cast               13 apps/HelloAndroid/jni/hello_generator.cpp         tone_curve(x) = cast<int16_t>(pow(cast<float>(x)/256.0f, 1.8f) * 256.0f);
cast               22 apps/HelloAndroid/jni/hello_generator.cpp         result(x, y) = cast<uint8_t>(clamp(sharper(x, y), 0, 255));
cast               16 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/jni/edge_detect_generator.cpp         in16(x, y) = cast<int16_t>(clamped(x, y));
cast               30 apps/HelloAndroidCamera2/jni/edge_detect_generator.cpp         result(x, y) = cast<uint8_t>(clamp(grad_mag(x, y), 0, 255));
cast               31 apps/HelloAndroidGL/jni/halide_gl_filter.cpp     result(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(
cast                8 apps/HelloHexagon/pipeline.cpp     x0 = cast<uint16_t>(x0);
cast                9 apps/HelloHexagon/pipeline.cpp     x1 = cast<uint16_t>(x1);
cast               10 apps/HelloHexagon/pipeline.cpp     x2 = cast<uint16_t>(x2);
cast               11 apps/HelloHexagon/pipeline.cpp     x3 = cast<uint16_t>(x3);
cast               12 apps/HelloHexagon/pipeline.cpp     x4 = cast<uint16_t>(x4);
cast               13 apps/HelloHexagon/pipeline.cpp     return cast<uint8_t>((x0 + 4*x1 + 6*x2 + 4*x3 + x4 + 8)/16);
cast              197 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp         Expr bgra = select(c == 0, cast<uint8_t>(B * 255), 
cast              198 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp                            c == 1, cast<uint8_t>(G * 255), 
cast              199 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp                            c == 2, cast<uint8_t>(R * 255),
cast              200 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp                            /*c==3*/cast<uint8_t>(A * 255));
cast              202 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp         Expr rgba = select(c == 0, cast<uint8_t>(R * 255), 
cast              203 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp                            c == 1, cast<uint8_t>(G * 255), 
cast              204 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp                            c == 2, cast<uint8_t>(B * 255),
cast              205 apps/HelloiOS/HelloiOS/reaction_diffusion_2_generator.cpp                            /*c==3*/cast<uint8_t>(A * 255));
cast               23 apps/bilateral_grid/bilateral_grid_generator.cpp         Expr zi = cast<int>(val * (1.0f/r_sigma) + 0.5f);
cast               50 apps/bilateral_grid/bilateral_grid_generator.cpp         zi = cast<int>(zv);
cast               52 apps/bilateral_grid/bilateral_grid_generator.cpp         Expr xf = cast<float>(x % s_sigma) / s_sigma;
cast               53 apps/bilateral_grid/bilateral_grid_generator.cpp         Expr yf = cast<float>(y % s_sigma) / s_sigma;
cast               11 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "cpp_extern_toplevel", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               15 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "namespace1::cpp_extern", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               19 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "namespace2::cpp_extern_1", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               22 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "namespace2::cpp_extern_2", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               25 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "namespace2::cpp_extern_3", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               29 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "namespace_outer::cpp_extern", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               32 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "namespace_outer::namespace_inner::cpp_extern", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               36 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "namespace_shared_outer::cpp_extern_1", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               39 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "namespace_shared_outer::cpp_extern_2", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               42 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "namespace_shared_outer::inner::cpp_extern_1", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               45 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp     return Call::make(type_of<int>(), "namespace_shared_outer::inner::cpp_extern_2", {cast<int>(arg1), cast<float>(arg2)}, Call::ExternCPlusPlus);
cast               61 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp         Expr add_all_the_things = cast<int>(0);
cast               78 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp         add_all_the_things += an_extern_c_func(cast<int32_t>(input(x, y)), cast<float>(x + y));
cast               80 apps/c_backend/pipeline_cpp_generator.cpp         f(x, y) = cast<uint16_t>(add_all_the_things);
cast               17 apps/c_backend/pipeline_generator.cpp         g(x, y) = cast<uint16_t>(f(y, x) + f(x, y) + an_extern_func(x, y) + h());
cast               43 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     return cast(a.type(), (cast(wider, a) + b + 1)/2);
cast              219 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     matrix(x, y) = cast<int16_t>(val * 256.0f); // Q8.8 fixed point
cast              223 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     Expr ir = cast<int32_t>(input(x, y, 0));
cast              224 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     Expr ig = cast<int32_t>(input(x, y, 1));
cast              225 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     Expr ib = cast<int32_t>(input(x, y, 2));
cast              231 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     r = cast<int16_t>(r/256);
cast              232 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     g = cast<int16_t>(g/256);
cast              233 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     b = cast<int16_t>(b/256);
cast              265 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     Expr xf = clamp(cast<float>(x - minRaw)*invRange, 0.0f, 1.0f);
cast              274 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     Expr val = cast(result_type, clamp(z*255.0f+0.5f, 0.0f, 255.0f));
cast              292 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp         curved(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>((cast<uint16_t>(y0)*lutResample + (y1 - y0)*u)/lutResample);
cast              305 apps/camera_pipe/camera_pipe_generator.cpp     shifted(x, y) = cast<int16_t>(input(x+16, y+12));
cast              109 apps/fft/complex.h     return ComplexExpr(Halide::cast<T>(re(z)), Halide::cast<T>(im(z)));
cast              112 apps/fft/complex.h     return ComplexExpr(Halide::cast(type, re(z)), Halide::cast(type, im(z)));
cast              332 apps/fft/fft.cpp             x_rs = cast<float>(x_rs);
cast               16 apps/glsl/halide_blur_glsl_generator.cpp         input(x,y,c) = cast<float>(input8(clamp(x, input8.left(), input8.right()),
cast               20 apps/glsl/halide_blur_glsl_generator.cpp         out(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(blur_y(x, y, c) * 255.f);
cast               15 apps/glsl/halide_ycc_glsl_generator.cpp         input(x, y, c) = cast<float>(input8(x, y, c)) / 255.0f;
cast               27 apps/glsl/halide_ycc_glsl_generator.cpp         out(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(select(c == 0, Y(x,y),
cast               17 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/conv3x3_generator.cpp         Expr sum = cast(accumulator_type, 0);
cast               20 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/conv3x3_generator.cpp                 sum += cast<int16_t>(bounded_input(x+j, y+i)) * cast<int16_t>(mask(j+1, i+1));
cast               23 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/conv3x3_generator.cpp         output(x, y) = cast<uint8_t>(clamp(sum >> 4, 0, 255));
cast               14 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/gaussian5x5_generator.cpp         input_16(x, y) = cast<int16_t>(bounded_input(x, y));
cast               19 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/gaussian5x5_generator.cpp         output(x, y)  = cast<uint8_t> (cols(x, y) >> 8);
cast               14 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/sobel_generator.cpp         input_16(x, y) = cast<uint16_t>(bounded_input(x, y));
cast               24 apps/hexagon_benchmarks/sobel_generator.cpp         output(x, y) = cast<uint8_t>(clamp(sobel_x(x, y) + sobel_y(x, y), 0, 255));
cast               60 apps/linear_algebra/src/blas_l3_generators.cpp         Atmp(i, j) = BoundaryConditions::constant_exterior(A_in, cast<T>(0))(i, j);
cast               23 apps/local_laplacian/local_laplacian_generator.cpp         Expr fx = cast<float>(x) / 256.0f;
cast               41 apps/local_laplacian/local_laplacian_generator.cpp         Expr idx = gray(x, y)*cast<float>(levels-1)*256.0f;
cast               42 apps/local_laplacian/local_laplacian_generator.cpp         idx = clamp(cast<int>(idx), 0, (levels-1)*256);
cast               66 apps/local_laplacian/local_laplacian_generator.cpp             Expr level = inGPyramid[j](x, y) * cast<float>(levels-1);
cast               67 apps/local_laplacian/local_laplacian_generator.cpp             Expr li = clamp(cast<int>(level), 0, levels-2);
cast               68 apps/local_laplacian/local_laplacian_generator.cpp             Expr lf = level - cast<float>(li);
cast               87 apps/local_laplacian/local_laplacian_generator.cpp         output(x, y, c) = cast<uint16_t>(clamp(color(x, y, c), 0.0f, 1.0f) * 65535.0f);
cast               14 apps/opengl_demo/sample_filter.cpp 	filter(x, y, c) = select(c == 3, input(x,y,c), Halide::cast<uint8_t>(255.0f-input(x, y, c)));
cast              132 apps/resize/resize.cpp     Expr beginx = cast<int>(sourcex - kernelSize + 0.5f);
cast              133 apps/resize/resize.cpp     Expr beginy = cast<int>(sourcey - kernelSize + 0.5f);
cast              148 apps/resize/resize.cpp     resized_x(x, y, c) = sum(kernelx(x, domx) * cast<float>(clamped(domx + beginx, y, c)));
cast               18 python_bindings/python/IROperator.cpp     return Halide::cast(t, e);
cast              320 src/AddImageChecks.cpp             Expr actual_size = abs(cast<int64_t>(actual_extent) * actual_stride);
cast              329 src/AddImageChecks.cpp                     lets_overflow.push_back({ name + ".total_extent." + dim, cast<int64_t>(actual_extent) });
cast              331 src/AddImageChecks.cpp                     max_size = cast<int64_t>(max_size);
cast              102 src/AddParameterChecks.cpp         p.limit_value = cast(wider, p.limit_value);
cast              103 src/AddParameterChecks.cpp         p.value       = cast(wider, p.value);
cast              219 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {cast<uint8_t>(min(cast<uint16_t>(x0 + y0), k0_uint16)), zero, true},
cast              220 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {cast<uint8_t>(min(cast<uint32_t>(x0 + y0), k0_uint32)), zero, true},
cast              221 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {cast<uint8_t>(min(cast<uint64_t>(x0 + y0), k0_uint64)), zero, true},
cast              238 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {cast<uint16_t>(min(cast<uint32_t>(x0 + y0), k0_uint32)), zero, true},
cast              239 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {cast<uint16_t>(min(cast<uint64_t>(x0 + y0), k0_uint64)), zero, true},
cast              255 src/AssociativeOpsTable.cpp         {cast<uint32_t>(min(cast<uint64_t>(x0 + y0), k0_uint64)), zero, true},
cast               49 src/BoundaryConditions.cpp     Expr out_of_bounds = cast<bool>(false);
cast               69 src/Bounds.cpp     } else if (const Cast *cast =<Cast>()) {
cast               70 src/Bounds.cpp         Expr a = find_constant_bound(cast->value, d);
cast               72 src/Bounds.cpp             return simplify(Cast::make(cast->type, a));
cast              178 src/Bounds.cpp                     (cast(from, cast(to, lower_bound)) == lower_bound &&
cast              179 src/Bounds.cpp                      cast(from, cast(to, upper_bound)) == upper_bound);
cast              238 src/Bounds.cpp                     Expr no_overflow = (cast<int>(a.max) + cast<int>(b.max) == cast<int>(interval.max));
cast              245 src/Bounds.cpp                     Expr no_overflow = (cast<int>(a.min) + cast<int>(b.min) == cast<int>(interval.min));
cast              277 src/Bounds.cpp                     Expr no_overflow = (cast<int>(a.max) - cast<int>(b.min) == cast<int>(interval.max));
cast              284 src/Bounds.cpp                     Expr no_overflow = (cast<int>(a.min) - cast<int>(b.max) == cast<int>(interval.min));
cast              347 src/Bounds.cpp                 Expr test1 = (cast<int>(a.min) * cast<int>(b.min) == cast<int>(a.min * b.min));
cast              348 src/Bounds.cpp                 Expr test2 = (cast<int>(a.min) * cast<int>(b.max) == cast<int>(a.min * b.max));
cast              349 src/Bounds.cpp                 Expr test3 = (cast<int>(a.max) * cast<int>(b.min) == cast<int>(a.max * b.min));
cast              350 src/Bounds.cpp                 Expr test4 = (cast<int>(a.max) * cast<int>(b.max) == cast<int>(a.max * b.max));
cast             1498 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, cast<uint16_t>(x / 2), make_const(UInt(16), 0), make_const(UInt(16), 5));
cast             1499 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, cast<uint16_t>((x + 10) / 2), make_const(UInt(16), 5), make_const(UInt(16), 10));
cast             1508 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, cast<int32_t>(abs(cast<int16_t>(x/y))), 0, 32768);
cast             1509 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, cast<float>(x), 0.0f, 10.0f);
cast             1511 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, cast<int32_t>(abs(cast<float>(x))), 0, 10);
cast             1519 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, (cast<uint8_t>(x)+250), make_const(UInt(8), 0), make_const(UInt(8), 255));
cast             1520 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, (cast<uint8_t>(x)+10)*20, make_const(UInt(8), 0), make_const(UInt(8), 255));
cast             1521 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, (cast<uint8_t>(x)+10)*(cast<uint8_t>(x)+5), make_const(UInt(8), 0), make_const(UInt(8), 255));
cast             1522 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, (cast<uint8_t>(x)+10)-(cast<uint8_t>(x)+5), make_const(UInt(8), 0), make_const(UInt(8), 255));
cast             1525 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, (cast<uint8_t>(x)+240), make_const(UInt(8), 240), make_const(UInt(8), 250));
cast             1526 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, (cast<uint8_t>(x)+10)*10, make_const(UInt(8), 100), make_const(UInt(8), 200));
cast             1527 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, (cast<uint8_t>(x)+10)*(cast<uint8_t>(x)), make_const(UInt(8), 0), make_const(UInt(8), 200));
cast             1528 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, (cast<uint8_t>(x)+20)-(cast<uint8_t>(x)+5), make_const(UInt(8), 5), make_const(UInt(8), 25));
cast             1531 src/Bounds.cpp           cast<uint16_t>(clamp(cast<float>(x/y), 0.0f, 4095.0f)),
cast             1535 src/Bounds.cpp           cast<uint8_t>(clamp(cast<uint16_t>(x/y), cast<uint16_t>(0), cast<uint16_t>(128))),
cast             1538 src/Bounds.cpp     Expr u8_1 = cast<uint8_t>(Load::make(Int(8), "buf", x, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true()));
cast             1539 src/Bounds.cpp     Expr u8_2 = cast<uint8_t>(Load::make(Int(8), "buf", x + 17, Buffer<>(), Parameter(), const_true()));
cast             1540 src/Bounds.cpp     check(scope, cast<uint16_t>(u8_1) + cast<uint16_t>(u8_2),
cast              568 src/BoundsInference.cpp                         cast<uint64_t>(Call::make(Int(32), Call::size_of_halide_buffer_t, {}, Call::Intrinsic));
cast               33 src/Buffer.cpp             int_args.push_back(cast<int>(e));
cast               68 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         Expr tmin = simplify(cast(w, t.min()));
cast               69 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         Expr tmax = simplify(cast(w, t.max()));
cast               70 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         Expr tsmin = simplify(cast(ws, t.min()));
cast               71 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         Expr tsmax = simplify(cast(ws, t.max()));
cast               84 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         p.pattern = cast(t, (w_vector + w_vector + 1)/2);
cast               86 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         p.pattern = cast(t, (w_vector + (w_vector + 1))/2);
cast               88 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         p.pattern = cast(t, ((w_vector + 1) + w_vector)/2);
cast               99 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         p.pattern = cast(t, (w_vector + w_vector)/2);
cast              110 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         p.pattern = cast(t, (w_vector - w_vector)/2);
cast              121 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         p.pattern = cast(t, clamp(w_vector + w_vector, tmin, tmax));
cast              126 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp             p.pattern = cast(t, min(w_vector + w_vector, tmax));
cast              139 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp         p.pattern = cast(t, clamp(ws_vector - ws_vector, tsmin, tsmax));
cast              144 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp             p.pattern = cast(t, max(ws_vector - ws_vector, 0));
cast              324 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp             Expr replacement = cast(t,
cast              325 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp                                     cast(unsigned_type, d->a) /
cast              326 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp                                     cast(unsigned_type, d->b));
cast              412 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp     return cast(ty, (cast(wide_ty, a) + cast(wide_ty, b))/2);
cast              906 src/CodeGen_ARM.cpp             LoadInst *loadI = cast<LoadInst>(builder->CreateLoad(bitcastI));
cast              972 src/CodeGen_C.cpp         rhs << print_expr(cast(op->type, select(a0 > 0, a0, -a0)));
cast              248 src/CodeGen_GPU_Host.cpp         Value *zero_int32 = codegen(Expr(cast<int>(0)));
cast              131 src/CodeGen_Hexagon.cpp     Expr dummy_obj = reinterpret(Handle(), cast<uint64_t>(1));
cast              361 src/CodeGen_Internal.cpp     llvm::ConstantAsMetadata *cam = llvm::cast<llvm::ConstantAsMetadata>(value);
cast              365 src/CodeGen_Internal.cpp     llvm::ConstantInt *c = llvm::cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(cam->getValue());
cast             1208 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     Expr p_wide = cast(wide_ty, a) * cast(wide_ty, b);
cast             1209 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp     return cast(ty, p_wide >> (shr + ty.bits()));
cast             1255 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp         num = cast(num.type().with_code(Type::UInt), num);
cast             1483 src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp         return cast(Int(64), e);
cast              669 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp             rhs << " * " << print_expr(cast<float>(op->type.max()));
cast              680 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp             stream << " / " << print_expr(cast<float>(op->args[5].type().max()));
cast             1007 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp     check(cast<float>(Variable::make(UInt(8), "x") * 1.0f),
cast             1010 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp     check(cast<uint8_t>(Variable::make(Float(32), "x")),
cast             1042 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp     check(lerp(cast<uint8_t>(0), cast<uint8_t>(255), cast<uint8_t>(127)),
cast             1048 src/CodeGen_OpenGL_Dev.cpp     check(lerp(cast<uint8_t>(0), cast<uint8_t>(255), 0.3f),
cast               44 src/CodeGen_Posix.cpp         Expr next_extent = cast(UInt(32), extents[i]);
cast              302 src/CodeGen_X86.cpp         Expr top_bits = cast(signed_type, op->value / 2);
cast              303 src/CodeGen_X86.cpp         top_bits = cast(op->type, top_bits);
cast              306 src/CodeGen_X86.cpp         Expr bottom_bit = cast(signed_type, op->value % 2);
cast              307 src/CodeGen_X86.cpp         bottom_bit = cast(op->type, bottom_bit);
cast              403 src/CodeGen_X86.cpp         Expr equiv = cast(op->type,
cast              404 src/CodeGen_X86.cpp                           cast(wider, op->args[0]) <<
cast              405 src/CodeGen_X86.cpp                           cast(wider, op->args[1]));
cast               19 src/ConciseCasts.h     return cast(Float(64, e.type().lanes()), e);
cast               23 src/ConciseCasts.h     return cast(Float(32, e.type().lanes()), e);
cast               27 src/ConciseCasts.h     return cast(Int(64, e.type().lanes()), e);
cast               31 src/ConciseCasts.h     return cast(Int(32, e.type().lanes()), e);
cast               35 src/ConciseCasts.h     return cast(Int(16, e.type().lanes()), e);
cast               39 src/ConciseCasts.h     return cast(Int(8, e.type().lanes()), e);
cast               43 src/ConciseCasts.h     return cast(UInt(64, e.type().lanes()), e);
cast               47 src/ConciseCasts.h     return cast(UInt(32, e.type().lanes()), e);
cast               51 src/ConciseCasts.h     return cast(UInt(16, e.type().lanes()), e);
cast               55 src/ConciseCasts.h     return cast(UInt(8, e.type().lanes()), e);
cast              119 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp         return numerator / cast<uint8_t>(denominator);
cast              159 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp         result = (cast(wide, mul) * numerator);
cast              164 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp         result = cast(t, result);
cast              202 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp         Expr xsign = select(numerator > 0, cast(t, 0), cast(t, -1));
cast              210 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp         result = (cast(wide, mul) * numerator);
cast              213 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp         result = cast(t, result);
cast             1942 src/Func.cpp           min = cast<int32_t>(min);
cast             1944 src/Func.cpp       extent = cast<int32_t>(extent);
cast             1974 src/Func.cpp       modulus = cast<int32_t>(modulus);
cast             1975 src/Func.cpp       remainder = cast<int32_t>(remainder);
cast             2554 src/Func.cpp           init_values[i] = cast(e[i].type(), init_val);
cast             2569 src/Func.cpp       FuncRef self_ref = define_base_case(func, expanded_args, cast(e.type(), init_val))(expanded_args);
cast             1975 src/Generator.cpp         fn_typed(x) = cast<int16_t>(38);
cast             2196 src/Generator.h     template <typename T> static Expr cast(Expr e) { return Halide::cast<T>(e); }
cast             2197 src/Generator.h     static inline Expr cast(Halide::Type t, Expr e) { return Halide::cast(t, e); }
cast              817 src/HexagonOffload.cpp                                                        { module_state_ptr(), code_ptr, cast<uint64_t>(code_size) });
cast              214 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                         matches[i] = cast(matches[i].type().with_lanes(1), pow);
cast              402 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp             if (const Cast *cast =<Cast>()) {
cast              403 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                 if (cast->value.type().bits() == mpy_bits) {
cast              404 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                     maybe_mul = cast->value;
cast              855 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp             Expr cast = op;
cast              857 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp             Expr new_expr = apply_patterns(cast, casts, target, this);
cast              858 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp             if (!new_expr.same_as(cast)) {
cast              867 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                 if (expr_match(i.first, cast, matches)) {
cast              868 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                     debug(3) << "rewriting cast to: " << i.first << " from " << cast << "\n";
cast             1591 src/HexagonOptimize.cpp                     index = simplify(cast(UInt(8).with_lanes(op->type.lanes()), index - base));
cast               33 src/IRMatch.cpp     internal_assert(expr_match(fw * 17 + cast<float>(w + cast<int>(fw)),
cast               34 src/IRMatch.cpp                                (81.0f * fy) * 17 + cast<float>(x/2 + cast<int>(x + 4.5f)), matches) &&
cast              316 src/IROperator.cpp         return cast(t, e);
cast              403 src/IROperator.cpp         a = cast(tb, a);
cast              405 src/IROperator.cpp         b = cast(ta, b);
cast              408 src/IROperator.cpp         if (ta.bits() > tb.bits()) b = cast(ta, b);
cast              409 src/IROperator.cpp         else a = cast(tb, a);
cast              412 src/IROperator.cpp         if (ta.bits() > tb.bits()) b = cast(ta, b);
cast              413 src/IROperator.cpp         else a = cast(tb, a);
cast              418 src/IROperator.cpp         a = cast(Int(bits, lanes), a);
cast              419 src/IROperator.cpp         b = cast(Int(bits, lanes), b);
cast              491 src/IROperator.cpp     result += cast(type, exponent) * logf(2.0);
cast              511 src/IROperator.cpp     Expr k = cast(Int(32, type.lanes()), k_real);
cast              735 src/IROperator.cpp     result = result + cast<float>(exponent) * logf(2);
cast              745 src/IROperator.cpp     Expr k = cast<int>(k_real);
cast              824 src/IROperator.cpp     Expr failure_value = cast(args[0].type(), requirement_failed_error);
cast              847 src/IROperator.cpp             e = cast(t, clamp(e, t.min(), t.max()));
cast              849 src/IROperator.cpp             e = clamp(cast(t, e), t.min(), t.max());
cast              859 src/IROperator.cpp             e = select(e >= cast(e.type(), t.max()), t.max(), cast(t, e));
cast              874 src/IROperator.cpp             e = cast(t, e);
cast              195 src/IROperator.h inline Expr cast(const Expr &a) {
cast              196 src/IROperator.h     return cast(type_of<T>(), a);
cast              200 src/IROperator.h inline Expr cast(Type t, const Expr &a) {
cast              227 src/IROperator.h             return Internal::Broadcast::make(cast(t.element_of(), a), t.lanes());
cast              230 src/IROperator.h             return Internal::Broadcast::make(cast(t.element_of(), b->value), t.lanes());
cast              268 src/IROperator.h     a = Internal::Add::make(a, cast(a.type(), b));
cast              313 src/IROperator.h     a = Internal::Sub::make(a, cast(a.type(), b));
cast              348 src/IROperator.h     a = Internal::Mul::make(a, cast(a.type(), b));
cast              369 src/IROperator.h     a = Internal::Div::make(a, cast(a.type(), b));
cast              831 src/IROperator.h         condition = cast(Bool(), condition);
cast              836 src/IROperator.h         true_value = cast(false_value.type(), true_value);
cast              839 src/IROperator.h         false_value = cast(true_value.type(), false_value);
cast              879 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "sin_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast              895 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "asin_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast              911 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "cos_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast              927 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "acos_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast              943 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "tan_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast              959 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "atan_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast              970 src/IROperator.h         x = cast<double>(x);
cast              974 src/IROperator.h         x = cast<float16_t>(x);
cast              978 src/IROperator.h         y = cast<float>(y);
cast              979 src/IROperator.h         x = cast<float>(x);
cast              996 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "sinh_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1012 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "asinh_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1028 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "cosh_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1044 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "acosh_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1060 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "tanh_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1076 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "atanh_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1092 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "sqrt_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1119 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "exp_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1139 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(Float(32), "log_f32", {cast<float>(x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1157 src/IROperator.h         y = cast<double>(y);
cast             1161 src/IROperator.h          y = cast<float16_t>(y);
cast             1165 src/IROperator.h         x = cast<float>(x);
cast             1166 src/IROperator.h         y = cast<float>(y);
cast             1200 src/IROperator.h     x = cast<float>(x);
cast             1201 src/IROperator.h     y = cast<float>(y);
cast             1235 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(t, "floor_f32", {cast(t, x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1253 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(t, "ceil_f32", {cast(t, x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1272 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(t, "round_f32", {cast(t, x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1289 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(t, "trunc_f32", {cast(t, x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1307 src/IROperator.h         return Internal::Call::make(t, "is_nan_f32", {cast(ft, x)}, Internal::Call::PureExtern);
cast             1348 src/IROperator.h         y = cast(y.type().with_bits(x.type().bits()), y);
cast             1367 src/IROperator.h         y = cast(y.type().with_bits(x.type().bits()), y);
cast             1386 src/IROperator.h         y = cast(y.type().with_bits(x.type().bits()), y);
cast             1531 src/IROperator.h         zero_val = cast(one_val.type(), zero_val);
cast             1534 src/IROperator.h         one_val = cast(zero_val.type(), one_val);
cast             1692 src/IROperator.h     return cast<int32_t>(random_uint(seed));
cast               28 src/Lerp.cpp           bias_value = cast(computation_type, result_type.min());
cast               61 src/Lerp.cpp                                      cast<double>(Expr(65535.0f)) * cast<double>(Expr(65537.0f)) *
cast               81 src/Lerp.cpp                                      cast<double>(weight) / (pow(cast<double>(2), 32) - 1));
cast              118 src/Lerp.cpp                               cast(computation_type, (int32_t)scaling_factor);
cast              122 src/Lerp.cpp                                          weight / cast(weight.type(), (int32_t)scaling_factor));
cast              204 src/Memoization.cpp     Expr key_size() { return cast<int32_t>(key_size_expr); };
cast               95 src/Profiling.cpp         Expr size = cast<uint64_t>(extents[0]);
cast              136 src/RDom.cpp           rv.min = cast<int32_t>(ranges[i].first);
cast              137 src/RDom.cpp           rv.extent = cast<int32_t>(ranges[i].second);
cast               70 src/Random.cpp     Expr result = rng32(cast(UInt(32), e[0]));
cast               81 src/Random.cpp             result = Let::make(name, result + cast<uint32_t>(e[i]),
cast               91 src/Random.cpp     result = (127 << 23) | (cast<uint32_t>(result) >> 9);
cast              106 src/Random.cpp                 expr = cast<int32_t>(random_int(args));
cast              458 src/ScheduleFunctions.cpp                 Expr sizeof_buffer_t = cast<uint64_t>(Call::make(Int(32), Call::size_of_halide_buffer_t, {}, Call::Intrinsic));
cast              472 src/Simplify.cpp         const Cast *cast =<Cast>();
cast              517 src/Simplify.cpp         } else if (cast &&
cast              518 src/Simplify.cpp                    op->type.code() == cast->type.code() &&
cast              519 src/Simplify.cpp                    op->type.bits() < cast->type.bits()) {
cast              523 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(Cast::make(op->type, cast->value));
cast              524 src/Simplify.cpp         } else if (cast &&
cast              526 src/Simplify.cpp                    (cast->type.is_int() || cast->type.is_uint()) &&
cast              527 src/Simplify.cpp                    op->type.bits() <= cast->type.bits() &&
cast              534 src/Simplify.cpp             expr = mutate(Cast::make(op->type, cast->value));
cast             4578 src/Simplify.cpp             const Cast *cast =<Cast>();
cast             4631 src/Simplify.cpp             } else if (cast && cast->type.bits() > cast->value.type().bits()) {
cast             4636 src/Simplify.cpp                 new_value = cast->value;
cast             4638 src/Simplify.cpp                 replacement = substitute(new_name, Cast::make(cast->type, new_var), replacement);
cast             5077 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(32), cast(Int(32), x)), x);
cast             5078 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Float(32), 3), 3.0f);
cast             5079 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(32), 5.0f), 5);
cast             5081 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(32), cast(Int(8), 3)), 3);
cast             5082 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(32), cast(Int(8), 1232)), -48);
cast             5085 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Float(32), cast(Float(64), x)), cast(Float(32), x));
cast             5086 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(16), cast(Int(32), x)), cast(Int(16), x));
cast             5087 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(16), cast(UInt(32), x)), cast(Int(16), x));
cast             5088 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(16), cast(Int(32), x)), cast(UInt(16), x));
cast             5089 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(16), cast(UInt(32), x)), cast(UInt(16), x));
cast             5092 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(16), 53) + cast(UInt(16), 87), make_const(UInt(16), 140));
cast             5093 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(8), 127) + cast(Int(8), 1), make_const(Int(8), -128));
cast             5094 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(16), -1) - cast(UInt(16), 1), make_const(UInt(16), 65534));
cast             5095 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(16), 4) * cast(Int(16), -5), make_const(Int(16), -20));
cast             5096 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(16), 16) / cast(Int(16), 4), make_const(Int(16), 4));
cast             5097 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(16), 23) % cast(Int(16), 5), make_const(Int(16), 3));
cast             5098 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(cast(Int(16), 30000), cast(Int(16), -123)), make_const(Int(16), -123));
cast             5099 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(cast(Int(16), 30000), cast(Int(16), 65000)), make_const(Int(16), 30000));
cast             5100 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(16), -1) == cast(UInt(16), 65535), const_true());
cast             5101 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(16), 65) == cast(UInt(16), 66), const_false());
cast             5102 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(16), -1) < cast(UInt(16), 65535), const_false());
cast             5103 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(16), 65) < cast(UInt(16), 66), const_true());
cast             5104 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(16), 123.4f), make_const(UInt(16), 123));
cast             5105 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Float(32), cast(UInt(16), 123456.0f)), 57920.0f);
cast             5108 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(32), (int) 4000000000UL) + cast(UInt(32), 5), make_const(UInt(32), (int) 4000000005UL));
cast             5109 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(32), (int) 4000000000UL) - cast(UInt(32), 5), make_const(UInt(32), (int) 3999999995UL));
cast             5110 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(32), (int) 4000000000UL) / cast(UInt(32), 5), make_const(UInt(32), 800000000));
cast             5111 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(32), 800000000) * cast(UInt(32), 5), make_const(UInt(32), (int) 4000000000UL));
cast             5112 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(32), (int) 4000000023UL) % cast(UInt(32), 100), make_const(UInt(32), 23));
cast             5113 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(cast(UInt(32), (int) 4000000023UL) , cast(UInt(32), 1000)), make_const(UInt(32), (int) 1000));
cast             5114 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(cast(UInt(32), (int) 4000000023UL) , cast(UInt(32), 1000)), make_const(UInt(32), (int) 4000000023UL));
cast             5115 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(32), (int) 4000000023UL) < cast(UInt(32), 1000), const_false());
cast             5116 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(32), (int) 4000000023UL) == cast(UInt(32), 1000), const_false());
cast             5118 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Float(64), 0.5f), Expr(0.5));
cast             5119 src/Simplify.cpp     check((x - cast(Float(64), 0.5f)) * (x - cast(Float(64), 0.5f)),
cast             5122 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(64, 3), ramp(5.5f, 2.0f, 3)),
cast             5123 src/Simplify.cpp           cast(Int(64, 3), ramp(5.5f, 2.0f, 3)));
cast             5124 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(64, 3), ramp(x, 2, 3)),
cast             5125 src/Simplify.cpp           ramp(cast(Int(64), x), cast(Int(64), 2), 3));
cast             5128 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(64), x + 1) - cast(Int(64), x), cast(Int(64), 1));
cast             5129 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(64), 1 + x) - cast(Int(64), x), cast(Int(64), 1));
cast             5131 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(8), x + 1) - cast(UInt(8), x),
cast             5132 src/Simplify.cpp           cast(UInt(8), x + 1) - cast(UInt(8), x));
cast             5137 src/Simplify.cpp     Expr xf = cast<float>(x);
cast             5138 src/Simplify.cpp     Expr yf = cast<float>(y);
cast             5423 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(16), x) >= Int(16).min(), const_true());
cast             5425 src/Simplify.cpp     check(min(cast(UInt(16), x), cast(UInt(16), 65535)), cast(UInt(16), x));
cast             5428 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(cast(Int(8), x), cast(Int(8), -128)), cast(Int(8), x));
cast             5432 src/Simplify.cpp     check(max(cast(Int(8), x), cast(Int(8), -127)), max(cast(Int(8), x), make_const(Int(8), -127)));
cast             5583 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr one = broadcast(cast(Int(16), 1), 64);
cast             5584 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr three = broadcast(cast(Int(16), 3), 64);
cast             5585 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr four = broadcast(cast(Int(16), 4), 64);
cast             5586 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr five = broadcast(cast(Int(16), 5), 64);
cast             5696 src/Simplify.cpp     Expr xf = cast<float>(x);
cast             5697 src/Simplify.cpp     Expr yf = cast<float>(y);
cast             6116 src/Simplify.cpp     Expr b = cast<bool>(e);
cast             6118 src/Simplify.cpp     Expr one = cast(e.type(), 1);
cast             6119 src/Simplify.cpp     Expr zero = cast(e.type(), 0);
cast             6235 src/Simplify.cpp     Expr xf = cast<float>(x);
cast             6236 src/Simplify.cpp     Expr yf = cast<float>(y);
cast             6249 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(16), x) << 10, cast(Int(16), x) * 1024);
cast             6250 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(16), x) >> 10, cast(Int(16), x) / 1024);
cast             6251 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(Int(16), x) << -10, cast(Int(16), x) / 1024);
cast             6257 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(32), x) & Expr((uint32_t)0xaaaaaaaa),
cast             6258 src/Simplify.cpp           cast(UInt(32), x) & Expr((uint32_t)0xaaaaaaaa));
cast             6262 src/Simplify.cpp     check(cast(UInt(64), cast(UInt(32), cast(Int(8), -1))),
cast             6436 src/Simplify.cpp         Expr one = cast<uint16_t>(1);
cast             1542 src/Solve.cpp          Expr lhs = pow(cast<int32_t>(a16), 2) + pow(cast<int32_t>(b16), 2);
cast               68 src/StorageFlattening.cpp                     idx += cast<int64_t>(args[i] - mins[i]) * cast<int64_t>(strides[i]);
cast               82 src/StorageFlattening.cpp                     idx += cast<int64_t>(args[i]) * cast<int64_t>(strides[i]);
cast               83 src/StorageFlattening.cpp                     base += cast<int64_t>(mins[i]) * cast<int64_t>(strides[i]);
cast             1030 src/VaryingAttributes.cpp                 Expr coord1 = cast<float>(Variable::make(Int(32),for_loops[0]->name));
cast             1031 src/VaryingAttributes.cpp                 Expr coord0 = cast<float>(Variable::make(Int(32),for_loops[1]->name));
cast              123 test/correctness/bitwise_ops.cpp     Expr a32 = cast<int32_t>(input(x));
cast              124 test/correctness/bitwise_ops.cpp     Expr b8  = min(31, cast<uint8_t>(input(x+1)));
cast              141 test/correctness/bitwise_ops.cpp     Expr a8 = cast<int8_t>(input(x));
cast               24 test/correctness/bounds_of_abs.cpp     Func f1 = lambda(x, input(abs(cast<int8_t>(x))));
cast               25 test/correctness/bounds_of_abs.cpp     Func f2 = lambda(x, input(abs(cast<int16_t>(x))));
cast               26 test/correctness/bounds_of_abs.cpp     Func f3 = lambda(x, input(cast<int32_t>(abs(cast<float>(x)))));
cast               37 test/correctness/bounds_of_abs.cpp     Expr reflect_x = 100 - cast<int>(abs(100 - (x % 200)));
cast               45 test/correctness/bounds_of_abs.cpp     f5 = lambda(x, input(cast<int>(clamp(abs(1.0f / (x + .1f)), -50, 50))));
cast               24 test/correctness/bounds_of_cast.cpp     Func f1 = lambda(x, input(cast<uint8_t>(x)));
cast               25 test/correctness/bounds_of_cast.cpp     Func f2 = lambda(x, input(cast<int8_t>(x)));
cast               26 test/correctness/bounds_of_cast.cpp     Func f3 = lambda(x, input(cast<uint16_t>(x)));
cast               27 test/correctness/bounds_of_cast.cpp     Func f4 = lambda(x, input(cast<int16_t>(x)));
cast               12 test/correctness/bounds_of_monotonic_math.cpp     f(x) = input(cast<int>(ceil(0.3f * ceil(0.4f * floor(x * 22.5f)))));
cast               39 test/correctness/c_function.cpp     f(x, y) = my_func(x, cast<float>(y));
cast               61 test/correctness/c_function.cpp     g(x, y) = my_func(x, cast<float>(y));
cast               11 test/correctness/cast.cpp         int_expr[i] = cast(Int(bits), x);
cast               12 test/correctness/cast.cpp         uint_expr[i] = cast(UInt(bits), x);
cast               14 test/correctness/cast.cpp     float_expr = cast<float>(x);
cast               15 test/correctness/cast.cpp     double_expr = cast<double>(x);
cast               14 test/correctness/chunk.cpp     f(x, y) = cast<float>(x);
cast               12 test/correctness/code_explosion.cpp     funcs.push_back(lambda(x, cast<uint32_t>(x)));
cast               13 test/correctness/code_explosion.cpp     funcs.push_back(lambda(x, cast<uint32_t>(x)));
cast               26 test/correctness/code_explosion.cpp     e[0] = cast<uint32_t>(x);
cast               27 test/correctness/code_explosion.cpp     e[1] = cast<uint32_t>(x);
cast               38 test/correctness/compile_to.cpp     g(x, y) = cast<float>(f(x, y) + f(x+1, y));
cast               12 test/correctness/compile_to_bitcode.cpp     g(x, y) = cast<float>(f(x, y) + f(x+1, y));
cast               13 test/correctness/compile_to_lowered_stmt.cpp     g(x, y) = cast<float>(f(x, y) + f(x+1, y))*p;
cast               35 test/correctness/compile_to_multitarget.cpp     g(x, y) = cast<float>(f(x, y) + f(x+1, y));
cast               11 test/correctness/constant_type.cpp     f(x) = cast<T>(1);
cast               27 test/correctness/convolution_multiple_kernels.cpp     box1(x, y) = cast<uint16_t>(1);
cast               29 test/correctness/convolution_multiple_kernels.cpp     box2(x, y) = cast<uint32_t>(2);
cast               40 test/correctness/convolution_multiple_kernels.cpp                + sum(cast<uint16_t>(box2(r.x, r.y)) * input(x + r.x, y + r.y));
cast               22 test/correctness/debug_to_file.cpp         g(x, y) = cast<float>(f(x, y) + f(x+1, y));
cast               24 test/correctness/debug_to_file_multiple_outputs.cpp         g(x, y) = cast<float>(f(x, y) + f(x + 1, y));
cast               24 test/correctness/debug_to_file_reorder.cpp         g(x, y) = cast<float>(f(x, y) + f(x+1, y));
cast               13 test/correctness/dynamic_reduction_bounds.cpp     Expr hard_to_reason_about = cast<int>(hypot(input.width(), input.height()));
cast               76 test/correctness/extern_stage.cpp     lambda(x, cast<uint8_t>(x*x)).realize(input);
cast               45 test/correctness/fuzz_simplify.cpp             return cast(T, v1);
cast               51 test/correctness/fuzz_simplify.cpp                 return cast(T, (int)(rng()%256 - 128));
cast               53 test/correctness/fuzz_simplify.cpp                 return cast(T, (int)(rng() - RAND_MAX/2));
cast                7 test/correctness/gameoflife.cpp     return cast<uint8_t>(a);
cast               43 test/correctness/gpu_mixed_shared_mem_types.cpp     Expr e = cast(result_type, 0);
cast               60 test/correctness/gpu_mixed_shared_mem_types.cpp         funcs[i](x) = cast(types[i], x/16 + off);
cast               61 test/correctness/gpu_mixed_shared_mem_types.cpp         e += cast(result_type, funcs[i](x));
cast               16 test/correctness/gpu_multi_kernel.cpp     kernel3(x) = cast<int32_t>(round(x + kernel2(x)));
cast                9 test/correctness/gpu_reuse_shared_memory.cpp     f1(x, y, z) = cast<uint8_t>(1);
cast               10 test/correctness/gpu_reuse_shared_memory.cpp     f2(x, y, z) = cast<uint32_t>(f1(x+1, y, z) + f1(x, y+1, z));
cast               11 test/correctness/gpu_reuse_shared_memory.cpp     f3(x, y, z) = cast<uint16_t>(f2(x+1, y, z) + f2(x, y+1, z));
cast               12 test/correctness/gpu_reuse_shared_memory.cpp     f4(x, y, z) = cast<uint16_t>(f3(x+1, y, z) + f3(x, y+1, z));
cast               13 test/correctness/gpu_reuse_shared_memory.cpp     f5(x, y, z) = cast<uint32_t>(f4(x+1, y, z) + f4(x, y+1, z));
cast               14 test/correctness/gpu_reuse_shared_memory.cpp     f6(x, y, z) = cast<uint8_t>(f5(x+1, y, z) + f5(x, y+1, z));
cast               49 test/correctness/gpu_sum_scan.cpp     Buffer<int> input = lambda(x, cast<int>(floor((sin(x))*100))).realize(N);
cast               39 test/correctness/gpu_transpose.cpp     lambda(x, y, cast<uint8_t>(x * 17 + y)).realize(input);
cast               49 test/correctness/handle.cpp         f(x) = cast<char *>(msg);
cast               29 test/correctness/histogram.cpp     hist(clamp(cast<int>(in(r.x, r.y)), 0, 255)) += 1;
cast               40 test/correctness/histogram_equalize.cpp     rescaled(i, _) = cast<uint8_t>((equalized(i, _)*256)/pixels);
cast               33 test/correctness/image_io.cpp     uint32_t diff = evaluate<uint32_t>(maximum(abs(cast<int>(buf(args)) - cast<int>(reloaded(args)))));
cast               70 test/correctness/image_io.cpp     f(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(clamp(make_noise(10)(x, y, c), 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255.0f);
cast               14 test/correctness/inline_reduction.cpp     input(x, y) = cast<float>(x*y+1);
cast              148 test/correctness/inline_reduction.cpp     double result_f64 = evaluate<double>(minimum(RDom(0, 11) * cast<double>(-0.5f)));
cast               27 test/correctness/input_larger_than_two_gigs.cpp     grand_total() = cast<uint64_t>(input(0, 0, 0) + input(input.dim(0).extent()-1, input.dim(1).extent()-1, input.dim(2).extent()-1));
cast              127 test/correctness/interleave.cpp         planar(x, y) = Halide::cast<float>( 3 * x + y );
cast              283 test/correctness/interleave.cpp             define(output6(x, y), cast<uint8_t>(x), elements);
cast              287 test/correctness/interleave.cpp             define(output6(2*r, 0), cast<uint8_t>(3), elements);
cast              288 test/correctness/interleave.cpp             define(output6(2*r+1, 0), cast<uint8_t>(4), elements);
cast              291 test/correctness/interleave.cpp             define(output6(2*r, 1), cast<uint8_t>(3), elements);
cast              292 test/correctness/interleave.cpp             define(output6(2*r+1, 1), cast<uint8_t>(4), elements);
cast              295 test/correctness/interleave.cpp             define(output6(3*r, 3), cast<uint8_t>(3), elements);
cast              296 test/correctness/interleave.cpp             define(output6(3*r+1, 3), cast<uint8_t>(4), elements);
cast              309 test/correctness/interleave.cpp             define(output6(3*r, 3), cast<uint8_t>(7), elements);
cast              310 test/correctness/interleave.cpp             define(output6(3*r+2, 3), cast<uint8_t>(9), elements);
cast              311 test/correctness/interleave.cpp             define(output6(3*r+1, 3), cast<uint8_t>(8), elements);
cast              346 test/correctness/interleave.cpp         square(x, y) = cast(UInt(16), 5*x + y);
cast               11 test/correctness/interleave_rgb.cpp     input(x, y, c) = cast<T>(x * 3 + y * 5 + c);
cast               11 test/correctness/interleave_x.cpp     interleaved(x, y) = select(x%2 == 0, cast<uint16_t>(3), cast<uint16_t>(7));
cast               27 test/correctness/iterate_over_circle.cpp     Expr t = cast<int>(ceil(sqrt(10*10 - y*y)));
cast                8 test/correctness/left_shift_negative.cpp     f(x) = cast<int16_t>(-x);
cast                9 test/correctness/left_shift_negative.cpp     g(x) = cast<int16_t>(x % 8);
cast               21 test/correctness/left_shift_negative.cpp     powers(x) = cast<int16_t>(1) << g(x);
cast               86 test/correctness/lerp.cpp         lerp(cast<value_t>((zero_val + zero_min) * zero_scale_p + zero_offset_p),
cast               87 test/correctness/lerp.cpp              cast<value_t>((one_val + one_min) * one_scale_p + one_offset_p),
cast               88 test/correctness/lerp.cpp              cast<weight_t>((weight + weight_min) * weight_scale_p + weight_offset_p));
cast              223 test/correctness/lerp.cpp     lerp_constants() = lerp(0, cast<uint32_t>(1023), .5f);
cast              226 test/correctness/lerp.cpp     uint32_t expected = evaluate<uint32_t>(cast<uint32_t>(lerp(0, cast<uint16_t>(1023), .5f)));
cast              250 test/correctness/lerp.cpp     lerp_with_casts(x, y) = lerp(cast<int32_t>(input_a(x, y)), cast<int32_t>(input_b(x, y)), w);
cast              198 test/correctness/likely.cpp         Expr nasty = cast<bool>(1);
cast               76 test/correctness/load_library.cpp     f(x, y) = cast<int32_t>(x + y);
cast                7 test/correctness/logical.cpp     return cast<uint8_t>(a);
cast               11 test/correctness/logical.cpp     return cast<uint16_t>(a);
cast              154 test/correctness/logical.cpp             in_wide(x, y) = cast(wide, y + x*3);
cast              158 test/correctness/logical.cpp             in_narrow(x, y) = cast(narrow, x*y + x - 17);
cast              171 test/correctness/logical.cpp             out(x, y) = {cast<uint32_t>(cpu(x, y)), cast<uint32_t>(gpu(x, y))};
cast               43 test/correctness/make_struct.cpp     Expr a = cast<double>(3.0f);
cast               44 test/correctness/make_struct.cpp     Expr b = cast<int32_t>(1234567);
cast               45 test/correctness/make_struct.cpp     Expr c = cast<int16_t>(1234);
cast              166 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         count_calls_23.define_extern("count_calls_with_arg", {cast<uint8_t>(23)}, UInt(8), 2);
cast              169 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         count_calls_42.define_extern("count_calls_with_arg", {cast<uint8_t>(42)}, UInt(8), 2);
cast              243 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         count_calls.define_extern("count_calls_with_arg", {cast<uint8_t>(val)}, UInt(8), 2);
cast              269 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         count_calls.define_extern("count_calls_with_arg", {memoize_tag(cast<uint8_t>(val))}, UInt(8), 2);
cast              297 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         count_calls.define_extern("count_calls_with_arg", {cast<uint8_t>(val)}, UInt(8), 2);
cast              301 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         f(x) = count_calls(x, 0) + cast<uint8_t>(x);
cast              328 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         count_calls.define_extern("count_calls_with_arg", {cast<uint8_t>(val)}, UInt(8), 2);
cast              332 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         f(x, y) = Tuple(count_calls(x, y) + cast<uint8_t>(x), x);
cast              371 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         count_calls.define_extern("count_calls_with_arg", {cast<uint8_t>(val)}, UInt(8), 2);
cast              375 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         f(x, y) = count_calls(x, y) + cast<uint8_t>(x);
cast              406 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         count_calls.define_extern("count_calls_with_arg", {cast<uint8_t>(val)}, UInt(8), 2);
cast              410 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         f(x, y) = count_calls(x, y) + cast<uint8_t>(x);
cast              463 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         count_calls.define_extern("count_calls_with_arg_parallel", {cast<uint8_t>(val)}, UInt(8), 3);
cast              469 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         f(x, y) = count_calls(x, y % 4, memoize_tag(y / 16, 0)) + cast<uint8_t>(x);
cast              501 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         f(x, y) = cast<uint8_t>((x << 8) + y);
cast              508 test/correctness/memoize.cpp             args[0] = cast<int32_t>(i);
cast              509 test/correctness/memoize.cpp             args[1] = cast<int32_t>(val);
cast              555 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         count_calls.define_extern("count_calls_with_arg", {cast<uint8_t>(val)}, UInt(8), 2);
cast              559 test/correctness/memoize.cpp         f(x, y) = Tuple(count_calls(x, y) + cast<uint8_t>(x), x);
cast               10 test/correctness/mod.cpp     f(x) = cast<T>(x) % 2;
cast               28 test/correctness/mod.cpp     nf(x) = cast<T>(-x) % 4;
cast              295 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp     f(x, y) = cast(rt, a(x, y)) * cast(rt, b(x, y));
cast              325 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp                 Expr ae = cast<RT>(Expr(ai));
cast              326 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp                 Expr be = cast<RT>(Expr(bi));
cast              486 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp             Expr in_e = cast<T>((float) arg_a) % cast<T>((float) arg_b);
cast              488 test/correctness/mul_div_mod.cpp             Expr eout = cast<T>((float) v);
cast              100 test/correctness/multiple_outputs.cpp         f(x) = cast<float>(100*x);
cast              101 test/correctness/multiple_outputs.cpp         g(x) = Tuple(cast<uint8_t>(x), cast<int16_t>(x+1));
cast               22 test/correctness/newtons_method.cpp     f() = cast<T>(3);
cast               38 test/correctness/newtons_method.cpp     g() = Tuple(cast<T>(3), sin(cast<T>(3)),
cast               39 test/correctness/newtons_method.cpp                 cast<T>(4), sin(cast<T>(4)));
cast               44 test/correctness/out_of_memory.cpp     funcs.push_back(lambda(x, cast<uint8_t>(x)));
cast               16 test/correctness/output_larger_than_two_gigs.cpp     identity_uint8(x, y, z) = cast<uint8_t>(42);
cast               25 test/correctness/parameter_constraints.cpp         f(x, y) = g(cast<int>(x/p), y);
cast               56 test/correctness/parameter_constraints.cpp         f(x, y) = g(cast<int>(x/p), y);
cast               34 test/correctness/partition_loops.cpp     output(x, y, c) = cast<float>(f(x, y, c));
cast               25 test/correctness/pipeline_set_jit_externs_func.cpp     monitor(x, y) = my_func(x, cast<float>(y));
cast               33 test/correctness/print.cpp         f(x) = print(x * x, "the answer is", 42.0f, "unsigned", cast<uint32_t>(145));
cast              106 test/correctness/print.cpp             args.push_back((cast<uint64_t>(hi) << 32) | lo);
cast              107 test/correctness/print.cpp             Expr dn = cast<double>((float)(n));
cast              175 test/correctness/print.cpp         g(x) = print(reinterpret(Float(64), (cast<uint64_t>(random_uint()) << 32) | random_uint()));
cast               23 test/correctness/random.cpp         g(x, y) = cast<double>(rand_image(x, y));
cast               81 test/correctness/random.cpp         f(x, y) = cast<double>(random_float(seed));
cast              147 test/correctness/random.cpp         Expr r1 = cast<double>(random_float());
cast              148 test/correctness/random.cpp         Expr r2 = cast<double>(random_float());
cast               18 test/correctness/realize_larger_than_two_gigs.cpp     big(x, y, z, w) = cast<uint8_t>(42);
cast               22 test/correctness/realize_larger_than_two_gigs.cpp     grand_total() = cast<uint8_t>(sum(big(r.x, r.y, r.z, r.w)));
cast              610 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp     inverse(x) = {-0.25f * reinterpret<float>(~(reinterpret<uint32_t>(cast<float>(x+1)))), 0};
cast               35 test/correctness/reorder_rvars.cpp         int err = evaluate_may_gpu<int>(cast<int>(check));
cast              413 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp     hist(clamp(cast<int>(in(r.x, r.y)), 0, 255)) += 1;
cast              115 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                     r = cast(p.type(), random_float() * 1024 - 512);
cast              120 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                     r = cast(p.type(), random_int() / 4);
cast              207 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp         error() = cast<double>(maximum(absd(f(r.x, r.y), f_scalar(r.x, r.y))));
cast              476 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                 check((use_avx512 && w > 2) ? "vinsertf64x4" : "blend*pd", w, select(f64_1 > cast<double>(0.7f), f64_1, f64_2));
cast              549 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp             check(use_avx512 ? "vinsertf64x4" : "vblend*pd" YMM, 4, select(f64_1 > cast<double>(0.7f), f64_1, f64_2));
cast             1336 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                     tmp1(x) = cast(sign ? Int(bits) : UInt(bits), x);
cast             1353 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                     tmp1(x) = cast(sign ? Int(bits) : UInt(bits), x);
cast             1370 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                     tmp1(x) = cast(sign ? Int(bits) : UInt(bits), x);
cast             1388 test/correctness/simd_op_check.cpp                     tmp1(x) = cast(sign ? Int(bits) : UInt(bits), x);
cast               63 test/correctness/skip_stages_external_array_functions.cpp         f1(x) = cast<uint8_t>(x);
cast              117 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp         f(x, y) = cast<uint8_t>(random_int());
cast               58 test/correctness/tuple_update_ops.cpp         f(x, _) = Tuple(cast<int16_t>(x), cast<int32_t>(g(_)));
cast               59 test/correctness/tuple_update_ops.cpp         f(x, _) += Tuple(cast<int16_t>(2*x), cast<int32_t>(x));
cast               69 test/correctness/vector_cast.cpp     f(x, y) = cast<B>(input(x, y));
cast               13 test/correctness/vector_extern.cpp     f(x) = sqrt(cast<float>(x));
cast              215 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp     Expr xCoord = clamp(cast<int>(input(x, y)), 0, W-1);
cast              216 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp     Expr yCoord = clamp(cast<int>(input(x+1, y)), 0, H-1);
cast              242 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp     f5a(x, y) = input(x, y)*cast<A>(2);
cast              283 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp     f7(x, y) = clamp(input(x, y), cast<A>(10), cast<A>(20));
cast              299 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp     f8(x, y) = hypot(1.1f, cast<float>(input(x, y)));
cast              317 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp     f9(x, y) = input(x, y) / clamp(input(x+1, y), cast<A>(1), cast<A>(3));
cast              342 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp 	f10(x, y) = (input(x, y)) / cast<A>(Expr(c));
cast              416 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp         f14(x, y) = cast<A>(abs(input(x, y)));
cast              434 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp         f15(x, y) = cast<int>(input(x, y)) * input(x, y+2) + cast<int>(input(x, y+1)) * input(x, y+3);
cast              435 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp         f16(x, y) = cast<int>(input(x, y)) * input(x, y+2) - cast<int>(input(x, y+1)) * input(x, y+3);
cast              570 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp         weight = clamp(weight, cast<A>(0), cast<A>(1));
cast              572 test/correctness/vector_math.cpp         weight = cast(UInt(t.bits(), t.lanes()), max(0, weight));
cast               12 test/error/bad_const_cast.cpp     f(x) = cast<uint8_t>(x) % 256;
cast               10 test/error/clamp_out_of_range.cpp     f(x) = clamp(cast<int8_t>(x), 0, 255);
cast               10 test/error/lerp_mismatch.cpp     f() = lerp(cast<uint16_t>(0), cast<uint8_t>(42), 0.5f);
cast               10 test/error/lerp_signed_weight.cpp     f() = lerp(cast<uint8_t>(0), cast<uint8_t>(42), cast<int8_t>(16));
cast               12 test/error/memoize_different_compute_store.cpp     f(x, y) = val + cast<uint8_t>(x);
cast               17 test/error/realize_constantly_larger_than_two_gigs.cpp     big(x, y, z) = cast<uint8_t>(42);
cast               22 test/error/realize_constantly_larger_than_two_gigs.cpp     grand_total() = cast<uint8_t>(sum(big(r.x, r.y, r.z)));
cast               11 test/error/reduction_type_mismatch.cpp     f(x) = cast<uint8_t>(0); // The type here...
cast               15 test/generator/argvcall_generator.cpp         g(x, y, c) = cast<int32_t>(f(x, y) * c * f1 / f2);
cast               12 test/generator/can_use_target_generator.cpp         f(x, y) = cast<uint32_t>((int32_t)0xdeadbeef);
cast               27 test/generator/cxx_mangling_define_extern_generator.cpp         args.push_back(cast<int8_t>(1));
cast               28 test/generator/cxx_mangling_define_extern_generator.cpp         args.push_back(cast<uint8_t>(2));
cast               29 test/generator/cxx_mangling_define_extern_generator.cpp         args.push_back(cast<int16_t>(3));
cast               30 test/generator/cxx_mangling_define_extern_generator.cpp         args.push_back(cast<uint16_t>(4));
cast               31 test/generator/cxx_mangling_define_extern_generator.cpp         args.push_back(cast<int32_t>(5));
cast               32 test/generator/cxx_mangling_define_extern_generator.cpp         args.push_back(cast<uint32_t>(6));
cast               33 test/generator/cxx_mangling_define_extern_generator.cpp         args.push_back(cast<int64_t>(7));
cast               34 test/generator/cxx_mangling_define_extern_generator.cpp         args.push_back(cast<uint64_t>(8));
cast               35 test/generator/cxx_mangling_define_extern_generator.cpp         args.push_back(cast<bool>(9 == 9));
cast               36 test/generator/cxx_mangling_define_extern_generator.cpp         args.push_back(cast<float>(10.0f));
cast               76 test/generator/example_generator.cpp         output(x, y, c) = cast(output.type(), f(x, y) * c * compiletime_factor * runtime_factor);
cast               35 test/generator/external_code_generator.cpp         output(x, y) = gen_extern_tester(cast<float>(input(x, y)));
cast               49 test/generator/mandelbrot_generator.cpp         Complex initial(lerp(x_min, x_max, cast<float>(x) / w),
cast               50 test/generator/mandelbrot_generator.cpp                         lerp(y_min, y_max, cast<float>(y) / h));
cast               51 test/generator/memory_profiler_mandelbrot_generator.cpp         Complex initial(lerp(x_min, x_max, cast<float>(x) / w),
cast               52 test/generator/memory_profiler_mandelbrot_generator.cpp                         lerp(y_min, y_max, cast<float>(y) / h));
cast               63 test/generator/metadata_tester_generator.cpp         f1(x, y, c) = cast(output_type, input(x, y, c) + zero1 + zero2);
cast               64 test/generator/metadata_tester_generator.cpp         f2(x, y, c) = cast<float>(f1(x, y, c) + 1);
cast               11 test/generator/msan_generator.cpp         input(x, y, c) = cast<int32_t>(x + y + c);
cast               11 test/generator/multitarget_generator.cpp             f(x, y) = cast<uint32_t>((int32_t)0xdeadbeef);
cast               13 test/generator/multitarget_generator.cpp             f(x, y) = cast<uint32_t>((int32_t)0xf00dcafe);
cast               10 test/generator/output_assign_generator.cpp     f(x, y) = cast<int32_t>(x + y + extra);
cast               48 test/generator/stubtest_generator.cpp         simple_output(x, y, c) = cast<float>(simple_input(x, y, c));
cast               49 test/generator/stubtest_generator.cpp         typed_buffer_output(x, y, c) = cast<float>(typed_buffer_input(x, y, c));
cast               54 test/generator/stubtest_generator.cpp         untyped_buffer_output(x, y, c) = cast(untyped_buffer_output_type, untyped_buffer_input(x, y, c));
cast               66 test/generator/stubtest_generator.cpp             array_output[i](x, y) = cast<int16_t>(array_input[i](x, y, 0) + int_arg[i]);
cast               52 test/generator/stubuser_generator.cpp         calculated_output(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(stub.tuple_output(x, y, c)[1] + kOffset);
cast               23 test/generator/tiled_blur_generator.cpp         Expr input_float = cast<float>(input(x, y, c)) / 255.f;
cast               27 test/opengl/conv_select.cpp     f(x, y, c) = cast<float>(sum(input(coordx, y, c)));
cast               16 test/opengl/copy_to_host.cpp     gpu(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(select(c == 0, 10 * x + y,
cast               15 test/opengl/inline_reduction.cpp     f(x, y, c) = sum(cast<float>(r));
cast               43 test/opengl/lut.cpp     Expr e = cast<int>(8.0f * cast<float>(input(x, y, c)) / 255.0f);
cast               15 test/opengl/multiple_stages.cpp     g(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(x);
cast               17 test/opengl/multiple_stages.cpp     f(x, y, c) = h(x, y, c) + cast<uint8_t>(y);
cast               30 test/opengl/multiple_stages.cpp     f2(x, y, c) = cast<float>(x);
cast               31 test/opengl/multiple_stages.cpp     g2(x, y, c) = f2(x, y, c) + cast<float>(y);
cast               32 test/opengl/produce.cpp     lut1d(x) = cast<float>(1 + x);
cast               35 test/opengl/produce.cpp     Expr e = cast<int>(8.0f * cast<float>(input(x, y, c)) / 255.0f);
cast               18 test/opengl/select.cpp     gpu(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(select(c == 0, 128,
cast               60 test/opengl/select.cpp     gpu(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(select(flag != 0, 128,
cast              106 test/opengl/select.cpp     gpu(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(select(flag != 0, image(x, y, c),
cast              138 test/opengl/select.cpp     Expr temp = cast<uint8_t>(select(x == 0, 1, 2));
cast              174 test/opengl/select.cpp     Expr temp = cast<uint8_t>(select(x - c > 0, 1, 2));
cast               15 test/opengl/set_pixels.cpp     f(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(42);
cast               20 test/opengl/shifted_domains.cpp     gradient(x, y, c) = cast<float>(x + y);
cast               33 test/opengl/special_funcs.cpp     Expr e = cast<T>(select(c == T(0), r,
cast               64 test/opengl/special_funcs.cpp     Expr e = cast<T>(select(c == 0, r, c == 1, g, b));
cast              103 test/opengl/special_funcs.cpp             cast<int>(min(cast<float>(x), cast<float>(y))),
cast              138 test/opengl/special_funcs.cpp             lerp(cast<uint8_t>(x), cast<uint8_t>(y), cast<uint8_t>(128)),
cast              139 test/opengl/special_funcs.cpp             lerp(cast<uint8_t>(x), cast<uint8_t>(y), 0.5f),
cast              140 test/opengl/special_funcs.cpp             cast<uint8_t>(lerp(cast<float>(x), cast<float>(y), 0.2f)))) {
cast               24 test/opengl/sum_reduction.cpp     g(x, y, c) = cast<float>(sum(input(coordx, y, c)) / sum(r) * 255.0f);
cast               92 test/opengl/varying.cpp                          cast<float>(x) * 100.0f);  // Linear expression in terms of x
cast               19 test/performance/block_transpose.cpp     input(x, y) = cast<uint16_t>(x + y);
cast               71 test/performance/block_transpose.cpp     input(x, y) = cast<uint16_t>(x + y);
cast               43 test/performance/const_division.cpp         f(x, y) = input(x, y) / cast<T>(y + min_val);
cast               46 test/performance/const_division.cpp         g(x, y) = input(x, y) / cast<T>(y + min_val);
cast               49 test/performance/const_division.cpp         h(x, y) = Halide::fast_integer_divide(input(x, y), cast<uint8_t>(y + min_val));
cast               52 test/performance/const_division.cpp         f(x, y) = input(x, y) % cast<T>(y + min_val);
cast               55 test/performance/const_division.cpp         g(x, y) = input(x, y) % cast<T>(y + min_val);
cast               58 test/performance/const_division.cpp         h(x, y) = Halide::fast_integer_modulo(input(x, y), cast<uint8_t>(y + min_val));
cast               61 test/performance/fast_pow.cpp     fast_error() += cast<double>(fast_delta * fast_delta);
cast               62 test/performance/fast_pow.cpp     faster_error() += cast<double>(faster_delta * faster_delta);
cast               15 test/performance/parallel_performance.cpp     Expr math = cast<float>(x+y);
cast               25 test/performance/profiler.cpp             f[i](c, x) = cast<float>(x + c);
cast              111 test/performance/sort.cpp         merge_rows(x, y) = Tuple(0, 0, cast(input.value().type(), 0));
cast               54 tutorial/lesson_02_input_image.cpp     value = Halide::cast<float>(value);
cast               66 tutorial/lesson_02_input_image.cpp     value = Halide::cast<uint8_t>(value);
cast               38 tutorial/lesson_07_multi_stage_pipelines.cpp         input_16(x, y, c) = cast<uint16_t>(input(x, y, c));
cast               54 tutorial/lesson_07_multi_stage_pipelines.cpp         output(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(blur_y(x, y, c));
cast              138 tutorial/lesson_07_multi_stage_pipelines.cpp         input_16(x, y, c) = cast<uint16_t>(clamped(x, y, c));
cast              156 tutorial/lesson_07_multi_stage_pipelines.cpp         output(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(blur_y(x, y, c));
cast              663 tutorial/lesson_09_update_definitions.cpp         blurry(x, y) = cast<uint8_t>(local_sum(x, y) / 25);
cast               47 tutorial/lesson_12_using_the_gpu.cpp         lut(i) = cast<uint8_t>(clamp(pow(i / 255.0f, 1.2f) * 255.0f, 0, 255));
cast               54 tutorial/lesson_12_using_the_gpu.cpp         padded16(x, y, c) = cast<uint16_t>(padded(x, y, c));
cast               75 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         assert(cast(UInt(8), x).type() == UInt(8));
cast               78 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         assert(cast<uint8_t>(x).type() == UInt(8));
cast               82 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         f1(x) = cast<uint8_t>(x);
cast               99 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         Expr u8 = cast<uint8_t>(x);
cast              100 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         Expr u16 = cast<uint16_t>(x);
cast              101 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         Expr u32 = cast<uint32_t>(x);
cast              102 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         Expr u64 = cast<uint64_t>(x);
cast              103 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         Expr s8 = cast<int8_t>(x);
cast              104 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         Expr s16 = cast<int16_t>(x);
cast              105 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         Expr s32 = cast<int32_t>(x);
cast              106 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         Expr s64 = cast<int64_t>(x);
cast              107 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         Expr f32 = cast<float>(x);
cast              108 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         Expr f64 = cast<double>(x);
cast              119 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp             Expr e = cast(t, x);
cast              170 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         int32_t result32 = evaluate<int>(cast<int32_t>(cast<uint8_t>(255)));
cast              179 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         uint16_t result16 = evaluate<uint16_t>(cast<uint16_t>(cast<int8_t>(-1)));
cast              207 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         assert(average(cast<float>(x), 3.0f).type() == Float(32));
cast              209 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp         assert(average(cast<uint8_t>(x), cast<uint8_t>(3)).type() == UInt(8));
cast              232 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp     a = cast(wider, a);
cast              233 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp     b = cast(wider, b);
cast              234 tutorial/lesson_14_types.cpp     return cast(narrow, (a + b)/2);
cast              136 tutorial/lesson_15_generators.cpp         output(x, y) = cast(output_type, rotated(x, y));