
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. m_blendInfo
  2. debugName
  3. compositor
  4. contentChanged
  5. canRender3DTransforms
  6. paintsWithFilters
  7. requiresFullLayerImageForFilters
  8. subpixelAccumulation
  9. setSubpixelAccumulation
  10. computeOffsetFromRoot
  11. updateLayerPositionsAfterLayout
  12. updateLayerPositions
  13. setAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant
  14. dirtyAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantStatus
  15. setAncestorChainHasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant
  16. dirtyAncestorChainHasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendantStatus
  17. scrollsWithRespectTo
  18. updateLayerPositionsAfterDocumentScroll
  19. updateLayerPositionsAfterOverflowScroll
  20. updateLayerPositionsAfterScroll
  21. updateTransform
  22. enclosingLayerForContainingBlock
  23. renderingContextRoot
  24. currentTransform
  25. renderableTransform
  26. enclosingOverflowClipLayer
  27. checkContainingBlockChainForPagination
  28. useRegionBasedColumns
  29. updatePagination
  30. setHasVisibleContent
  31. dirtyVisibleContentStatus
  32. dirtyAncestorChainVisibleDescendantStatus
  33. setAncestorChainHasVisibleDescendant
  34. updateHasUnclippedDescendant
  35. updateHasVisibleNonLayerContent
  36. subtreeContainsOutOfFlowPositionedLayer
  37. updateDescendantDependentFlags
  38. dirty3DTransformedDescendantStatus
  39. update3DTransformedDescendantStatus
  40. updateLayerPosition
  41. perspectiveTransform
  42. perspectiveOrigin
  43. isFixedPositionedContainer
  44. enclosingPositionedAncestor
  45. enclosingTransformedAncestor
  46. compositingContainer
  47. enclosingCompositingLayer
  48. enclosingCompositingLayerForRepaint
  49. clearAncestorDependentPropertyCache
  50. ensureAncestorDependentPropertyCache
  51. ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer
  52. ancestorScrollingLayer
  53. enclosingFilterLayer
  54. setNeedsToUpdateAncestorDependentProperties
  55. updateAncestorDependentProperties
  56. clearChildNeedsToUpdateAncestorDependantProperties
  57. setCompositingReasons
  58. hasAncestorWithFilterOutsets
  59. cannotBlitToWindow
  60. isTransparent
  61. transparentPaintingAncestor
  62. expandClipRectForDescendantsAndReflection
  63. transparencyClipBox
  64. paintingExtent
  65. beginTransparencyLayers
  66. addChild
  67. removeChild
  68. removeOnlyThisLayer
  69. insertOnlyThisLayer
  70. convertToPixelSnappedLayerCoords
  71. convertToPixelSnappedLayerCoords
  72. accumulateOffsetTowardsAncestor
  73. convertToLayerCoords
  74. convertToLayerCoords
  75. scrollParent
  76. clipParent
  77. didUpdateNeedsCompositedScrolling
  78. updateReflectionInfo
  79. updateStackingNode
  80. updateScrollableArea
  81. collectTrackedRepaintRects
  82. hasOverflowControls
  83. paint
  84. paintOverlayScrollbars
  85. inContainingBlockChain
  86. clipToRect
  87. restoreClip
  88. performOverlapTests
  89. shouldDoSoftwarePaint
  90. shouldSuppressPaintingLayer
  91. paintForFixedRootBackground
  92. paintLayer
  93. paintLayerContentsAndReflection
  94. paintLayerContents
  95. paintLayerByApplyingTransform
  96. paintChildren
  97. collectFragments
  98. updatePaintingInfoForFragments
  99. paintTransformedLayerIntoFragments
  100. subPixelAccumulationIfNeeded
  101. paintBackgroundForFragments
  102. paintForegroundForFragments
  103. paintForegroundForFragmentsWithPhase
  104. paintOutlineForFragments
  105. paintMaskForFragments
  106. paintChildClippingMaskForFragments
  107. paintOverflowControlsForFragments
  108. paintPaginatedChildLayer
  109. paintChildLayerIntoColumns
  110. frameVisibleRect
  111. hitTest
  112. hitTest
  113. enclosingElement
  114. isInTopLayer
  115. isInTopLayerSubtree
  116. computeZOffset
  117. createLocalTransformState
  118. isHitCandidate
  119. hitTestLayer
  120. hitTestContentsForFragments
  121. hitTestTransformedLayerInFragments
  122. hitTestLayerByApplyingTransform
  123. hitTestContents
  124. hitTestChildren
  125. hitTestPaginatedChildLayer
  126. hitTestChildLayerColumns
  127. addBlockSelectionGapsBounds
  128. clearBlockSelectionGapsBounds
  129. repaintBlockSelectionGaps
  130. hasBlockSelectionGapBounds
  131. intersectsDamageRect
  132. logicalBoundingBox
  133. physicalBoundingBox
  134. calculateLayerBounds
  135. compositingState
  136. isAllowedToQueryCompositingState
  137. isInCompositingUpdate
  138. compositedLayerMapping
  139. ensureCompositedLayerMapping
  140. clearCompositedLayerMapping
  141. setGroupedMapping
  142. hasCompositedMask
  143. hasCompositedClippingMask
  144. clipsCompositingDescendantsWithBorderRadius
  145. paintsWithTransform
  146. paintsWithBlendMode
  147. backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect
  148. childBackgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect
  149. setParent
  150. shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer
  151. updateSelfPaintingLayer
  152. hasNonEmptyChildRenderers
  153. hasBoxDecorations
  154. hasBoxDecorationsOrBackground
  155. hasVisibleBoxDecorations
  156. isVisuallyNonEmpty
  157. updateOutOfFlowPositioned
  158. hasOrHadFilters
  159. needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForClip
  160. needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForOverflow
  161. needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForFilters
  162. needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForBlending
  163. updateFilters
  164. styleChanged
  165. scrollsOverflow
  166. computeFilterOperations
  167. updateOrRemoveFilterClients
  168. updateOrRemoveFilterEffectRenderer
  169. filterNeedsRepaint
  170. addLayerHitTestRects
  171. computeSelfHitTestRects
  172. m_scrollParentDirty
  173. scrollParent
  174. setScrollParent
  175. ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer
  176. setAncestorCompositedScrollingLayer
  177. showLayerTree
  178. showLayerTree

 * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Portions are Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.
 * Other contributors:
 *   Robert O'Callahan <>
 *   David Baron <>
 *   Christian Biesinger <>
 *   Randall Jesup <>
 *   Roland Mainz <>
 *   Josh Soref <>
 *   Boris Zbarsky <>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
 * of either the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1, found at
 * (the "MPL") or the GNU General Public
 * License Version 2.0, found at
 * (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the MPL or the GPL are
 * applicable instead of those above.  If you wish to allow use of your
 * version of this file only under the terms of one of those two
 * licenses (the MPL or the GPL) and not to allow others to use your
 * version of this file under the LGPL, indicate your decision by
 * deletingthe provisions above and replace them with the notice and
 * other provisions required by the MPL or the GPL, as the case may be.
 * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
 * version of this file under any of the LGPL, the MPL or the GPL.

#include "config.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayer.h"

#include "CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "SVGNames.h"
#include "core/animation/ActiveAnimations.h"
#include "core/css/PseudoStyleRequest.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/ShadowRoot.h"
#include "core/frame/DeprecatedScheduleStyleRecalcDuringLayout.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/frame/Settings.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLFrameElement.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "core/page/scrolling/ScrollingCoordinator.h"
#include "core/rendering/ColumnInfo.h"
#include "core/rendering/FilterEffectRenderer.h"
#include "core/rendering/HitTestRequest.h"
#include "core/rendering/HitTestResult.h"
#include "core/rendering/HitTestingTransformState.h"
#include "core/rendering/LayoutRectRecorder.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderFlowThread.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderGeometryMap.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderInline.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderReplica.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderScrollbar.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderScrollbarPart.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderTreeAsText.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
#include "core/rendering/compositing/CompositedLayerMapping.h"
#include "core/rendering/compositing/RenderLayerCompositor.h"
#include "core/rendering/svg/ReferenceFilterBuilder.h"
#include "core/rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourceClipper.h"
#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
#include "platform/Partitions.h"
#include "platform/TraceEvent.h"
#include "platform/geometry/FloatPoint3D.h"
#include "platform/geometry/FloatRect.h"
#include "platform/graphics/GraphicsContextStateSaver.h"
#include "platform/graphics/filters/ReferenceFilter.h"
#include "platform/graphics/filters/SourceGraphic.h"
#include "platform/transforms/ScaleTransformOperation.h"
#include "platform/transforms/TransformationMatrix.h"
#include "platform/transforms/TranslateTransformOperation.h"
#include "public/platform/Platform.h"
#include "wtf/StdLibExtras.h"
#include "wtf/text/CString.h"

using namespace std;

namespace WebCore {

namespace {

static CompositingQueryMode gCompositingQueryMode =

} // namespace

using namespace HTMLNames;

RenderLayer::RenderLayer(RenderLayerModelObject* renderer, LayerType type)
    : m_layerType(type)
    , m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant(false)
    , m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty(false)
    , m_hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant(false)
    , m_hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendantDirty(true)
    , m_hasUnclippedDescendant(false)
    , m_isUnclippedDescendant(false)
    , m_isRootLayer(renderer->isRenderView())
    , m_usedTransparency(false)
    , m_visibleContentStatusDirty(true)
    , m_hasVisibleContent(false)
    , m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty(false)
    , m_hasVisibleDescendant(false)
    , m_hasVisibleNonLayerContent(false)
    , m_isPaginated(false)
    , m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty(true)
    , m_has3DTransformedDescendant(false)
    , m_containsDirtyOverlayScrollbars(false)
    , m_canSkipRepaintRectsUpdateOnScroll(renderer->isTableCell())
    , m_hasFilterInfo(false)
    , m_needsToUpdateAncestorDependentProperties(true)
    , m_childNeedsToUpdateAncestorDependantProperties(true)
    , m_renderer(renderer)
    , m_parent(0)
    , m_previous(0)
    , m_next(0)
    , m_first(0)
    , m_last(0)
    , m_staticInlinePosition(0)
    , m_staticBlockPosition(0)
    , m_enclosingPaginationLayer(0)
    , m_groupedMapping(0)
    , m_repainter(renderer)
    , m_clipper(renderer)
    , m_blendInfo(renderer)

    m_isSelfPaintingLayer = shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer();

    if (!renderer->firstChild() && renderer->style()) {
        m_visibleContentStatusDirty = false;
        m_hasVisibleContent = renderer->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE;


    if (!m_renderer->documentBeingDestroyed())

    if (renderer()->frame() && renderer()->frame()->page()) {
        if (ScrollingCoordinator* scrollingCoordinator = renderer()->frame()->page()->scrollingCoordinator())


    if (groupedMapping()) {
        DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;

    // Child layers will be deleted by their corresponding render objects, so
    // we don't need to delete them ourselves.


String RenderLayer::debugName() const
    if (isReflection()) {
        return m_reflectionInfo->debugName();
    return renderer()->debugName();

RenderLayerCompositor* RenderLayer::compositor() const
    if (!renderer()->view())
        return 0;
    return renderer()->view()->compositor();

void RenderLayer::contentChanged(ContentChangeType changeType)
    // updateLayerCompositingState will query compositingReasons for accelerated overflow scrolling.
    // This is tripped by LayoutTests/compositing/content-changed-chicken-egg.html
    DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;

    // This can get called when video becomes accelerated, so the layers may change.
    if (changeType == CanvasChanged || changeType == VideoChanged || changeType == FullScreenChanged)

    if (changeType == CanvasContextChanged)

    if (m_compositedLayerMapping)

bool RenderLayer::canRender3DTransforms() const
    return compositor()->canRender3DTransforms();

bool RenderLayer::paintsWithFilters() const
    if (!renderer()->hasFilter())
        return false;

    DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
    if (!m_compositedLayerMapping
        || compositingState() != PaintsIntoOwnBacking
        || !m_compositedLayerMapping->canCompositeFilters())
        return true;

    return false;

bool RenderLayer::requiresFullLayerImageForFilters() const
    if (!paintsWithFilters())
        return false;
    FilterEffectRenderer* filter = filterRenderer();
    return filter ? filter->hasFilterThatMovesPixels() : false;

LayoutSize RenderLayer::subpixelAccumulation() const
    return m_subpixelAccumulation;

void RenderLayer::setSubpixelAccumulation(const LayoutSize& size)
    m_subpixelAccumulation = size;

LayoutPoint RenderLayer::computeOffsetFromRoot(bool& hasLayerOffset) const
    hasLayerOffset = true;

    if (!parent())
        return LayoutPoint();

    // This is similar to root() but we check if an ancestor layer would
    // prevent the optimization from working.
    const RenderLayer* rootLayer = 0;
    for (const RenderLayer* parentLayer = parent(); parentLayer; rootLayer = parentLayer, parentLayer = parentLayer->parent()) {
        hasLayerOffset = parentLayer->canUseConvertToLayerCoords();
        if (!hasLayerOffset)
            return LayoutPoint();
    ASSERT(rootLayer == root());

    LayoutPoint offset;
    parent()->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, offset);
    return offset;

void RenderLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterLayout(const RenderLayer* rootLayer, UpdateLayerPositionsFlags flags)
    TRACE_EVENT0("blink_rendering", "RenderLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterLayout");

    // FIXME: Remove incremental compositing updates after fixing the chicken/egg issues
    DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;

    RenderGeometryMap geometryMap(UseTransforms);
    if (this != rootLayer)
        geometryMap.pushMappingsToAncestor(parent(), 0);
    updateLayerPositions(&geometryMap, flags);

void RenderLayer::updateLayerPositions(RenderGeometryMap* geometryMap, UpdateLayerPositionsFlags flags)
    updateLayerPosition(); // For relpositioned layers or non-positioned layers,
                           // we need to keep in sync, since we may have shifted relative
                           // to our parent layer.
    if (geometryMap)
        geometryMap->pushMappingsToAncestor(this, parent());

    // Clear our cached clip rect information.

    if (hasOverflowControls()) {
        LayoutPoint offsetFromRoot;
        if (geometryMap)
            offsetFromRoot = LayoutPoint(geometryMap->absolutePoint(FloatPoint()));
        else {
            // FIXME: It looks suspicious to call convertToLayerCoords here
            // as canUseConvertToLayerCoords may be true for an ancestor layer.
            convertToLayerCoords(root(), offsetFromRoot);


    if (flags & UpdatePagination)
    else {
        m_isPaginated = false;
        m_enclosingPaginationLayer = 0;

    repainter().repaintAfterLayout(geometryMap, flags & CheckForRepaint);

    // Go ahead and update the reflection's position and size.
    if (m_reflectionInfo)

    if (useRegionBasedColumns() && renderer()->isInFlowRenderFlowThread()) {
        flags |= UpdatePagination;

    if (renderer()->hasColumns())
        flags |= UpdatePagination;

    for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        child->updateLayerPositions(geometryMap, flags);

    if ((flags & NeedsFullRepaintInBacking) && hasCompositedLayerMapping() && !compositedLayerMapping()->paintsIntoCompositedAncestor())

    if (geometryMap)

void RenderLayer::setAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant()
    for (RenderLayer* layer = this; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
        if (!layer->m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty && layer->hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())

        layer->m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty = false;
        layer->m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant = true;

void RenderLayer::dirtyAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantStatus()
    for (RenderLayer* layer = this; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
        layer->m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty = true;
        // If we have reached a self-painting layer, we know our parent should have a self-painting descendant
        // in this case, there is no need to dirty our ancestors further.
        if (layer->isSelfPaintingLayer()) {
            ASSERT(!parent() || parent()->m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty || parent()->hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant());

void RenderLayer::setAncestorChainHasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant()
    for (RenderLayer* layer = this; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
        if (!layer->m_hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendantDirty && layer->hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant())


void RenderLayer::dirtyAncestorChainHasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendantStatus()
    for (RenderLayer* layer = this; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {

        // We may or may not have an unclipped descendant. If we do, we'll reset
        // this to true the next time composited scrolling state is updated.

        // If we have reached an out of flow positioned layer, we know our parent should have an out-of-flow positioned descendant.
        // In this case, there is no need to dirty our ancestors further.
        if (layer->renderer()->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
            ASSERT(!parent() || parent()->m_hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendantDirty || parent()->hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant());

bool RenderLayer::scrollsWithRespectTo(const RenderLayer* other) const
    const EPosition position = renderer()->style()->position();
    const EPosition otherPosition = other->renderer()->style()->position();
    const RenderObject* containingBlock = renderer()->containingBlock();
    const RenderObject* otherContainingBlock = other->renderer()->containingBlock();
    const RenderLayer* rootLayer = renderer()->view()->compositor()->rootRenderLayer();

    // Fixed-position elements are a special case. They are static with respect
    // to the viewport, which is not represented by any RenderObject, and their
    // containingBlock() method returns the root HTML element (while its true
    // containingBlock should really be the viewport). The real measure for a
    // non-transformed fixed-position element is as follows: any fixed position
    // element, A, scrolls with respect an element, B, if and only if B is not
    // fixed position.
    // Unfortunately, it gets a bit more complicated - a fixed-position element
    // which has a transform acts exactly as an absolute-position element
    // (including having a real, non-viewport containing block).
    // Below, a "root" fixed position element is defined to be one whose
    // containing block is the root. These root-fixed-position elements are
    // the only ones that need this special case code - other fixed position
    // elements, as well as all absolute, relative, and static elements use the
    // logic below.
    const bool isRootFixedPos = position == FixedPosition && containingBlock->enclosingLayer() == rootLayer;
    const bool otherIsRootFixedPos = otherPosition == FixedPosition && otherContainingBlock->enclosingLayer() == rootLayer;

    if (isRootFixedPos && otherIsRootFixedPos)
        return false;
    if (isRootFixedPos || otherIsRootFixedPos)
        return true;

    if (containingBlock == otherContainingBlock)
        return false;

    // Maintain a set of containing blocks between the first layer and its
    // closest scrollable ancestor.
    HashSet<const RenderObject*> containingBlocks;
    while (containingBlock) {
        if (containingBlock->enclosingLayer()->scrollsOverflow())
        containingBlock = containingBlock->containingBlock();

    // Do the same for the 2nd layer, but if we find a common containing block,
    // it means both layers are contained within a single non-scrolling subtree.
    // Hence, they will not scroll with respect to each other.
    while (otherContainingBlock) {
        if (containingBlocks.contains(otherContainingBlock))
            return false;
        if (otherContainingBlock->enclosingLayer()->scrollsOverflow())
        otherContainingBlock = otherContainingBlock->containingBlock();

    return true;

void RenderLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterDocumentScroll()
    ASSERT(this == renderer()->view()->layer());

    RenderGeometryMap geometryMap(UseTransforms);

void RenderLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterOverflowScroll()
    RenderGeometryMap geometryMap(UseTransforms);
    RenderView* view = renderer()->view();
    if (this != view->layer())
        geometryMap.pushMappingsToAncestor(parent(), 0);

    // FIXME: why is it OK to not check the ancestors of this layer in order to
    // initialize the HasSeenViewportConstrainedAncestor and HasSeenAncestorWithOverflowClip flags?
    updateLayerPositionsAfterScroll(&geometryMap, IsOverflowScroll);

void RenderLayer::updateLayerPositionsAfterScroll(RenderGeometryMap* geometryMap, UpdateLayerPositionsAfterScrollFlags flags)
    // FIXME: This shouldn't be needed, but there are some corner cases where
    // these flags are still dirty. Update so that the check below is valid.

    // If we have no visible content and no visible descendants, there is no point recomputing
    // our rectangles as they will be empty. If our visibility changes, we are expected to
    // recompute all our positions anyway.
    if (subtreeIsInvisible())

    bool positionChanged = updateLayerPosition();
    if (positionChanged)
        flags |= HasChangedAncestor;

    if (geometryMap)
        geometryMap->pushMappingsToAncestor(this, parent());

    if ((flags & HasChangedAncestor) || (flags & HasSeenViewportConstrainedAncestor) || (flags & IsOverflowScroll))

    if (renderer()->style()->hasViewportConstrainedPosition())
        flags |= HasSeenViewportConstrainedAncestor;

    if (renderer()->hasOverflowClip())
        flags |= HasSeenAncestorWithOverflowClip;

    if ((flags & IsOverflowScroll) && (flags & HasSeenAncestorWithOverflowClip) && !m_canSkipRepaintRectsUpdateOnScroll) {
        // FIXME: This may not be needed. Once repaint-after-layout isn't
        // under-painting for layer's we should see if this can be removed.
        LayoutRectRecorder recorder(*m_renderer);
        // FIXME: We could track the repaint container as we walk down the tree.
        repainter().computeRepaintRects(renderer()->containerForRepaint(), geometryMap);
    } else {
        // Check that RenderLayerRepainter's cached rects are correct.
        // FIXME: re-enable these assertions when the issue with table cells is resolved:
        // ASSERT(repainter().m_repaintRect == renderer()->clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(renderer()->containerForRepaint()));

    for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        child->updateLayerPositionsAfterScroll(geometryMap, flags);

    // We don't update our reflection as scrolling is a translation which does not change the size()
    // of an object, thus RenderReplica will still repaint itself properly as the layer position was
    // updated above.

    if (geometryMap)

void RenderLayer::updateTransform()
    // hasTransform() on the renderer is also true when there is transform-style: preserve-3d or perspective set,
    // so check style too.
    bool hasTransform = renderer()->hasTransform() && renderer()->style()->hasTransform();
    bool had3DTransform = has3DTransform();

    bool hadTransform = m_transform;
    if (hasTransform != hadTransform) {
        if (hasTransform)
            m_transform = adoptPtr(new TransformationMatrix);

        // Layers with transforms act as clip rects roots, so clear the cached clip rects here.

    if (hasTransform) {
        RenderBox* box = renderBox();
        box->style()->applyTransform(*m_transform, box->pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().size(), RenderStyle::IncludeTransformOrigin);
        makeMatrixRenderable(*m_transform, canRender3DTransforms());

    if (had3DTransform != has3DTransform())

static RenderLayer* enclosingLayerForContainingBlock(RenderLayer* layer)
    if (RenderObject* containingBlock = layer->renderer()->containingBlock())
        return containingBlock->enclosingLayer();
    return 0;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::renderingContextRoot()
    RenderLayer* renderingContext = 0;

    if (shouldPreserve3D())
        renderingContext = this;

    for (RenderLayer* current = enclosingLayerForContainingBlock(this); current && current->shouldPreserve3D(); current = enclosingLayerForContainingBlock(current))
        renderingContext = current;

    return renderingContext;

TransformationMatrix RenderLayer::currentTransform(RenderStyle::ApplyTransformOrigin applyOrigin) const
    if (!m_transform)
        return TransformationMatrix();

    // m_transform includes transform-origin, so we need to recompute the transform here.
    if (applyOrigin == RenderStyle::ExcludeTransformOrigin) {
        RenderBox* box = renderBox();
        TransformationMatrix currTransform;
        box->style()->applyTransform(currTransform, box->pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().size(), RenderStyle::ExcludeTransformOrigin);
        makeMatrixRenderable(currTransform, canRender3DTransforms());
        return currTransform;

    return *m_transform;

TransformationMatrix RenderLayer::renderableTransform(PaintBehavior paintBehavior) const
    if (!m_transform)
        return TransformationMatrix();

    if (paintBehavior & PaintBehaviorFlattenCompositingLayers) {
        TransformationMatrix matrix = *m_transform;
        makeMatrixRenderable(matrix, false /* flatten 3d */);
        return matrix;

    return *m_transform;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::enclosingOverflowClipLayer(IncludeSelfOrNot includeSelf) const
    const RenderLayer* layer = (includeSelf == IncludeSelf) ? this : parent();
    while (layer) {
        if (layer->renderer()->hasOverflowClip())
            return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(layer);

        layer = layer->parent();
    return 0;

static bool checkContainingBlockChainForPagination(RenderLayerModelObject* renderer, RenderBox* ancestorColumnsRenderer)
    RenderView* view = renderer->view();
    RenderLayerModelObject* prevBlock = renderer;
    RenderBlock* containingBlock;
    for (containingBlock = renderer->containingBlock();
         containingBlock && containingBlock != view && containingBlock != ancestorColumnsRenderer;
         containingBlock = containingBlock->containingBlock())
        prevBlock = containingBlock;

    // If the columns block wasn't in our containing block chain, then we aren't paginated by it.
    if (containingBlock != ancestorColumnsRenderer)
        return false;

    // If the previous block is absolutely positioned, then we can't be paginated by the columns block.
    if (prevBlock->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
        return false;

    // Otherwise we are paginated by the columns block.
    return true;

bool RenderLayer::useRegionBasedColumns() const
    return renderer()->document().regionBasedColumnsEnabled();

void RenderLayer::updatePagination()
    m_isPaginated = false;
    m_enclosingPaginationLayer = 0;

    if (hasCompositedLayerMapping() || !parent())
        return; // FIXME: We will have to deal with paginated compositing layers someday.
                // FIXME: For now the RenderView can't be paginated.  Eventually printing will move to a model where it is though.

    // The main difference between the paginated booleans for the old column code and the new column code
    // is that each paginated layer has to paint on its own with the new code. There is no
    // recurring into child layers. This means that the m_isPaginated bits for the new column code can't just be set on
    // "roots" that get split and paint all their descendants. Instead each layer has to be checked individually and
    // genuinely know if it is going to have to split itself up when painting only its contents (and not any other descendant
    // layers). We track an enclosingPaginationLayer instead of using a simple bit, since we want to be able to get back
    // to that layer easily.
    bool regionBasedColumnsUsed = useRegionBasedColumns();
    if (regionBasedColumnsUsed && renderer()->isInFlowRenderFlowThread()) {
        m_enclosingPaginationLayer = this;

    if (m_stackingNode->isNormalFlowOnly()) {
        if (regionBasedColumnsUsed) {
            // Content inside a transform is not considered to be paginated, since we simply
            // paint the transform multiple times in each column, so we don't have to use
            // fragments for the transformed content.
            m_enclosingPaginationLayer = parent()->enclosingPaginationLayer();
            if (m_enclosingPaginationLayer && m_enclosingPaginationLayer->hasTransform())
                m_enclosingPaginationLayer = 0;
        } else
            m_isPaginated = parent()->renderer()->hasColumns();

    // For the new columns code, we want to walk up our containing block chain looking for an enclosing layer. Once
    // we find one, then we just check its pagination status.
    if (regionBasedColumnsUsed) {
        RenderView* view = renderer()->view();
        RenderBlock* containingBlock;
        for (containingBlock = renderer()->containingBlock();
             containingBlock && containingBlock != view;
             containingBlock = containingBlock->containingBlock()) {
            if (containingBlock->hasLayer()) {
                // Content inside a transform is not considered to be paginated, since we simply
                // paint the transform multiple times in each column, so we don't have to use
                // fragments for the transformed content.
                m_enclosingPaginationLayer = containingBlock->layer()->enclosingPaginationLayer();
                if (m_enclosingPaginationLayer && m_enclosingPaginationLayer->hasTransform())
                    m_enclosingPaginationLayer = 0;

    // If we're not normal flow, then we need to look for a multi-column object between us and our stacking container.
    RenderLayerStackingNode* ancestorStackingContainerNode = m_stackingNode->ancestorStackingContainerNode();
    for (RenderLayer* curr = parent(); curr; curr = curr->parent()) {
        if (curr->renderer()->hasColumns()) {
            m_isPaginated = checkContainingBlockChainForPagination(renderer(), curr->renderBox());
        if (curr->stackingNode() == ancestorStackingContainerNode)

void RenderLayer::setHasVisibleContent()
    if (m_hasVisibleContent && !m_visibleContentStatusDirty) {
        ASSERT(!parent() || parent()->hasVisibleDescendant());

    m_hasVisibleContent = true;
    m_visibleContentStatusDirty = false;


    if (!m_stackingNode->isNormalFlowOnly()) {
        // We don't collect invisible layers in z-order lists if we are not in compositing mode.
        // As we became visible, we need to dirty our stacking containers ancestors to be properly
        // collected. FIXME: When compositing, we could skip this dirtying phase.
        for (RenderLayerStackingNode* sc = m_stackingNode->ancestorStackingContainerNode(); sc; sc = sc->ancestorStackingContainerNode()) {
            if (sc->layer()->hasVisibleContent())

    if (parent())

void RenderLayer::dirtyVisibleContentStatus()
    m_visibleContentStatusDirty = true;
    if (parent())

void RenderLayer::dirtyAncestorChainVisibleDescendantStatus()
    for (RenderLayer* layer = this; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
        if (layer->m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty)

        layer->m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty = true;

void RenderLayer::setAncestorChainHasVisibleDescendant()
    for (RenderLayer* layer = this; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
        if (!layer->m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty && layer->hasVisibleDescendant())

        layer->m_hasVisibleDescendant = true;
        layer->m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty = false;

void RenderLayer::updateHasUnclippedDescendant()
    TRACE_EVENT0("blink_rendering", "RenderLayer::updateHasUnclippedDescendant");
    if (!m_hasVisibleContent && !m_hasVisibleDescendant)

    FrameView* frameView = renderer()->view()->frameView();
    if (!frameView)

    const RenderObject* containingBlock = renderer()->containingBlock();
    for (RenderLayer* ancestor = parent(); ancestor && ancestor->renderer() != containingBlock; ancestor = ancestor->parent()) {
        // TODO(vollick): This isn't quite right. Whenever ancestor is composited and clips
        // overflow, we're technically unclipped. However, this will currently cause a huge
        // number of layers to report that they are unclipped. Eventually, when we've formally
        // separated the clipping, transform, opacity, and stacking trees here and in the
        // compositor, we will be able to relax this restriction without it being prohibitively
        // expensive (currently, we have to do a lot of work in the compositor to honor a
        // clip child/parent relationship).
        if (ancestor->scrollsOverflow())

// FIXME: this is quite brute-force. We could be more efficient if we were to
// track state and update it as appropriate as changes are made in the RenderObject tree.
void RenderLayer::updateHasVisibleNonLayerContent()
    TRACE_EVENT0("blink_rendering", "RenderLayer::updateHasVisibleNonLayerContent");
    m_hasVisibleNonLayerContent = false;
    for (RenderObject* r = renderer()->firstChild(); r; r = r->nextSibling()) {
        if (!r->hasLayer()) {
            m_hasVisibleNonLayerContent = true;

static bool subtreeContainsOutOfFlowPositionedLayer(const RenderLayer* subtreeRoot)
    return (subtreeRoot->renderer() && subtreeRoot->renderer()->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) || subtreeRoot->hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant();

void RenderLayer::updateDescendantDependentFlags()
    if (m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty || m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty || m_hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendantDirty) {
        m_hasVisibleDescendant = false;
        m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant = false;
        m_hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant = false;

        for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {

            bool hasVisibleDescendant = child->m_hasVisibleContent || child->m_hasVisibleDescendant;
            bool hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant = child->isSelfPaintingLayer() || child->hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant();
            bool hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant = subtreeContainsOutOfFlowPositionedLayer(child);

            m_hasVisibleDescendant |= hasVisibleDescendant;
            m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant |= hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant;
            m_hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant |= hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant;

            if (m_hasVisibleDescendant && m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant && hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant)

        m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty = false;
        m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty = false;
        m_hasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendantDirty = false;

    if (m_blendInfo.childLayerHasBlendModeStatusDirty()) {
        for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
            if (!child->stackingNode()->isStackingContext())

            bool childLayerHadBlendMode = child->blendInfo().childLayerHasBlendModeWhileDirty();
            bool childLayerHasBlendMode = childLayerHadBlendMode || child->blendInfo().hasBlendMode();


            if (childLayerHasBlendMode)

    if (m_visibleContentStatusDirty) {
        bool previouslyHasVisibleContent = m_hasVisibleContent;
        if (renderer()->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE)
            m_hasVisibleContent = true;
        else {
            // layer may be hidden but still have some visible content, check for this
            m_hasVisibleContent = false;
            RenderObject* r = renderer()->firstChild();
            while (r) {
                if (r->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && !r->hasLayer()) {
                    m_hasVisibleContent = true;
                if (r->firstChild() && !r->hasLayer())
                    r = r->firstChild();
                else if (r->nextSibling())
                    r = r->nextSibling();
                else {
                    do {
                        r = r->parent();
                        if (r == renderer())
                            r = 0;
                    } while (r && !r->nextSibling());
                    if (r)
                        r = r->nextSibling();
        m_visibleContentStatusDirty = false;

        // FIXME: We can remove this code once we remove the recursive tree
        // walk inside updateGraphicsLayerGeometry.
        if (hasVisibleContent() != previouslyHasVisibleContent)

void RenderLayer::dirty3DTransformedDescendantStatus()
    RenderLayerStackingNode* stackingNode = m_stackingNode->ancestorStackingContainerNode();
    if (!stackingNode)

    stackingNode->layer()->m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty = true;

    // This propagates up through preserve-3d hierarchies to the enclosing flattening layer.
    // Note that preserves3D() creates stacking context, so we can just run up the stacking containers.
    while (stackingNode && stackingNode->layer()->preserves3D()) {
        stackingNode->layer()->m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty = true;
        stackingNode = stackingNode->ancestorStackingContainerNode();

// Return true if this layer or any preserve-3d descendants have 3d.
bool RenderLayer::update3DTransformedDescendantStatus()
    if (m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty) {
        m_has3DTransformedDescendant = false;


        // Transformed or preserve-3d descendants can only be in the z-order lists, not
        // in the normal flow list, so we only need to check those.
        RenderLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*m_stackingNode.get(), PositiveZOrderChildren | NegativeZOrderChildren);
        while (RenderLayerStackingNode* node =
            m_has3DTransformedDescendant |= node->layer()->update3DTransformedDescendantStatus();

        m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty = false;

    // If we live in a 3d hierarchy, then the layer at the root of that hierarchy needs
    // the m_has3DTransformedDescendant set.
    if (preserves3D())
        return has3DTransform() || m_has3DTransformedDescendant;

    return has3DTransform();

bool RenderLayer::updateLayerPosition()
    LayoutPoint localPoint;
    LayoutSize inlineBoundingBoxOffset; // We don't put this into the RenderLayer x/y for inlines, so we need to subtract it out when done.

    LayoutRectRecorder recorder(*m_renderer);

    if (renderer()->isInline() && renderer()->isRenderInline()) {
        RenderInline* inlineFlow = toRenderInline(renderer());
        IntRect lineBox = inlineFlow->linesBoundingBox();
        inlineBoundingBoxOffset = toSize(lineBox.location());
        localPoint += inlineBoundingBoxOffset;
    } else if (RenderBox* box = renderBox()) {
        // FIXME: Is snapping the size really needed here for the RenderBox case?
        setSize(pixelSnappedIntSize(box->size(), box->location()));
        localPoint += box->topLeftLocationOffset();

    if (!renderer()->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && renderer()->parent()) {
        // We must adjust our position by walking up the render tree looking for the
        // nearest enclosing object with a layer.
        RenderObject* curr = renderer()->parent();
        while (curr && !curr->hasLayer()) {
            if (curr->isBox() && !curr->isTableRow()) {
                // Rows and cells share the same coordinate space (that of the section).
                // Omit them when computing our xpos/ypos.
                localPoint += toRenderBox(curr)->topLeftLocationOffset();
            curr = curr->parent();
        if (curr->isBox() && curr->isTableRow()) {
            // Put ourselves into the row coordinate space.
            localPoint -= toRenderBox(curr)->topLeftLocationOffset();

    // Subtract our parent's scroll offset.
    if (renderer()->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && enclosingPositionedAncestor()) {
        RenderLayer* positionedParent = enclosingPositionedAncestor();

        // For positioned layers, we subtract out the enclosing positioned layer's scroll offset.
        if (positionedParent->renderer()->hasOverflowClip()) {
            LayoutSize offset = positionedParent->renderBox()->scrolledContentOffset();
            localPoint -= offset;

        if (renderer()->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && positionedParent->renderer()->isInFlowPositioned() && positionedParent->renderer()->isRenderInline()) {
            LayoutSize offset = toRenderInline(positionedParent->renderer())->offsetForInFlowPositionedInline(*toRenderBox(renderer()));
            localPoint += offset;
    } else if (parent()) {
        if (hasCompositedLayerMapping()) {
            // FIXME: Composited layers ignore pagination, so about the best we can do is make sure they're offset into the appropriate column.
            // They won't split across columns properly.
            LayoutSize columnOffset;
            if (!parent()->renderer()->hasColumns() && parent()->renderer()->isRoot() && renderer()->view()->hasColumns())
                renderer()->view()->adjustForColumns(columnOffset, localPoint);
                parent()->renderer()->adjustForColumns(columnOffset, localPoint);

            localPoint += columnOffset;

        if (parent()->renderer()->hasOverflowClip()) {
            IntSize scrollOffset = parent()->renderBox()->scrolledContentOffset();
            localPoint -= scrollOffset;

    bool positionOrOffsetChanged = false;
    if (renderer()->isInFlowPositioned()) {
        LayoutSize newOffset = toRenderBoxModelObject(renderer())->offsetForInFlowPosition();
        positionOrOffsetChanged = newOffset != m_offsetForInFlowPosition;
        m_offsetForInFlowPosition = newOffset;
    } else {
        m_offsetForInFlowPosition = LayoutSize();

    // FIXME: We'd really like to just get rid of the concept of a layer rectangle and rely on the renderers.
    localPoint -= inlineBoundingBoxOffset;

    positionOrOffsetChanged |= location() != localPoint;
    return positionOrOffsetChanged;

TransformationMatrix RenderLayer::perspectiveTransform() const
    if (!renderer()->hasTransform())
        return TransformationMatrix();

    RenderStyle* style = renderer()->style();
    if (!style->hasPerspective())
        return TransformationMatrix();

    // Maybe fetch the perspective from the backing?
    const IntRect borderBox = toRenderBox(renderer())->pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect();
    const float boxWidth = borderBox.width();
    const float boxHeight = borderBox.height();

    float perspectiveOriginX = floatValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginX(), boxWidth);
    float perspectiveOriginY = floatValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginY(), boxHeight);

    // A perspective origin of 0,0 makes the vanishing point in the center of the element.
    // We want it to be in the top-left, so subtract half the height and width.
    perspectiveOriginX -= boxWidth / 2.0f;
    perspectiveOriginY -= boxHeight / 2.0f;

    TransformationMatrix t;
    t.translate(perspectiveOriginX, perspectiveOriginY);
    t.translate(-perspectiveOriginX, -perspectiveOriginY);

    return t;

FloatPoint RenderLayer::perspectiveOrigin() const
    if (!renderer()->hasTransform())
        return FloatPoint();

    const LayoutRect borderBox = toRenderBox(renderer())->borderBoxRect();
    RenderStyle* style = renderer()->style();

    return FloatPoint(floatValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginX(), borderBox.width().toFloat()), floatValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginY(), borderBox.height().toFloat()));

static inline bool isFixedPositionedContainer(RenderLayer* layer)
    return layer->isRootLayer() || layer->hasTransform();

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::enclosingPositionedAncestor() const
    RenderLayer* curr = parent();
    while (curr && !curr->isPositionedContainer())
        curr = curr->parent();

    return curr;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::enclosingTransformedAncestor() const
    RenderLayer* curr = parent();
    while (curr && !curr->isRootLayer() && !curr->transform())
        curr = curr->parent();

    return curr;

const RenderLayer* RenderLayer::compositingContainer() const
    if (stackingNode()->isNormalFlowOnly())
        return parent();
    if (RenderLayerStackingNode* ancestorStackingNode = stackingNode()->ancestorStackingContainerNode())
        return ancestorStackingNode->layer();
    return 0;

// FIXME: having two different functions named enclosingCompositingLayer and enclosingCompositingLayerForRepaint
// is error-prone and misleading for reading code that uses these functions - especially compounded with
// the includeSelf option. It is very likely that we don't even want either of these functions; A layer
// should be told explicitly which GraphicsLayer is the repaintContainer for a RenderLayer, and
// any other use cases should probably have an API between the non-compositing and compositing sides of code.
RenderLayer* RenderLayer::enclosingCompositingLayer(IncludeSelfOrNot includeSelf) const

    if ((includeSelf == IncludeSelf) && compositingState() != NotComposited && compositingState() != PaintsIntoGroupedBacking)
        return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(this);

    for (const RenderLayer* curr = compositingContainer(); curr; curr = curr->compositingContainer()) {
        if (curr->compositingState() != NotComposited && curr->compositingState() != PaintsIntoGroupedBacking)
            return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(curr);

    return 0;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::enclosingCompositingLayerForRepaint(IncludeSelfOrNot includeSelf) const

    if ((includeSelf == IncludeSelf) && (compositingState() == PaintsIntoOwnBacking || compositingState() == PaintsIntoGroupedBacking))
        return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(this);

    for (const RenderLayer* curr = compositingContainer(); curr; curr = curr->compositingContainer()) {
        if (curr->compositingState() == PaintsIntoOwnBacking || curr->compositingState() == PaintsIntoGroupedBacking)
            return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(curr);

    return 0;

void RenderLayer::clearAncestorDependentPropertyCache()

void RenderLayer::ensureAncestorDependentPropertyCache() const
    if (m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache)
    m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache = adoptPtr(new AncestorDependentPropertyCache());

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer() const
    if (!renderer()->acceleratedCompositingForOverflowScrollEnabled())
        return 0;

    ASSERT(isInCompositingUpdate() || !m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache);

    if (m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache && !m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache->ancestorCompositedScrollingLayerDirty())
        return m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache->ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer();

    RenderObject* containingBlock = renderer()->containingBlock();
    if (!containingBlock)
        return 0;

    if (isInCompositingUpdate())

    RenderLayer* ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer = 0;
    for (RenderLayer* ancestorLayer = containingBlock->enclosingLayer(); ancestorLayer; ancestorLayer = ancestorLayer->parent()) {
        if (ancestorLayer->needsCompositedScrolling()) {
            ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer = ancestorLayer;

    if (m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache)

    return ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::ancestorScrollingLayer() const
    RenderObject* containingBlock = renderer()->containingBlock();
    if (!containingBlock)
        return 0;

    for (RenderLayer* ancestorLayer = containingBlock->enclosingLayer(); ancestorLayer; ancestorLayer = ancestorLayer->parent()) {
        if (ancestorLayer->scrollsOverflow())
            return ancestorLayer;

    return 0;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::enclosingFilterLayer(IncludeSelfOrNot includeSelf) const
    const RenderLayer* curr = (includeSelf == IncludeSelf) ? this : parent();
    for (; curr; curr = curr->parent()) {
        if (curr->requiresFullLayerImageForFilters())
            return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(curr);

    return 0;

void RenderLayer::setNeedsToUpdateAncestorDependentProperties()
    m_needsToUpdateAncestorDependentProperties = true;

    for (RenderLayer* current = this; current && !current->m_childNeedsToUpdateAncestorDependantProperties; current = current->parent())
        current->m_childNeedsToUpdateAncestorDependantProperties = true;

void RenderLayer::updateAncestorDependentProperties(const AncestorDependentProperties& ancestorDependentProperties)
    m_ancestorDependentProperties = ancestorDependentProperties;
    m_needsToUpdateAncestorDependentProperties = false;

void RenderLayer::clearChildNeedsToUpdateAncestorDependantProperties()
    m_childNeedsToUpdateAncestorDependantProperties = false;

void RenderLayer::setCompositingReasons(CompositingReasons reasons, CompositingReasons mask)
    ASSERT(reasons == (reasons & mask));
    if ((m_compositingProperties.compositingReasons & mask) == (reasons & mask))
    m_compositingProperties.compositingReasons = (reasons & mask) | (m_compositingProperties.compositingReasons & ~mask);

bool RenderLayer::hasAncestorWithFilterOutsets() const
    for (const RenderLayer* curr = this; curr; curr = curr->parent()) {
        RenderLayerModelObject* renderer = curr->renderer();
        if (renderer->style()->hasFilterOutsets())
            return true;
    return false;

bool RenderLayer::cannotBlitToWindow() const
    if (isTransparent() || m_reflectionInfo || hasTransform())
        return true;
    if (!parent())
        return false;
    return parent()->cannotBlitToWindow();

bool RenderLayer::isTransparent() const
    if (renderer()->node() && renderer()->node()->isSVGElement())
        return false;

    return renderer()->isTransparent() || renderer()->hasMask();

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::transparentPaintingAncestor()
    if (hasCompositedLayerMapping())
        return 0;

    for (RenderLayer* curr = parent(); curr; curr = curr->parent()) {
        if (curr->hasCompositedLayerMapping())
            return 0;
        if (curr->isTransparent())
            return curr;
    return 0;

enum TransparencyClipBoxBehavior {

enum TransparencyClipBoxMode {

static LayoutRect transparencyClipBox(const RenderLayer*, const RenderLayer* rootLayer, TransparencyClipBoxBehavior, TransparencyClipBoxMode, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, PaintBehavior = 0);

static void expandClipRectForDescendantsAndReflection(LayoutRect& clipRect, const RenderLayer* layer, const RenderLayer* rootLayer,
    TransparencyClipBoxBehavior transparencyBehavior, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, PaintBehavior paintBehavior)
    // If we have a mask, then the clip is limited to the border box area (and there is
    // no need to examine child layers).
    if (!layer->renderer()->hasMask()) {
        // Note: we don't have to walk z-order lists since transparent elements always establish
        // a stacking container. This means we can just walk the layer tree directly.
        for (RenderLayer* curr = layer->firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
            if (!layer->reflectionInfo() || layer->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer() != curr)
                clipRect.unite(transparencyClipBox(curr, rootLayer, transparencyBehavior, DescendantsOfTransparencyClipBox, subPixelAccumulation, paintBehavior));

    // If we have a reflection, then we need to account for that when we push the clip.  Reflect our entire
    // current transparencyClipBox to catch all child layers.
    // FIXME: Accelerated compositing will eventually want to do something smart here to avoid incorporating this
    // size into the parent layer.
    if (layer->renderer()->hasReflection()) {
        LayoutPoint delta;
        layer->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, delta);
        clipRect.move(-delta.x(), -delta.y());

static LayoutRect transparencyClipBox(const RenderLayer* layer, const RenderLayer* rootLayer, TransparencyClipBoxBehavior transparencyBehavior,
    TransparencyClipBoxMode transparencyMode, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, PaintBehavior paintBehavior)
    // FIXME: Although this function completely ignores CSS-imposed clipping, we did already intersect with the
    // paintDirtyRect, and that should cut down on the amount we have to paint.  Still it
    // would be better to respect clips.

    if (rootLayer != layer && ((transparencyBehavior == PaintingTransparencyClipBox && layer->paintsWithTransform(paintBehavior))
        || (transparencyBehavior == HitTestingTransparencyClipBox && layer->hasTransform()))) {
        // The best we can do here is to use enclosed bounding boxes to establish a "fuzzy" enough clip to encompass
        // the transformed layer and all of its children.
        const RenderLayer* paginationLayer = transparencyMode == DescendantsOfTransparencyClipBox ? layer->enclosingPaginationLayer() : 0;
        const RenderLayer* rootLayerForTransform = paginationLayer ? paginationLayer : rootLayer;
        LayoutPoint delta;
        layer->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayerForTransform, delta);

        IntPoint pixelSnappedDelta = roundedIntPoint(delta);
        TransformationMatrix transform;
        transform.translate(pixelSnappedDelta.x(), pixelSnappedDelta.y());
        transform = transform * *layer->transform();

        // We don't use fragment boxes when collecting a transformed layer's bounding box, since it always
        // paints unfragmented.
        LayoutRect clipRect = layer->physicalBoundingBox(layer);
        expandClipRectForDescendantsAndReflection(clipRect, layer, layer, transparencyBehavior, subPixelAccumulation, paintBehavior);
        LayoutRect result = transform.mapRect(clipRect);
        if (!paginationLayer)
            return result;

        // We have to break up the transformed extent across our columns.
        // Split our box up into the actual fragment boxes that render in the columns/pages and unite those together to
        // get our true bounding box.
        RenderFlowThread* enclosingFlowThread = toRenderFlowThread(paginationLayer->renderer());
        result = enclosingFlowThread->fragmentsBoundingBox(result);

        LayoutPoint rootLayerDelta;
        paginationLayer->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, rootLayerDelta);
        return result;

    LayoutRect clipRect = layer->physicalBoundingBox(rootLayer);
    expandClipRectForDescendantsAndReflection(clipRect, layer, rootLayer, transparencyBehavior, subPixelAccumulation, paintBehavior);
    return clipRect;

LayoutRect RenderLayer::paintingExtent(const RenderLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutRect& paintDirtyRect, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, PaintBehavior paintBehavior)
    return intersection(transparencyClipBox(this, rootLayer, PaintingTransparencyClipBox, RootOfTransparencyClipBox, subPixelAccumulation, paintBehavior), paintDirtyRect);

void RenderLayer::beginTransparencyLayers(GraphicsContext* context, const RenderLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutRect& paintDirtyRect, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, PaintBehavior paintBehavior)
    bool createTransparencyLayerForBlendMode = m_stackingNode->isStackingContext() && m_blendInfo.childLayerHasBlendMode();
    if (context->paintingDisabled() || ((paintsWithTransparency(paintBehavior) || paintsWithBlendMode() || createTransparencyLayerForBlendMode) && m_usedTransparency))

    RenderLayer* ancestor = transparentPaintingAncestor();
    if (ancestor)
        ancestor->beginTransparencyLayers(context, rootLayer, paintDirtyRect, subPixelAccumulation, paintBehavior);

    if (paintsWithTransparency(paintBehavior) || paintsWithBlendMode() || createTransparencyLayerForBlendMode) {
        m_usedTransparency = true;
        LayoutRect clipRect = paintingExtent(rootLayer, paintDirtyRect, subPixelAccumulation, paintBehavior);

        if (paintsWithBlendMode())
            context->setCompositeOperation(context->compositeOperation(), m_blendInfo.blendMode());


        if (paintsWithBlendMode())
            context->setCompositeOperation(context->compositeOperation(), blink::WebBlendModeNormal);
        context->setFillColor(Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.2f));

void* RenderLayer::operator new(size_t sz)
    return partitionAlloc(Partitions::getRenderingPartition(), sz);

void RenderLayer::operator delete(void* ptr)

void RenderLayer::addChild(RenderLayer* child, RenderLayer* beforeChild)
    RenderLayer* prevSibling = beforeChild ? beforeChild->previousSibling() : lastChild();
    if (prevSibling) {
        ASSERT(prevSibling != child);
    } else

    if (beforeChild) {
        ASSERT(beforeChild != child);
    } else



    if (child->stackingNode()->isNormalFlowOnly())

    if (!child->stackingNode()->isNormalFlowOnly() || child->firstChild()) {
        // Dirty the z-order list in which we are contained. The ancestorStackingContainerNode() can be null in the
        // case where we're building up generated content layers. This is ok, since the lists will start
        // off dirty in that case anyway.

    if (child->m_hasVisibleContent || child->m_hasVisibleDescendant)

    if (child->isSelfPaintingLayer() || child->hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())

    if (child->blendInfo().hasBlendMode() || child->blendInfo().childLayerHasBlendMode())

    if (subtreeContainsOutOfFlowPositionedLayer(child)) {
        // Now that the out of flow positioned descendant is in the tree, we
        // need to tell the compositor to reevaluate the compositing
        // requirements since we may be able to mark more layers as having
        // an 'unclipped' descendant.

    // When we first dirty a layer, we will also dirty all the siblings in that
    // layer's stacking context. We need to manually do it here as well, in case
    // we're adding this layer after the stacking context has already been
    // updated.
    compositor()->layerWasAdded(this, child);

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::removeChild(RenderLayer* oldChild)
    if (!renderer()->documentBeingDestroyed())
        compositor()->layerWillBeRemoved(this, oldChild);

    // remove the child
    if (oldChild->previousSibling())
    if (oldChild->nextSibling())

    if (m_first == oldChild)
        m_first = oldChild->nextSibling();
    if (m_last == oldChild)
        m_last = oldChild->previousSibling();

    if (oldChild->stackingNode()->isNormalFlowOnly())
    if (!oldChild->stackingNode()->isNormalFlowOnly() || oldChild->firstChild()) {
        // Dirty the z-order list in which we are contained.  When called via the
        // reattachment process in removeOnlyThisLayer, the layer may already be disconnected
        // from the main layer tree, so we need to null-check the |stackingContainer| value.

    if (renderer()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)


    if (subtreeContainsOutOfFlowPositionedLayer(oldChild)) {
        // It may now be the case that a layer no longer has an unclipped
        // descendant. Let the compositor know that it needs to reevaluate
        // its compositing requirements to check this.

    if (oldChild->m_hasVisibleContent || oldChild->m_hasVisibleDescendant)

    if (oldChild->m_blendInfo.hasBlendMode() || oldChild->blendInfo().childLayerHasBlendMode())

    if (oldChild->isSelfPaintingLayer() || oldChild->hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())

    return oldChild;

void RenderLayer::removeOnlyThisLayer()
    if (!m_parent)

    compositor()->layerWillBeRemoved(m_parent, this);

    // Dirty the clip rects.

    RenderLayer* nextSib = nextSibling();

    // Remove the child reflection layer before moving other child layers.
    // The reflection layer should not be moved to the parent.
    if (m_reflectionInfo)

    // Now walk our kids and reattach them to our parent.
    RenderLayer* current = m_first;
    while (current) {
        RenderLayer* next = current->nextSibling();
        m_parent->addChild(current, nextSib);

        if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::repaintAfterLayoutEnabled())

        // Hits in compositing/overflow/automatically-opt-into-composited-scrolling-part-1.html
        DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;

        current->updateLayerPositions(0); // FIXME: use geometry map.
        current = next;

    // Remove us from the parent.

void RenderLayer::insertOnlyThisLayer()
    if (!m_parent && renderer()->parent()) {
        // We need to connect ourselves when our renderer() has a parent.
        // Find our enclosingLayer and add ourselves.
        RenderLayer* parentLayer = renderer()->parent()->enclosingLayer();
        RenderLayer* beforeChild = !parentLayer->reflectionInfo() || parentLayer->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer() != this ? renderer()->parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, renderer()) : 0;
        parentLayer->addChild(this, beforeChild);

    // Remove all descendant layers from the hierarchy and add them to the new position.
    for (RenderObject* curr = renderer()->firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling())
        curr->moveLayers(m_parent, this);

    // Clear out all the clip rects.

void RenderLayer::convertToPixelSnappedLayerCoords(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, IntPoint& roundedLocation) const
    LayoutPoint location = roundedLocation;
    convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, location);
    roundedLocation = roundedIntPoint(location);

void RenderLayer::convertToPixelSnappedLayerCoords(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, IntRect& roundedRect) const
    LayoutRect rect = roundedRect;
    convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, rect);
    roundedRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(rect);

// Returns the layer reached on the walk up towards the ancestor.
static inline const RenderLayer* accumulateOffsetTowardsAncestor(const RenderLayer* layer, const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutPoint& location)
    ASSERT(ancestorLayer != layer);

    const RenderLayerModelObject* renderer = layer->renderer();
    EPosition position = renderer->style()->position();

    // FIXME: Special casing RenderFlowThread so much for fixed positioning here is not great.
    RenderFlowThread* fixedFlowThreadContainer = position == FixedPosition ? renderer->flowThreadContainingBlock() : 0;
    if (fixedFlowThreadContainer && !fixedFlowThreadContainer->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
        fixedFlowThreadContainer = 0;

    // FIXME: Positioning of out-of-flow(fixed, absolute) elements collected in a RenderFlowThread
    // may need to be revisited in a future patch.
    // If the fixed renderer is inside a RenderFlowThread, we should not compute location using localToAbsolute,
    // since localToAbsolute maps the coordinates from flow thread to regions coordinates and regions can be
    // positioned in a completely different place in the viewport (RenderView).
    if (position == FixedPosition && !fixedFlowThreadContainer && (!ancestorLayer || ancestorLayer == renderer->view()->layer())) {
        // If the fixed layer's container is the root, just add in the offset of the view. We can obtain this by calling
        // localToAbsolute() on the RenderView.
        FloatPoint absPos = renderer->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(), IsFixed);
        location += LayoutSize(absPos.x(), absPos.y());
        return ancestorLayer;

    // For the fixed positioned elements inside a render flow thread, we should also skip the code path below
    // Otherwise, for the case of ancestorLayer == rootLayer and fixed positioned element child of a transformed
    // element in render flow thread, we will hit the fixed positioned container before hitting the ancestor layer.
    if (position == FixedPosition && !fixedFlowThreadContainer) {
        // For a fixed layers, we need to walk up to the root to see if there's a fixed position container
        // (e.g. a transformed layer). It's an error to call convertToLayerCoords() across a layer with a transform,
        // so we should always find the ancestor at or before we find the fixed position container.
        RenderLayer* fixedPositionContainerLayer = 0;
        bool foundAncestor = false;
        for (RenderLayer* currLayer = layer->parent(); currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->parent()) {
            if (currLayer == ancestorLayer)
                foundAncestor = true;

            if (isFixedPositionedContainer(currLayer)) {
                fixedPositionContainerLayer = currLayer;
                ASSERT_UNUSED(foundAncestor, foundAncestor);

        ASSERT(fixedPositionContainerLayer); // We should have hit the RenderView's layer at least.

        if (fixedPositionContainerLayer != ancestorLayer) {
            LayoutPoint fixedContainerCoords;
            layer->convertToLayerCoords(fixedPositionContainerLayer, fixedContainerCoords);

            LayoutPoint ancestorCoords;
            ancestorLayer->convertToLayerCoords(fixedPositionContainerLayer, ancestorCoords);

            location += (fixedContainerCoords - ancestorCoords);
        } else {
            location += toSize(layer->location());
        return ancestorLayer;

    RenderLayer* parentLayer;
    if (position == AbsolutePosition || position == FixedPosition) {
        // Do what enclosingPositionedAncestor() does, but check for ancestorLayer along the way.
        parentLayer = layer->parent();
        bool foundAncestorFirst = false;
        while (parentLayer) {
            // RenderFlowThread is a positioned container, child of RenderView, positioned at (0,0).
            // This implies that, for out-of-flow positioned elements inside a RenderFlowThread,
            // we are bailing out before reaching root layer.
            if (parentLayer->isPositionedContainer())

            if (parentLayer == ancestorLayer) {
                foundAncestorFirst = true;

            parentLayer = parentLayer->parent();

        // We should not reach RenderView layer past the RenderFlowThread layer for any
        // children of the RenderFlowThread.
        if (renderer->flowThreadContainingBlock() && !layer->isOutOfFlowRenderFlowThread())
            ASSERT(parentLayer != renderer->view()->layer());

        if (foundAncestorFirst) {
            // Found ancestorLayer before the abs. positioned container, so compute offset of both relative
            // to enclosingPositionedAncestor and subtract.
            RenderLayer* positionedAncestor = parentLayer->enclosingPositionedAncestor();

            LayoutPoint thisCoords;
            layer->convertToLayerCoords(positionedAncestor, thisCoords);

            LayoutPoint ancestorCoords;
            ancestorLayer->convertToLayerCoords(positionedAncestor, ancestorCoords);

            location += (thisCoords - ancestorCoords);
            return ancestorLayer;
    } else
        parentLayer = layer->parent();

    if (!parentLayer)
        return 0;

    location += toSize(layer->location());
    return parentLayer;

void RenderLayer::convertToLayerCoords(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutPoint& location) const
    if (ancestorLayer == this)

    const RenderLayer* currLayer = this;
    while (currLayer && currLayer != ancestorLayer)
        currLayer = accumulateOffsetTowardsAncestor(currLayer, ancestorLayer, location);

void RenderLayer::convertToLayerCoords(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutRect& rect) const
    LayoutPoint delta;
    convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, delta);
    rect.move(-delta.x(), -delta.y());

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::scrollParent() const

    // Normal flow elements will be parented under the main scrolling layer, so
    // we don't need a scroll parent/child relationship to get them to scroll.
    if (stackingNode()->isNormalFlowOnly())
        return 0;

    // We should never have an ancestor dependent property cache outside of the
    // compositing update phase.
    ASSERT(isInCompositingUpdate() || !m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache);

    // A layer scrolls with its containing block. So to find the overflow scrolling layer
    // that we scroll with respect to, we must ascend the layer tree until we reach the
    // first overflow scrolling div at or above our containing block. I will refer to this
    // layer as our 'scrolling ancestor'.
    // Now, if we reside in a normal flow list, then we will naturally scroll with our scrolling
    // ancestor, and we need not be composited. If, on the other hand, we reside in a z-order
    // list, and on our walk upwards to our scrolling ancestor we find no layer that is a stacking
    // context, then we know that in the stacking tree, we will not be in the subtree rooted at
    // our scrolling ancestor, and we will therefore not scroll with it. In this case, we must
    // be a composited layer since the compositor will need to take special measures to ensure
    // that we scroll with our scrolling ancestor and it cannot do this if we do not promote.
    if (m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache && !m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache->scrollParentDirty())
        return m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache->scrollParent();

    RenderLayer* scrollParent = ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer();
    if (!scrollParent || scrollParent->stackingNode()->isStackingContainer()) {
        if (m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache)
        return 0;

    // If we hit a stacking context on our way up to the ancestor scrolling layer, it will already
    // be composited due to an overflow scrolling parent, so we don't need to.
    for (RenderLayer* ancestor = parent(); ancestor && ancestor != scrollParent; ancestor = ancestor->parent()) {
        if (ancestor->stackingNode()->isStackingContainer()) {
            scrollParent = 0;
        if (!isInCompositingUpdate())
        if (AncestorDependentPropertyCache* ancestorCache = ancestor->m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache.get()) {
            if (!ancestorCache->ancestorCompositedScrollingLayerDirty() && ancestorCache->ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer() == scrollParent) {
                scrollParent = ancestorCache->scrollParent();

    if (m_ancestorDependentPropertyCache)
    return scrollParent;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::clipParent() const
    if (compositingReasons() & CompositingReasonOutOfFlowClipping && !compositor()->clippedByAncestor(this)) {
        if (RenderObject* containingBlock = renderer()->containingBlock())
            return containingBlock->enclosingLayer()->enclosingCompositingLayer();
    return 0;

void RenderLayer::didUpdateNeedsCompositedScrolling()

    if (m_stackingNode->isStackingContainer())



void RenderLayer::updateReflectionInfo(const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
    ASSERT(!oldStyle || !renderer()->style()->reflectionDataEquivalent(oldStyle));
    if (renderer()->hasReflection()) {
        if (!m_reflectionInfo)
            m_reflectionInfo = adoptPtr(new RenderLayerReflectionInfo(toRenderBox(renderer())));
    } else if (m_reflectionInfo) {
        m_reflectionInfo = nullptr;

void RenderLayer::updateStackingNode()
    if (requiresStackingNode())
        m_stackingNode = adoptPtr(new RenderLayerStackingNode(this));
        m_stackingNode = nullptr;

void RenderLayer::updateScrollableArea()
    if (requiresScrollableArea())
        m_scrollableArea = adoptPtr(new RenderLayerScrollableArea(renderBox()));
        m_scrollableArea = nullptr;

PassOwnPtr<Vector<FloatRect> > RenderLayer::collectTrackedRepaintRects() const
    if (hasCompositedLayerMapping())
        return compositedLayerMapping()->collectTrackedRepaintRects();
    return nullptr;

bool RenderLayer::hasOverflowControls() const
    return m_scrollableArea && (m_scrollableArea->hasScrollbar() || m_scrollableArea->hasScrollCorner() || renderer()->style()->resize() != RESIZE_NONE);

void RenderLayer::paint(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutRect& damageRect, PaintBehavior paintBehavior, RenderObject* paintingRoot, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags)
    OverlapTestRequestMap overlapTestRequests;

    LayerPaintingInfo paintingInfo(this, enclosingIntRect(damageRect), paintBehavior, LayoutSize(), paintingRoot, &overlapTestRequests);
    paintLayer(context, paintingInfo, paintFlags);

    OverlapTestRequestMap::iterator end = overlapTestRequests.end();
    for (OverlapTestRequestMap::iterator it = overlapTestRequests.begin(); it != end; ++it)

void RenderLayer::paintOverlayScrollbars(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutRect& damageRect, PaintBehavior paintBehavior, RenderObject* paintingRoot)
    if (!m_containsDirtyOverlayScrollbars)

    LayerPaintingInfo paintingInfo(this, enclosingIntRect(damageRect), paintBehavior, LayoutSize(), paintingRoot);
    paintLayer(context, paintingInfo, PaintLayerPaintingOverlayScrollbars);

    m_containsDirtyOverlayScrollbars = false;

static bool inContainingBlockChain(RenderLayer* startLayer, RenderLayer* endLayer)
    if (startLayer == endLayer)
        return true;

    RenderView* view = startLayer->renderer()->view();
    for (RenderBlock* currentBlock = startLayer->renderer()->containingBlock(); currentBlock && currentBlock != view; currentBlock = currentBlock->containingBlock()) {
        if (currentBlock->layer() == endLayer)
            return true;

    return false;

void RenderLayer::clipToRect(const LayerPaintingInfo& localPaintingInfo, GraphicsContext* context, const ClipRect& clipRect,
                             BorderRadiusClippingRule rule)
    if (clipRect.rect() == localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect && !clipRect.hasRadius())

    if (!clipRect.hasRadius())

    // If the clip rect has been tainted by a border radius, then we have to walk up our layer chain applying the clips from
    // any layers with overflow. The condition for being able to apply these clips is that the overflow object be in our
    // containing block chain so we check that also.
    for (RenderLayer* layer = rule == IncludeSelfForBorderRadius ? this : parent(); layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
        if (layer->renderer()->hasOverflowClip() && layer->renderer()->style()->hasBorderRadius() && inContainingBlockChain(this, layer)) {
                LayoutPoint delta;
                layer->convertToLayerCoords(localPaintingInfo.rootLayer, delta);
                context->clipRoundedRect(layer->renderer()->style()->getRoundedInnerBorderFor(LayoutRect(delta, layer->size())));

        if (layer == localPaintingInfo.rootLayer)

void RenderLayer::restoreClip(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutRect& paintDirtyRect, const ClipRect& clipRect)
    if (clipRect.rect() == paintDirtyRect && !clipRect.hasRadius())

static void performOverlapTests(OverlapTestRequestMap& overlapTestRequests, const RenderLayer* rootLayer, const RenderLayer* layer)
    Vector<RenderWidget*> overlappedRequestClients;
    OverlapTestRequestMap::iterator end = overlapTestRequests.end();
    LayoutRect boundingBox = layer->physicalBoundingBox(rootLayer);
    for (OverlapTestRequestMap::iterator it = overlapTestRequests.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
        if (!boundingBox.intersects(it->value))

    for (size_t i = 0; i < overlappedRequestClients.size(); ++i)

static bool shouldDoSoftwarePaint(const RenderLayer* layer, bool paintingReflection)
    return paintingReflection && !layer->has3DTransform();

static inline bool shouldSuppressPaintingLayer(RenderLayer* layer)
    // Avoid painting descendants of the root layer when stylesheets haven't loaded. This eliminates FOUC.
    // It's ok not to draw, because later on, when all the stylesheets do load, updateStyleSelector on the Document
    // will do a full repaint().
    if (layer->renderer()->document().didLayoutWithPendingStylesheets() && !layer->isRootLayer() && !layer->renderer()->isRoot())
        return true;

    return false;

static bool paintForFixedRootBackground(const RenderLayer* layer, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags)
    return layer->renderer()->isRoot() && (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingRootBackgroundOnly);

void RenderLayer::paintLayer(GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags)
    DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;

    if (compositingState() != NotComposited && compositingState() != PaintsIntoGroupedBacking) {
        // The updatingControlTints() painting pass goes through compositing layers,
        // but we need to ensure that we don't cache clip rects computed with the wrong root in this case.
        if (context->updatingControlTints() || (paintingInfo.paintBehavior & PaintBehaviorFlattenCompositingLayers)) {
            paintFlags |= PaintLayerTemporaryClipRects;
        } else if (!compositedLayerMapping()->paintsIntoCompositedAncestor()
            && !shouldDoSoftwarePaint(this, paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingReflection)
            && !paintForFixedRootBackground(this, paintFlags)) {
            // If this RenderLayer should paint into its own backing, that will be done via CompositedLayerMapping::paintIntoLayer().
    } else if (viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason() == NotCompositedForBoundsOutOfView) {
        // Don't paint out-of-view viewport constrained layers (when doing prepainting) because they will never be visible
        // unless their position or viewport size is changed.

    // Non self-painting leaf layers don't need to be painted as their renderer() should properly paint itself.
    if (!isSelfPaintingLayer() && !hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())

    if (shouldSuppressPaintingLayer(this))

    // If this layer is totally invisible then there is nothing to paint.
    if (!renderer()->opacity())

    if (paintsWithTransparency(paintingInfo.paintBehavior))
        paintFlags |= PaintLayerHaveTransparency;

    // PaintLayerAppliedTransform is used in RenderReplica, to avoid applying the transform twice.
    if (paintsWithTransform(paintingInfo.paintBehavior) && !(paintFlags & PaintLayerAppliedTransform)) {
        TransformationMatrix layerTransform = renderableTransform(paintingInfo.paintBehavior);
        // If the transform can't be inverted, then don't paint anything.
        if (!layerTransform.isInvertible())

        // If we have a transparency layer enclosing us and we are the root of a transform, then we need to establish the transparency
        // layer from the parent now, assuming there is a parent
        if (paintFlags & PaintLayerHaveTransparency) {
            if (parent())
                parent()->beginTransparencyLayers(context, paintingInfo.rootLayer, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, paintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, paintingInfo.paintBehavior);
                beginTransparencyLayers(context, paintingInfo.rootLayer, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, paintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, paintingInfo.paintBehavior);

        if (enclosingPaginationLayer()) {
            paintTransformedLayerIntoFragments(context, paintingInfo, paintFlags);

        // Make sure the parent's clip rects have been calculated.
        ClipRect clipRect = paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect;
        if (parent()) {
            ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(paintingInfo.rootLayer, (paintFlags & PaintLayerTemporaryClipRects) ? TemporaryClipRects : PaintingClipRects,
                IgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize, (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingOverflowContents) ? IgnoreOverflowClip : RespectOverflowClip);
            clipRect = clipper().backgroundClipRect(clipRectsContext);

            // Push the parent coordinate space's clip.
            parent()->clipToRect(paintingInfo, context, clipRect);

        paintLayerByApplyingTransform(context, paintingInfo, paintFlags);

        // Restore the clip.
        if (parent())
            parent()->restoreClip(context, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, clipRect);


    paintLayerContentsAndReflection(context, paintingInfo, paintFlags);

void RenderLayer::paintLayerContentsAndReflection(GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags)
    ASSERT(isSelfPaintingLayer() || hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant());

    PaintLayerFlags localPaintFlags = paintFlags & ~(PaintLayerAppliedTransform);

    // Paint the reflection first if we have one.
    if (m_reflectionInfo)
        m_reflectionInfo->paint(context, paintingInfo, localPaintFlags | PaintLayerPaintingReflection);

    localPaintFlags |= PaintLayerPaintingCompositingAllPhases;
    paintLayerContents(context, paintingInfo, localPaintFlags);

void RenderLayer::paintLayerContents(GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags)
    ASSERT(isSelfPaintingLayer() || hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant());
    ASSERT(!(paintFlags & PaintLayerAppliedTransform));

    bool haveTransparency = paintFlags & PaintLayerHaveTransparency;
    bool isSelfPaintingLayer = this->isSelfPaintingLayer();
    bool isPaintingOverlayScrollbars = paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingOverlayScrollbars;
    bool isPaintingScrollingContent = paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingCompositingScrollingPhase;
    bool isPaintingCompositedForeground = paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingCompositingForegroundPhase;
    bool isPaintingCompositedBackground = paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingCompositingBackgroundPhase;
    bool isPaintingOverflowContents = paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingOverflowContents;
    // Outline always needs to be painted even if we have no visible content. Also,
    // the outline is painted in the background phase during composited scrolling.
    // If it were painted in the foreground phase, it would move with the scrolled
    // content. When not composited scrolling, the outline is painted in the
    // foreground phase. Since scrolled contents are moved by repainting in this
    // case, the outline won't get 'dragged along'.
    bool shouldPaintOutline = isSelfPaintingLayer && !isPaintingOverlayScrollbars
        && ((isPaintingScrollingContent && isPaintingCompositedBackground)
        || (!isPaintingScrollingContent && isPaintingCompositedForeground));
    bool shouldPaintContent = m_hasVisibleContent && isSelfPaintingLayer && !isPaintingOverlayScrollbars;

    float deviceScaleFactor = WebCore::deviceScaleFactor(renderer()->frame());
    context->setUseHighResMarkers(deviceScaleFactor > 1.5f);

    GraphicsContext* transparencyLayerContext = context;

    if (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingRootBackgroundOnly && !renderer()->isRenderView() && !renderer()->isRoot())

    // Ensure our lists are up-to-date.

    LayoutPoint offsetFromRoot;
    convertToLayerCoords(paintingInfo.rootLayer, offsetFromRoot);

    if (compositingState() == PaintsIntoOwnBacking)

    LayoutRect rootRelativeBounds;
    bool rootRelativeBoundsComputed = false;

    // Apply clip-path to context.
    bool hasClipPath = false;
    RenderStyle* style = renderer()->style();
    RenderSVGResourceClipper* resourceClipper = 0;
    ClipperContext clipperContext;
    if (renderer()->hasClipPath() && !context->paintingDisabled() && style) {
        if (style->clipPath()->type() == ClipPathOperation::SHAPE) {
            hasClipPath = true;
            ShapeClipPathOperation* clipPath = toShapeClipPathOperation(style->clipPath());

            if (!rootRelativeBoundsComputed) {
                rootRelativeBounds = calculateLayerBounds(paintingInfo.rootLayer, &offsetFromRoot, 0);
                rootRelativeBoundsComputed = true;

            context->clipPath(clipPath->path(rootRelativeBounds), clipPath->windRule());
        } else if (style->clipPath()->type() == ClipPathOperation::REFERENCE) {
            ReferenceClipPathOperation* referenceClipPathOperation = toReferenceClipPathOperation(style->clipPath());
            Document& document = renderer()->document();
            // FIXME: It doesn't work with forward or external SVG references (
            Element* element = document.getElementById(referenceClipPathOperation->fragment());
            if (isSVGClipPathElement(element) && element->renderer()) {
                if (!rootRelativeBoundsComputed) {
                    rootRelativeBounds = calculateLayerBounds(paintingInfo.rootLayer, &offsetFromRoot, 0);
                    rootRelativeBoundsComputed = true;

                resourceClipper = toRenderSVGResourceClipper(toRenderSVGResourceContainer(element->renderer()));
                if (!resourceClipper->applyClippingToContext(renderer(), rootRelativeBounds,
                    paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, context, clipperContext)) {
                    // No need to post-apply the clipper if this failed.
                    resourceClipper = 0;

    // Blending operations must be performed only with the nearest ancestor stacking context.
    // Note that there is no need to create a transparency layer if we're painting the root.
    bool createTransparencyLayerForBlendMode = !renderer()->isRoot() && m_stackingNode->isStackingContext() && m_blendInfo.childLayerHasBlendMode();

    if (createTransparencyLayerForBlendMode)
        beginTransparencyLayers(context, paintingInfo.rootLayer, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, paintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, paintingInfo.paintBehavior);

    LayerPaintingInfo localPaintingInfo(paintingInfo);
    FilterEffectRendererHelper filterPainter(filterRenderer() && paintsWithFilters());
    if (filterPainter.haveFilterEffect() && !context->paintingDisabled()) {
        RenderLayerFilterInfo* filterInfo = this->filterInfo();
        LayoutRect filterRepaintRect = filterInfo->dirtySourceRect();
        filterRepaintRect.move(offsetFromRoot.x(), offsetFromRoot.y());

        if (!rootRelativeBoundsComputed)
            rootRelativeBounds = calculateLayerBounds(paintingInfo.rootLayer, &offsetFromRoot, 0);

        if (filterPainter.prepareFilterEffect(this, rootRelativeBounds, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, filterRepaintRect)) {
            // Now we know for sure, that the source image will be updated, so we can revert our tracking repaint rect back to zero.

            // Rewire the old context to a memory buffer, so that we can capture the contents of the layer.
            // NOTE: We saved the old context in the "transparencyLayerContext" local variable, to be able to start a transparency layer
            // on the original context and avoid duplicating "beginFilterEffect" after each transparency layer call. Also, note that
            // beginTransparencyLayers will only create a single lazy transparency layer, even though it is called twice in this method.
            context = filterPainter.beginFilterEffect(context);

            // Check that we didn't fail to allocate the graphics context for the offscreen buffer.
            if (filterPainter.hasStartedFilterEffect()) {
                localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect = filterPainter.repaintRect();
                // If the filter needs the full source image, we need to avoid using the clip rectangles.
                // Otherwise, if for example this layer has overflow:hidden, a drop shadow will not compute correctly.
                // Note that we will still apply the clipping on the final rendering of the filter.
                localPaintingInfo.clipToDirtyRect = !filterRenderer()->hasFilterThatMovesPixels();

    if (filterPainter.hasStartedFilterEffect() && haveTransparency) {
        // If we have a filter and transparency, we have to eagerly start a transparency layer here, rather than risk a child layer lazily starts one with the wrong context.
        beginTransparencyLayers(transparencyLayerContext, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, paintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, localPaintingInfo.paintBehavior);

    // If this layer's renderer is a child of the paintingRoot, we render unconditionally, which
    // is done by passing a nil paintingRoot down to our renderer (as if no paintingRoot was ever set).
    // Else, our renderer tree may or may not contain the painting root, so we pass that root along
    // so it will be tested against as we descend through the renderers.
    RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer = 0;
    if (localPaintingInfo.paintingRoot && !renderer()->isDescendantOf(localPaintingInfo.paintingRoot))
        paintingRootForRenderer = localPaintingInfo.paintingRoot;

    if (localPaintingInfo.overlapTestRequests && isSelfPaintingLayer)
        performOverlapTests(*localPaintingInfo.overlapTestRequests, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer, this);

    bool forceBlackText = localPaintingInfo.paintBehavior & PaintBehaviorForceBlackText;
    bool selectionOnly  = localPaintingInfo.paintBehavior & PaintBehaviorSelectionOnly;

    bool shouldPaintBackground = isPaintingCompositedBackground && shouldPaintContent && !selectionOnly;
    bool shouldPaintNegZOrderList = (isPaintingScrollingContent && isPaintingOverflowContents) || (!isPaintingScrollingContent && isPaintingCompositedBackground);
    bool shouldPaintOwnContents = isPaintingCompositedForeground && shouldPaintContent;
    bool shouldPaintNormalFlowAndPosZOrderLists = isPaintingCompositedForeground;
    bool shouldPaintOverlayScrollbars = isPaintingOverlayScrollbars;
    bool shouldPaintMask = (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingCompositingMaskPhase) && shouldPaintContent && renderer()->hasMask() && !selectionOnly;
    bool shouldPaintClippingMask = (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingChildClippingMaskPhase) && shouldPaintContent && !selectionOnly;

    PaintBehavior paintBehavior = PaintBehaviorNormal;
    if (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingSkipRootBackground)
        paintBehavior |= PaintBehaviorSkipRootBackground;
    else if (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingRootBackgroundOnly)
        paintBehavior |= PaintBehaviorRootBackgroundOnly;

    LayerFragments layerFragments;
    if (shouldPaintContent || shouldPaintOutline || isPaintingOverlayScrollbars) {
        // Collect the fragments. This will compute the clip rectangles and paint offsets for each layer fragment, as well as whether or not the content of each
        // fragment should paint.
        collectFragments(layerFragments, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect,
            (paintFlags & PaintLayerTemporaryClipRects) ? TemporaryClipRects : PaintingClipRects, IgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize,
            (isPaintingOverflowContents) ? IgnoreOverflowClip : RespectOverflowClip, &offsetFromRoot, localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation);
        updatePaintingInfoForFragments(layerFragments, localPaintingInfo, paintFlags, shouldPaintContent, &offsetFromRoot);

    if (shouldPaintBackground)
        paintBackgroundForFragments(layerFragments, context, transparencyLayerContext, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, haveTransparency,
                localPaintingInfo, paintBehavior, paintingRootForRenderer);

    if (shouldPaintNegZOrderList)
        paintChildren(NegativeZOrderChildren, context, localPaintingInfo, paintFlags);

    if (shouldPaintOwnContents)
        paintForegroundForFragments(layerFragments, context, transparencyLayerContext, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, haveTransparency,
                localPaintingInfo, paintBehavior, paintingRootForRenderer, selectionOnly, forceBlackText);

    if (shouldPaintOutline)
        paintOutlineForFragments(layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo, paintBehavior, paintingRootForRenderer);

    if (shouldPaintNormalFlowAndPosZOrderLists)
        paintChildren(NormalFlowChildren | PositiveZOrderChildren, context, localPaintingInfo, paintFlags);

    if (shouldPaintOverlayScrollbars)
        paintOverflowControlsForFragments(layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo);

    if (filterPainter.hasStartedFilterEffect()) {
        // Apply the correct clipping (ie. overflow: hidden).
        // FIXME: It is incorrect to just clip to the damageRect here once multiple fragments are involved.
        ClipRect backgroundRect = layerFragments.isEmpty() ? ClipRect() : layerFragments[0].backgroundRect;
        clipToRect(localPaintingInfo, transparencyLayerContext, backgroundRect);
        context = filterPainter.applyFilterEffect();
        restoreClip(transparencyLayerContext, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, backgroundRect);

    // Make sure that we now use the original transparency context.
    ASSERT(transparencyLayerContext == context);

    if (shouldPaintMask)
        paintMaskForFragments(layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo, paintingRootForRenderer);

    if (shouldPaintClippingMask) {
        // Paint the border radius mask for the fragments.
        paintChildClippingMaskForFragments(layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo, paintingRootForRenderer);

    // End our transparency layer
    if ((haveTransparency || paintsWithBlendMode() || createTransparencyLayerForBlendMode) && m_usedTransparency && !(m_reflectionInfo && m_reflectionInfo->isPaintingInsideReflection())) {
        m_usedTransparency = false;

    if (resourceClipper)
        resourceClipper->postApplyStatefulResource(renderer(), context, clipperContext);

    if (hasClipPath)

void RenderLayer::paintLayerByApplyingTransform(GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags, const LayoutPoint& translationOffset)
    // This involves subtracting out the position of the layer in our current coordinate space, but preserving
    // the accumulated error for sub-pixel layout.
    LayoutPoint delta;
    convertToLayerCoords(paintingInfo.rootLayer, delta);
    TransformationMatrix transform(renderableTransform(paintingInfo.paintBehavior));
    IntPoint roundedDelta = roundedIntPoint(delta);
    transform.translateRight(roundedDelta.x(), roundedDelta.y());
    LayoutSize adjustedSubPixelAccumulation = paintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation + (delta - roundedDelta);

    // Apply the transform.
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context, false);
    if (!transform.isIdentity()) {;

    // Now do a paint with the root layer shifted to be us.
    LayerPaintingInfo transformedPaintingInfo(this, enclosingIntRect(transform.inverse().mapRect(paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect)), paintingInfo.paintBehavior,
        adjustedSubPixelAccumulation, paintingInfo.paintingRoot, paintingInfo.overlapTestRequests);
    paintLayerContentsAndReflection(context, transformedPaintingInfo, paintFlags);

void RenderLayer::paintChildren(unsigned childrenToVisit, GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags)
    if (!hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())

    LayerListMutationDetector mutationChecker(m_stackingNode.get());

    RenderLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*m_stackingNode, childrenToVisit);
    while (RenderLayerStackingNode* child = {
        RenderLayer* childLayer = child->layer();

        // Squashed RenderLayers should not paint into their ancestor.
        if (childLayer->compositingState() == PaintsIntoGroupedBacking)

        if (!childLayer->isPaginated())
            childLayer->paintLayer(context, paintingInfo, paintFlags);
            paintPaginatedChildLayer(childLayer, context, paintingInfo, paintFlags);

void RenderLayer::collectFragments(LayerFragments& fragments, const RenderLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect,
    ClipRectsType clipRectsType, OverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy, ShouldRespectOverflowClip respectOverflowClip, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot,
    const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, const LayoutRect* layerBoundingBox)
    if (!enclosingPaginationLayer() || hasTransform()) {
        // For unpaginated layers, there is only one fragment.
        LayerFragment fragment;
        ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(rootLayer, clipRectsType, inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy, respectOverflowClip, subPixelAccumulation);
        clipper().calculateRects(clipRectsContext, dirtyRect, fragment.layerBounds, fragment.backgroundRect, fragment.foregroundRect, fragment.outlineRect, offsetFromRoot);

    // Compute our offset within the enclosing pagination layer.
    LayoutPoint offsetWithinPaginatedLayer;
    convertToLayerCoords(enclosingPaginationLayer(), offsetWithinPaginatedLayer);

    // Calculate clip rects relative to the enclosingPaginationLayer. The purpose of this call is to determine our bounds clipped to intermediate
    // layers between us and the pagination context. It's important to minimize the number of fragments we need to create and this helps with that.
    ClipRectsContext paginationClipRectsContext(enclosingPaginationLayer(), clipRectsType, inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy, respectOverflowClip);
    LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread;
    ClipRect backgroundRectInFlowThread;
    ClipRect foregroundRectInFlowThread;
    ClipRect outlineRectInFlowThread;
    clipper().calculateRects(paginationClipRectsContext, PaintInfo::infiniteRect(), layerBoundsInFlowThread, backgroundRectInFlowThread, foregroundRectInFlowThread,
        outlineRectInFlowThread, &offsetWithinPaginatedLayer);

    // Take our bounding box within the flow thread and clip it.
    LayoutRect layerBoundingBoxInFlowThread = layerBoundingBox ? *layerBoundingBox : physicalBoundingBox(enclosingPaginationLayer(), &offsetWithinPaginatedLayer);

    // Shift the dirty rect into flow thread coordinates.
    LayoutPoint offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot;
    enclosingPaginationLayer()->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot);
    LayoutRect dirtyRectInFlowThread(dirtyRect);

    // Tell the flow thread to collect the fragments. We pass enough information to create a minimal number of fragments based off the pages/columns
    // that intersect the actual dirtyRect as well as the pages/columns that intersect our layer's bounding box.
    RenderFlowThread* enclosingFlowThread = toRenderFlowThread(enclosingPaginationLayer()->renderer());
    enclosingFlowThread->collectLayerFragments(fragments, layerBoundingBoxInFlowThread, dirtyRectInFlowThread);

    if (fragments.isEmpty())

    // Get the parent clip rects of the pagination layer, since we need to intersect with that when painting column contents.
    ClipRect ancestorClipRect = dirtyRect;
    if (enclosingPaginationLayer()->parent()) {
        ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(rootLayer, clipRectsType, inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy, respectOverflowClip);
        ancestorClipRect = enclosingPaginationLayer()->clipper().backgroundClipRect(clipRectsContext);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) {
        LayerFragment& fragment =;

        // Set our four rects with all clipping applied that was internal to the flow thread.
        fragment.setRects(layerBoundsInFlowThread, backgroundRectInFlowThread, foregroundRectInFlowThread, outlineRectInFlowThread);

        // Shift to the root-relative physical position used when painting the flow thread in this fragment.
        fragment.moveBy(fragment.paginationOffset + offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot);

        // Intersect the fragment with our ancestor's background clip so that e.g., columns in an overflow:hidden block are
        // properly clipped by the overflow.

        // Now intersect with our pagination clip. This will typically mean we're just intersecting the dirty rect with the column
        // clip, so the column clip ends up being all we apply.

void RenderLayer::updatePaintingInfoForFragments(LayerFragments& fragments, const LayerPaintingInfo& localPaintingInfo, PaintLayerFlags localPaintFlags,
    bool shouldPaintContent, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) {
        LayerFragment& fragment =;
        fragment.shouldPaintContent = shouldPaintContent;
        if (this != localPaintingInfo.rootLayer || !(localPaintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingOverflowContents)) {
            LayoutPoint newOffsetFromRoot = *offsetFromRoot + fragment.paginationOffset;
            fragment.shouldPaintContent &= intersectsDamageRect(fragment.layerBounds, fragment.backgroundRect.rect(), localPaintingInfo.rootLayer, &newOffsetFromRoot);

void RenderLayer::paintTransformedLayerIntoFragments(GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags)
    LayerFragments enclosingPaginationFragments;
    LayoutPoint offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot;
    LayoutRect transformedExtent = transparencyClipBox(this, enclosingPaginationLayer(), PaintingTransparencyClipBox, RootOfTransparencyClipBox, paintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, paintingInfo.paintBehavior);
    enclosingPaginationLayer()->collectFragments(enclosingPaginationFragments, paintingInfo.rootLayer, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect,
        (paintFlags & PaintLayerTemporaryClipRects) ? TemporaryClipRects : PaintingClipRects, IgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize,
        (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingOverflowContents) ? IgnoreOverflowClip : RespectOverflowClip, &offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot, paintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, &transformedExtent);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < enclosingPaginationFragments.size(); ++i) {
        const LayerFragment& fragment =;

        // Apply the page/column clip for this fragment, as well as any clips established by layers in between us and
        // the enclosing pagination layer.
        LayoutRect clipRect = fragment.backgroundRect.rect();

        // Now compute the clips within a given fragment
        if (parent() != enclosingPaginationLayer()) {
            enclosingPaginationLayer()->convertToLayerCoords(paintingInfo.rootLayer, offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot);

            ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(enclosingPaginationLayer(), (paintFlags & PaintLayerTemporaryClipRects) ? TemporaryClipRects : PaintingClipRects,
                IgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize, (paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingOverflowContents) ? IgnoreOverflowClip : RespectOverflowClip);
            LayoutRect parentClipRect = clipper().backgroundClipRect(clipRectsContext).rect();
            parentClipRect.moveBy(fragment.paginationOffset + offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot);

        parent()->clipToRect(paintingInfo, context, clipRect);
        paintLayerByApplyingTransform(context, paintingInfo, paintFlags, fragment.paginationOffset);
        parent()->restoreClip(context, paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, clipRect);

static inline LayoutSize subPixelAccumulationIfNeeded(const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, CompositingState compositingState)
    // Only apply the sub-pixel accumulation if we don't paint into our own backing layer, otherwise the position
    // of the renderer already includes any sub-pixel offset.
    if (compositingState == PaintsIntoOwnBacking)
        return LayoutSize();
    return subPixelAccumulation;

void RenderLayer::paintBackgroundForFragments(const LayerFragments& layerFragments, GraphicsContext* context, GraphicsContext* transparencyLayerContext,
    const LayoutRect& transparencyPaintDirtyRect, bool haveTransparency, const LayerPaintingInfo& localPaintingInfo, PaintBehavior paintBehavior,
    RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layerFragments.size(); ++i) {
        const LayerFragment& fragment =;
        if (!fragment.shouldPaintContent)

        // Begin transparency layers lazily now that we know we have to paint something.
        if (haveTransparency || paintsWithBlendMode())
            beginTransparencyLayers(transparencyLayerContext, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer, transparencyPaintDirtyRect, localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, localPaintingInfo.paintBehavior);

        if (localPaintingInfo.clipToDirtyRect) {
            // Paint our background first, before painting any child layers.
            // Establish the clip used to paint our background.
            clipToRect(localPaintingInfo, context, fragment.backgroundRect, DoNotIncludeSelfForBorderRadius); // Background painting will handle clipping to self.

        // Paint the background.
        // FIXME: Eventually we will collect the region from the fragment itself instead of just from the paint info.
        PaintInfo paintInfo(context, pixelSnappedIntRect(fragment.backgroundRect.rect()), PaintPhaseBlockBackground, paintBehavior, paintingRootForRenderer, 0, 0, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer->renderer());
        renderer()->paint(paintInfo, toPoint(fragment.layerBounds.location() - renderBoxLocation() + subPixelAccumulationIfNeeded(localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, compositingState())));

        if (localPaintingInfo.clipToDirtyRect)
            restoreClip(context, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, fragment.backgroundRect);

void RenderLayer::paintForegroundForFragments(const LayerFragments& layerFragments, GraphicsContext* context, GraphicsContext* transparencyLayerContext,
    const LayoutRect& transparencyPaintDirtyRect, bool haveTransparency, const LayerPaintingInfo& localPaintingInfo, PaintBehavior paintBehavior,
    RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer, bool selectionOnly, bool forceBlackText)
    // Begin transparency if we have something to paint.
    if (haveTransparency || paintsWithBlendMode()) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < layerFragments.size(); ++i) {
            const LayerFragment& fragment =;
            if (fragment.shouldPaintContent && !fragment.foregroundRect.isEmpty()) {
                beginTransparencyLayers(transparencyLayerContext, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer, transparencyPaintDirtyRect, localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, localPaintingInfo.paintBehavior);

    PaintBehavior localPaintBehavior = forceBlackText ? (PaintBehavior)PaintBehaviorForceBlackText : paintBehavior;

    // Optimize clipping for the single fragment case.
    bool shouldClip = localPaintingInfo.clipToDirtyRect && layerFragments.size() == 1 && layerFragments[0].shouldPaintContent && !layerFragments[0].foregroundRect.isEmpty();
    if (shouldClip)
        clipToRect(localPaintingInfo, context, layerFragments[0].foregroundRect);

    // We have to loop through every fragment multiple times, since we have to repaint in each specific phase in order for
    // interleaving of the fragments to work properly.
    paintForegroundForFragmentsWithPhase(selectionOnly ? PaintPhaseSelection : PaintPhaseChildBlockBackgrounds, layerFragments,
        context, localPaintingInfo, localPaintBehavior, paintingRootForRenderer);

    if (!selectionOnly) {
        paintForegroundForFragmentsWithPhase(PaintPhaseFloat, layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo, localPaintBehavior, paintingRootForRenderer);
        paintForegroundForFragmentsWithPhase(PaintPhaseForeground, layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo, localPaintBehavior, paintingRootForRenderer);
        paintForegroundForFragmentsWithPhase(PaintPhaseChildOutlines, layerFragments, context, localPaintingInfo, localPaintBehavior, paintingRootForRenderer);

    if (shouldClip)
        restoreClip(context, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, layerFragments[0].foregroundRect);

void RenderLayer::paintForegroundForFragmentsWithPhase(PaintPhase phase, const LayerFragments& layerFragments, GraphicsContext* context,
    const LayerPaintingInfo& localPaintingInfo, PaintBehavior paintBehavior, RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer)
    bool shouldClip = localPaintingInfo.clipToDirtyRect && layerFragments.size() > 1;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < layerFragments.size(); ++i) {
        const LayerFragment& fragment =;
        if (!fragment.shouldPaintContent || fragment.foregroundRect.isEmpty())

        if (shouldClip)
            clipToRect(localPaintingInfo, context, fragment.foregroundRect);

        PaintInfo paintInfo(context, pixelSnappedIntRect(fragment.foregroundRect.rect()), phase, paintBehavior, paintingRootForRenderer, 0, 0, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer->renderer());
        if (phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            paintInfo.overlapTestRequests = localPaintingInfo.overlapTestRequests;
        renderer()->paint(paintInfo, toPoint(fragment.layerBounds.location() - renderBoxLocation() + subPixelAccumulationIfNeeded(localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, compositingState())));

        if (shouldClip)
            restoreClip(context, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, fragment.foregroundRect);

void RenderLayer::paintOutlineForFragments(const LayerFragments& layerFragments, GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& localPaintingInfo,
    PaintBehavior paintBehavior, RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layerFragments.size(); ++i) {
        const LayerFragment& fragment =;
        if (fragment.outlineRect.isEmpty())

        // Paint our own outline
        PaintInfo paintInfo(context, pixelSnappedIntRect(fragment.outlineRect.rect()), PaintPhaseSelfOutline, paintBehavior, paintingRootForRenderer, 0, 0, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer->renderer());
        clipToRect(localPaintingInfo, context, fragment.outlineRect, DoNotIncludeSelfForBorderRadius);
        renderer()->paint(paintInfo, toPoint(fragment.layerBounds.location() - renderBoxLocation() + subPixelAccumulationIfNeeded(localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, compositingState())));
        restoreClip(context, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, fragment.outlineRect);

void RenderLayer::paintMaskForFragments(const LayerFragments& layerFragments, GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& localPaintingInfo,
    RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layerFragments.size(); ++i) {
        const LayerFragment& fragment =;
        if (!fragment.shouldPaintContent)

        if (localPaintingInfo.clipToDirtyRect)
            clipToRect(localPaintingInfo, context, fragment.backgroundRect, DoNotIncludeSelfForBorderRadius); // Mask painting will handle clipping to self.

        // Paint the mask.
        // FIXME: Eventually we will collect the region from the fragment itself instead of just from the paint info.
        PaintInfo paintInfo(context, pixelSnappedIntRect(fragment.backgroundRect.rect()), PaintPhaseMask, PaintBehaviorNormal, paintingRootForRenderer, 0, 0, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer->renderer());
        renderer()->paint(paintInfo, toPoint(fragment.layerBounds.location() - renderBoxLocation() + subPixelAccumulationIfNeeded(localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, compositingState())));

        if (localPaintingInfo.clipToDirtyRect)
            restoreClip(context, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, fragment.backgroundRect);

void RenderLayer::paintChildClippingMaskForFragments(const LayerFragments& layerFragments, GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& localPaintingInfo,
    RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layerFragments.size(); ++i) {
        const LayerFragment& fragment =;
        if (!fragment.shouldPaintContent)

        if (localPaintingInfo.clipToDirtyRect)
            clipToRect(localPaintingInfo, context, fragment.foregroundRect, IncludeSelfForBorderRadius); // Child clipping mask painting will handle clipping to self.

        // Paint the the clipped mask.
        PaintInfo paintInfo(context, pixelSnappedIntRect(fragment.backgroundRect.rect()), PaintPhaseClippingMask, PaintBehaviorNormal, paintingRootForRenderer, 0, 0, localPaintingInfo.rootLayer->renderer());
        renderer()->paint(paintInfo, toPoint(fragment.layerBounds.location() - renderBoxLocation() + subPixelAccumulationIfNeeded(localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, compositingState())));

        if (localPaintingInfo.clipToDirtyRect)
            restoreClip(context, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, fragment.foregroundRect);

void RenderLayer::paintOverflowControlsForFragments(const LayerFragments& layerFragments, GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& localPaintingInfo)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layerFragments.size(); ++i) {
        const LayerFragment& fragment =;
        clipToRect(localPaintingInfo, context, fragment.backgroundRect);
        if (RenderLayerScrollableArea* scrollableArea = this->scrollableArea())
            scrollableArea->paintOverflowControls(context, roundedIntPoint(toPoint(fragment.layerBounds.location() - renderBoxLocation() + subPixelAccumulationIfNeeded(localPaintingInfo.subPixelAccumulation, compositingState()))), pixelSnappedIntRect(fragment.backgroundRect.rect()), true);
        restoreClip(context, localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect, fragment.backgroundRect);

void RenderLayer::paintPaginatedChildLayer(RenderLayer* childLayer, GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags)
    // We need to do multiple passes, breaking up our child layer into strips.
    Vector<RenderLayer*> columnLayers;
    RenderLayerStackingNode* ancestorNode = m_stackingNode->isNormalFlowOnly() ? parent()->stackingNode() : m_stackingNode->ancestorStackingContainerNode();
    for (RenderLayer* curr = childLayer->parent(); curr; curr = curr->parent()) {
        if (curr->renderer()->hasColumns() && checkContainingBlockChainForPagination(childLayer->renderer(), curr->renderBox()))
        if (curr->stackingNode() == ancestorNode)

    // It is possible for paintLayer() to be called after the child layer ceases to be paginated but before
    // updateLayerPositions() is called and resets the isPaginated() flag, see <rdar://problem/10098679>.
    // If this is the case, just bail out, since the upcoming call to updateLayerPositions() will repaint the layer.
    if (!columnLayers.size())

    paintChildLayerIntoColumns(childLayer, context, paintingInfo, paintFlags, columnLayers, columnLayers.size() - 1);

void RenderLayer::paintChildLayerIntoColumns(RenderLayer* childLayer, GraphicsContext* context, const LayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo,
    PaintLayerFlags paintFlags, const Vector<RenderLayer*>& columnLayers, size_t colIndex)
    RenderBlock* columnBlock = toRenderBlock(columnLayers[colIndex]->renderer());

    ASSERT(columnBlock && columnBlock->hasColumns());
    if (!columnBlock || !columnBlock->hasColumns())

    LayoutPoint layerOffset;
    // FIXME: It looks suspicious to call convertToLayerCoords here
    // as canUseConvertToLayerCoords is true for this layer.
    columnBlock->layer()->convertToLayerCoords(paintingInfo.rootLayer, layerOffset);

    bool isHorizontal = columnBlock->style()->isHorizontalWritingMode();

    ColumnInfo* colInfo = columnBlock->columnInfo();
    unsigned colCount = columnBlock->columnCount(colInfo);
    LayoutUnit currLogicalTopOffset = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
        // For each rect, we clip to the rect, and then we adjust our coords.
        LayoutRect colRect = columnBlock->columnRectAt(colInfo, i);
        LayoutUnit logicalLeftOffset = (isHorizontal ? colRect.x() : colRect.y()) - columnBlock->logicalLeftOffsetForContent();
        LayoutSize offset;
        if (isHorizontal) {
            if (colInfo->progressionAxis() == ColumnInfo::InlineAxis)
                offset = LayoutSize(logicalLeftOffset, currLogicalTopOffset);
                offset = LayoutSize(0, colRect.y() + currLogicalTopOffset - columnBlock->borderTop() - columnBlock->paddingTop());
        } else {
            if (colInfo->progressionAxis() == ColumnInfo::InlineAxis)
                offset = LayoutSize(currLogicalTopOffset, logicalLeftOffset);
                offset = LayoutSize(colRect.x() + currLogicalTopOffset - columnBlock->borderLeft() - columnBlock->paddingLeft(), 0);


        LayoutRect localDirtyRect(paintingInfo.paintDirtyRect);

        if (!localDirtyRect.isEmpty()) {
            GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context);

            // Each strip pushes a clip, since column boxes are specified as being
            // like overflow:hidden.

            if (!colIndex) {
                // Apply a translation transform to change where the layer paints.
                TransformationMatrix oldTransform;
                bool oldHasTransform = childLayer->transform();
                if (oldHasTransform)
                    oldTransform = *childLayer->transform();
                TransformationMatrix newTransform(oldTransform);
                newTransform.translateRight(roundToInt(offset.width()), roundToInt(offset.height()));

                childLayer->m_transform = adoptPtr(new TransformationMatrix(newTransform));

                LayerPaintingInfo localPaintingInfo(paintingInfo);
                localPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect = localDirtyRect;
                childLayer->paintLayer(context, localPaintingInfo, paintFlags);

                if (oldHasTransform)
                    childLayer->m_transform = adoptPtr(new TransformationMatrix(oldTransform));
            } else {
                // Adjust the transform such that the renderer's upper left corner will paint at (0,0) in user space.
                // This involves subtracting out the position of the layer in our current coordinate space.
                LayoutPoint childOffset;
                columnLayers[colIndex - 1]->convertToLayerCoords(paintingInfo.rootLayer, childOffset);
                TransformationMatrix transform;
                transform.translateRight(roundToInt(childOffset.x() + offset.width()), roundToInt(childOffset.y() + offset.height()));

                // Apply the transform.

                // Now do a paint with the root layer shifted to be the next multicol block.
                LayerPaintingInfo columnPaintingInfo(paintingInfo);
                columnPaintingInfo.rootLayer = columnLayers[colIndex - 1];
                columnPaintingInfo.paintDirtyRect = transform.inverse().mapRect(localDirtyRect);
                paintChildLayerIntoColumns(childLayer, context, columnPaintingInfo, paintFlags, columnLayers, colIndex - 1);

        // Move to the next position.
        LayoutUnit blockDelta = isHorizontal ? colRect.height() : colRect.width();
        if (columnBlock->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode())
            currLogicalTopOffset += blockDelta;
            currLogicalTopOffset -= blockDelta;

static inline LayoutRect frameVisibleRect(RenderObject* renderer)
    FrameView* frameView = renderer->document().view();
    if (!frameView)
        return LayoutRect();

    return frameView->visibleContentRect();

bool RenderLayer::hitTest(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result)
    return hitTest(request, result.hitTestLocation(), result);

bool RenderLayer::hitTest(const HitTestRequest& request, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, HitTestResult& result)
    ASSERT(isSelfPaintingLayer() || hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant());

    // RenderView should make sure to update layout before entering hit testing

    LayoutRect hitTestArea = isOutOfFlowRenderFlowThread() ? toRenderFlowThread(renderer())->borderBoxRect() : renderer()->view()->documentRect();
    if (!request.ignoreClipping())

    RenderLayer* insideLayer = hitTestLayer(this, 0, request, result, hitTestArea, hitTestLocation, false);
    if (!insideLayer) {
        // We didn't hit any layer. If we are the root layer and the mouse is -- or just was -- down,
        // return ourselves. We do this so mouse events continue getting delivered after a drag has
        // exited the WebView, and so hit testing over a scrollbar hits the content document.
        if (!request.isChildFrameHitTest() && ( || request.release()) && isRootLayer()) {
            renderer()->updateHitTestResult(result, toRenderView(renderer())->flipForWritingMode(hitTestLocation.point()));
            insideLayer = this;

    // Now determine if the result is inside an anchor - if the urlElement isn't already set.
    Node* node = result.innerNode();
    if (node && !result.URLElement())

    // Now return whether we were inside this layer (this will always be true for the root
    // layer).
    return insideLayer;

Node* RenderLayer::enclosingElement() const
    for (RenderObject* r = renderer(); r; r = r->parent()) {
        if (Node* e = r->node())
            return e;
    return 0;

bool RenderLayer::isInTopLayer() const
    Node* node = renderer()->node();
    return node && node->isElementNode() && toElement(node)->isInTopLayer();

bool RenderLayer::isInTopLayerSubtree() const
    for (const RenderLayer* layer = this; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
        if (layer->isInTopLayer())
            return true;
    return false;

// Compute the z-offset of the point in the transformState.
// This is effectively projecting a ray normal to the plane of ancestor, finding where that
// ray intersects target, and computing the z delta between those two points.
static double computeZOffset(const HitTestingTransformState& transformState)
    // We got an affine transform, so no z-offset
    if (transformState.m_accumulatedTransform.isAffine())
        return 0;

    // Flatten the point into the target plane
    FloatPoint targetPoint = transformState.mappedPoint();

    // Now map the point back through the transform, which computes Z.
    FloatPoint3D backmappedPoint = transformState.m_accumulatedTransform.mapPoint(FloatPoint3D(targetPoint));
    return backmappedPoint.z();

PassRefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> RenderLayer::createLocalTransformState(RenderLayer* rootLayer, RenderLayer* containerLayer,
                                        const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation,
                                        const HitTestingTransformState* containerTransformState,
                                        const LayoutPoint& translationOffset) const
    RefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> transformState;
    LayoutPoint offset;
    if (containerTransformState) {
        // If we're already computing transform state, then it's relative to the container (which we know is non-null).
        transformState = HitTestingTransformState::create(*containerTransformState);
        convertToLayerCoords(containerLayer, offset);
    } else {
        // If this is the first time we need to make transform state, then base it off of hitTestLocation,
        // which is relative to rootLayer.
        transformState = HitTestingTransformState::create(hitTestLocation.transformedPoint(), hitTestLocation.transformedRect(), FloatQuad(hitTestRect));
        convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, offset);

    RenderObject* containerRenderer = containerLayer ? containerLayer->renderer() : 0;
    if (renderer()->shouldUseTransformFromContainer(containerRenderer)) {
        TransformationMatrix containerTransform;
        renderer()->getTransformFromContainer(containerRenderer, toLayoutSize(offset), containerTransform);
        transformState->applyTransform(containerTransform, HitTestingTransformState::AccumulateTransform);
    } else {
        transformState->translate(offset.x(), offset.y(), HitTestingTransformState::AccumulateTransform);

    return transformState;

static bool isHitCandidate(const RenderLayer* hitLayer, bool canDepthSort, double* zOffset, const HitTestingTransformState* transformState)
    if (!hitLayer)
        return false;

    // The hit layer is depth-sorting with other layers, so just say that it was hit.
    if (canDepthSort)
        return true;

    // We need to look at z-depth to decide if this layer was hit.
    if (zOffset) {
        // This is actually computing our z, but that's OK because the hitLayer is coplanar with us.
        double childZOffset = computeZOffset(*transformState);
        if (childZOffset > *zOffset) {
            *zOffset = childZOffset;
            return true;
        return false;

    return true;

// hitTestLocation and hitTestRect are relative to rootLayer.
// A 'flattening' layer is one preserves3D() == false.
// transformState.m_accumulatedTransform holds the transform from the containing flattening layer.
// transformState.m_lastPlanarPoint is the hitTestLocation in the plane of the containing flattening layer.
// transformState.m_lastPlanarQuad is the hitTestRect as a quad in the plane of the containing flattening layer.
// If zOffset is non-null (which indicates that the caller wants z offset information),
//  *zOffset on return is the z offset of the hit point relative to the containing flattening layer.
RenderLayer* RenderLayer::hitTestLayer(RenderLayer* rootLayer, RenderLayer* containerLayer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
                                       const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, bool appliedTransform,
                                       const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffset)
    if (!isSelfPaintingLayer() && !hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
        return 0;

    // The natural thing would be to keep HitTestingTransformState on the stack, but it's big, so we heap-allocate.

    // Apply a transform if we have one.
    if (transform() && !appliedTransform) {
        if (enclosingPaginationLayer())
            return hitTestTransformedLayerInFragments(rootLayer, containerLayer, request, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, transformState, zOffset);

        // Make sure the parent's clip rects have been calculated.
        if (parent()) {
            ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(rootLayer, RootRelativeClipRects, IncludeOverlayScrollbarSize);
            ClipRect clipRect = clipper().backgroundClipRect(clipRectsContext);
            // Go ahead and test the enclosing clip now.
            if (!clipRect.intersects(hitTestLocation))
                return 0;

        return hitTestLayerByApplyingTransform(rootLayer, containerLayer, request, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, transformState, zOffset);

    // Ensure our lists and 3d status are up-to-date.

    RefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> localTransformState;
    if (appliedTransform) {
        // We computed the correct state in the caller (above code), so just reference it.
        localTransformState = const_cast<HitTestingTransformState*>(transformState);
    } else if (transformState || m_has3DTransformedDescendant || preserves3D()) {
        // We need transform state for the first time, or to offset the container state, so create it here.
        localTransformState = createLocalTransformState(rootLayer, containerLayer, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, transformState);

    // Check for hit test on backface if backface-visibility is 'hidden'
    if (localTransformState && renderer()->style()->backfaceVisibility() == BackfaceVisibilityHidden) {
        TransformationMatrix invertedMatrix = localTransformState->m_accumulatedTransform.inverse();
        // If the z-vector of the matrix is negative, the back is facing towards the viewer.
        if (invertedMatrix.m33() < 0)
            return 0;

    RefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> unflattenedTransformState = localTransformState;
    if (localTransformState && !preserves3D()) {
        // Keep a copy of the pre-flattening state, for computing z-offsets for the container
        unflattenedTransformState = HitTestingTransformState::create(*localTransformState);
        // This layer is flattening, so flatten the state passed to descendants.

    // The following are used for keeping track of the z-depth of the hit point of 3d-transformed
    // descendants.
    double localZOffset = -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    double* zOffsetForDescendantsPtr = 0;
    double* zOffsetForContentsPtr = 0;

    bool depthSortDescendants = false;
    if (preserves3D()) {
        depthSortDescendants = true;
        // Our layers can depth-test with our container, so share the z depth pointer with the container, if it passed one down.
        zOffsetForDescendantsPtr = zOffset ? zOffset : &localZOffset;
        zOffsetForContentsPtr = zOffset ? zOffset : &localZOffset;
    } else if (m_has3DTransformedDescendant) {
        // Flattening layer with 3d children; use a local zOffset pointer to depth-test children and foreground.
        depthSortDescendants = true;
        zOffsetForDescendantsPtr = zOffset ? zOffset : &localZOffset;
        zOffsetForContentsPtr = zOffset ? zOffset : &localZOffset;
    } else if (zOffset) {
        zOffsetForDescendantsPtr = 0;
        // Container needs us to give back a z offset for the hit layer.
        zOffsetForContentsPtr = zOffset;

    // This variable tracks which layer the mouse ends up being inside.
    RenderLayer* candidateLayer = 0;

    // Begin by walking our list of positive layers from highest z-index down to the lowest z-index.
    RenderLayer* hitLayer = hitTestChildren(PositiveZOrderChildren, rootLayer, request, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation,
                                        localTransformState.get(), zOffsetForDescendantsPtr, zOffset, unflattenedTransformState.get(), depthSortDescendants);
    if (hitLayer) {
        if (!depthSortDescendants)
            return hitLayer;
        candidateLayer = hitLayer;

    // Now check our overflow objects.
    hitLayer = hitTestChildren(NormalFlowChildren, rootLayer, request, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation,
                           localTransformState.get(), zOffsetForDescendantsPtr, zOffset, unflattenedTransformState.get(), depthSortDescendants);
    if (hitLayer) {
        if (!depthSortDescendants)
            return hitLayer;
        candidateLayer = hitLayer;

    // Collect the fragments. This will compute the clip rectangles for each layer fragment.
    LayerFragments layerFragments;
    collectFragments(layerFragments, rootLayer, hitTestRect, RootRelativeClipRects, IncludeOverlayScrollbarSize);

    if (m_scrollableArea && m_scrollableArea->hitTestResizerInFragments(layerFragments, hitTestLocation)) {
        renderer()->updateHitTestResult(result, hitTestLocation.point());
        return this;

    // Next we want to see if the mouse pos is inside the child RenderObjects of the layer. Check
    // every fragment in reverse order.
    if (isSelfPaintingLayer()) {
        // Hit test with a temporary HitTestResult, because we only want to commit to 'result' if we know we're frontmost.
        HitTestResult tempResult(result.hitTestLocation());
        bool insideFragmentForegroundRect = false;
        if (hitTestContentsForFragments(layerFragments, request, tempResult, hitTestLocation, HitTestDescendants, insideFragmentForegroundRect)
            && isHitCandidate(this, false, zOffsetForContentsPtr, unflattenedTransformState.get())) {
            if (result.isRectBasedTest())
                result = tempResult;
            if (!depthSortDescendants)
                return this;
            // Foreground can depth-sort with descendant layers, so keep this as a candidate.
            candidateLayer = this;
        } else if (insideFragmentForegroundRect && result.isRectBasedTest())

    // Now check our negative z-index children.
    hitLayer = hitTestChildren(NegativeZOrderChildren, rootLayer, request, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation,
        localTransformState.get(), zOffsetForDescendantsPtr, zOffset, unflattenedTransformState.get(), depthSortDescendants);
    if (hitLayer) {
        if (!depthSortDescendants)
            return hitLayer;
        candidateLayer = hitLayer;

    // If we found a layer, return. Child layers, and foreground always render in front of background.
    if (candidateLayer)
        return candidateLayer;

    if (isSelfPaintingLayer()) {
        HitTestResult tempResult(result.hitTestLocation());
        bool insideFragmentBackgroundRect = false;
        if (hitTestContentsForFragments(layerFragments, request, tempResult, hitTestLocation, HitTestSelf, insideFragmentBackgroundRect)
            && isHitCandidate(this, false, zOffsetForContentsPtr, unflattenedTransformState.get())) {
            if (result.isRectBasedTest())
                result = tempResult;
            return this;
        if (insideFragmentBackgroundRect && result.isRectBasedTest())

    return 0;

bool RenderLayer::hitTestContentsForFragments(const LayerFragments& layerFragments, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
    const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, HitTestFilter hitTestFilter, bool& insideClipRect) const
    if (layerFragments.isEmpty())
        return false;

    for (int i = layerFragments.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        const LayerFragment& fragment =;
        if ((hitTestFilter == HitTestSelf && !fragment.backgroundRect.intersects(hitTestLocation))
            || (hitTestFilter == HitTestDescendants && !fragment.foregroundRect.intersects(hitTestLocation)))
        insideClipRect = true;
        if (hitTestContents(request, result, fragment.layerBounds, hitTestLocation, hitTestFilter))
            return true;

    return false;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::hitTestTransformedLayerInFragments(RenderLayer* rootLayer, RenderLayer* containerLayer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
    const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffset)
    LayerFragments enclosingPaginationFragments;
    LayoutPoint offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot;
    // FIXME: We're missing a sub-pixel offset here
    LayoutRect transformedExtent = transparencyClipBox(this, enclosingPaginationLayer(), HitTestingTransparencyClipBox, RootOfTransparencyClipBox, LayoutSize());
    enclosingPaginationLayer()->collectFragments(enclosingPaginationFragments, rootLayer, hitTestRect,
        RootRelativeClipRects, IncludeOverlayScrollbarSize, RespectOverflowClip, &offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot, LayoutSize(), &transformedExtent);

    for (int i = enclosingPaginationFragments.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        const LayerFragment& fragment =;

        // Apply the page/column clip for this fragment, as well as any clips established by layers in between us and
        // the enclosing pagination layer.
        LayoutRect clipRect = fragment.backgroundRect.rect();

        // Now compute the clips within a given fragment
        if (parent() != enclosingPaginationLayer()) {
            enclosingPaginationLayer()->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot);

            ClipRectsContext clipRectsContext(enclosingPaginationLayer(), RootRelativeClipRects, IncludeOverlayScrollbarSize);
            LayoutRect parentClipRect = clipper().backgroundClipRect(clipRectsContext).rect();
            parentClipRect.moveBy(fragment.paginationOffset + offsetOfPaginationLayerFromRoot);

        if (!hitTestLocation.intersects(clipRect))

        RenderLayer* hitLayer = hitTestLayerByApplyingTransform(rootLayer, containerLayer, request, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation,
            transformState, zOffset, fragment.paginationOffset);
        if (hitLayer)
            return hitLayer;

    return 0;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::hitTestLayerByApplyingTransform(RenderLayer* rootLayer, RenderLayer* containerLayer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
    const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffset,
    const LayoutPoint& translationOffset)
    // Create a transform state to accumulate this transform.
    RefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> newTransformState = createLocalTransformState(rootLayer, containerLayer, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, transformState, translationOffset);

    // If the transform can't be inverted, then don't hit test this layer at all.
    if (!newTransformState->m_accumulatedTransform.isInvertible())
        return 0;

    // Compute the point and the hit test rect in the coords of this layer by using the values
    // from the transformState, which store the point and quad in the coords of the last flattened
    // layer, and the accumulated transform which lets up map through preserve-3d layers.
    // We can't just map hitTestLocation and hitTestRect because they may have been flattened (losing z)
    // by our container.
    FloatPoint localPoint = newTransformState->mappedPoint();
    FloatQuad localPointQuad = newTransformState->mappedQuad();
    LayoutRect localHitTestRect = newTransformState->boundsOfMappedArea();
    HitTestLocation newHitTestLocation;
    if (hitTestLocation.isRectBasedTest())
        newHitTestLocation = HitTestLocation(localPoint, localPointQuad);
        newHitTestLocation = HitTestLocation(localPoint);

    // Now do a hit test with the root layer shifted to be us.
    return hitTestLayer(this, containerLayer, request, result, localHitTestRect, newHitTestLocation, true, newTransformState.get(), zOffset);

bool RenderLayer::hitTestContents(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const LayoutRect& layerBounds, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, HitTestFilter hitTestFilter) const
    ASSERT(isSelfPaintingLayer() || hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant());

    if (!renderer()->hitTest(request, result, hitTestLocation, toLayoutPoint(layerBounds.location() - renderBoxLocation()), hitTestFilter)) {
        // It's wrong to set innerNode, but then claim that you didn't hit anything, unless it is
        // a rect-based test.
        ASSERT(!result.innerNode() || (result.isRectBasedTest() && result.rectBasedTestResult().size()));
        return false;

    // For positioned generated content, we might still not have a
    // node by the time we get to the layer level, since none of
    // the content in the layer has an element. So just walk up
    // the tree.
    if (!result.innerNode() || !result.innerNonSharedNode()) {
        Node* e = enclosingElement();
        if (!result.innerNode())
        if (!result.innerNonSharedNode())

    return true;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::hitTestChildren(ChildrenIteration childrentoVisit, RenderLayer* rootLayer,
    const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
    const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation,
    const HitTestingTransformState* transformState,
    double* zOffsetForDescendants, double* zOffset,
    const HitTestingTransformState* unflattenedTransformState,
    bool depthSortDescendants)
    if (!hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
        return 0;

    RenderLayer* resultLayer = 0;
    RenderLayerStackingNodeReverseIterator iterator(*m_stackingNode, childrentoVisit);
    while (RenderLayerStackingNode* child = {
        RenderLayer* childLayer = child->layer();
        RenderLayer* hitLayer = 0;
        HitTestResult tempResult(result.hitTestLocation());
        if (childLayer->isPaginated())
            hitLayer = hitTestPaginatedChildLayer(childLayer, rootLayer, request, tempResult, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, transformState, zOffsetForDescendants);
            hitLayer = childLayer->hitTestLayer(rootLayer, this, request, tempResult, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, false, transformState, zOffsetForDescendants);

        // If it a rect-based test, we can safely append the temporary result since it might had hit
        // nodes but not necesserily had hitLayer set.
        if (result.isRectBasedTest())

        if (isHitCandidate(hitLayer, depthSortDescendants, zOffset, unflattenedTransformState)) {
            resultLayer = hitLayer;
            if (!result.isRectBasedTest())
                result = tempResult;
            if (!depthSortDescendants)

    return resultLayer;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::hitTestPaginatedChildLayer(RenderLayer* childLayer, RenderLayer* rootLayer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
                                                     const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffset)
    Vector<RenderLayer*> columnLayers;
    RenderLayerStackingNode* ancestorNode = m_stackingNode->isNormalFlowOnly() ? parent()->stackingNode() : m_stackingNode->ancestorStackingContainerNode();
    for (RenderLayer* curr = childLayer->parent(); curr; curr = curr->parent()) {
        if (curr->renderer()->hasColumns() && checkContainingBlockChainForPagination(childLayer->renderer(), curr->renderBox()))
        if (curr->stackingNode() == ancestorNode)

    return hitTestChildLayerColumns(childLayer, rootLayer, request, result, hitTestRect, hitTestLocation, transformState, zOffset,
                                    columnLayers, columnLayers.size() - 1);

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::hitTestChildLayerColumns(RenderLayer* childLayer, RenderLayer* rootLayer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
                                                   const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation, const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffset,
                                                   const Vector<RenderLayer*>& columnLayers, size_t columnIndex)
    RenderBlock* columnBlock = toRenderBlock(columnLayers[columnIndex]->renderer());

    ASSERT(columnBlock && columnBlock->hasColumns());
    if (!columnBlock || !columnBlock->hasColumns())
        return 0;

    LayoutPoint layerOffset;
    columnBlock->layer()->convertToLayerCoords(rootLayer, layerOffset);

    ColumnInfo* colInfo = columnBlock->columnInfo();
    int colCount = columnBlock->columnCount(colInfo);

    // We have to go backwards from the last column to the first.
    bool isHorizontal = columnBlock->style()->isHorizontalWritingMode();
    LayoutUnit logicalLeft = columnBlock->logicalLeftOffsetForContent();
    LayoutUnit currLogicalTopOffset = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
        LayoutRect colRect = columnBlock->columnRectAt(colInfo, i);
        LayoutUnit blockDelta =  (isHorizontal ? colRect.height() : colRect.width());
        if (columnBlock->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode())
            currLogicalTopOffset += blockDelta;
            currLogicalTopOffset -= blockDelta;
    for (i = colCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // For each rect, we clip to the rect, and then we adjust our coords.
        LayoutRect colRect = columnBlock->columnRectAt(colInfo, i);
        LayoutUnit currLogicalLeftOffset = (isHorizontal ? colRect.x() : colRect.y()) - logicalLeft;
        LayoutUnit blockDelta =  (isHorizontal ? colRect.height() : colRect.width());
        if (columnBlock->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode())
            currLogicalTopOffset -= blockDelta;
            currLogicalTopOffset += blockDelta;

        LayoutSize offset;
        if (isHorizontal) {
            if (colInfo->progressionAxis() == ColumnInfo::InlineAxis)
                offset = LayoutSize(currLogicalLeftOffset, currLogicalTopOffset);
                offset = LayoutSize(0, colRect.y() + currLogicalTopOffset - columnBlock->borderTop() - columnBlock->paddingTop());
        } else {
            if (colInfo->progressionAxis() == ColumnInfo::InlineAxis)
                offset = LayoutSize(currLogicalTopOffset, currLogicalLeftOffset);
                offset = LayoutSize(colRect.x() + currLogicalTopOffset - columnBlock->borderLeft() - columnBlock->paddingLeft(), 0);


        LayoutRect localClipRect(hitTestRect);

        if (!localClipRect.isEmpty() && hitTestLocation.intersects(localClipRect)) {
            RenderLayer* hitLayer = 0;
            if (!columnIndex) {
                // Apply a translation transform to change where the layer paints.
                TransformationMatrix oldTransform;
                bool oldHasTransform = childLayer->transform();
                if (oldHasTransform)
                    oldTransform = *childLayer->transform();
                TransformationMatrix newTransform(oldTransform);
                newTransform.translateRight(offset.width(), offset.height());

                childLayer->m_transform = adoptPtr(new TransformationMatrix(newTransform));
                hitLayer = childLayer->hitTestLayer(rootLayer, columnLayers[0], request, result, localClipRect, hitTestLocation, false, transformState, zOffset);
                if (oldHasTransform)
                    childLayer->m_transform = adoptPtr(new TransformationMatrix(oldTransform));
            } else {
                // Adjust the transform such that the renderer's upper left corner will be at (0,0) in user space.
                // This involves subtracting out the position of the layer in our current coordinate space.
                RenderLayer* nextLayer = columnLayers[columnIndex - 1];
                RefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> newTransformState = nextLayer->createLocalTransformState(rootLayer, nextLayer, localClipRect, hitTestLocation, transformState);
                newTransformState->translate(offset.width(), offset.height(), HitTestingTransformState::AccumulateTransform);
                FloatPoint localPoint = newTransformState->mappedPoint();
                FloatQuad localPointQuad = newTransformState->mappedQuad();
                LayoutRect localHitTestRect = newTransformState->mappedArea().enclosingBoundingBox();
                HitTestLocation newHitTestLocation;
                if (hitTestLocation.isRectBasedTest())
                    newHitTestLocation = HitTestLocation(localPoint, localPointQuad);
                    newHitTestLocation = HitTestLocation(localPoint);

                hitLayer = hitTestChildLayerColumns(childLayer, columnLayers[columnIndex - 1], request, result, localHitTestRect, newHitTestLocation,
                                                    newTransformState.get(), zOffset, columnLayers, columnIndex - 1);

            if (hitLayer)
                return hitLayer;

    return 0;

void RenderLayer::addBlockSelectionGapsBounds(const LayoutRect& bounds)

void RenderLayer::clearBlockSelectionGapsBounds()
    m_blockSelectionGapsBounds = IntRect();
    for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())

void RenderLayer::repaintBlockSelectionGaps()
    for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())

    if (m_blockSelectionGapsBounds.isEmpty())

    LayoutRect rect = m_blockSelectionGapsBounds;
    if (renderer()->hasOverflowClip()) {
        RenderBox* box = renderBox();
        if (!scrollableArea()->usesCompositedScrolling())
    if (renderer()->hasClip())
    if (!rect.isEmpty())

bool RenderLayer::hasBlockSelectionGapBounds() const
    return !m_blockSelectionGapsBounds.isEmpty();

bool RenderLayer::intersectsDamageRect(const LayoutRect& layerBounds, const LayoutRect& damageRect, const RenderLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot) const
    // Always examine the canvas and the root.
    // FIXME: Could eliminate the isRoot() check if we fix background painting so that the RenderView
    // paints the root's background.
    if (isRootLayer() || renderer()->isRoot())
        return true;

    // If we aren't an inline flow, and our layer bounds do intersect the damage rect, then we
    // can go ahead and return true.
    RenderView* view = renderer()->view();
    if (view && !renderer()->isRenderInline()) {
        if (layerBounds.intersects(damageRect))
            return true;

    // Otherwise we need to compute the bounding box of this single layer and see if it intersects
    // the damage rect.
    return physicalBoundingBox(rootLayer, offsetFromRoot).intersects(damageRect);

LayoutRect RenderLayer::logicalBoundingBox() const
    // There are three special cases we need to consider.
    // (1) Inline Flows.  For inline flows we will create a bounding box that fully encompasses all of the lines occupied by the
    // inline.  In other words, if some <span> wraps to three lines, we'll create a bounding box that fully encloses the
    // line boxes of all three lines (including overflow on those lines).
    // (2) Left/Top Overflow.  The width/height of layers already includes right/bottom overflow.  However, in the case of left/top
    // overflow, we have to create a bounding box that will extend to include this overflow.
    // (3) Floats.  When a layer has overhanging floats that it paints, we need to make sure to include these overhanging floats
    // as part of our bounding box.  We do this because we are the responsible layer for both hit testing and painting those
    // floats.
    LayoutRect result;
    if (renderer()->isInline() && renderer()->isRenderInline()) {
        result = toRenderInline(renderer())->linesVisualOverflowBoundingBox();
    } else if (renderer()->isTableRow()) {
        // Our bounding box is just the union of all of our cells' border/overflow rects.
        for (RenderObject* child = renderer()->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
            if (child->isTableCell()) {
                LayoutRect bbox = toRenderBox(child)->borderBoxRect();
                LayoutRect overflowRect = renderBox()->visualOverflowRect();
                if (bbox != overflowRect)
    } else {
        RenderBox* box = renderBox();
        result = box->borderBoxRect();

    return result;

LayoutRect RenderLayer::physicalBoundingBox(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot) const
    LayoutRect result = logicalBoundingBox();
    if (m_renderer->isBox())

    LayoutPoint delta;
    if (offsetFromRoot)
        delta = *offsetFromRoot;
        convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, delta);

    return result;

LayoutRect RenderLayer::calculateLayerBounds(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot, CalculateLayerBoundsFlags flags) const
    if (!isSelfPaintingLayer())
        return LayoutRect();

    // FIXME: This could be improved to do a check like hasVisibleNonCompositingDescendantLayers() (bug 92580).
    if ((flags & ExcludeHiddenDescendants) && this != ancestorLayer && !hasVisibleContent() && !hasVisibleDescendant())
        return LayoutRect();

    RenderLayerModelObject* renderer = this->renderer();

    if (isRootLayer()) {
        // The root layer is always just the size of the document.
        return renderer->view()->unscaledDocumentRect();

    LayoutRect boundingBoxRect = logicalBoundingBox();

    if (renderer->isBox())

    LayoutRect unionBounds = boundingBoxRect;

    bool shouldIncludeTransform = paintsWithTransform(PaintBehaviorNormal) || (transform() && flags & PretendLayerHasOwnBacking);

    if (flags & UseLocalClipRectIfPossible) {
        LayoutRect localClipRect = clipper().localClipRect();
        if (localClipRect != PaintInfo::infiniteRect()) {
            if ((flags & IncludeSelfTransform) && shouldIncludeTransform)
                localClipRect = transform()->mapRect(localClipRect);

            LayoutPoint ancestorRelOffset;
            convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, ancestorRelOffset);
            return localClipRect;

    // FIXME: should probably just pass 'flags' down to descendants.
    CalculateLayerBoundsFlags descendantFlags = DefaultCalculateLayerBoundsFlags | (flags & ExcludeHiddenDescendants) | (flags & IncludeCompositedDescendants);


    if (m_reflectionInfo) {
        RenderLayer* reflectionLayer = m_reflectionInfo->reflectionLayer();
        if (!reflectionLayer->hasCompositedLayerMapping()) {
            LayoutRect childUnionBounds = reflectionLayer->calculateLayerBounds(this, 0, descendantFlags);

    ASSERT(m_stackingNode->isStackingContainer() || !m_stackingNode->hasPositiveZOrderList());

    LayerListMutationDetector mutationChecker(const_cast<RenderLayer*>(this)->stackingNode());

    // FIXME: Descendants that are composited should not necessarily be skipped, if they don't paint into their own
    // separate backing. Instead, they ought to contribute to the bounds of the layer we're trying to compute.
    // This applies to all z-order lists below.
    RenderLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*m_stackingNode.get(), AllChildren);
    while (RenderLayerStackingNode* node = {
        // Node's compositing ancestor may have changed its draw content status
        // prior to updating its bounds. The requires-own-backing-store-for-ancestor-reasons
        // could be stale. Refresh them now.
        if (node->layer()->hasCompositedLayerMapping()) {
            RenderLayer* enclosingCompositingLayer = node->layer()->enclosingCompositingLayer(ExcludeSelf);

        if (flags & IncludeCompositedDescendants || !node->layer()->hasCompositedLayerMapping()) {
            LayoutRect childUnionBounds = node->layer()->calculateLayerBounds(this, 0, descendantFlags);

    // FIXME: We can optimize the size of the composited layers, by not enlarging
    // filtered areas with the outsets if we know that the filter is going to render in hardware.
    if (flags & IncludeLayerFilterOutsets)

    if ((flags & IncludeSelfTransform) && shouldIncludeTransform) {
        TransformationMatrix* affineTrans = transform();
        boundingBoxRect = affineTrans->mapRect(boundingBoxRect);
        unionBounds = affineTrans->mapRect(unionBounds);

    LayoutPoint ancestorRelOffset;
    if (offsetFromRoot)
        ancestorRelOffset = *offsetFromRoot;
        convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, ancestorRelOffset);

    return unionBounds;

CompositingState RenderLayer::compositingState() const

    // This is computed procedurally so there is no redundant state variable that
    // can get out of sync from the real actual compositing state.

    if (m_groupedMapping) {
        return PaintsIntoGroupedBacking;

    if (!m_compositedLayerMapping)
        return NotComposited;

    if (compositedLayerMapping()->paintsIntoCompositedAncestor())
        return HasOwnBackingButPaintsIntoAncestor;

    return PaintsIntoOwnBacking;

bool RenderLayer::isAllowedToQueryCompositingState() const
    if (gCompositingQueryMode == CompositingQueriesAreAllowed)
        return true;
    return renderer()->document().lifecycle().state() >= DocumentLifecycle::InCompositingUpdate;

bool RenderLayer::isInCompositingUpdate() const
    return renderer()->document().lifecycle().state() == DocumentLifecycle::InCompositingUpdate;

CompositedLayerMappingPtr RenderLayer::compositedLayerMapping() const
    return m_compositedLayerMapping.get();

CompositedLayerMappingPtr RenderLayer::ensureCompositedLayerMapping()
    if (!m_compositedLayerMapping) {
        m_compositedLayerMapping = adoptPtr(new CompositedLayerMapping(*this));


        if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::cssCompositingEnabled())
    return m_compositedLayerMapping.get();

void RenderLayer::clearCompositedLayerMapping(bool layerBeingDestroyed)
    if (!layerBeingDestroyed) {
        // We need to make sure our decendants get a geometry update. In principle,
        // we could call setNeedsGraphicsLayerUpdate on our children, but that would
        // require walking the z-order lists to find them. Instead, we over-invalidate
        // by marking our parent as needing a geometry update.
        if (RenderLayer* compositingParent = enclosingCompositingLayer(ExcludeSelf))


    if (!layerBeingDestroyed)

void RenderLayer::setGroupedMapping(CompositedLayerMapping* groupedMapping, bool layerBeingDestroyed)
    if (!layerBeingDestroyed && m_groupedMapping)
    m_groupedMapping = groupedMapping;
    if (!layerBeingDestroyed && m_groupedMapping)

bool RenderLayer::hasCompositedMask() const
    return m_compositedLayerMapping && m_compositedLayerMapping->hasMaskLayer();

bool RenderLayer::hasCompositedClippingMask() const
    return m_compositedLayerMapping && m_compositedLayerMapping->hasChildClippingMaskLayer();

bool RenderLayer::clipsCompositingDescendantsWithBorderRadius() const
    RenderStyle* style = renderer()->style();
    if (!style)
        return false;

    return compositor()->clipsCompositingDescendants(this) && style->hasBorderRadius();

bool RenderLayer::paintsWithTransform(PaintBehavior paintBehavior) const
    return transform() && ((paintBehavior & PaintBehaviorFlattenCompositingLayers) || compositingState() != PaintsIntoOwnBacking);

bool RenderLayer::paintsWithBlendMode() const
    return m_blendInfo.hasBlendMode() && compositingState() != PaintsIntoOwnBacking;

bool RenderLayer::backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect& localRect) const
    if (!isSelfPaintingLayer() && !hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
        return false;

    if (paintsWithTransparency(PaintBehaviorNormal))
        return false;

    // We can't use hasVisibleContent(), because that will be true if our renderer is hidden, but some child
    // is visible and that child doesn't cover the entire rect.
    if (renderer()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
        return false;

    if (paintsWithFilters() && renderer()->style()->filter().hasFilterThatAffectsOpacity())
        return false;

    // FIXME: Handle simple transforms.
    if (paintsWithTransform(PaintBehaviorNormal))
        return false;

    // FIXME: Remove this check.
    // This function should not be called when layer-lists are dirty.
    // It is somehow getting triggered during style update.
    if (m_stackingNode->zOrderListsDirty() || m_stackingNode->normalFlowListDirty())
        return false;

    // FIXME: We currently only check the immediate renderer,
    // which will miss many cases.
    if (renderer()->backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(localRect))
        return true;

    // We can't consult child layers if we clip, since they might cover
    // parts of the rect that are clipped out.
    if (renderer()->hasOverflowClip())
        return false;

    return childBackgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(localRect);

bool RenderLayer::childBackgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect& localRect) const
    RenderLayerStackingNodeReverseIterator revertseIterator(*m_stackingNode, PositiveZOrderChildren | NormalFlowChildren | NegativeZOrderChildren);
    while (RenderLayerStackingNode* child = {
        const RenderLayer* childLayer = child->layer();
        if (childLayer->hasCompositedLayerMapping())

        if (!childLayer->canUseConvertToLayerCoords())

        LayoutPoint childOffset;
        LayoutRect childLocalRect(localRect);
        childLayer->convertToLayerCoords(this, childOffset);

        if (childLayer->backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(childLocalRect))
            return true;
    return false;

void RenderLayer::setParent(RenderLayer* parent)
    if (parent == m_parent)

    if (m_parent && !renderer()->documentBeingDestroyed())
        compositor()->layerWillBeRemoved(m_parent, this);

    m_parent = parent;

    if (m_parent && !renderer()->documentBeingDestroyed())
        compositor()->layerWasAdded(m_parent, this);

bool RenderLayer::shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer() const
    return m_layerType == NormalLayer
        || (m_scrollableArea && m_scrollableArea->hasOverlayScrollbars())
        || needsCompositedScrolling();

void RenderLayer::updateSelfPaintingLayer()
    bool isSelfPaintingLayer = this->shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer();
    if (this->isSelfPaintingLayer() == isSelfPaintingLayer)

    m_isSelfPaintingLayer = isSelfPaintingLayer;
    if (!parent())
    if (isSelfPaintingLayer)

bool RenderLayer::hasNonEmptyChildRenderers() const
    // Some HTML can cause whitespace text nodes to have renderers, like:
    // <div>
    // <img src=...>
    // </div>
    // so test for 0x0 RenderTexts here
    for (RenderObject* child = renderer()->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (!child->hasLayer()) {
            if (child->isRenderInline() || !child->isBox())
                return true;

            if (toRenderBox(child)->width() > 0 || toRenderBox(child)->height() > 0)
                return true;
    return false;

static bool hasBoxDecorations(const RenderStyle* style)
    return style->hasBorder() || style->hasBorderRadius() || style->hasOutline() || style->hasAppearance() || style->boxShadow() || style->hasFilter();

bool RenderLayer::hasBoxDecorationsOrBackground() const
    return hasBoxDecorations(renderer()->style()) || renderer()->hasBackground();

bool RenderLayer::hasVisibleBoxDecorations() const
    if (!hasVisibleContent())
        return false;

    return hasBoxDecorationsOrBackground() || hasOverflowControls();

bool RenderLayer::isVisuallyNonEmpty() const

    if (hasVisibleContent() && hasNonEmptyChildRenderers())
        return true;

    if (renderer()->isReplaced() || renderer()->hasMask())
        return true;

    if (hasVisibleBoxDecorations())
        return true;

    return false;

void RenderLayer::updateOutOfFlowPositioned(const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
    ASSERT(!oldStyle || renderer()->style()->position() != oldStyle->position());

    bool wasOutOfFlowPositioned = oldStyle && (oldStyle->position() == AbsolutePosition || oldStyle->position() == FixedPosition);
    bool isOutOfFlowPositioned = renderer()->isOutOfFlowPositioned();
    if (!wasOutOfFlowPositioned && !isOutOfFlowPositioned)

    // Even if the layer remains out-of-flow, a change to this property
    // will likely change its containing block. We must clear these bits
    // so that they can be set properly by the RenderLayerCompositor.
    for (RenderLayer* ancestor = parent(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent())

    // Ensures that we reset the above bits correctly.

    if (wasOutOfFlowPositioned && isOutOfFlowPositioned)

    if (isOutOfFlowPositioned) {
    } else {

        // We need to reset the isUnclippedDescendant bit here because normally
        // the "unclipped-ness" property is only updated in
        // RenderLayerCompositor::updateCompositingRequirementsState(). However,
        // it is only updated for layers which are known to be out of flow.
        // Since this is no longer out of flow, we have to explicitly ensure
        // that it doesn't think it is unclipped.

static bool hasOrHadFilters(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle)
    return (oldStyle && oldStyle->hasFilter()) || newStyle->hasFilter();

inline bool RenderLayer::needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForClip(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle) const
    return oldStyle && (oldStyle->clip() != newStyle->clip() || oldStyle->hasClip() != newStyle->hasClip());

inline bool RenderLayer::needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForOverflow(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle) const
    if (hasCompositedLayerMapping())
        return false;
    if (!oldStyle)
        return false;
    if (oldStyle->overflowX() == newStyle->overflowX())
        return false;
    RenderLayerStackingNode* stackingNode = m_stackingNode->ancestorStackingContainerNode();
    return stackingNode && stackingNode->layer()->hasCompositingDescendant();

inline bool RenderLayer::needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForFilters(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle, bool didPaintWithFilters) const
    if (!hasOrHadFilters(oldStyle, newStyle))
        return false;

    if (hasActiveAnimationsOnCompositor(*renderer(), CSSPropertyWebkitFilter)) {

        // When the compositor is performing the filter animation, we shouldn't touch the compositing layers.
        // All of the layers above us should have been promoted to compositing layers already.
        return false;

    FilterOutsets newOutsets = newStyle->filterOutsets();
    if (oldStyle && (oldStyle->filterOutsets() != newOutsets)) {
        // When filter outsets change, we need to:
        // (1) Recompute the overlap map to promote the correct layers to composited layers.
        // (2) Update the composited layer bounds (and child GraphicsLayer positions) on platforms
        //     whose compositors can't compute their own filter outsets.
        return true;

    return false;

inline bool RenderLayer::needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForBlending(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle) const
    if (!hasCompositedLayerMapping())
        return false;
    return (shouldIsolateCompositedDescendants() && !stackingNode()->isStackingContext())
        || (oldStyle && (oldStyle->hasBlendMode() != newStyle->hasBlendMode()));

void RenderLayer::updateFilters(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle)
    if (!hasOrHadFilters(oldStyle, newStyle))

    // During an accelerated animation, both WebKit and the compositor animate properties.
    // However, WebKit shouldn't ask the compositor to update its filters if the compositor is performing the animation.
    if (hasCompositedLayerMapping() && !hasActiveAnimationsOnCompositor(*renderer(), CSSPropertyWebkitFilter))

void RenderLayer::styleChanged(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)

    if (m_scrollableArea)

    if (!oldStyle || oldStyle->visibility() != renderer()->style()->visibility()) {
        ASSERT(!oldStyle || diff >= StyleDifferenceRepaint);

    // Overlay scrollbars can make this layer self-painting so we need
    // to recompute the bit once scrollbars have been updated.

    if (!oldStyle || renderer()->style()->position() != oldStyle->position()) {
        ASSERT(!oldStyle || diff >= StyleDifferenceLayout);

    if (!oldStyle || !renderer()->style()->reflectionDataEquivalent(oldStyle)) {
        ASSERT(!oldStyle || diff >= StyleDifferenceLayout);

    if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::cssCompositingEnabled())


    if (!oldStyle || !renderer()->style()->transformDataEquivalent(*oldStyle))

    bool didPaintWithFilters = false;

        DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
        if (paintsWithFilters())
            didPaintWithFilters = true;
        updateFilters(oldStyle, renderer()->style());



    // FIXME: Remove incremental compositing updates after fixing the chicken/egg issues
    DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;

    const RenderStyle* newStyle = renderer()->style();

    compositor()->updateLayerCompositingState(this, RenderLayerCompositor::UseChickenEggHacks);
    // FIXME: this compositing logic should be pushed into the compositing code, not here.
    if (needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForClip(oldStyle, newStyle)
        || needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForOverflow(oldStyle, newStyle)
        || needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForFilters(oldStyle, newStyle, didPaintWithFilters)
        || needsCompositingLayersRebuiltForBlending(oldStyle, newStyle)) {

bool RenderLayer::scrollsOverflow() const
    if (RenderLayerScrollableArea* scrollableArea = this->scrollableArea())
        return scrollableArea->scrollsOverflow();

    return false;

FilterOperations RenderLayer::computeFilterOperations(const RenderStyle* style)
    const FilterOperations& filters = style->filter();
    if (filters.hasReferenceFilter()) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < filters.size(); ++i) {
            FilterOperation* filterOperation = filters.operations().at(i).get();
            if (filterOperation->type() != FilterOperation::REFERENCE)
            ReferenceFilterOperation* referenceOperation = toReferenceFilterOperation(filterOperation);
            // FIXME: Cache the ReferenceFilter if it didn't change.
            RefPtr<ReferenceFilter> referenceFilter = ReferenceFilter::create();
            float zoom = style->effectiveZoom() * WebCore::deviceScaleFactor(renderer()->frame());
            float zoom = style->effectiveZoom();
            referenceFilter->setAbsoluteTransform(AffineTransform().scale(zoom, zoom));
            referenceFilter->setLastEffect(ReferenceFilterBuilder::build(referenceFilter.get(), renderer(), referenceFilter->sourceGraphic(),

    return filters;

void RenderLayer::updateOrRemoveFilterClients()
    if (!hasFilter()) {

    if (renderer()->style()->filter().hasReferenceFilter())
    else if (hasFilterInfo())

void RenderLayer::updateOrRemoveFilterEffectRenderer()
    // FilterEffectRenderer is only used to render the filters in software mode,
    // so we always need to run updateOrRemoveFilterEffectRenderer after the composited
    // mode might have changed for this layer.
    if (!paintsWithFilters()) {
        // Don't delete the whole filter info here, because we might use it
        // for loading CSS shader files.
        if (RenderLayerFilterInfo* filterInfo = this->filterInfo())


    RenderLayerFilterInfo* filterInfo = ensureFilterInfo();
    if (!filterInfo->renderer()) {
        RefPtr<FilterEffectRenderer> filterRenderer = FilterEffectRenderer::create();

        // We can optimize away code paths in other places if we know that there are no software filters.

    // If the filter fails to build, remove it from the layer. It will still attempt to
    // go through regular processing (e.g. compositing), but never apply anything.
    if (!filterInfo->renderer()->build(renderer(), computeFilterOperations(renderer()->style())))

void RenderLayer::filterNeedsRepaint()
        DeprecatedScheduleStyleRecalcDuringLayout marker(renderer()->document().lifecycle());
        // It's possible for scheduleLayerUpdate to schedule a style recalc, which
        // is a problem because this function can be called while performing layout.
        // Presumably this represents an illegal data flow of layout or compositing
        // information into the style system.

    if (renderer()->view()) {
        if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::repaintAfterLayoutEnabled() && renderer()->frameView()->isInPerformLayout())

void RenderLayer::addLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects& rects) const
    for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())

void RenderLayer::computeSelfHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects& rects) const
    if (!size().isEmpty()) {
        Vector<LayoutRect> rect;

        if (renderBox() && renderBox()->scrollsOverflow()) {
            // For scrolling layers, rects are taken to be in the space of the contents.
            // We need to include the bounding box of the layer in the space of its parent
            // (eg. for border / scroll bars) and if it's composited then the entire contents
            // as well as they may be on another composited layer. Skip reporting contents
            // for non-composited layers as they'll get projected to the same layer as the
            // bounding box.
            if (compositingState() != NotComposited)

            rects.set(this, rect);
            if (const RenderLayer* parentLayer = parent()) {
                LayerHitTestRects::iterator iter = rects.find(parentLayer);
                if (iter == rects.end()) {
                    rects.add(parentLayer, Vector<LayoutRect>()).storedValue->value.append(physicalBoundingBox(parentLayer));
                } else {
        } else {
            rects.set(this, rect);

    : m_disabler(gCompositingQueryMode, CompositingQueriesAreAllowed) { }

COMPILE_ASSERT(1 << RenderLayer::ViewportConstrainedNotCompositedReasonBits >= RenderLayer::NumNotCompositedReasons, too_many_viewport_constrained_not_compositing_reasons);

    : m_ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer(0)
    , m_scrollParent(0)
    , m_ancestorCompositedScrollingLayerDirty(true)
    , m_scrollParentDirty(true) { }

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::AncestorDependentPropertyCache::scrollParent() const
    return m_scrollParent;

void RenderLayer::AncestorDependentPropertyCache::setScrollParent(RenderLayer* scrollParent)
    m_scrollParent = scrollParent;
    m_scrollParentDirty = false;

RenderLayer* RenderLayer::AncestorDependentPropertyCache::ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer() const
    return m_ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer;

void RenderLayer::AncestorDependentPropertyCache::setAncestorCompositedScrollingLayer(RenderLayer* layer)
    m_ancestorCompositedScrollingLayer = layer;
    m_ancestorCompositedScrollingLayerDirty = false;

} // namespace WebCore

#ifndef NDEBUG
void showLayerTree(const WebCore::RenderLayer* layer)
    if (!layer)

    if (WebCore::LocalFrame* frame = layer->renderer()->frame()) {
        WTF::String output = externalRepresentation(frame, WebCore::RenderAsTextShowAllLayers | WebCore::RenderAsTextShowLayerNesting | WebCore::RenderAsTextShowCompositedLayers | WebCore::RenderAsTextShowAddresses | WebCore::RenderAsTextShowIDAndClass | WebCore::RenderAsTextDontUpdateLayout | WebCore::RenderAsTextShowLayoutState);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", output.utf8().data());

void showLayerTree(const WebCore::RenderObject* renderer)
    if (!renderer)

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