u64               869 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.cc char* FastUInt64ToBufferLeft(uint64 u64, char* buffer) {
u64               873 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.cc   uint32 u = static_cast<uint32>(u64);
u64               874 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.cc   if (u == u64) return FastUInt32ToBufferLeft(u, buffer);
u64               876 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.cc   uint64 top_11_digits = u64 / 1000000000;
u64               878 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.cc   u = u64 - (top_11_digits * 1000000000);
u64              7426 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #define SQLITE_MAX_U32  ((((u64)1)<<32)-1)
u64              7940 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 cycles;              /* Total time spent executing this instruction */
u64              9182 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   void (*xProfile)(void*,const char*,u64);  /* Profiling function */
u64              10152 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c typedef u64 Bitmask;
u64              11240 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PutVarint(unsigned char*, u64);
u64              11242 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3GetVarint(const unsigned char *, u64 *);
u64              11244 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VarintLen(u64 v);
u64              13696 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 n;
u64              13739 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   testcase( n==(u64)db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH]+1 );
u64              13740 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   testcase( n==(u64)db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] );
u64              13743 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   }else if( n>(u64)db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
u64              15905 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 nAlloc;         /* Total number of calls to malloc */
u64              15906 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 totalAlloc;     /* Total of all malloc calls - includes internal frag */
u64              15907 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 totalExcess;    /* Total internal fragmentation */
u64              18887 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c               longvalue = ((u64)1)<<63;
u64              18900 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c             longvalue = va_arg(ap,u64);
u64              20682 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 u = 0;
u64              20823 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PutVarint(unsigned char *p, u64 v){
u64              20826 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   if( v & (((u64)0xff000000)<<32) ){
u64              20888 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3GetVarint(const unsigned char *p, u64 *v){
u64              20967 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
u64              20988 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
u64              21003 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
u64              21021 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
u64              21042 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
u64              21113 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 v64;
u64              21165 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 v64;
u64              21181 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VarintLen(u64 v){
u64              48025 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     n += getVarint(&pCell[n], (u64*)&pInfo->nKey);
u64              48930 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     assert( sizeof(u64)==8 || sizeof(u64)==4 );
u64              51599 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         getVarint(pCell, (u64*)&nCellKey);
u64              52385 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   nHeader += putVarint(&pCell[nHeader], *(u64*)&nKey);
u64              59659 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 u;
u64              59736 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u64 floatSwap(u64 in){
u64              59738 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 r;
u64              59778 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 v;
u64              59855 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u64 x = (((signed char)buf[0])<<8) | buf[1];
u64              59864 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u64 x;
u64              59872 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       static const u64 t1 = ((u64)0x3ff00000)<<32;
u64              59874 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u64 t2 = t1;
u64              60162 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   assert( (nCellKey & SQLITE_MAX_U32)==(u64)nCellKey );
u64              62473 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 start;                 /* CPU clock count at start of opcode */
u64              62520 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u64 uA;
u64              62578 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u64 nData;             /* Number of bytes of data space */
u64              62675 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u64 iKey;
u64              63800 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 uA;
u64              63838 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         if( u.ah.iA<0 ) u.ah.uA |= ((((u64)0xffffffff)<<32)|0xffffffff) << (64-u.ah.iB);
u64              64489 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       assert( (u.am.payloadSize64 & SQLITE_MAX_U32)==(u64)u.am.payloadSize64 );
u64              64751 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 nData;             /* Number of bytes of data space */
u64              65697 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.az.pC->pCursor, 0, (u64)u.az.iKey, 0, &u.az.res);
u64              65999 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 iKey;
u64              66104 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c #   define MAX_ROWID  (i64)( (((u64)0x7fffffff)<<32) | (u64)0xffffffff )
u64              66173 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       while(   ((rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.be.pC->pCursor, 0, (u64)u.be.v,
u64              68336 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u64 elapsed = sqlite3Hwtime() - start;
u64              82572 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       u64 n;
u64              107472 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 x = (((u64)1)<<63)-1;
u64              110523 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   static const u64 t1 = ((u64)0x3ff00000)<<32;
u64              110525 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 t2 = t1;
u64              110666 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static u32 SerialTypeLength(u64 iSerialType){
u64              110684 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int SerialTypeIsBlob(u64 iSerialType){
u64              110692 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c static int SerialTypeIsCompatible(u64 iSerialType, unsigned char mask){
u64              111339 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 iRecordOffset;               /* offset to record data. */
u64              111345 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 nRecordBytes;                /* Size of record data. */
u64              111530 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 nRecordBytes;                  /* Expected size of cell, w/overflow. */
u64              111531 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 iRowid;                        /* iCell's rowid (in table). */
u64              111534 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 nRecordHeaderBytes;            /* Header size expected. */
u64              111536 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 nRecordColBytes;               /* Bytes in payload for those columns. */
u64              111616 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 iSerialType;  /* Type descriptor for current column. */
u64              111657 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c                                  unsigned iCol, u64 *piColType,
u64              111660 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 nRecordHeaderBytes;              /* Bytes in pRecordHeader. */
u64              111662 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 iColEndOffset;                   /* Offset to end of column in cell. */
u64              111664 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 iSerialType;                     /* Type descriptor for current column. */
u64              111921 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 iType;  /* Storage type of column i. */
u64              112000 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 iColType;             /* Storage type of column i. */
u64              122710 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 covered;                    /* Mask of query phrases covered */
u64              122711 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 hlmask;                     /* Mask of snippet terms to highlight */
u64              122993 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 mCovered,                   /* Bitmask of phrases already covered */
u64              122996 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 *pmCover,                   /* OUT: Bitmask of phrases covered */
u64              122997 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 *pmHighlight                /* OUT: Bitmask of terms to highlight */
u64              123002 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 mCover = 0;                 /* Mask of phrases covered by this snippet */
u64              123003 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 mHighlight = 0;             /* Mask of tokens to highlight in snippet */
u64              123013 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         u64 mPhrase = (u64)1 << i;
u64              123014 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         u64 mPos = (u64)1 << (iCsr - iStart);
u64              123086 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 mCovered,                   /* Mask of phrases already covered */
u64              123087 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 *pmSeen,                    /* IN/OUT: Mask of phrases seen */
u64              123131 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       *pmSeen |= (u64)1 << i;
u64              123142 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 mCover;
u64              123143 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 mHighlight;
u64              123223 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 *pHlmask                    /* IN/OUT: Mask of tokens to highlight */
u64              123225 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 hlmask = *pHlmask;          /* Local copy of initial highlight-mask */
u64              123232 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     for(nLeft=0; !(hlmask & ((u64)1 << nLeft)); nLeft++);
u64              123233 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     for(nRight=0; !(hlmask & ((u64)1 << (nSnippet-1-nRight))); nRight++);
u64              123300 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u64 hlmask = pFragment->hlmask; /* Highlight-mask for snippet */
u64              123365 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     isHighlight = (hlmask & ((u64)1 << (iCurrent-iPos)))!=0;
u64              123969 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 mCovered = 0;             /* Bitmask of phrases covered by snippet */
u64              123970 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     u64 mSeen = 0;                /* Bitmask of phrases seen by BestSnippet() */
u64                77 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 covered;                    /* Mask of query phrases covered */
u64                78 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 hlmask;                     /* Mask of snippet terms to highlight */
u64               360 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 mCovered,                   /* Bitmask of phrases already covered */
u64               363 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 *pmCover,                   /* OUT: Bitmask of phrases covered */
u64               364 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 *pmHighlight                /* OUT: Bitmask of terms to highlight */
u64               369 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 mCover = 0;                 /* Mask of phrases covered by this snippet */
u64               370 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 mHighlight = 0;             /* Mask of tokens to highlight in snippet */
u64               380 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c         u64 mPhrase = (u64)1 << i;
u64               381 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c         u64 mPos = (u64)1 << (iCsr - iStart);
u64               453 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 mCovered,                   /* Mask of phrases already covered */
u64               454 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 *pmSeen,                    /* IN/OUT: Mask of phrases seen */
u64               498 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c       *pmSeen |= (u64)1 << i;
u64               509 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c     u64 mCover;
u64               510 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c     u64 mHighlight;
u64               590 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 *pHlmask                    /* IN/OUT: Mask of tokens to highlight */
u64               592 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 hlmask = *pHlmask;          /* Local copy of initial highlight-mask */
u64               599 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c     for(nLeft=0; !(hlmask & ((u64)1 << nLeft)); nLeft++);
u64               600 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c     for(nRight=0; !(hlmask & ((u64)1 << (nSnippet-1-nRight))); nRight++);
u64               667 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c   u64 hlmask = pFragment->hlmask; /* Highlight-mask for snippet */
u64               732 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c     isHighlight = (hlmask & ((u64)1 << (iCurrent-iPos)))!=0;
u64              1336 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c     u64 mCovered = 0;             /* Bitmask of phrases covered by snippet */
u64              1337 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts3/fts3_snippet.c     u64 mSeen = 0;                /* Bitmask of phrases seen by BestSnippet() */
u64               906 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     n += getVarint(&pCell[n], (u64*)&pInfo->nKey);
u64              1811 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     assert( sizeof(u64)==8 || sizeof(u64)==4 );
u64              4480 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c         getVarint(pCell, (u64*)&nCellKey);
u64              5266 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   nHeader += putVarint(&pCell[nHeader], *(u64*)&nKey);
u64               847 third_party/sqlite/src/src/date.c   u64 n;
u64               890 third_party/sqlite/src/src/date.c   testcase( n==(u64)db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH]+1 );
u64               891 third_party/sqlite/src/src/date.c   testcase( n==(u64)db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] );
u64               894 third_party/sqlite/src/src/date.c   }else if( n>(u64)db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
u64               873 third_party/sqlite/src/src/func.c       u64 n;
u64               227 third_party/sqlite/src/src/main.c     u64 x = (((u64)1)<<63)-1;
u64               108 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   u64 nAlloc;         /* Total number of calls to malloc */
u64               109 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   u64 totalAlloc;     /* Total of all malloc calls - includes internal frag */
u64               110 third_party/sqlite/src/src/mem5.c   u64 totalExcess;    /* Total internal fragmentation */
u64               404 third_party/sqlite/src/src/printf.c               longvalue = ((u64)1)<<63;
u64               417 third_party/sqlite/src/src/printf.c             longvalue = va_arg(ap,u64);
u64               277 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   static const u64 t1 = ((u64)0x3ff00000)<<32;
u64               279 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 t2 = t1;
u64               420 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c static u32 SerialTypeLength(u64 iSerialType){
u64               438 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c static int SerialTypeIsBlob(u64 iSerialType){
u64               446 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c static int SerialTypeIsCompatible(u64 iSerialType, unsigned char mask){
u64              1093 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 iRecordOffset;               /* offset to record data. */
u64              1099 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 nRecordBytes;                /* Size of record data. */
u64              1284 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 nRecordBytes;                  /* Expected size of cell, w/overflow. */
u64              1285 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 iRowid;                        /* iCell's rowid (in table). */
u64              1288 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 nRecordHeaderBytes;            /* Header size expected. */
u64              1290 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 nRecordColBytes;               /* Bytes in payload for those columns. */
u64              1370 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c     u64 iSerialType;  /* Type descriptor for current column. */
u64              1411 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c                                  unsigned iCol, u64 *piColType,
u64              1414 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 nRecordHeaderBytes;              /* Bytes in pRecordHeader. */
u64              1416 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 iColEndOffset;                   /* Offset to end of column in cell. */
u64              1418 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 iSerialType;                     /* Type descriptor for current column. */
u64              1675 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c     u64 iType;  /* Storage type of column i. */
u64              1754 third_party/sqlite/src/src/recover.c   u64 iColType;             /* Storage type of column i. */
u64               446 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h #define SQLITE_MAX_U32  ((((u64)1)<<32)-1)
u64               837 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h   void (*xProfile)(void*,const char*,u64);  /* Profiling function */
u64              1807 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h typedef u64 Bitmask;
u64              2895 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h int sqlite3PutVarint(unsigned char*, u64);
u64              2897 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h u8 sqlite3GetVarint(const unsigned char *, u64 *);
u64              2899 third_party/sqlite/src/src/sqliteInt.h int sqlite3VarintLen(u64 v);
u64                47 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c   u64 v;
u64              1274 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c     a[i-2] &= (((u64)1)<<(sizeof(int)*8))-1;
u64              4305 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c u64 sqlite3StackDepth(void){
u64              4307 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test1.c   return (u64)(sqlite3_stack_baseline - &x);
u64               400 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test3.c   u64 n1;
u64               446 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test3.c   u64 in, out;
u64               327 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_stat.c           u64 dummy;
u64               462 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c   u64 u = 0;
u64               603 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c int sqlite3PutVarint(unsigned char *p, u64 v){
u64               606 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c   if( v & (((u64)0xff000000)<<32) ){
u64               668 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c u8 sqlite3GetVarint(const unsigned char *p, u64 *v){
u64               747 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
u64               768 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
u64               783 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
u64               801 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
u64               822 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c   *v = ((u64)s)<<32 | a;
u64               893 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     u64 v64;
u64               945 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c     u64 v64;
u64               961 third_party/sqlite/src/src/util.c int sqlite3VarintLen(u64 v){
u64               568 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u64 start;                 /* CPU clock count at start of opcode */
u64              1473 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u64 uA;
u64              1510 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c         if( iA<0 ) uA |= ((((u64)0xffffffff)<<32)|0xffffffff) << (64-iB);
u64              2151 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c       assert( (payloadSize64 & SQLITE_MAX_U32)==(u64)payloadSize64 );
u64              2410 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u64 nData;             /* Number of bytes of data space */
u64              3333 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c       rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(pC->pCursor, 0, (u64)iKey, 0, &res);
u64              3628 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c   u64 iKey;
u64              3730 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c #   define MAX_ROWID  (i64)( (((u64)0x7fffffff)<<32) | (u64)0xffffffff )
u64              3799 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c       while(   ((rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(pC->pCursor, 0, (u64)v,
u64              5892 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c       u64 elapsed = sqlite3Hwtime() - start;
u64                70 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.h   u64 cycles;              /* Total time spent executing this instruction */
u64              2534 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c     u64 u;
u64              2611 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c static u64 floatSwap(u64 in){
u64              2613 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c     u64 r;
u64              2653 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c     u64 v;
u64              2730 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c       u64 x = (((signed char)buf[0])<<8) | buf[1];
u64              2739 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c       u64 x;
u64              2747 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c       static const u64 t1 = ((u64)0x3ff00000)<<32;
u64              2749 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c       u64 t2 = t1;
u64              3037 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbeaux.c   assert( (nCellKey & SQLITE_MAX_U32)==(u64)nCellKey );