 | B20)); pos 489 src/arm/code-stubs-arm.h ASSERT(Assembler::IsTstImmediate(masm->instr_at(pos))); pos 492 src/arm/code-stubs-arm.h static void PatchNopIntoBranch(MacroAssembler* masm, int pos) { pos 493 src/arm/code-stubs-arm.h masm->instr_at_put(pos, (masm->instr_at(pos) & ~(B24 | B20)) | B27); pos 494 src/arm/code-stubs-arm.h ASSERT(Assembler::IsBranch(masm->instr_at(pos))); pos 68 src/arm/codegen-arm.h int pos, pos 336 src/arm/lithium-arm.h LParallelMove* GetOrCreateParallelMove(InnerPosition pos, Zone* zone) { pos 337 src/arm/lithium-arm.h if (parallel_moves_[pos] == NULL) { pos 338 src/arm/lithium-arm.h parallel_moves_[pos] = new(zone) LParallelMove(zone); pos 340 src/arm/lithium-arm.h return parallel_moves_[pos]; pos 343 src/arm/lithium-arm.h LParallelMove* GetParallelMove(InnerPosition pos) { pos 344 src/arm/lithium-arm.h return parallel_moves_[pos]; pos 3777 src/arm/macro-assembler-arm.cc ASSERT(masm_.reloc_info_writer.pos() == address_ + size_ + Assembler::kGap); pos 3787 src/arm/macro-assembler-arm.cc ASSERT(masm_.reloc_info_writer.pos() == address_ + size_ + Assembler::kGap); pos 998 src/arm/regexp-macro-assembler-arm.cc int target = label->pos(); pos 1325 src/assembler.cc ASSERT(pos != RelocInfo::kNoPosition); pos 1326 src/assembler.cc ASSERT(pos >= 0); pos 1327 src/assembler.cc state_.current_position = pos; pos 1330 src/assembler.cc gdbjit_lineinfo_->SetPosition(assembler_->pc_offset(), pos, false); pos 1337 src/assembler.cc ASSERT(pos != RelocInfo::kNoPosition); pos 1338 src/assembler.cc ASSERT(pos >= 0); pos 1339 src/assembler.cc state_.current_statement_position = pos; pos 1342 src/assembler.cc gdbjit_lineinfo_->SetPosition(assembler_->pc_offset(), pos, true); pos 107 src/assembler.h int pos() const; pos 122 src/assembler.h void bind_to(int pos) { pos 123 src/assembler.h pos_ = -pos - 1; pos 126 src/assembler.h void link_to(int pos, Distance distance = kFar) { pos 128 src/assembler.h near_link_pos_ = pos + 1; pos 131 src/assembler.h pos_ = pos + 1; pos 398 src/assembler.h RelocInfoWriter(byte* pos, byte* pc) : pos_(pos), pos 403 src/assembler.h byte* pos() const { return pos_; } pos 410 src/assembler.h void Reposition(byte* pos, byte* pc) { pos 411 src/assembler.h pos_ = pos; pos 788 src/assembler.h void RecordPosition(int pos); pos 791 src/assembler.h void RecordStatementPosition(int pos); pos 728 src/ast.h void set_condition_position(int pos) { condition_position_ = pos; } pos 985 src/ast.h int pos); pos 996 src/ast.h void set_position(int pos) { position_ = pos; } pos 1541 src/ast.h int pos) pos 1545 src/ast.h pos_(pos), pos 1607 src/ast.h int pos) pos 1611 src/ast.h pos_(pos), pos 1653 src/ast.h int pos) pos 1657 src/ast.h pos_(pos), pos 1724 src/ast.h int pos) pos 1728 src/ast.h pos_(pos), pos 1771 src/ast.h int pos) pos 1772 src/ast.h : Expression(isolate), op_(op), left_(left), right_(right), pos_(pos) { pos 1822 src/ast.h int pos) pos 1827 src/ast.h pos_(pos), pos 1869 src/ast.h int pos) pos 1874 src/ast.h pos_(pos), pos 1975 src/ast.h int pos); pos 2014 src/ast.h Throw(Isolate* isolate, Expression* exception, int pos) pos 2015 src/ast.h : Expression(isolate), exception_(exception), pos_(pos) {} pos 2046 src/ast.h void set_function_token_position(int pos) { function_token_position_ = pos; } pos 2856 src/ast.h Property* NewProperty(Expression* obj, Expression* key, int pos) { pos 2857 src/ast.h Property* prop = new(zone_) Property(isolate_, obj, key, pos); pos 2863 src/ast.h int pos) { pos 2864 src/ast.h Call* call = new(zone_) Call(isolate_, expression, arguments, pos); pos 2870 src/ast.h int pos) { pos 2871 src/ast.h CallNew* call = new(zone_) CallNew(isolate_, expression, arguments, pos); pos 2885 src/ast.h int pos) { pos 2887 src/ast.h new(zone_) UnaryOperation(isolate_, op, expression, pos); pos 2894 src/ast.h int pos) { pos 2896 src/ast.h new(zone_) BinaryOperation(isolate_, op, left, right, pos); pos 2903 src/ast.h int pos) { pos 2905 src/ast.h new(zone_) CountOperation(isolate_, op, is_prefix, expr, pos); pos 2912 src/ast.h int pos) { pos 2914 src/ast.h new(zone_) CompareOperation(isolate_, op, left, right, pos); pos 2932 src/ast.h int pos) { pos 2934 src/ast.h new(zone_) Assignment(isolate_, op, target, value, pos); pos 2939 src/ast.h Throw* NewThrow(Expression* exception, int pos) { pos 2940 src/ast.h Throw* t = new(zone_) Throw(isolate_, exception, pos); pos 108 src/bignum.cc int pos = 0; pos 111 src/bignum.cc uint64_t digits = ReadUInt64(value, pos, kMaxUint64DecimalDigits); pos 112 src/bignum.cc pos += kMaxUint64DecimalDigits; pos 117 src/bignum.cc uint64_t digits = ReadUInt64(value, pos, length); pos 46 src/circular-queue-inl.h SamplingCircularQueue::Cell** pos) { pos 47 src/circular-queue-inl.h if (**pos == kEnd) *pos = buffer_; pos 85 src/circular-queue.h INLINE(void WrapPositionIfNeeded(Cell** pos)); pos 171 src/codegen.cc if (pos != RelocInfo::kNoPosition) { pos 172 src/codegen.cc masm->positions_recorder()->RecordStatementPosition(pos); pos 173 src/codegen.cc masm->positions_recorder()->RecordPosition(pos); pos 776 src/execution.cc Handle<Object> args[] = { recv, fun, pos, is_global }; pos 139 src/execution.h Handle<Object> pos, pos 684 src/full-codegen.cc CodeGenerator::RecordPositions(masm_, pos); pos 698 src/full-codegen.cc masm_, pos, !checker.is_breakable()); pos 706 src/full-codegen.cc CodeGenerator::RecordPositions(masm_, pos); pos 712 src/full-codegen.cc CodeGenerator::RecordPositions(masm_, pos); pos 717 src/full-codegen.cc if (pos != RelocInfo::kNoPosition) { pos 718 src/full-codegen.cc masm_->positions_recorder()->RecordPosition(pos); pos 1204 src/full-codegen.cc handler_table()->set(stmt->index(), Smi::FromInt(handler_entry.pos())); pos 1268 src/full-codegen.cc handler_table()->set(stmt->index(), Smi::FromInt(handler_entry.pos())); pos 528 src/full-codegen.h void SetExpressionPosition(Expression* expr, int pos); pos 529 src/full-codegen.h void SetStatementPosition(int pos); pos 530 src/full-codegen.h void SetSourcePosition(int pos); pos 78 src/func-name-inferrer.cc if (pos >= names_stack_.length()) return prev; pos 79 src/func-name-inferrer.cc if (pos < names_stack_.length() - 1 && pos 80 src/func-name-inferrer.cc names_stack_.at(pos).type == kVariableName && pos 81 src/func-name-inferrer.cc names_stack_.at(pos + 1).type == kVariableName) { pos 83 src/func-name-inferrer.cc return MakeNameFromStackHelper(pos + 1, prev); pos 88 src/func-name-inferrer.cc factory->dot_symbol(), names_stack_.at(pos).name); pos 89 src/func-name-inferrer.cc return MakeNameFromStackHelper(pos + 1, pos 92 src/func-name-inferrer.cc return MakeNameFromStackHelper(pos + 1, names_stack_.at(pos).name); pos 114 src/func-name-inferrer.h Handle<String> MakeNameFromStackHelper(int pos, Handle<String> prev); pos 123 src/gdb-jit.cc if (capacity_ < pos) { pos 124 src/gdb-jit.cc while (capacity_ < pos) capacity_ *= 2; pos 1002 src/gdb-jit.cc return GetScriptLineNumberSafe(script_, pos) + 1; pos 70 src/gdb-jit.h void SetPosition(intptr_t pc, int pos, bool is_statement) { pos 71 src/gdb-jit.h AddPCInfo(PCInfo(pc, pos, is_statement)); pos 75 src/gdb-jit.h PCInfo(intptr_t pc, int pos, bool is_statement) pos 76 src/gdb-jit.h : pc_(pc), pos_(pos), is_statement_(is_statement) { } pos 529 src/handles.cc for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) { pos 530 src/handles.cc if (pos == code_pos) { pos 533 src/handles.cc if (source->Get(pos) == '\n') { pos 1478 src/hydrogen.cc uint32_t pos = Bound(hash); pos 1479 src/hydrogen.cc if (array_[pos].value != NULL) { pos 1480 src/hydrogen.cc if (array_[pos].value->Equals(value)) return array_[pos].value; pos 1481 src/hydrogen.cc int next = array_[pos].next; pos 1565 src/hydrogen.cc uint32_t pos = Bound(static_cast<uint32_t>(value->Hashcode())); pos 1566 src/hydrogen.cc if (array_[pos].value == NULL) { pos 1567 src/hydrogen.cc array_[pos].value = value; pos 1568 src/hydrogen.cc array_[pos].next = kNil; pos 1577 src/hydrogen.cc lists_[new_element_pos].next = array_[pos].next; pos 1578 src/hydrogen.cc ASSERT(array_[pos].next == kNil || lists_[array_[pos].next].value != NULL); pos 1579 src/hydrogen.cc array_[pos].next = new_element_pos; pos 9462 src/hydrogen.cc trace_.Add(" %d M", current_pos->pos().Value()); pos 364 src/ia32/assembler-ia32-inl.h int32_t pos; pos 365 src/ia32/assembler-ia32-inl.h pos = label->pos() + Code::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag; pos 366 src/ia32/assembler-ia32-inl.h emit(pos); pos 394 src/ia32/assembler-ia32-inl.h return Displacement(long_at(L->pos())); pos 399 src/ia32/assembler-ia32-inl.h long_at_put(L->pos(), disp.data()); pos 156 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc next = L->pos(); pos 379 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc ASSERT(pc_ <= reloc_info_writer.pos()); // No overlap. pos 384 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc desc->reloc_size = (buffer_ + buffer_size_) - reloc_info_writer.pos(); pos 1333 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc PrintF("bound label to %d\n", L->pos()); pos 1339 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc PrintF("@ %d ", l.pos()); pos 1352 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc ASSERT(0 <= pos && pos <= pc_offset()); // must have a valid binding position pos 1355 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc int fixup_pos = L->pos(); pos 1358 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc long_at_put(fixup_pos, pos + Code::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag); pos 1364 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc int imm32 = pos - (fixup_pos + sizeof(int32_t)); pos 1375 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc int disp = pos - fixup_pos - sizeof(int8_t); pos 1384 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc L->bind_to(pos); pos 1400 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc int offs = L->pos() - pc_offset(); pos 1457 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc int offs = L->pos() - pc_offset(); pos 1508 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc int offs = L->pos() - pc_offset(); pos 2467 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc desc.reloc_size = (buffer_ + buffer_size_) - (reloc_info_writer.pos()); pos 2479 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc memmove(rc_delta + reloc_info_writer.pos(), pos 2480 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc reloc_info_writer.pos(), desc.reloc_size); pos 2492 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.cc reloc_info_writer.Reposition(reloc_info_writer.pos() + rc_delta, pos 1068 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h return pc_offset() - label->pos(); pos 1092 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h inline bool overflow() const { return pc_ >= reloc_info_writer.pos() - kGap; } pos 1095 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h inline int available_space() const { return reloc_info_writer.pos() - pc_; } pos 1102 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h return (buffer_ + buffer_size_) - reloc_info_writer.pos(); pos 1109 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h byte byte_at(int pos) { return buffer_[pos]; } pos 1110 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h void set_byte_at(int pos, byte value) { buffer_[pos] = value; } pos 1122 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h byte* addr_at(int pos) { return buffer_ + pos; } pos 1126 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h uint32_t long_at(int pos) { pos 1127 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h return *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(addr_at(pos)); pos 1129 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h void long_at_put(int pos, uint32_t x) { pos 1130 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(addr_at(pos)) = x; pos 1161 src/ia32/assembler-ia32.h void bind_to(Label* L, int pos); pos 5106 src/ia32/code-stubs-ia32.cc handler_offset_ = handler_entry.pos(); pos 59 src/ia32/codegen-ia32.h int pos, pos 105 src/ia32/deoptimizer-ia32.cc byte* pos_before = reloc_info_writer.pos(); pos 109 src/ia32/deoptimizer-ia32.cc pos_before - reloc_info_writer.pos()); pos 166 src/ia32/deoptimizer-ia32.cc ASSERT_GE(reloc_info_writer.pos(), pos 177 src/ia32/deoptimizer-ia32.cc int new_reloc_size = reloc_end_address - reloc_info_writer.pos(); pos 178 src/ia32/deoptimizer-ia32.cc memmove(code->relocation_start(), reloc_info_writer.pos(), new_reloc_size); pos 331 src/ia32/lithium-ia32.h LParallelMove* GetOrCreateParallelMove(InnerPosition pos, Zone* zone) { pos 332 src/ia32/lithium-ia32.h if (parallel_moves_[pos] == NULL) { pos 333 src/ia32/lithium-ia32.h parallel_moves_[pos] = new(zone) LParallelMove(zone); pos 335 src/ia32/lithium-ia32.h return parallel_moves_[pos]; pos 338 src/ia32/lithium-ia32.h LParallelMove* GetParallelMove(InnerPosition pos) { pos 339 src/ia32/lithium-ia32.h return parallel_moves_[pos]; pos 2651 src/ia32/macro-assembler-ia32.cc ASSERT(masm_.reloc_info_writer.pos() == address_ + size_ + Assembler::kGap); pos 2661 src/ia32/macro-assembler-ia32.cc ASSERT(masm_.reloc_info_writer.pos() == address_ + size_ + Assembler::kGap); pos 306 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc int pos = current + (insn >> BYTECODE_SHIFT); pos 307 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc if (pos >= subject.length()) { pos 310 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc current_char = subject[pos]; pos 316 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc int pos = current + (insn >> BYTECODE_SHIFT); pos 317 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc current_char = subject[pos]; pos 322 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc int pos = current + (insn >> BYTECODE_SHIFT); pos 323 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc if (pos + 2 > subject.length()) { pos 326 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc Char next = subject[pos + 1]; pos 328 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc (subject[pos] | (next << (kBitsPerByte * sizeof(Char)))); pos 334 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc int pos = current + (insn >> BYTECODE_SHIFT); pos 335 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc Char next = subject[pos + 1]; pos 336 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc current_char = (subject[pos] | (next << (kBitsPerByte * sizeof(Char)))); pos 342 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc int pos = current + (insn >> BYTECODE_SHIFT); pos 343 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc if (pos + 4 > subject.length()) { pos 346 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc Char next1 = subject[pos + 1]; pos 347 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc Char next2 = subject[pos + 2]; pos 348 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc Char next3 = subject[pos + 3]; pos 349 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc current_char = (subject[pos] | pos 359 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc int pos = current + (insn >> BYTECODE_SHIFT); pos 360 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc Char next1 = subject[pos + 1]; pos 361 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc Char next2 = subject[pos + 2]; pos 362 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc Char next3 = subject[pos + 3]; pos 363 src/interpreter-irregexp.cc current_char = (subject[pos] | pos 968 src/isolate.cc int pos = frame->LookupCode()->SourcePosition(frame->pc()); pos 969 src/isolate.cc Handle<Object> pos_obj(Smi::FromInt(pos)); pos 999 src/isolate.cc int pos = frame->LookupCode()->SourcePosition(frame->pc()); pos 1002 src/isolate.cc *target = MessageLocation(casted_script, pos, pos + 1); pos 2368 src/jsregexp.cc Position* pos = &positions_[i]; pos 2369 src/jsregexp.cc if ((pos->mask & String::kMaxAsciiCharCode) != 0) { pos 2372 src/jsregexp.cc mask_ |= (pos->mask & char_mask) << char_shift; pos 2373 src/jsregexp.cc value_ |= (pos->value & char_mask) << char_shift; pos 2473 src/jsregexp.cc QuickCheckDetails::Position* pos = pos 2482 src/jsregexp.cc pos->determines_perfectly = false; pos 2494 src/jsregexp.cc pos->mask = char_mask; pos 2495 src/jsregexp.cc pos->value = c; pos 2496 src/jsregexp.cc pos->determines_perfectly = true; pos 2511 src/jsregexp.cc pos->determines_perfectly = true; pos 2513 src/jsregexp.cc pos->mask = common_bits; pos 2514 src/jsregexp.cc pos->value = bits; pos 2520 src/jsregexp.cc pos->mask = char_mask; pos 2521 src/jsregexp.cc pos->value = c; pos 2522 src/jsregexp.cc pos->determines_perfectly = true; pos 2531 src/jsregexp.cc QuickCheckDetails::Position* pos = pos 2540 src/jsregexp.cc pos->mask = 0; pos 2541 src/jsregexp.cc pos->value = 0; pos 2548 src/jsregexp.cc pos->determines_perfectly = false; pos 2563 src/jsregexp.cc pos->determines_perfectly = true; pos 2578 src/jsregexp.cc pos->determines_perfectly = false; pos 2587 src/jsregexp.cc pos->mask = common_bits; pos 2588 src/jsregexp.cc pos->value = bits; pos 2648 src/jsregexp.cc QuickCheckDetails::Position* pos = positions(i); pos 2650 src/jsregexp.cc if (pos->mask != other_pos->mask || pos 2651 src/jsregexp.cc pos->value != other_pos->value || pos 2655 src/jsregexp.cc pos->determines_perfectly = false; pos 2657 src/jsregexp.cc pos->mask &= other_pos->mask; pos 2658 src/jsregexp.cc pos->value &= pos->mask; pos 2659 src/jsregexp.cc other_pos->value &= pos->mask; pos 2660 src/jsregexp.cc uc16 differing_bits = (pos->value ^ other_pos->value); pos 2661 src/jsregexp.cc pos->mask &= ~differing_bits; pos 2662 src/jsregexp.cc pos->value &= pos->mask; pos 4369 src/jsregexp.cc printer.PrintPositive("@", label->pos()); pos 5217 src/jsregexp.cc int pos = bottom; pos 5218 src/jsregexp.cc while (pos <= top) { pos 5219 src/jsregexp.cc int length = isolate->jsregexp_canonrange()->get(pos, '\0', range); pos 5222 src/jsregexp.cc block_end = pos; pos 5231 src/jsregexp.cc uc16 range_from = c - (block_end - pos); pos 5237 src/jsregexp.cc pos = end + 1; pos 159 src/list-inl.h void List<T, P>::Rewind(int pos) { pos 160 src/list-inl.h length_ = pos; pos 147 src/list.h INLINE(void Rewind(int pos)); pos 91 src/lithium-allocator.cc ASSERT(Contains(pos) && pos.Value() != start().Value()); pos 92 src/lithium-allocator.cc UseInterval* after = new(zone) UseInterval(pos, end_); pos 95 src/lithium-allocator.cc end_ = pos; pos 105 src/lithium-allocator.cc ASSERT(Start().Value() <= cur->pos().Value() && pos 106 src/lithium-allocator.cc cur->pos().Value() <= End().Value()); pos 181 src/lithium-allocator.cc while (use_pos != NULL && use_pos->pos().Value() < start.Value()) { pos 191 src/lithium-allocator.cc UsePosition* pos = NextUsePosition(start); pos 192 src/lithium-allocator.cc while (pos != NULL && !pos->RegisterIsBeneficial()) { pos 193 src/lithium-allocator.cc pos = pos->next(); pos 195 src/lithium-allocator.cc return pos; pos 200 src/lithium-allocator.cc UsePosition* pos = NextUsePosition(start); pos 201 src/lithium-allocator.cc while (pos != NULL && !pos->RequiresRegister()) { pos 202 src/lithium-allocator.cc pos = pos->next(); pos 204 src/lithium-allocator.cc return pos; pos 210 src/lithium-allocator.cc if (pos.Value() <= Start().Value() && HasRegisterAssigned()) return false; pos 214 src/lithium-allocator.cc UsePosition* use_pos = NextRegisterPosition(pos); pos 217 src/lithium-allocator.cc use_pos->pos().Value() > pos.NextInstruction().InstructionEnd().Value(); pos 222 src/lithium-allocator.cc UsePosition* pos = first_pos_; pos 223 src/lithium-allocator.cc while (pos != NULL && !pos->HasHint()) pos = pos->next(); pos 224 src/lithium-allocator.cc return pos; pos 323 src/lithium-allocator.cc while (use_after != NULL && use_after->pos().Value() < position.Value()) { pos 328 src/lithium-allocator.cc while (use_after != NULL && use_after->pos().Value() <= position.Value()) { pos 369 src/lithium-allocator.cc UsePosition* pos = FirstPosWithHint(); pos 370 src/lithium-allocator.cc if (pos == NULL) return false; pos 373 src/lithium-allocator.cc return pos->pos().Value() < other_pos->pos().Value(); pos 448 src/lithium-allocator.cc pos.Value()); pos 449 src/lithium-allocator.cc UsePosition* use_pos = new(zone) UsePosition(pos, operand); pos 452 src/lithium-allocator.cc while (current != NULL && current->pos().Value() < pos.Value()) { pos 473 src/lithium-allocator.cc ASSERT(Start().Value() <= use_pos->pos().Value() && pos 474 src/lithium-allocator.cc use_pos->pos().Value() <= End().Value()); pos 630 src/lithium-allocator.cc TraceAlloc("Fixed reg is tagged at %d\n", pos); pos 631 src/lithium-allocator.cc LInstruction* instr = InstructionAt(pos); pos 1169 src/lithium-allocator.cc int index = pos.InstructionIndex(); pos 1173 src/lithium-allocator.cc pos.IsInstructionStart() ? LGap::START : LGap::END, zone()); pos 1175 src/lithium-allocator.cc int gap_pos = pos.IsInstructionStart() ? (index - 1) : (index + 1); pos 1182 src/lithium-allocator.cc LGap* gap = GapAt(chunk_->NearestGapPos(pos.InstructionIndex())); pos 1195 src/lithium-allocator.cc LifetimePosition pos = second_range->Start(); pos 1200 src/lithium-allocator.cc if (first_range->End().Value() == pos.Value()) { pos 1202 src/lithium-allocator.cc if (IsBlockBoundary(pos)) { pos 1203 src/lithium-allocator.cc should_insert = CanEagerlyResolveControlFlow(GetBlock(pos)); pos 1206 src/lithium-allocator.cc LParallelMove* move = GetConnectingParallelMove(pos); pos 1331 src/lithium-allocator.cc PrintF("First use is at %d\n", range->first_pos()->pos().Value()); pos 1535 src/lithium-allocator.cc UsePosition* pos = current->NextUsePositionRegisterIsBeneficial(next_pos); pos 1538 src/lithium-allocator.cc if (pos == NULL) { pos 1541 src/lithium-allocator.cc } else if (pos->pos().Value() > pos 1545 src/lithium-allocator.cc SpillBetween(current, current->Start(), pos->pos()); pos 1818 src/lithium-allocator.cc LifetimePosition pos = free_until_pos[reg]; pos 1820 src/lithium-allocator.cc if (pos.Value() <= current->Start().Value()) { pos 1825 src/lithium-allocator.cc if (pos.Value() < current->End().Value()) { pos 1828 src/lithium-allocator.cc LiveRange* tail = SplitRangeAt(current, pos); pos 1836 src/lithium-allocator.cc ASSERT(pos.Value() >= current->End().Value()); pos 1875 src/lithium-allocator.cc use_pos[cur_reg] = next_use->pos(); pos 1901 src/lithium-allocator.cc LifetimePosition pos = use_pos[reg]; pos 1903 src/lithium-allocator.cc if (pos.Value() < register_use->pos().Value()) { pos 1911 src/lithium-allocator.cc ASSERT(current->Start().Value() < register_use->pos().Value()); pos 1912 src/lithium-allocator.cc SpillBetween(current, current->Start(), register_use->pos()); pos 1950 src/lithium-allocator.cc SpillBetween(range, split_pos, next_pos->pos()); pos 1967 src/lithium-allocator.cc next_intersection = Min(next_intersection, next_pos->pos()); pos 1979 src/lithium-allocator.cc return pos.IsInstructionStart() && pos 1980 src/lithium-allocator.cc InstructionAt(pos.InstructionIndex())->IsLabel(); pos 1986 src/lithium-allocator.cc TraceAlloc("Splitting live range %d at %d\n", range->id(), pos.Value()); pos 1988 src/lithium-allocator.cc if (pos.Value() <= range->Start().Value()) return range; pos 1992 src/lithium-allocator.cc ASSERT(pos.IsInstructionStart() || pos 1993 src/lithium-allocator.cc !chunk_->instructions()->at(pos.InstructionIndex())->IsControl()); pos 1997 src/lithium-allocator.cc range->SplitAt(pos, result, zone_); pos 2052 src/lithium-allocator.cc LiveRange* second_part = SplitRangeAt(range, pos); pos 219 src/lithium-allocator.h void SplitAt(LifetimePosition pos, Zone* zone); pos 247 src/lithium-allocator.h UsePosition(LifetimePosition pos, LOperand* operand); pos 258 src/lithium-allocator.h LifetimePosition pos() const { return pos_; } pos 315 src/lithium-allocator.h bool CanBeSpilled(LifetimePosition pos); pos 331 src/lithium-allocator.h UsePosition* pos = FirstPosWithHint(); pos 332 src/lithium-allocator.h if (pos != NULL) return pos->hint(); pos 366 src/lithium-allocator.h UsePosition* AddUsePosition(LifetimePosition pos, pos 508 src/lithium-allocator.h LOperand* AllocateFixed(LUnallocated* operand, int pos, bool is_tagged); pos 543 src/lithium-allocator.h LiveRange* SplitRangeAt(LiveRange* range, LifetimePosition pos); pos 557 src/lithium-allocator.h void SpillAfter(LiveRange* range, LifetimePosition pos); pos 567 src/lithium-allocator.h bool IsBlockBoundary(LifetimePosition pos); pos 576 src/lithium-allocator.h LParallelMove* GetConnectingParallelMove(LifetimePosition pos); pos 579 src/lithium-allocator.h HBasicBlock* GetBlock(LifetimePosition pos); pos 436 src/lithium.h void set_lithium_position(int pos) { pos 438 src/lithium.h lithium_position_ = pos; pos 1190 src/liveedit.cc if (buffer_ + kBufferGap >= reloc_info_writer_.pos()) { pos 1199 src/liveedit.cc static_cast<int>((buffer_ + buffer_size_) - reloc_info_writer_.pos()); pos 1200 src/liveedit.cc return Vector<byte>(reloc_info_writer_.pos(), result_size); pos 1223 src/liveedit.cc static_cast<int>(buffer_ + buffer_size_ - reloc_info_writer_.pos()); pos 1225 src/liveedit.cc reloc_info_writer_.pos(), curently_used_size); pos 1107 src/log.cc if (FLAG_ll_prof) LowLevelSnapshotPositionEvent(addr, pos); pos 1112 src/log.cc msg.Append("%s,%d,\"", kLogEventsNames[SNAPSHOT_CODE_NAME_EVENT], pos); pos 1124 src/log.cc msg.Append(",%d", pos); pos 1514 src/log.cc event.position = pos; pos 242 src/log.h void SnapshotPositionEvent(Address addr, int pos); pos 348 src/log.h void LowLevelSnapshotPositionEvent(Address addr, int pos); pos 339 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc ASSERT(pc_ <= reloc_info_writer.pos()); // No overlap. pos 344 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc desc->reloc_size = (buffer_ + buffer_size_) - reloc_info_writer.pos(); pos 655 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc Instr instr = instr_at(pos); pos 662 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc return (imm18 + pos); pos 676 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc return pos + kBranchPCOffset + imm18; pos 679 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc Instr instr_lui = instr_at(pos + 0 * Assembler::kInstrSize); pos 680 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc Instr instr_ori = instr_at(pos + 1 * Assembler::kInstrSize); pos 689 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc uint32_t instr_address = reinterpret_cast<int32_t>(buffer_ + pos); pos 691 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc ASSERT(pos > delta); pos 692 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc return pos - delta; pos 700 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc uint32_t instr_address = reinterpret_cast<int32_t>(buffer_ + pos); pos 703 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc ASSERT(pos > delta); pos 704 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc return pos - delta; pos 711 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc Instr instr = instr_at(pos); pos 716 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc instr_at_put(pos, target_pos + (Code::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag)); pos 722 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc int32_t imm18 = target_pos - (pos + kBranchPCOffset); pos 729 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc instr_at_put(pos, instr | (imm16 & kImm16Mask)); pos 731 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc Instr instr_lui = instr_at(pos + 0 * Assembler::kInstrSize); pos 732 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc Instr instr_ori = instr_at(pos + 1 * Assembler::kInstrSize); pos 740 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc instr_at_put(pos + 0 * Assembler::kInstrSize, pos 742 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc instr_at_put(pos + 1 * Assembler::kInstrSize, pos 753 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc instr_at_put(pos, instr | (imm26 & kImm26Mask)); pos 762 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc PrintF("bound label to %d\n", L->pos()); pos 767 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc PrintF("@ %d ", l.pos()); pos 768 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc Instr instr = instr_at(l.pos()); pos 783 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc ASSERT(0 <= pos && pos <= pc_offset()); // Must have valid binding position. pos 791 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc int32_t fixup_pos = L->pos(); pos 792 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc int32_t dist = pos - fixup_pos; pos 804 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc dist = pos - fixup_pos; pos 806 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc target_at_put(fixup_pos, pos); pos 809 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc target_at_put(fixup_pos, pos); pos 812 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc L->bind_to(pos); pos 816 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc if (pos > last_bound_pos_) pos 817 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc last_bound_pos_ = pos; pos 829 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc int link = target_at(L->pos()); pos 840 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc return ((pc_offset() - L->pos()) < kMaxBranchOffset - 4 * kInstrSize); pos 970 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc if (trampoline_.start() > pos) { pos 986 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc target_pos = L->pos(); pos 989 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc target_pos = L->pos(); // L's link. pos 1008 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc target_pos = L->pos(); pos 1011 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc target_pos = L->pos(); pos 1034 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc target_pos = L->pos(); pos 1038 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc target_pos = L->pos(); // L's link. pos 1607 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc GenInstrRegister(SPECIAL3, rs, rt, pos + size - 1, pos, INS); pos 1615 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc GenInstrRegister(SPECIAL3, rs, rt, size - 1, pos, EXT); pos 1980 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc desc.reloc_size = (buffer_ + buffer_size_) - reloc_info_writer.pos(); pos 1986 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc memmove(reloc_info_writer.pos() + rc_delta, pos 1987 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc reloc_info_writer.pos(), desc.reloc_size); pos 1994 src/mips/assembler-mips.cc reloc_info_writer.Reposition(reloc_info_writer.pos() + rc_delta, pos 788 src/mips/assembler-mips.h void ins_(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t pos, uint16_t size); pos 789 src/mips/assembler-mips.h void ext_(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t pos, uint16_t size); pos 859 src/mips/assembler-mips.h return pc_offset() - label->pos(); pos 946 src/mips/assembler-mips.h inline bool overflow() const { return pc_ >= reloc_info_writer.pos() - kGap; } pos 949 src/mips/assembler-mips.h inline int available_space() const { return reloc_info_writer.pos() - pc_; } pos 956 src/mips/assembler-mips.h Instr instr_at(int pos) { return *reinterpret_cast<Instr*>(buffer_ + pos); } pos 957 src/mips/assembler-mips.h void instr_at_put(int pos, Instr instr) { pos 958 src/mips/assembler-mips.h *reinterpret_cast<Instr*>(buffer_ + pos) = instr; pos 1023 src/mips/assembler-mips.h int32_t buffer_space() const { return reloc_info_writer.pos() - pc_; } pos 1026 src/mips/assembler-mips.h int target_at(int32_t pos); pos 1029 src/mips/assembler-mips.h void target_at_put(int32_t pos, int32_t target_pos); pos 1198 src/mips/assembler-mips.h void bind_to(Label* L, int pos); pos 1252 src/mips/assembler-mips.h int32_t get_trampoline_entry(int32_t pos); pos 4219 src/mips/code-stubs-mips.cc handler_offset_ = handler_entry.pos(); pos 498 src/mips/code-stubs-mips.h static void PatchBranchIntoNop(MacroAssembler* masm, int pos) { pos 499 src/mips/code-stubs-mips.h const unsigned offset = masm->instr_at(pos) & kImm16Mask; pos 500 src/mips/code-stubs-mips.h masm->instr_at_put(pos, BNE | (zero_reg.code() << kRsShift) | pos 502 src/mips/code-stubs-mips.h ASSERT(Assembler::IsBne(masm->instr_at(pos))); pos 505 src/mips/code-stubs-mips.h static void PatchNopIntoBranch(MacroAssembler* masm, int pos) { pos 506 src/mips/code-stubs-mips.h const unsigned offset = masm->instr_at(pos) & kImm16Mask; pos 507 src/mips/code-stubs-mips.h masm->instr_at_put(pos, BEQ | (zero_reg.code() << kRsShift) | pos 509 src/mips/code-stubs-mips.h ASSERT(Assembler::IsBeq(masm->instr_at(pos))); pos 70 src/mips/codegen-mips.h int pos, pos 234 src/mips/disasm-mips.cc int pos = instr->SaValue(); pos 236 src/mips/disasm-mips.cc OS::SNPrintF(out_buffer_ + out_buffer_pos_, "%d", ss - pos + 1); pos 335 src/mips/lithium-mips.h LParallelMove* GetOrCreateParallelMove(InnerPosition pos, Zone* zone) { pos 336 src/mips/lithium-mips.h if (parallel_moves_[pos] == NULL) { pos 337 src/mips/lithium-mips.h parallel_moves_[pos] = new(zone) LParallelMove(zone); pos 339 src/mips/lithium-mips.h return parallel_moves_[pos]; pos 342 src/mips/lithium-mips.h LParallelMove* GetParallelMove(InnerPosition pos) { pos 343 src/mips/lithium-mips.h return parallel_moves_[pos]; pos 931 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc ASSERT(pos < 32); pos 932 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc ASSERT(pos + size < 33); pos 935 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc ext_(rt, rs, pos, size); pos 939 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc int shift_left = 32 - (pos + size); pos 954 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc ASSERT(pos < 32); pos 955 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc ASSERT(pos + size <= 32); pos 959 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc ins_(rt, rs, pos, size); pos 965 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc sll(t8, t8, pos); pos 966 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc sll(at, at, pos); pos 5420 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc ASSERT(masm_.reloc_info_writer.pos() == address_ + size_ + Assembler::kGap); pos 5430 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.cc ASSERT(masm_.reloc_info_writer.pos() == address_ + size_ + Assembler::kGap); pos 708 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.h void Ins(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t pos, uint16_t size); pos 709 src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.h void Ext(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t pos, uint16_t size); pos 648 src/mips/regexp-macro-assembler-mips.cc __ bind_to(&entry_label_, internal_failure_label_.pos()); pos 1004 src/mips/regexp-macro-assembler-mips.cc int target = label->pos(); pos 5611 src/objects.cc dest->set(dest_pos+index, get(pos+index), mode); pos 6410 src/objects.cc Reset(pos, input_); pos 6415 src/objects.cc Reset(pos, input_); pos 8077 src/objects.cc int pos = static_cast<int>(it.rinfo()->data()); pos 8082 src/objects.cc (dist == distance && pos > position)) { pos 8083 src/objects.cc position = pos; pos 10086 src/objects.cc int pos = 0; pos 10093 src/objects.cc elements->set(pos++, ValueAt(i), mode); pos 10096 src/objects.cc ASSERT(pos == elements->length()); pos 11289 src/objects.cc uint32_t pos = 0; pos 11313 src/objects.cc if (pos > static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::kMaxValue)) { pos 11318 src/objects.cc new_dict->AddNumberEntry(pos, value, details)->ToObjectUnchecked(); pos 11319 src/objects.cc pos++; pos 11332 src/objects.cc uint32_t result = pos; pos 11336 src/objects.cc if (pos > static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::kMaxValue)) { pos 11341 src/objects.cc new_dict->AddNumberEntry(pos, heap->undefined_value(), no_details)-> pos 11343 src/objects.cc pos++; pos 12080 src/objects.cc int pos = 0; pos 12083 src/objects.cc enumeration_order->set(pos++, Smi::FromInt(DetailsAt(i).index())); pos 12099 src/objects.cc pos = 0; pos 12102 src/objects.cc int enum_index = Smi::cast(enumeration_order->get(pos++))->value(); pos 2309 src/objects.h void CopyTo(int pos, FixedArray* dest, int dest_pos, int len); pos 7809 src/objects.h virtual void Seek(unsigned pos); pos 7819 src/objects.h virtual void Seek(unsigned pos); pos 328 src/parser.cc int pos = PreparseDataConstants::kMessageTextPos; pos 330 src/parser.cc if (store_.length() <= PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize + pos) { pos 333 src/parser.cc int length = static_cast<int>(Read(pos)); pos 335 src/parser.cc pos += 1 + length; pos 337 src/parser.cc if (store_.length() < PreparseDataConstants::kHeaderSize + pos) { pos 389 src/parser.cc int pos = PreparseDataConstants::kMessageTextPos + 1 pos 393 src/parser.cc array[i] = ReadString(ReadAddress(pos), &count); pos 394 src/parser.cc pos += count + 1; pos 2652 src/parser.cc int pos = scanner().location().beg_pos; pos 2662 src/parser.cc return new(zone()) CaseClause(isolate(), label, statements, pos); pos 2698 src/parser.cc int pos = scanner().location().beg_pos; pos 2707 src/parser.cc return factory()->NewExpressionStatement(factory()->NewThrow(exception, pos)); pos 3107 src/parser.cc int pos = scanner().location().beg_pos; pos 3144 src/parser.cc return factory()->NewAssignment(op, expression, right, pos); pos 3408 src/parser.cc int pos = scanner().location().beg_pos; pos 3410 src/parser.cc result = factory()->NewProperty(result, index, pos); pos 3416 src/parser.cc int pos; pos 3420 src/parser.cc pos = scanner().location().beg_pos; pos 3427 src/parser.cc pos = scanner().peek_location().beg_pos; pos 3443 src/parser.cc result = factory()->NewCall(result, args, pos); pos 3449 src/parser.cc int pos = scanner().location().beg_pos; pos 3452 src/parser.cc factory()->NewProperty(result, factory()->NewLiteral(name), pos); pos 3477 src/parser.cc PositionStack::Element pos(stack, scanner().location().beg_pos); pos 3539 src/parser.cc int pos = scanner().location().beg_pos; pos 3541 src/parser.cc result = factory()->NewProperty(result, index, pos); pos 3555 src/parser.cc int pos = scanner().location().beg_pos; pos 3558 src/parser.cc factory()->NewProperty(result, factory()->NewLiteral(name), pos); pos 5133 src/parser.cc next_pos_ = pos; pos 340 src/parser.h void Reset(int pos); pos 711 src/preparser.cc i::Scanner::Location pos = scanner_->location(); pos 712 src/preparser.cc ReportMessageAt(pos, "newline_after_throw", NULL); pos 1615 src/preparser.cc int pos = scanner_->location().beg_pos; pos 1617 src/preparser.cc log_->LogAsciiSymbol(pos, i::Vector<const char>(keyword, pos 1707 src/preparser.cc int pos = 0; pos 1710 src/preparser.cc if (number[pos] == '0') { pos 1711 src/preparser.cc pos++; pos 1713 src/preparser.cc while (pos < length && pos 1714 src/preparser.cc static_cast<unsigned>(number[pos] - '0') <= ('9' - '0')) pos++; pos 1716 src/preparser.cc if (length == pos) return true; pos 1717 src/preparser.cc if (number[pos] != '.') return false; pos 1718 src/preparser.cc pos++; pos 1720 src/preparser.cc while (pos < length) { pos 1721 src/preparser.cc byte digit = number[pos] - '0'; pos 1724 src/preparser.cc pos++; pos 673 src/prettyprinter.cc int pos = OS::SNPrintF(buf, "%s (mode = %s", info, pos 675 src/prettyprinter.cc OS::SNPrintF(buf + pos, ")"); pos 1018 src/prettyprinter.cc int pos = OS::SNPrintF(buf, "VAR PROXY"); pos 1023 src/prettyprinter.cc OS::SNPrintF(buf + pos, " parameter[%d]", var->index()); pos 1026 src/prettyprinter.cc OS::SNPrintF(buf + pos, " local[%d]", var->index()); pos 1029 src/prettyprinter.cc OS::SNPrintF(buf + pos, " context[%d]", var->index()); pos 1032 src/prettyprinter.cc OS::SNPrintF(buf + pos, " lookup"); pos 67 src/regexp-macro-assembler-irregexp.cc int pos = l->pos(); pos 68 src/regexp-macro-assembler-irregexp.cc while (pos != 0) { pos 69 src/regexp-macro-assembler-irregexp.cc int fixup = pos; pos 70 src/regexp-macro-assembler-irregexp.cc pos = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(buffer_.start() + fixup); pos 81 src/regexp-macro-assembler-irregexp.cc Emit32(l->pos()); pos 83 src/regexp-macro-assembler-irregexp.cc int pos = 0; pos 85 src/regexp-macro-assembler-irregexp.cc pos = l->pos(); pos 88 src/regexp-macro-assembler-irregexp.cc Emit32(pos); pos 2103 src/runtime.cc int pos = fun->shared()->start_position(); pos 2104 src/runtime.cc return Smi::FromInt(pos); pos 2868 src/runtime.cc const char* pos = subject_start; pos 2870 src/runtime.cc pos = reinterpret_cast<const char*>( pos 2871 src/runtime.cc memchr(pos, pattern, subject_end - pos)); pos 2872 src/runtime.cc if (pos == NULL) return; pos 2873 src/runtime.cc indices->Add(static_cast<int>(pos - subject_start), zone); pos 2874 src/runtime.cc pos++; pos 2990 src/runtime.cc int pos = *match_pos; pos 2995 src/runtime.cc while (pos <= max_search_start) { pos 2997 src/runtime.cc *match_pos = pos; pos 3001 src/runtime.cc int match_end = pos + pattern_length; pos 3010 src/runtime.cc pos = new_pos; pos 3017 src/runtime.cc if (pos < max_search_start) { pos 3019 src/runtime.cc pos + pattern_length, pos 3022 src/runtime.cc *match_pos = pos; pos 3902 src/runtime.cc int pos = 0; pos 3917 src/runtime.cc pos, pos 3948 src/runtime.cc pos = match_end; pos 3950 src/runtime.cc pos = match_end + 1; pos 3951 src/runtime.cc if (pos > subject_length) break; pos 4008 src/runtime.cc int pos = 0; pos 4077 src/runtime.cc pos = match_end; pos 4079 src/runtime.cc pos = match_end + 1; pos 4080 src/runtime.cc if (pos > subject_length) { pos 4087 src/runtime.cc pos, pos 6866 src/runtime.cc int pos; pos 6870 src/runtime.cc pos = StringBuilderSubstringPosition::decode(encoded_slice); pos 6876 src/runtime.cc pos = Smi::cast(obj)->value(); pos 6881 src/runtime.cc pos, pos 6882 src/runtime.cc pos + len); pos 6935 src/runtime.cc int pos; pos 6939 src/runtime.cc pos = StringBuilderSubstringPosition::decode(smi_value); pos 6953 src/runtime.cc pos = Smi::cast(next_smi)->value(); pos 6954 src/runtime.cc if (pos < 0) { pos 6958 src/runtime.cc ASSERT(pos >= 0); pos 6960 src/runtime.cc if (pos > special_length || len > special_length - pos) { pos 231 src/scanner.cc int pos = source_pos(); pos 233 src/scanner.cc next_.location.beg_pos = pos; pos 234 src/scanner.cc next_.location.end_pos = pos + 1; pos 596 src/scanner.cc if (pos == next_.location.beg_pos) return; pos 600 src/scanner.cc ASSERT(pos >= current_pos); pos 601 src/scanner.cc if (pos != current_pos) { pos 602 src/scanner.cc source_->SeekForward(pos - source_->pos()); pos 104 src/scanner.h inline unsigned pos() const { return pos_; } pos 405 src/scanner.h void SeekForward(int pos); pos 539 src/scanner.h return source_->pos() - kCharacterLookaheadBufferSize; pos 139 src/small-pointer-list.h void Rewind(int pos) { pos 141 src/small-pointer-list.h ASSERT(pos == 0); pos 145 src/small-pointer-list.h ASSERT(pos == 0 || pos == 1); pos 146 src/small-pointer-list.h if (pos == 0) { pos 151 src/small-pointer-list.h list()->Rewind(pos); pos 238 src/spaces.h void Print(uint32_t pos, uint32_t cell) { pos 247 src/spaces.h seq_start = pos; pos 253 src/spaces.h PrintF("%d: ", pos); pos 299 src/splay-tree-inl.h int pos = 0; pos 300 src/splay-tree-inl.h while (pos < nodes_to_visit.length()) { pos 301 src/splay-tree-inl.h Node* node = nodes_to_visit[pos++]; pos 218 src/string-search.h const SubjectChar* pos = reinterpret_cast<const SubjectChar*>( pos 222 src/string-search.h if (pos == NULL) return -1; pos 223 src/string-search.h return static_cast<int>(pos - subject.start()); pos 249 src/string-search.h int pos = 0; pos 251 src/string-search.h if (pattern[pos] != subject[pos]) { pos 254 src/string-search.h pos++; pos 255 src/string-search.h } while (pos < length); pos 274 src/string-search.h const SubjectChar* pos = reinterpret_cast<const SubjectChar*>( pos 278 src/string-search.h if (pos == NULL) return -1; pos 279 src/string-search.h i = static_cast<int>(pos - subject.start()) + 1; pos 525 src/string-search.h const SubjectChar* pos = reinterpret_cast<const SubjectChar*>( pos 529 src/string-search.h if (pos == NULL) { pos 532 src/string-search.h i = static_cast<int>(pos - subject.start()); pos 109 src/variables.h void set_initializer_position(int pos) { initializer_position_ = pos; } pos 414 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc ASSERT(pc_ <= reloc_info_writer.pos()); // No overlap. pos 421 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc static_cast<int>((buffer_ + buffer_size_) - reloc_info_writer.pos()); pos 449 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc ASSERT(0 <= pos && pos <= pc_offset()); // Position must be valid. pos 451 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc int current = L->pos(); pos 455 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc int imm32 = pos - (current + sizeof(int32_t)); pos 461 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc int last_imm32 = pos - (current + sizeof(int32_t)); pos 469 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc int disp = pos - (fixup_pos + sizeof(int8_t)); pos 478 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc L->bind_to(pos); pos 509 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc static_cast<int>((buffer_ + buffer_size_) - (reloc_info_writer.pos())); pos 522 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc memmove(rc_delta + reloc_info_writer.pos(), pos 523 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc reloc_info_writer.pos(), desc.reloc_size); pos 536 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc reloc_info_writer.Reposition(reloc_info_writer.pos() + rc_delta, pos 861 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc int offset = L->pos() - pc_offset() - sizeof(int32_t); pos 865 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc emitl(L->pos()); pos 1233 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc int offs = L->pos() - pc_offset(); pos 1260 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc emitl(L->pos()); pos 1290 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc int offs = L->pos() - pc_offset() - 1; pos 1314 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc emitl(L->pos()); pos 1573 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc int offset = src->pos() - pc_offset() - sizeof(int32_t); pos 1577 src/x64/assembler-x64.cc emitl(src->pos()); pos 1391 src/x64/assembler-x64.h return pc_offset() - label->pos(); pos 1417 src/x64/assembler-x64.h return pc_ >= reloc_info_writer.pos() - kGap; pos 1422 src/x64/assembler-x64.h return static_cast<int>(reloc_info_writer.pos() - pc_); pos 1431 src/x64/assembler-x64.h byte byte_at(int pos) { return buffer_[pos]; } pos 1432 src/x64/assembler-x64.h void set_byte_at(int pos, byte value) { buffer_[pos] = value; } pos 1438 src/x64/assembler-x64.h byte* addr_at(int pos) { return buffer_ + pos; } pos 1439 src/x64/assembler-x64.h uint32_t long_at(int pos) { pos 1440 src/x64/assembler-x64.h return *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(addr_at(pos)); pos 1442 src/x64/assembler-x64.h void long_at_put(int pos, uint32_t x) { pos 1443 src/x64/assembler-x64.h *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(addr_at(pos)) = x; pos 1615 src/x64/assembler-x64.h void bind_to(Label* L, int pos); pos 4180 src/x64/code-stubs-x64.cc handler_offset_ = handler_entry.pos(); pos 64 src/x64/codegen-x64.h int pos, pos 337 src/x64/lithium-x64.h LParallelMove* GetOrCreateParallelMove(InnerPosition pos, pos 339 src/x64/lithium-x64.h if (parallel_moves_[pos] == NULL) { pos 340 src/x64/lithium-x64.h parallel_moves_[pos] = new(zone) LParallelMove(zone); pos 342 src/x64/lithium-x64.h return parallel_moves_[pos]; pos 345 src/x64/lithium-x64.h LParallelMove* GetParallelMove(InnerPosition pos) { pos 346 src/x64/lithium-x64.h return parallel_moves_[pos]; pos 4243 src/x64/macro-assembler-x64.cc ASSERT(masm_.reloc_info_writer.pos() == address_ + size_ + Assembler::kGap); pos 4253 src/x64/macro-assembler-x64.cc ASSERT(masm_.reloc_info_writer.pos() == address_ + size_ + Assembler::kGap); pos 4681 test/cctest/test-debug.cc char* pos = strstr(message, value); pos 4682 test/cctest/test-debug.cc if (pos == NULL) { pos 4686 test/cctest/test-debug.cc res = StringToInt(pos + strlen(value)); pos 4694 test/cctest/test-debug.cc char* pos = strstr(message, breakpoints); pos 4695 test/cctest/test-debug.cc if (pos == NULL) { pos 4699 test/cctest/test-debug.cc res = StringToInt(pos + strlen(breakpoints)); pos 4707 test/cctest/test-debug.cc char* pos = strstr(message, prefix); pos 4708 test/cctest/test-debug.cc if (pos == NULL) { pos 4711 test/cctest/test-debug.cc pos += strlen(prefix); pos 4712 test/cctest/test-debug.cc int res = StringToInt(pos); pos 4720 test/cctest/test-debug.cc char* pos = strstr(message, source_line); pos 4721 test/cctest/test-debug.cc if (pos == NULL) { pos 4725 test/cctest/test-debug.cc res = StringToInt(pos + strlen(source_line)); pos 464 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, uc16_stream.pos()); pos 465 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, string_stream.pos()); pos 466 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, utf8_stream.pos()); pos 475 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, uc16_stream.pos()); pos 476 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, string_stream.pos()); pos 477 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, utf8_stream.pos()); pos 482 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, uc16_stream.pos()); pos 483 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, string_stream.pos()); pos 484 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, utf8_stream.pos()); pos 489 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, uc16_stream.pos()); pos 490 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, string_stream.pos()); pos 491 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, utf8_stream.pos()); pos 496 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, uc16_stream.pos()); pos 497 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, string_stream.pos()); pos 498 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, utf8_stream.pos()); pos 506 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, uc16_stream.pos()); pos 507 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, string_stream.pos()); pos 508 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, utf8_stream.pos()); pos 515 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, uc16_stream.pos()); pos 516 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, string_stream.pos()); pos 517 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, utf8_stream.pos()); pos 521 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, uc16_stream.pos()); pos 522 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, string_stream.pos()); pos 523 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, utf8_stream.pos()); pos 532 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, uc16_stream.pos()); pos 533 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, string_stream.pos()); pos 534 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, utf8_stream.pos()); pos 589 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, stream.pos()); pos 592 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i + 1, stream.pos()); pos 595 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i + 1, stream.pos()); pos 597 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, stream.pos()); pos 600 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc while (stream.pos() < kMaxUC16CharU) { pos 601 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, stream.pos()); pos 611 test/cctest/test-parsing.cc CHECK_EQU(i, stream.pos()); pos 55 test/cctest/test-reloc-info.cc for (int i = 0, pos = 0; i < 100; i++, pc += i, pos += i) { pos 58 test/cctest/test-reloc-info.cc WriteRinfo(&writer, pc, mode, pos); pos 59 test/cctest/test-reloc-info.cc CHECK(writer.pos() - RelocInfoWriter::kMaxSize >= relocation_info_end); pos 62 test/cctest/test-reloc-info.cc relocation_info_size = static_cast<int>(buffer_end - writer.pos()); pos 70 test/cctest/test-reloc-info.cc for (int i = 0, pos = 0; i < 100; i++, pc += i, pos += i) { pos 76 test/cctest/test-reloc-info.cc CHECK_EQ(pos, static_cast<int>(it.rinfo()->data())); pos 87 test/cctest/test-reloc-info.cc for (int i = 0, pos = 0; i < 100; i++, pc += i, pos += i) { pos 93 test/cctest/test-reloc-info.cc CHECK_EQ(pos, static_cast<int>(it.rinfo()->data())); pos 104 test/cctest/test-reloc-info.cc for (int i = 0, pos = 0; i < 100; i++, pc += i, pos += i) { pos 109 test/cctest/test-reloc-info.cc CHECK_EQ(pos, static_cast<int>(it.rinfo()->data())); pos 429 test/cctest/test-strtod.cc int pos = 0; pos 431 test/cctest/test-strtod.cc buffer[pos++] = random() % 10 + '0'; pos 434 test/cctest/test-strtod.cc buffer[pos] = '\0'; pos 435 test/cctest/test-strtod.cc Vector<const char> vector(buffer, pos); pos 442 test/cctest/test-strtod.cc int pos = 0; pos 444 test/cctest/test-strtod.cc buffer[pos++] = random() % 10 + '0'; pos 447 test/cctest/test-strtod.cc buffer[pos] = '\0'; pos 448 test/cctest/test-strtod.cc Vector<const char> vector(buffer, pos);