k                1099 ash/accelerators/accelerator_controller_unittest.cc   for (size_t k = 0 ; k < kActionsAllowedAtModalWindowLength; ++k)
k                1100 ash/accelerators/accelerator_controller_unittest.cc     actionsAllowedAtModalWindow.insert(kActionsAllowedAtModalWindow[k]);
k                 256 base/android/jni_generator/java/src/org/chromium/example/jni_generator/SampleForTests.java       private InnerStructB(long k, String v) {
k                 257 base/android/jni_generator/java/src/org/chromium/example/jni_generator/SampleForTests.java           mKey = k;
k                  67 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h   size_t erase(const Key& k) {
k                  68 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h     iterator it = data_.find(k);
k                  85 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h   scoped_ptr<Value> take(const Key& k) {
k                  86 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h     iterator it = find(k);
k                 103 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h   scoped_ptr<Value> take_and_erase(const Key& k) {
k                 104 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h     iterator it = find(k);
k                 113 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h   Value* get(const Key& k) const {
k                 114 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h     const_iterator it = find(k);
k                 120 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h   inline bool contains(const Key& k) const { return data_.count(k) > 0; }
k                 124 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h   inline const_iterator find(const Key& k) const { return data_.find(k); }
k                 125 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h   inline iterator find(const Key& k) { return data_.find(k); }
k                 127 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h   inline size_t count(const Key& k) const { return data_.count(k); }
k                 129 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h       const Key& k) const {
k                 130 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h     return data_.equal_range(k);
k                 132 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h   inline std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const Key& k) {
k                 133 base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h     return data_.equal_range(k);
k                 784 base/test/launcher/test_launcher.cc         for (size_t k = 0; k < positive_test_filter_.size(); ++k) {
k                 785 base/test/launcher/test_launcher.cc           if (MatchPattern(test_name, positive_test_filter_[k])) {
k                 795 base/test/launcher/test_launcher.cc       for (size_t k = 0; k < negative_test_filter_.size(); ++k) {
k                 796 base/test/launcher/test_launcher.cc         if (MatchPattern(test_name, negative_test_filter_[k])) {
k                 306 base/test/launcher/test_results_tracker.cc       for (size_t k = 0; k < j->second.test_results.size(); k++) {
k                 307 base/test/launcher/test_results_tracker.cc         const TestResult& test_result = j->second.test_results[k];
k                 532 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int k, maxwds, sign, wds;
k                 543 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	(k) int k;
k                 545 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	(int k)
k                 557 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k <= Kmax && (rv = freelist[k]))
k                 558 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		freelist[k] = rv->next;
k                 560 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		x = 1 << k;
k                 566 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (k <= Kmax && pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
k                 573 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		rv->k = k;
k                 590 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (v->k > Kmax)
k                 598 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			v->next = freelist[v->k];
k                 599 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			freelist[v->k] = v;
k                 654 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			b1 = Balloc(b->k+1);
k                 674 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int i, k;
k                 678 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	for(k = 0, y = 1; x > y; y <<= 1, k++) ;
k                 680 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	b = Balloc(k);
k                 684 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	b = Balloc(k+1);
k                 711 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int k = 0;
k                 714 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k = 16;
k                 718 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k += 8;
k                 722 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k += 4;
k                 726 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k += 2;
k                 730 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k++;
k                 734 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	return k;
k                 745 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int k;
k                 758 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	k = 0;
k                 760 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k = 16;
k                 764 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k += 8;
k                 768 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k += 4;
k                 772 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k += 2;
k                 776 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k++;
k                 782 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	return k;
k                 810 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int k, wa, wb, wc;
k                 827 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	k = a->k;
k                 832 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k++;
k                 833 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	c = Balloc(k);
k                 916 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	(b, k) Bigint *b; int k;
k                 918 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	(Bigint *b, int k)
k                 925 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if ((i = k & 3))
k                 928 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (!(k >>= 2))
k                 945 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (k & 1) {
k                 950 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (!(k >>= 1))
k                 973 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	(b, k) Bigint *b; int k;
k                 975 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	(Bigint *b, int k)
k                 983 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	n = k >> 5;
k                 985 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	n = k >> 4;
k                 987 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	k1 = b->k;
k                 998 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k &= 0x1f) {
k                 999 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k1 = 32 - k;
k                1002 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			*x1++ = *x << k | z;
k                1010 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k &= 0xf) {
k                1011 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k1 = 16 - k;
k                1014 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			*x1++ = *x << k  & 0xffff | z;
k                1099 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	c = Balloc(a->k);
k                1209 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int k;
k                1224 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	k = hi0bits(y);
k                1225 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	*e = 32 - k;
k                1227 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k < Ebits) {
k                1228 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		d0 = Exp_1 | y >> (Ebits - k);
k                1230 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		d1 = y << ((32-Ebits) + k) | w >> (Ebits - k);
k                1234 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k -= Ebits) {
k                1235 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		d0 = Exp_1 | y << k | z >> (32 - k);
k                1237 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		d1 = z << k | y >> (32 - k);
k                1244 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k < Ebits + 16) {
k                1246 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		d0 = Exp_1 | y << k - Ebits | z >> Ebits + 16 - k;
k                1249 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		d1 = z << k + 16 - Ebits | w << k - Ebits | y >> 16 + Ebits - k;
k                1254 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	k -= Ebits + 16;
k                1255 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	d0 = Exp_1 | y << k + 16 | z << k | w >> 16 - k;
k                1257 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	d1 = w << k + 16 | y << k;
k                1279 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int de, k;
k                1313 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if ((k = lo0bits(&y))) {
k                1314 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			x[0] = y | z << (32 - k);
k                1315 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			z >>= k;
k                1325 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k = lo0bits(&z);
k                1331 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k += 32;
k                1335 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (k = lo0bits(&y))
k                1336 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			if (k >= 16) {
k                1337 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 				x[0] = y | z << 32 - k & 0xffff;
k                1338 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 				x[1] = z >> k - 16 & 0xffff;
k                1339 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 				x[2] = z >> k;
k                1344 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 				x[1] = y >> 16 | z << 16 - k & 0xffff;
k                1345 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 				x[2] = z >> k & 0xffff;
k                1346 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 				x[3] = z >> k+16;
k                1362 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k = lo0bits(&z);
k                1363 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (k >= 16) {
k                1372 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k += 32;
k                1382 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		*e = (de - Bias - (P-1) << 2) + k;
k                1383 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		*bits = 4*P + 8 - k - hi0bits(word0(d) & Frac_mask);
k                1385 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		*e = de - Bias - (P-1) + k;
k                1386 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		*bits = P - k;
k                1391 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		*e = de - Bias - (P-1) + 1 + k;
k                1413 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int k, ka, kb;
k                1418 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	k = ka - kb + 32*(a->wds - b->wds);
k                1420 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	k = ka - kb + 16*(a->wds - b->wds);
k                1423 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k > 0) {
k                1424 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		word0(&da) += (k >> 2)*Exp_msk1;
k                1425 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (k &= 3)
k                1426 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			dval(&da) *= 1 << k;
k                1429 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k = -k;
k                1430 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		word0(&db) += (k >> 2)*Exp_msk1;
k                1431 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (k &= 3)
k                1432 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			dval(&db) *= 1 << k;
k                1435 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k > 0)
k                1436 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		word0(&da) += k*Exp_msk1;
k                1438 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k = -k;
k                1439 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		word0(&db) += k*Exp_msk1;
k                1638 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc rshift(b, k) Bigint *b; int k;
k                1640 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc rshift(Bigint *b, int k)
k                1647 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	n = k >> kshift;
k                1651 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (k &= kmask) {
k                1652 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			n = 32 - k;
k                1653 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			y = *x++ >> k;
k                1656 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 				y = *x++ >> k;
k                1671 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc any_on(b, k) Bigint *b; int k;
k                1673 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc any_on(Bigint *b, int k)
k                1681 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	n = k >> kshift;
k                1684 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	else if (n < nwds && (k &= kmask)) {
k                1686 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		x1 >>= k;
k                1687 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		x1 <<= k;
k                1727 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			b1 = Balloc(b->k+1);
k                1749 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int big, denorm, esign, havedig, k, n, nbits, up, zret;
k                1915 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	for(k = 0; n > (1 << (kshift-2)) - 1; n >>= 1)
k                1916 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k++;
k                1917 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	b = Balloc(k);
k                1952 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			k = n - 1;
k                1953 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			if (x[k>>kshift] & 1 << (k & kmask)) {
k                1955 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 				if (k > 0 && any_on(b,k))
k                2008 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k = n - 1;
k                2011 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		else if (k > 0)
k                2012 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			lostbits = any_on(b,k);
k                2013 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (x[k>>kshift] & 1 << (k & kmask))
k                2036 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			k = b->wds;
k                2046 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			else if (b->wds > k
k                2048 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			     && hi0bits(x[k-1]) < 32-n)) {
k                2064 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k = b->x[0] & ((1 << j) - 1);
k                2066 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (k) {
k                2078 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 				if (k & j && ((k & (j-1)) | lostbits))
k                2439 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int esign, i, j, k, nd, nd0, nf, nz, nz0, sign;
k                2651 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	k = nd < DBL_DIG + 1 ? nd : DBL_DIG + 1;
k                2653 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k > 9) {
k                2655 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (k > DBL_DIG)
k                2658 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		dval(&rv) = tens[k - 9] * dval(&rv) + z;
k                2731 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	e1 += nd - k;
k                2736 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k <= DBL_DIG)
k                2907 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		bd = Balloc(bd0->k);
k                3439 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	int j, k, *r;
k                3442 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	for(k = 0;
k                3445 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			k++;
k                3446 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	r = (int*)Balloc(k);
k                3447 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	*r = k;
k                3485 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	b->maxwds = 1 << (b->k = *(int*)b);
k                3571 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		j, j1, k, k0, k_check, leftright, m2, m5, s2, s5,
k                3710 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	k = (int)ds;
k                3711 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (ds < 0. && ds != k)
k                3712 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k--;	/* want k = floor(ds) */
k                3714 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k >= 0 && k <= Ten_pmax) {
k                3715 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (dval(&u) < tens[k])
k                3716 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			k--;
k                3728 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (k >= 0) {
k                3730 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		s5 = k;
k                3731 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		s2 += k;
k                3734 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		b2 -= k;
k                3735 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		b5 = -k;
k                3774 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			i = ndigits + k + 1;
k                3793 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k0 = k;
k                3796 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		if (k > 0) {
k                3797 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			ds = tens[k&0xf];
k                3798 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			j = k >> 4;
k                3812 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		else if ((j1 = -k)) {
k                3824 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			k--;
k                3885 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k = k0;
k                3891 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	if (be >= 0 && k <= Int_max) {
k                3893 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		ds = tens[k];
k                3900 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		for(i = 1; i <= k + 1; i++, dval(&u) *= 10.) {
k                3930 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 							k++;
k                4029 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			k--;
k                4040 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			k = -1 - ndigits;
k                4045 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 		k++;
k                4058 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 			mhi = Balloc(mhi->k);
k                4175 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 				k++;
k                4209 base/third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa.cc 	*decpt = k + 1;
k                  32 base/third_party/dmg_fp/g_fmt.cc 	register int i, k;
k                  67 base/third_party/dmg_fp/g_fmt.cc 		for(j = 2, k = 10; 10*k <= decpt; j++, k *= 10) {}
k                  69 base/third_party/dmg_fp/g_fmt.cc 			i = decpt / k;
k                  73 base/third_party/dmg_fp/g_fmt.cc 			decpt -= i*k;
k                 922 base/third_party/xdg_mime/xdgmimecache.c   int i, j, k, l, p;
k                 946 base/third_party/xdg_mime/xdgmimecache.c 	      for (k = 0; k < n_parents && p < 127; k++)
k                 948 base/third_party/xdg_mime/xdgmimecache.c 		  parent_mime_offset = GET_UINT32 (cache->buffer, parents_offset + 4 + 4 * k);
k                1115 cc/animation/transform_operations_unittest.cc       for (size_t k = 0; k < arraysize(progress); ++k) {
k                1125 cc/animation/transform_operations_unittest.cc                                          progress[k].min_progress,
k                1126 cc/animation/transform_operations_unittest.cc                                          progress[k].max_progress);
k                 433 cc/layers/tiled_layer_unittest.cc   for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
k                 439 cc/layers/tiled_layer_unittest.cc         gfx::Rect(visible_rect.origin() + directions[k], visible_rect.size());
k                 441 cc/layers/tiled_layer_unittest.cc         gfx::Rect(visible_rect.origin() - directions[k], visible_rect.size());
k                 460 cc/layers/tiled_layer_unittest.cc                   pushed_visible_tiles[k].Contains(i, j));
k                 467 cc/layers/tiled_layer_unittest.cc     if (k <= 3) {
k                 473 cc/layers/tiled_layer_unittest.cc                     pushed_prepaint_tiles[k].Contains(i, j));
k                  44 chrome/browser/extensions/api/cast_channel/cast_channel_apitest.cc                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  46 chrome/browser/extensions/api/cast_channel/cast_channel_apitest.cc   ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(result);
k                 767 chrome/browser/extensions/api/usb/usb_api.cc       for (size_t k = 0, num_endpoints = descriptor->GetNumEndpoints();
k                 768 chrome/browser/extensions/api/usb/usb_api.cc           k < num_endpoints; k++) {
k                 770 chrome/browser/extensions/api/usb/usb_api.cc             = descriptor->GetEndpoint(k);
k                  20 chrome/browser/extensions/api/usb/usb_apitest.cc                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  22 chrome/browser/extensions/api/usb/usb_apitest.cc   ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(p1, new net::IOBuffer(1), 1);
k                1318 chrome/browser/extensions/updater/extension_updater_unittest.cc         for (size_t k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
k                1329 chrome/browser/extensions/updater/extension_updater_unittest.cc           bool active_bit = k > 0;
k                 240 chrome/browser/extensions/user_script_master.cc     for (size_t k = 0; k < script.js_scripts().size(); ++k) {
k                 241 chrome/browser/extensions/user_script_master.cc       UserScript::File& script_file = script.js_scripts()[k];
k                 245 chrome/browser/extensions/user_script_master.cc     for (size_t k = 0; k < script.css_scripts().size(); ++k) {
k                 246 chrome/browser/extensions/user_script_master.cc       UserScript::File& script_file = script.css_scripts()[k];
k                 360 chrome/browser/omnibox/omnibox_field_trial.cc       int k, v;
k                 361 chrome/browser/omnibox/omnibox_field_trial.cc       base::StringToInt(it->first, &k);
k                 363 chrome/browser/omnibox/omnibox_field_trial.cc       (*demotions_by_type)[static_cast<AutocompleteMatchType::Type>(k)] =
k                  77 chrome/browser/safe_browsing/binary_feature_extractor_win.cc         for (DWORD k = 0; k < simple_chain->cElement; ++k) {
k                  78 chrome/browser/safe_browsing/binary_feature_extractor_win.cc           CERT_CHAIN_ELEMENT* element = simple_chain->rgpElement[k];
k                  97 chrome/browser/safe_browsing/client_side_detection_host_unittest.cc                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  99 chrome/browser/safe_browsing/client_side_detection_host_unittest.cc   ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(p0, p1);
k                 487 chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/recent_tabs_sub_menu_model.cc     for (size_t k = 0;
k                 488 chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/recent_tabs_sub_menu_model.cc          k < std::min(tabs_in_session.size(), kMaxTabsPerSessionToShow);
k                 489 chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/recent_tabs_sub_menu_model.cc          ++k) {
k                 490 chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/recent_tabs_sub_menu_model.cc       BuildOtherDevicesTabItem(session_tag, *tabs_in_session[k]);
k                 378 chrome/browser/ui/webui/plugins_ui.cc       for (size_t k = 0; k < plugin_mime_types.size(); ++k) {
k                 380 chrome/browser/ui/webui/plugins_ui.cc         mime_type->SetString("mimeType", plugin_mime_types[k].mime_type);
k                 381 chrome/browser/ui/webui/plugins_ui.cc         mime_type->SetString("description", plugin_mime_types[k].description);
k                 385 chrome/browser/ui/webui/plugins_ui.cc             plugin_mime_types[k].file_extensions;
k                 427 chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/apps/hello-php/lib/oauth/OAuth.php     foreach ($this->parameters as $k => $v) {
k                 428 chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/apps/hello-php/lib/oauth/OAuth.php       if (substr($k, 0, 5) != "oauth") continue;
k                 433 chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/apps/hello-php/lib/oauth/OAuth.php       $out .= OAuthUtil::urlencode_rfc3986($k) .
k                  60 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 	off_t i,j,k,x,tmp,jj,kk;
k                  63 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 		for(k=start;k<start+len;k+=j) {
k                  64 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 			j=1;x=V[I[k]+h];
k                  65 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 			for(i=1;k+i<start+len;i++) {
k                  66 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 				if(V[I[k+i]+h]<x) {
k                  67 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 					x=V[I[k+i]+h];
k                  70 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 				if(V[I[k+i]+h]==x) {
k                  71 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 					tmp=I[k+j];I[k+j]=I[k+i];I[k+i]=tmp;
k                  75 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 			for(i=0;i<j;i++) V[I[k+i]]=k+j-1;
k                  76 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 			if(j==1) I[k]=-1;
k                  89 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 	i=start;j=0;k=0;
k                  97 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 			tmp=I[i];I[i]=I[kk+k];I[kk+k]=tmp;
k                  98 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 			k++;
k                 106 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 			tmp=I[jj+j];I[jj+j]=I[kk+k];I[kk+k]=tmp;
k                 107 chrome/installer/mac/third_party/bsdiff/goobsdiff.c 			k++;
k                  87 chrome/installer/util/google_update_settings_unittest.cc         for (size_t k = 0; k < arraysize(suffixes); ++k) {
k                  90 chrome/installer/util/google_update_settings_unittest.cc           ap += suffixes[k];
k                 190 chrome/renderer/extensions/user_script_slave.cc     for (URLPatternSet::const_iterator k = url_patterns.begin();
k                 191 chrome/renderer/extensions/user_script_slave.cc          k != url_patterns.end(); ++k) {
k                 192 chrome/renderer/extensions/user_script_slave.cc       URLPatternList explicit_patterns = k->ConvertToExplicitSchemes();
k                  69 components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_merge_unittest.cc       for (size_t k = 0; k < values.size(); ++k) {
k                  72 components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_merge_unittest.cc         result += base::UTF16ToUTF8(values[k]);
k                  51 content/browser/download/download_manager_impl_unittest.cc                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  53 content/browser/download/download_manager_impl_unittest.cc   return ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(p0);
k                 167 content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_device_manager_unittest.cc     for (size_t k = i + 1; k < devices_.size(); ++k) {
k                 168 content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_device_manager_unittest.cc       EXPECT_TRUE(session_id[i] != session_id[k]);
k                 207 content/renderer/media/android/audio_decoder_android.cc   for (size_t k = length; k > 0; --k)
k                 208 content/renderer/media/android/audio_decoder_android.cc     value = (value << 8) + buffer[k - 1];
k                 318 content/renderer/media/android/audio_decoder_android.cc     for (uint16_t k = 0; k < number_of_channels_; ++k) {
k                 322 content/renderer/media/android/audio_decoder_android.cc       destination_bus->channelData(k)[m] = ConvertSampleToFloat(sample);
k                 476 content/renderer/media/android/audio_decoder_android.cc     for (size_t k = 0; k < number_of_channels; ++k) {
k                 477 content/renderer/media/android/audio_decoder_android.cc       int16_t sample = decoded_samples[m + k];
k                 478 content/renderer/media/android/audio_decoder_android.cc       destination_bus->channelData(k)[decoded_frames] =
k                 126 content/renderer/media/webmediaplayer_impl.cc                  static_cast<int>(BufferedResourceLoader::k ## name), \
k                  19 content/renderer/media/webmediaplayer_util.cc   static_cast<int>(media::MediaKeys::k ## name ## Error), \
k                 164 content/renderer/pepper/pepper_video_capture_host.cc         for (int k = 0; k < frame->rows(j); ++k) {
k                1284 content/renderer/render_view_browsertest.cc       for (size_t k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kKeyCodes); ++k) {
k                1289 content/renderer/render_view_browsertest.cc         int key_code = kKeyCodes[k];
k                1531 content/renderer/render_view_browsertest.cc       for (size_t k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kKeyCodes); ++k) {
k                1536 content/renderer/render_view_browsertest.cc         int key_code = kKeyCodes[k];
k                 812 content/renderer/renderer_webkitplatformsupport_impl.cc       for (size_t k = 0; k < mime_type.file_extensions.size(); ++k) {
k                 814 content/renderer/renderer_webkitplatformsupport_impl.cc             WebString::fromUTF8(mime_type.file_extensions[k]));
k                  55 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc   int i,j,k,x,tmp,jj,kk;
k                  58 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc     for(k=start;k<start+len;k+=j) {
k                  59 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc       j=1;x=V[I[k]+h];
k                  60 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc       for(i=1;k+i<start+len;i++) {
k                  61 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc         if(V[I[k+i]+h]<x) {
k                  62 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc           x=V[I[k+i]+h];
k                  65 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc         if(V[I[k+i]+h]==x) {
k                  66 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc           tmp=I[k+j];I[k+j]=I[k+i];I[k+i]=tmp;
k                  70 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc       for(i=0;i<j;i++) V[I[k+i]]=k+j-1;
k                  71 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc       if(j==1) I[k]=-1;
k                  84 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc   i=start;j=0;k=0;
k                  92 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc       tmp=I[i];I[i]=I[kk+k];I[kk+k]=tmp;
k                  93 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc       k++;
k                 101 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc       tmp=I[jj+j];I[jj+j]=I[kk+k];I[kk+k]=tmp;
k                 102 courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc       k++;
k                 176 crypto/p224_spake.cc   p224::Point MNpw, minus_MNpw, Y, k;
k                 184 crypto/p224_spake.cc   p224::ScalarMult(Y, x_, &k);
k                 187 crypto/p224_spake.cc   key_ = k.ToString();
k                 220 crypto/p224_spake.cc     const std::string& k,
k                 234 crypto/p224_spake.cc   hash_contents += k;
k                  96 crypto/p224_spake.h       const std::string& k,
k                 104 extensions/browser/extension_pref_value_map.cc   KeySet::iterator k;
k                 105 extensions/browser/extension_pref_value_map.cc   for (k = deleted_keys.begin(); k != deleted_keys.end(); ++k)
k                 106 extensions/browser/extension_pref_value_map.cc     NotifyPrefValueChanged(*k);
k                  58 gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/shaders.cc       for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
k                  59 gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/shaders.cc         p[ADDR(i, j)] += g_projection_matrix[ADDR(k, i)] * v[ADDR(j, k)];
k                  70 gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/shaders.cc   for (int k = 8; k < 12; ++k)
k                  71 gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/shaders.cc     out[k] = in[k] * sz;
k                 383 ipc/ipc_message_utils.h       K k;
k                 384 ipc/ipc_message_utils.h       if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &k))
k                 386 ipc/ipc_message_utils.h       V& value = (*r)[k];
k                 173 media/base/android/webaudio_media_codec_bridge.cc     for (int k = 0; k < frame_count; ++k) {
k                 174 media/base/android/webaudio_media_codec_bridge.cc       decoded_data[k] = *data;
k                  26 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  28 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h   ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run();
k                  58 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  60 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h   return ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run();
k                  64 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  66 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h   return ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(p0);
k                  70 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  72 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h   return ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(p0, p1);
k                  76 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  78 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h   return ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(p0, p1, p2);
k                  82 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  84 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h   return ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(p0, p1, p2, p3);
k                  88 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  90 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h   return ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4);
k                  94 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  96 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h   return ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
k                 100 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                 102 media/base/gmock_callback_support.h   return ::std::tr1::get<k>(args).Run(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
k                1253 media/base/pipeline_unittest.cc       RunTest(k##state, k##stop_or_error); \
k                  10 media/cast/logging/logging_defines.cc   case k##enum:              \
k                 221 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm.cc   for (int k = 0; k < channels_; ++k) {
k                 222 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm.cc     const float* const ch_opt_frame = optimal_block_->channel(k);
k                 223 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm.cc     float* ch_output = wsola_output_->channel(k) + num_complete_frames_;
k                 276 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm.cc   for (int k = 0; k < channels_; ++k) {
k                 277 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm.cc     float* ch = wsola_output_->channel(k);
k                 329 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm.cc     for (int k = 0; k < channels_; ++k) {
k                 330 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm.cc       float* ch_opt = optimal_block_->channel(k);
k                 331 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm.cc       const float* const ch_target = target_block_->channel(k);
k                  41 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc   for (int n = offset - 1, k = 0; n >= 0; --n, ++k) {
k                  42 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc     if (k >= half_pulse_width) {
k                  44 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc       k = 0;
k                  52 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc   for (int n = offset, k = 0; n < num_samples; ++n, ++k) {
k                  53 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc     if (k >= half_pulse_width) {
k                  55 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc       k = 0;
k                 303 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc           for (int k = 0; k < kPulseWidthSamples; ++k) {
k                 304 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc             ASSERT_NEAR(reinterpret_cast<float*>(channel_data[m])[k],
k                 305 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc                         pulse_ch[k], kTolerance) << " loop " << n
k                 306 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc                                 << " channel/sample " << m << "/" << k;
k                 495 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc     for (int k = 0; k < kFramesPerBlock; ++k)
k                 496 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc       expected_energy += ch_left[n + k] * ch_left[n + k];
k                 502 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc     for (int k = 0; k < kFramesPerBlock; ++k)
k                 503 media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm_unittest.cc       expected_energy += ch_right[n + k] * ch_right[n + k];
k                 349 media/filters/stream_parser_factory.cc         for (int k = 0; type_info.codecs[k]; ++k) {
k                 350 media/filters/stream_parser_factory.cc           if (MatchPattern(codec_id, type_info.codecs[k]->pattern) &&
k                 351 media/filters/stream_parser_factory.cc               (!type_info.codecs[k]->validator ||
k                 352 media/filters/stream_parser_factory.cc                type_info.codecs[k]->validator(codec_id, log_cb))) {
k                 354 media/filters/stream_parser_factory.cc                 VerifyCodec(type_info.codecs[k], audio_codecs, video_codecs);
k                  52 media/filters/wsola_internals.cc   for (int k = 0; k < a->channels(); ++k) {
k                  53 media/filters/wsola_internals.cc     const float* ch_a = a->channel(k) + frame_offset_a;
k                  54 media/filters/wsola_internals.cc     const float* ch_b = b->channel(k) + frame_offset_b;
k                  56 media/filters/wsola_internals.cc       dot_product[k] += *ch_a++ * *ch_b++;
k                  67 media/filters/wsola_internals.cc   for (int k = 0; k < input->channels(); ++k) {
k                  68 media/filters/wsola_internals.cc     const float* input_channel = input->channel(k);
k                  70 media/filters/wsola_internals.cc     energy[k] = 0;
k                  74 media/filters/wsola_internals.cc       energy[k] += input_channel[m] * input_channel[m];
k                  80 media/filters/wsola_internals.cc       energy[k + n * channels] = energy[k + (n - 1) * channels] - *slide_out *
k                  41 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc   for (size_t k = 0; k < packets.size() - 1; k++) {
k                  42 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     DCHECK_GE(packets[k + 1].offset, packets[k].offset);
k                  43 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     packets[k].size = packets[k + 1].offset - packets[k].offset;
k                 106 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc   for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units.size(); k++) {
k                 107 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     access_units_with_aud[k].offset = offset;
k                 108 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     access_units_with_aud[k].size = access_units[k].size + sizeof(aud);
k                 114 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc            &stream[access_units[k].offset], access_units[k].size);
k                 115 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     offset += access_units[k].size;
k                 167 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc   for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++)
k                 168 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     access_units_[k].pts = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(k * 40u);
k                 177 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc   for (size_t k = 0; k < pes_packets.size(); k++) {
k                 178 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     pes_packets[k].pts = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(-1);
k                 184 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc   for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++) {
k                 188 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc       if (pes_start <= access_units_[k].offset &&
k                 189 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc           pes_end > access_units_[k].offset) {
k                 190 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc         pes_packets[pes_idx].pts = access_units_[k].pts;
k                 204 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc   for (size_t k = 0; k < pes_packets.size(); k++) {
k                 205 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     size_t cur_pes_offset = pes_packets[k].offset;
k                 206 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     size_t cur_pes_size = pes_packets[k].size;
k                 210 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     if (pes_packets[k].pts >= base::TimeDelta() || force_timing)
k                 211 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc       pts = pes_packets[k].pts;
k                 244 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc   for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++) {
k                 251 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     cur_pes_packet.offset = access_units_[k].offset +
k                 252 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc         std::min<size_t>(487u, access_units_[k].size);
k                 267 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc   for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++) {
k                 268 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc     if (min_access_unit_size >= access_units_[k].size)
k                 269 media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264_unittest.cc       min_access_unit_size = access_units_[k].size;
k                  18 media/formats/mp2t/ts_packet.cc   int k = 0;
k                  19 media/formats/mp2t/ts_packet.cc   for (; k < size; k++) {
k                  26 media/formats/mp2t/ts_packet.cc       int idx = k + i * kPacketSize;
k                  41 media/formats/mp2t/ts_packet.cc   DVLOG_IF(1, k != 0) << "SYNC: nbytes_skipped=" << k;
k                  42 media/formats/mp2t/ts_packet.cc   return k;
k                 203 media/formats/mp2t/ts_packet.cc   for (int k = 0; k < adaptation_field_remaining_size; k++) {
k                  67 media/formats/mp2t/ts_section_pat.cc   for (int k = 0; k < pmt_pid_count; k++) {
k                  69 media/formats/mp2t/ts_section_pat.cc     RCHECK(bit_reader->ReadBits(16, &program_number_array[k]));
k                  71 media/formats/mp2t/ts_section_pat.cc     RCHECK(bit_reader->ReadBits(13, &pmt_pid_array[k]));
k                 102 media/formats/mp2t/ts_section_pat.cc   for (int k = 0; k < pmt_pid_count; k++) {
k                 103 media/formats/mp2t/ts_section_pat.cc     if (program_number_array[k] != 0) {
k                 105 media/formats/mp2t/ts_section_pat.cc       register_pmt_cb_.Run(program_number_array[k], pmt_pid_array[k]);
k                  16 media/formats/mp2t/ts_section_psi.cc   for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) {
k                  18 media/formats/mp2t/ts_section_psi.cc     uint32 data_msb_aligned = buf[k];
k                 270 media/formats/mp4/track_run_iterator.cc           for (size_t k = 0; k < trun.sample_count; k++) {
k                 271 media/formats/mp4/track_run_iterator.cc             tri.aux_info_total_size += tri.aux_info_sizes[k];
k                 280 media/formats/mp4/track_run_iterator.cc       for (size_t k = 0; k < trun.sample_count; k++) {
k                 282 media/formats/mp4/track_run_iterator.cc                            k, &tri.samples[k], traf.sdtp.sample_depends_on(k));
k                 283 media/formats/mp4/track_run_iterator.cc         run_start_dts += tri.samples[k].duration;
k                 291 media/formats/mp4/track_run_iterator.cc           tri.samples[k].is_keyframe = true;
k                 113 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/third_party/pthreads-win32/ptw32_callUserDestroyRoutines.c 	      pthread_key_t k;
k                 165 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/third_party/pthreads-win32/ptw32_callUserDestroyRoutines.c 	      k = assoc->key;
k                 166 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/third_party/pthreads-win32/ptw32_callUserDestroyRoutines.c 	      destructor = k->destructor;
k                 167 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/third_party/pthreads-win32/ptw32_callUserDestroyRoutines.c 	      value = TlsGetValue(k->key);
k                 168 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/third_party/pthreads-win32/ptw32_callUserDestroyRoutines.c 	      TlsSetValue (k->key, NULL);
k                  13 native_client_sdk/src/tests/nacl_io_test/mock_util.h                 HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
k                  15 native_client_sdk/src/tests/nacl_io_test/mock_util.h   PP_CompletionCallback callback = std::tr1::get<k>(args);
k                 250 net/base/escape.cc   size_t k;
k                 251 net/base/escape.cc   for (k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kCharsToEscape); ++k) {
k                 252 net/base/escape.cc     if (c == kCharsToEscape[k].key) {
k                 253 net/base/escape.cc       const char* p = kCharsToEscape[k].replacement;
k                 259 net/base/escape.cc   if (k == ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kCharsToEscape))
k                 234 net/cert/cert_verify_proc_win.cc               for (DWORD k = 0; k < rdn_attr->Value.cbData; ++k) {
k                 235 net/cert/cert_verify_proc_win.cc                 if (rdn_attr->Value.pbData[k] == '\0')
k                 245 net/cert/cert_verify_proc_win.cc               for (DWORD k = 0; k < num_wchars; ++k) {
k                 246 net/cert/cert_verify_proc_win.cc                 if (common_name[k] == L'\0')
k                 256 net/cert/cert_verify_proc_win.cc               for (DWORD k = 0; k < num_ints; ++k) {
k                 257 net/cert/cert_verify_proc_win.cc                 if (common_name[k] == 0)
k                 309 net/cert/crl_set.cc   for (std::vector<uint8>::const_iterator k = changes.begin();
k                 310 net/cert/crl_set.cc        k != changes.end(); ++k) {
k                 311 net/cert/crl_set.cc     if (*k == SYMBOL_SAME) {
k                 316 net/cert/crl_set.cc     } else if (*k == SYMBOL_INSERT) {
k                 329 net/cert/crl_set.cc     } else if (*k == SYMBOL_DELETE) {
k                 392 net/cert/crl_set.cc   for (std::vector<uint8>::const_iterator k = crl_changes.begin();
k                 393 net/cert/crl_set.cc        k != crl_changes.end(); ++k) {
k                 394 net/cert/crl_set.cc     if (*k == SYMBOL_SAME) {
k                 401 net/cert/crl_set.cc     } else if (*k == SYMBOL_INSERT) {
k                 409 net/cert/crl_set.cc     } else if (*k == SYMBOL_DELETE) {
k                 413 net/cert/crl_set.cc     } else if (*k == SYMBOL_CHANGED) {
k                  32 net/http/http_auth_handler_unittest.cc       for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
k                  35 net/http/http_auth_handler_unittest.cc             (k == 0) ? HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY : HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER;
k                  37 net/http/http_auth_handler_unittest.cc             (k == 0) ? NetLog::TYPE_AUTH_PROXY : NetLog::TYPE_AUTH_SERVER;
k                 963 net/http/http_cache.cc   ActiveEntriesSet::iterator k = doomed_entries_.begin();
k                 964 net/http/http_cache.cc   for (; k != doomed_entries_.end() && !found; ++k)
k                 965 net/http/http_cache.cc     found = RemovePendingTransactionFromEntry(*k, trans);
k                 211 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     size_t k = i;
k                 212 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     while (++k < parsed_.size() && parsed_[k].is_continuation()) {}
k                 213 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     --k;
k                 220 net/http/http_response_headers.cc       blob.append(parsed_[i].name_begin, parsed_[k].value_end);
k                 224 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     i = k;
k                 251 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     size_t k = i;
k                 252 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     while (++k < new_parsed.size() && new_parsed[k].is_continuation()) {}
k                 253 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     --k;
k                 264 net/http/http_response_headers.cc       new_raw_headers.append(name_begin, new_parsed[k].value_end);
k                 268 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     i = k;
k                 282 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     size_t k = i;
k                 283 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     while (++k < parsed_.size() && parsed_[k].is_continuation()) {}
k                 284 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     --k;
k                 290 net/http/http_response_headers.cc       new_raw_headers.append(parsed_[i].name_begin, parsed_[k].value_end);
k                 294 net/http/http_response_headers.cc     i = k;
k                  68 net/http/md4.cc #define RD1(a,b,c,d,k,s) a += F(b,c,d) + X[k]; a = ROTL(a,s)
k                  71 net/http/md4.cc #define RD2(a,b,c,d,k,s) a += G(b,c,d) + X[k] + 0x5A827999; a = ROTL(a,s)
k                  74 net/http/md4.cc #define RD3(a,b,c,d,k,s) a += H(b,c,d) + X[k] + 0x6ED9EBA1; a = ROTL(a,s)
k                  37 net/quic/congestion_control/quic_max_sized_map.h   void Insert(const Key& k, const Value& value) {
k                  43 net/quic/congestion_control/quic_max_sized_map.h     TableIterator it = table_.insert(std::pair<Key, Value>(k, value));
k                  53 net/quic/congestion_control/quic_max_sized_map.h   ConstIterator Find(const Key& k) const {
k                  54 net/quic/congestion_control/quic_max_sized_map.h     return table_.find(k);
k                 122 net/quic/test_tools/crypto_test_utils_openssl.cc     crypto::ScopedOpenSSL<BIGNUM, BN_free> k(BN_new());
k                 123 net/quic/test_tools/crypto_test_utils_openssl.cc     CHECK(BN_bin2bn(digest, sizeof(digest), k.get()) != NULL);
k                 135 net/quic/test_tools/crypto_test_utils_openssl.cc     CHECK(EC_POINT_mul(p256.get(), point.get(), k.get(), NULL, NULL, NULL));
k                 137 net/quic/test_tools/crypto_test_utils_openssl.cc     EC_KEY_set_private_key(ecdsa_key.get(), k.get());
k                 173 net/spdy/hpack_huffman_table.cc         for (size_t k = 1; k != fill_count; k++) {
k                 174 net/spdy/hpack_huffman_table.cc           CHECK_EQ(Entry(table, j + k).length, 0);
k                 175 net/spdy/hpack_huffman_table.cc           SetEntry(table, j + k, entry);
k                  27 net/websockets/websocket_basic_stream_test.cc   const char k##name[] = value;                                  \
k                  28 net/websockets/websocket_basic_stream_test.cc   const size_t k##name##Size = arraysize(k##name) - 1;
k                  61 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           fprintf(stderr, "LOAD %d  // ", (int)iter->k);
k                  62 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           if (iter->k == offsetof(struct arch_seccomp_data, nr)) {
k                  64 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           } else if (iter->k == offsetof(struct arch_seccomp_data, arch)) {
k                  66 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           } else if (iter->k ==
k                  69 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           } else if (iter->k ==
k                  73 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           } else if (iter->k >= offsetof(struct arch_seccomp_data, args) &&
k                  74 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc                      iter->k < offsetof(struct arch_seccomp_data, args) + 48 &&
k                  75 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc                      (iter->k - offsetof(struct arch_seccomp_data, args)) % 4 ==
k                  80 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc                 (int)(iter->k - offsetof(struct arch_seccomp_data, args)) / 8,
k                  81 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc                 (iter->k - offsetof(struct arch_seccomp_data, args)) % 8 ? 'M'
k                  92 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           fprintf(stderr, "JMP %d\n", ip + iter->k + 1);
k                  99 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc               (int)iter->k,
k                 104 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc         fprintf(stderr, "RET 0x%x  // ", iter->k);
k                 105 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc         if ((iter->k & SECCOMP_RET_ACTION) == SECCOMP_RET_TRAP) {
k                 106 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           fprintf(stderr, "Trap #%d\n", iter->k & SECCOMP_RET_DATA);
k                 107 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc         } else if ((iter->k & SECCOMP_RET_ACTION) == SECCOMP_RET_ERRNO) {
k                 108 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           fprintf(stderr, "errno = %d\n", iter->k & SECCOMP_RET_DATA);
k                 109 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc         } else if (iter->k == SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW) {
k                 128 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc             (int)iter->k);
k                 139 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc                                       uint32_t k,
k                 160 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc     Instruction* insn = new Instruction(code, k, next);
k                 178 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc                                       uint32_t k,
k                 191 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc   Instruction* insn = new Instruction(code, k, jt, jf);
k                 475 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc       if (insn1.k == insn2.k) {
k                 515 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc         return insn1.k - insn2.k;
k                 679 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc         insn->k = jmp;
k                 694 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           ja->k = jt;
k                 705 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           ja->k = jf;
k                 747 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.cc           (struct sock_filter) {insn.code, insn.jt, insn.jf, insn.k});
k                  70 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.h                                uint32_t k,
k                  74 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.h                                uint32_t k,
k                  94 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen_unittest.cc   SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn0->k == 42);
k                 118 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen_unittest.cc   SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn4->k == 42);
k                 129 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen_unittest.cc   SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn5->k == 23);
k                 402 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen_unittest.cc           graph[i].append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(*iter)->k),
k                 403 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen_unittest.cc                           sizeof((*iter)->k));
k                 495 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen_unittest.cc     source.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&insn->k), sizeof(insn->k));
k                 511 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen_unittest.cc         idx += insn.k + 1;
k                 529 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen_unittest.cc     assembly.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&insn.k), sizeof(insn.k));
k                  30 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/instruction.h       : code(c), next(n), k(parm) {}
k                  34 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/instruction.h       : code(c), jt_ptr(jt), jf_ptr(jf), k(parm) {}
k                  57 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/instruction.h   uint32_t k;
k                 129 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf.cc     if (BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_RET && insn->k > SECCOMP_RET_TRAP &&
k                 130 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf.cc         insn->k - SECCOMP_RET_TRAP <= SECCOMP_RET_DATA) {
k                 132 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf.cc           Trap::ErrorCodeFromTrapId(insn->k & SECCOMP_RET_DATA);
k                 167 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf.cc       (insn->k & SECCOMP_RET_ACTION) == SECCOMP_RET_ERRNO) {
k                 168 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf.cc     insn->k = sandbox->Trap(ReturnErrno,
k                 169 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf.cc         reinterpret_cast<void*>(insn->k & SECCOMP_RET_DATA)).err();
k                 227 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc   if (insn.k < sizeof(struct arch_seccomp_data) && (insn.k & 3) == 0) {
k                 230 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc            reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&state->data) + insn.k,
k                 242 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc     if (state->ip + insn.k + 1 >= state->program.size() ||
k                 243 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->ip + insn.k + 1 <= state->ip) {
k                 248 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc     state->ip += insn.k;
k                 257 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         if (state->accumulator == insn.k) {
k                 264 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         if (state->accumulator > insn.k) {
k                 271 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         if (state->accumulator >= insn.k) {
k                 278 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         if (state->accumulator & insn.k) {
k                 295 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc   return insn.k;
k                 309 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->accumulator += insn.k;
k                 312 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->accumulator -= insn.k;
k                 315 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->accumulator *= insn.k;
k                 318 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         if (!insn.k) {
k                 322 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->accumulator /= insn.k;
k                 325 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         if (!insn.k) {
k                 329 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->accumulator %= insn.k;
k                 332 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->accumulator |= insn.k;
k                 335 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->accumulator ^= insn.k;
k                 338 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->accumulator &= insn.k;
k                 341 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         if (insn.k > 32) {
k                 345 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->accumulator <<= insn.k;
k                 348 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         if (insn.k > 32) {
k                 352 sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/verifier.cc         state->accumulator >>= insn.k;
k                 102 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/cwalker.c   #define __Pyx_PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos) \
k                 106 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/cwalker.c   #define __Pyx_PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos) \
k                 107 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/cwalker.c           PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos)
k                 125 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/cwalker.c   #define __Pyx_PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)   PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)
k                 131 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/cwalker.c   #define __Pyx_PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)   ((k=k), (Py_UCS4)(((Py_UNICODE*)d)[i]))
k                2308 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/cwalker.c static PyObject *__pyx_tp_new_8bintrees_7cwalker_cWalker(PyTypeObject *t, CYTHON_UNUSED PyObject *a, CYTHON_UNUSED PyObject *k) {
k                 102 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qavltree.c   #define __Pyx_PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos) \
k                 106 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qavltree.c   #define __Pyx_PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos) \
k                 107 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qavltree.c           PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos)
k                 125 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qavltree.c   #define __Pyx_PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)   PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)
k                 131 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qavltree.c   #define __Pyx_PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)   ((k=k), (Py_UCS4)(((Py_UNICODE*)d)[i]))
k                1729 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qavltree.c static PyObject *__pyx_tp_new_8bintrees_8qavltree_cAVLTree(PyTypeObject *t, PyObject *a, PyObject *k) {
k                1732 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qavltree.c   if (__pyx_pw_8bintrees_8qavltree_8cAVLTree_1__cinit__(o, a, k) < 0) {
k                 102 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qbintree.c   #define __Pyx_PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos) \
k                 106 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qbintree.c   #define __Pyx_PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos) \
k                 107 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qbintree.c           PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos)
k                 125 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qbintree.c   #define __Pyx_PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)   PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)
k                 131 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qbintree.c   #define __Pyx_PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)   ((k=k), (Py_UCS4)(((Py_UNICODE*)d)[i]))
k                1725 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qbintree.c static PyObject *__pyx_tp_new_8bintrees_8qbintree_cBinaryTree(PyTypeObject *t, PyObject *a, PyObject *k) {
k                1728 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qbintree.c   if (__pyx_pw_8bintrees_8qbintree_11cBinaryTree_1__cinit__(o, a, k) < 0) {
k                 102 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qrbtree.c   #define __Pyx_PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos) \
k                 106 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qrbtree.c   #define __Pyx_PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos) \
k                 107 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qrbtree.c           PyCode_New(a, k, l, s, f, code, c, n, v, fv, cell, fn, name, fline, lnos)
k                 125 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qrbtree.c   #define __Pyx_PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)   PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)
k                 131 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qrbtree.c   #define __Pyx_PyUnicode_READ(k, d, i)   ((k=k), (Py_UCS4)(((Py_UNICODE*)d)[i]))
k                1727 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qrbtree.c static PyObject *__pyx_tp_new_8bintrees_7qrbtree_cRBTree(PyTypeObject *t, PyObject *a, PyObject *k) {
k                1730 third_party/bintrees/bintrees/qrbtree.c   if (__pyx_pw_8bintrees_7qrbtree_7cRBTree_1__cinit__(o, a, k) < 0) {
k                  48 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-cache-private.hh     unsigned int k = key & ((1<<cache_bits)-1);
k                  49 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-cache-private.hh     unsigned int v = values[k];
k                  60 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-cache-private.hh     unsigned int k = key & ((1<<cache_bits)-1);
k                  62 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-cache-private.hh     values[k] = v;
k                 653 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-coretext.cc     for (unsigned int k = 0; k < chars_len; k++)
k                 656 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-coretext.cc       while (log_clusters[k] < range->index_first)
k                 658 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-coretext.cc       while (log_clusters[k] > range->index_last)
k                 663 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-coretext.cc 	  CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attr_string, CFRangeMake (start, k - start),
k                 666 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-coretext.cc 	start = k;
k                1568 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-table.hh     for (unsigned int k = j; k < i; k++) {
k                1569 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-table.hh       pos[i].x_offset -= pos[k].x_advance;
k                1570 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-table.hh       pos[i].y_offset -= pos[k].y_advance;
k                1573 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-table.hh     for (unsigned int k = j + 1; k < i + 1; k++) {
k                1574 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-table.hh       pos[i].x_offset += pos[k].x_advance;
k                1575 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-table.hh       pos[i].y_offset += pos[k].y_advance;
k                 837 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-private.hh   unsigned int k = len - 1;
k                 841 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-private.hh     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < k; j++)
k                 860 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-private.hh     k = new_k;
k                 861 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-private.hh   } while (k);
k                 851 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-uniscribe.cc       for (unsigned int k = chars_offset; k < chars_offset + item_chars_len; k++)
k                 854 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-uniscribe.cc 	while (log_clusters[k] < range->index_first)
k                 856 third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-uniscribe.cc 	while (log_clusters[k] > range->index_last)
k                  86 third_party/libaddressinput/chromium/cpp/src/address_data.cc           for (size_t k = 0; k < address_lines.size(); ++k) {
k                  87 third_party/libaddressinput/chromium/cpp/src/address_data.cc             line += address_lines[k];
k                  88 third_party/libaddressinput/chromium/cpp/src/address_data.cc             if (k < address_lines.size() - 1) {
k                 814 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	int j = 0, k = 0;  /* index into packet */
k                 857 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 		k = j;						\
k                 860 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 		if (name_parse(req->request, req->request_len, &k, cmp_name, sizeof(cmp_name))<0)	\
k                2943 third_party/libevent/evdns.c #define TRY(k, name) \
k                2944 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 	if (!found && config_nameserver_from_reg_key(k,name) == 0) {	\
k                2945 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 		log(EVDNS_LOG_DEBUG,"Found nameservers in %s/%s",#k,name); \
k                2949 third_party/libevent/evdns.c 		    #k,#name);						\
k                 358 third_party/libjpeg/jchuff.c   register int k, r, i;
k                 397 third_party/libjpeg/jchuff.c   for (k = 1; k < DCTSIZE2; k++) {
k                 398 third_party/libjpeg/jchuff.c     if ((temp = block[jpeg_natural_order[k]]) == 0) {
k                 577 third_party/libjpeg/jchuff.c   register int k, r;
k                 604 third_party/libjpeg/jchuff.c   for (k = 1; k < DCTSIZE2; k++) {
k                 605 third_party/libjpeg/jchuff.c     if ((temp = block[jpeg_natural_order[k]]) == 0) {
k                 469 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c   register int r, k;
k                 489 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c   for (k = cinfo->Ss; k <= Se; k++) {
k                 490 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c     if ((temp = (*block)[jpeg_natural_order[k]]) == 0) {
k                 622 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c   register int r, k;
k                 646 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c   for (k = cinfo->Ss; k <= Se; k++) {
k                 647 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c     temp = (*block)[jpeg_natural_order[k]];
k                 655 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c     absvalues[k] = temp;	/* save abs value for main pass */
k                 657 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c       EOB = k;			/* EOB = index of last newly-nonzero coef */
k                 666 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c   for (k = cinfo->Ss; k <= Se; k++) {
k                 667 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c     if ((temp = absvalues[k]) == 0) {
k                 673 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c     while (r > 15 && k <= EOB) {
k                 703 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c     temp = ((*block)[jpeg_natural_order[k]] < 0) ? 0 : 1;
k                 546 third_party/libjpeg/jdhuff.c       register int s, k, r;
k                 571 third_party/libjpeg/jdhuff.c 	for (k = 1; k < DCTSIZE2; k++) {
k                 578 third_party/libjpeg/jdhuff.c 	    k += r;
k                 586 third_party/libjpeg/jdhuff.c 	    (*block)[jpeg_natural_order[k]] = (JCOEF) s;
k                 590 third_party/libjpeg/jdhuff.c 	    k += 15;
k                 598 third_party/libjpeg/jdhuff.c 	for (k = 1; k < DCTSIZE2; k++) {
k                 605 third_party/libjpeg/jdhuff.c 	    k += r;
k                 611 third_party/libjpeg/jdhuff.c 	    k += 15;
k                 362 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c   register int s, k, r;
k                 394 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c       for (k = cinfo->Ss; k <= Se; k++) {
k                 399 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c 	  k += r;
k                 404 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c 	  (*block)[jpeg_natural_order[k]] = (JCOEF) (s << Al);
k                 407 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c 	    k += 15;		/* skip 15 zeroes in band */
k                 497 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c   register int s, k, r;
k                 534 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c     k = cinfo->Ss;
k                 537 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c       for (; k <= Se; k++) {
k                 566 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c 	  thiscoef = *block + jpeg_natural_order[k];
k                 581 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c 	  k++;
k                 582 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c 	} while (k <= Se);
k                 584 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c 	  int pos = jpeg_natural_order[k];
k                 599 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c       for (; k <= Se; k++) {
k                 600 third_party/libjpeg/jdphuff.c 	thiscoef = *block + jpeg_natural_order[k];
k                 278 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c   int i,j,k, nci, blksize, blkdist, ptr, val;
k                 313 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c 	for (k = 0; k < blksize; k++)
k                 314 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c 	  colormap[i][ptr+k] = (JSAMPLE) val;
k                 337 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c   int i,j,k, nci, blksize, val, pad;
k                 373 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c     k = largest_input_value(cinfo, i, 0, nci-1);
k                 375 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c       while (j > k)		/* advance val if past boundary */
k                 376 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c 	k = largest_input_value(cinfo, i, ++val, nci-1);
k                 399 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c   int j,k;
k                 412 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c     for (k = 0; k < ODITHER_SIZE; k++) {
k                 413 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c       num = ((INT32) (ODITHER_CELLS-1 - 2*((int)base_dither_matrix[j][k])))
k                 418 third_party/libjpeg/jquant1.c       odither[j][k] = (int) (num<0 ? -((-num)/den) : num/den);
k                 222 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                 223 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < len; k++)
k                 224 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     if ((widechar) a[k] != b[k])
k                 994 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k = 1;
k                 997 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = '1';
k                 999 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = '2';
k                1001 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = '3';
k                1003 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = '4';
k                1005 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = '5';
k                1007 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = '6';
k                1009 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = '7';
k                1011 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = '8';
k                1013 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = '9';
k                1015 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = 'A';
k                1017 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = 'B';
k                1019 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = 'C';
k                1021 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = 'D';
k                1023 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = 'E';
k                1025 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     buffer[k++] = 'F';
k                1026 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   buffer[k++] = '/';
k                1027 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   buffer[k] = 0;
k                1040 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                1049 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < newRule->charslen; k++)
k                1050 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     if (!compile_findCharOrDots (newRule->charsdots[k], 0))
k                1053 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		      (&newRule->charsdots[k], 1));
k                1060 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = newRule->charslen; k < newRule->charslen + newRule->dotslen;
k                1061 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	   k++)
k                1062 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	if (!compile_findCharOrDots (newRule->charsdots[k], 1))
k                1065 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 			  unknownDots (newRule->charsdots[k]));
k                1368 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k = 0;
k                1371 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   while (characterClassNames[k])
k                1374 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       int length = strlen (characterClassNames[k]);
k                1377 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	wname[kk] = (widechar) characterClassNames[k][kk];
k                1383 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       k++;
k                1452 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                1454 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < length; k++)
k                1457 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       if (digits[k] >= '0' && digits[k] <= '9')
k                1458 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	hexDigit = digits[k] - '0';
k                1459 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       else if (digits[k] >= 'a' && digits[k] <= 'f')
k                1460 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	hexDigit = digits[k] - 'a' + 10;
k                1461 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       else if (digits[k] >= 'A' && digits[k] <= 'F')
k                1462 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	hexDigit = digits[k] - 'A' + 10;
k                1469 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       binaryValue |= hexDigit << (4 * (length - 1 - k));
k                1487 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                1581 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; k < numBytes; k++)
k                1613 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                1614 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; inString[k] && k < MAXSTRING; k++)
k                1615 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     wideIn.chars[k] = inString[k];
k                1616 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   wideIn.chars[k] = 0;
k                1617 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   wideIn.length = k;
k                1624 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < result.length; k++)
k                1625 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     outString[k] = result.chars[k];
k                1626 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   outString[k] = 0;
k                1745 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                1746 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; inString[k] && k < MAXSTRING; k++)
k                1747 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     wideIn.chars[k] = inString[k];
k                1748 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   wideIn.chars[k] = 0;
k                1749 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   wideIn.length = k;
k                1756 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < result.length; k++)
k                1757 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     outString[k] = result.chars[k];
k                1758 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   outString[k] = 0;
k                1830 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                1832 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < includedFile->length; k++)
k                1833 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     includeThis[k] = (char) includedFile->chars[k];
k                1834 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   includeThis[k] = 0;
k                1864 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                1873 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < name->length; k++)
k                1876 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	(nested, name->chars[k],
k                1883 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       nameRule->name[k] = name->chars[k];
k                1907 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k = 0;
k                1913 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   while (k <= source->length)
k                1915 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       if (source->chars[k] != ',' && k != source->length)
k                1916 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	dotsSource.chars[dotsSource.length++] = source->chars[k];
k                1926 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       k++;
k                1977 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k = 0;
k                1979 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   while (source[k] >= '0' && source[k] <= '9')
k                1980 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     *dest = 10 * *dest + (source[k++] - '0');
k                1981 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   return k;
k                2194 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                2199 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < length && passLine.chars[passLinepos + k + 1]
k                2200 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c        == (widechar) token[k]; k++);
k                2201 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   if (k == length)
k                2244 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                2260 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < augmentedName.length; k++)
k                2262 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       curname->name[k] = augmentedName.chars[k];
k                2567 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                2581 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = nested->linepos; k < nested->linelen; k++)
k                2582 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     passHoldString.chars[passHoldString.length++] = nested->line[k];
k                2587 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; k < passHoldString.length && passHoldString.chars[k] > 32;
k                2588 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	   k++);
k                2589 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       if (k < passHoldString.length)
k                2590 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	passHoldString.chars[k] = SEPCHAR;
k                2909 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; k < passLine.length && passLine.chars[k] != SEPCHAR; k++);
k                2910 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       endTest = k;
k                3265 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; k < passInstructions[passIC + 1]; k++)
k                3266 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	passRuleChars.chars[k] = passInstructions[passIC + 2 + k];
k                3267 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       passRuleChars.length = k;
k                3322 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                3336 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < groupDots.length && groupDots.chars[k] != ','; k++);
k                3337 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   if (k == groupDots.length)
k                3343 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   groupDots.chars[k] = '-';
k                3389 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                3404 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < ruleDots.length && ruleDots.chars[k] != ','; k++);
k                3405 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   if (k == ruleDots.length)
k                3410 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; k < upperDots.length; k++)
k                3411 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	lowerDots.chars[k] = upperDots.chars[k];
k                3412 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       lowerDots.chars[k] = 0;
k                3417 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       ruleDots.length = k;
k                3421 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       k++;
k                3422 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (; k < haveLowerDots; k++)
k                3423 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	ruleDots.chars[ruleDots.length++] = ruleDots.chars[k];
k                3446 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < upperDots.length; k++)
k                3447 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     if (!compile_findCharOrDots (upperDots.chars[k], 1))
k                3450 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	upperCell = addCharOrDots (nested, upperDots.chars[k], 1);
k                3458 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; k < lowerDots.length; k++)
k                3459 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	if (!compile_findCharOrDots (lowerDots.chars[k], 1))
k                3462 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	    lowerCell = addCharOrDots (nested, lowerDots.chars[k], 1);
k                3517 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                3519 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < s->length; k++)
k                3521 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       h = (h << 4) + s->chars[k];
k                3638 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int i, j, k = encoding->length;
k                3694 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       k = j + 2 - i;
k                3695 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       if (k > 0)
k                3698 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 				&dict.states[stateNum].hyphenPattern, k);
k                3700 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		  &pattern[i], k);
k                3724 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	      for (k = j; k < e->key->length; k++)
k                3725 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		word.chars[word.length++] = e->key->chars[k];
k                3767 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                3775 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < ruleDots.length && ruleDots.chars[k] != ','; k++);
k                3776 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   if (k == ruleDots.length)
k                3781 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; k < dotsBefore.length; k++)
k                3782 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	dotsAfter.chars[k] = dotsBefore.chars[k];
k                3783 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       dotsAfter.chars[k] = 0;
k                3788 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       ruleDots.length = k;
k                3792 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       k++;
k                3793 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (; k < haveDotsAfter; k++)
k                3794 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	otherDots.chars[otherDots.length++] = ruleDots.chars[k];
k                3798 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < dotsBefore.length; k++)
k                3799 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     dotsBefore.chars[k] = getCharFromDots (dotsBefore.chars[k]);
k                3800 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; k < dotsAfter.length; k++)
k                3801 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     dotsAfter.chars[k] = getCharFromDots (dotsAfter.chars[k]);
k                3819 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                3840 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; k < ruleDots.length; k++)
k                3842 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	  if (!compile_findCharOrDots (ruleDots.chars[k], 1))
k                3845 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	      otherCell = addCharOrDots (nested, ruleDots.chars[k], 1);
k                3873 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                3964 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	  for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
k                3966 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	      ruleChars.chars[k];
k                3978 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	  for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
k                3979 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	    table->noLetsign[table->noLetsignCount++] = ruleChars.chars[k];
k                3991 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	  for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
k                3993 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	      ruleChars.chars[k];
k                4205 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 1; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
k                4206 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	scratchPad.chars[k - 1] = ruleChars.chars[k];
k                4236 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; k < ruleChars.length; k++)
k                4237 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	addCharOrDots (nested, ruleChars.chars[k], 0);
k                4238 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; k < ruleDots.length; k++)
k                4239 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	addCharOrDots (nested, ruleDots.chars[k], 0);
k                4511 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	int k;
k                4515 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	for (k = 0; k < listLength; k++)
k                4516 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	  if (pathList[k] == ',')
k                4518 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	if (k == listLength || k == 0)
k                4528 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	    strncpy (trialPath, pathList, k);
k                4529 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	    trialPath[k] = 0;
k                4532 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	    currentListPos = k + 1;
k                4537 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		for (k = currentListPos; k < listLength; k++)
k                4538 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		  if (pathList[k] == ',')
k                4541 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 			 &pathList[currentListPos], k - currentListPos);
k                4542 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		trialPath[k - currentListPos] = 0;
k                4546 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		  currentListPos = k + 1;
k                4617 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                4626 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = 0; inString[k]; k++)
k                4627 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     nested.line[k] = inString[k];
k                4628 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   nested.line[k] = 0;
k                4677 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                4685 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = strlen (newList) - 1; k >= 0 && newList[k] != '='; k--);
k                4686 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   if (k < 0)
k                4690 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   newList[k] = 0;
k                4692 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   langCode = &newList[k + 1];
k                4703 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = 0; buffer[k] < 32; k++);
k                4704 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       if (buffer[k] == '#' || buffer[k] < 32)
k                4706 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       codeInFile = &buffer[k];
k                4707 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       codeInFileLen = k;
k                4708 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       while (buffer[k] > 32)
k                4709 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	k++;
k                4710 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       codeInFileLen = k - codeInFileLen;
k                4716 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       while (buffer[k] < 32)
k                4717 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	k++;
k                4718 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       tableInFile = &buffer[k];
k                4719 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       while (buffer[k] > 32)
k                4720 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	k++;
k                4721 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       buffer[k] = 0;
k                4737 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   int k;
k                4766 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   for (k = currentListPos; k < listLength; k++)
k                4767 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c     if (tableList[k] == ',')
k                4769 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c   if (k == listLength)
k                4772 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = strlen (tablePath); k >= 0; k--)
k                4773 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	if (tablePath[k] == '\\' || tablePath[k] == '/')
k                4775 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       strcpy (mainTable, &tablePath[k + 1]);
k                4776 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       tablePath[++k] = 0;
k                4782 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       currentListPos = k + 1;
k                4783 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       strncpy (tablePath, tableList, k);
k                4784 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       tablePath[k] = 0;
k                4785 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       for (k = strlen (tablePath); k >= 0; k--)
k                4786 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	if (tablePath[k] == '\\' || tablePath[k] == '/')
k                4788 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       strcpy (mainTable, &tablePath[k + 1]);
k                4789 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c       tablePath[++k] = 0;
k                4794 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	  for (k = currentListPos; k < listLength; k++)
k                4795 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	    if (tableList[k] == ',')
k                4797 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	  strncpy (subTable, &tableList[currentListPos], k - currentListPos);
k                4798 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	  subTable[k - currentListPos] = 0;
k                4801 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	  currentListPos = k + 1;
k                4924 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	int k;
k                4928 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	for (k = 0; k < listLength; k++)
k                4929 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	  if (pathList[k] == ',')
k                4931 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	if (k == listLength || k == 0)
k                4942 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	    strncpy (trialPath, pathList, k);
k                4943 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	    trialPath[k] = 0;
k                4946 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 	    currentListPos = k + 1;
k                4952 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		for (k = currentListPos; k < listLength; k++)
k                4953 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		  if (pathList[k] == ',')
k                4956 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 			 &pathList[currentListPos], k - currentListPos);
k                4957 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		trialPath[k - currentListPos] = 0;
k                4961 third_party/liblouis/overrides/liblouis/compileTranslationTable.c 		currentListPos = k + 1;
k                 283 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c                   int min_d, k, min_k, d_index;
k                 288 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c                   for (k = 1, min_k = 0; k < maximum_colors; k++)
k                 292 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c                      d = PNG_COLOR_DIST(palette[d_index], palette[k]);
k                 297 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c                         min_k = k;
k                 415 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c                            int k;
k                 417 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c                            for (k = 0; k < num_palette; k++)
k                 419 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c                               if (png_ptr->dither_index[k] ==
k                 421 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c                                  png_ptr->dither_index[k] =
k                 423 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c                               if ((int)png_ptr->dither_index[k] ==
k                 425 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c                                  png_ptr->dither_index[k] =
k                 915 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c     int i, k;
k                 916 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c     k=0;
k                 920 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c         k=1; /* Partial transparency is present */
k                 922 third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c     if (k == 0)
k                1918 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.c 		int k;
k                1945 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.c 		for (j = 0, k = packet_offset - urb_packet_offset;
k                1946 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.c 				k < packet_offset; k++, j++) {
k                1947 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/linux_usbfs.c 			packet_len = transfer->iso_packet_desc[k].length;
k                1198 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 	unsigned k, l;
k                1204 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 	for (k=0; k<3; k++) {
k                1205 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 		if (pSetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA(*dev_info, dev_info_data, lookup[k].reg_prop,
k                1206 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 			&reg_type, (BYTE*)lookup[k].list, MAX_KEY_LENGTH, &size)) {
k                1208 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 			if (lookup[k].reg_prop == SPDRP_SERVICE) {
k                1210 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 				lookup[k].list[safe_strlen(lookup[k].list)+1] = 0;
k                1215 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 			for (l=0; (lookup[k].list[l] != 0) || (lookup[k].list[l+1] != 0); l++) {
k                1216 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 				if (lookup[k].list[l] == 0) {
k                1217 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 					lookup[k].list[l] = LIST_SEPARATOR;
k                1220 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 			usbi_dbg("%s(s): %s", lookup[k].designation, lookup[k].list);
k                1223 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 				usbi_dbg("could not access %s: %s", lookup[k].designation, windows_error_str(0));
k                1225 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 			lookup[k].list[0] = 0;
k                1230 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 		for (k=0; k<3; k++) {
k                1231 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 			j = get_sub_api(lookup[k].list, i);
k                1234 third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/windows_usb.c 					lookup[k].designation, (i!=USB_API_WINUSBX)?usb_api_backend[i].designation:sub_api_name[j]);
k                 594 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c   int k;
k                 595 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 602 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c   int k;
k                 603 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 656 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c   int k;
k                 657 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 665 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c   int k;
k                 666 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 141 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_neon.c   int k;
k                 142 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_neon.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 149 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_neon.c   int k;
k                 150 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_neon.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 670 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_sse2.c   int k;
k                 671 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_sse2.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 678 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_sse2.c   int k;
k                 679 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_sse2.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 783 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_sse2.c   int k;
k                 787 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_sse2.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 811 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_sse2.c   int k;
k                 816 third_party/libwebp/dsp/dec_sse2.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                  48 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc.c     int k;
k                  54 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc.c     for (k = 0; k < 16; ++k) {
k                  55 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc.c       const int v = abs(out[k]) >> 3;  // TODO(skal): add rounding?
k                  62 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc_sse2.c     int k;
k                  91 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc_sse2.c     for (k = 0; k < 16; ++k) {
k                  92 third_party/libwebp/dsp/enc_sse2.c       histo->distribution[out[k]]++;
k                  42 third_party/libwebp/dsp/upsampling_sse2.c   const __m128i tmp0 = _mm_avg_epu8(k, (in));     /* (k + in + 1) / 2 */       \
k                  44 third_party/libwebp/dsp/upsampling_sse2.c   const __m128i tmp2 = _mm_xor_si128(k, (in));    /* (k^in) */                 \
k                  79 third_party/libwebp/dsp/upsampling_sse2.c   const __m128i k = _mm_sub_epi8(t4, t3);      /* k = (a + b + c + d) / 4 */   \
k                  43 third_party/libwebp/dsp/yuv.c     const int k = ((i - 16) * 76283 + YUV_HALF) >> YUV_FIX;
k                  44 third_party/libwebp/dsp/yuv.c     VP8kClip[i - YUV_RANGE_MIN] = clip(k, 255);
k                  45 third_party/libwebp/dsp/yuv.c     VP8kClip4Bits[i - YUV_RANGE_MIN] = clip((k + 8) >> 4, 15);
k                  55 third_party/libwebp/dsp/yuv.c     const int k = i;
k                  56 third_party/libwebp/dsp/yuv.c     VP8kClip[i - YUV_RANGE_MIN] = clip(k, 255);
k                  57 third_party/libwebp/dsp/yuv.c     VP8kClip4Bits[i - YUV_RANGE_MIN] = clip((k + 8) >> 4, 15);
k                 115 third_party/libwebp/enc/analysis.c   int k;
k                 117 third_party/libwebp/enc/analysis.c   for (k = 0; k <= MAX_COEFF_THRESH; ++k) {
k                 118 third_party/libwebp/enc/analysis.c     const int value = histo->distribution[k];
k                 121 third_party/libwebp/enc/analysis.c       last_non_zero = k;
k                 148 third_party/libwebp/enc/analysis.c   int a, n, k;
k                 163 third_party/libwebp/enc/analysis.c   for (k = 0, n = 1; k < nb; ++k, n += 2) {
k                 165 third_party/libwebp/enc/analysis.c     centers[k] = min_a + (n * range_a) / (2 * nb);
k                 168 third_party/libwebp/enc/analysis.c   for (k = 0; k < MAX_ITERS_K_MEANS; ++k) {     // few iters are enough
k                 313 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c       int k;
k                 341 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c         for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
k                 342 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c           VP8LColorCacheInsert(&hashers, argb[i + k]);
k                 348 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c         for (k = 1; k < last; ++k) {
k                 349 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c           HashChainInsert(hash_chain, &argb[i + k], i + k);
k                 537 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c         int k;
k                 538 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c         for (k = 1; k < len; ++k) {
k                 539 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c           const double cost_val = distance_cost + GetLengthCost(cost_model, k);
k                 540 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c           if (cost[i + k] > cost_val) {
k                 541 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c             cost[i + k] = (float)cost_val;
k                 542 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c             dist_array[i + k] = k + 1;
k                 552 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c             for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
k                 553 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c               VP8LColorCacheInsert(&hashers, argb[i + k]);
k                 560 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c             for (k = i; k < last; ++k) {
k                 561 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c               HashChainInsert(hash_chain, &argb[k], k);
k                 611 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c     const int k = *cur;
k                 613 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c     *path = k;
k                 614 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c     cur -= k;
k                 629 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c   int k;
k                 661 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c         for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
k                 662 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c           VP8LColorCacheInsert(&hashers, argb[i + k]);
k                 667 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c         for (k = 0; k < last; ++k) {
k                 668 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c           HashChainInsert(hash_chain, &argb[i + k], i + k);
k                 825 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c   uint32_t k;
k                 851 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c       for (k = 0; k < PixOrCopyLength(v); ++k) {
k                 852 third_party/libwebp/enc/backward_references.c         VP8LColorCacheInsert(&hashers, argb[pixel_index + k]);
k                 164 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c   int k;
k                 165 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 172 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c   int k;
k                 173 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 200 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c   int k;
k                 201 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 209 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c   int k;
k                 210 third_party/libwebp/enc/filter.c   for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) {
k                 458 third_party/libwebp/enc/histogram.c     int k;
k                 459 third_party/libwebp/enc/histogram.c     for (k = 1; k < out->size; ++k) {
k                 461 third_party/libwebp/enc/histogram.c           HistogramDistance(in->histograms[i], out->histograms[k], best_bits);
k                 464 third_party/libwebp/enc/histogram.c         best_out = k;
k                 178 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c   int i, k;
k                 188 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c     for (k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
k                 189 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c       const int num_symbols = (k == 0) ? VP8LHistogramNumCodes(histo)
k                 190 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c                             : (k == 4) ? NUM_DISTANCE_CODES
k                 192 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c       codes[k].num_symbols = num_symbols;
k                 262 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c   int k;
k                 264 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c   for (k = 0; k < huffman_code->num_symbols; ++k) {
k                 265 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c     if (huffman_code->code_lengths[k] != 0) {
k                 270 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c   for (k = 0; k < huffman_code->num_symbols; ++k) {
k                 271 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c     huffman_code->code_lengths[k] = 0;
k                 272 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c     huffman_code->codes[k] = 0;
k                 438 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c       int k;
k                 439 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c       for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
k                 440 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c         const int code = PixOrCopyLiteral(v, order[k]);
k                 441 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c         WriteHuffmanCode(bw, codes + k, code);
k                  60 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           int k;
k                  61 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           for (k = 0; k < stride; ++k) {
k                  62 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c             good_for_rle[i - k - 1] = 1;
k                  84 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           int k;
k                  94 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           for (k = 0; k < stride; ++k) {
k                  97 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c             counts[i - k - 1] = count;
k                 242 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           int k;
k                 243 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           for (k = 0; k < tree_size; ++k) {
k                 244 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c             if (tree[k].total_count_ <= count) {
k                 248 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           memmove(tree + (k + 1), tree + k, (tree_size - k) * sizeof(*tree));
k                 249 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           tree[k].total_count_ = count;
k                 250 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           tree[k].value_ = -1;
k                 252 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           tree[k].pool_index_left_ = tree_pool_size - 1;
k                 253 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           tree[k].pool_index_right_ = tree_pool_size - 2;
k                 357 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c     int k = i + 1;
k                 359 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c     while (k < depth_size && tree->code_lengths[k] == value) ++k;
k                 360 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c     runs = k - i;
k                2299 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c     int i, j, k;
k                2306 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c     for (i = 0, k = 0; i < ctxt->errNr; i++) {
k                2308 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c         if (k < MAX_ERROR) {
k                2319 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c             k++;
k                10552 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c     int i, j, k, ret, oldflags;
k                10614 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c                     for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
k                10616 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c                                             states->tabState[k]);
k                10619 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c                     for (k = 0; k < ctxt->states->nbState; k++)
k                10621 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c                                             ctxt->states->tabState[k]);
k                10631 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c                 for (k = 0; k < ctxt->states->nbState; k++)
k                10633 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c                                              ctxt->states->tabState[k]);
k                10865 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c     int k;
k                10872 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c         for (k = 0; k < ctxt->freeState->nbState; k++) {
k                10873 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c             xmlRelaxNGFreeValidState(NULL, ctxt->freeState->tabState[k]);
k                10878 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c         for (k = 0; k < ctxt->freeStatesNr; k++) {
k                10879 third_party/libxml/src/relaxng.c             xmlRelaxNGFreeStates(NULL, ctxt->freeStates[k]);
k                5133 third_party/libxml/src/trio.c   int k;
k                5142 third_party/libxml/src/trio.c       k = 0;
k                5148 third_party/libxml/src/trio.c 	    internalCollationArray[i][k++] = (char)j;
k                5150 third_party/libxml/src/trio.c       internalCollationArray[i][k] = NIL;
k                5272 third_party/libxml/src/trio.c 		unsigned int k;
k                5290 third_party/libxml/src/trio.c 			k = (unsigned int)format[i];
k                5291 third_party/libxml/src/trio.c 			for (j = 0; internalCollationArray[k][j] != NIL; j++)
k                5292 third_party/libxml/src/trio.c 			  characterclass[(int)internalCollationArray[k][j]]++;
k                 583 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmemory.c     int i,j,k,len = p->mh_size;
k                 604 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmemory.c 		k = 0;
k                 608 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmemory.c 		    if (k++ > 100) break;
k                23265 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c     int res, i, j, k, nbTargets, nbFields, nbDupls, nbNodeTable;
k                23352 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 			    for (k = 0; k < nbFields; k++) {
k                23353 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				res = xmlSchemaAreValuesEqual(keys[k]->val,
k                23354 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				    ntkeys[k]->val);
k                23391 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 			    for (k = 0; k < nbFields; k++) {
k                23392 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				res = xmlSchemaAreValuesEqual(keys[k]->val,
k                23393 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				    ntkeys[k]->val);
k                23463 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c     int i, j, k, ret = 0, nbFields, oldNum, oldDupls;
k                23550 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 			    for (k = 0; k < nbFields; k++) {
k                23552 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				    node->keys[k]->val,
k                23553 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				    parNode->keys[k]->val);
k                23588 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 			    for (k = 0; k < nbFields; k++) {
k                23590 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				    node->keys[k]->val,
k                23591 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				    parNode->keys[k]->val);
k                23766 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 	    int i, j, k, res, nbFields, hasDupls;
k                23793 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 			for (k = 0; k < nbFields; k++) {
k                23794 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 			    res = xmlSchemaAreValuesEqual(keys[k]->val,
k                23795 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				refKeys[k]->val);
k                23816 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 			    for (k = 0; k < nbFields; k++) {
k                23817 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				res = xmlSchemaAreValuesEqual(keys[k]->val,
k                23818 third_party/libxml/src/xmlschemas.c 				    refKeys[k]->val);
k                 601 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/keys.c     int i, len, k;
k                 788 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/keys.c 	k = 0;
k                 832 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/keys.c 	    k++;
k                 833 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/keys.c 	    if (k >= len)
k                 835 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/keys.c 	    str = xmlXPathCastNodeToString(useRes->nodesetval->nodeTab[k]);
k                  58 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/xsltlocale.c     int k;
k                  61 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/xsltlocale.c     for (k=0; k<xsltLocaleListSize; k++, p++)
k                 467 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/xsltlocale.c     int        k, l;
k                 470 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/xsltlocale.c     k = sscanf(lcid, "%lx", (long*)&p->lcid);
k                 471 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/xsltlocale.c     if (k < 1) goto end;
k                 473 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/xsltlocale.c     k = GetLocaleInfoA(p->lcid, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME , iso639lang , sizeof(iso639lang ));
k                 474 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/xsltlocale.c     if (--k < 1) goto end;
k                 480 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/xsltlocale.c 	memcpy(q, iso639lang, k);
k                 481 third_party/libxslt/libxslt/xsltlocale.c 	q += k;
k                 115 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     UInt32 k = (1 << ((slotFast >> 1) - 1));
k                 117 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     for (j = 0; j < k; j++, c++)
k                  81 third_party/mt19937ar/mt19937ar.cc     int i, j, k;
k                  84 third_party/mt19937ar/mt19937ar.cc     k = (N>key_length ? N : key_length);
k                  85 third_party/mt19937ar/mt19937ar.cc     for (; k; k--) {
k                  93 third_party/mt19937ar/mt19937ar.cc     for (k=N-1; k; k--) {
k                 158 third_party/npapi/npspy/extern/nspr/md/_pth.h #define _PT_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC(k, r) \
k                 159 third_party/npapi/npspy/extern/nspr/md/_pth.h 		pthread_getspecific((k), (pthread_addr_t *) &(r))
k                 167 third_party/npapi/npspy/extern/nspr/md/_pth.h #define _PT_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC(k, r)    (r) = pthread_getspecific(k)
k                1278 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/extension_set.cc           result += WireFormatLite::k##CAMELCASE##Size *                    \
k                1334 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/extension_set.cc           result += (tag_size + WireFormatLite::k##CAMELCASE##Size) *       \
k                1379 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/extension_set.cc         result += WireFormatLite::k##CAMELCASE##Size;                     \
k                 666 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/wire_format.cc       data_size += count * WireFormatLite::k##TYPE_METHOD##Size;           \
k                  95 third_party/qcms/src/iccread.c 		be32 k;
k                  96 third_party/qcms/src/iccread.c 		memcpy(&k, mem->buf + offset, sizeof(k));
k                  97 third_party/qcms/src/iccread.c 		return be32_to_cpu(k);
k                 107 third_party/qcms/src/iccread.c 		be16 k;
k                 108 third_party/qcms/src/iccread.c 		memcpy(&k, mem->buf + offset, sizeof(k));
k                 109 third_party/qcms/src/iccread.c 		return be16_to_cpu(k);
k                1023 third_party/re2/re2/parse.cc       for (int k = sub->nsub_ - 1; k >= 0; k--)
k                1024 third_party/re2/re2/parse.cc         subs[--i] = sub_subs[k]->Incref();
k                 221 third_party/re2/re2/prog.cc       Inst* k = inst(ip->out1());
k                 224 third_party/re2/re2/prog.cc           IsMatch(this, k)) {
k                 229 third_party/re2/re2/prog.cc           k->opcode() == kInstByteRange && k->out() == id &&
k                 230 third_party/re2/re2/prog.cc           k->lo() == 0x00 && k->hi() == 0xFF) {
k                  28 third_party/re2/re2/prog.h   bool Get(int k) const {
k                  29 third_party/re2/re2/prog.h     return w_[k >> WordLog] & (1<<(k & 31));
k                  31 third_party/re2/re2/prog.h   void Set(int k) {
k                  32 third_party/re2/re2/prog.h     w_[k >> WordLog] |= 1<<(k & 31);
k                  34 third_party/re2/re2/prog.h   void Clear(int k) {
k                  35 third_party/re2/re2/prog.h     w_[k >> WordLog] &= ~(1<<(k & 31));
k                  92 third_party/re2/re2/testing/charclass_test.cc     for (int k = 0; t->add[k].lo >= 0; k++)
k                  93 third_party/re2/re2/testing/charclass_test.cc       printf(" %d-%d", t->add[k].lo, t->add[k].hi);
k                  98 third_party/re2/re2/testing/charclass_test.cc     for (int k = 0; t->final[k].lo >= 0; k++)
k                  99 third_party/re2/re2/testing/charclass_test.cc       printf(" %d-%d", t->final[k].lo, t->final[k].hi);
k                 149 third_party/re2/util/benchmark.cc 				for(int k = max(b->lo, 1); k <= max(b->hi, 1); k<<=1)
k                 150 third_party/re2/util/benchmark.cc 					RunBench(b, j, k);
k                  43 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc #define rot(x,k) (((x)<<(k)) | ((x)>>(32-(k))))
k                 151 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc const uint32 *k,                   /* the key, an array of uint32_t values */
k                 163 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc     a += k[0];
k                 164 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc     b += k[1];
k                 165 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc     c += k[2];
k                 168 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc     k += 3;
k                 174 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc   case 3 : c+=k[2];
k                 175 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc   case 2 : b+=k[1];
k                 176 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc   case 1 : a+=k[0];
k                 195 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc const uint32 *k,                   /* the key, an array of uint32_t values */
k                 209 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc     a += k[0];
k                 210 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc     b += k[1];
k                 211 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc     c += k[2];
k                 214 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc     k += 3;
k                 220 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc   case 3 : c+=k[2];
k                 221 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc   case 2 : b+=k[1];
k                 222 third_party/re2/util/hash.cc   case 1 : a+=k[0];
k                19137 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         int i, j, k, n, isnull;
k                19144 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         k = precision;
k                19145 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         for(i=n=0; k!=0 && (ch=escarg[i])!=0; i++, k--){
k                19161 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         k = i;
k                19162 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         for(i=0; i<k; i++){
k                19184 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         int k = va_arg(ap, int);
k                19185 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         struct SrcList_item *pItem = &pSrc->a[k];
k                19186 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         assert( k>=0 && k<pSrc->nSrc );
k                19589 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     char k[256];
k                19592 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     sqlite3OsRandomness(sqlite3_vfs_find(0), 256, k);
k                19597 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       wsdPrng.j += wsdPrng.s[i] + k[i];
k                47982 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     int k;
k                47985 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     k = pOvfl->idx;
k                47986 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     if( k<=iCell ){
k                47987 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       if( k==iCell ){
k                51876 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   u32 k;     /* Number of leaves on the trunk of the freelist */
k                51941 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       k = get4byte(&pTrunk->aData[4]); /* # of leaves on this trunk page */
k                51942 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       if( k==0 && !searchList ){
k                51956 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       }else if( k>(u32)(pBt->usableSize/4 - 2) ){
k                51972 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         if( k==0 ){
k                52004 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           put4byte(&pNewTrunk->aData[4], k-1);
k                52005 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           memcpy(&pNewTrunk->aData[8], &pTrunk->aData[12], (k-1)*4);
k                52021 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       }else if( k>0 ){
k                52031 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           for(i=1; i<k; i++){
k                52054 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c                  *pPgno, closest+1, k, pTrunk->pgno, n-1));
k                52057 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           if( closest<k-1 ){
k                52058 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c             memcpy(&aData[8+closest*4], &aData[4+k*4], 4);
k                52060 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           put4byte(&aData[4], k-1);
k                52956 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   int i, j, k;                 /* Loop counters */
k                53084 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   k = pBt->pageSize + ROUND8(sizeof(MemPage));
k                53089 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c      + k*nOld;                                     /* Page copies (apCopy) */
k                53124 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     MemPage *pOld = apCopy[i] = (MemPage*)&aSpace1[pBt->pageSize + k*i];
k                53183 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   for(subtotal=k=i=0; i<nCell; i++){
k                53187 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       szNew[k] = subtotal - szCell[i];
k                53188 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       cntNew[k] = i;
k                53191 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       k++;
k                53192 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       if( k>NB+1 ){ rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; goto balance_cleanup; }
k                53195 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   szNew[k] = subtotal;
k                53196 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   cntNew[k] = nCell;
k                53197 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   k++;
k                53209 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   for(i=k-1; i>0; i--){
k                53250 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   for(i=0; i<k; i++){
k                53299 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   for(i=0; i<k-1; i++){
k                53302 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     for(j=i+1; j<k; j++){
k                53464 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     k = 0;                             /* Current 'new' sibling page */
k                53490 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       if( i==cntNew[k] ){
k                53494 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         pNew = apNew[++k];
k                53498 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       assert( k<nNew );
k                62201 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     int j, k;
k                62215 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     k = 2;
k                62216 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     sqlite3_snprintf(100, &zBuf[k], "%d", pMem->n);
k                62217 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     k += sqlite3Strlen30(&zBuf[k]);
k                62218 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     zBuf[k++] = '[';
k                62222 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         zBuf[k++] = c;
k                62224 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         zBuf[k++] = '.';
k                62227 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     zBuf[k++] = ']';
k                62228 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     sqlite3_snprintf(100,&zBuf[k], encnames[pMem->enc]);
k                62229 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     k += sqlite3Strlen30(&zBuf[k]);
k                62230 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     zBuf[k++] = 0;
k                64207 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     int k, mx = 0;
k                64208 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     for(k=0; k<u.aj.n; k++) if( aPermute[k]>mx ) mx = aPermute[k];
k                69741 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c                 int k;
k                69742 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c                 for(k=0; k<pUsing->nId; k++){
k                69743 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c                   if( sqlite3StrICmp(pUsing->a[k].zName, zCol)==0 ){
k                74295 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c             int k;
k                74297 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c             for(k=0; k<pAggInfo->nColumn; k++, pCol++){
k                74303 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c             if( (k>=pAggInfo->nColumn)
k                74304 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c              && (k = addAggInfoColumn(pParse->db, pAggInfo))>=0 
k                74306 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c               pCol = &pAggInfo->aCol[k];
k                74339 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c             pExpr->iAgg = (i16)k;
k                75707 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   HashElem *k;
k                75717 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->tblHash); k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){
k                75718 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     Table *pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k);
k                78213 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   int i, k, n;
k                78238 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   k = sqlite3Strlen30(zStmt);
k                78239 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   identPut(zStmt, &k, p->zName);
k                78240 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   zStmt[k++] = '(';
k                78252 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     sqlite3_snprintf(n-k, &zStmt[k], zSep);
k                78253 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     k += sqlite3Strlen30(&zStmt[k]);
k                78255 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     identPut(zStmt, &k, pCol->zName);
k                78268 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     memcpy(&zStmt[k], zType, len);
k                78269 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     k += len;
k                78270 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     assert( k<=n );
k                78272 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   sqlite3_snprintf(n-k, &zStmt[k], "%s", zEnd);
k                79542 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       int k;
k                79548 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       for(k=0; k<pIdx->nColumn; k++){
k                79551 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         if( pIdx->aiColumn[k]!=pIndex->aiColumn[k] ) break;
k                79552 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         z1 = pIdx->azColl[k];
k                79553 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         z2 = pIndex->azColl[k];
k                79556 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       if( k==pIdx->nColumn ){
k                80479 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   HashElem *k;                /* For looping over tables in pDb */
k                80485 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pDb->pSchema->tblHash);  k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){
k                80486 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k);
k                93083 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   int i, j, k;
k                93173 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   for(k=0; k<pEList->nExpr; k++){
k                93174 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     Expr *pE = pEList->a[k].pExpr;
k                93180 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   if( k<pEList->nExpr ){
k                93192 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     for(k=0; k<pEList->nExpr; k++){
k                93193 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       Expr *pE = a[k].pExpr;
k                93198 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         pNew = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, pNew, a[k].pExpr);
k                93200 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           pNew->a[pNew->nExpr-1].zName = a[k].zName;
k                93201 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           pNew->a[pNew->nExpr-1].zSpan = a[k].zSpan;
k                93202 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           a[k].zName = 0;
k                93203 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           a[k].zSpan = 0;
k                93205 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         a[k].pExpr = 0;
k                93882 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       int k;                        /* Loop counter */
k                93885 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       for(k=p->pEList->nExpr, pItem=p->pEList->a; k>0; k--, pItem++){
k                93888 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       for(k=pGroupBy->nExpr, pItem=pGroupBy->a; k>0; k--, pItem++){
k                98229 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   int k;
k                98232 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   for(pTerm=pWC->a, k=pWC->nTerm; k; k--, pTerm++){
k                100697 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       int k;                       /* Loop counter */
k                100703 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       for(pTerm=pWC->a, k=pWC->nTerm; nRow>2 && k; k--, pTerm++){
k                101049 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     int k = pIdx->aiColumn[j];
k                101050 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     pTerm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, k, notReady, pLevel->plan.wsFlags, pIdx);
k                101249 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c   int j, k;            /* Loop counters */
k                101314 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       for(k=0; k<nConstraint; k++){
k                101315 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         if( aUsage[k].argvIndex==j ){
k                101316 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c           int iTerm = aConstraint[k].iTermOffset;
k                101321 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       if( k==nConstraint ) break;
k                101505 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c     k = pIdx->aiColumn[nEq];     /* Column for inequality constraints */
k                101529 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pRangeEnd = findTerm(pWC, iCur, k, notReady, (WO_LT|WO_LE), pIdx);
k                101533 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       pRangeStart = findTerm(pWC, iCur, k, notReady, (WO_GT|WO_GE), pIdx);
k                101754 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       for(k=1; k<=nNotReady; k++){
k                101755 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c         memcpy(&pOrTab->a[k], &origSrc[pLevel[k].iFrom], sizeof(pOrTab->a[k]));
k                102607 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       int k, j, last;
k                102614 third_party/sqlite/amalgamation/sqlite3.c       for(k=pWInfo->iTop; k<last; k++, pOp++){
k                2267 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts1/fts1.c           int k = (iRotor-j) & FTS1_ROTOR_MASK;
k                2269 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts1/fts1.c                 iRotorBegin[k], iRotorLen[k]);
k                3312 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts2/fts2.c           int k = (iRotor-j) & FTS2_ROTOR_MASK;
k                3314 third_party/sqlite/src/ext/fts2/fts2.c                 iRotorBegin[k], iRotorLen[k]);
k                 385 third_party/sqlite/src/src/analyze.c   HashElem *k;
k                 395 third_party/sqlite/src/src/analyze.c   for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->tblHash); k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){
k                 396 third_party/sqlite/src/src/analyze.c     Table *pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k);
k                 863 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     int k;
k                 866 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     k = pOvfl->idx;
k                 867 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     if( k<=iCell ){
k                 868 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       if( k==iCell ){
k                4757 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   u32 k;     /* Number of leaves on the trunk of the freelist */
k                4822 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       k = get4byte(&pTrunk->aData[4]); /* # of leaves on this trunk page */
k                4823 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       if( k==0 && !searchList ){
k                4837 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       }else if( k>(u32)(pBt->usableSize/4 - 2) ){
k                4853 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c         if( k==0 ){
k                4885 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c           put4byte(&pNewTrunk->aData[4], k-1);
k                4886 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c           memcpy(&pNewTrunk->aData[8], &pTrunk->aData[12], (k-1)*4);
k                4902 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       }else if( k>0 ){
k                4912 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c           for(i=1; i<k; i++){
k                4935 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c                  *pPgno, closest+1, k, pTrunk->pgno, n-1));
k                4938 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c           if( closest<k-1 ){
k                4939 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c             memcpy(&aData[8+closest*4], &aData[4+k*4], 4);
k                4941 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c           put4byte(&aData[4], k-1);
k                5837 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   int i, j, k;                 /* Loop counters */
k                5965 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   k = pBt->pageSize + ROUND8(sizeof(MemPage));
k                5970 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c      + k*nOld;                                     /* Page copies (apCopy) */
k                6005 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     MemPage *pOld = apCopy[i] = (MemPage*)&aSpace1[pBt->pageSize + k*i];
k                6064 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   for(subtotal=k=i=0; i<nCell; i++){
k                6068 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       szNew[k] = subtotal - szCell[i];
k                6069 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       cntNew[k] = i;
k                6072 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       k++;
k                6073 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       if( k>NB+1 ){ rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; goto balance_cleanup; }
k                6076 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   szNew[k] = subtotal;
k                6077 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   cntNew[k] = nCell;
k                6078 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   k++;
k                6090 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   for(i=k-1; i>0; i--){
k                6131 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   for(i=0; i<k; i++){
k                6180 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c   for(i=0; i<k-1; i++){
k                6183 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     for(j=i+1; j<k; j++){
k                6345 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c     k = 0;                             /* Current 'new' sibling page */
k                6371 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       if( i==cntNew[k] ){
k                6375 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c         pNew = apNew[++k];
k                6379 third_party/sqlite/src/src/btree.c       assert( k<nNew );
k                1374 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   int i, k, n;
k                1399 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   k = sqlite3Strlen30(zStmt);
k                1400 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   identPut(zStmt, &k, p->zName);
k                1401 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   zStmt[k++] = '(';
k                1413 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     sqlite3_snprintf(n-k, &zStmt[k], zSep);
k                1414 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     k += sqlite3Strlen30(&zStmt[k]);
k                1416 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     identPut(zStmt, &k, pCol->zName);
k                1429 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     memcpy(&zStmt[k], zType, len);
k                1430 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     k += len;
k                1431 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     assert( k<=n );
k                1433 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   sqlite3_snprintf(n-k, &zStmt[k], "%s", zEnd);
k                2703 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c       int k;
k                2709 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c       for(k=0; k<pIdx->nColumn; k++){
k                2712 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c         if( pIdx->aiColumn[k]!=pIndex->aiColumn[k] ) break;
k                2713 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c         z1 = pIdx->azColl[k];
k                2714 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c         z2 = pIndex->azColl[k];
k                2717 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c       if( k==pIdx->nColumn ){
k                3640 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c   HashElem *k;                /* For looping over tables in pDb */
k                3646 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c     for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pDb->pSchema->tblHash);  k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){
k                3647 third_party/sqlite/src/src/build.c       pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k);
k                3558 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c             int k;
k                3560 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c             for(k=0; k<pAggInfo->nColumn; k++, pCol++){
k                3566 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c             if( (k>=pAggInfo->nColumn)
k                3567 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c              && (k = addAggInfoColumn(pParse->db, pAggInfo))>=0 
k                3569 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c               pCol = &pAggInfo->aCol[k];
k                3602 third_party/sqlite/src/src/expr.c             pExpr->iAgg = (i16)k;
k                 654 third_party/sqlite/src/src/printf.c         int i, j, k, n, isnull;
k                 661 third_party/sqlite/src/src/printf.c         k = precision;
k                 662 third_party/sqlite/src/src/printf.c         for(i=n=0; k!=0 && (ch=escarg[i])!=0; i++, k--){
k                 678 third_party/sqlite/src/src/printf.c         k = i;
k                 679 third_party/sqlite/src/src/printf.c         for(i=0; i<k; i++){
k                 701 third_party/sqlite/src/src/printf.c         int k = va_arg(ap, int);
k                 702 third_party/sqlite/src/src/printf.c         struct SrcList_item *pItem = &pSrc->a[k];
k                 703 third_party/sqlite/src/src/printf.c         assert( k>=0 && k<pSrc->nSrc );
k                  75 third_party/sqlite/src/src/random.c     char k[256];
k                  78 third_party/sqlite/src/src/random.c     sqlite3OsRandomness(sqlite3_vfs_find(0), 256, k);
k                  83 third_party/sqlite/src/src/random.c       wsdPrng.j += wsdPrng.s[i] + k[i];
k                 210 third_party/sqlite/src/src/resolve.c                 int k;
k                 211 third_party/sqlite/src/src/resolve.c                 for(k=0; k<pUsing->nId; k++){
k                 212 third_party/sqlite/src/src/resolve.c                   if( sqlite3StrICmp(pUsing->a[k].zName, zCol)==0 ){
k                3161 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c   int i, j, k;
k                3251 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c   for(k=0; k<pEList->nExpr; k++){
k                3252 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c     Expr *pE = pEList->a[k].pExpr;
k                3258 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c   if( k<pEList->nExpr ){
k                3270 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c     for(k=0; k<pEList->nExpr; k++){
k                3271 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c       Expr *pE = a[k].pExpr;
k                3276 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c         pNew = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, pNew, a[k].pExpr);
k                3278 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c           pNew->a[pNew->nExpr-1].zName = a[k].zName;
k                3279 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c           pNew->a[pNew->nExpr-1].zSpan = a[k].zSpan;
k                3280 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c           a[k].zName = 0;
k                3281 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c           a[k].zSpan = 0;
k                3283 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c         a[k].pExpr = 0;
k                3960 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c       int k;                        /* Loop counter */
k                3963 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c       for(k=p->pEList->nExpr, pItem=p->pEList->a; k>0; k--, pItem++){
k                3966 third_party/sqlite/src/src/select.c       for(k=pGroupBy->nExpr, pItem=pGroupBy->a; k>0; k--, pItem++){
k                 251 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_malloc.c   int i, k;
k                 266 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_malloc.c   for(i=0, k=sizeof(p)*2-1; i<sizeof(p)*2; i++, k--){
k                 267 third_party/sqlite/src/src/test_malloc.c     z[k] = zHex[n&0xf];
k                 385 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     int j, k;
k                 399 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     k = 2;
k                 400 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     sqlite3_snprintf(100, &zBuf[k], "%d", pMem->n);
k                 401 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     k += sqlite3Strlen30(&zBuf[k]);
k                 402 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     zBuf[k++] = '[';
k                 406 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c         zBuf[k++] = c;
k                 408 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c         zBuf[k++] = '.';
k                 411 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     zBuf[k++] = ']';
k                 412 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     sqlite3_snprintf(100,&zBuf[k], encnames[pMem->enc]);
k                 413 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     k += sqlite3Strlen30(&zBuf[k]);
k                 414 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     zBuf[k++] = 0;
k                1875 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     int k, mx = 0;
k                1876 third_party/sqlite/src/src/vdbe.c     for(k=0; k<n; k++) if( aPermute[k]>mx ) mx = aPermute[k];
k                 575 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   int k;
k                 578 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   for(pTerm=pWC->a, k=pWC->nTerm; k; k--, pTerm++){
k                3043 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       int k;                       /* Loop counter */
k                3049 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       for(pTerm=pWC->a, k=pWC->nTerm; nRow>2 && k; k--, pTerm++){
k                3395 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     int k = pIdx->aiColumn[j];
k                3396 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     pTerm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, k, notReady, pLevel->plan.wsFlags, pIdx);
k                3595 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c   int j, k;            /* Loop counters */
k                3660 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       for(k=0; k<nConstraint; k++){
k                3661 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c         if( aUsage[k].argvIndex==j ){
k                3662 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c           int iTerm = aConstraint[k].iTermOffset;
k                3667 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       if( k==nConstraint ) break;
k                3851 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c     k = pIdx->aiColumn[nEq];     /* Column for inequality constraints */
k                3875 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       pRangeEnd = findTerm(pWC, iCur, k, notReady, (WO_LT|WO_LE), pIdx);
k                3879 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       pRangeStart = findTerm(pWC, iCur, k, notReady, (WO_GT|WO_GE), pIdx);
k                4100 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       for(k=1; k<=nNotReady; k++){
k                4101 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c         memcpy(&pOrTab->a[k], &origSrc[pLevel[k].iFrom], sizeof(pOrTab->a[k]));
k                4953 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       int k, j, last;
k                4960 third_party/sqlite/src/src/where.c       for(k=pWInfo->iTop; k<last; k++, pOp++){
k                 549 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   int i, j, k, n;
k                 584 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         k = p->aLookahead[j].lookahead - p->mnLookahead + i;
k                 585 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         if( k<0 || k>=p->nAction ) break;
k                 586 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         if( p->aLookahead[j].lookahead!=p->aAction[k].lookahead ) break;
k                 587 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         if( p->aLookahead[j].action!=p->aAction[k].action ) break;
k                 616 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c           k = p->aLookahead[j].lookahead - p->mnLookahead + i;
k                 617 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c           if( k<0 ) break;
k                 618 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c           if( p->aAction[k].lookahead>=0 ) break;
k                 632 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     k = p->aLookahead[j].lookahead - p->mnLookahead + i;
k                 633 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     p->aAction[k] = p->aLookahead[j];
k                 634 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     if( k>=p->nAction ) p->nAction = k+1;
k                1279 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c             int k;
k                1280 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c             for(k=0; k<xsp->nsubsym; k++){
k                1281 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c               SetAdd(newcfp->fws, xsp->subsym[k]->index);
k                1676 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c static void errline(int n, int k, FILE *err)
k                1685 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   spcnt += k;
k                2463 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   int i, j, k, n;
k                2487 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         for(k=0; k<nDefine; k++){
k                2488 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c           if( strncmp(azDefine[k],&z[j],n)==0 && lemonStrlen(azDefine[k])==n ){
k                3591 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c       int k;
k                3592 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c       for(k=1; k<sp->nsubsym; k++){
k                3593 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         fprintf(out,"|%s",sp->subsym[k]->name);
k                 342 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c   int i, j, k, h;
k                 382 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c       for(k=0; k<=pOther->len-p->len; k++){
k                 383 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c         if( memcmp(p->zName, &pOther->zName[k], p->len)==0 ){
k                 385 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c           p->substrOffset = k;
k                 401 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c       for(k=p->longestSuffix+1; k<p->len && k<pOther->len; k++){
k                 402 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c         if( memcmp(&p->zName[p->len-k], pOther->zName, k)==0 ){
k                 403 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c           p->longestSuffix = k;
k                 419 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c     for(k=p->len-1; k>=1; k--){
k                 423 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c         if( pOther->len<=k ) continue;
k                 424 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c         if( memcmp(&p->zName[p->len-k], pOther->zName, k)==0 ){
k                 426 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c           p->offset = nChar - k;
k                 428 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c           p->zName += k;
k                 429 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c           p->len -= k;
k                 430 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c           p->prefix = k;
k                 432 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c           k = p->len;
k                 479 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c   for(i=j=k=0; i<nKeyword; i++){
k                 482 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c     memcpy(&zText[k], p->zName, p->len);
k                 483 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c     k += p->len;
k                 500 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/mkkeywordhash.c   for(i=j=0; i<k; i++){
k                 426 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/showdb.c   int n, i, k;
k                 469 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c static void shuffle_sb(long32 *k, ufc_long saltbits)
k                 473 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c       x = (k[0] ^ k[1]) & (long32)saltbits;
k                 474 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c       *k++ ^= x;
k                 475 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c       *k++ ^= x;
k                 481 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c static void shuffle_sb(long64 *k, ufc_long saltbits)
k                 485 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c       x = ((*k >> 32) ^ *k) & (long64)saltbits;
k                 486 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c       *k++ ^= (x << 32) | x;
k                 697 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c     long32 s, *k;
k                 700 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c       k = &_ufc_keytab[0][0];
k                 702 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c 	s = *k++ ^ r1;
k                 705 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c         s = *k++ ^ r2; 
k                 709 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c         s = *k++ ^ l1; 
k                 712 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c         s = *k++ ^ l2; 
k                 736 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c     long64 l, r, s, *k;
k                 742 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c       k = &_ufc_keytab[0];
k                 744 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c 	s = *k++ ^ r;
k                 750 third_party/talloc/libreplace/crypt.c 	s = *k++ ^ l;
k                 200 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/packed-cache-inl.h   static UPPER KeyToUpper(K k) {
k                 202 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/packed-cache-inl.h       return static_cast<T>(k) << kValuebits;
k                 206 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/packed-cache-inl.h       return static_cast<T>(k >> shift) & kUpperMask;
k                  97 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void* get(Number k) const {
k                  98 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     if ((k >> BITS) > 0) {
k                 101 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     return array_[k];
k                 108 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void set(Number k, void* v) {
k                 109 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     array_[k] = v;
k                 114 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void* Next(Number k) const {
k                 115 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     while (k < (1 << BITS)) {
k                 116 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h       if (array_[k] != NULL) return array_[k];
k                 117 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h       k++;
k                 293 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void* get(Number k) const {
k                 294 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     if ((k >> BITS) > 0) {
k                 297 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     return array_[k];
k                 304 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void set(Number k, void* v) {
k                 305 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     array_[k] = v;
k                 309 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void* Next(Number k) const {
k                 310 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     while (k < (1 << BITS)) {
k                 311 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h       if (array_[k] != NULL) return array_[k];
k                 312 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h       k++;
k                 347 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void* get(Number k) const {
k                 348 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     const Number i1 = k >> LEAF_BITS;
k                 349 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     const Number i2 = k & (LEAF_LENGTH-1);
k                 350 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     if ((k >> BITS) > 0 || root_[i1] == NULL) {
k                 356 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void set(Number k, void* v) {
k                 357 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     ASSERT(k >> BITS == 0);
k                 358 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     const Number i1 = k >> LEAF_BITS;
k                 359 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     const Number i2 = k & (LEAF_LENGTH-1);
k                 390 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void* Next(Number k) const {
k                 391 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     while (k < (1 << BITS)) {
k                 392 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h       const Number i1 = k >> LEAF_BITS;
k                 396 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h         for (Number i2 = k & (LEAF_LENGTH - 1); i2 < LEAF_LENGTH; i2++) {
k                 403 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h       k = (i1 + 1) << LEAF_BITS;
k                 450 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void* get(Number k) const {
k                 451 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     const Number i1 = k >> (LEAF_BITS + INTERIOR_BITS);
k                 452 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     const Number i2 = (k >> LEAF_BITS) & (INTERIOR_LENGTH-1);
k                 453 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     const Number i3 = k & (LEAF_LENGTH-1);
k                 454 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     if ((k >> BITS) > 0 ||
k                 461 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void set(Number k, void* v) {
k                 462 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     ASSERT(k >> BITS == 0);
k                 463 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     const Number i1 = k >> (LEAF_BITS + INTERIOR_BITS);
k                 464 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     const Number i2 = (k >> LEAF_BITS) & (INTERIOR_LENGTH-1);
k                 465 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     const Number i3 = k & (LEAF_LENGTH-1);
k                 502 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h   void* Next(Number k) const {
k                 503 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h     while (k < (Number(1) << BITS)) {
k                 504 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h       const Number i1 = k >> (LEAF_BITS + INTERIOR_BITS);
k                 505 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h       const Number i2 = (k >> LEAF_BITS) & (INTERIOR_LENGTH-1);
k                 508 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h         k = (i1 + 1) << (LEAF_BITS + INTERIOR_BITS);
k                 512 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h           for (Number i3 = (k & (LEAF_LENGTH-1)); i3 < LEAF_LENGTH; i3++) {
k                 519 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/pagemap.h         k = ((k >> LEAF_BITS) + 1) << LEAF_BITS;
k                 112 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/sampler.h   bool SampleAllocation(size_t k);
k                 140 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/sampler.h inline bool Sampler::SampleAllocation(size_t k) {
k                 141 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/sampler.h   if (bytes_until_sample_ < k) {
k                 145 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/sampler.h     bytes_until_sample_ -= k;
k                 119 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/system-alloc.cc #define rot(x,k) (((x)<<(k))|((x)>>(32-(k))))
k                 432 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   bool SampleAllocation(size_t k);
k                 435 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   void PickNextSample(size_t k);
k                 470 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/sampler_test.cc void OldSampler::PickNextSample(size_t k) {
k                 491 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   if (k > (static_cast<size_t>(-1) >> 2)) {
k                 501 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   while (bytes_until_sample_ < k) {
k                 508 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   bytes_until_sample_ -= k;
k                 511 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/sampler_test.cc inline bool OldSampler::SampleAllocation(size_t k) {
k                 512 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   if (bytes_until_sample_ < k) {
k                 513 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/sampler_test.cc     PickNextSample(k);
k                 516 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/tests/sampler_test.cc     bytes_until_sample_ -= k;
k                  96 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/thread_cache.h   bool SampleAllocation(size_t k);
k                  99 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/thread_cache.h   void AddToByteAllocatedTotal(size_t k) { total_bytes_allocated_ += k; }
k                 354 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/thread_cache.h inline bool ThreadCache::SampleAllocation(size_t k) {
k                 355 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/thread_cache.h   return sampler_.SampleAllocation(k);
k                 198 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/packed-cache-inl.h   static UPPER KeyToUpper(K k) {
k                 200 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/packed-cache-inl.h       return static_cast<T>(k) << kValuebits;
k                 204 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/packed-cache-inl.h       return static_cast<T>(k >> shift) & kUpperMask;
k                  91 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h   void* get(Number k) const {
k                  92 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     if ((k >> BITS) > 0) {
k                  95 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     return array_[k];
k                 102 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h   void set(Number k, void* v) {
k                 103 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     array_[k] = v;
k                 108 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h   void* Next(Number k) const {
k                 109 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     while (k < (1 << BITS)) {
k                 110 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h       if (array_[k] != NULL) return array_[k];
k                 111 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h       k++;
k                 144 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h   void* get(Number k) const {
k                 145 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     const Number i1 = k >> LEAF_BITS;
k                 146 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     const Number i2 = k & (LEAF_LENGTH-1);
k                 147 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     if ((k >> BITS) > 0 || root_[i1] == NULL) {
k                 153 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h   void set(Number k, void* v) {
k                 154 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     ASSERT(k >> BITS == 0);
k                 155 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     const Number i1 = k >> LEAF_BITS;
k                 156 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     const Number i2 = k & (LEAF_LENGTH-1);
k                 187 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h   void* Next(Number k) const {
k                 188 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     while (k < (1 << BITS)) {
k                 189 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h       const Number i1 = k >> LEAF_BITS;
k                 193 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h         for (Number i2 = k & (LEAF_LENGTH - 1); i2 < LEAF_LENGTH; i2++) {
k                 200 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h       k = (i1 + 1) << LEAF_BITS;
k                 247 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h   void* get(Number k) const {
k                 248 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     const Number i1 = k >> (LEAF_BITS + INTERIOR_BITS);
k                 249 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     const Number i2 = (k >> LEAF_BITS) & (INTERIOR_LENGTH-1);
k                 250 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     const Number i3 = k & (LEAF_LENGTH-1);
k                 251 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     if ((k >> BITS) > 0 ||
k                 258 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h   void set(Number k, void* v) {
k                 259 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     ASSERT(k >> BITS == 0);
k                 260 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     const Number i1 = k >> (LEAF_BITS + INTERIOR_BITS);
k                 261 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     const Number i2 = (k >> LEAF_BITS) & (INTERIOR_LENGTH-1);
k                 262 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     const Number i3 = k & (LEAF_LENGTH-1);
k                 299 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h   void* Next(Number k) const {
k                 300 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h     while (k < (Number(1) << BITS)) {
k                 301 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h       const Number i1 = k >> (LEAF_BITS + INTERIOR_BITS);
k                 302 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h       const Number i2 = (k >> LEAF_BITS) & (INTERIOR_LENGTH-1);
k                 305 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h         k = (i1 + 1) << (LEAF_BITS + INTERIOR_BITS);
k                 309 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h           for (Number i3 = (k & (LEAF_LENGTH-1)); i3 < LEAF_LENGTH; i3++) {
k                 316 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/pagemap.h         k = ((k >> LEAF_BITS) + 1) << LEAF_BITS;
k                 112 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/sampler.h   bool SampleAllocation(size_t k);
k                 140 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/sampler.h inline bool Sampler::SampleAllocation(size_t k) {
k                 141 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/sampler.h   if (bytes_until_sample_ < k) {
k                 145 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/sampler.h     bytes_until_sample_ -= k;
k                 432 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   bool SampleAllocation(size_t k);
k                 435 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   void PickNextSample(size_t k);
k                 470 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/sampler_test.cc void OldSampler::PickNextSample(size_t k) {
k                 491 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   if (k > (static_cast<size_t>(-1) >> 2)) {
k                 501 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   while (bytes_until_sample_ < k) {
k                 508 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   bytes_until_sample_ -= k;
k                 511 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/sampler_test.cc inline bool OldSampler::SampleAllocation(size_t k) {
k                 512 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/sampler_test.cc   if (bytes_until_sample_ < k) {
k                 513 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/sampler_test.cc     PickNextSample(k);
k                 516 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/tests/sampler_test.cc     bytes_until_sample_ -= k;
k                 102 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/thread_cache.h   bool SampleAllocation(size_t k);
k                 331 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/thread_cache.h inline bool ThreadCache::SampleAllocation(size_t k) {
k                 332 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/thread_cache.h   return sampler_.SampleAllocation(k);
k                 111 third_party/zlib/crc32.c     int n, k;
k                 131 third_party/zlib/crc32.c             for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
k                 142 third_party/zlib/crc32.c             for (k = 1; k < 4; k++) {
k                 144 third_party/zlib/crc32.c                 crc_table[k][n] = c;
k                 145 third_party/zlib/crc32.c                 crc_table[k + 4][n] = REV(c);
k                 172 third_party/zlib/crc32.c         for (k = 1; k < 8; k++) {
k                 174 third_party/zlib/crc32.c             write_table(out, crc_table[k]);
k                 145 third_party/zlib/trees.c local void pqdownheap     OF((deflate_state *s, ct_data *tree, int k));
k                 459 third_party/zlib/trees.c local void pqdownheap(s, tree, k)
k                 462 third_party/zlib/trees.c     int k;               /* node to move down */
k                 464 third_party/zlib/trees.c     int v = s->heap[k];
k                 465 third_party/zlib/trees.c     int j = k << 1;  /* left son of k */
k                 476 third_party/zlib/trees.c         s->heap[k] = s->heap[j];  k = j;
k                 481 third_party/zlib/trees.c     s->heap[k] = v;
k                  11 tools/clang/plugins/tests/inline_copy_ctor.h   int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p , q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x;
k                  33 tools/gn/commands.cc         info_map[k##cmd] = CommandInfo(k##cmd##_HelpShort, \
k                  34 tools/gn/commands.cc                                        k##cmd##_Help, \
k                 618 tools/gn/functions.cc         map[k##command] = FunctionInfo(&Run##command, \
k                 619 tools/gn/functions.cc                                        k##command##_HelpShort, \
k                 620 tools/gn/functions.cc                                        k##command##_Help, \
k                 826 tools/gn/variables.cc     info_map[k##var] = VariableInfo(k##var##_HelpShort, k##var##_Help);
k                 203 ui/accessibility/ax_generated_tree_unittest.cc       for (int k = 0; k < tree_size; k++) {
k                 206 ui/accessibility/ax_generated_tree_unittest.cc                      " k=" + base::IntToString(k));
k                 229 ui/accessibility/ax_generated_tree_unittest.cc           int id = 1 + (k + k_index) % tree_size;
k                  75 ui/display/chromeos/x11/touchscreen_delegate_x11.cc       size_t k = 0;
k                  76 ui/display/chromeos/x11/touchscreen_delegate_x11.cc       for (; k < outputs->size(); k++) {
k                  77 ui/display/chromeos/x11/touchscreen_delegate_x11.cc         OutputConfigurator::DisplayState* output = &(*outputs)[k];
k                  94 ui/display/chromeos/x11/touchscreen_delegate_x11.cc           VLOG(2) << "Found touchscreen for output #" << k << " id "
k                 101 ui/display/chromeos/x11/touchscreen_delegate_x11.cc       if (k == outputs->size()) {
k                 129 ui/events/x/touch_factory_x11.cc       for (int k = 0; k < devinfo->num_classes; ++k) {
k                 130 ui/events/x/touch_factory_x11.cc         XIAnyClassInfo* xiclassinfo = devinfo->classes[k];
k                 150 ui/events/x/touch_factory_x11.cc       for (int k = 0; k < devinfo->num_classes; ++k) {
k                 151 ui/events/x/touch_factory_x11.cc         XIAnyClassInfo* xiclassinfo = devinfo->classes[k];
k                 810 ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.cc PNGCodec::Comment::Comment(const std::string& k, const std::string& t)
k                 811 ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.cc     : key(k), text(t) {
k                  49 ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h     Comment(const std::string& k, const std::string& t);
k                 243 ui/gfx/gtk_native_view_id_manager.cc     std::map<XID, PermanentXIDInfo>::iterator k =
k                 246 ui/gfx/gtk_native_view_id_manager.cc     if (k != perm_xid_to_info_.end())
k                 247 ui/gfx/gtk_native_view_id_manager.cc       k->second.widget = NULL;
k                1075 ui/gfx/render_text_unittest.cc       for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k)
k                1101 ui/gfx/render_text_unittest.cc       for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k)
k                1509 ui/gfx/render_text_unittest.cc       for (size_t k = 0; k < spans.size(); ++k) {
k                1510 ui/gfx/render_text_unittest.cc         if (IndexInRange(spans[k].second, start_paren_char_index))
k                1511 ui/gfx/render_text_unittest.cc           start_paren_span_index = k;
k                1512 ui/gfx/render_text_unittest.cc         if (IndexInRange(spans[k].second, end_paren_char_index))
k                1513 ui/gfx/render_text_unittest.cc           end_paren_span_index = k;
k                 843 ui/gfx/render_text_win.cc       for (size_t k = glyph_range.start(); k < glyph_range.end(); ++k) {
k                 844 ui/gfx/render_text_win.cc         pos[k - glyph_range.start()].set(
k                 845 ui/gfx/render_text_win.cc             SkIntToScalar(text_offset.x() + run->offsets[k].du + segment_x),
k                 846 ui/gfx/render_text_win.cc             SkIntToScalar(text_offset.y() + run->offsets[k].dv));
k                 847 ui/gfx/render_text_win.cc         segment_x += run->advance_widths[k];
k                 322 ui/gfx/transform_unittest.cc     for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
k                 325 ui/gfx/transform_unittest.cc       switch (k) {
k                 369 ui/gfx/transform_unittest.cc     for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
k                 372 ui/gfx/transform_unittest.cc       switch (k) {
k                 553 ui/gfx/transform_unittest.cc       for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
k                 557 ui/gfx/transform_unittest.cc         switch (k) {
k                 606 ui/gfx/transform_unittest.cc       for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
k                 610 ui/gfx/transform_unittest.cc         switch (k) {
k                3174 webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_update_job_unittest.cc         for (size_t k = 0; k < expected_ids.size(); ++k) {
k                3175 webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_update_job_unittest.cc           int id = expected_ids[k];