
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. GetVersionPartAsInt
  2. GetDeviceAndDriverInfo
  3. NumberOfWaveOutBuffers
  4. enumeration_type_
  5. HasAudioOutputDevices
  6. HasAudioInputDevices
  7. InitializeOnAudioThread
  8. ShutdownOnAudioThread
  9. GetAudioInputDeviceModel
  10. ShowAudioInputSettings
  11. GetAudioDeviceNamesImpl
  12. GetAudioInputDeviceNames
  13. GetAudioOutputDeviceNames
  14. GetInputStreamParameters
  15. GetAssociatedOutputDeviceID
  16. MakeLinearOutputStream
  17. MakeLowLatencyOutputStream
  18. MakeLinearInputStream
  19. MakeLowLatencyInputStream
  20. GetDefaultOutputDeviceID
  21. GetPreferredOutputStreamParameters
  22. CreatePCMWaveInAudioInputStream
  23. CreateAudioManager

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/audio/audio_io.h"

#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>  // This has to be before initguid.h
#include <initguid.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <setupapi.h>

#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/process/launch.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h"
#include "media/audio/win/audio_device_listener_win.h"
#include "media/audio/win/audio_low_latency_input_win.h"
#include "media/audio/win/audio_low_latency_output_win.h"
#include "media/audio/win/audio_manager_win.h"
#include "media/audio/win/core_audio_util_win.h"
#include "media/audio/win/device_enumeration_win.h"
#include "media/audio/win/wavein_input_win.h"
#include "media/audio/win/waveout_output_win.h"
#include "media/base/bind_to_current_loop.h"
#include "media/base/channel_layout.h"
#include "media/base/limits.h"
#include "media/base/media_switches.h"

// Libraries required for the SetupAPI and Wbem APIs used here.
#pragma comment(lib, "setupapi.lib")

// The following are defined in various DDK headers, and we (re)define them here
// to avoid adding the DDK as a chrome dependency.
DEFINE_GUID(AM_KSCATEGORY_AUDIO, 0x6994ad04, 0x93ef, 0x11d0,
            0xa3, 0xcc, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x22, 0x31, 0x96);

namespace media {

// Maximum number of output streams that can be open simultaneously.
static const int kMaxOutputStreams = 50;

// Up to 8 channels can be passed to the driver.  This should work, given the
// right drivers, but graceful error handling is needed.
static const int kWinMaxChannels = 8;

// We use 3 buffers for recording audio so that if a recording callback takes
// some time to return we won't lose audio. More buffers while recording are
// ok because they don't introduce any delay in recording, unlike in playback
// where you first need to fill in that number of buffers before starting to
// play.
static const int kNumInputBuffers = 3;

// Buffer size to use for input and output stream when a proper size can't be
// determined from the system
static const int kFallbackBufferSize = 2048;

static int GetVersionPartAsInt(DWORDLONG num) {
  return static_cast<int>(num & 0xffff);

// Returns a string containing the given device's description and installed
// driver version.
static base::string16 GetDeviceAndDriverInfo(HDEVINFO device_info,
                                             SP_DEVINFO_DATA* device_data) {
  // Save the old install params setting and set a flag for the
  // SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList below to return only the installed drivers.
  SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS old_device_install_params;
  old_device_install_params.cbSize = sizeof(old_device_install_params);
  SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(device_info, device_data,
  SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS device_install_params = old_device_install_params;
  device_install_params.FlagsEx |= DI_FLAGSEX_INSTALLEDDRIVER;
  SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(device_info, device_data,

  SP_DRVINFO_DATA driver_data;
  driver_data.cbSize = sizeof(driver_data);
  base::string16 device_and_driver_info;
  if (SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(device_info, device_data,
                                 SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER)) {
    if (SetupDiEnumDriverInfo(device_info, device_data, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER, 0,
                              &driver_data)) {
      DWORDLONG version = driver_data.DriverVersion;
      device_and_driver_info = base::string16(driver_data.Description) + L" v" +
          base::IntToString16(GetVersionPartAsInt((version >> 48))) + L"." +
          base::IntToString16(GetVersionPartAsInt((version >> 32))) + L"." +
          base::IntToString16(GetVersionPartAsInt((version >> 16))) + L"." +
    SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(device_info, device_data, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER);

  SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(device_info, device_data,

  return device_and_driver_info;

static int NumberOfWaveOutBuffers() {
  // Use the user provided buffer count if provided.
  int buffers = 0;
  std::string buffers_str(CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII(
  if (base::StringToInt(buffers_str, &buffers) && buffers > 0) {
    return buffers;

  // Use 4 buffers for Vista, 3 for everyone else:
  //  - The entire Windows audio stack was rewritten for Windows Vista and wave
  //    out performance was degraded compared to XP.
  //  - The regression was fixed in Windows 7 and most configurations will work
  //    with 2, but some (e.g., some Sound Blasters) still need 3.
  //  - Some XP configurations (even multi-processor ones) also need 3.
  return (base::win::GetVersion() == base::win::VERSION_VISTA) ? 4 : 3;

AudioManagerWin::AudioManagerWin(AudioLogFactory* audio_log_factory)
    : AudioManagerBase(audio_log_factory),
      // |CoreAudioUtil::IsSupported()| uses static variables to avoid doing
      // multiple initializations.  This is however not thread safe.
      // So, here we call it explicitly before we kick off the audio thread
      // or do any other work.
      enumeration_type_(CoreAudioUtil::IsSupported() ?
          kMMDeviceEnumeration : kWaveEnumeration) {

  // WARNING: This is executed on the UI loop, do not add any code here which
  // loads libraries or attempts to call out into the OS.  Instead add such code
  // to the InitializeOnAudioThread() method below.

  // Task must be posted last to avoid races from handing out "this" to the
  // audio thread.
  GetTaskRunner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
      &AudioManagerWin::InitializeOnAudioThread, base::Unretained(this)));

AudioManagerWin::~AudioManagerWin() {
  // It's safe to post a task here since Shutdown() will wait for all tasks to
  // complete before returning.
  GetTaskRunner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
      &AudioManagerWin::ShutdownOnAudioThread, base::Unretained(this)));

bool AudioManagerWin::HasAudioOutputDevices() {
  return (::waveOutGetNumDevs() != 0);

bool AudioManagerWin::HasAudioInputDevices() {
  return (::waveInGetNumDevs() != 0);

void AudioManagerWin::InitializeOnAudioThread() {

  if (core_audio_supported()) {
    // AudioDeviceListenerWin must be initialized on a COM thread and should
    // only be used if WASAPI / Core Audio is supported.
    output_device_listener_.reset(new AudioDeviceListenerWin(BindToCurrentLoop(

void AudioManagerWin::ShutdownOnAudioThread() {

base::string16 AudioManagerWin::GetAudioInputDeviceModel() {
  // Get the default audio capture device and its device interface name.
  DWORD device_id = 0;
                reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(&device_id), NULL);
  ULONG device_interface_name_size = 0;
                reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(&device_interface_name_size), 0);
  size_t bytes_in_char16 = sizeof(base::string16::value_type);
  DCHECK_EQ(0u, device_interface_name_size % bytes_in_char16);
  if (device_interface_name_size <= bytes_in_char16)
    return base::string16();  // No audio capture device.

  base::string16 device_interface_name;
  base::string16::value_type* name_ptr = WriteInto(&device_interface_name,
      device_interface_name_size / bytes_in_char16);

  // Enumerate all audio devices and find the one matching the above device
  // interface name.
  HDEVINFO device_info = SetupDiGetClassDevs(
  if (device_info == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    return base::string16();

  DWORD interface_index = 0;
  SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA interface_data;
  interface_data.cbSize = sizeof(interface_data);
  while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(device_info, 0, &AM_KSCATEGORY_AUDIO,
                                     interface_index++, &interface_data)) {
    // Query the size of the struct, allocate it and then query the data.
    SP_DEVINFO_DATA device_data;
    device_data.cbSize = sizeof(device_data);
    DWORD interface_detail_size = 0;
    SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(device_info, &interface_data, 0, 0,
                                    &interface_detail_size, &device_data);
    if (!interface_detail_size)

    scoped_ptr<char[]> interface_detail_buffer(new char[interface_detail_size]);
    SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA* interface_detail =
    interface_detail->cbSize = interface_detail_size;
    if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(device_info, &interface_data,
                                         interface_detail_size, NULL,
      return base::string16();

    bool device_found = (device_interface_name == interface_detail->DevicePath);

    if (device_found)
      return GetDeviceAndDriverInfo(device_info, &device_data);

  return base::string16();

void AudioManagerWin::ShowAudioInputSettings() {
  std::wstring program;
  std::string argument;
  if (!core_audio_supported()) {
    program = L"sndvol32.exe";
    argument = "-R";
  } else {
    program = L"control.exe";
    argument = "mmsys.cpl,,1";

  base::FilePath path;
  PathService::Get(base::DIR_SYSTEM, &path);
  path = path.Append(program);
  CommandLine command_line(path);
  base::LaunchProcess(command_line, base::LaunchOptions(), NULL);

void AudioManagerWin::GetAudioDeviceNamesImpl(
    bool input,
    AudioDeviceNames* device_names) {
  // Enumerate all active audio-endpoint capture devices.
  if (enumeration_type() == kWaveEnumeration) {
    // Utilize the Wave API for Windows XP.
    if (input)
  } else {
    // Utilize the MMDevice API (part of Core Audio) for Vista and higher.
    if (input)

  // Always add default device parameters as first element.
  if (!device_names->empty()) {
    AudioDeviceName name;
    name.device_name = AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceName;
    name.unique_id = AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId;

void AudioManagerWin::GetAudioInputDeviceNames(AudioDeviceNames* device_names) {
  GetAudioDeviceNamesImpl(true, device_names);

void AudioManagerWin::GetAudioOutputDeviceNames(
    AudioDeviceNames* device_names) {
  GetAudioDeviceNamesImpl(false, device_names);

AudioParameters AudioManagerWin::GetInputStreamParameters(
    const std::string& device_id) {
  if (!core_audio_supported()) {
    return AudioParameters(
        AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR, CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO, 0, 48000,
        16, kFallbackBufferSize, AudioParameters::NO_EFFECTS);

  return WASAPIAudioInputStream::GetInputStreamParameters(device_id);

std::string AudioManagerWin::GetAssociatedOutputDeviceID(
    const std::string& input_device_id) {
  if (!core_audio_supported()) {
        << "GetAssociatedOutputDeviceID is not supported on this OS";
    return std::string();
  return CoreAudioUtil::GetMatchingOutputDeviceID(input_device_id);

// Factory for the implementations of AudioOutputStream for AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR
// mode.
// - PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream: Based on the waveOut API.
AudioOutputStream* AudioManagerWin::MakeLinearOutputStream(
    const AudioParameters& params) {
  DCHECK_EQ(AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR, params.format());
  if (params.channels() > kWinMaxChannels)
    return NULL;

  return new PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream(this,

// Factory for the implementations of AudioOutputStream for
// AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY mode. Two implementations should suffice most
// windows user's needs.
// - PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream: Based on the waveOut API.
// - WASAPIAudioOutputStream: Based on Core Audio (WASAPI) API.
AudioOutputStream* AudioManagerWin::MakeLowLatencyOutputStream(
    const AudioParameters& params,
    const std::string& device_id) {
  DCHECK_EQ(AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY, params.format());
  if (params.channels() > kWinMaxChannels)
    return NULL;

  if (!core_audio_supported()) {
    // Fall back to Windows Wave implementation on Windows XP or lower.
    DLOG_IF(ERROR, !device_id.empty() &&
        device_id != AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId)
        << "Opening by device id not supported by PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream";
    DVLOG(1) << "Using WaveOut since WASAPI requires at least Vista.";
    return new PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream(
        this, params, NumberOfWaveOutBuffers(), WAVE_MAPPER);

  // Pass an empty string to indicate that we want the default device
  // since we consistently only check for an empty string in
  // WASAPIAudioOutputStream.
  return new WASAPIAudioOutputStream(this,
      device_id == AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId ?
          std::string() : device_id,
      params.effects() & AudioParameters::DUCKING ? eCommunications : eConsole);

// Factory for the implementations of AudioInputStream for AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR
// mode.
AudioInputStream* AudioManagerWin::MakeLinearInputStream(
    const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& device_id) {
  DCHECK_EQ(AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR, params.format());
  return CreatePCMWaveInAudioInputStream(params, device_id);

// Factory for the implementations of AudioInputStream for
AudioInputStream* AudioManagerWin::MakeLowLatencyInputStream(
    const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& device_id) {
  DCHECK_EQ(AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY, params.format());
  DVLOG(1) << "MakeLowLatencyInputStream: " << device_id;
  AudioInputStream* stream = NULL;
  if (!core_audio_supported()) {
    // Fall back to Windows Wave implementation on Windows XP or lower.
    DVLOG(1) << "Using WaveIn since WASAPI requires at least Vista.";
    stream = CreatePCMWaveInAudioInputStream(params, device_id);
  } else {
    stream = new WASAPIAudioInputStream(this, params, device_id);

  return stream;

std::string AudioManagerWin::GetDefaultOutputDeviceID() {
  if (!core_audio_supported())
    return std::string();
  return CoreAudioUtil::GetDefaultOutputDeviceID();

AudioParameters AudioManagerWin::GetPreferredOutputStreamParameters(
    const std::string& output_device_id,
    const AudioParameters& input_params) {
  DLOG_IF(ERROR, !core_audio_supported() && !output_device_id.empty())
      << "CoreAudio is required to open non-default devices.";

  const CommandLine* cmd_line = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
  ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO;
  int sample_rate = 48000;
  int buffer_size = kFallbackBufferSize;
  int bits_per_sample = 16;
  int input_channels = 0;
  int effects = AudioParameters::NO_EFFECTS;
  bool use_input_params = !core_audio_supported();
  if (core_audio_supported()) {
    if (cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kEnableExclusiveAudio)) {
      // TODO(rtoy): tune these values for best possible WebAudio
      // performance. WebRTC works well at 48kHz and a buffer size of 480
      // samples will be used for this case. Note that exclusive mode is
      // experimental. This sample rate will be combined with a buffer size of
      // 256 samples, which corresponds to an output delay of ~5.33ms.
      sample_rate = 48000;
      buffer_size = 256;
      if (input_params.IsValid())
        channel_layout = input_params.channel_layout();
    } else {
      AudioParameters params;
      HRESULT hr = CoreAudioUtil::GetPreferredAudioParameters(
          output_device_id.empty() ?
              GetDefaultOutputDeviceID() : output_device_id,
      if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        bits_per_sample = params.bits_per_sample();
        buffer_size = params.frames_per_buffer();
        channel_layout = params.channel_layout();
        sample_rate = params.sample_rate();
        effects = params.effects();
      } else {
        // TODO(tommi): This should never happen really and I'm not sure that
        // setting use_input_params is the right thing to do since WASAPI i
        // definitely supported (see  core_audio_supported() above) and
        // |use_input_params| is only for cases when it isn't supported.
        DLOG(ERROR) << "GetPreferredAudioParameters failed: " << std::hex << hr;
        use_input_params = true;

  if (input_params.IsValid()) {
    // If the user has enabled checking supported channel layouts or we don't
    // have a valid channel layout yet, try to use the input layout.  See bugs
    // and for more details.
    if (core_audio_supported() &&
        (cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kTrySupportedChannelLayouts) ||
         channel_layout == CHANNEL_LAYOUT_UNSUPPORTED)) {
      // Check if it is possible to open up at the specified input channel
      // layout but avoid checking if the specified layout is the same as the
      // hardware (preferred) layout. We do this extra check to avoid the
      // CoreAudioUtil::IsChannelLayoutSupported() overhead in most cases.
      if (input_params.channel_layout() != channel_layout) {
        // TODO(henrika): Internally, IsChannelLayoutSupported does many of the
        // operations that have already been done such as opening up a client
        // and fetching the WAVEFORMATPCMEX format.  Ideally we should only do
        // that once.  Then here, we can check the layout from the data we
        // already hold.
        if (CoreAudioUtil::IsChannelLayoutSupported(
                output_device_id, eRender, eConsole,
                input_params.channel_layout())) {
          // Open up using the same channel layout as the source if it is
          // supported by the hardware.
          channel_layout = input_params.channel_layout();
          VLOG(1) << "Hardware channel layout is not used; using same layout"
                  << " as the source instead (" << channel_layout << ")";
    input_channels = input_params.input_channels();
    effects |= input_params.effects();
    if (use_input_params) {
      // If WASAPI isn't supported we'll fallback to WaveOut, which will take
      // care of resampling and bits per sample changes.  By setting these
      // equal to the input values, AudioOutputResampler will skip resampling
      // and bit per sample differences (since the input parameters will match
      // the output parameters).
      bits_per_sample = input_params.bits_per_sample();
      buffer_size = input_params.frames_per_buffer();
      channel_layout = input_params.channel_layout();
      sample_rate = input_params.sample_rate();

  int user_buffer_size = GetUserBufferSize();
  if (user_buffer_size)
    buffer_size = user_buffer_size;

  return AudioParameters(
      AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY, channel_layout, input_channels,
      sample_rate, bits_per_sample, buffer_size, effects);

AudioInputStream* AudioManagerWin::CreatePCMWaveInAudioInputStream(
    const AudioParameters& params,
    const std::string& device_id) {
  std::string xp_device_id = device_id;
  if (device_id != AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId &&
      enumeration_type_ == kMMDeviceEnumeration) {
    xp_device_id = ConvertToWinXPInputDeviceId(device_id);
    if (xp_device_id.empty()) {
      DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot find a waveIn device which matches the device ID "
                  << device_id;
      return NULL;

  return new PCMWaveInAudioInputStream(this, params, kNumInputBuffers,

/// static
AudioManager* CreateAudioManager(AudioLogFactory* audio_log_factory) {
  return new AudioManagerWin(audio_log_factory);

}  // namespace media

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */