max               580 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/src/com/example/helloandroidcamera2/             return Collections.max(ok, new CompareSizesByArea());
max                16 apps/HelloHexagon/process.cpp T clamp(T x, T min, T max) {
max                18 apps/HelloHexagon/process.cpp     if (x > max) x = max;
max                91 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp         new_state(x, state.dim(1).max(), c) = random_float(frame)*0.2f;
max                93 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp         new_state(state.dim(0).max(), y, c) = random_float(frame)*0.2f;
max               188 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp         Expr R = min(c0, max(c1, c2));
max               190 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp         Expr B = max(c0, max(c1, c2));
max                48 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     Expr a = max(input(x - 2, y), input(x + 2, y),
max                72 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic.cpp inline short max(short a, short b, short c, short d) {return max(max(a, b), max(c, d));}
max               135 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic.cpp                                                   max(inBlock[GR][y-1][x],
max               140 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic.cpp                                                  max(inBlock[R][y-1][x],
max               145 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic.cpp                                                  max(inBlock[B][y-1][x],
max               150 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic.cpp                                                   max(inBlock[GB][y-1][x],
max                15 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic_ARM.cpp inline short max(short a, short b, short c, short d) {return max(max(a, b), max(c, d));}
max               246 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic_ARM.cpp                             int16x8_t max;
max               249 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic_ARM.cpp                             max = vmaxq_s16(left, right);
max               250 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic_ARM.cpp                             max = vmaxq_s16(above, max);
max               251 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic_ARM.cpp                             max = vmaxq_s16(under, max);
max               254 apps/camera_pipe/fcam/Demosaic_ARM.cpp                             here  = vminq_s16(max, here);
max                53 apps/fft/fft.cpp     return std::min(x, y) * (std::max(x, y) / gcd(x, y));
max                14 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/dilate3x3_generator.cpp         max_y(x, y) = max(bounded_input(x, y-1), bounded_input(x, y), bounded_input(x, y+1));
max                16 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/dilate3x3_generator.cpp         output(x, y) = max(max_y(x-1, y), max_y(x, y), max_y(x+1, y));
max                 8 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/median3x3_generator.cpp         return max(min(max(a, b), c), min(a, b));
max                19 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/median3x3_generator.cpp         max_y(x,y) = max(bounded_input(x ,y-1), bounded_input(x, y), bounded_input(x, y+1));
max                24 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/median3x3_generator.cpp         maxmin_x(x,y) = max(min_y(x-1, y), min_y(x, y), min_y(x+1, y));
max                50 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/process.h T clamp(T val, T min, T max) {
max                53 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/process.h     if (val > max)
max                54 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/process.h         return max;
max               154 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/process.h         return std::max(std::max(a, b), c);
max                17 apps/hexagon_matmul/process.cpp T clamp(T x, T min, T max) {
max                19 apps/hexagon_matmul/process.cpp     if (x > max) x = max;
max               118 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h bool halide_randomize_buffer_host(void *user_context, int seed, T min, T max, buffer_t* buf) {
max               129 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h     for (int i0 = 0; i0 < std::max(1, buf->extent[0]); ++i0) {
max               131 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h         for (int i1 = 0; i1 < std::max(1, buf->extent[1]); ++i1) {
max               133 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h             for (int i2 = 0; i2 < std::max(1, buf->extent[2]); ++i2) {
max               135 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h                 for (int i3 = 0; i3 < std::max(1, buf->extent[3]); ++i3) {
max               136 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h                     *p3 = min + (T) (((double) rnd() / (double) 0xffffffff) * (max - min));
max               151 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h   return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
max               181 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h     for (int i0 = 0; i0 < std::max(1, buf->extent[0]); ++i0) {
max               183 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h         for (int i1 = 0; i1 < std::max(1, buf->extent[1]); ++i1) {
max               185 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h             for (int i2 = 0; i2 < std::max(1, buf->extent[2]); ++i2) {
max               188 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h                   case 0: v = i0 * kMax / std::max(1, buf->extent[0]); break;
max               189 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h                   case 1: v = i1 * kMax / std::max(1, buf->extent[1]); break;
max               195 apps/templates/SimpleAppAPI.h                 for (int i3 = 0; i3 < std::max(1, buf->extent[3]); ++i3) {
max                28 apps/wavelet/wavelet.cpp T clamp(T x, T min, T max) {
max                30 apps/wavelet/wavelet.cpp     if (x > max) return max;
max                73 python_bindings/python/Argument.cpp         .def_readonly("max", &Argument::max);
max               203 python_bindings/python/IROperator.cpp     h::Expr (*max_exprs)(h::Expr, h::Expr) = &h::max;
max               204 python_bindings/python/IROperator.cpp     h::Expr (*max_expr_int)(const h::Expr &, int) = &h::max;
max               205 python_bindings/python/IROperator.cpp     h::Expr (*max_int_expr)(int, const h::Expr &) = &h::max;
max               535 python_bindings/python/Param.cpp     p::object call_create_param_object(T true_val, std::string name, h::Expr min, h::Expr max) {
max               536 python_bindings/python/Param.cpp         return create_param_object<T>(name, true_val, min, max);
max               540 python_bindings/python/Param.cpp     p::object call_create_param_object(T true_val, h::Expr min, h::Expr max) {
max               541 python_bindings/python/Param.cpp         return create_param_object<T>(true_val, min, max);
max               585 python_bindings/python/Param.cpp     static p::object create_param4(h::Type type, p::object val, h::Expr min, h::Expr max) {
max               586 python_bindings/python/Param.cpp         return create_param1_impl_t<pixel_types_t, h::Expr, h::Expr>()(type, val, min, max);
max               589 python_bindings/python/Param.cpp     static p::object create_param5(h::Type type, std::string name, p::object val, h::Expr min, h::Expr max) {
max               590 python_bindings/python/Param.cpp         return create_param1_impl_t<pixel_types_t, std::string, h::Expr, h::Expr>()(type, val, name, min, max);
max                93 python_bindings/python/Type.cpp         .def("max", &Type::max, p::arg("self"),
max               199 src/AddImageChecks.cpp                     Expr max = Call::make(Int(32), Call::buffer_get_max,
max               201 src/AddImageChecks.cpp                     query_box.push_back(Interval(min, max));
max               263 src/AddImageChecks.cpp             Expr extent_required = touched.empty() ? actual_extent : (touched[j].max + 1 - touched[j].min);
max                68 src/AddParameterChecks.cpp                 constrained_value = max(constrained_value, param.get_min_value());
max                73 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp             Expr min, max, extent;
max                75 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp             b[i].max = simplify(b[i].max);
max                83 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp                 max = simplify(min + extent - 1);
max                85 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp                 max = b[i].max;
max                86 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp                 extent = simplify((max - min) + 1);
max                93 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp                 Expr max_plus_one = max + 1;
max                98 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp                 max = max_plus_one - 1;
max               105 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp             internal_assert(max_var.type() == max.type());
max               108 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp                                         {f_args[i],, min_var, max_var, b[i].min, b[i].max},
max               115 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp                 stmt = Block::make(AssertStmt::make(max_var >= b[i].max, error_msg), stmt);
max               120 src/AllocationBoundsInference.cpp             stmt = LetStmt::make(max_name, max, stmt);
max               104 src/ApplySplit.cpp         Expr factor = max(inner_extent, 1);
max                58 src/Argument.h     Expr def, min, max;
max                65 src/Argument.h         name(_name), kind(_kind), dimensions((uint8_t) _dimensions), type(_type), def(_def), min(_min), max(_max) {
max                73 src/Argument.h         user_assert(!(is_buffer() && max.defined()))
max                97 src/Argument.h                max.same_as(rhs.max);
max               116 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp     Expr tmax = t.max();                    \
max               136 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {max(x0, y0), tmin, true},
max               175 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {{max(x0, y0), select(y0 < x0, x1, y1)}, {tmin, zero}, true},
max               228 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {select(x0 > t.max() - y0, t.max(), y0), zero, true},   // Saturating add
max               229 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {select(x0 < -y0, y0, t.max()), zero, true},            // Saturating add
max               246 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {select(x0 > t.max() - y0, t.max(), y0), zero, true},   // Saturating add
max               247 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {select(x0 < -y0, y0, t.max()), zero, true},            // Saturating add
max               262 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {select(x0 > t.max() - y0, t.max(), y0), zero, true},   // Saturating add
max               263 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {select(x0 < -y0, y0, t.max()), zero, true},            // Saturating add
max               621 src/Associativity.cpp                           AssociativePattern(min(x, y), t.max(), true),
max               637 src/Associativity.cpp     check_associativity("f", {x}, {max(y, f_call_0)},
max               639 src/Associativity.cpp                           AssociativePattern(max(x, y), t.min(), true),
max               659 src/Associativity.cpp                               {t.max(), make_const(t, 1), make_const(t, 0)},
max               667 src/Associativity.cpp     check_associativity("f", {x}, {max(f_call_0 + g_call_0, g_call_0)}, AssociativeOp());
max               670 src/Associativity.cpp     check_associativity("f", {x}, {max(f_call_0 + g_call_0, f_call_0 - 3)},
max               674 src/Associativity.cpp                           {Replacement("y", max(g_call_0, -3))},
max               691 src/Associativity.cpp     check_associativity("f", {x}, {max(max(min(f_call_0, g_call_0 + 2), f_call_0), g_call_0 + 2)},
max               693 src/Associativity.cpp                           AssociativePattern(max(x, y), t.min(), true),
max               716 src/Associativity.cpp                             {t.max(), make_const(t, 0)},
max               724 src/Associativity.cpp     check_associativity("f", {x}, {max(xs[0], f_call_0)},
max               726 src/Associativity.cpp                           AssociativePattern(max(x, y), t.min(), true),
max               753 src/Associativity.cpp                                 {t.max(), make_const(t, 0), make_const(t, 0), make_const(t, 0)},
max                59 src/Bounds.cpp     } else if (const Max *max =<Max>()) {
max                60 src/Bounds.cpp         Expr a = find_constant_bound(max->a, d);
max                61 src/Bounds.cpp         Expr b = find_constant_bound(max->b, d);
max               105 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.max = iter->second.max;
max               113 src/Bounds.cpp             interval = Interval(t.min(), t.max());
max               168 src/Bounds.cpp             a.max = simplify(a.max);
max               172 src/Bounds.cpp             Expr upper_bound = find_constant_bound(a.max, Direction::Upper);
max               195 src/Bounds.cpp             if (a.has_upper_bound()) interval.max = a.max;
max               198 src/Bounds.cpp             if (interval.has_upper_bound()) interval.max = Cast::make(to, interval.max);
max               232 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.max = a.max + b.max;
max               238 src/Bounds.cpp                     Expr no_overflow = (cast<int>(a.max) + cast<int>(b.max) == cast<int>(interval.max));
max               268 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.min = a.min - b.max;
max               271 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.max = a.max - b.min;
max               277 src/Bounds.cpp                     Expr no_overflow = (cast<int>(a.max) - cast<int>(b.min) == cast<int>(interval.max));
max               284 src/Bounds.cpp                     Expr no_overflow = (cast<int>(a.min) - cast<int>(b.max) == cast<int>(interval.min));
max               295 src/Bounds.cpp                 !can_prove(b.max <= a.min)) {
max               320 src/Bounds.cpp             Expr e2 = a.has_upper_bound() ? a.max * b.min : a.max;
max               337 src/Bounds.cpp             interval.include(a.min * b.max);
max               338 src/Bounds.cpp             interval.include(a.max * b.min);
max               339 src/Bounds.cpp             interval.include(a.max * b.max);
max               348 src/Bounds.cpp                 Expr test2 = (cast<int>(a.min) * cast<int>(b.max) == cast<int>(a.min * b.max));
max               349 src/Bounds.cpp                 Expr test3 = (cast<int>(a.max) * cast<int>(b.min) == cast<int>(a.max * b.min));
max               350 src/Bounds.cpp                 Expr test4 = (cast<int>(a.max) * cast<int>(b.max) == cast<int>(a.max * b.max));
max               372 src/Bounds.cpp         } else if (can_prove(b.min == b.max)) {
max               374 src/Bounds.cpp             Expr e2 = a.has_upper_bound() ? a.max / b.max : a.max;
max               391 src/Bounds.cpp             int max_sign = static_sign(b.max);
max               399 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.include(a.max / b.min);
max               400 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.include(a.min / b.max);
max               401 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.include(a.max / b.max);
max               429 src/Bounds.cpp             if (b.max.type().is_uint() || (b.max.type().is_int() && is_positive_const(b.min))) {
max               431 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval = Interval(make_zero(t), b.max - make_one(t));
max               432 src/Bounds.cpp             } else if (b.max.type().is_int()) {
max               437 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval = Interval(make_zero(t), Max::make(abs(b.min), abs(b.max)) - make_one(t));
max               442 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval = Interval(make_zero(t), Max::make(abs(b.min), abs(b.max)));
max               458 src/Bounds.cpp                                 Interval::make_min(a.max, b.max));
max               474 src/Bounds.cpp                                 Interval::make_max(a.max, b.max));
max               539 src/Bounds.cpp         if (a.max.same_as(b.max)) {
max               540 src/Bounds.cpp             interval.max = a.max;
max               542 src/Bounds.cpp             interval.max = select(op->condition, a.max, b.max);
max               544 src/Bounds.cpp             interval.max = Interval::make_max(a.max, b.max);
max               611 src/Bounds.cpp                 if (equal(a.min, a.max)) {
max               612 src/Bounds.cpp                     interval = Interval::single_point(Call::make(t, Call::abs, {a.max}, Call::PureIntrinsic));
max               614 src/Bounds.cpp                     interval.max = Max::make(Cast::make(t, -a.min), Cast::make(t, a.max));
max               617 src/Bounds.cpp                     a.max = Call::make(t, Call::abs, {a.max}, Call::PureIntrinsic);
max               618 src/Bounds.cpp                     interval.max = Max::make(a.min, a.max);
max               622 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.max = Interval::pos_inf;
max               657 src/Bounds.cpp                 Call::make(t, op->name, {interval.max}, op->call_type,
max               705 src/Bounds.cpp             if (is_const(val.max)) {
max               707 src/Bounds.cpp                 var.max = val.max;
max               708 src/Bounds.cpp                 val.max = Expr();
max               710 src/Bounds.cpp                 var.max = Variable::make(op->value.type().element_of(), max_name);
max               722 src/Bounds.cpp             if (val.max.defined() && expr_uses_var(interval.min, max_name)) {
max               723 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.min = Let::make(max_name, val.max, interval.min);
max               728 src/Bounds.cpp             if (val.min.defined() && expr_uses_var(interval.max, min_name)) {
max               729 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.max = Let::make(min_name, val.min, interval.max);
max               731 src/Bounds.cpp             if (val.max.defined() && expr_uses_var(interval.max, max_name)) {
max               732 src/Bounds.cpp                 interval.max = Let::make(max_name, val.max, interval.max);
max               794 src/Bounds.cpp         internal_assert(b.interval.max.type().is_scalar())
max               796 src/Bounds.cpp             << " should have been a scalar: " << b.interval.max << "\n";
max               857 src/Bounds.cpp         if (!a[i].max.same_as(b[i].max)) {
max               861 src/Bounds.cpp                         a[i].max = select(a.used, a[i].max, b[i].max);
max               863 src/Bounds.cpp                         a[i].max = select(a.used && b.used, Interval::make_max(a[i].max, b[i].max),
max               864 src/Bounds.cpp                                           a.used, a[i].max,
max               865 src/Bounds.cpp                                           b[i].max);
max               868 src/Bounds.cpp                     a[i].max = select(a.used, Interval::make_max(a[i].max, b[i].max), b[i].max);
max               870 src/Bounds.cpp                     a[i].max = select(b.used, Interval::make_max(a[i].max, b[i].max), a[i].max);
max               872 src/Bounds.cpp                     a[i].max = Interval::make_max(a[i].max, b[i].max);
max               874 src/Bounds.cpp                 a[i].max = simplify(a[i].max);
max               876 src/Bounds.cpp                 a[i].max = Interval::pos_inf;
max               909 src/Bounds.cpp         result[i].min = simplify(max(a[i].min, b[i].min));
max               910 src/Bounds.cpp         result[i].max = simplify(min(a[i].max, b[i].max));
max               943 src/Bounds.cpp             overlap = overlap && b[i].max >= a[i].min;
max               946 src/Bounds.cpp             overlap = overlap && a[i].max >= b[i].min;
max               964 src/Bounds.cpp                      (outer[i].max >= inner[i].max));
max              1059 src/Bounds.cpp         bool fixed = value_bounds.min.same_as(value_bounds.max);
max              1061 src/Bounds.cpp         value_bounds.max = fixed ? value_bounds.min : simplify(value_bounds.max);
max              1064 src/Bounds.cpp             (fixed || is_small_enough_to_substitute(value_bounds.max))) {
max              1082 src/Bounds.cpp                             box[i].min = Let::make(max_name, value_bounds.max, box[i].min);
max              1089 src/Bounds.cpp                         if (expr_uses_var(box[i].max, max_name)) {
max              1090 src/Bounds.cpp                             box[i].max = Let::make(max_name, value_bounds.max, box[i].max);
max              1092 src/Bounds.cpp                         if (expr_uses_var(box[i].max, min_name)) {
max              1093 src/Bounds.cpp                             box[i].max = Let::make(min_name, value_bounds.min, box[i].max);
max              1150 src/Bounds.cpp                             likely_i.max = likely(i.max);
max              1153 src/Bounds.cpp                             likely_i.max = likely_if_innermost(i.max);
max              1159 src/Bounds.cpp                                 i.max = min(likely_i.max, bi.max - 1);
max              1162 src/Bounds.cpp                                 i.max = min(likely_i.max, bi.max);
max              1167 src/Bounds.cpp                                 i.min = max(likely_i.min, bi.min + 1);
max              1170 src/Bounds.cpp                                 i.min = max(likely_i.min, bi.min);
max              1181 src/Bounds.cpp                             likely_i.max = likely(i.max);
max              1184 src/Bounds.cpp                             likely_i.max = likely_if_innermost(i.max);
max              1190 src/Bounds.cpp                                 i.max = min(likely_i.max, ai.max - 1);
max              1193 src/Bounds.cpp                                 i.max = min(likely_i.max, ai.max);
max              1198 src/Bounds.cpp                                 i.min = max(likely_i.min, ai.min + 1);
max              1201 src/Bounds.cpp                                 i.min = max(likely_i.min, ai.min);
max              1278 src/Bounds.cpp             max_val = scope.get(op->name + ".loop_max").max;
max              1280 src/Bounds.cpp             max_val = bounds_of_expr_in_scope(op->extent, scope, func_bounds).max;
max              1281 src/Bounds.cpp             max_val += bounds_of_expr_in_scope(op->min, scope, func_bounds).max;
max              1446 src/Bounds.cpp                     result.max = simplify(common_subexpression_elimination(result.max));
max              1454 src/Bounds.cpp                      << " are: " << result.min << ", " << result.max << "\n";
max              1465 src/Bounds.cpp     result.max = simplify(result.max);
max              1471 src/Bounds.cpp     if (!equal(result.max, correct_max)) {
max              1473 src/Bounds.cpp                        << "Incorrect max: " << result.max << '\n'
max              1561 src/Bounds.cpp     internal_assert(equal(simplify(r["input"][0].max), 25));
max              1565 src/Bounds.cpp     internal_assert(equal(simplify(r["output"][0].max), 13));
max              1570 src/Bounds.cpp     internal_assert(equal(simplify(r2[0].max), 19));
max               310 src/BoundsInference.cpp                             Expr max = Variable::make(Int(32), last_stage + dim + ".max");
max               311 src/BoundsInference.cpp                             b[i] = Interval(min, max);
max               459 src/BoundsInference.cpp                 s = LetStmt::make(arg + ".max", b[d].max, s);
max               546 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     Expr max = Variable::make(Int(32), prefix + ".max");
max               548 src/BoundsInference.cpp                     builder.extents.push_back(max + 1 - min);
max               743 src/BoundsInference.cpp                             Expr max = Call::make(Int(32), Call::buffer_get_max,
max               745 src/BoundsInference.cpp                             b[d] = Interval(min, max);
max               925 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         body = LetStmt::make(var + ".max", box[i].max, body);
max               955 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         body = LetStmt::make(var + ".max", in.max, body);
max                60 src/CanonicalizeGPUVars.cpp             nblocks = std::max(then_nblocks, nblocks);
max                61 src/CanonicalizeGPUVars.cpp             nthreads = std::max(then_nthreads, nthreads);
max                69 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         Expr tmax = simplify(cast(w, t.max()));
max                71 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         Expr tsmax = simplify(cast(ws, t.max()));
max               144 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp             p.pattern = cast(t, max(ws_vector - ws_vector, 0));
max               221 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp     negations.push_back(Pattern("vqneg.v8i8",  "sqneg.v8i8", 8, -max(wild_i8x8, -127)));
max               222 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp     negations.push_back(Pattern("vqneg.v4i16", "sqneg.v4i16", 4, -max(wild_i16x4, -32767)));
max               223 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp     negations.push_back(Pattern("vqneg.v2i32", "sqneg.v2i32", 2, -max(wild_i32x2, -(0x7fffffff))));
max               226 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp     negations.push_back(Pattern("vqneg.v16i8", "sqneg.v16i8", 16, -max(wild_i8x_, -127)));
max               227 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp     negations.push_back(Pattern("vqneg.v8i16", "sqneg.v8i16", 8,  -max(wild_i16x_, -32767)));
max               228 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp     negations.push_back(Pattern("vqneg.v4i32", "sqneg.v4i32", 4,  -max(wild_i32x_, -(0x7fffffff))));
max               866 src/CodeGen_Hexagon.cpp     int max = *std::max_element(indices.begin(), indices.end());
max               867 src/CodeGen_Hexagon.cpp     if (max < a_elements) {
max               899 src/CodeGen_Hexagon.cpp         } else if (max < 256) {
max               913 src/CodeGen_Hexagon.cpp         if (result_ty == native_ty && a_ty == native2_ty && max < a_elements) {
max               951 src/CodeGen_Hexagon.cpp         Value *ab = max < a_elements ? a : concat_vectors({a, b});
max               992 src/CodeGen_Hexagon.cpp     if (element_bits <= 16 && max < 256) {
max              1126 src/CodeGen_Hexagon.cpp             max_index = std::max(max_index, i);
max              1144 src/CodeGen_Hexagon.cpp     internal_assert(max_index < std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max())
max               233 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     max_i8(Int(8).max()),
max               234 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     max_u8(UInt(8).max()),
max               237 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     max_i16(Int(16).max()),
max               238 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     max_u16(UInt(16).max()),
max               241 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     max_i32(Int(32).max()),
max               242 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     max_u32(UInt(32).max()),
max               245 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     max_i64(Int(64).max()),
max               246 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     max_u64(UInt(64).max()),
max               249 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     max_f32(Float(32).max()),
max               252 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     max_f64(Float(64).max()),
max               923 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp         Expr max = args[arg].max;
max               927 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp             def = min = max = Expr();
max               936 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp             embed_constant_expr(max)
max              2940 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp         Value *max = builder->CreateNSWAdd(min, extent);
max              2950 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp         Value *enter_condition = builder->CreateICmpSLT(min, max);
max              2971 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp         Value *end_condition = builder->CreateICmpNE(next_var, max);
max              3404 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp             int w_matched = std::max(w1, w2);
max               669 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp             rhs << " * " << print_expr(cast<float>(op->type.max()));
max               680 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp             stream << " / " << print_expr(cast<float>(op->args[5].type().max()));
max               707 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp                                Cast::make(Float(32), weight.type().max()));
max               712 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp             weight = floor(weight * op->type.max()) / op->type.max();
max                68 src/CodeGen_PowerPC.cpp          u8(max(wild_i16x_ - wild_i16x_, 0))},
max                76 src/CodeGen_PowerPC.cpp          u16(max(wild_i32x_ - wild_i32x_, 0))},
max                84 src/CodeGen_PowerPC.cpp          u32(max(wild_i64x_ - wild_i64x_, 0))},
max               229 src/CodeGen_X86.cpp          u8(max(wild_i16x_ - wild_i16x_, 0))},
max               237 src/CodeGen_X86.cpp          u16(max(wild_i32x_ - wild_i32x_, 0))},
max               295 src/Elf.cpp        internal_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::min() <= x && x <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
max               480 src/Elf.cpp            uint64_t alignment = std::max(merged->get_alignment(), s->get_alignment());
max               263 src/Elf.h          uint64_t get_size() const { return std::max((uint64_t) size, (uint64_t) contents.size()); }
max                35 src/EliminateBoolVectors.cpp             t = t.with_bits(std::max(t.bits(), b.type().bits()));
max                73 src/EliminateBoolVectors.cpp             Type t = ta.with_bits(std::max(ta.bits(), tb.bits()));
max                37 src/Func.cpp   using std::max;
max                97 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp                 block_extent[i] = simplify(bounds_of_expr_in_scope(block_extent[i], scope).max);
max               228 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp         IntInterval(int min, int max) : min(min), max(max) {}
max               230 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp         int max;
max               248 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp             max_type_bytes = std::max(max_type_bytes, alloc.type.bytes());
max               249 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp             max_size_bytes = simplify(max(max_size_bytes, simplify(alloc.size * alloc.type.bytes())));
max               256 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp             return group.back().liveness.max < stage;
max               295 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp                     s.size = bounds_of_expr_in_scope(s.size, scope).max;
max               359 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp             shared[op->name].max = barrier_stage;
max               376 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp             shared[op->name].max = barrier_stage;
max               480 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp                     return lhs.liveness.max < rhs.liveness.max;
max               502 src/FuseGPUThreadLoops.cpp                 } else if (allocations[i].liveness.max == stage - 1) { // Free
max               100 src/Generator.cpp     Expr def, min, max;
max               104 src/Generator.cpp         max = param.get_max_value();
max               108 src/Generator.cpp         param.type(), param.dimensions(), def, min, max);
max               505 src/Generator.h                               const T &max = std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
max               506 src/Generator.h         : GeneratorParamImpl<T>(name, value), min(min), max(max) {
max               512 src/Generator.h         user_assert(new_value >= min && new_value <= max) << "Value out of range: " << new_value;
max               561 src/Generator.h     const T min, max;
max               727 src/Generator.h     GeneratorParam(const std::string &name, const T &value, const T &min, const T &max)
max               728 src/Generator.h         : Internal::GeneratorParamImplBase<T>(name, value, min, max) {}
max               861 src/Generator.h using std::max;
max               870 src/Generator.h decltype(max((Other)0, (T)1)) max_forward(const Other &a, const GeneratorParam<T> &b) { return max(a, (T)b); }
max               872 src/Generator.h decltype(max((T)0, (Other)1)) max_forward(const GeneratorParam<T> &a, const Other &b) { return max((T)a, b); }
max               893 src/Generator.h auto max(const Other &a, const GeneratorParam<T> &b) -> decltype(Internal::GeneratorMinMax::max_forward(a, b)) {
max               897 src/Generator.h auto max(const GeneratorParam<T> &a, const Other &b) -> decltype(Internal::GeneratorMinMax::max_forward(a, b)) {
max              1483 src/Generator.h                               const TBase &max)
max              1484 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, def), min_(min), max_(max) {
max              1491 src/Generator.h                               const TBase &max)
max              1492 src/Generator.h         : Super(array_size, name, def), min_(min), max_(max) {
max              1548 src/Generator.h                    const TBase &def, const TBase &min, const TBase &max)
max              1549 src/Generator.h         : Super(name, def, min, max) {
max              1553 src/Generator.h                    const TBase &def, const TBase &min, const TBase &max)
max              1554 src/Generator.h         : Super(array_size, name, def, min, max) {
max               399 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp         int mpy_bits = std::max(a_ty.bits(), b_ty.bits())*2;
max               707 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                 { "halide.hexagon.cls.vh", max(count_leading_zeros(wild_i16x), count_leading_zeros(~wild_i16x)) },
max               708 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                 { "halide.hexagon.cls.vw", max(count_leading_zeros(wild_i32x), count_leading_zeros(~wild_i32x)) },
max              1497 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp     const Min *max_min =<Min>();
max              1498 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp     const Max *max_max =<Max>();
max              1500 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp     const Add *max_add =<Add>();
max              1502 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp     const Sub *max_sub =<Sub>();
max              1513 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp         return bounds.max - bounds.min;
max              1566 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                 ((unaligned_index_bounds.max + align) / align) * align - 1
max               416 src/IROperator.cpp         int bits = std::max(ta.bits(), tb.bits());
max               847 src/IROperator.cpp             e = cast(t, clamp(e, t.min(), t.max()));
max               849 src/IROperator.cpp             e = clamp(cast(t, e), t.min(), t.max());
max               854 src/IROperator.cpp             e = max(e, t.min()); // min values turn out to be always representable
max               859 src/IROperator.cpp             e = select(e >= cast(e.type(), t.max()), t.max(), cast(t, e));
max               865 src/IROperator.cpp             Expr max_bound = lossless_cast(e.type(), t.max());
max               870 src/IROperator.cpp                 e = max(e, min_bound);
max               655 src/IROperator.h inline Expr max(Expr a, Expr b) {
max               667 src/IROperator.h inline Expr max(const Expr &a, int b) {
max               679 src/IROperator.h inline Expr max(int a, const Expr &b) {
max               685 src/IROperator.h inline Expr max(float a, const Expr &b) {return max(Expr(a), b);}
max               686 src/IROperator.h inline Expr max(const Expr &a, float b) {return max(a, Expr(b));}
max               696 src/IROperator.h inline Expr max(const A &a, const B &b, const C &c, Rest&&... rest) {
max               697 src/IROperator.h     return max(a, max(b, c, std::forward<Rest>(rest)...));
max                91 src/InferArguments.cpp         Expr def, min, max;
max                95 src/InferArguments.cpp             max = p.get_max_value();
max               101 src/InferArguments.cpp                      p.type(), p.dimensions(), def, min, max),
max               110 src/InferArguments.cpp             visit_expr(max);
max               146 src/InlineReductions.cpp     f(v.free_vars) = max(f(v.free_vars), e);
max               161 src/InlineReductions.cpp     f(v.free_vars) = e.type().max();
max               214 src/InlineReductions.cpp     initial_tup[value_index] = e.type().max();
max                94 src/Interval.cpp     max = Interval::make_max(max, i.max);
max                99 src/Interval.cpp     max = Interval::make_max(max, e);
max               111 src/Interval.cpp                     Interval::make_min(a.max, b.max));
max               123 src/Interval.cpp                     equal(result.max, expected.max))
max               125 src/Interval.cpp         << "  Expected [" << expected.min << ", " << expected.max << "]\n"
max               126 src/Interval.cpp         << "  Got      [" << result.min << ", " << result.max << "]\n";
max                21 src/Interval.h     Expr min, max;
max                24 src/Interval.h     Interval() : min(neg_inf), max(pos_inf) {}
max                27 src/Interval.h     Interval(Expr min, Expr max) : min(min), max(max) {
max                28 src/Interval.h         internal_assert(min.defined() && max.defined());
max                41 src/Interval.h     bool is_empty() const {return min.same_as(pos_inf) || max.same_as(neg_inf);}
max                44 src/Interval.h     bool is_everything() const {return min.same_as(neg_inf) && max.same_as(pos_inf);}
max                47 src/Interval.h     bool is_single_point() const {return min.same_as(max);}
max                50 src/Interval.h     bool is_single_point(Expr e) const {return min.same_as(e) && max.same_as(e);}
max                53 src/Interval.h     bool has_upper_bound() const {return !max.same_as(pos_inf) && !is_empty();}
max                62 src/Interval.h     bool same_as(const Interval &other) {return min.same_as(other.min) && max.same_as(other.max);}
max                44 src/Lerp.cpp               half_weight = weight.type().max() / 2;
max                66 src/Lerp.cpp                                      computation_type.max() * typed_weight);
max                68 src/Lerp.cpp                   inverse_typed_weight = computation_type.max() - typed_weight;
max               127 src/Lerp.cpp                                  computation_type.max() - typed_weight);
max               373 src/Memoization.cpp                 Expr max = Variable::make(Int(32), prefix + ".max");
max               375 src/Memoization.cpp                 builder.extents.push_back(max + 1 - min);
max                55 src/Module.cpp         std::string base_name = base_path_name.substr(std::max(slash_idx, backslash_idx));
max               132 src/ModulusRemainder.cpp     check(max(30*x - 24, 40*y + 31), 5, 1);
max               430 src/Monotonic.cpp     check_increasing(max(x+y, x-y));
max                52 src/OutputImageParam.cpp     return dim(0).max();
max                62 src/OutputImageParam.cpp     return dim(1).max();
max                68 src/Param.h        Param(T val, Expr min, Expr max) :
max                70 src/Param.h            set_range(min, max);
max                76 src/Param.h        Param(const std::string &n, T val, Expr min, Expr max) :
max                79 src/Param.h            set_range(min, max);
max               117 src/Param.h        void set_range(Expr min, Expr max) {
max               119 src/Param.h            set_max_value(max);
max               129 src/Param.h        void set_max_value(Expr max) {
max               130 src/Param.h            if (max.defined() && max.type() != type_of<T>()) {
max               131 src/Param.h                max = Internal::Cast::make(type_of<T>(), max);
max               133 src/Param.h            param.set_max_value(max);
max               160 src/Parameter.h     EXPORT Expr max() const;
max                47 src/PartitionLoops.cpp             expr = max(likely(op->a), mutate(op->b));
max                49 src/PartitionLoops.cpp             expr = max(mutate(op->a), likely(op->b));
max               480 src/PartitionLoops.cpp                 s.tight &= equal(outer.min, s.interval.min) && equal(outer.max, s.interval.max);
max               488 src/PartitionLoops.cpp                      << "  max: " << s.interval.max << "\n"
max               509 src/PartitionLoops.cpp                     Expr m = s.interval.max;
max               622 src/PartitionLoops.cpp                 epilogue_val = max(epilogue_val, prologue_val);
max               624 src/PartitionLoops.cpp                 epilogue_val = max(op->min, epilogue_val);
max               118 src/Prefetch.cpp         value_bounds.max = fixed ? value_bounds.min : simplify(value_bounds.max);
max               121 src/Prefetch.cpp             (fixed || should_substitute_let(value_bounds.max))) {
max               140 src/Prefetch.cpp                 body = LetOrLetStmt::make(max_name, value_bounds.max, body);
max               170 src/Prefetch.cpp             Expr extent = box[i].max - box[i].min + 1;
max               238 src/Prefetch.cpp                                         (prefetch_box[i].max <= bounds[i].max);
max               126 src/Profiling.cpp             func_stack_peak[idx] = std::max(func_stack_peak[idx], func_stack_current[idx]);
max               240 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         Expr max = Variable::make(Int(32), var + ".max");
max               243 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp                              (max + 1) - min,
max               246 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp         stmt = LetStmt::make(var + ".loop_max", max, stmt);
max               432 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp                     Expr max = Variable::make(Int(32), var + ".max");
max               434 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp                     extents.push_back(max - min + 1);
max               186 src/Simplify.cpp                 const_int(iter.value().max, &i_max)) {
max               320 src/Simplify.cpp         } else if (const Max *max =<Max>()) {
max               324 src/Simplify.cpp             if (const Min *min = max-><Min>()) {
max               329 src/Simplify.cpp                 if (const_int_bounds(max->b, &min_b, &max_b) &&
max               333 src/Simplify.cpp                     *max_val = std::max(max_a, max_b);
max               336 src/Simplify.cpp             } else if (const_int_bounds(max->a, &min_a, &max_a) &&
max               337 src/Simplify.cpp                        const_int_bounds(max->b, &min_b, &max_b)) {
max               338 src/Simplify.cpp                 *min_val = std::max(min_a, min_b);
max               339 src/Simplify.cpp                 *max_val = std::max(max_a, max_b);
max               346 src/Simplify.cpp             if (const Max *max = min-><Max>()) {
max               352 src/Simplify.cpp                     (const_int_bounds(max->b, &min_a, &max_a) ||
max               353 src/Simplify.cpp                      const_int_bounds(max->a, &min_a, &max_a))) {
max               369 src/Simplify.cpp                 *max_val = std::max(max_a, max_b);
max               400 src/Simplify.cpp                 *max_val = std::max(std::max(t0, t1), std::max(t2, t3));
max               424 src/Simplify.cpp                 *max_val = std::max(std::max(t0, t1), std::max(t2, t3));
max               435 src/Simplify.cpp                 *max_val = std::max(max_base, max_last_lane);
max              1246 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(0 - add_b_a->b, a - min_b->b));
max              1253 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(0 - add_b_a->a, a - min_b->b));
max              1259 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(0 - add_b_b->b, a - min_b->a));
max              1265 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(0 - add_b_b->a, a - min_b->a));
max              2383 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(min(max(min_a_a->a, max_a->b), b));
max              2388 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(min(max(min_a_a->b, max_a->b), b));
max              2435 src/Simplify.cpp                 expr = mutate(max(div_a->a, div_b->a) / factor);
max              2447 src/Simplify.cpp                 expr = mutate(max(mul_a->a, mul_b->a) * factor);
max              2461 src/Simplify.cpp                 expr = mutate(max(mul_a->a, ratio) * factor);
max              2486 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(sub_a->a - max(sub_a->b, sub_a->a - b));
max              2554 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = IntImm::make(op->type, std::max(ia, ib));
max              2558 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = UIntImm::make(op->type, std::max(ua, ub));
max              2562 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = FloatImm::make(op->type, std::max(fa, fb));
max              2663 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(min_a->a, min_a->b));
max              2669 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(min_a->a, min_a->b));
max              2746 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(min(max_a_a->a, min_a->b), b));
max              2751 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(min(max_a_a->b, min_a->b), b));
max              2758 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(add_a->a, add_b->a)) + add_a->b;
max              2764 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(add_a->b, add_b->b)) + add_a->a;
max              2770 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(add_a->b, add_b->a)) + add_a->a;
max              2776 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(add_a->a, add_b->b)) + add_a->b;
max              2795 src/Simplify.cpp                 expr = mutate(max(div_a->a, div_b->a) / factor);
max              2807 src/Simplify.cpp                 expr = mutate(max(mul_a->a, mul_b->a) * factor);
max              2821 src/Simplify.cpp                 expr = mutate(max(mul_a->a, ratio) * factor);
max              2841 src/Simplify.cpp                 expr = hoist_slice_vector<Max>(max(a, b));
max              2853 src/Simplify.cpp                                  max(select_a->true_value, select_b->true_value),
max              2854 src/Simplify.cpp                                  max(select_a->false_value, select_b->false_value)));
max              3338 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(le_a->a, le_b->a) <= le_a->b);
max              3348 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(max(lt_a->a, lt_b->a) < lt_a->b);
max              4576 src/Simplify.cpp             const Max *max =<Max>();
max              4620 src/Simplify.cpp             } else if (max && is_const(max->b)) {
max              4621 src/Simplify.cpp                 replacement = substitute(new_name, Max::make(new_var, max->b), replacement);
max              4622 src/Simplify.cpp                 new_value = max->a;
max              5099 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(cast(Int(16), 30000), cast(Int(16), 65000)), make_const(Int(16), 30000));
max              5114 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(cast(UInt(32), (int) 4000000023UL) , cast(UInt(32), 1000)), make_const(UInt(32), (int) 4000000023UL));
max              5405 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(Expr(7), 3), 7);
max              5406 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(Expr(4.25f), 1.25f), 4.25f);
max              5407 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(broadcast(x, 4), broadcast(y, 4)),
max              5408 src/Simplify.cpp           broadcast(max(x, y), 4));
max              5409 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, x+3), x+3);
max              5410 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x+4, x), x+4);
max              5411 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x-1, x+2), x+2);
max              5412 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(7, max(x, 3)), max(x, 7));
max              5413 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(max(x, y), x), max(x, y));
max              5414 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(max(x, y), y), max(x, y));
max              5415 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, max(x, y)), max(x, y));
max              5416 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(y, max(x, y)), max(x, y));
max              5422 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x <= Int(32).max(), const_true());
max              5426 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(x, Int(32).max()), x);
max              5428 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(cast(Int(8), x), cast(Int(8), -128)), cast(Int(8), x));
max              5429 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, Int(32).min()), x);
max              5430 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, Int(32).max()), Int(32).max());
max              5432 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(cast(Int(8), x), cast(Int(8), -127)), max(cast(Int(8), x), make_const(Int(8), -127)));
max              5445 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x - min(x + y, z), max(-y, x-z));
max              5446 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x - min(y + x, z), max(-y, x-z));
max              5447 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x - min(z, x + y), max(-y, x-z));
max              5448 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x - min(z, y + x), max(-y, x-z));
max              5461 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, y) - max(y, x), 0);
max              5464 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(123 - x, 1 - x), 123 - x);
max              5467 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x*43, y*43), max(x, y)*43);
max              5468 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(x*-43, y*-43), max(x, y)*-43);
max              5469 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x*-43, y*-43), min(x, y)*-43);
max              5472 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(max(x, 4), y), max(max(x, y), 4));
max              5475 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x*8, 24), max(x, 3)*8);
max              5476 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(x*-8, 24), max(x, -3)*-8);
max              5477 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x*-8, 24), min(x, -3)*-8);
max              5482 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x/4, y/4), max(x, y)/4);
max              5484 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(x/(-4), y/(-4)), max(x, y)/(-4));
max              5485 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x/(-4), y/(-4)), min(x, y)/(-4));
max              5489 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(clamp(x+1, y, z), clamp(x-1, y, z)), clamp(x+1, y, z));
max              5493 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x + max(y - x, z), max(y, z + x));
max              5495 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(y + (-2), z) + 2, max(y, z + 2));
max              5498 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x + max(y - x, z), max(y, z + x));
max              5500 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(y + (-2), z) + 2, max(y, z + 2));
max              5503 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(max(x, y), max(x, z)), max(max(y, z), x));
max              5504 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(x, y), max(x, z)), max(min(y, z), x));
max              5506 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(min(x, y), min(x, z)), min(max(y, z), x));
max              5512 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(((x+7)/8)*8, max(x, 8)), max(x, 8));
max              5513 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(x, 8), ((x+7)/8)*8), max(x, 8));
max              5517 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, likely(x)), likely(x));
max              5518 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(likely(x), x), likely(x));
max              5523 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x + 1, y) - max(x, y - 1), 1);
max              5525 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x + 1, y) - max(y - 1, x), 1);
max              5528 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(ramp(0, 1, 8), 0), ramp(0, 1, 8));
max              5530 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(ramp(0, 1, 8), 7), broadcast(7, 8));
max              5534 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(ramp(7, -1, 8), 0), ramp(7, -1, 8));
max              5536 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(ramp(7, -1, 8), 7), broadcast(7, 8));
max              5540 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(0, ramp(0, 1, 8)), ramp(0, 1, 8));
max              5543 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(8 - x, 2), 8 - max(x, 6));
max              5544 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(3, 77 - x), 77 - min(x, 74));
max              5545 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(8-x, 0), 8), 8 - max(min(x, 8), 0));
max              5547 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x - min(x, 2), max(x + -2, 0));
max              5548 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x - max(x, 2), min(x + -2, 0));
max              5549 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(x, 2) - x, 2 - max(x, 2));
max              5550 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, 2) - x, 2 - min(x, 2));
max              5551 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x - min(2, x), max(x + -2, 0));
max              5552 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x - max(2, x), min(x + -2, 0));
max              5553 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(2, x) - x, 2 - max(x, 2));
max              5554 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(2, x) - x, 2 - min(x, 2));
max              5556 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(min(x, y), x), x);
max              5557 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(min(x, y), y), y);
max              5558 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(x, y), x), x);
max              5559 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(x, y), y), y);
max              5560 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(min(x, y), x) + y, x + y);
max              5562 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(min(max(x, y), z), y), max(min(x, z), y));
max              5563 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(min(z, max(x, y)), y), max(min(x, z), y));
max              5564 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(y, min(max(x, y), z)), max(min(x, z), y));
max              5565 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(y, min(z, max(x, y))), max(min(x, z), y));
max              5567 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(min(max(y, x), z), y), max(min(x, z), y));
max              5568 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(min(z, max(y, x)), y), max(min(x, z), y));
max              5569 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(y, min(max(y, x), z)), max(min(x, z), y));
max              5570 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(y, min(z, max(y, x))), max(min(x, z), y));
max              5572 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(min(x, y), z), y), min(max(x, z), y));
max              5573 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(z, min(x, y)), y), min(max(x, z), y));
max              5574 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(y, max(min(x, y), z)), min(max(x, z), y));
max              5575 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(y, max(z, min(x, y))), min(max(x, z), y));
max              5577 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(min(y, x), z), y), min(max(x, z), y));
max              5578 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(z, min(y, x)), y), min(max(x, z), y));
max              5579 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(y, max(min(y, x), z)), min(max(x, z), y));
max              5580 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(y, max(z, min(y, x))), min(max(x, z), y));
max              5592 src/Simplify.cpp             max(min(v1, four), -four),
max              5593 src/Simplify.cpp             max(-four, min(v1, four)),
max              5594 src/Simplify.cpp             min(max(v1, -four), four),
max              5595 src/Simplify.cpp             min(four, max(v1, -four)),
max              5612 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(clamped[i], four), simplify(four));
max              5614 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(clamped[i], five), simplify(five));
max              5616 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(clamped[i], three), simplify(max(clamped[i], three)));
max              5618 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(clamped[i], -five), simplify(clamped[i]));
max              5623 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(min(clamped[i], five), -five), simplify(clamped[i]));
max              5625 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(min(clamped[i], five), five), simplify(five));
max              5628 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(min(clamped[i], -five), -five), simplify(-five));
max              5630 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(min(clamped[i], -five), five), simplify(five));
max              5632 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(min(clamped[2], -five), three), simplify(three));
max              5636 src/Simplify.cpp         check(max(min(clamped[2], five), three), simplify(max(clamped[2], three)));
max              5641 src/Simplify.cpp         check(max(min(clamped[0], five), three), simplify(max(min(v1, four), three)));
max              5651 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(min(clamped[i] + one, four), -four), simplify(min(clamped[i] + one, four)));
max              5655 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(clamped[i] + one, four), simplify(max(clamped[i] + one, four)));
max              5657 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(clamped[i] + one, five), simplify(five));
max              5659 src/Simplify.cpp             check(max(clamped[i] + one, -four), simplify(clamped[i] + one));
max              5661 src/Simplify.cpp             check(min(max(clamped[i] + one, -four), four), simplify(min(clamped[i] + one, four)));
max              5666 src/Simplify.cpp         check(min(max(min(v2, t1), t2), five), simplify(max(min(t1, v2), t2)));
max              5684 src/Simplify.cpp         check(max(max(xv, broadcast(y, 64)), broadcast(z, 64)), max(xv, broadcast(max(y, z), 64)));
max              5686 src/Simplify.cpp         check(max(max(broadcast(x, 64), yv), broadcast(z, 64)), max(yv, broadcast(max(x, z), 64)));
max              5688 src/Simplify.cpp         check(max(broadcast(x, 64), max(yv, broadcast(z, 64))), max(yv, broadcast(max(z, x), 64)));
max              5690 src/Simplify.cpp         check(max(broadcast(x, 64), max(broadcast(y, 64), zv)), max(zv, broadcast(max(y, x), 64)));
max              5836 src/Simplify.cpp     check(x <= max(x, y), t);
max              5839 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, y) <  x, f);
max              5840 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, y) <= y, x <= y);
max              5985 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(select(x == 2, y*3, 8), select(x == 2, y+8, y*7)),
max              5986 src/Simplify.cpp           select(x == 2, max(y*3, y+8), max(y*7, 8)));
max              6133 src/Simplify.cpp     check_ind_expr(max(e, one), e_is_indeterminate);
max              6304 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(x, y)*max(x, y), x*y);
max              6305 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(x, y)*max(y, x), x*y);
max              6306 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, y)*min(x, y), x*y);
max              6307 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(y, x)*min(x, y), x*y);
max              6310 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(x, y) + max(x, y), x + y);
max              6311 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(x, y) + max(y, x), x + y);
max              6312 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(x, y) + min(x, y), x + y);
max              6313 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(y, x) + min(x, y), x + y);
max              6316 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(min(x, y), max(x, y)), max(x, y));
max              6317 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(min(x, y), max(y, x)), max(x, y));
max              6318 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(max(x, y), min(x, y)), max(x, y));
max              6319 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(max(y, x), min(x, y)), max(x, y));
max              6322 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(x, y), min(x, y)), min(x, y));
max              6323 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(max(x, y), min(y, x)), min(x, y));
max              6324 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(min(x, y), max(x, y)), min(x, y));
max              6325 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(min(y, x), max(x, y)), min(x, y));
max              6338 src/Simplify.cpp     check_in_bounds(max(ramp(x,  1, 4), broadcast( 0, 4)), ramp(x, 1, 4),    bounds_info);
max              6339 src/Simplify.cpp     check_in_bounds(max(ramp(x,  1, 4), broadcast( 8, 4)), broadcast(8, 4),  bounds_info);
max              6340 src/Simplify.cpp     check_in_bounds(max(ramp(x, -1, 4), broadcast(-4, 4)), ramp(x, -1, 4),   bounds_info);
max              6341 src/Simplify.cpp     check_in_bounds(max(ramp(x, -1, 4), broadcast( 5, 4)), broadcast(5, 4),  bounds_info);
max              6412 src/Simplify.cpp             e = max(e, 1)/2;
max              6448 src/Simplify.cpp         r1 = max(one, two);
max              6450 src/Simplify.cpp         r2 = max(one, two, one);
max              6453 src/Simplify.cpp         r3 = max(one, Expr(two), one);
max              6462 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr e = simplify(max(ramp(x, y, 2), broadcast(x, 2)) - max(broadcast(y, 2), ramp(y, y, 2)));
max              6463 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr expected = max(ramp(x, y, 2), broadcast(x, 2)) - max(ramp(y, y, 2), broadcast(y, 2));
max               271 src/SlidingWindow.cpp                     stmt = LetStmt::make(n, max(var, b[dim_idx].max), stmt);
max               785 src/Solve.cpp                   can_prove(intersection.min <= intersection.max))) {
max               805 src/Solve.cpp                       << "  " << ia.min << " " << ia.max << "\n"
max               806 src/Solve.cpp                       << "  " << ib.min << " " << ib.max << "\n";
max               810 src/Solve.cpp                       << "  " << ia.min << " " << ia.max << "\n"
max               811 src/Solve.cpp                       << "  " << ib.min << " " << ib.max << "\n";
max               823 src/Solve.cpp                       << "  " << ia.min << " " << ia.max << "\n"
max               824 src/Solve.cpp                       << "  " << ib.min << " " << ib.max << "\n";
max               828 src/Solve.cpp                       << "  " << ia.min << " " << ia.max << "\n"
max               829 src/Solve.cpp                       << "  " << ib.min << " " << ib.max << "\n";
max               856 src/Solve.cpp          if (result.has_upper_bound() && expr_uses_var(result.max, op->name)) {
max               857 src/Solve.cpp              result.max = Let::make(op->name, op->value, result.max);
max               949 src/Solve.cpp                  result.max = Let::make(b_name, b, result.max);
max               950 src/Solve.cpp                  result.max = Let::make(c_name, c, result.max);
max               963 src/Solve.cpp                  result.max = Let::make(b_name, b, result.max);
max               964 src/Solve.cpp                  result.max = Let::make(c_name, c, result.max);
max              1003 src/Solve.cpp                  result.max = Let::make(b_name, b, result.max);
max              1004 src/Solve.cpp                  result.max = Let::make(c_name, c, result.max);
max              1017 src/Solve.cpp                  result.max = Let::make(b_name, b, result.max);
max              1018 src/Solve.cpp                  result.max = Let::make(c_name, c, result.max);
max              1098 src/Solve.cpp          return get_bounds(a).max;
max              1170 src/Solve.cpp              if (can_prove(i.min == i.max)) {
max              1176 src/Solve.cpp                      expr = (i.min <= 0) && (i.max >= 0);
max              1179 src/Solve.cpp                      expr = (i.min == 0) && (i.max == 0);
max              1210 src/Solve.cpp                      expr = i.max;
max              1245 src/Solve.cpp          if (!value_bounds.max.same_as(op->value) || !value_bounds.min.same_as(op->value)) {
max              1257 src/Solve.cpp                  (is_const(value_bounds.max) &&<Variable>())) {
max              1258 src/Solve.cpp                  max_var = value_bounds.max;
max              1259 src/Solve.cpp                  value_bounds.max = Interval::pos_inf;
max              1261 src/Solve.cpp                  max_var = Variable::make(value_bounds.max.type(), max_name);
max              1275 src/Solve.cpp                  expr = Let::make(max_name, value_bounds.max, expr);
max              1329 src/Solve.cpp      internal_assert(s.result.min.defined() && s.result.max.defined())
max              1332 src/Solve.cpp      s.result.max = simplify(common_subexpression_elimination(s.result.max));
max              1334 src/Solve.cpp          can_prove(s.result.min > s.result.max)) {
max              1343 src/Solve.cpp      internal_assert(s.result.min.defined() && s.result.max.defined())
max              1346 src/Solve.cpp      s.result.max = simplify(common_subexpression_elimination(s.result.max));
max              1348 src/Solve.cpp          can_prove(s.result.min > s.result.max)) {
max              1377 src/Solve.cpp      result.max = simplify(result.max);
max              1378 src/Solve.cpp      internal_assert(equal(result.min, i.min) && equal(result.max, i.max))
max              1381 src/Solve.cpp          << "  max: " << result.max << "\n"
max              1384 src/Solve.cpp          << "  max: " << i.max << "\n";
max              1388 src/Solve.cpp  void check_outer_interval(Expr a, Expr min, Expr max) {
max              1389 src/Solve.cpp      check_interval(a, Interval(min, max), true);
max              1392 src/Solve.cpp  void check_inner_interval(Expr a, Expr min, Expr max) {
max              1393 src/Solve.cpp      check_interval(a, Interval(min, max), false);
max              1415 src/Solve.cpp      check_solve(max(5, (5+x)*y), max(x*y + 5*y, 5));
max              1553 src/Solve.cpp          Expr test = (x <= min(max((y - min(((z*x) + t), t)), 1), 0));
max              1562 src/Solve.cpp              t = max(t, Variable::make(Int(32), unique_name('v')));
max              1569 src/Solve.cpp      check_solve(max(min(y, x), x), max(min(x, y), x));
max              1570 src/Solve.cpp      check_solve(min(y, x) + max(y, 2*x), min(x, y) + max(x*2, y));
max              1571 src/Solve.cpp      check_solve((min(x, y) + min(y, x))*max(y, x), (min(x, y)*2)*max(x, y));
max              1572 src/Solve.cpp      check_solve(max((min((y*x), x) + min((1 + y), x)), (y + 2*x)),
max              1573 src/Solve.cpp                  max((min((x*y), x) + min(x, (1 + y))), (x*2 + y)));
max               126 src/StorageFolding.cpp             Expr max = simplify(box[i-1].max);
max               130 src/StorageFolding.cpp             if (expr_uses_var(min, op->name) || expr_uses_var(max, op->name)) {
max               140 src/StorageFolding.cpp                      << "Max: " << max << '\n';
max               148 src/StorageFolding.cpp                 (is_monotonic(max, op->name) == Monotonic::Decreasing);
max               164 src/StorageFolding.cpp                     Expr max_next = substitute(op->name, loop_var + 1, max);
max               165 src/StorageFolding.cpp                     condition = max_next <= max;
max               181 src/StorageFolding.cpp                 Expr extent = simplify(max - min + 1);
max               195 src/StorageFolding.cpp                     Expr max_extent = simplify(bounds_of_expr_in_scope(extent, scope).max);
max               220 src/StorageFolding.cpp                     if (can_prove(max < next_min)) {
max               236 src/StorageFolding.cpp                          << "max = " << max << "\n";
max               217 src/Tracing.cpp                 Expr max = Variable::make(Int(32), + ".s0." + f_args[i] + ".max");
max               218 src/Tracing.cpp                 Expr extent = (max + 1) - min;
max               200 src/TrimNoOps.cpp                         can_prove(loop.i.min == loop.i.max) &&
max               208 src/TrimNoOps.cpp                        can_prove(loop.i.min >= loop.i.max) &&
max               216 src/TrimNoOps.cpp                                                         Let::make(loop.var, loop.i.max, test));
max               372 src/TrimNoOps.cpp         debug(3) << "Interval is: " << i.min << ", " << i.max << "\n";
max               399 src/TrimNoOps.cpp             i.max = i.max + 1;
max               412 src/TrimNoOps.cpp             new_max = clamp(i.max, new_min_var, old_max_var);
max                29 src/Type.cpp           return Internal::Broadcast::make(element_of().max(), lanes());
max               420 src/Type.h         EXPORT Expr max() const;
max               188 src/VaryingAttributes.cpp         order = std::max(order_a, order_b);
max               347 src/VaryingAttributes.cpp         order = std::max(std::max(condition_order, true_value_order), false_value_order);
max                58 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {ia.min + b->value, ia.max + b->value};
max                61 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {b->value + ia.min, b->value + ia.max};
max                66 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {ia.min - b->value, ia.max - b->value};
max                69 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {b->value - ia.max, b->value - ia.max};
max                75 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp                 return {ia.min * b->value, ia.max * b->value};
max                78 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp                 return {ia.max * b->value, ia.min * b->value};
max                83 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp                 return {b->value * ia.min, b->value * ia.max};
max                86 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp                 return {b->value * ia.max, b->value * ia.min};
max                93 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp                 return {ia.min / b->value, ia.max / b->value};
max                96 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp                 return {ia.max / b->value, ia.min / b->value};
max               102 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {ia.min && b->value, ia.max && b->value};
max               105 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {ia.min && b->value, ia.max && b->value};
max               110 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {ia.min && b->value, ia.max && b->value};
max               113 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {ia.min && b->value, ia.max && b->value};
max               118 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {Min::make(ia.min, b->value), Min::make(ia.max, b->value)};
max               121 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {Min::make(ia.min, b->value), Min::make(ia.max, b->value)};
max               123 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp     } else if (const Max *max =<Max>()) {
max               124 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp         if (const Broadcast *b = max-><Broadcast>()) {
max               125 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             Interval ia = bounds_of_lanes(max->a);
max               126 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {Max::make(ia.min, b->value), Max::make(ia.max, b->value)};
max               127 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp         } else if (const Broadcast *b = max-><Broadcast>()) {
max               128 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             Interval ia = bounds_of_lanes(max->b);
max               129 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             return {Max::make(ia.min, b->value), Max::make(ia.max, b->value)};
max               133 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp         return {!ia.max, !ia.min};
max               152 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp         if (expr_uses_var(ib.max, let->name + ".min_lane")) {
max               153 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             ib.max = Let::make(let->name + ".min_lane", ia.min, ib.max);
max               156 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             ib.min = Let::make(let->name + ".max_lane", ia.max, ib.min);
max               158 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp         if (expr_uses_var(ib.max, let->name + ".max_lane")) {
max               159 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             ib.max = Let::make(let->name + ".max_lane", ia.max, ib.max);
max               419 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             int w = std::max(a.type().lanes(), b.type().lanes());
max               449 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             int lanes = std::max(true_value.type().lanes(), false_value.type().lanes());
max               450 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             lanes = std::max(lanes, condition.type().lanes());
max               485 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             max_lanes = std::max(new_arg.type().lanes(), max_lanes);
max               604 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp                         LetStmt::make(mutated_name + ".max_lane", i.max, mutated_body);
max               629 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             max_lanes = std::max(new_arg.type().lanes(), max_lanes);
max               637 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             max_lanes = std::max(new_value.type().lanes(), max_lanes);
max               662 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             int lanes = std::max(predicate.type().lanes(), std::max(value.type().lanes(), index.type().lanes()));
max               793 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp             extent = bounds_of_lanes(extent).max;
max               827 src/VectorizeLoops.cpp                 extent = bounds_of_lanes(extent).max;
max               358 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         HALIDE_ALWAYS_INLINE int max() const {
max               939 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         return dim(0).max();
max               947 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         return dim(1).max();
max               980 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             int min_coord = std::max(dst.dim(i).min(), src.dim(i).min());
max               981 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             int max_coord = std::min(dst.dim(i).max(), src.dim(i).max());
max              1111 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             if (x[i] < dim(i).min() || x[i] > dim(i).max()) {
max              1541 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h                first->dim(d).max() == dim(d).max());
max              1654 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         int min, max;
max              1674 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (int i = t[d].min; i <= t[d].max; i++) {
max              1712 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h         for (pos[d] = t[d].min; pos[d] <= t[d].max; pos[d]++) {
max              1747 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             for (pos[d] = t[d].min; pos[d] <= t[d].max; pos[d]++) {
max              1836 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h             t[i].max = dim(i).max();
max              1216 src/runtime/HalideRuntime.h     const struct halide_scalar_value_t *max;
max               429 src/runtime/matlab.cpp             size_t size_bytes = max(8, (arg_metadata->type.bits + 7) / 8);
max               204 src/runtime/runtime_internal.h __attribute__((always_inline)) T max(const T &a, const T &b) {
max                 8 src/runtime/thread_pool_common.h     int next, max;
max                12 src/runtime/thread_pool_common.h     bool running() { return next < max || active_workers > 0; }
max               125 src/runtime/thread_pool_common.h             if (job->next == job->max) {
max               204 src/runtime/thread_pool_common.h     job.max  = min + size;   // Keep going until one less than this index.
max                10 test/correctness/bound.cpp     f(x, y) = max(x, y);
max                75 test/correctness/boundary_conditions.cpp             int32_t clamped_y = std::min(input.height() - 1, std::max(0, y));
max                76 test/correctness/boundary_conditions.cpp             int32_t clamped_x = std::min(input.width() - 1, std::max(0, x));
max                14 test/correctness/bounds.cpp     f(x, y) = max(x, y);
max                58 test/correctness/bounds_of_func.cpp         g(x) = max(f(x) - 10, 0);
max                63 test/correctness/constant_expr.cpp     const T max = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
max                70 test/correctness/constant_expr.cpp     test_expr<T>(max);
max                25 test/correctness/dilate3x3.cpp     max_x(x, y) = max(input(x-1, y), input(x, y), input(x+1, y));
max                26 test/correctness/dilate3x3.cpp     dilate3x3(x, y) = max(max_x(x, y-1), max_x(x, y), max_x(x, y+1));
max                44 test/correctness/dilate3x3.cpp             uint16_t correct = std::max({ std::max({ in(x-1, y-1), in(x, y-1), in(x+1, y-1) }),
max                45 test/correctness/dilate3x3.cpp                                           std::max({ in(x-1, y  ), in(x, y  ), in(x+1, y  ) }),
max                46 test/correctness/dilate3x3.cpp                                           std::max({ in(x-1, y+1), in(x, y+1), in(x+1, y+1) }) });
max                12 test/correctness/extern_stage.cpp     int max = out->dim[0].min + out->dim[0].extent - 1;
max                15 test/correctness/extern_stage.cpp     int flipped_min = -max;
max                22 test/correctness/extern_stage.cpp         printf("Doing flip_x bounds inference over [%d %d]\n", min, max);
max                40 test/correctness/extern_stage.cpp         printf("Computing flip_x over [%d %d]\n", min, max);
max                59 test/correctness/extern_stage.cpp         for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) {
max                20 test/correctness/gpu_large_alloc.cpp     f(x, y) = max(x, y);
max                36 test/correctness/gpu_large_alloc.cpp             int m = std::max(i,j);
max                84 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp         EXPECT(false, input1_arg.max.defined());
max                85 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp         EXPECT(false, input2_arg.max.defined());
max                86 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp         EXPECT(true, frac_arg.max.defined());
max                87 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp         EXPECT(true, constant_expr_equals<float>(frac_arg.max, 1e30f));
max                88 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp         EXPECT(false, height_arg.max.defined());
max                89 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp         EXPECT(false, thresh_arg.max.defined());
max                90 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp         EXPECT(false, width_arg.max.defined());
max                91 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp         EXPECT(true, z_unsigned_arg.max.defined());
max                92 test/correctness/infer_arguments.cpp         EXPECT(true, constant_expr_equals<uint64_t>(z_unsigned_arg.max, 0xf00dcafedeadbeef));
max                80 test/correctness/inline_reduction.cpp                     correct_max = std::max(correct_max, val);
max                16 test/correctness/lerp.cpp         return std::numeric_limits<weight_t>::max();
max               191 test/correctness/lerp.cpp     check_range<int32_t, uint32_t>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), 0, 1,
max                28 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp         for (int i0 = in.dim(0).min(); i0 <= in.dim(0).max(); i0++) {
max                29 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp             for (int i1 = in.dim(1).min(); i1 <= in.dim(1).max(); i1++) {
max                30 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                 for (int i2 = in.dim(2).min(); i2 <= in.dim(2).max(); i2++) {
max                31 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                     for (int i3 = in.dim(3).min(); i3 <= in.dim(3).max(); i3++) {
max                32 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                         for (int i4 = in.dim(4).min(); i4 <= in.dim(4).max(); i4++) {
max                33 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                             for (int i5 = in.dim(5).min(); i5 <= in.dim(5).max(); i5++) {
max                34 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                                 for (int i6 = in.dim(6).min(); i6 <= in.dim(6).max(); i6++) {
max                35 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                                     for (int i7 = in.dim(7).min(); i7 <= in.dim(7).max(); i7++) {
max                78 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp         for (int i0 = in.dim(0).min(); i0 <= in.dim(0).max(); i0++) {
max                79 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp             for (int i1 = in.dim(1).min(); i1 <= in.dim(1).max(); i1++) {
max                80 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                 for (int i2 = in.dim(2).min(); i2 <= in.dim(2).max(); i2++) {
max                81 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                     for (int i3 = in.dim(3).min(); i3 <= in.dim(3).max(); i3++) {
max                82 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                         for (int i4 = in.dim(4).min(); i4 <= in.dim(4).max(); i4++) {
max                83 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                             for (int i5 = in.dim(5).min(); i5 <= in.dim(5).max(); i5++) {
max                84 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                                 for (int i6 = in.dim(6).min(); i6 <= in.dim(6).max(); i6++) {
max                85 test/correctness/lots_of_dimensions.cpp                                     for (int i7 = in.dim(7).min(); i7 <= in.dim(7).max(); i7++) {
max               244 test/correctness/math.cpp     const int8_t int8_max = std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max();
max               245 test/correctness/math.cpp     const int16_t int16_max = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max();
max               246 test/correctness/math.cpp     const int32_t int32_max = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
max               251 test/correctness/math.cpp     const uint8_t uint8_max = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max();
max               252 test/correctness/math.cpp     const uint16_t uint16_max = std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max();
max               253 test/correctness/math.cpp     const uint32_t uint32_max = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
max                12 test/correctness/median3x3.cpp     return max(min(max(a, b), c), min(a, b));
max                33 test/correctness/median3x3.cpp     max_x(x, y) = max(input(x - 1, y), input(x, y), input(x + 1, y));
max                39 test/correctness/median3x3.cpp     max_min(x, y) = max(min_x(x, y - 1), min_x(x, y), min_x(x, y + 1));
max               131 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         uint64_t max;
max               132 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         max = 0;
max               133 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         max = ~max;
max               135 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp             max = (((uint64_t) 1) << t.bits()) - 1;
max               136 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         return (BIG) max;
max               185 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         int64_t max, min, neg, v, vsalt;
max               186 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         max = maximum<T, int64_t>();
max               188 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         neg = (~((int64_t) 0)) ^ max;  // The bits that should all be 1 for negative numbers.
max               195 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp                     v &= max;
max               200 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp                         v = max;
max               209 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         result(1,0) = (T)max;
max               210 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         result(0,1) = (T)((unique & 1) ? min : max);
max               211 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         result(1,1) = (T)((unique & 1) ? max : min);
max               214 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         uint64_t max, v, vsalt;
max               215 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         max = maximum<T, BIG>();
max               218 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp                 v = ubits(unique,i,j) & max;
max               223 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp                         v = max;
max               232 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         result(1,0) = (T)max;
max               233 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         result(0,1) = (T)((unique & 1) ? 0 : max);
max               234 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         result(1,1) = (T)((unique & 1) ? max : 0);
max               238 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp         uint64_t max = (uint64_t)(-1);
max               243 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp                 v = (((double) uv) / ((double) (max))) * 2.0 - 1.0;
max               194 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     ref(r.x, r.y) += 1 + max(g(0, 1), g(2*r.x + 1, r.y));
max               198 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     f(r.x, r.y) += 1 + max(g(0, 1), g(2*r.x + 1, r.y));
max               227 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     ref(13, 13) = max(g(0, 1), g(2*r.x + 1, r.y));
max               231 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     f(13, 13) = max(g(0, 1), g(2*r.x + 1, r.y));
max               262 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     ref(r.x, r.y, 1) = max(g(0, 1, 2), g(r.x + 1, r.y, 2));
max               266 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp     f(r.x, r.y, 1) = max(g(0, 1, 2), g(r.x + 1, r.y, 2));
max               146 test/correctness/print.cpp                    x == 9, std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
max               147 test/correctness/print.cpp                    x == 10, -std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
max                26 test/correctness/reduction_schedule.cpp     Expr xm = max(r.x - 1, 0), xp = min(r.x + 1, noise.width() - 1);
max                37 test/correctness/reduction_schedule.cpp             int xm = std::max(x - 1, 0);
max                22 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp     g(r.x, r.y) = max(g(r.x, r.y) + f(r.x, r.y), g(r.x, r.y));
max                48 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp             return (10 <= x && x <= 29) && (30 <= y && y <= 69) ? std::max(40 + x + y, 40) : 40;
max                14 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp     source_t source_max = std::numeric_limits<source_t>::max();
max                17 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp     target_t target_max = std::numeric_limits<target_t>::max();
max                45 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp             double bounded_lower = std::max((double)in(i), (double)target_min);
max                55 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp                 correct_result = (target_t)std::min(std::max(in(i),
max                63 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp                 source_t val = std::max(in(i), (source_t)0);
max                83 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp             simpler_correct_result = std::min(std::max((int64_t)in(i),
max               113 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp     source_t source_max = std::numeric_limits<source_t>::max();
max               116 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp     target_t target_max = std::numeric_limits<target_t>::max();
max               144 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp                 source_t bounded_lower = std::max(in(i), (source_t)target_min);
max               152 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp                     correct_result = (target_t)std::min(std::max(in(i),
max               160 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp                     source_t val = std::max(in(i), (source_t)0);
max               181 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp                     double bounded_lower = std::max((double)in(i), (double)target_min);
max               188 test/correctness/saturating_casts.cpp                   simpler_correct_result = std::min(std::max((int64_t)in(i),
max                27 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp const Expr max_u32 = UInt(32).max();
max               314 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("psubusb", 8*w, u8(max(i16(u8_1) - i16(u8_2), 0)));
max               319 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("psubusw", 4*w, u16(max(i32(u16_1) - i32(u16_2), 0)));
max               360 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("maxps", 2*w, max(f32_1, f32_2));
max               366 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("pmaxsw", 4*w, max(i16_1, i16_2));
max               368 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("pmaxub", 8*w, max(u8_1, u8_2));
max               410 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("maxpd", w, max(f64_1, f64_2));
max               481 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                 check("pmaxsb", 8*w, max(i8_1, i8_2));
max               483 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                 check("pmaxuw", 4*w, max(u16_1, u16_2));
max               485 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                 check("pmaxud", 2*w, max(u32_1, u32_2));
max               487 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                 check("pmaxsd", 2*w, max(i32_1, i32_2));
max               533 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vmaxps" YMM, 8, max(f32_1, f32_2));
max               534 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vmaxpd" YMM, 4, max(f64_1, f64_2));
max               570 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vpsubusb", 32, u8(max(i16(u8_1) - i16(u8_2), 0)));
max               576 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vpsubusw", 16, u16(max(i32(u16_1) - i32(u16_2), 0)));
max               592 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vpmaxsw" YMM, 16, max(i16_1, i16_2));
max               594 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vpmaxub" YMM, 32, max(u8_1, u8_2));
max               621 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vpmaxsb" YMM, 32, max(i8_1, i8_2));
max               623 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vpmaxuw" YMM, 16, max(u16_1, u16_2));
max               625 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vpmaxud" YMM, 16, max(u32_1, u32_2));
max               627 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vpmaxsd" YMM, 8, max(i32_1, i32_2));
max               653 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vpmaxuq", 8, max(u64_1, u64_2));
max               655 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vpmaxsq", 8, max(i64_1, i64_2));
max               935 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(arm32 ? "vmax.s8" : "smax", 8*w, max(i8_1, i8_2));
max               936 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(arm32 ? "vmax.u8" : "umax", 8*w, max(u8_1, u8_2));
max               937 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(arm32 ? "vmax.s16" : "smax", 4*w, max(i16_1, i16_2));
max               938 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(arm32 ? "vmax.u16" : "umax", 4*w, max(u16_1, u16_2));
max               939 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(arm32 ? "vmax.s32" : "smax", 2*w, max(i32_1, i32_2));
max               940 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(arm32 ? "vmax.u32" : "umax", 2*w, max(u32_1, u32_2));
max               941 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(arm32 ? "vmax.f32" : "fmax", 2*w, max(f32_1, f32_2));
max              1091 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vqabs.s8", 16, abs(max(i8_1, -max_i8)));
max              1092 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vqabs.s8", 8, abs(max(i8_1, -max_i8)));
max              1093 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vqabs.s16", 8, abs(max(i16_1, -max_i16)));
max              1094 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vqabs.s16", 4, abs(max(i16_1, -max_i16)));
max              1095 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vqabs.s32", 4, abs(max(i32_1, -max_i32)));
max              1096 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vqabs.s32", 2, abs(max(i32_1, -max_i32)));
max              1133 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(arm32 ? "vqneg.s8" : "sqneg",  8*w, -max(i8_1,  -max_i8));
max              1134 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(arm32 ? "vqneg.s16" : "sqneg", 4*w, -max(i16_1, -max_i16));
max              1135 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(arm32 ? "vqneg.s32" : "sqneg", 2*w, -max(i32_1, -max_i32));
max              1700 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp         check("vmax(v*.ub,v*.ub)", hvx_width/1, max(u8_1, u8_2));
max              1701 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp         check("vmax(v*.uh,v*.uh)", hvx_width/2, max(u16_1, u16_2));
max              1702 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp         check("vmax(v*.h,v*.h)", hvx_width/2, max(i16_1, i16_2));
max              1703 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp         check("vmax(v*.w,v*.w)", hvx_width/4, max(i32_1, i32_2));
max              1935 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp         check("vnormamt(v*.h)", hvx_width/2, max(count_leading_zeros(i16_1), count_leading_zeros(~i16_1)));
max              1936 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp         check("vnormamt(v*.w)", hvx_width/4, max(count_leading_zeros(i32_1), count_leading_zeros(~i32_1)));
max              1973 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vsububs", 16*w, u8(max(i16( u8_1) - i16( u8_2), 0)));
max              1974 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vsubuhs", 8*w, u16(max(i32(u16_1) - i32(u16_2), 0)));
max              1975 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vsubuws", 4*w, u32(max(i64(u32_1) - i64(u32_2), 0)));
max              1986 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vmaxsb", 16*w, max( i8_1, i8_2));
max              1987 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vmaxub", 16*w, max( u8_1, u8_2));
max              1988 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vmaxsh",  8*w, max(i16_1, i16_2));
max              1989 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vmaxuh",  8*w, max(u16_1, u16_2));
max              1990 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vmaxsw",  4*w, max(i32_1, i32_2));
max              1991 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vmaxuw",  4*w, max(u32_1, u32_2));
max              2006 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check("vmaxfp", 4*w, max(f32_1, f32_2));
max              2020 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                 check("xvmaxdp",  2*w, max(f64_1, f64_2));
max              2032 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                 check("vmaxsd",  2*w, max(i64_1, i64_2));
max              2033 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                 check("vmaxud",  2*w, max(u64_1, u64_2));
max                12 test/correctness/sort_exprs.cpp         b = max(a, b);
max                13 test/correctness/split_store_compute.cpp     f(x, y) = max(x, y);
max                28 test/correctness/split_store_compute.cpp             int v1 = std::max(i-1, j);
max                29 test/correctness/split_store_compute.cpp             int v2 = std::max(i+1, j);
max                30 test/correctness/split_store_compute.cpp             int v3 = std::max(i, j);
max                31 test/correctness/split_store_compute.cpp             int v4 = std::max(i, j-1);
max                32 test/correctness/split_store_compute.cpp             int v5 = std::max(i, j+1);
max                36 test/correctness/truncated_pyramid.cpp         pyr_down[i](x, y) = select(max(sizes[i].first, sizes[i].second) > 5,
max                42 test/correctness/truncated_pyramid.cpp             .specialize(max(width, height) > 32)
max                54 test/correctness/truncated_pyramid.cpp         pyr_up[i](x, y) = select(max(sizes[i].first, sizes[i].second) > 5,
max                60 test/correctness/truncated_pyramid.cpp             .specialize(max(width, height) > 32)
max                55 test/correctness/undef.cpp     Expr left = max(rx-1, 0);
max                13 test/correctness/unsafe_dedup_lets.cpp     Expr a = max(pa, pb), b = min(pa, pb);
max               507 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp                 worst_log_mantissa = std::max(worst_log_mantissa, log_mantissa_error);
max               508 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp                 worst_exp_mantissa = std::max(worst_exp_mantissa, exp_mantissa_error);
max               511 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp                     worst_pow_mantissa = std::max(worst_pow_mantissa, pow_mantissa_error);
max               515 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp                     worst_fast_log_mantissa = std::max(worst_fast_log_mantissa, fast_log_mantissa_error);
max               519 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp                     worst_fast_exp_mantissa = std::max(worst_fast_exp_mantissa, fast_exp_mantissa_error);
max               523 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp                     worst_fast_pow_mantissa = std::max(worst_fast_pow_mantissa, fast_pow_mantissa_error);
max               572 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp         weight = cast(UInt(t.bits(), t.lanes()), max(0, weight));
max               589 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp             w = std::min(std::max(w, 0.0), 1.0);
max                60 test/correctness/widening_reduction.cpp                 correct = std::min(std::max(correct / 16, 0), 255);
max               103 test/correctness/widening_reduction.cpp                 correct = std::min(std::max(correct / 16, 0), 255);
max                14 test/generator/argvcall_generator.cpp         f(x, y) = max(x, y);
max                75 test/generator/example_generator.cpp         f(x, y) = max(x, y);
max               112 test/generator/metadata_tester_aottest.cpp     EXPECT_SCALAR_UNION_EQ(e.type.code, e.type.bits, e.max, a.max);
max               752 test/generator/metadata_tester_aottest.cpp         delete kExpectedArguments[i].max;
max                31 test/generator/stubtest_aottest.cpp     int channels = std::max(1, std::min(input.channels(), output.channels()));
max                38 test/generator/stubtest_jittest.cpp     int channels = std::max(1, std::min(input.channels(), output.channels()));
max                34 test/generator/stubuser_aottest.cpp     int channels = std::max(1, std::min(input.channels(), output.channels()));
max               102 test/opengl/special_funcs.cpp             max(x, y),
max                23 test/performance/clamped_vector_load.cpp                 int ix1 = std::max(std::min(x, MAX), MIN);
max                24 test/performance/clamped_vector_load.cpp                 int ix2 = std::max(std::min(x+1, MAX), MIN);
max                22 test/performance/rfactor.cpp     max_ref() = max(max_ref(), abs(A(r)));
max                27 test/performance/rfactor.cpp     maxf() = max(maxf(), abs(A(r)));
max               349 test/performance/rfactor.cpp                   max(sink_ref()[2], A(r)), // Max
max               361 test/performance/rfactor.cpp               max(sink()[2], A(r)), // Max
max                30 test/performance/sort.cpp                                  max(prev(x), prev(partner)));
max                38 test/performance/sort.cpp                                  max(prev(x), prev(partner)));
max                76 test/performance/sort.cpp         Expr b1 = max(a0, a1);
max                78 test/performance/sort.cpp         Expr b3 = max(a2, a3);
max                81 test/performance/sort.cpp         a1 = max(b0, b2);
max                83 test/performance/sort.cpp         a3 = max(b1, b3);
max                87 test/performance/sort.cpp         b2 = max(a1, a2);
max                 7 tools/find_inverse.cpp int64_t r(int64_t min, int64_t max) {
max                12 tools/find_inverse.cpp     n1 = n1 % (max - min);
max                22 tools/find_inverse.cpp     uint64_t max = (1L << bits) - 1;
max                25 tools/find_inverse.cpp         uint64_t num = r(0, max);
max                28 tools/find_inverse.cpp         if (iter == 1) num = max;
max                37 tools/find_inverse.cpp     uint64_t max = (1L << bits) - 1;
max                40 tools/find_inverse.cpp         uint64_t num = r(0, max);
max                43 tools/find_inverse.cpp         if (iter == 1) num = max;
max                47 tools/find_inverse.cpp 	if (result > max) return false;
max                55 tools/find_inverse.cpp     uint64_t max = (1UL << bits) - 1;
max                58 tools/find_inverse.cpp         uint64_t num = r(0, max);
max                61 tools/find_inverse.cpp         if (iter == 1) num = max;
max                65 tools/find_inverse.cpp 	if (result > max) return false;
max                67 tools/find_inverse.cpp 	if (result > max) return false;
max                75 tools/find_inverse.cpp     int64_t min = -(1L << (bits-1)), max = (1L << (bits-1))-1;
max                78 tools/find_inverse.cpp         int64_t num = r(min, max);
max                81 tools/find_inverse.cpp         if (iter == 1) num = max;
max                90 tools/find_inverse.cpp     int64_t min = -(1 << (bits-1)), max = (1 << (bits-1))-1;
max                94 tools/find_inverse.cpp         int64_t num = r(min, max);
max                97 tools/find_inverse.cpp         if (iter == 1) num = max;
max               684 tutorial/lesson_09_update_definitions.cpp                         int clamped_x = std::min(std::max(x + r_x, 0), input.width()-1);
max               685 tutorial/lesson_09_update_definitions.cpp                         int clamped_y = std::min(std::max(y + r_y, 0), input.height()-1);
max               838 tutorial/lesson_09_update_definitions.cpp                         int clamped_y = std::min(std::max(cy, 0), input.height()-1);
max               843 tutorial/lesson_09_update_definitions.cpp                             int clamped_x = std::min(std::max(x, 0), input.width()-1);
max               159 tutorial/lesson_13_tuples.cpp         Expr new_max   = max(input(r), old_max);
max               169 tutorial/lesson_13_tuples.cpp             float new_max = std::max(input(r), old_max);
max               159 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp         float min = 0.0f, max = 0.0f;
max               178 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp                     min, max,
max               227 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp                         max_coord[i] = std::max(max_coord[i], coord + 1);
max               239 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp                     max_value = std::max(max_value, value);
max               485 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp     config.max = 1;
max               519 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp             config.max = atof(argv[++i]);
max               815 util/HalideTraceViz.cpp                         value = 255 * (value - fi.config.min) / (fi.config.max - fi.config.min);